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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Self-esteem and achievement : ethnicity, gender, parental love and coping styles

Buller-Taylor, Terri 11 1900 (has links)
The strength of the relationship between various measures of self, such as self-esteem, self-concept, self-acceptance, and achievement has been studied extensively with varying results (see Hansford & Hattie, 1982). This variation may be attributable to the use of different self and achievement measures, ranges in the age of those studied, and not controlling for socioeconomic status, ethnicity/race, gender, or school effects. The main goal of my thesis was to estimate the strength of the relationship between self-esteem, and achievement when gender, ethnicity/race, socioeconomic status, aspects of the parent-child relationship and school contextual effects were controlled. Analyses were conducted on two large data sets. The first was taken from the National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS) - 1988 and consists of 21,039 grade 8 students sampled from the United States. The second data set was taken from the School-Based Prevention Project (SBPP) - 1995 and consists of 6,795 grade 8 through 12 students from 20 schools in British Columbia, Canada. For both data sets, 7 of 10 items from the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (1965) were used to measure self-esteem. Analyses of the NELS data set yielded three notable findings: (1) the strength of the self-esteem/ achievement relationship is not equivalent across gender-ethnic/racial groups, (2) the self-esteem/ achievement relationship varies when grades versus tests scores are used as achievement measures, and (3) the variability in self-esteem is largely within-schools. Variables controlled in these analyses were gender, ethnicity/race and socioeconomic status. Analyses of the SBPP data yielded four notable findings: (1) the strength of the self-esteem/ achievement relationship varies across a new measure of coping styles, (2) relational factors reduce the strength of the self-esteem/achievement relationship, (3) relational factors explain much more of the variance in self-esteem than does achievement, and (4) almost all the variance in self-esteem is within schools. Variables controlled in these analyses included gender, grade-level, socioeconomic status, perceptions of Mother's and Father's love, and coping styles. The theoretical implications of these results are discussed in terms of attachment theory (Ainsworth, 1969), coping styles (Horney, 1950), and the need to belong (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). / Arts, Faculty of / Psychology, Department of / Graduate

Work-related Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Acculturation Among Employed Latinos in Batterer Intervention Programs

Galvez, Gino 01 January 2011 (has links)
Intimate partner violence (IPV), typically considered in the domestic context, has been shown to have considerable effects on women's employment and health. While the literature has recently grown in this area, very few studies have examined the prevalence of work-related IPV among men. Furthermore, the extant literature on work-related IPV has largely ignored the experience of ethnic minorities, specifically Latinos. Many factors suggest that rates and forms of IPV might be different among other racial and ethnic groups. Some studies that examine IPV among Latinos have sought to understand the role of acculturation and socioeconomic contexts. The purpose of this study was to examine work-related IPV among a sample of men enrolled in batterer intervention programs. In addition, we sought to examine the relationship between acculturation, socioeconomic contexts, and reports of work-related IPV among a subset of male Latinos. Overall, the findings confirm the upper ranges of previous estimates across studies (36% to 75%) of employed victims of IPV and their harassment by abusive partners while at work (Swanberg, Logan, & Macke, 2005; Taylor & Barusch, 2004). Specifically, we found that 60% of the entire sample reported work-related IPV that involved threatening behaviors and physical violence at their partner's job. The findings among Latinos suggest that a positive relationship exists between acculturation and work-related IPV. Specifically, proxy variables of acculturation (e.g., country of birth, language of survey, number of years in the U.S.) were hypothesized to be positively associated with higher levels of acculturation. Consistent with the hypotheses, we found significant relationships in the direction proposed. Lastly, socioeconomic status (e.g., income, education, employment status) was hypothesized to play a moderating role between acculturation and work-related IPV. However, results generally suggest that socioeconomic status (i.e., income, education) did not moderate the relationship between acculturation and work-related IPV. This study makes important contributions to the literature and has implications for employers. The significant rates of work-related IPV found in this study highlight the need to address this problem among employed males as an important step in preventing work-related IPV. Among Latinos, the level of acculturation and factors such as income, employment, and education are important contextual factors that provide a better understanding of IPV in Latino communities (Gryywacz, Rao, Gentry, Marin, & Arcury, 2009).

