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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da extracao uranio-cerio e sua aplicacao ao tratamento de uranio irradiado

LOBAO, AFONSO dos S.T. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:25:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:10:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 11266.pdf: 1081304 bytes, checksum: 3622ccd730ee40331cf2e5422faa8189 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Desenvolvimento de materiais nanoestruturados à base de SiO2-Nb2O5 preparados por uma nova rota sol-gel com aplicações em fotônica / Development of nanostructured materials based on SiO2-Nb2O5 prepared by a new sol-gel route with photonic applications

Fábio José Caixeta 16 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho concentra-se na preparação e caracterizações estrutural e espectroscópica de materiais nanoestruturados à base de SiO2-Nb2O5 dopados e codopados com íons Er3+, Yb3+ e Eu3+ na forma de pós e guias de onda planares. Os nanocompósitos foram preparados através de uma nova rota sol-gel utilizando óxido de nióbio como precursor em substituição ao alcóxido de nióbio. A correlação estrutura propriedades luminescentes foi estudada por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, espectroscopia vibracional de absorção no infravermelho, espectroscopia vibracional de espalhamento Raman, análise térmica, reflectância difusa e especular, espectroscopia de fotoluminescência e acoplamento M-line. Inicialmente foi avaliado a influência da concentração de nióbio nas propriedades estruturais e luminescentes de nanocompósitos (100-x)Si-xNb dopados e codopados com íons Er3+, Yb3+ e Eu3+ tratados termicamente a 900 °C por 3h. A cristalização do Nb2O5 foi dependente da concentração de Nb na matriz, com a distribuição dos íons lantanídeos preferencialmente no Nb2O5, afetando as propriedades luminescentes. Para os nanocompósitos codopados com íons Er3+ e Yb3+ foram obtidos valores de largura de banda a meia altura (FWHM) da ordem de 70 nm na região de 1550 nm e tempos de vida de até 5,2 ms. A emissão na região do visível, decorrente de processos de conversão ascendente, revelou-se dependente da concentração de nióbio. Foi verificada emissão preferencial na região do verde para menores concentrações de Nb. Enquanto que, para as maiores concentrações, processos de relaxação cruzada levaram a um aumento relativo na intensidade de emissão na região do vermelho. A eficiência quântica de emissão dos nanocompósitos (100-x)Si-xNb dopados com Eu3+ variou com o comprimento de onda de excitação, refletindo os diferentes sítios de simetria ocupados por este íons nesta estrutura complexa. A influência da temperatura de tratamento térmico no processo de cristalização do Nb2O5 em nanocompósitos 70Si:30Nb codopados com íons Er3+ e Yb3+ foi avaliada. Material amorfo foi obtido a 700 °C enquanto que a 900 e 1100 °C foram identificas as fases ortorrômbica (fase T) e monoclínica (fase M) do Nb2O5. Intensa emissão na região de 1550 nm com valores de FWHM de 52 e 67 nm e tempos de vida de 5,6 e 5,4 ms foram verificados a 700 e 900 °C sob excitação em 977 nm, respectivamente. Por fim, foram obtidos guias de onda planares com excelentes propriedades ópticas e com grande potencial de aplicação em dispositivos de amplificação óptica. Especificamente, materiais fotônicos com banda larga de emissão na região do infravermelho foram preparados, indicando fortemente a potencialidade para a aplicação em telecomunicações envolvendo não somente a banda C como também as bandas L e S em materiais contendo somente íons Er3+ como centros emissores. / This work focuses on the preparation and structural and spectroscopic characterization of nanostructured materials based on Er3+-, Yb3+-, and Eu3+-doped and co-doped SiO2-Nb2O5 as powders and planar waveguides. A new sol-gel route based on niobium oxide instead of niobium alkoxide was used to prepare the nanocomposites. X ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, TGA/DSC analysis, Diffuse and specular reflectance, photoluminescence spectroscopy, and M-line coupling helped to evaluate the correlation between structure and luminescent properties. Initially, the influence of the Nb content on the structural and luminescent properties of Er3+-, Yb3+-, and Eu3+-doped and co doped (100-x)Si-xNb nanocomposites annealed at 900 °C for 3 h was examined. Nb2O5 crystallization depended on the Nb content; with the lanthanide ions occupied the Nb2O5-rich environment preferentially, which affected the luminescent properties. For the Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped nanocomposites, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) and the lifetime values were as high as 70 nm and 5.2 ms, respectively. The visible emission originating from upconversion processes also depended on the Nb content. For lower Nb concentrations, emission occurred in the green region, whereas cross-relaxation led to emission in the red region for higher Nb concentrations. The emission quantum efficiency of the Eu3+- doped (100-x)Si-xNb nanocomposites changed with the excitation wavelength, showing that these ions occupied different symmetry sites. The effect of the annealing temperature on the Nb2O5 crystallization process was also assessed for the Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped 70Si:30Nb nanocomposites. An amorphous material emerged at 700 °C, whereas the orthorhombic (T-phase) and monoclinic (M-phase) Nb2O5 phases arose at 900 °C and 1100 °C. The nanocomposite emitted in the 1550 nm region under 977-nm excitation. FWHM values of 52 and 67 nm and lifetime values of 5.6 and 5.4 ms were verified at 700 °C and 900 °C, respectively. In conclusion, planar waveguides with excellent optical properties and potential use in optical amplification devices were achieved. More specifically, photonic materials exhibiting an NIR broadband emission were developed. These waveguides are potentially applicable in telecommunication, and materials containing only Er3+ as emitter center should cover not only the C band but also the S and L bands.

