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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elektrické a optické vlastnosti SiC monokrystalů / Electrical and optical properties of SiC single crystals

Brynza, Mykola January 2020 (has links)
Silicon carbide is a semiconductor with a wide bandgap of up to 3.2 eV and is capable of operating in extreme conditions, high temperature and high energy modes. This work focuses on the investigation of electrical and optical properties of monocrystalline SiC by various methods including Raman spectroscopy, volt-ampere characteristics, L-TCT and spectroscopic techniques. The adhesion of contacts and the influence of different contact materials on the ability to detect ionizing radiation are also studied to optimize the technology of preparation of quality SiC-based radiation detectors.

Condition measuring and lifetime modelling of electrical power transmission equipment

Westerlund, Per January 2015 (has links)
The electric grid is important in modern society, so the outages should be few. The transmission grid should have a real high availability, since it transports electrical energy across the country. Then, it is difficult to plan outages for maintenance and installation. This thesis lists twenty surveys about failures of circuit breakers and disconnectors, with data about the cause and the lifetime. It also contains a survey of about forty condition-measuring methods for circuit breakers and disconnectors, mostly applicable to the electric contacts and the mechanical parts. As there is no published method to monitor the electric contacts at voltages around 400 kV, a system with IR sensors has been installed at the nine contacts of six disconnectors. The purpose is to avoid outages for maintenance by estimating the condition of the contacts while the disconnectors are still connected to high voltage. The measured temperatures are collected by radio and regressed against the square of the current, since the best exponent for the current was found to be 2.0. The coefficient of determination $R^2$ is high, greater than 0.9. This gives for each contact a regression coefficient, which can serve as an estimate of the condition of the contact. The higher the coefficient is, the more heat is produced at the contact, which can damage the material. This enables a ranking of the different contacts and shows which the worst ones are. This coefficient can also give a dynamic rating of the disconnector. / Elnätet är viktigt i det moderna samhället, så antalet avbrott bör vara lågt. Särskilt stamnätet bör ha en särskilt hög tillgänglighet, då det transporterar elektrisk energi tvärsöver landet. Då blir det svårt att planera avbrott för underhåll och utbyggnad. Denna avhandling tar upp tjugo studier av fel i brytare och frånskiljare med data om felorsak och livslängd. Den har också en översikt av ett fyrtiotal olika metoder för tillståndsmätningar för brytare och frånskiljare, som huvudsakligen rör de elektriska kontakterna och de mekaniska delarna. Eftersom det inte finns någon beskriven metod för att övervaka elektriska kontakter för spänningar på runt 400 kV, har ett system med IR sensorer installerats på de nio kontakterna på sex frånskiljare. Målet är att minska antalet avbrott för underhåll genom att skatta skicket hos kontakterna, när frånskiljarna fortfarande är kopplade till högspänning. De uppmätta temperaturerna tas emot genom radio och behandlas genom regression mot kvadraten av strömmen, då den bästa exponenten för strömmen visade sig vara 2,0. Förklaringsfaktorn $R^2$ är hög, över 0,9. För varje kontakt ger det en regressionskoefficient, som blir en skattning av kontaktens skick. Ju högre koefficienten är, desto mer värme utvecklas det i kontakten, vilket kan leda till skador på materialet. Kontakternas olika koefficienter ger en rankordning dem och därmed en möjlighet att prioritera vilken frånskiljare som ska underhållas först. Systemet kan också användas för att minska eller öka den tillåtna strömmen baserat på skicket. / <p>QC 20150522</p>