A critical analysis of multicultural education with special reference to the values issue in the South African context

Khetsekile, Nomawethu Gretta 01 January 2002 (has links)
The dissertation is ccncemed with the values iasue in the South African context, a multicultural education situation. South Africa is a plu~Hstfc society. Being pluralistic, means that 1he country is rich in different cultures, belief· and value systems. Different cultures haw different value systems. If an Institution is practising multicultural education, the question is, which values are to be used? If we say Ule institution should use the values of the majority culture, wiU 1hat not disadvantage minority cultures? ff minority cultures are undennined by neglecting their cultures won't that cause conflict between minority cultures and the majority culture? Each society that Is implementing multicultural education should consider that there are common human values and partia.dar values. In multicultural education particular values are important because they show how a particulat group behaves and what its beliefs and culture are. Common values dewlap from particular values and teachers must emphasise common values without neglecting particular values, to encourage tolerance and acceptance between different groups. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Philosophy of Education))

A comparison between western family therapy and the 'imbizo' system used in the black cultural environment

Sepenyane, Tlhoriso Audrey 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare western family therapy to the "imbizo" system that is used as a kind of family therapy in the black cultural environment. The "imbizo" system is different from western therapy in its composition. Relatives play a more prominent role than in western family therapy. The imbizo system provides unique support and aftercare to its clients. Unlike western therapy, it requires no payment of fees. The "imbizo" excludes children while western family therapy includes every family member as part of the system in the therapeutic process. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three male respondents from the Nguni ethnic group and one male and two females from the Sotho ethnic group. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

The application of Presbyterian polity and transfer of leadership in cross-cultural situations : a study in Presbyterian missiology

Quarterman, Clayton January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Direct and indirect aggression : a comparison of four cultural groups in South Africa

Moller, Norma Katherine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel van die huidige studie was om kruis-kulturele verskille ten opsigte van direkte en indirekte aggressie tussen Xhosa, Zulu, Kleurling en Blanke Suid-Afrikaanse studente te bestudeer. 'n Totaal van 832 studente het die Richardson Conflict Response Questionnaire (RCRQ), 'n vraelys wat direkte en indirekte aggressie meet, voltooi. Die Kleurling-deelnemers het beduidend-hoër vlakke van direkte aggressie gerapporteer as enige van die ander groepe. Die Zulu-deelnemers het beduidend-hoër vlakke van indirekte aggressie as beide die Xhosa- of Kleurling-deelnemers gerapporteer. Geen beduidende geslagsverskille kon vasgestel word nie. Daar is tot die slotsom gekom dat kultuur 'n groter bepaler van verskille ten opsigte van aggressiewe gedrag was as geslag van die deelnemers. Daar word vertrou dat die resultate van die huidige studie 'n bydra sal maak tot die effektiewe bestuur van aggressie in Suid-Afrika, asook tot die bevordering van internasionale begrip vir die kulturele diversiteit van die land. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT : The primary aim of the present study was to examine cross-cultural differences in direct and indirect aggression between Xhosa, Zulu, Coloured and White South African students. A total of 832 students completed the Richardson Conflict Response Questionnaire (RCRQ), a measure of direct and indirect aggression. The Coloured participants reported using significantly higher levels of direct aggression than any of the other cultural groups involved. The Zulu participants reported using significantly more indirect aggression than their Xhosa or Coloured counterparts. No significant gender differences could be established. It was concluded that culture was more predictive of differences in aggressive behaviour than was sex of the participants. It is hoped that these results may contribute towards the effective management of aggression in South Africa and assist in promoting international understanding of the cultural diversity in this country.

