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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Opportunities and barriers for an increased flexibility in residential consumers’ electricity consumption / Möjligheter och hinder för en ökad flexibilitet i elkonsumenters elanvändning

Sten, Amanda, Åström, Katja January 2016 (has links)
I Sverige står hushållen för en stor del av den slutliga elanvändningen och deras konsumtionsmönster bidrar till att skapa höga förbrukningstoppar, särskilt under vintermånaderna när elbehovet är som störst. Om hushållen kunde tänka sig att vara mer flexibla i när de använder el skulle förbrukningstoppar kunna dämpas avsevärt och balansen mellan elproduktion och elanvändning bli lättare att upprätthålla. Idag utnyttjas inte efterfrågeflexibilitet i någon större utsträckning, förutom den från vissa elintensiva industrier. Den flexibla kapacitet enskilda hushåll skulle kunna bidra med är naturligtvis lägre än hos industrier, men sammanslaget skulle hushållskunders flexibilitet kunna ge en substantiell inverkan på elsystemet. Vid låga utetemperaturer finns det en uppskattad potential att genomföra effektjusteringar om cirka 1 400 – 3 100 MW om värmelasten hos drygt hälften av samtliga eluppvärmda hus i Sverige omdisponeras till andra tidpunkter, och ytterligare några hundra MW om drygt hälften av samtliga hushåll i Sverige vore flexibla i när de använder hushållsel. Enligt en studie av Broberg m.fl. (2016) skulle drygt hälften av hushållen i Sverige kunna tänka sig att vara flexibla, beroende på vad flexibel innebär. Hushåll som använder el för uppvärmning kan vara flexibla genom att tillfälligt öka eller minska inomhustemperaturen, eller om de använder el i kombination med något annat uppvärmningssätt – genom att byta energikälla. Justeringen kan även ske automatiskt om uppvärmningssystemet är utrustat med central styrutrustning. Om ett stort antal kunders flexibla laster samlas ihop av en marknadsaktör skulle den totala flexibla lasten kunna säljas som kapacitet på grossistmarknaden för el eller erbjudas som upp- eller nedregleringsbud på reglermarknaden. Studien av Broberg m.fl. (2014) har även analyserat hur stor ekonomisk kompensation hushåll vill ha i utbyte mot att vara flexibla. Sett till den flexibla kapacitet hushållskunders efterfrågeflexibilitet bedöms motsvara, cirka 1 400 – 3 100 MW, är kompensationskraven legitimerade, åtminstone om den flexibla kapaciteten erbjuds på någon marknadsplats för elhandel. Styrtjänster som innebär att elanvändningen automatiskt optimeras efter elpriset kan dock vara dyra idag, vilket innebär att det främst tros vara hushåll med hög elförbrukning som utnyttjar dem och de bör därför subventioneras. En annan form av flexibilitet är att anpassa elanvändningen efter det timvarierande elhandelspriset. Den enda förutsättningen för att konsumenten ska tjäna på en sådan anpassning är att elförbrukningen mäts och debiteras på timbasis, vilket är fallet för de relativt få kunder som har valt att teckna timprisavtal. På grund av att konsumentpriset på el inte varierar särskilt mycket saknas incitament för att kunder ska vilja anpassa sin användning efter priset. Det behövs därför en mer effektiv prissättning som exempelvis förstärker volatiliteten eller gör det dyrare eller billigare att använda el vid vissa tidpunkter. / In Sweden, residential consumers account for a large share of the final electricity consumption. Their consumption patterns pose great impact on the network power peaks, especially during the winter. If residential consumers were more flexible in their consumption, peaks would be alleviated considerably and the balance between electricity supply and demand would more easily be maintained. Today, demand side flexibility is not utilized to any greater extent, except the one from energy intensive industries. De flexible capacity a single household could contribute with is of course less than within industries, but if flexible capacity from a large number of households were bundled up it would provide a considerable impact on the electricity system. At low outdoor temperatures there is an estimated potential to reach power adjustments in the size of 1 400 – 3 100 MW if the heat load in just over half of the electric heated houses in Sweden were displaced, and a few hundred more if residential consumers were flexible in their consumption of domestic electricity. According to a study by Broberg et al (2016) approximately half the population would consider to be flexible in their electricity consumption under the right circumstances. Households that use electricity for heating can be flexible through temporarily adjust the indoor temperature, or – if they heat their homes with electricity in combination with another heat source – by switching heat source. The adjustment can also be automatic if the heating system is equipped with a central control unit. If flexible capacity from a large number of households is bundled up into grid worthy demand response by a market actor, the capacity could be offered as bids on organized electricity markets. The study by Broberg et al (2014) also analysed how much compensation households require in exchange for being flexible. The compensation levels are justified with regard to the flexible capacity that can be gathered form households, 1 400 – 3 100 MW, at least as long as the capacity is sold in an organized electricity market. Services for automatic control of heating systems, where the power output is optimized after the varying electricity price, can be expensive today, which indicates that mainly households with a high electricity consumption utilize them today. Hence, they need to be subsidized. Demand side flexibility can also be to manually change consumption patterns in response to price signals. The only precondition is that the electricity consumption is measured and billed on an hourly basis, which is the case for the relatively few consumers with hourly rate agreements. The volatility of the electricity price is however subdued due to the large share of fixed surcharges, which means there is lack of incentive for consumers to adapt their consumption in response to price variations. Hence, the volatility needs to be amplified through efficient pricing.

