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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


TIAGO GUIZZO 07 May 2012 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho é apresentada uma revisão completa do método em tradicional e corrigido implementado na linguagem Vida. Trata-se a parte experimental com esmero visando obter resultados experimentais de qualidade acima da qualidade obtida em ensaios convencionais. Com este intuito mediu-se a influência do momento fletor, ou seja, quão diferente de P/A (Força / Área) é a tensão atuante no corpo de prova. Para tal utilizou-se um corpo de prova especialmente projetado para esta função, instrumentado com oito strain-gages. O Clip-gage, instrumento determinante da qualidade dos resultados, foi calibrado com um dispositivo de calibração especialmente desenvolvido para esta tarefa, tendo como principal característica sua elevada rigidez. Estudou-se o efeito de concentração de tensões na redução de diâmetro do corpo de prova, indipensável para garantir que este rompa na área reduzida. Este efeito foi modelado considerando plasticididade atuante apenas na raiz do entalhe e também considerando a plasticidade total do corpo de prova. Por último fez-se a modelagem da flambagem elastoplástica, segundo o modelo de Engesser, dos laços de histerese de amplitude constante. Este é o fator determinante da menor vida possível de ser obtida antes que o corpo de prova flambe plasticamente. No processo de obtenção de resultados experimentais parte-se inicialmente de testes de tração monotônica, de onde são obtidas as propriedades mecânicas indispensáveis para as estimativas relativas ao método EN. Foram realizados, testes EN, com laços de histerese de amplitude de deformação constante, em várias amplitudes de deformação. A partir destes discute-se o processo de obtenção de n e K via estimativas pelo ajuste dos bicos dos laços de histerese, pelo teste de incremento de deformação e pelo ajuste das formas dos laços de histeresse. A otimização do ajuste de n e K é fundamental, pois são estas as constante que descrevem a trajetória gerada à partir de qualquer história de carregamento, seja esta história de amplitude constante ou complexa (de amplitude variável). A descrição de laços de histeresse complexos (de amplitude variável) é o objetivo maior desta tese. Foram realizados experimentos partindo-se de carregamentos complexos controlados em deformação e em tensão, nos quais foi comprovada a necessidade de ser aplicar o método em corrigido e as constantes n e K otimizadas para uma descrição precisa das trajetórias experimentalmente obtidas. Analisa-se então o efeito do transiente durante os teste em de amplitude de deformação constante, onde constata-se que há uma assimetria acentuada nos primeiros ciclos do carregamento, porém quando estabilizado o nível de tensão é simétrico. Isto acontece em aproximadamente 20 por cento do número de ciclos totall do ensaio. Tenta-se modelar o transiente de forma simples com um fator transiente (FT), porém constata-se a necessidade de modelar o transiente pela variação de n e K a cada ciclo. / [en] The main objective of this work was to experimentally study the cyclic elastoplastic behavior under complex leading of two structural steels, named API S-135 and AISI 4340. In order to minimize experimental errors, some problems were studied with unusual care. The influence of the residual bending moment on the EN tests was measured, using a special specimen instrumented with eight strain-gagers. The performance of the clip-gage was checked with a calibration in the test specimen was quantified. And the inelastic buckling of the tst specimen under hysteresis loops of constant amplitude was modeled, considering the effects of cyclic softening. The experimental results include EN tests under constant amplitude of deformation, to obtain the Coffin-Manson and the Ramberg-Osgood curves of the two steels. The softening transient was studied, and the best way to measure the cyclic strain hardening constant K and exponent N in order to optimize the description of the stable hysteresis loops was discussed. This optimization is fundamental for the correct modeling of the complex loops done in the ViDa 99 program. Finally, predicted and experimentally measured loops were successfully compared.

Sistema de costos por proceso que contribuye en la obtención de costos eficientes de la Empresa Mobiliarios Hospitalarios Sin Fin SAC, del distrito La Victoria, año 2016

Marky Bazan, Karina January 2016 (has links)
Esta investigación se basa en un diagnóstico del sistema contable del proceso productivo.Se ha verificado todo los elementos que han intervenido en el proceso para determinar adecuados centros de costos. This research is based on a diagnosis of the accounting system of the production process. All the elements that have intervened in the process have been verified to determine appropriate cost centers.

