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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inhibition of tyrosinase activity by metallothionein from Aspergillus niger

Hossain, Abzal January 1999 (has links)
No description available.


Yiying Zhao (13141887) 22 July 2022 (has links)
<p>   </p> <p>Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease that affects more than 770,000 U.S individuals and the number will increase to 1 million by 2025, resulting in $7 billion cost to manage the disease. Ulcerative colitis is characterized by inflammation along the colon and is a risk factor for the deadly colitis-associated colon cancer (CAC). Emerging research shows that gut microbes, the microorganisms living in our intestine, regulate colon inflammation. Specifically, an imbalanced microbial community may promote the growth of pathogens that invade the host to cause or exacerbate colitis. Therefore, researchers have been searching for safe and cost-effective approaches to keep gut microbes balanced in a long run and thus to control colitis. To this end, my research investigates the microbial modulatory capacities of dietary phytochemicals including polyphenols and vitamin E forms, delineates the role of microbial interaction in their protective effects against colon inflammation and further utilizes such interactions to develop anti-colitis therapies. To address the research questions, I have performed three independent projects and discussed them separately in chapters 2-4. </p> <p>The first project (chapter 2) focused on the anti-CAC and anti-colitis effects of grape polyphenols supplemented through a whole grape powder. Polyphenols are natural chemicals found in plants and have been shown to alleviate colon inflammation in both clinical and animal studies, but the underlying mechanisms are not completely understood. In particular, the role of microbial modulation in polyphenol-mediated benefits is not fully established. Here we hypothesized that, polyphenols may attenuate colon inflammation via interacting with gut microbes. Through two animal studies, we found that 10% grape powder (10GP) diet, which contains 0.033% polyphenols, attenuated colitis-associated tumorigenesis, and prevented disease-induced microbial dysbiosis. Moreover, 10GP diet only mitigated colitis in conventional animals, but not antibiotic-treated, gut microbe-depleted animals. Collectively, these two studies demonstrated that the interaction with gut microbes played a causative role in the protective effects of 10GP against colon inflammation. </p> <p>Like polyphenols, vitamin E forms are also phytochemicals with phenolic structures and undergo liver metabolism followed by biliary excretion to the gut. In the second project, we investigated the anti-colitis effects of vitamin E-based synbiotics therapies. Previously, we found that d-tocotrienol 13-carboxychromanol (dTE-13’), a metabolite of the natural vitamin E form dTE, inhibited colitis-associated tumorigenesis in mice, modulated their gut microbiota and increased the relative abundance of a lactic acid bacterium, which is commonly used in food industry. Interestingly, a subspecies of this bacterium, named <em>Lactococcus. lactis</em> subsp. <em>cremoris</em> (<em>L. cremoris</em>), has been reported to attenuate ulcerative colitis in mice. Therefore, we reasoned that combining dTE-13’with <em>L. cremoris</em> may offer synergistic protection against ulcerative colitis by modulating gut microbes. Through two animal studies coupled with anaerobic cell culture, we found that combining <em>L. cremoris</em> with dTE-13’, not the parental dTE, showed superior anti-colitis effects, rendered gut microbes resistant to disease-associated dysbiosis and facilitated the microbial reduction of a double bond on dTE-13’ into dTE-13’ (2DB). Overall, these data suggested that dTE-13’ interacted with <em>L. cremoris</em> to benefit the host. </p> <p>To further corroborate the microbial metabolism of vitamin E forms under <em>in vivo</em> settings, we launched the third project (chapter 4) where we compared the metabolites formation of dTE and dTE-13’ between antibiotic-treated mice that had reduced gut bacterial load and conventional ones. We found that in dTE-gavaged animals, antibiotics treatment decreased the fecal amounts of dTE and its metabolites by 61% and 98%, respectively, while increased dTE level in the adipose tissue. Similarly, in animals gavaged with dTE-13’, antibiotics treatment led to a 98% reduction in its downstream metabolites. More importantly, antibiotics treatment reduced the ratio of the parental dTE and dTE-13’ to their metabolites in feces, especially the reduction from dTE-13’ (3DB) to dTE-13’ (2DB), suggesting the active role of gut microbes in the metabolism of dTE and dTE-13’. This observation is consistent with the results from the anaerobic study performed in the second project.</p> <p>In summary, we showed that grape polyphenols and vitamin E form-based synbiotics offered strong protection against colon inflammation and their interaction with gut microbes likely contributed to the observed benefits. In the study of grape polyphenols, we proved the causal role of gut microbes in polyphenol-mediated alleviation of colitis. In the subsequent study of vitamin E forms, we presented evidence that the superiority of the synbiotics might be rooted in the enhanced microbial metabolism of vitamin E forms. Together, these results supported the central role of gut microbes in the management of colitis and proposed two different classes of dietary phytochemicals that can manipulate gut microbes to benefit the host. Natural bioactive compounds like polyphenols and vitamin E forms are ideal candidates for long-term preventive measures as they have less side effects and are more cost-effective compared to drugs. Moreover, by understanding the targeting microbes of different phytochemical compounds, hopefully we will be able to customize phytochemical supplementation based on individual microbial profile and dietary habits. For instance, we may optimize the dosage and type used based on the microbes present in the gut, or add in probiotics to design more effective synbiotics just like the combination of dTE-13’ and <em>L.cremoris</em>.</p> <p>  </p>