New concept for the ground connection in Scania’s trucks and buses

LLORENTE, ANDRÉS January 2014 (has links)
Regarding the ground electrical connection in trucks and buses, the requirements of earthing in heavy-duty vehicles were gathered and evaluated. The most important problems in the state-of-the-art grounding devices are corrosion, electrical resistance and uncertainty in the mounting process, altogether with depreciation over time. The goal is to come up with new concepts that can give a more reliable and better ground connection into the frame with faster, easier and safer manufacturing operations. Several methods for attaching different ground connectors to the steel frame are going to be investigated, including bolted connections, press devices, soldering, brazing and local plating spots. It will be shown that the welding operation gives the best electrical results, while lowering mounting costs, time and variability. Two welded connectors are then going to be proposed as the best alternatives and a parallel investigation with both of them is going to be carried out. These new concepts, filed for patent protection, are going to be labelled as “SRM Welded ground stud” and “SRM Welded grounding nut”. The first of them consists of a plated steel threaded stud (M8 or M10) with a ring shaped contact surface built in one of the ends, where the Ø12 mm weld is to be performed onto the uncoated frame. The second concept comprises a stainless steel M10 round nut welded over a punched hole. The optimization will also cover different alternatives for plating metals, contact aid compounds and masking caps for both devices. The risk of mechanical weakening of the frame because of the new welded concepts is going to be tested for the case of the SRM Welded ground stud. The results will show an increase in fatigue resistance of at least 20% compared to the current ground screw. Furthermore, the strength of the welded interface will show higher proof load than the stud itself. The welded nuts, tested with torque loading, will show a sufficient performance as well. The electrical tests present an expected decrease in ground resistance of 40% for the welded stud and an increase of 28% for the welded nuts, compared with the current ground screw. The conclusion of this Master Thesis states the recommendation of the implementation of a new grounding method through the SRM Welded ground stud. Although, some modifications in the transportation process of the frames might be needed because of the new protruding parts, pointing an estimated distance of 20mm from the frame surface. / När det gäller jordad elanslutning i lastbilar och bussar, har kraven på jordning i tunga fordon samlats och utvärderats. De största problemen i de mest avancerade jordade enheterna är korrosion, elektriskt motstånd och osäkerhet i monteringsprocessen, sammantaget med avskrivning över tiden. Målet är att utveckla nya koncept som kan ge en bättre och mer tillförlitlig jordanslutning i ramen med snabbare, enklare och säkrare tillverkning. Flera metoder för att fästa olika mark kontakter till stålramen kommer att undersökas, bland annat skruvförband, pressanordning, lödning, hårdlödning och lokala pläteringsfläckar. Det kommer att visa att svetsning ger den bästa elektriska resultatet, samtidigt som monteringskostnader, tid och variabilitet minskar. Två svetsade kontakter kommer sedan att föreslås som de bästa alternativen och en parallell undersökning med dem båda kommer att genomföras. Dessa nya koncept, för vilka patentskydd har ansökts, kommer att märkas som “SRM Svetsade marktapp” och “SRM Svetsade jordmutter”. Den första av dem består av en pläterad stålgängad tapp med en ringformad kontaktyta byggt i en av ändarna, där svetsen skall utföras på den obelagda ramen. Det andra konceptet består av en rostfri rund mutter svetsad över ett stansat hål. Optimeringen kommer även att omfatta olika alternativ för pläterade metaller, kontaktstöds föreningar och maskeringslock för de båda enheterna. Risken för mekanisk försvagning av ramen på grund av det nya svetsade konceptet kommer att testas med avseende på fallet med SRM Svetsad bottenreglar. Resultaten visar en ökad utmattningshållfasthet på minst 20% jämfört med den nuvarande jordskruven. Dessutom kommer styrkan av den svetsade gränsytan uppvisa en högre provbelastning än tappen själv. De svetsade muttrarna, testade med momentbelastning, kommer också uppvisa en tillräcklig prestanda. De elektriska testerna presenterade en förväntad minskning av markmotståndet på 40% för svetsade tappar och en ökning med 28% för svetsade muttrar, jämfört med den nuvarande jordskruven. Slutsatsen av detta examensarbete anger en rekommendation av genomförandet av en ny jordningsmetod genom en SRM Svetsad marktapp. Trots detta kan vissa ändringar behövas i transportprocessen av ramarna på grund av de nya utskjutande delarna, vilka pekar från ramens yta med ett uppskattat avstånd av 20 mm.

Římsko-germánské vztahy a kontakty ve světle nálezů předmětů římské provenience v Čechách, zvláště TERRY SIGILLATY / Roman-germanic relationship and contacts in roman age in the light of finds from roman provenance in Bohemia, maily TERRA SIGILLATA fings