Estudo eletromiográfico dos músculos póstero-mediais do tronco na tarefa de levantamento simétrico de carga do solo / Electromyographic study of posterior medial muscles of the trunk during simmetric load lifting

Krumholz, Fábia Milman January 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo analisou o comportamento eletromiográfico de vários níveis dos músculos póstero-mediais do tronco, bilateralmente, para verificar a ocorrência de ativação elétrica simétrica e em busca de padrões de comportamento para embasar modelos biomecânicos. A amostra foi composta por 16 indivíduos saudáveis de ambos gêneros. Todas as execuções foram filmadas para análise cinemática, enquanto a atividade elétrica foi coletada com 14 pares de eletrodos de superfície dispostos lateral e simetricamente ao longo da coluna vertebral nos níveis da sétima vértebra cervical (C7), terceira, sexta e nona vértebras torácicas (T3, T6 e T9) e primeira, terceira e quinta vértebras lombares (L1, L3 e L5). Somente os gestos considerados simétricos através da cinemetria foram analisados. Para a análise do sinal eletromiográfico o gesto de levantar a carga foi dividido em quatro fases, considerando-se apenas a fase de subida com carga. A atividade elétrica dessa fase foi normalizada pela contração isométrica voluntária máxima. Utilizando uma ANOVA, os níveis vertebrais adjacentes foram agrupados em busca de ativação elétrica similar, foi adotado o nível de significância de p<0,05. Os resultados demonstraram que a ativação eletromiográfica não ocorre de maneira simétrica e que é possível identificar zonas com comportamento elétrico distinto entre elas, sendo que as maiores médias estavam localizadas nas regiões mais inferiores do tronco. / The present study analysed the electromyographical behaviour at various levels of posterior medial muscles on trunk, bilaterally, during load lifting to verify the occurrence of symmetry on electrical activation and to search patterns which could provide or supply biomechanical models. Sixteen healthy subjects were videotaped the 2D movement and the EMG signal was registered from 14 pairs of surface electrodes arranged symmetrically and bilaterally throughout trunk, specifically at seventh cervical vertebra (C7), third, sixth and ninth thoracic vertebra (T3, T6 and T9) and first, third and fifth lumbar vertebra (L1, L3 and L5). Only the symmetrical movements, from kinematical point-of-view, were analysed. The EMG analysis was divided in four phases and it was used in the present study the load lifting part. The electrical activation values of this phase were normalized by maximal voluntary isometric contraction. ANOVA was used to provide the adjacent groups in which electrical activation were similar. Differences were considered significant at a p<0.05. The results demonstrated the electromyographical activation does not occur in symmetrical way and, besides it was possible identify zones based on different electrical behaviours, taking into account the largest means were located on lower trunk region.

Energy-aware load balancing approaches to improve energy efficiency on HPC systems / Abordagens de balanceamento de carga ciente de energia para melhorar a eficiência energética em sistemas HPC