Die verskille tussen bruin en swart adolessente se seksuele gedrag

West, Heather Hayley 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Adolescents belonging to lower socio economic groups, seem to be at risk for teenage pregnancies as well as the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS. It is therefore important to study the sexual behaviour of these adolescents. This study focussed on the sexual behaviour of coloured and black female adolescents from working class communities. The respondents consisted of all the coloured and black female adolescents in a traditional coloured and a traditional black school in a semi-rural area. A self-administrative questionnaire was used. The questionnaire focussed on biographical details, the language adolescents use when they talk about sex as well as their sexual and contraceptive behaviour. The goals of the study were to describe the sexual behaviour of the black adolescents and to compare the sexual behaviour of the coloured and the black respondents. A quantitative methodology was used to examine the black respondents' range of sexual behaviour, communication about sex, sexual force and molestation as well as high risk sexual behaviour. According to the results a high percentage of black adolescents used Western and medical terms when they talk about sex. The sexually active black adolescents had coitus at an early age which could have implications for the incidence of teenage pregnancies and HIV/AIDS. A large percentage of the black adolescents indicated that they did not masturbate. Most of the black adolescents also indicated that they did not talk about sex with other people. A small percentage of the black adolescents reported that they were sexually molested or raped. A comparison with the coloured adolescents indicated that: more of the black adolescents reported that they had had coitus; more black adolescents reported pregnancies, more black respondents reported that they masturbated and fewer black adolescents reported that they smoked and used alcohol. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Adolessente wat aan laer sosio-ekonomtese graepe behaart, blyk 'n hoë risikagroep te wees vir tienerswangerskappe sawel as vir seksueel-aardraagbare siektes en MIV/VIGS. deel vorm. Dit is dus belangrik dat hierdie adalessente se seksuele gedrag nagevars ward. Hierdie studie het gefakus ap die seksuele gedrag van bruin en swart vroulike adolessente afkamstig uit werkersklas gemeenskappe. Die respandente het bestaan uit alle vroulike adolessente by 'n tradisianele bruin skaal en 'n tradisionele swart skaal in 'n semilandelike area. 'n Self-geadministreerde vraelys wat gefakus het ap biagrafiese gegewens, die taal wat adolessente gebruik wanneer hulle van seks praat asook seksuele en kantraseptiewe gedrag is in die studie gebruik. Die dael van die studie is eerstens om 'n beskrywing te bied van die swart adolessente se seksuele gedrag en tweedens om die seksuele gedrag van die bruin en swart adolessente met mekaar te vergelyk. "n Kwantitatiewe metadalagie is gebruik om die spektrum van seksuele gedrag, kommunikasie aar seks, seksuele dwang en malestering asook haë risiko seksuele gedrag van die swart respandente te ondersoek, Die resultate het daarop gedui dat "n graot persentasie van die swart adolessente gebruik maak van Westerse en mediese terme wanneer hulle van seks praat. Die aanvang van koïtus vir die seksueel aktiewe swart adolessente was ap "n vroeë ouderdom , wat implikasies kan hê vir die voorkoms van tienerswangerskappe en MIV/VIGS. 'n Graat persentasie van die swart adolessente het gerapparteer dat hulle nie masturbeer nie. Dit het verder geblyk dat hierdie graep swart adolessente selde verbaal aar seks kammunikeer met ander persone. "n Klein persentasie van die swart adolessente het qerapporteer dat hulle seksueel gemalesteer af verkrag is. "n Vergelyking met die bruin adolessente het aangedui dat meer swart adolessente kaitus gehad het, meer swart adalessente swangerskappe gerapparteer het, meer swart adalessente aangedui het dat hulle gemasturbeer het en dat minder swart adolessente raak en alkahalgebruik gerapparteer het.