Halama, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Jakub Halama - anglický abstrakt dizertace Roman-germanic relationship and contacts in roman age in the light of finds from roman provenance in Bohemia, mainly TERRA SIGILLATA finds Abstract Dissertation thesis in particular are based on terra sigillata finds in Bohemia. In the first part of catalogue (certain finds) there are 103 pieces of terra sigillata from 52 localities (together 112 fragments and whole vessels). And in the second part of the catalogue (unsure or non-filed finds) other 23 - 24 pieces from 15 localities. Generally terra sigillata comes from German settlements, those are spread through all the main settlement areas of the Roman period. Records from the southwest Bohemia are also interesting. Main part from the datable 1st - 3rd century terra sigillata have goods from Rheinzabern (41 %) and from the central Gallia (35,9 %); ceramics from Westerndorf is less represented (7,7 %) and there are only few terra sigillata finds from the south Gallia, Trier, Heiligenberg and Pfaffenhofen. This combination of the finds is approximate to localities in Norikum province. Sigillata of this origin came through south Bohemia and Moravia, other direction went from Raetie through southwest Bohemia. Artifacts from 1st century and 1st half of the 2nd century appears in Bohemia very rare. The largest supply...

Schottky contacts to In2O3

von Wenckstern, Holger, Splith, Daniel Thomas, Schmidt, Florian, Grundmann, Marius, Bierwagen, Oliver, Speck, James S. January 2014 (has links)
n-type binary compound semiconductors such as InN, InAs, or In2O3 are especial because the branch-point energy or charge neutrality level lies within the conduction band. Their tendency to form a surface electron accumulation layer prevents the formation of rectifying Schottky contacts. Utilizing a reactive sputtering process in an oxygen-containing atmosphere, we demonstrate Schottky barrier diodes on indium oxide thin films with rectifying properties being sufficient for space charge layer spectroscopy. Conventional non-reactive sputtering resulted in ohmic contacts. We compare the rectification of Pt, Pd, and Au Schottky contacts on In2O3 and discuss temperature-dependent current-voltage characteristics of Pt/In2O3 in detail. The results substantiate the picture of oxygen vacancies being the source of electrons accumulating at the surface, however, the position of the charge neutrality level and/or the prediction of Schottky barrier heights from it are questioned.

Réseaux domestiques et mobiles : Mesures,analyses, et modèles / Domestic and mobile networks Measurements,analyses, and patterns

Reggani, Ahlem 07 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est structurée autour de contributions dans les domaines des réseaux domestiques et mobiles. Dans le contexte des réseaux domestiques, nous nous occupons à la fois de la caractérisation du trafic et de la dégradation des performances des applications. Dans le cas des réseaux mobiles, nous sommes intéressés par comprendre la relation entre la technologie sans fil et les opportunités de contact entre les nœuds mobiles. Nous résumons les principales contributions de cette thèse dans ce qui suit. Partie I (Optimisation des performances des applications dans les réseaux domestiques). L?augmentation du taux d'accès à Internet à la maison conduit à plus de populations avec des réseaux domestiques. Un réseau domestique connecte plusieurs appareils à l'internet permettant aux différents membres d'un ménage de partager l'accès à Internet et aux ressources du réseau local. Par conséquent, les applications fonctionnant en parallèle peuvent interférer les unes avec les autres. Par exemple, les enfants peuvent jouer à des jeux en ligne ralentissant la navigation sur le web de leurs parents. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de contrôler l'utilisation des ressources du réseau domestique afin d'optimiser la performance des applications concurrentes. La passerelle domestique est responsable de la connexion du réseau domestique au reste de l'Internet. Parce que la passerelle a une vue d'ensemble de tout le trafic en provenance et vers le réseau domestique, elle est le point de départ idéal pour l'optimisation des applications. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un système qui fonctionne sur la passerelle domestique pour détecter des dégradations de performances et optimiser l'allocation des ressources pour obtenir les meilleures performances des applications. En même temps, les passerelles résidentielles classiques ne comportent aucun mécanisme pour garantir une performance optimale aux applications. Une autre contribution de cette thèse est donc de proposer une approche d'optimisation des performances des applications pour les réseaux domestiques. En particulier, nous étudions la faisabilité du suivi des performances des applications sur les passerelles résidentielles. Nous montrons que, bien que la passerelle domestique a des ressources limitées, elle a encore la capacité de faire plus que simplement la transmission des paquets. Elle peut recueillir et exporter toutes les informations nécessaires pour effectuer notre méthode d'optimisation des performances. Partie II (Reproduction de traces de mobilité). La meilleure façon d'analyser ou de valider un protocole ou même le choix de conception dans les réseaux tolérants aux perturbations est à travers un déploiement réel. Néanmoins, en raison des difficultés de mise en œuvre et même de coûts financiers, I seulement quelques expérimentations ont été rapportées dans la littérature. En conséquence, plusieurs travaux s'appuient toujours sur des modèles de mobilité synthétiques. Alors que les modèles de mobilité synthétiques sont utiles pour isoler les paramètres spécifiques d'une solution ou aider à enquêter sur l'évolutivité d'un système, ils ne peuvent pas toujours refléter les conditions réelles. D'autre part, les traces de contact sont connues pour mieux représenter la mobilité de la vie réelle, mais aussi d'être difficile à obtenir. Et si une trace réelle était suffisante pour obtenir plusieurs autres, comme si nous avions effectué plusieurs expérimentations ? à cette fin, nous nous appuyons sur la mobilité plausible, un algorithme capable d'inférer un mouvement spatial à partir de traces de contact et nous proposons un système de reproduction de traces de mobilité qui, à partir d'une unique trace de contact réelle, offre de multiples traces de contact inspirées de la trace originale. / This thesis is structured around contributions in the areas of domestic and mobile networks. In the context of home networks, we deal with both home traffic characterization and application performance degradation. In the case of mobile networks, we are interested in understanding the relationship between wireless technology and contact opportunities among nodes on the move.