Padoin, Edson Luiz January 2016 (has links)
Os atuais sistemas de HPC tem realizado simulações mais complexas possíveis, produzindo benefícios para diversas áreas de pesquisa. Para atender à crescente demanda de processamento dessas simulações, novos equipamentos estão sendo projetados, visando à escala exaflops. Um grande desafio para a construção destes sistemas é a potência que eles vão demandar, onde perspectivas atuais alcançam GigaWatts. Para resolver este problema, esta tese apresenta uma abordagem para aumentar a eficiência energética usando recursos de HPC, objetivando reduzir os efeitos do desequilíbrio de carga e economizar energia. Nós desenvolvemos uma estratégia baseada no consumo de energia, chamada ENERGYLB, que considera características da plataforma, irregularidade e dinamicidade de carga das aplicações para melhorar a eficiência energética. Nossa estratégia leva em conta carga computacional atual e a frequência de clock dos cores, para decidir entre chamar uma estratégia de balanceamento de carga que reduz o desequilíbrio de carga migrando tarefas, ou usar técnicas de DVFS par ajustar as frequências de clock dos cores de acordo com suas cargas computacionais ponderadas. Como as diferentes arquiteturas de processador podem apresentam dois níveis de granularidade de DVFS, DVFS-por-chip ou DVFS-por-core, nós criamos dois diferentes algoritmos para a nossa estratégia. O primeiro, FG-ENERGYLB, permite um controle fino da frequência dos cores em sistemas que possuem algumas dezenas de cores e implementam DVFS-por-core. Por outro lado, CG-ENERGYLB é adequado para plataformas de HPC composto de vários processadores multicore que não permitem tal refinado controle, ou seja, que só executam DVFS-por-chip. Ambas as abordagens exploram desbalanceamentos residuais em aplicações interativas e combinam balanceamento de carga dinâmico com técnicas de DVFS. Assim, eles reduzem a frequência de clock dos cores com menor carga computacional os quais apresentam algum desequilíbrio residual mesmo após as tarefas serem remapeadas. Nós avaliamos a aplicabilidade das nossas abordagens utilizando o ambiente de programação paralela CHARM++ sobre benchmarks e aplicações reais. Resultados experimentais presentaram melhorias no consumo de energia e na demanda potência sobre algoritmos do estado-da-arte. A economia de energia com ENERGYLB usado sozinho foi de até 25% com nosso algoritmo FG-ENERGYLB, e de até 27% com nosso algoritmo CG-ENERGYLB. No entanto, os desequilíbrios residuais ainda estavam presentes após as serem tarefas remapeadas. Neste caso, quando as nossas abordagens foram empregadas em conjunto com outros balanceadores de carga, uma melhoria na economia de energia de até 56% é obtida com FG-ENERGYLB e de até 36% com CG-ENERGYLB. Estas economias foram obtidas através da exploração do desbalanceamento residual em aplicações interativas. Combinando balanceamento de carga dinâmico com DVFS nossa estratégia é capaz de reduzir a demanda de potência média dos sistemas paralelos, reduzir a migração de tarefas entre os recursos disponíveis, e manter o custo de balanceamento de carga baixo. / Current HPC systems have made more complex simulations feasible, yielding benefits to several research areas. To meet the increasing processing demands of these simulations, new equipment is being designed, aiming at the exaflops scale. A major challenge for building these systems is the power that they will require, which current perspectives reach the GigaWatts. To address this problem, this thesis presents an approach to increase the energy efficiency using of HPC resources, aiming to reduce the effects of load imbalance to save energy. We developed an energy-aware strategy, called ENERGYLB, which considers platform characteristics, and the load irregularity and dynamicity of the applications to improve the energy efficiency. Our strategy takes into account the current computational load and clock frequency, to decide whether to call a load balancing strategy that reduces load imbalance by migrating tasks, or use Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) technique to adjust the clock frequencies of the cores according to their weighted loads. As different processor architectures can feature two levels of DVFS granularity, per-chip DVFS or per-core DVFS, we created two different algorithms for our strategy. The first one, FG-ENERGYLB, allows a fine control of the clock frequency of cores in systems that have few tens of cores and feature per-core DVFS control. On the other hand, CGENERGYLB is suitable for HPC platforms composed of several multicore processors that do not allow such a fine-grained control, i.e., that only perform per-chip DVFS. Both approaches exploit residual imbalances on iterative applications and combine dynamic load balancing with DVFS techniques. Thus, they reduce the clock frequency of underloaded computing cores, which experience some residual imbalance even after tasks are remapped. We evaluate the applicability of our approaches using the CHARM++ parallel programming system over benchmarks and real world applications. Experimental results present improvements in energy consumption and power demand over state-of-the-art algorithms. The energy savings with ENERGYLB used alone were up to 25%with our FG-ENERGYLB algorithm, and up to 27%with our CG-ENERGYLB algorithm. Nevertheless, residual imbalances were still present after tasks were remapped. In this case, when our approaches were employed together with these load balancers, an improvement in energy savings of up to 56% is achieved with FG-ENERGYLB and up to 36% with CG-ENERGYLB. These savings were obtained by exploiting residual imbalances on iterative applications. By combining dynamic load balancing with the DVFS technique, our approach is able to reduce the average power demand of parallel systems, reduce the task migration among the available resources, and keep load balancing overheads low.