Estudo de fibroína dopada com terras raras para potenciais aplicações fotônicas / Study of rare earth doped fibroin for potential photonic applications

Roberta Silva Pugina 01 February 2018 (has links)
A fibroína da seda (SF) é uma proteína estrutural encontrada nos casulos do Bombyx mori e que possui propriedades potencialmente aplicáveis em fotônica. Esta matriz biocompatível é um substrato interessante para diferentes íons ou moléculas; além disso, o seu índice de refração variável permite que fótons sejam guiados neste material, possibilitando seu uso como guias de ondas biocompatíveis e reabsorvíveis, que pode ser utilizado para fornecer energia ótica para diversas aplicações, por exemplo, terapia ou imagem dentro de tecidos vivos. A sua boa adequação em sistemas ópticos deve-se principalmente a propriedades como: ser mecanicamente robusta, apresentar superfícies muito lisas, altamente transparentes (> 95%) em toda a região visível do espectro e ser modelável. Além disto, há uma característica adicional: a viabilidade de funcionalização bioquímica, o que pode conferir uma maior versatilidade a estes dispositivos. Já os íons terras raras (TR) possuem um papel amplamente conhecido no ramo da fotônica; porém, não há nenhum estudo envolvendo a produção de luz em SF dopada com íons TR, e a combinação das propriedades mecânicas e óticas desta matriz com a multifuncionalidade destes íons pode ser uma forma de se produzir dispositivos fotônicos novos e distintos. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a estrutura da matriz de SF na presença de diferentes íons TR (Eu3+ e Tb3+), bem como a interação existente entre os aminoácidos que constitui a matriz e estes íons. Os resultados apresentados nesta dissertação mostraram as interações TR-SF e suportam os mecanismos de transferência de energia para excitação de diferentes íons TR nesta matriz, sendo importante para futuras aplicações em fotônica / Silk fibroin (SF) is a structural protein found in Bombyx mori cocoons and has properties that are potentially applicable in photonics. This biocompatible matrix is an interesting substrate for different ions or molecules. Furthermore, its variable refractive index allows for photons to be guided in this material enabling their use as biocompatible and resorbable waveguides, which can be used to provide optical energy for various applications, e. g., therapy or imaging into living tissue. Its suitability in optical systems is mainly due to its properties such as: being mechanically robust, presenting very smooth surfaces, highly transparent (> 95%) throughout the visible region of the spectrum and being moldable. In addition, there is an extra feature: the possibility of biochemical functionalization, which may confer greater versatility to these devices. On the other hand, rare earth ions (RE) play a widely known role in the field of photonics. However, there is no studies involving the production of light in doped SF with RE ions and the combination of the mechanical and optical properties of this matrix with the multifunctionality of these ions can be a way to produce new photonic devices. Thus, the aim of the present work was to study the SF matrix structure in the presence of different RE ions (Eu3+ and Tb3+) as well as the interaction between the amino acids from the matrix and these RE ions. The results presented in this manuscript have characterized the RE-SF interactions and supported the mechanisms of energy transfer for excitation of different RE ions in this matrix being important for future applications in photonics