Approach to control, protect and switch charge transport through molecular junctions and atomic contact / Approche pour contrôler, protéger ou commuter le transport électronique dans des jonctions moléculaires et contacts atomiques

Ai, Yong 11 October 2016 (has links)
Ces dernières décennies, l'électronique moléculaire a suscité un intérêt croissant. La construction de jonctions métal / molécules / métal est une étape fondamentale dans la compréhension de ce domaine. Nous avons été témoins d’avancées importantes concernant les jonctions moléculaires tant sur le plan théorique que sur le plan expérimental. Cette thèse se concentre principalement sur l'étude du transport de charge à travers les jonctions moléculaires. Des polymères conducteurs et des filaments de cuivre ont été déposés, par électrochimie avec un microscope électrochimique à balayage (SECM), entre une pointe et une électrode substrat. Ainsi, nous avons développé une nouvelle façon de réaliser des contacts atomiques et des jonctions moléculaires permettant de contrôler, d’activer et de protéger ces systèmes.La fabrication de jonctions à grille redox de polymères conducteurs, tel que le PEDOT et le PBT, a été effectuée dans l’intervalle micrométrique séparant les deux électrodes du SECM. Ces nano-jonctions, hautement stables et réversibles, ont montré des conductances de 10-7-10-8 S dans leur état conducteur. Ces résultats, liés à la croissance du polymère, donnent à penser que la conductance de l'ensemble de la jonction est régie par 20 à 100 oligomères.Afin d’obtenir des nano-jonctions de manière contrôlée, une méthode combinant la stratégie dite « Break Junction » (BJ) et le SECM a été mise en place. Une nano-jonction peut être obtenue en éloignant la pointe de sa position initiale. Les variations de conductance obtenues ont montré que des jonctions moléculaires au PEDOT peuvent être brisées par paliers. Des paliers de conductance ont été mesurés par SECM-BJ, et sont comparables à ceux observés par des approches STM-BJ classiques. La technique SECM-BJ s’est avérée efficace pour la fabrication et l’étude de jonctions moléculaires de polymères à grille redox. Le SECM permet également de réaliser des nano-jonctions en utilisant une stratégie d'auto-terminaison. La croissance du polymère peut être arrêtée dès que quelques brins de polymère relient les deux électrodes initialement séparées. La taille de la jonction peut donc être contrôlée par cette méthode. Les jonctions au PTFQ et PFETQ ont montré des propriétés de transport ambipolaires. Lorsque les jonctions sont constituées de plusieurs fibres, un déséquilibre dans le transport est observé entre canaux de type p- et n-. Au contraire, un équilibre est mis en évidence lorsque les jonctions atteignent une taille nanométrique. Nous attribuons cet effet à un mécanisme de transport qui passe d’un régime diffusif (loi d’Ohm) à un régime balistique (quantique) lorsque les dimensions du dispositif deviennent nanométriques.Par ailleurs, le comportement d’électrodes d’ITO avec des nanoparticules d’or (Au NPs/ITO) dénote la présence de plasmons localisés de surface (LSP). Ces substrats ont été utilisés, sous irradiation lumineuse, pour activer la jonction démontrant ainsi que la résonance plasmon peut induire une réduction électrochimique. La diminution de conductance observée peut être attribuée à des électrons chauds générés par les plasmons sur les nanoparticules d’Au piégées dans la jonction de PEDOT, réduisant celui-ci en un état isolant.Enfin, des nano-fils de cuivre ont été élaborés par SECM en utilisant un procédé électrochimique. L’étude du transport a permis de suivre la formation de ces fils entre des électrodes asymétriques. Une étude similaire a été conduite sur une électrode constituée d’un film de silice mésoporeuse sur ITO. Les films ont une épaisseur de 115 nm et les filaments