STIR®- und konventionell getrocknete Apfelprodukte im Vergleich

Motscha, Babette 22 December 2013 (has links)
Seit langem wird Obst durch Trocknen haltbar gemacht. Dazu werden vorwiegend die Lufttrocknung und Konvektionstrocknungsverfahren eingesetzt. Jedoch werden auch neuere Techniken entwickelt, um die Produktqualität zu steigern oder die Produktion zu verbessern. Von der IBT.InfraBio Tech GmbH in Freiberg wurde die STIR®-Technologie vorgestellt. Diese neue Technologie wird u. a. zum Trocknen von Lebensmitteln eingesetzt. Dazu wird von einem Strahler Infrarotstrahlung eines bestimmten Wellenlängenbereichs abgegeben, der den Absorptionswellenlängen von Wasser sehr ähnlich ist. Dadurch werden Wassermoleküle im Inneren des zu trocknenden Lebensmittels zum Schwingen angeregt, wodurch Wärme entsteht und das Wasser ausgetrieben wird. Somit kommt es nicht nur zu einer erheblichen Energieeinsparung, der Trocknungsprozess nimmt auch weniger Zeit in Anspruch. Es war jedoch zu untersuchen, ob auch die Produktqualität der STIR®-getrockneten Waren einen Vorteil gegenüber den konventionell getrockneten Lebensmitteln bietet. Zur Untersuchung boten sich getrocknete Äpfel an, da für deren Herstellung die STIR®-Technologie bereits kommerziell eingesetzt wurde. Im Handel waren ebenso einige Sorten verschiedener konventionell getrockneter Apfelprodukte erhältlich, welche mit den STIR®-getrockneten Produkten verglichen werden konnten. Dabei wurde der Untersuchungsschwerpunkt auf das Zucker-Abbauprodukt HMF und die qualitätsgebenden Pflanzenphenolen gelegt. Dazu wurde zunächst eine geeignete RP-HPLC-Methode zur Trennung und Detektion der Phenolcarbonsäuren und Flavonoide sowie von HMF erarbeitet, bevor die Extraktion optimiert werden konnte. Mit dieser Methode sollten dann verschiedene frische Äpfel sowie insbesondere mit unterschiedlichen Verfahren getrocknete Äpfel untersucht werden. Daneben wurde die Fähigkeit, Radikale abzufangen, in den Extrakten der verschiedenen frischen und getrockneten Äpfel sowie von diversen Standards, welche im Extrakt erwartet worden waren, analysiert. Zunächst wurden frische Äpfel unterschiedlicher Sorten, aber auch frische Äpfel gleicher Sorten von unterschiedlichen Händlern untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die Sorten untereinander stark in ihrem Polyphenolmuster unterschieden, wobei in den einzelnen Stoffklassen immer eine oder zwei Verbindungen in besonders hohen Gehalten auftraten. Dies sind 5 Chlorogensäure und 4-p-Cumaroylchinasäure als Phenolcarbonsäure-Derivate, die Flavanole (-)-Epicatechin und Procyanidin B2, die Phloretin-Glycoside Phloretin-2’-Xyloglucosid und Phloretin-2’-Glucosid und das Flavonol Quercitrin. Diese kamen jedoch immer in unterschiedlichen Mengen und Verhältnissen vor. Die Absolut-Gehalte innerhalb einer Sorte variierten ebenfalls zum Teil erheblich, wobei die relativen Gehalte innerhalb einer Sorte hingegen enger zusammen lagen. Im Verlauf der Lagerung dreier Apfelsorten bei ca. 6 °C wurde zunächst eine Zunahme des Gehaltes an 5-Chlorogensäure sowie bei den Sorten Elstar und Jonagold von (-)-Epicatechin sowie Procyanidin B2 festgestellt. Ab der 22. Lagerungswoche wurde dann eine leichte Abnahme beobachtet. Zum besseren Verständnis des Verhaltens der Polyphenole beim Trocknungsprozess wurden verschiedene Erhitzungsversuche durchgeführt. So wurden Äpfel dreier Sorten über sechs Stunden getrocknet, wobei zum Teil deutliche Abnahmen in den Polyphenolgehalten auftraten. Dies betraf insbesondere die Flavan-(3)-ole sowie deren Dimere, deren