Fears in a selected group of middle childhood South Africa children : a cross cultural study

Burkhardt, Käthe-Erla 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of this study was to determine the content, number, level and pattern of fears expressed by a culturally diverse selected group of middle childhood children in the Stellenbosch area. The secondary aim of this study was to establish whether there were any differences in the fears expressed with respect to culture, gender and socio-econmic status (SES) as well as to ascertain any differences with respect to the two fear measuring instruments. The two fear measuring instruments administered were the Free-Option Method (FOM) and the Fear Survey Schedule for Children Revised (FSSC-R). The FOM was used to determine the content and number of fears and the structured FSSC-R, to establish the content, number, level and pattern of fears. A predominantly quantitative method of data collection was used. In all, three questionnaires were completed by 404 middle childhood children between the ages of 8 and 12 years, attending four primary schools in the Stellenbosch area. These questionnaires comprised of the Biographical questionnaire, the FOM and the FSSC-R and were administered in the same order as mentioned. The data was also analysed in a quantitative manner. Culture was defined in the terms of the main representative cultural communities III the Stellenbosch area, namely, black, white and coloured South African children. The content of fears based on the results of the FOM yielded only a few similarities upon comparisons to the findings of previous studies. This, however, may be due to variations in the methodology of the FOM among studies. Similarities were found regarding the content of fears based on the FSSC-R results implying that certain fears are universal. The fear of crime or crime related aspects featured among the ten 11:0stcommon fears for all the children regardless of the measuring instrument used. The number and level of fears for the three cultural groups were the highest for the black South African children, followed by the coloured South African children while the white South African children displayed the lowest number and level of fears. The number and level of fears for all three cultures were generally higher than found elsewhere in the world according to previous studies. The pattern of fear was similar for all three cultures. Gender differences for all three cultures were consistent with preVIOUS research with girls expressing more fears than boys. Girls also displayed a higher level of fears on all the five factors than the boys. The number and level of fears was the highest for children coming from lower SES background than those coming from higher SES background. Difficulties were experienced with regard to sample size and SES and a caution to use the results regarding SES as only tentative guidelines is given. The similarities between the results on the two measuring instruments, the FOM and the FSSC-R, were sparse emphasising a need for the development of emic assessment tools. In the conclusion, recommendations for future studies are provided. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die prim ere doel van die onderhawige studie was om die inhoud, aantal, vlak en patroon van uitgesproke vrese deur 'n kultureel diverse geselekteerde groep van kinders in die middelkinderjare in die Stellenboscharea, te bepaal. Die sekondere doel van die onderhawige studie was om vas te stel of daar verskille was in die uitgesproke vrese wat uitgedruk is met betrekking tot kultuur, geslag en sosio-ekonomiese status (SES), sowel as die vergelyking tussen die twee meetinstrumente vir vrese. Die twee meetinstrumente wat toegepas is, is die "Free Option Method" (FOM) en die "Fear Survey for Children Revised" (FSSC-R). Die FOM was gebruik om die inhoud en aantal vrese te bepaal, terwyl die FSSC-R gebruik was om die inhoud, aantal, vlak en patroon van vrese te bepaal. 'n Oorwegende kwantitatiewe metode van data insameling is gebruik in hierdie studie. In totaal is drie vraelyste beantwoord deur 404 kinders in die middelkinderjare tussen die ouderdomme van 8 en 12 jaar, wat tans vier primere skole in die Stellenbosch area bywoon. Die drie vraelyste bestaan uit die Biografiese vraeIys, die FOM en die FSSC-R en is toegepas in die voorafgaande volgorde. Die data is ook kwantitatief geanaliseer. Kultuur is omskryf in terme van die hoof verteenwoordigende kultuurgemeenskappe III die Stellenbosch area, naamlik: swart, wit en kleurling Suid-Afrikaanse kinders. Die inhoud van die vrese wat op die resultate van die FOM gebaseer is, het weinig ooreengestem met ander navorsingsbevindings. Die verskynsel kan heeIwaarskynlik toegeskryf word aan die wisselende metodiek van die FOM in navorsing. 'n Groot mate van ooreenstemming met betrekking tot die inhoud van vrese wat gebaseer is op die FSSC-R resuitate, is bevind met betrekking tot verwante navorsing. Die implikasie hiervan is dat sekere vrese wel universeel is. Vrese vir geweld of geweiddadige aspekte het gefigureer onder die tien mees algemene vrese vir al die kinders, ongeag die meetintrument wat toegepas is. Die aantal en viak van vrese vir die ver~killende kuItuurgroepe was die hoogste vir die swart Suid-Afrikaanse kinders, gevoig deur die van die kleurling Suid- Afrikaanse kinders, terwyI die wit Suid-Afrikaanse kinders met die Iaagste aantal en vlak van vrese gepresenteer het. Die aantal en viak van uitgesproke vrese vir al drie kultuurgroepe was oor die algemeen hoer as die van navorsingbevindinge elders in die wereld. Die patroon van vrese was egter dieselfde vir die drie kultuurgroepe. Geslagverskille ten opsigte van al drie kultuurgroepe is in ooreenstemming met ander navorsingsresultate bevind. Meisies het, vergeleke met seuns, meer vrese, sowel as 'n hoer vlak van vrese op al vyf faktore van die FSSC-R getoon. Kinders vanuit 'n laer SES agtergrond het 'n groter aantal, sowel as hoer vlak van vrese ervaar as kinders vanuit 'n hoer SES agtergrond. As gevolg van die probleme wat ondervind is met die steekproefgrootte en die bepaling van SES, word gemaan om die resultate met betrekking tot SES net as tentatiewe riglyne te interpreteer. Daar was baie min ooreenstemming tussen die resultate van die twee meetinstrurnente, die FOM en die FSSC-R, wat die behoefte aan die ontwikkeling van gepaste meetintrurnente beklemtoon. Ten slotte word enkele riglyne vir verdere navorsing aanbeveel.