Duran, Heriberto C 01 May 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how accurately the distribution factor method estimates the live load deflections under the principles of the 2012 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (AASHTO LRFD specifications) compared to the results of the NISA finite element analysis software. The simple span bridge model analyzed is developed very similarly to the design example of the PCI Bridge Design Manual. The main difference is a shorter span length and smaller AASHTO-PCI bulb tee sections. Three main finite element models are created to estimate the live load deflections under the recommended live load conditions as per AASHTO LRFD specifications. The first model is simulated with simple support conditions. The purpose of this model is two-fold: compare the deflections to the distribution factor method and to the deflections of the second model that is simulated with elastomeric steel reinforced bearing pads. Thus, the stiffnesses of the elastomeric bearing pads of the second model are varied within the AASHTO LRFD specifications acceptable limits and under low temperature conditions the stiffness is increased accordingly for two cases. The purpose is to investigate if the stiffness have any significant affect on the deflections of the girders. Then a third model is created to investigate if the removal of the intermediate diaphragms have any affect on the deflections. The results of the first and second models, including the models with the allowed varied stiffnesses of the bearing pads, found only the interior girders deflecting up to 4% more and the exterior girders were deflecting up to 5.55% less than the estimates of the distribution factor method. In the case when the diaphragms are removed, the deflections of the inner most interior girders are deflecting up to 10.85% more compared to the same girders of the model which includes the intermediate diaphragms and the bearing pads. In the unique case of the second model where the bearing pads may stiffen significantly under low temperatures, the girders are deflecting up to 23% less than when at room temperature conditions. All these findings and other summarized results are discussed in greater detail in this study.

Evaluation de produits d'effacement sur un ensemble de consommateurs par modélisation bottom-up d'un parc de logements / Assessment of heating loads shedding at large scale through bottom-up modelling of housing stocks

Carloganu, Sinziana 08 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’évaluer les produits d’effacement réalisés sur un ensemble de consommateurs, chacun étant défini par le triplet {bâtiment, systèmes, ménage}. On définit un produit d’effacement par la caractérisation de la déformation de la courbe de charge de l’ensemble des consommateurs suite à l’envoi d’un signal de contrôle (pilotage direct ou signal tarifaire).Deux dimensions ont été considérées dans le cadre de ce travail : l’étude des variables d’influence sur les effacements de consommation en s’appuyant sur des données issues d’expérimentations ainsi que l’élaboration d’un modèle global permettant de reproduire une partie de la diversité observée sur les courbes de charge des clients expérimentateurs.Afin d’analyser un échantillon {bâtiments, systèmes, ménages}, une attention particulière est portée à la dispersion des caractéristiques du bâti (enveloppes, expositions, ...) et aux éventuelles corrélations entre le ménage (mode de vie, choix des équipements, ...) et les systèmes (caractéristiques techniques), notamment pour l’usage "chauffage et climatisation".Un travail de réconciliation de données (issues de statistiques, de travaux sur la caractérisation des logements métropolitains, d’études sur les habitudes de vie des ménages, ...) a permis de proposer une première évaluation en simulation d’effacement de l’usage chauffage au périmètre d’un parc de quelques milliers de logements.L’approche bottom-up proposée permet ainsi de rendre compte de la diversité technique, fonctionnelle et d’origine comportementale de l’usage étudié. / This thesis aims at evaluating load curtailments packages over a set of electricity users, each being defined by the triolet {building, system, household}. We define a load curtailment package by the quantification of the load curve's deformation due to the emission of a control signal (direct control or price incentive).Two dimensions were considered through this work: first the study of the different variables' influence using experimental data, and secondly the construction of a global model which can effectively reproduce the diversity observed on experimental load curves.In order to analyse a sample {building, system, household}, the dispersion of the different caracteristics of the building (envelope, exposure,...) were carefully studied, as well as the possible links between the household (lifestyle, choice of household equipments,...) and the systems (technical caracteristics) especially for the electrical heaters and HVAC systems.We work to reconcile data from different sources (statistical data, data from research on urban building caracterization, on households' habits,...) and we are able to give a first evaluation of load curtailment products over the electrical heating usage in urban environment through numerical simulations of a few thousand housings. The bottom-up approach used accounts for the technical diversity, as well as the functional and behavioral diversity of the studied electrical usage.