Gehalt zum Teil auf weniger als die Hälfte des Ausgangsgehaltes im Frischapfel abnahmen. Die Gehalte der Hydroxyzimtsäurederivate – 5-Chlorogensäure und 4-p-Cumaroylchinasäure – nahmen hingegen nur wenig ab. Daneben waren aber auch Zunahmen z. B. der Kaffeesäure festzustellen, welche u. a. aus 5-Chlorogensäure freigesetzt werden konnte. Unterschiedliche Auswirkungen durch die Erhitzung konnten nicht nur bei den verschiedenen Polyphenolen beobachtet werden. Ebenfalls traten diese bei der Trocknung unterschiedlicher Apfelsorten auf. Besonders die Polyphenole der Sorte Braeburn wurden stärker in ihrem Gehalt verringert. Geeigneter zum Trocknen erscheinen die Sorten Jonagold und Elstar, bei denen es nur zu einer geringen Abnahme im Gehalt infolge der Trocknung kam. Neben dem Abbau der Polyphenole wurde die Bildung des Zuckerabbauproduktes HMF untersucht. Zusätzlich trat eine weitere Verbindung auf, welche sich ebenfalls als ein Zuckerabbauprodukt herausstellte. Diese Verbindung wurde besonders bei saurer Fructose-Erhitzung gebildet und aus dieser Erhitzungslösung isoliert. Durch Vergleich von UV- und Massen-Spektren mit verschiedenen Standards konnte die Verbindung als DDMP identifiziert werden. Zur Quantifizierung des DDMP lag kein Standard definierter Reinheit vor, weshalb die Komponente als HMF berechnet wurde. Generell verhielten sich diese beiden Substanzen im Verlauf der Trocknung ähnlich, wobei DDMP erst im späteren Trocknungsverlauf in größeren Mengen gebildet wurde. Die Gehalte erreichten in der Regel nur ein Drittel bis ein Fünftel des HMF-Gehaltes. Zudem wurden Äpfel der Sorte Jonagold einer Charge unter Versuchsbedingungen mit Konvektionstrocknung mit und ohne Umluft sowie mit STIR®-Trocknung bei verschiedenen Temperaturen und Zeiten getrocknet und deren Gehalte verglichen, wobei immer ein Endwassergehalt von ca. 5 % angestrebt wurde, um ein knackiges und lagerstabiles Produkt zu erzielen. Bei der Konvektionstrocknung ohne Umluft erwiesen sich 80 °C und 4 Stunden am günstigsten, mit Umluft 60 °C und 5 Stunden sowie 80 °C und 1½ Stunden. Eine Trocknung bei 100 °C war hingegen in beiden Fällen unvorteilhaft, da hierbei sowohl die Polyphenolgehalte abnahmen als auch die HMF- und DDMP-Gehalte anstiegen. Für die STIR®-Trocknung erwies sich besonders eine Trocknung bei 60 °C für drei Stunden, auch aufgeteilt auf eine Vortrocknung von 2 Stunden und eine Nachtrocknung von einer Stunde, als günstig. Temperaturen von 75 °C allein oder nur bei der Nachtrocknung wirkten sich sehr ungünstig aus, da hierbei ebenfalls Abnahmen bei den Polyphenolen auf bis zu 40 % des ursprünglichen Gehaltes im Frischapfel sowie deutliche Zunahmen im HMF- und DDMP-Gehalt zu verzeichnen waren. Diese Ergebnisse wurden darüber hinaus durch die abschließend durchgeführten Untersuchungen der Radikalfängereigenschaften mittels DPPH-Test bestätigt. Dabei blieb die Fähigkeit, Radikale abzufangen, bei niedrigeren Trocknungstemperaturen im Vergleich zum Frischapfel besser erhalten als bei hohen Trocknungstemperaturen. Temperaturen von 100 °C bei der Konvektionstrocknung führten zur Abnahme auf bis zu 60 % im Vergleich zum Frischapfel, Temperaturen von 75 °C bei STIR® zur Abnahme von bis zu 50 %. Somit konnte insgesamt gezeigt werden, dass sowohl für die Konvektions- als auch für die STIR®-Trocknung von Äpfeln Parameter zur Produktion eines qualitativ hochwertigen Endproduktes ermittelt werden können. Hierbei spielen neben der optimierten Temperatur und Zeit der Trocknung auch die geeignete Sortenwahl eine entscheidende Rolle.