Cultural influences on attitudes toward aggression : a comparison between Spanish, Japanese and South African students

Beirowski, Karin January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of the present study was to examine whether the culture of a society influences the way in which people justify certain aggressive behaviours in certain situations. A total of 756 students from Spain, Japan and South Africa participated in completing the CAMA, a measure of justification of aggression. The results showed that there were significant differences within the countries. There were differences in the levels of acceptance of certain acts between these countries. Further fmdings also indicated that there was a difference between the males of the countries and between the females of these countries. It was found that cultural influences and the norms within these countries bring about differences in justification of aggression in different situations. There were also some general trends of acceptance, with direct and indirect verbal acts e.g. sarcasm, hindering and shouting being more acceptable than physical acts such as hitting, killing and torture. It is hoped that the present findings of this research will make members of society more aware of their responsibility to help reduce aggressive acts by teaching and reinforcing norms against it. It is also hoped that the international community will gain better insight into the fact that South-Africa faces unique challenges because of the political and social changes in the country. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel van die huidige studie was om vas te stelof 'n samelewing se kultuur 'n rol speel by die regverdiging van sekere aggressiewe gedrag in bepaalde omstandighede. 'n Totaal van 756 studente van Spanje, Japan en Suid Afrika het die CAMA vraelys voltooi. Die vraelys meet die regverdiging van aggressie in sekere omstandighede. Betekenisvolle verskille is tussen die lande gevind. Daar is ook betekenisvolle verskille tussen die mans van die drie lande asook tussen die vrouens van die drie lande gevind. Daar is gevind dat kulturele verskille en die norme binne 'n samelewing meebring dat daar verskille is in die mate waarin samelewings sekere aggressiewe gedrag aanvaarbaar vind in sekere situasies. Daar was ook 'n groter algemene aanvaarbaarheid van verbale aggressie bv. sarkasme, verhindering en skreeu as fisiese aggressie soos slaan, om dood te maak en marteling. Hopelik maak hierdie navorsing mense meer bewus van elkeen in die samelewing se verantwoordelikheid om die norme teen geweld te versterk asook om die norme aan hulle nageslagte oor te dra. Verder sal die internasionale gemeenskap hopelik beter insig kry oor die unieke uitdagings wat Suid-Afrika bied as gevolg van die politieke en sosiale veranderinge in die land.

