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Demersal communities in the Mediterranean Sea: a case study of Triglidae (Osteichthyes, Scorpaeniformes) on the conservation and sustainable use of marine resourcesMontanini, Stefano <1981> 12 May 2015 (has links)
An appropriate management of fisheries resources can only be achieved with the continuous supply of information on the structure and biology of populations, in order to predict the temporal fluctuations. This study supports the importance of investigating the bio-ecology of increasingly exploited and poorly known species, such as gurnards (Osteichthyes, Triglidae) from Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean), to quantify their ecological role into marine community. It also focuses on investigate inter and intra-specific structuring factor of Adriatic population. These objectives were achieved by: 1) investigating aspects of the population dynamics; 2) studying the feeding biology through the examination of stomach contents; 3) using sagittal otoliths as potential marker of species life cycle; 4) getting preliminary data on mDNA phylogeny. Gurnards showed a specie-specific “critical size” coinciding with the start of sexual maturity, the tendency to migrate to greater depths, a change of diet from crustaceans to fish and an increase of variety of food items eaten. Distribution of prey items, predator size range and depth distribution were the main dimensions that influence the breadth of trophic niche and the relative difference amongst Adriatic gurnards. Several feeding preferences were individuated and a possible impact among bigger-size gurnards and other commercial fishes (anchovy, gadoids) and Crustacea (such as mantis prawn and shrimps) were to be necessary considered. Otolith studies showed that gurnard species have a very fast growth despite other results in other areas; intra-specific differences and the increase in the variability of otolith shape, sulcus acusticus shape, S:O ratios, sulcus acusticus external crystals arrangement were shown between juveniles and adults and were linked to growth (individual genetic factors) and to environmental conditions (e.g. depth and trophic niche distribution). In order to facilitate correct biological interpretation of data, molecular data were obtained for comparing morphological distance to genetic ones.
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Identificazione di possibili unita' di stock di Anguilla anguilla mediante analisi microchimica e morfometrica degli otoliti / Identification of possible stock units of Anguilla anguilla through microchemical and morphometric otolith analysesStagioni, Marco <1974> 11 May 2015 (has links)
L’anguilla europea, è una specie eurialina catadroma con un complesso ciclo biologico: l’area di riproduzione, unica, si trova molto distante da quella di distribuzione. La specie necessita di una gestione dello stock a fini conservazionistici. Il problema è europeo: lo stock è unico, distribuito in Europa e nell’Africa settentrionale, si riproduce in Atlantico ed è panmittico. C’è preoccupazione per il declino del reclutamento e delle catture di adulti. Lo scopo del progetto è di individuare possibili unità di stock nella penisola italiana. La ricerca è basata sullo studio degli otoliti mediante analisi morfometrica e microchimica. I contorni degli otoliti sono sottoposti ad analisi ellittica di Fourier per individuare eventuali gruppi. Gli otoliti sono stati levigati per effettuare: letture d’età, indagini microstrutturali al SEM delle fasi larvali, analisi microchimiche LA-ICP-MS del nucleo, studiarne l’origine e valutare l’ambiente di sviluppo. Le indagini morfometriche mostrano evidenti pattern ontogenetici, ma non legati ocorrelati alla località, sesso o anno di nascita. Le indagini microstrutturali hanno evidenziano l’alto contenuto organico nucleare, un pattern comune di crescita ed eventi chiave delle fasi larvali, con una media di 212 anelli giornalieri. La microchimica rivela che le larve si sviluppano in acque salate fino alla metamorfosi, poi migrano verso acque meno salate. Le analisi su campioni nati nello stesso anno, evidenziano due gruppi: individui di rimonta naturale e individui di ripopolamento. I profili nucleo bordo evidenziano la permanenza a salinità intermedie degli adulti. L’attività di ricerca si è dimostrata proficua dal punto di vista tecnico con la messa a punto di protocolli innovativi e con forti ricadute sulla riduzione dei tempi e costi d’analisi. Il debole segnale di possibili unità di stock andrà verificato in futuro mediante analisi più dettagliate discriminando meglio la storia di ogni singolo individuo. / The European eel is euryhaline catadromous with a complex life cycle: spawning area, unique, is far from that of distribution. The species needs a stock management and its conservation. The problem is European: the stock is unique, distributed in Europe and North Africa, spawning in Atlantic Sea and is panmictic. There is concern about the decline of recruitment and catches of adults. The purpose of the project is to identify possible units of stock in the Italian peninsula. The research is based on the study of otoliths by morphometric and microchemical analyses . The otoliths contours are analyzed by elliptic Fourier function to discover any groups. Otoliths were polished to make: ageing, SEM microstructural investigations of larval stages, LA-ICP-MS microchemical analysis of the core to study the origin and along a transect core to edge to evaluate the development environment. Morphometric investigations show obvious ontogenetic pattern, but no location, gender or year of birth correlation. The microstructural investigations showed high organic content in the core, a common pattern of growth and key events of the larval stages, with an average of 212 daily rings. The microchemical reveals that the larvae develop into salt water until metamorphosis, then migrate to waters less salty. Analyses of samples born in the same year, showed two groups: wild and restocked. The profiles confirm that the adult stay in brackishwater. The development of innovative protocols and improved technics have guaranteed a strong reduction of time and cost of analysis. The weak signal of possible stock units will be further tested through more detailed analysis discriminating about the life history of each individual.