Polyphenols: Interactions with proteins and analytical methods

Trombley, John D. 05 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Polyphenolanalyse in gartenbaulichen Produkten auf der Basis laser-induzierter Fluoreszenzspektroskopie

Wulf, Janina Saskia 11 April 2007 (has links)
In der gartenbaulichen Forschung gewinnen zerstörungsfreie Produktmonitoringverfahren im Hinblick auf ein verbessertes Prozessmanagement an Bedeutung. Optische Methoden werden bereits in mobilen Systemen und Sortieranlagen zur Produktbewertung in Nachernteprozessen eingesetzt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Beitrag zur quantitativen Bestimmung ernährungsphysiologisch bedeutender Fruchtpolyphenole auf der Basis laser-induzierter Fluoreszenzspektroskopie geleistet. An gelagerten Äpfeln und Möhren wurde die Varianz der Produktfluoreszenz bei verschiedenen Lagerbedingungen mit Hilfe der Hauptkomponentenanalyse ausgewertet, um die Produktentwicklung zerstörungsfrei aufzuzeigen. Für eine angepasste Methode der Datenauswertung wurden hierbei verschiedene Signalvorverarbeitungsmethoden getestet. Die quantitative Bestimmung einzelner Inhaltsstoffe wird in der komplexen pflanzlichen Matrix sowohl beeinflusst durch die Fluoreszenzquantenausbeute als auch Reabsorptions- und Löschungseffekten. Aufbauend auf Untersuchungen an Phenolstandards, Fruchtextrakten und geschnittenem Fruchtgewebe zu Einflussparametern und fluoreszenzspektrokopisch messbaren Konzentrationsbereichen wurden neuere Datenvorverarbeitungsmethoden zur Korrektur angewendet. Kalibriermodelle wurden auf der Basis der fluorimetrisch und chromatographisch ermittelten Werte von Hydroxyzimtsäurederivaten bei Apfel und Erdbeere erarbeitetet und hinsichtlich der Messungenauigkeit in der Kalibrierung und Kreuzvalidierung verglichen. Aufgrund der hohen Variabilität gartenbaulicher Produkte wurden diese Modelle auf einem unabhängigen Datensatz getestet. Mit Hilfe mathematischer orthogonaler Signalkorrektur konnte die für den Polyphenolgehalt nicht relevante Varianz aus den spektralen Daten entfernt und verringerte Kalibrierungs- und Validierungsfehler erzielt werden. Der in der Fluoreszenzanalyse übliche empirische Ansatz mit reflexionskorrigierten Fluoreszenzspektren zu arbeiten führten hingegen zu keiner Fehlerverminderung. / During recent years several research groups focussed on the development of non-destructive product monitoring methods to improve the process management for horticultural products in the entire supply chain. Optical methods have been applied for fruit monitoring in production and postharvest processes using mobile measuring systems or NIR sorting lines. The aim of the present study was to quantitatively determine health promoting native fruit polyphenols by means of laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. The variance in the fluorescence signal was detected on apples and carrots stored under different conditions. With the help of principal component analysis the fluorescence spectra were evaluated to visualize senescence effects during storage. Different data pre-processing methods were tested for a descriptive factor analysis regarding the wavelength-dependent intensities as variables. However, in a complex fruit matrix the quantitative determination of fruit compounds is influenced by its fluorescence quantum yield as well as reabsorption and quenching effects. The influence of side-effects was studied in phenol standards, fruit extracts and sliced fruit tissue and spectral data was corrected using new data pre-processing methods.. Calibration models for the polyphenol analyses were built on the fruit fluorescence spectra (apples, strawberries) using the chromatographically analysis of hydroxycinnamic acids as a reference. The uncertainty of the models was evaluated by their root mean squares errors of calibration and cross-validation. The feasibility of the non-destructive analysis in practice is influenced by the high variability of horticultural products. Therefore, the models were validated on an independent test set. The mathematical data pre-processing method of direct orthogonal signal correction removed the non relevant information in the spectral data and resulted in the lowest errors. In comparison, the often applied empirical approach in fluorescence spectroscopy to correct with simultaneously recorded reflectance spectra did not improve the calibration models.