Discourse strategies of lecturers in higher education classroom interaction : a case at the University Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Shartiely, Nikuigize Erick 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates how linguistic super diversity is managed in a higher education context in Tanzania. Specifically, the use of language in lectures to large classes made up of students with linguistically diverse backgrounds at the University of Dar es Salaam is in focus. Considering the multilingualism of the students as well as the lecturers, and a language-in-education policy, which prescribes English as the language of teaching and learning, the study is interested in the perceptions and practices of those teaching big numbers of students in large lecture halls. The data comprised eight recorded lectures and interviews with the respective lecturers. The intention was to identify, describe, document and analyse interactional strategies that lecturers use, particularly the discourse strategies that lecturers use in conveying new information at a relatively sophisticated level of academic rhetoric, and to facilitate interaction between them and students. With large numbers of students in the audience, and given that they are first year students new to the university-spoken register, lecturers are likely to make remarkable language choices consciously or unconsciously. Conversational Analysis (CA) and Discourse Analysis (DA) approaches facilitated the identification and analysis of conversational and discursive features of lectures as part of spoken registers that are generically used in university teaching. The analysis particularly considered the linguistic diversity of the participants in the higher education context in Tanzania and how lecturers use language to cater for such diversity. The sample involved eight lecturers, four from each of two departments regarded among those with the highest student numbers in the College of Arts and Social Sciences of the University of Dar es Salaam, namely the Department of Political Science and Public Administration and the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology. The findings indicate that lecturers use a selected number of both propositional and structural discourse strategies during lecture sessions. The three most notable propositional discourse strategies are repetition, use of questions, and use of code switching between English and Kiswahili. Lecturers use phrasal and clausal types of repetition to achieve cohesion, topic continuity and emphasis. They use tag, rhetorical, open and closed types of questions to check for comprehension, to stimulate higher level thinking, to manage classroom behaviour as well as to encourage students' participation and independent study. They also use inter and intra sentential types of code switching to engage with students, to translate some concepts, explain, and manage students' behaviour and to advise or encourage students. Regarding structural discourse strategies, the study shows that lecturers notably use discourse markers so and now as cohesive devices, marking such textual functions as framing, linking and showing consequential relationships. They use the discourse markers so and now to achieve similar communicative goals as those achieved using propositional discourse strategies. In referring to themselves or their audience, they use specific pronouns you, we, and I, to perform different functions. They use the pronoun you not only as an interactive device, but also as an explanatory device of significance in classroom interaction. They use the pronoun we not only as a solidarity device, but like you, also as a strong explanatory device. They also use the pronoun I to mark speaker's knowledge and his or her stance about it, and speaker's circumstance and experience. This study not only describes generic features and language practices in big lectures; it also engages critically with some of the established practices and in so doing adds to the literature on individual and societal multilingualism and how lecturers manage it in an African higher education context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie is 'n studie van die wyses waarop talige superdiversiteit binne 'n konteks van hoër onderwys in Tanzanië bestuur word. Meer spesifiek, word aandag gegee aan die gebruik van tale gedurende lesings vir groot klasse wat bestaan uit studente met talig diverse agtergronde. Met inagneming van die veeltaligheid van die studente sowel as die dosente, asook 'n taal-in-onderrig-beleid wat Engels as die taal van onderrig en leer voorskryf, stel die studie belang in die persepsies en praktyke van diegene wat groot getalle studente in groot lesinglokale onderrig. Die studie