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Transposable elements dynamics in taxa with different reproductive strategies or speciation rateRicci, Marco <1982> 08 May 2014 (has links)
In recent years the advances in genomics allowed to understand the importance of Transposable Elements (TE) in the evolution of eukaryotic genomes. In this thesis I face two aspects of the TE impact on the in the animal kingdom. The first part is a comparison of the dynamics of the TE dynamics in three species of stick-insects of the Genus Bacillus. I produced three random genomic libraries of 200 Kbps for the three parental species of the taxon: a gonochoric population of Bacillus rossius (facultative parthenogenetic), Bacillus grandii (gonochoric) and Bacillus atticus (obligate parthenogenetic). The unisexual taxon Bacillus atticus does not shows dramatic differences in TE total content and activity with respect to Bacillus grandii and Bacillus rossius. This datum does not confirm the trend observed in other animal models in which unisexual taxa tend to repress the activity of TE to escape the extinction by accumulation of harmful mutations. In the second part I tried to add a contribute to the debate initiated in recent years about the possibility that a high TE content is linked to a high rate of speciation. I designed an evolutionary framework to establish the different rate of speciation among two or more taxa, then I compared TE dynamics considering the different rates of speciation. The species dataset comprises: 29 mammals, four birds, two fish and two insects. On the whole the majority of comparisons confirms the expected trend. In particular the amount of species analyzed in Mammalia allowed me to get a statistical support (p<0,05) of the fact that the TE activity of recently mobilized elements is positively related with the rate of speciation.
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Il principio di precauzione quale strumento di tutela della salute umana: limite o incentivo al commercio dei farmaci? / Precautionary principle and Health Protection: limit or incentive to Drug trade?Bertarini, Beatrice <1983> 03 June 2015 (has links)
La tesi dottorale si incentra sull'analisi del principio di precauzione e sulla sua portata applicativa in quella che possiamo definire “la vita del medicinale”.
La disamina prende le sue mosse dalla teoria generale relativa al principio di precauzione e ne indaga, in primis, le sue origini e la sua evoluzione e successivamente ne considera la trasposizione giuridica nel settore ambientale e della salute umana.
Si può sintetizzare, in via generale, come il ricorso al principio di precauzione avvenga quando il rischio connesso ad un evento non è un rischio determinato, ma è un rischio potenziale, cioè non supportato da dati scientifici che dimostrino in modo chiaro la connessione esistente tra avvenimento e danni (causa – effetto). In particolare, i dati scientifici che tentano di analizzare detto rischio non sono sufficienti o non sono giunti ad un risultato concludente e quindi la valutazione che viene fatta non consente di determinare il rischio con sufficiente certezza.
La tesi dottorale focalizza la sua attenzione sull’applicazione del principio di precauzione ad un particolare bene, il medicinale; la necessità di minimizzare i rischi derivanti dall’assunzione del farmaco richiede un presidio dei pubblici poteri e di conseguenza questo comporta la necessità di “amministrare” il medicinale anche attraverso una serie di autorizzazioni amministrative quali l’autorizzazione alla produzione, l’autorizzazione all’immissione in commercio, l’autorizzazione alla distribuzione ed alla commercializzazione. / The study focuses its attention on the analysis of the precautionary principle and its application in the phases that characterize the production chain of the medicine.
The precautionary principle is applied when the risk related to an event is not a risk determined, but it is a potential risk because scientific data do not demonstrate a clear connection between the incident and damage
The need to minimize the risk associated with the recruitment of a medicinal requires a defense of Public Authority that is implemented through
the manufacturing authorization, the marketing authorization, authorization for distribution and marketing.
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Characterization of mitochondrial genomes in bivalve species with doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondriaGuerra, Davide <1986> 12 May 2015 (has links)
Many bivalve species possess two distinct mtDNA lineages, called F and M, respectively inherited maternally and paternally: this system is called doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI). The main experimental project of my PhD was the quantification of the two mtDNAs during the development of the DUI species Ruditapes philippinarum, from early embryos to sub-adults, using Real-Time qPCR. I identified the time interval in which M mtDNA is lost from female individuals, while it is retained in males (which are heteroplasmic through all of their life cycle). The results also suggested absence of mtDNA replication during early embryogenesis, a process constituting a bottleneck that highly reduces the copy number of mtDNA molecules in cells of developing larvae. In males this bottleneck may produce cells homoplasmic for M mtDNA, and could be considered as a first step of the segregation of M in the male germ line. Another finding was the characterization, in young clams approaching the first reproductive season, of a significant boost in copy number of F mtDNA in females and of M in males. Given the age of animals in which this mtDNA-specific growth was observed, the finding could probably be the outcome of the first round of gonads and gametes production. Other lines of research included the characterization of the unassigned regions in mt genomes of DUI bivalves. These regions can harbor signals involved in the control of replication and/or transcription of the mtDNA molecule, as well as additional open reading frames (ORFs) not related to oxidative phosphorylation. These features in DUI species could be associated to the maintenance of separate inheritance routes for the two mtDNAs. Additional ORFs are also found in other animal mt genomes: I summarized the presence of gene duplications as a co-author in a review focusing on animal mt genomes with unusual gene content.