Interaction of green tea or black tea polyphenols with protein in the presence or absence of other small ligands

Sun, Xiaowei 29 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Consumption of fruit juices and wines rich in polyphenols : potential health effects in oxidative stress animal models and roles of procyanidins, anthocyanins and ellagitannins / Effets santé potentiels de la consommation de jus de fruits et de vins riches en polyphénols sur des modèles animaux de stress oxydant : rôles des procyanidines, des anthocyanes et des ellagitanins

Suh, Jin-Hyang 17 December 2010 (has links)
On étudie les potentialités d'action de la consommation de jus de fruits et de vins riches en polyphénols sur modèle pathologique de stress oxydant, l'athérosclérose précoce, d'origine nutritionnelle, ainsi que leur effet protecteur spécifique vis à vis de cette pathologie. Dans une première partie expérimentale, nous avons analysé les polyphénols de trois variétés de jus de framboises (Cardinal, Glen Ample et Tulameen) et deux vins (Kaki et Merlot) par HPLC. Nous avons identifié et quantifié les composants phénoliques de la famille des anthocyanes et des ellagitanins, les deux constituants majeurs des polyphénols de framboise. Leurs compositions diffèrent significativement, en particulier entre Glen Ample et Tulameen. Concernant les vins, les flavan-3-ols (monomères et oligomères) ont été analysés. Les concentrations de chaque composant étaient fondamentalement différents entre les deux vins, sauf pour les dimères. Ceci nous a conduit à aborder l'étude in vivo sur hamster syrien doré recevant un régime riche en lipides et cholestérol, et carencé en antioxydants alimentaires. L'ingestion de Glen Ample (équivalent à 250 mL de jus de framboise par jour pour une homme de 70 kg) inhibe les facteurs pro-oxydants et améliore le statut antioxydant alors que le jus Tulameen a un effet protecteur contre la dyslipidémie. Ces effets peuvent être liés aux ellagitanins et anthocyanes respectivement. Nous avons montré que la consommation de vin à dose nutritionnelle (équivalent à 2 verres par repas pour un homme de 70 kg) améliorait la réactivité vasculaire, la dyslipidémie et le statut antioxydant. Parmi ces effets bénéfiques, aucune différence n'apparaît entre le vin de kaki et le Merlot, ce qui suggère que les dimères de procyanidines sont impliqués dans les effets biologiques des polyphénols. / The purpose of this study is to explore the potential of fruit juices and wines consumption rich in polyphenol on pathological models of oxidative stress, diet-induced early atherosclerosis, and to research their specific protective effect against the pathology.In the first part of this work we analyzed the polyphenols in three varieties of raspberry juices (Cardinal, Glen Ample and Tulameen) and two wines (Persimmon and Merlot) by HPLC. We identified and quantified phenolic components of anthocyanins and ellagitannins family, the two major constituents in raspberries polyphenols. Their compositions differed significantly especially between Glen Ample and Tulameen. For wines, flavan-3-ols (monomers and oligomers) were analyzed. Concentrations of each component were fundamentally different in two wines except for procyanidin dimers.These results led us to address in vivo studies on Syrian Golden hamsters fed a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet deprived in dietary antioxidants. Consumption of Glen Ample (equivalent to 250 mL of raspberry juice per day for a 70 kg human) inhibits pro-oxidant factors and improves antioxidant status whereas Tulameen shows a protective effect against dyslipidemia which may be due to its ellagitannins and anthocyanins respectively.Nutritional dose of wines (equivalent to 2 glasses of wine per meal for a 70 kg human) improves vascular reactivity, dyslipidemia and antioxidant status. No difference appeared between persimmon and merlot wine antioxidant properties suggesting that procyanidin dimers are implicated in the biological effects of polyphenols.