is kwalitatief dáárin dat dit gewerk het met 'n beperkte aantal opnames van lesings en van onderhoude met die dosente wie se klasse opgeneem is. Die bedoeling was om die mees opvallende interaksionele strategieë wat by die Universiteit van Dar es Salaam aangewend word, te identifiseer, te beskryf, te dokumenteer en ook te analiseer. Veral is gekyk na die diskoersstrategieë wat dosente gebruik om nuwe inligting op 'n redelik gesofistikeerde vlak van akademiese retoriek oor te dra, en om interaksie tussen die dosent en die studentegehoor te fasiliteer. Die generiese eienskappe van hierdie lesings is geïdentifiseer deur die hele reeks opnames na te gaan. Die groot getal studente in die gehoor en die gegewe dat hulle eerstetaalsprekers van 'n verskeidenheid verskillende gemeenskapstale is, sal dosente noodwendig, bewustelik of onbewustelik, interessante taalkeuses maak. Die feit dat beide Engels en Swahili amptelike tale in Tanzanië is, dat die meerderheid studente vlot sprekers van Swahili is, selfs al het hulle hulle hoërskoolonderrig deur die medium van Engels ontvang, lei tot die aannames dat (i) Swahili 'n sterk lingua franca tussen sprekers van verskillende eerstetale is, en (ii) voortgesette hoër onderrig deur die medium van Engels onproblematies behoort te wees. Die benaderings van Gespreksanalise (GA) en Diskoersanalise (DA) het die identifikasie en analise van gesprekseienskappe en diskursiewe eienskappe van lesings as deel van die gesproke registers wat generies in universiteitsonderrig gebruik word, gefasiliteer. Die analise het veral in die talige diversiteit van die deelnemers in die konteks van hoër onderrig in Tanzanië en in die wyse waarop die dosente vir hierdie diversiteit voorsiening maak, belanggestel. Die deelnemers aan hierdie studie was agt dosente, vier elk uit twee departemente met die hoogste studentetal by die Kollege van Kuns en Sosiale Wetenskappe van die Universiteit, naamlik die Departement Politieke Wetenskap en Publieke Administrasie en die Departement Sosiologie en Sosiale Antropologie. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat dosente gereeld en generies 'n telbare aantal proposisionele en strukturele diskoersstrategieë gedurende lesings gebruik. Die drie mees opvallende proposisionele diskoersstrategieë is herhaling, die gebruik van vrae en die gebruik van kodewisseling tussen Engels en Swahili. Dosente gebruik frase- sowel as klousherhaling om kohesie, kontinuïteit van die onderwerp en klem te bewerkstellig. Hulle gebruik einddeel-, retoriese en oop en geslote tipe vrae om begrip te toets, om 'n hoër denkvlak te stimuleer, om die gedrag in die klaskamer te beheer, asook om die studente se deelname en onafhanklike studie aan te moedig. Hulle gebruik ook kodewisseling binne en tussen sinne ten einde nouer met die studente te skakel, sekere konsepte te vertaal, studente se optrede te verduidelik, te vertaal en te beheer en studente te adviseer of aan te moedig. Betreffende die strukturele diskoersstrategieë toon die studie aan dat die diskoersmerkers so en now wyd deur dosente gebruik word as kohesiemeganismes wat tekstuele funksies soos raming, skakeling en oorsaaklike verhoudinge aandui. Hulle wend die diskoersmerkers so en now aan om dieselfde kommunikatiewe doelwitte te bereik as dié wat bereik is met die gebruik van proposisionele diskoersstrategieë. In verwysing na hulleself of die toehoorders, span hulle spesifiek die voornaamwoorde you, we en I in om verskillende referensiële funksies of aanspreek funksies te verrig. Die voornaamwoord you word nie slegs as 'n interaktiewe meganisme gebruik nie, maar ook as 'n beduidende verklarende meganisme in klaskamer interaksie. Hulle gebruik die voornaamwoord we nie net as 'n samehorigheids-meganisme nie, maar ook, soos you, as 'n sterk verklarende meganisme. Hulle gebruik ook die voornaamwoord I om sprekerskennis te merk en sy/haar houding daaromtrent uit te druk, asook die spreker se omstandighede en ervaring. In die analise word aandag gegee aan relevante aspekte van tweetalige onderrig, die gebruik van Engels as 'n lingua franca, en die verskynsel van kodewisseling in akademiese diskoers binne 'n veeltalige onderrigkonteks. Die studie beskryf nie alleen generiese eienskappe en taalpraktyke in groot groep lesings nie; dit oorweeg ook sekere gevestigde gebruike in groot lesings dra daarmee by tot die literatuur oor invividuele en gemeenskaplike veeltaligheid en hoe dit hanteer word deur dosente in 'n hoër onderwyskonteks in Afrika. / The African Doctoral Academy (ADA) for awarding me a full scholarship for full time doctoral study; the financial assistance the University of Dar es Salaam furnished me with through the Directorate of Research and Publication.

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