Performance Analysis of an SD-WAN Infrastructure Implemented Using Cisco System Technologies

Moser, Gianlorenzo January 2021 (has links)
Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) is an emerging technology that has the potential to satisfy the increasing demand for reliable and efficient Wide Area Networks (WANs) in the enterprise-network market. This thesis focuses on the main features of an SD-WAN network and on the technical challenges facing the design and implementation of an SD-WAN infrastructure. It also provides a detailed comparison between the SD-WAN and the otherWANs solutions such as MultiProtocol Label Switching (MPLS). The thesis is based on the project that is about the migration of network infrastructure that uses the MPLS technology to a network infrastructure that uses the SD-WAN technology. The migration process includes many phases such as the analysis of the existing MPLS based infrastructure, identification of suitable appliances based on customer requests, and the design of the SD-WAN infrastructure that can be implemented without disrupting the network functioning during the transition stage. The thesis provides a detailed description of these steps and it discusses the trade-offs that were made during the design phase of the project. The results presented in the thesis are obtained through on-site tests performed for the new SD-WAN infrastructure. The tests were performed with the objective to evaluate some of the main SD-WAN functionalities such as load balancing, traffic shaping, and high availability. The obtained results show the effective functioning of the network infrastructure and illustrate some of the main advantages that the new SD-WAN infrastructure has over the old MPLS infrastructure. Finally, this thesis could be of interest to network professionals and employees who consider SD-WAN as a possible solution for their company’s business. / Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) är en framväxande teknik som har potential att tillgodose den ökande efterfrågan på tillförlitliga och effektiva Wide Area Networks (WAN) på företagsnätverksmarknaden. Denna avhandling fokuserar på huvudfunktionerna i ett SD-WAN-nätverk och på de tekniska utmaningarna för design och implementering av en SD-WAN-infrastruktur. Det ger också en detaljerad jämförelse mellan SD-WAN och andra WAN-lösningar som MultiProtocol Label Switching (MPLS). Avhandlingen bygger på projektet som handlar om migrering av nätverksinfrastruktur som använder MPLS-tekniken till en nätverksinfrastruktur som använder SD-WAN-tekniken. Migreringsprocessen omfattar många faser, till exempel analys av befintlig MPLS-baserad infrastruktur, identifiering av lämpliga apparater baserat på kundförfrågningar och utformningen av SD-WAN-infrastrukturen som kan implementeras utan att nätverket fungerar under övergångssteget. Avhandlingen ger en detaljerad beskrivning av dessa steg och diskuterar de avvägningar som gjordes under projektets designfas. Resultaten som presenteras i avhandlingen erhålls genom test på plats för den nya SD-WAN-infrastrukturen. Testerna utfördes i syfte att utvärdera några av de viktigaste SD-WAN-funktionerna som lastbalansering, trafikformning och hög tillgänglighet. De erhållna resultaten visar att nätinfrastrukturen fungerar effektivt och illustrerar några av de största fördelarna som den nya SD-WAN-infrastrukturen har jämfört med den gamla MPLS-infrastrukturen. Slutligen kan denna avhandling vara av intresse för nätverkspersonal och anställda som anser SD-WAN som en möjlig lösning för företagets verksamhet.