de cuivre sont protégés par encapsulation dans des canaux poreux verticaux d’environ 3 nm de diamètre. / Molecular electronics has attracted increasing interest in the past decades. Constructing metal/molecules/metal junctions is a basic step towards the investigation of molecular electronics. We have witnessed significant development in both experiment and theory in molecular junctions. This thesis focuses mainly on the study of charge transport through molecular junctions. Conducting polymers and copper filaments were electrochemically deposited with a scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM) configuration between a tip and a substrate electrode. In doing so, we have developed a new way to fabricate atomic contact and molecular junctions, and we have explored the possibility to control, protect and switch these systems.Firstly, SECM, where two microelectrodes are located face-to-face separated by a micrometric gap, has been successfully used for the fabrication of redox-gated conducting polymers junctions, such as PEDOT and PBT. Highly stable and reversible redox-gated nano-junctions were obtained with conductance in the 10-7-10-8 S range in their conducting states. These results, associated with the wire-like growth of the polymer, suggest that the conductance of the entire junction in the conductive state is governed by less than 20 to 100 oligomers.Secondly, to obtain the nano-junctions in a controllable way, a break junction strategy combined with the SECM set up is adopted. A nano-junction could be acquired by pulling the tip away from its initial position. And conductance traces showed that PEDOT junctions can be broken step by step before complete breakdown. Similarly as STM-BJ conductance steps were observed on a PEDOT molecular junction before break down by using SECM-BJ. SECM break junction technique proved to be an efficient way of molecular junction fabrication studies, especially for redox gated polymer molecular junctions. Moreover, a self-terminated strategy is found to be another way to obtain nano-junctions. An external resistance connected to the electrode plays an important role in controlling the size of conducting polymer junctions.PFTQ and PFETQ molecular junctions exhibit well-defined ambipolar transport properties. However, an unbalanced charge transport properties in n- and p- channel for these two polymer junctions was observed when the junctions are in the fiber device scale. In contrast, when molecular junction changes into nano-junction, a balanced n- and p-channel transport property is acquired. We propose that such effect is due to charge transport mechanism changing from diffusive (ohm’s law) to ballistic (quantum theory) when the junction size is reduced from fiber devices to nanodevices.High stable Au NPs/ITO electrodes exhibit a well localized surface plasmon (LSP) behavior. These plasmonic substrates have been successfully used to trigger switching of molecular junctions under light irradiation, demonstrating that surface plasmon resonance can induce electrochemical reduction. Such conductance reduction can be attributed to the hot electrons plasmonically generated from gold nanoparticles trapped into the PEDOT junction, resulting in PEDOT being reduced and changed to an insulating state.Finally, copper metallic nanowires were generated using an electrochemical self-terminated method based on SECM configuration. The presence of a few atoms that control the electron transport highlights the formation of metallic nanowires between the asymmetric electrodes. Furthermore, a similar study was performed on mesoporous silica film on ITO used as a substrate electrode. The mesoporous silica films have vertically aligned channels with a diameter of about 3 nm and a thickness of 115 nm, which play a crucial role in protecting the copper filament.