Usos das cromatografias  de extração e de troca iônica na separação de Tório e Terras Raras de um resíduo gerado na unidade de purificação de Tório. Aplicação das terras raras como catalisadores na geração  de hidrogênio / Uses of extraction and ion exchange chromatography in the thorium and rare earths separation from industrial residue generated in thorium purification unity at IPEN. Application of rare earths as catalysts for generation of hydrogen

Josiane Zini 31 March 2010 (has links)
Na década de 70 operou-se no IPEN/CNEN-SP uma instalação piloto para estudos do processamento de diferentes concentrados de tório obtidos do tratamento químico da monazita com intuito da obtenção de compostos de tório de pureza nuclear. Esta instalação passou a operar em escala industrial em 1985, gerando em torno de 25 toneladas de resíduo até meados de 2002, quando encerrou suas atividades. Este resíduo contendo tório e terras raras foi denominado Retoter (Resíduo de Tório e Terras Raras) e armazenado no galpão de Salvaguardas do IPEN. O presente trabalho estuda o tratamento deste resíduo, visando questões ambientais, radiológicas e tecnológicas. Estudaram-se dois processos cromatográficos para a separação do tório das terras raras. Um deles, a cromatografia de extração, onde o agente extrator fosfato de tri-n-butila foi suportado em resinas poliméricas Amberlite XAD16. O outro processo, estudado para fins comparativos, já que o material utilizado na cromatografia de extração é inédito no que diz respeito à separação do tório, foi a cromatografia de troca iônica utilizando resinas catiônicas fortes DOWEX 1-X8. Estudou-se, também, o processo cromatográfico de extração com o agente extrator DEHPA suportado em Amberlite XAD16 para o fracionamento, em grupos, dos elementos das terras raras. O tório foi separado com elevado grau de pureza para fins estratégicos e as terras raras recuperadas, livres de tório, foram testadas como catalisadores na reforma de etanol para a geração de hidrogênio, o qual é utilizado em células a combustível para a geração de energia elétrica. / In the 70s a pilot plant for studies of different concentrates processing obtained from the chemical processing of monazite was operated at IPEN / CNEN-SP, with a view to obtaining thorium of nuclear purity. This unity was operated on an industrial scale since 1985, generating around 25 metric tons of residue and was closed in 2002. This waste containing thorium and rare earths was named Retoter (Rejeito de Tório e Terras Raras, in portuguese) and stored in the IPEN Safeguards shed. This paper studies the treatment of the waste, aimed at environmental, radiological and technology. Were studied two cases for the chromatographic separation of thorium from rare earths. One of them was the chromatographic extraction, where the extracting agent tributyl phosphate was supported on polymeric resins Amberlite XAD16. The other method is studied for comparison purposes, since the material used in chromatographic extraction is unprecedented with regard to the separation of thorium, was the ion-exchange chromatography using DOWEX 1-X8 strong cationic resin. Was studied also the chromatographic process of extraction with the extracting agent DEHPA supported on Amberlite XAD16 for the fractionation in groups of rare earths elements. Thorium was separated with high purity for strategic purposes and rare earths recovered free from thorium, were tested as a catalyst for ethanol reforming to hydrogen obtaining which is used in fuel cells for power generation.

Complexes homo- et hétéro- hexanucléaires de terres rares : Ordre local, assemblage modulaire et propriétés de luminescence associées / Rare earth based homo- and hetero-hewanuclear complexes : local order, modular assembly and associated luminescent properties