The use of a radio frequency tracking system to quantify the external demands of elite wheelchair rugby

Rhodes, James M. January 2015 (has links)
Within team sports, coaches aim to improve physical preparation by optimising the training process specific to competition. Unfortunately, at the elite level of wheelchair rugby (WCR) evidence-based information to guide this process is currently lacking. The present thesis investigates measures of external load during elite competition and explores whether this can be translated to inform current training practices. The first study established the suitability of a radio frequency-based, indoor tracking system (ITS) for the collection of movements specific to WCR. Minimal relative distance errors (< 0.2%) were seen across different sampling frequencies. Peak speed displayed the greatest relative error in 4 Hz tags (2%), with significantly lower errors observed in higher frequency tags (< 1%). The ITS was therefore deemed an acceptable tool for quantifying external load specific to WCR using a sampling frequency of 8 or 16 Hz. The external demands of elite competition were determined in Chapters 4 and 5. Notable differences in the volume of activity were displayed across the International Wheelchair Rugby Federation (IWRF) classification groups. However, the specific positional requirements of low-point (LP) and high-point players (HP) appeared to influence the intensity of external load (Chapter 4). Chapter 5 extended this work and established that peak speed and the ability to perform at high-intensities were best associated with successful mobility performance in WCR, as defined by team rank. This was further shown to be roledependent, whereby high-ranked HP players achieved greater peak speeds and performed more high-intensity activities (HIA) than respective lower-ranked players. Comparisons between the current external demands of training were then compared to that of competition (Chapter 6). Conditioning drills were shown to exceed the demands of competition, irrespective of classification. Notable differences in skill-based and game related drills were displayed across player classifications, whereby both were shown to be roledependent. Although game-simulation drills provided the best representation of competition, the duration appeared important since this factor influenced the results (Chapter 6). When the format of these drills were further modified (Chapter 7), drills containing fewer players increased the volume and intensity of training, specifically in HP. Whilst a 30-second shotclock elicited no changes in external load, differences were revealed when the shot-clock was further reduced to 15-s. Coaches can therefore modify the external training response by making subtle changes to the format of game-simulation drills. This thesis revealed that functional classification and positional-role are key factors during competition, and training should therefore be structured with this in mind. Conditioning drills can be used to elicit a progressive overload in the external responses, whilst game-simulation drills can provide the best representation of competition. Given the importance of gamesimulation drills, the combination of different formats throughout training sessions are critical in order to maximise the preparation of elite WCR players.

Estudo eletromiográfico dos músculos póstero-mediais do tronco na tarefa de levantamento simétrico de carga do solo / Electromyographic study of posterior medial muscles of the trunk during simmetric load lifting

Krumholz, Fábia Milman January 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo analisou o comportamento eletromiográfico de vários níveis dos músculos póstero-mediais do tronco, bilateralmente, para verificar a ocorrência de ativação elétrica simétrica e em busca de padrões de comportamento para embasar modelos biomecânicos. A amostra foi composta por 16 indivíduos saudáveis de ambos gêneros. Todas as execuções foram filmadas para análise cinemática, enquanto a atividade elétrica foi coletada com 14 pares de eletrodos de superfície dispostos lateral e simetricamente ao longo da coluna vertebral nos níveis da sétima vértebra cervical (C7), terceira, sexta e nona vértebras torácicas (T3, T6 e T9) e primeira, terceira e quinta vértebras lombares (L1, L3 e L5). Somente os gestos considerados simétricos através da cinemetria foram analisados. Para a análise do sinal eletromiográfico o gesto de levantar a carga foi dividido em quatro fases, considerando-se apenas a fase de subida com carga. A atividade elétrica dessa fase foi normalizada pela contração isométrica voluntária máxima. Utilizando uma ANOVA, os níveis vertebrais adjacentes foram agrupados em busca de ativação elétrica similar, foi adotado o nível de significância de p<0,05. Os resultados demonstraram que a ativação eletromiográfica não ocorre de maneira simétrica e que é possível identificar zonas com comportamento elétrico distinto entre elas, sendo que as maiores médias estavam localizadas nas regiões mais inferiores do tronco. / The present study analysed the electromyographical behaviour at various levels of posterior medial muscles on trunk, bilaterally, during load lifting to verify the occurrence of symmetry on electrical activation and to search patterns which could provide or supply biomechanical models. Sixteen healthy subjects were videotaped the 2D movement and the EMG signal was registered from 14 pairs of surface electrodes arranged symmetrically and bilaterally throughout trunk, specifically at seventh cervical vertebra (C7), third, sixth and ninth thoracic vertebra (T3, T6 and T9) and first, third and fifth lumbar vertebra (L1, L3 and L5). Only the symmetrical movements, from kinematical point-of-view, were analysed. The EMG analysis was divided in four phases and it was used in the present study the load lifting part. The electrical activation values of this phase were normalized by maximal voluntary isometric contraction. ANOVA was used to provide the adjacent groups in which electrical activation were similar. Differences were considered significant at a p<0.05. The results demonstrated the electromyographical activation does not occur in symmetrical way and, besides it was possible identify zones based on different electrical behaviours, taking into account the largest means were located on lower trunk region.