The influence of covid-19 on social well-being and sustainability: a systematic literature review

de Kort, Evangeline January 2022 (has links)
The emergence of covid-19 has been declared as an international public health emergency in January 2020 by the World Health Organization and has affected millions of people across the world ever since. Public health interventions focused on controlling person-to-person infections to mitigate the number of infections and possible severe or fatal health effects. The absence of meaningful connections and social interactions with others can have an indirect adverse impact on psychological health outcomes. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the consequences of the current pandemic, and its associated measures, on human social well-being and sustainability. A meta-analytical approach based on original results of scientific research published in peer-reviewed journals and written in English has been used. The findings reveal no consistent findings regarding the level of loneliness whereas the level of social support remained stable or even increased over time. For the levels of violence within the home environment (domestic violence, child abuse and intimate partner violence) both an increase and decrease have been reported, indicating a possible impact of covid-19 pandemic on the tension within the family. The pandemic has complicated the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and thus slowed down society's attempts to achieve sustainability at an international level. The results of this study provide policy makers and professionals with knowledge on the social consequences of the covid-19 pandemic to protect human health and well-being in line with the sustainability goals.

Fabrication and Characterization of AlGaN/GaN Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor High Electron Mobility Transistors for High Power Applications

Calzolaro, Anthony 11 October 2022 (has links)
AlGaN/GaN metal–insulator–semiconductor high electron mobility transistors (MIS-HEMTs) are promising candidates for next generation high-efficiency and high-voltage power applications. The excellent physical properties of GaN-based materials, featuring high critical electric field and large carrier saturation velocity, combined to the high carrier density and large mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas confined at the AlGaN/GaN interface, enable higher power density minimizing power losses and self-heating of the device. However, the advent of the GaN-based MIS-HEMT to the industrial production is still hindered by technological challenges that are being faced in parallel. Among them, one of the biggest challenge is represented by the insertion of a gate dielectric in MIS-HEMTs compared to Schottky-gate HEMTs, which causes operational instability due to the presence of high-density trap states located at the dielectric/III-nitride interface or within the dielectric. The development of a gold-free ohmic contact technology is another important concern since the high-volume and cost-effective production of GaN-based transistors also depends on the cooperative manufacturing of GaN-based devices in Si production facilities, where gold represents an undesidered source of contamination. In fact, even though over the past years there have been multiple attemps to develop gold-free ohmic contacts, there is still no full understanding of the contact formation and current transport mechanism. The first objective of this work was the investigation of a gold-free and low-resistive ohmic contact technology to AlGaN/GaN based on sputtered Ta/Al-based metal stacks annealed at low temperatures. A low contact resistance below 1 Ω mm was obtained using Ta/Al-based metal stacks annealed at temperatures below 600 °C. The ohmic behavior and the contact properties of contact resistance, optimum annealing temperature and thermal stability of Ta/Al-based contacts were studied. The nature of the current transport was also investigated indicating a contact mechanism governed by thermionic field emission tunneling through the AlGaN barrier. Finally, gold-free Ta/Al-based ohmic contacts were integrated in MIS-HEMTs fabricated on a 150 mm GaN-on- Si substrate, demonstrating to be a promising contact technology for AlGaN/GaN devices and revealing to be beneficial for devices operating at high temperatures. The optimization of the MIS-gate structure in terms of trap states at the dielectric/III-nitride interface and inside the dielectric in MIS-HEMTs using atomic layer deposited (ALD) Al2O3 as gate insulator was the second focus of this work. First, the MIS-gate structure was improved by an O2 plasma surface preconditioning applied before the Al2O3 deposition and by an N2 postmetallization anneal applied after gate metallization, which significantly reduced trap states at the Al2O3/GaN interface and within the dielectric. Afterwards, the effectiveness of these treatments was demonstrated in Al2O3-AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs by pulsed current–voltage measurements revealing improved threshold voltage stability. Lastly, it was shown that also the lower annealing temperatures used for the formation of Ta/Al-based ohmic contacts, processed before gate dielectric deposition, are beneficial in terms of trap states at the ALD-Al2O3/GaN interface, representing a new aspect to be considered when using an ohmic first fabrication approach.

Integrated Organic and Hybrid Nanodevices Based on Rolled-up Nanomembrane Contacts