Reliability Analysis of Linear Dynamic Systems by Importance Sampling-Separable Monte Carlo Technique

Thapa, Badal January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Data Analytics Techniques with Applications to Designing Environmentally ConsciousBuildings

Yadollahi Farsani, Yasmina January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Nosná konstrukce autosalonu / Load-carrying structure of motor show

Náplava, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The theme of this work is design and check load-carrying steel structure of motor show in two variations. A given object is situated in Uherske Hradiste. The steel structure is created by two objects (main and adjoining), whose plans are partly overlaid. Main object has circular ground plan and adjoining object has rectangular ground plan. Building is two-storey. For analysis of internal forces, was constructed virtual spatial model, which was used for an optimization of partial bars for both limit states. The cladding will be made by system of roof panels Brollo and Rockwell. The wall facing will be glass wide, from isolation glasses Stavebni sklo and wall panels Brollo.

Tekniskt potentiell efterfrågeflexibilitet hos industriella elkonsumenter : En fallstudie av SSAB:s produktionsanläggning i Borlänge / Demand Response Potential for Industrial Energy Consumers

Bengtson, Måns January 2022 (has links)
The power grid faces major and escalating challenges in maintaining the power balance whilst society transitions towards increased sustainability. One promising solution to this challenge is found in the concept of demand response, where consumers adapt their energy demand due to some incentive in order to help balance the power grid. This study analyses the technical potential for industrial energy consumers to provide demand response by combining theory on demand response with theory on operations management and puts this to the test through a case study of a Swedish industrial sheet metal plant. In the study relevant factors such as energy and productivity parameters as well as planning and business models are shown to restrict the demand response potential. Different kinds of load shape objectives are analyzed, where peak clipping is shown to be simple but costly whilst load shifting is shown to be more complex but with the potential of offering demand response without affecting the overall productivity of the plant. These results help expand the picture of industrial consumer demand reponse from a static value depending on the economical incentive into a more complex concept that requires further research and optimization.


JUAN MANUEL GIRAO SOTOMAYOR 07 October 2015 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo avaliou a influência da inclusão de fibra de coco como reforço de solo. A fibra de coco utilizada foi obtida por processo mecânico na empresa ECOFIBRA, que possui uma parceria com a Companhia de Limpeza Urbana da cidade do Rio de Janeiro (COMLURB) em projeto piloto de coleta seletiva das cascas de coco verde. Foi realizada uma comparação entre a areia pura e a areia reforçada com fibras de coco para avaliar o comportamento carga-recalque por meio de ensaios de placa em verdadeira grandeza. O objetivo é usar a fibra de coco que normalmente é descartada em grande quantidade, após o consumo do fruto. Procura-se estabelecer padrões de comportamento que possam explicar a influência da inclusão de fibras aleatoriamente distribuídas e de fibras colocadas no formato de manta entre as camadas de solo. Os ensaios foram realizados utilizando uma densidade relativa padrão de 50 por cento e um teor de umidade de 10 por cento. Foi observado nas curvas carga-recalque que o reforço de fibra em manta conseguiu uma diminuição maior do recalque, mas com um maior fissuramento superficial, enquanto que o reforço com as fibras colocadas aleatoriamente conseguiu uma menor redução dos recalques, mas uma melhor inibição da propagação de fissuras. Ambos os resultados, comparados com a areia sem adição de fibras, demostraram uma maior resistência e redução do recalque ocorrido na areia pura. Os resultados são satisfatórios para a aplicação de reforço de solo com fibras de coco em camadas de aterros sanitários e aterros sobre solos moles, dentre outros, dando um fim mais nobre para este material e obtendo-se uma solução para o problema da acumulação da fibra de coco, devido ao grande consumo existente na cidade de Rio de Janeiro. / [en] This study evaluated the influence of the inclusion of coconut fiber as reinforcement of soil. The coconut fiber used is obtained by a mechanical process in ECOFIBRA Company, which has a partnership with the Urban Cleaning Company of the city of Rio de Janeiro (COMLURB) in a pilot project about separate collection of green coconut. Sandy soil reinforced and unreinforced were compared, evaluating load-settlement behavior through real-scale plate load testing. The aim is to use the coconut fiber, discarded in large quantities after consumption of the fruit. It seeks to establish patterns of behavior that may explain the influence of the inclusion of fibers randomly (individual) and as a reinforcing mat (composed) between layers of soil. The tests were performed using as a standard, a relative density of 50 per cent and a humidity content of 10 per cent. The load-settlement curves showed a better stress distribution using fiber rug but a greater degree of surface fissuring was noted. Instead using randomization distribution, stress distribution was lower but was inhibited surface fissuring propagation; both results were compared with soil without addition of fibers increased resistance to settlement. The results are satisfactory for an application of reinforcement layers of soil in landfills and platforms over soft ground, giving a nobler end to this material, trying to give a solution to the problem of accumulation due to the large consumption existing in Rio de Janeiro city.