Influência do contra-íon usado na eletrossíntese do polipirrol em sua resposta como biossensor eletroquímico após a imobilização da polifenol oxidase / Influence of counter-ion used in the electrosynthesis of polypyrrole in your response as electrochemical biosensors after polyphenol oxidase immobilization

Barioto, Valquiria da Cruz Rodrigues 16 July 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foram fabricados biossensores amperométricos a partir do uso da polifenol oxidase (PFO), obtida do abacate como fonte enzimática, imobilizada em filmes de polipirrol (PPI) e que foram eletrossintetizados em meio de três diferentes eletrólitos de suporte (NaCl e NaClO4 e NaDDS). O método de imobilização enzimática foi o da adsorção, sendo a solução de enzima adicionada à solução com o pirrol e o eletrólito durante o processo de eletropolimerização. Os filmes de PPI/PFO foram caracterizados por técnicas eletroquímicas, principalmente por voltametria cíclica. A detecção de compostos fenólicos (catecol e pirogalol) foi realizada pela técnica de cronoamperometria após se variar a concentração do analito. A morfologia dos filmes foi estudada por microscopia de força atômica (AFM), sendo observado que a presença da enzima no filme polimérico assim como o uso de diferentes eletrólitos de suporte levou a diferenças na superfície dos filmes. Além disto, verificou-se que o biossensor construído a partir do uso do NaCl, apresentava uma resposta mais eficiente, ou seja, ele foi capaz de detectar catecol e pirogalol em um menor limite de detecção. / In this study amperometric biosensors were manufactured from the use of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) obtained from avocado as a source of enzyme immobilized in polypyrrole (PPY) films that were electrosynthesized with three different support electrolytes (NaCl, NaClO4 and NaDDS). The method of enzyme immobilization was the adsorption. The PPO was added in the solution containing pyrrole and electrolyte during electropolymerization. The PPY/PPO films were characterized by electrochemical techniques mainly by cyclic voltammetry. Detection of phenolic compounds (catechol and pyrogallol) was performed by the technique of chronoamperometry after varying the concentration of the analyte. The morphology of the films was studied by the atomic force microscopy (AFM) and observed that the presence of the enzyme in the polymer film and the use of different electrolytes support led to differences in the surface of films. However it was found that the biosensor constructed from the use of NaCl showed more efficient response and it was able to detect catechol and pyrogallol in a lower limit of detection.

Inativação das enzimas presentes na água de coco verde (Cocos nucifera L.) por processo térmico através de microondas. / Thermal inactivation of green coconut water enzymes (Cocos nucífera L.) by microwave processing.