Representation of Vector-Controlled Induction Motor Drive Load in Electro-Magnetic Transient and Positive Sequence Transient Stability Simulators

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation presents innovative techniques to develop performance-based models and complete transient models of induction motor drive systems with vector controls in electro-magnetic transient (EMT) and positive sequence transient stability (PSTS) simulation programs. The performance-based model is implemented by obtaining the characteristic transfer functions of perturbed active and reactive power consumptions with respect to frequency and voltage perturbations. This level of linearized performance-based model is suitable for the investigation of the damping of small-magnitude low-frequency oscillations. The complete transient model is proposed by decomposing the motor, converter and control models into d-q axes components and developing a compatible electrical interface to the positive-sequence network in the PSTS simulators. The complete transient drive model is primarily used to examine the system response subject to transient voltage depression considering increasing penetration of converter-driven motor loads. For developing the performance-based model, modulations are performed on the supply side of the full drive system to procure magnitude and phase responses of active and reactive powers with respect to the supply voltage and frequency for a range of discrete frequency points. The prediction error minimization (PEM) technique is utilized to generate the curve-fitted transfer functions and corresponding bode plots. For developing the complete drive model in the PSTS simulation program, a positive-sequence voltage source is defined properly as the interface of the model to the external system. The dc-link of the drive converter is implemented by employing the average model of the PWM converter, and is utilized to integrate the line-side rectifier and machine-side inverter. Numerical simulation is then conducted on sample test systems, synthesized with suitable characteristics to examine performance of the developed models. The simulation results reveal that with growing amount of drive loads being distributed in the system, the small-signal stability of the system is improved in terms of the desirable damping effects on the low-frequency system oscillations of voltage and frequency. The transient stability of the system is also enhanced with regard to the stable active power and reactive power controls of the loads, and the appropriate VAr support capability provided by the drive loads during a contingency. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2016

Estacas escavadas com base injetada / Injected toe bored piles

Luciene Santos de Moraes 19 July 2010 (has links)
Foram construídas bases injetadas próximas à superfície e estacas escavadas com base injetada no campo experimental de fundações do departamento de geotecnia da USP/São Carlos. As injeções de caldas de cimento portland foram realizadas como procedimento de melhoria do solo de apoio. Provas de carga estática em estruturas com e sem injeção determinaram a eficácia da solução de bases injetadas. Simultaneamente às provas de carga, houve monitoração da sucção matricial atuante no solo, dando continuidade ao extenso programa de pesquisa realizado no Campo Experimental de Fundações da USP/São Carlos no tema da colapsibilidade. / Injected elements close to surface and toe injected bored piles were built at USP/São Carlos experimental foundation field. Under the foundations, portland cement grout was injected in order to improve soil and foundation bearing capacity. Load tests measured and determined the efficacy of the solution. Along with the load tests, matric suction measurements were made, continuing the extensive research program in the USP/São Carlos experimental foundation field under the theme soil collapsibility.

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