Li, Tianming 09 September 2022 (has links)
The physical limitations of miniaturization of the traditional silicon-based electronic devices have motivated growing interest in molecular electronics due to its promising potential in transcending Moore's Law. Since the concept of molecular rectifier was first proposed by Ratner and Aviram in 1974, a lot of efforts have been devoted to realizing nondestructive electrical contacts to the individual or ensemble molecules, such as liquid metal contact, break junctions, cross wire junctions, etc. Among them, rolled-up nanotechnology is compatible with the conventional photolithography processes and can provide an efficient strategy to fabricate fully integrated functional molecular devices on a chip via an array of damage-free soft contacts. This nanotechnology takes an important step towards implementing the miniaturization of molecular devices and promotes the development of molecular electronics. In this doctoral thesis, rolled-up nanotechnology is employed to develop functional molecular devices on chips. Enabled by these rolled-up soft contacts, fully integrated molecular rectifiers based on ultrathin molecular heterojunctions are developed for the first time, and they are able to convert alternating current to direct current with frequencies up to 10 MHz. This is also the first time that a nanoscale organic rectifier with an operating frequency exceeding 1 MHz has been fabricated. The remarkable unidirectional current behavior of the molecular devices mainly originates from the intrinsically different surfaces of bottom planar and top microtubular gold electrodes. While the excellent high-frequency response is guaranteed by the charge accumulation in the phthalocyanine molecular heterojunction, which not only improves the charge injection but also increases the carrier density. Then this rolled-up nanotechnology is further employed to explore multi-functional molecular devices. In this thesis, fully integrated process-programmable molecular devices are achieved for the first time, which can switch between photomultiplication photodiodes and bipolar memristors. The transition depends on the release of mobile ions initially stored in the bottom polymeric electrode and can be controlled by modulating the local electric field at the interface between the ultrathin molecular layer and the bottom electrode. Photogenerated-carrier trapping at a low interfacial electric field leads to photomultiplication with an ultrahigh external quantum efficiency (up to 104%). In contrast, mobile-ion polarization triggered by a high interfacial electric field results in ferroelectric-like memristive behaviour with both remarkable resistive on/off ratios and rectification ratios. The combination of the “soft-contact” enabled by rolled-up nanotechnology and the “ion reservoir” provided by the polymeric electrode opens up a novel strategy for integrating multi-functional molecular devices based on the synergistic electronic-ionic reaction to various stimuli.:List of abbreviations 6 Chapter 1 Introduction 8 1.1 Molecular electronics: a brief history 8 1.2 Motivation: why molecular electronics? 9 1.3 Objectives: developing integrated functional molecular devices 14 1.4 Dissertation structure 15 Chapter 2 Fabrication and characterization methods 17 2.1 Core nanotechnology adopted in this thesis: rolled-up nanomembrane contacts 17 2.2 Fabrications 18 2.2.1 Photolithography 18 2.2.2 Spin-coating 23 2.2.3 Electron-beam deposition 24 2.2.4 Sputter deposition 25 2.2.5 Atomic layer deposition 27 2.2.6 Low-temperature evaporation 28 2.3 Characterizations 30 2.3.1 Atomic force microscopy 30 2.3.2 Photoelectron spectroscopy 32 2.3.3 X-ray diffraction 35 Chapter 3 Integrated molecular rectifiers 37 3.1 Introduction 37 3.2 Construction of the organic heterojunction 39 3.3 Microfabrication of the molecular diode 46 3.4 Origination of the rectification 54 3.5 Frequency performance 61 3.6 Discussion 63 Chapter 4 Integrated process-programmable molecular devices 66 4.1 Introduction 66 4.2 Design and microfabrication of the molecular devices 69 4.2.1 Top tubular metallic electrodes 69 4.2.2 Bottom finger polymer electrodes 71 4.3 Function I: Molecular photomultiplication photodiodes 75 4.3.1 Traditional photodiodes and photomultiplication photodiodes 75 4.3.2 Performance of molecular photomultiplication photodiodes 78 4.3.3 Transition voltage spectroscopy 84 4.4 Function II: Molecular bipolar memristors 86 4.4.1 Ion doping-assisted injection 86 4.4.2 Performance of the molecular bipolar memristors 88 4.4.3 Mechanism of the resistance switching 97 4.5 Mechanism of the electric-field-driven transition 106 4.6 Conclusions 108 Chapter 5 Conclusions and outlook 110 5.1 Conclusions 110 5.1.1 Fully integrated molecular rectifiers 110 5.1.2 Fully integrated process-programmable molecular devices 111 5.2 Outlook 111 5.2.1 Improve the yield of the integrated molecular devices 111 5.2.2 Develop integrated molecular functional devices 112 References 113 List of figures and tables 129 Selbständigkeitserklärung 134 Theses 135 Acknowledgments 138 Research achievements 140 Curriculum-vitae 142

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