Matsui, Kátia Nicolau 16 August 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho, o forno de microondas focalizadas (CEM, Star System 2) e o forno de microondas doméstico adaptado (CCE, MW - 850) foram utilizados para o processo térmico descontínuo e contínuo, respectivamente para reduzir a atividade da POD e PFO presentes na água de coco. No processo descontínuo um sensor de fibra óptica permaneceu em contato direto com as amostras, o que permitiu a obtenção de perfis precisos da temperatura em função do tempo e a determinação dos parâmetros cinéticos D e z para as enzimas, no intervalo de temperatura entre 50 e 100 °C. No processo contínuo, a aquisição dos dados de temperatura foi realizada por termopar tipo T localizado na saída da cavidade do forno e alcançou temperatura máxima entre 66 e 91 °C. Para avaliar a influência dos principais constituintes químicos da água de coco na atividade enzimática soluções simuladas (água; água/açúcares; água/sais; água/sais/açúcares) e água de coco estéril com adição de POD e PFO comerciais foram submetidas ao processo descontínuo por microondas. Os parâmetros cinéticos determinados para as enzimas come rciais nas soluções simuladas obedeceram à cinética de 1ª ordem e os valores D e z foram respectivamente: PFO/água (D93°C = 16 s, z = 35,5 °C), PFO/açúcares (D91°C = 18 s, z = 33,0 °C), POD/água (D92°C = 44 s, z = 24,0 °C), POD/açúcares (D92°C = 21 s, z = 19,5 °C), PFO/água de coco estéril (D84,45ºC = 43 s, z = 39,5 °C) e POD/água de coco estéril (D86,54ºC = 20 s, z = 19,3ºC). Nas soluções simuladas com sais, as atividades iniciais das enzimas foram significativamente menores. Na água de coco as enzimas apresentaram resistência térmica maior quando comparadas aos resultados das soluções simuladas apresentando D92,20°C = 52 s e z = 17,6 °C para a PFO e D92,92°C = 16 s e z = 11,5 °C para a POD. Nos ensaios em processo contínuo a redução da atividade da PFO obedeceu à cinética de 1a ordem e os resultados corroboraram àqueles determinados para o sistema descontínuo. A POD não apresentou atividade residual detectável para temperaturas de saída acima de 88 °C, mas abaixo de 77 ºC a atividade residual foi próxima dos resultados para a POD na água de coco obtidos pelo processo descontínuo. É importante mencionar que para todos os ensaios com água de coco processada, seja no sistema descontínuo ou contínuo, não foi observada a coloração rósea, normalmente atribuída à ação enzimática. Somado a isso, o estudo mostrou que o tratamento térmico por microondas foi mais efetivo na redução da atividade da POD e PFO presentes em água de coco quando comparado com a pasteurização convencional o que torna o uso das microondas uma boa alternativa de processamento para a conservação desse alimento. / In this work a focused microwave oven (CEM, Star System 2) and an adapted domestic microwave oven (CCE, MW - 850) were employed to reduce POD and PPO activity using batch and continuous processing. In a batch processing an optic fiber sensor was kept in direct contact with the samples, thus precise temperature as a function of time profiles were obtained as well as the kinetic parameters (D and z) in the range between 50 and 100°C. In the continuous processing temperature data were obtained by type T thermocouples in the entrance and exit of the microwave oven cavity in the range between 66 and 90°C. Simulated solutions (water; water/sugars; water/salts; water/sugars/salts) and sterile coconut water were formulated with addition of commercial POD and PPO and were exposed to batch processing by microwaves to evaluate the influence of the main chemical substances present in coconut water on the enzymatic activity. Commercial enzymes in the simulated solutions followed a first order order kinetic model. D and z values were: PPO/water (D93°C = 16 s, z = 35.5 °C), PPO/sugars (D91°C = 18 s, z = 33.0 °C), POD/water (D91,5°C = 44 s, z = 24.0 °C), POD/sugars (D92°C = 21 s, z = 19.5 °C), PPO/sterile coconut water (D84,45ºC = 43 s, z = 39.5 °C) and POD/ sterile coconut water (D86,54ºC = 20 s, z = 19.3 ºC). Added salts influenced commercial PPO and POD stability and significantly reduced their activity. In coconut water the enzymes were more thermally resistant when compared to the simulated solution presenting D92,9°C = 52 s and z = 17.6 °C for PPO and D92,9°C = 16 s and z = 11.5 °C for POD. In continuous processing PPO inactivation followed a first order kinetic model and the results were similar to those obtained in the batch processing. POD didn´t present residual activity at exit temperatures above 88 ºC. Below 77 ºC residual activity was close to that of the POD/coconut water treated by batch processing. An important fact is that for all assays with coconut water, wether batch or continuous process was employed, no pink color (that is attributed to enzyme activity) was observed. Besides this study has shown that thermal treatment by microwaves was more efficient than conventional thermal treatment in reducing PPO and POD activity in coconut water, therefore microwaves are an interesting alternative for conservation of this food.