Le Natur, François 24 September 2014 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la conception de nouveaux systèmes luminescents à partir de complexes hexanucléaires de terres rares et l'étude de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques. Ces complexes de formule chimique [Ln6(μ6-O)(μ3-OH)8(NO3)6(H2O)n](NO3)2.mH2O avec 0 n 14 et 0 m 6 pour Ln = Pr-Lu, Y peuvent être synthétisés et isolés par hydrolyse contrôlée de sels de terres rares. Ces complexes sont structuralement caractérisés : les ions terres rares occupent les sommets d'un octaèdre moléculaire d'une dizaine d'angströms de diamètre. Ils présentent un intérêt en tant que précurseurs moléculaires. Les complexes hétéro-hexanucléaires, associant plusieurs terres rares, affichent potentiellement des interactions de forte amplitude en termes de luminescence. L’ordre local de ces complexes a été étudié notamment par RMN du noyau 89Y à l’état solide et en solution. Ces complexes ne montrent pas de ségrégation macroscopique, et sont des solutions solides où les terres rares sont statiquement et aléatoirement réparties sur les sommets de chaque entité moléculaire. Ces interactions ont été exploitées afin d’optimiser les propriétés inédites de luminescence d’un polymère de coordination à base d’entités hexanucléaires. Ces propriétés sont modulables en fonction de la sélection des précurseurs. Ces complexes présentent une affinité particulière pour les solvants de type polyol, notamment l’éthylène glycol. En solution, les entités moléculaires se regroupent par le biais de ponts glycol et forment des nano-agrégats. Enfin, cette affinité particulière pour les polyols, nous a poussé à étudier les propriétés de luminescence en solution lorsque les complexes sont fonctionnalisés par des dérivés aromatiques du glycol. / This work focuses on the design of new luminescent systems built from rare earth based-hexanuclear complexes and on the study of their properties. These complexes of general formula [Ln6(μ6-O)(μ3-OH)8(NO3)6(H2O)n](NO3)2.mH2O with 0 n 14 and 0 m 6 when Ln = Pr-Lu, Y can be synthesized and isolated by controlled hydrolysis of rare earth salts. These complexes are structurally characterized: metal cations are located at each vertex of the molecular octahedron, whose diameter is around 10 . They are of interest as molecular precursors. Hetero-hexanuclear complexes, involving several rare earth ions, potentially exhibit efficient interactions in terms of luminescence. Local order of these complexes was investigated on the basis of NMR spectroscopy with 89Y nucleus at solid and solution state. No macroscopic segregation is observed, heterohexanuclear complexes are solid solution compounds where rare earth ions are randomly and statistically dispersed over the vertices of each molecular entities. Interactions in terms of luminescence have been exploited in order to optimize the rare optical properties of a coordination polymer built from hexanuclear entities. The luminescent properties can be modulated depending on the selection of the starting precursors. Hexanuclear complexes have a particular affinity for polyol solvents, especially ethylene glycol. In solution, molecular entities are bridged together to form nano-agregates. Finally, this particular affinity for polyol, prompted us to investigate luminescence properties of aromatic glycol derivatives functionalized complexes.

Demographic perspectives on the rarity and persistence of two mariposa lilies (Calachortus) from southern British Columbia

Miller, Michael 10 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Battle Against Extinction: Native Fish Management in the American West

January 1991 (has links)
In 1961 the Green River was poisoned and its native fishes killed so that the new Flaming Gorge Reservoir could be stocked with non-native game fishes for sportsmen. This incident was representative of water management in the West, where dams and other projects have been built to serve human needs without consideration for the effects of water diversion or depletion on the ecosystem. Indeed, it took a Supreme Court decision in 1976 to save Devils Hole pupfish from habitat destruction at the hands of developers. Nearly a third of the native fish fauna of North America lives in the arid West; this book traces their decline toward extinction as a result of human interference and the threat to their genetic diversity posed by decreases in their populations. What can be done to slow or end this tragedy? As the most comprehensive treatment ever attempted on the subject, Battle Against Extinction shows how conservation efforts have been or can be used to reverse these trends. In covering fishes in arid lands west of the Mississippi Valley, the contributors provide a species by species appraisal of their status and potential for recovery, bringing together in one volume nearly all the scattered literature on western fishes to produce a monumental work in conservation biology. They also ponder ethical considerations related to the issue, ask why conservation efforts have not proceeded at a proper pace, and suggest how native fish protection relates to other aspects of biodiversity planetwide. Their insights will allow scientific and public agencies to evaluate future management of these animal population and will offer additional guidance for those active in water rights and conservation biology.

Development of a conservation program on Pseudobarbus quathlambae in the catchment area of phase 1B of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project

Rall, Johannes Lambertus 21 September 2009 (has links)

The effects of anaesthetic gases at high pressure on thermoregulation

Pertwee, Roger G. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

Some topics in solid state physics

Blackman, John Arthur January 1968 (has links)
No description available.

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