Energy flow model for a scrapper conveyor unit / Energiflödesmodell till en skraptransportörsmodul

André, Meza Kahn January 2019 (has links)
Värmevärden AB is an energy company that distributes district heating. One of their challenges today is to reduce the energy losses and wear that occur in the plant's scrapper conveyor unit. The conveyor belt is in constant motion whether it is transporting fuel or going unloaded at idle. An understanding of the module's energy flow needs to be mapped. An energy flow behavior model for the scrapper conveyor unit is presented. The energy flow in the startup sequence when the belt runs at idle and at full load is simulated. The simulations visualize the velocity and acceleration of the belt as a function of time and the current flow in the engine when getting started. The model allows changes on various parameters such as engine velocity, current limitations, work efficiency and enables the calculation of necessary material to achieve a desired power delivery. With a current-limited engine of 140 [A], a lower acceleration is obtained as the belt transports the fuel masses. Energy losses are also reduced as the belt is started by their own mass when transportation is needed. This means that the wear on the components of the plant decreases as transportation takes a more controlled form. / Värmevärden AB är ett energibolag som distribuerar fjärrvärme. En av deras utmaningar idag är att minska energiförlusterna och slitaget som uppstår i anläggningens skrapstransportörs modul. Transportbandet är i konstant rörelse vare sig det transporterar bränsle eller går olastad i tomgång. Förståelse för modulens energiflöde behöver kartläggas. En beteendemodell för skraptransportörens modul presenteras. Genom analys av energiflödet i systemet simuleras startförloppet när bandet körs i tomgång och vid full last. Simuleringarna visualiserar bandets hastighet och acceleration som funktion av tid och även motorns strömförlopp under uppstartsfasen. Modellen tillåter ändringar på diverse parametrar såsom motorns varvtal, strömbegränsning, verkningsgrad och möjliggör även framräkningen av nödvändigt material för att uppnå en viss leverans uteffekt. Med en strömbegränsad motor på 140 [A] fås en lägre acceleration när bandet transporterar bränslemassorna. Energiförlusterna minskar också eftersom bandet sätts igång av massornas egenvikt när transporteringen behövs. Detta medför att slitaget på anläggningens komponenter minskar i och med att transporten sker i mera kontrollerade former.

Load Hindcasting: A Retrospective Regional Load Prediction Method Using Reanalysis Weather Data

Black, Jonathan D 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The capacity value (CV) of a power generation unit indicates the extent to which it contributes to the generation system adequacy of a region’s bulk power system. Given the capricious nature of the wind resource, determining wind generation’s CV is nontrivial, but can be understood simply as how well its power output temporally correlates with a region’s electricity load during times of system need. Both wind generation and load are governed by weather phenomena that exhibit variability across all timescales, including low frequency weather cycles that span decades. Thus, a data-driven determination of wind’s CV should involve the use of long-term (i.e., multiple decades) coincident load and wind data. In addition to the challenge of finding high-quality, long-term wind data, existing load data more than several years old is of limited utility due to shifting end usage patterns that alter a region’s electricity load profile. Due to a lack of long-term data, current industry practice does not adequately account for the effects of weather variability in CV calculations. To that end, the objective of this thesis is to develop a model to “hindcast” what the historic regional load in New England would have been if governed by the conjoined influence of historic weather and a more current load profile. Modeling focuses exclusively on summer weekdays since this period is typically the most influential on CV. The summer weekday model is developed using multiple linear regression (MLR), and features a separate hour-based model for eight sub-regions within New England. A total of eighty-four candidate weather predictors are made available to the model, including lagged temperature, humidity, and solar insolation variables. A reanalysis weather dataset produced by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) – the Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) dataset – is used since it offers data homogeneity throughout New England over multiple decades, and includes atmospheric fields that may be used for long-term wind resource characterization. Weather regressors are selected using both stepwise regression and a genetic algorithm(GA) based method, and the resulting models and their performance are compared. To avoid a tendency for overfitting, the GA-based method employs triple cross-validation as a fitness function. Results indicate a regional mean absolute percent error (MAPE) of less than 3% over all hours of the summer weekday period, suggesting that the modeling approach developed as part of this research has merit and that further development of the hindcasting model is warranted.

Better Distributed Directories and Transactional Scheduling

Rai, Shishir 27 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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