Filmes de polipirrol como matrizes para a imobilização das enzimas fitase e polifenol oxidase e aplicados como biossensores / Polypyrrole films as matrices for the immobilization of phytase and polyphenol oxidase enzymes and applied as biosensors

Barioto, Valquiria da Cruz Rodrigues 17 March 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de biossensores eletroquímicos baseados na imobilização de duas enzimas diferentes em filmes de polipirrol (PPI) eletrodepositados, a fitase e a polifenol oxidase (PFO), esta última na forma de extrato bruto do fruto de abacate. Como a fitase hidrolisa cataliticamente ácido fítico (AF) em íons fosfatos, foram preparados biossensores por imobilização da enzima sobre filmes de PPI para a detecção indireta de ácido fítico via íons fosfatos. Foram utilizados dois métodos de imobilização; no primeiro, a enzima, fitase, foi imobilizada ao filme de PPI por imersão do filme em uma solução contendo a enzima por um período de 2 h, no segundo, a fitase foi encapsulada em lipossomos de dipalmitoil fosfatidil glicerol (DPPG) e depois foi imobilizada nos filmes de PPI depositados em eletrodos impressos. O segundo método se mostrou melhor para a detecção de ácido fítico, pois levou a um maior alcance linear e um baixo valor de limite de detecção. Neste caso, verificou-se que o DPPG preservou a integridade enzimática e levou a biossensores mais estáveis e sensíveis. Já para a PFO, que catalisa a oxidação de compostos fenólicos a quinonas, foram preparados biossensores para a detecção indireta de catecol. Para esta enzima, foram utilizados três métodos de imobilização: adsorção, ligação cruzada e confinamento, sendo o último que levou a melhores respostas. O método de confinamento consiste na adição da enzima, juntamente com o monômero, à solução de eletropolimerização, quando se procede com a metodologia normal de preparo dos filmes de PPI, que foram caracterizados por: microscopia de força atômica (AFM), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e espectroscopia de reflexão e absorção no infravermelho com modulação da polarização (PM-IRRAS). Estas técnicas de caracterização permitiram com que a presença da enzima fosse associada às modificações das características estruturais e morfológicas dos filmes de PPI. / This doctoral thesis reports on the development of electrochemical biosensors based on the immobilization of enzymes phytase and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) (the latter in the form of crude extract of avocado fruit) on electrodeposited polypyrrole films (PPY). As phytase catalytically hydrolyzes phytic acid (PA) in phosphate ions, biosensors were prepared by its immobilization on PPY films for the indirect detection of PA via phosphate ions. In the first method the enzyme was maintained on the PPY film for a period of 2 h, whereas in the second, it was encapsulated in Dipalmitoyl Phosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG) and immobilized on printed electrodes. The second system proved more viable for the detection of PA and showed broader linear range and low detection limit because DPPG preserved the integrity of the enzyme and produced more stable and sensitive biosensors. Regarding PPO, which catalyzes the oxidation of phenolic compounds to quinones, biosensors for the indirect detection of catechol via the formation of quinone in solution were prepared. Three methods of immobilization were used: adsorption, cross-linking and confinement. The latter yielded favorable results in comparison to other methods. The films were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) spectroscopy, fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and reflection absorption and infrared polarization modulation (PM-IRRAS) techniques and revealed the presence of the enzyme and a modification in the structural characteristics and morphology of the films.

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