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Essays in policy evaluationDe Angelis, Ilaria <1985> 15 June 2015 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three empirical studies that aim at providing new evidence in the field of public policy evaluation. In particular, the first two chapters focus on the effects of the European cohesion policy, while the third chapter assesses the effectiveness of Italian labour market incentives in reducing long-term unemployment.
The first study analyses the effect of EU funds on life satisfaction across European regions , under the assumption that projects financed by structural funds in the fields of employment, education, health and environment may affect the overall quality of life in recipient regions. Using regional data from the European Social Survey in 2002-2006, it resorts to a regression discontinuity design, where the discontinuity is provided by the institutional framework of the policy.
The second study aims at estimating the impact of large transfers from a centralized authority to a local administration on the incidence of white collar crimes. It merges a unique dataset on crimes committed in Italian municipalities between 2007 and 2011 with information on the disbursement of EU structural funds in 2007-2013 programming period, employing an instrumental variable estimation strategy that exploits the variation in the electoral cycle at local level.
The third study analyses the impact of an Italian labour market policy that allowed firms to cut their labour costs on open-ended job contracts when hiring long-term unemployed workers. It takes advantage of a unique dataset that draws information from the unemployment lists in Veneto region and it resorts to a regression discontinuity approach to estimate the effect of the policy on the job finding rate of long-term unemployed workers.
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Essays in Macroecometrics: methodological aspects and empirical applicationsGunnella, Vanessa <1985> 11 June 2015 (has links)
In the first chapter, I develop a panel no-cointegration test which extends Pesaran, Shin and Smith (2001)'s bounds test to the panel framework by considering the individual regressions in a Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) system. This allows to take into account unobserved common factors that contemporaneously affect all the units of the panel and provides, at the same time, unit-specific test statistics. Moreover, the approach is particularly suited when the number of
individuals of the panel is small relatively to the number of time series observations.
I develop the algorithm to implement the test and I use Monte Carlo simulation to analyze the properties of the test. The small sample properties of the test are remarkable, compared to its single equation counterpart. I illustrate the use of the test through a test of Purchasing Power Parity in a panel of EU15 countries.
In the second chapter of my PhD thesis, I verify the Expectation Hypothesis of the Term Structure in the repurchasing agreements (repo) market with a new testing approach. I consider an "inexact" formulation of the EHTS, which models a time-varying component in the risk premia and I treat the interest rates as a non-stationary cointegrated system. The effect of the heteroskedasticity is controlled by means of testing procedures (bootstrap and heteroskedasticity correction) which are robust to variance and covariance shifts over time.
I fi#nd that the long-run implications of EHTS are verified. A rolling window analysis clarifies that the EHTS is only rejected in periods of turbulence of #financial markets.
The third chapter introduces the Stata command "bootrank" which implements the bootstrap likelihood ratio rank test algorithm developed by Cavaliere et al. (2012). The command is illustrated through an empirical application on the term structure of interest rates in the US.
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The Structure of Financial Supervision: Consolidation or Fragmentation for Financial Regulators?Jabotinsky, Hadar Yoana <1978> 16 December 2014 (has links)
This research was designed to answer the question of which direction the restructuring of financial regulators should take – consolidation or fragmentation.
This research began by examining the need for financial regulation and its related costs. It then continued to describe what types of regulatory structures exist in the world; surveying the regulatory structures in 15 jurisdictions, comparing them and discussing their strengths and weaknesses.
This research analyzed the possible regulatory structures using three methodological tools: Game-Theory, Institutional-Design, and Network-Effects.
The incentives for regulatory action were examined in Chapter Four using game theory concepts. This chapter predicted how two regulators with overlapping supervisory mandates will behave in two different states of the world (where they can stand to benefit from regulating and where they stand to lose). The insights derived from the games described in this chapter were then used to analyze the different supervisory models that exist in the world.
The problem of information-flow was discussed in Chapter Five using tools from institutional design. The idea is based on the need for the right kind of information to reach the hands of the decision maker in the shortest time possible in order to predict, mitigate or stop a financial crisis from occurring.
Network effects and congestion in the context of financial regulation were discussed in Chapter Six which applied the literature referring to network effects in general in an attempt to conclude whether consolidating financial regulatory standards on a global level might also yield other positive network effects.
Returning to the main research question, this research concluded that in general the fragmented model should be preferable to the consolidated model in most cases as it allows for greater diversity and information-flow. However, in cases in which close cooperation between two authorities is essential, the consolidated model should be used.
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Lateral spreading and associated slope processes in fractured rock slabsSpreafico, Margherita Cecilia <1984> 21 May 2015 (has links)
Landslides of the lateral spreading type, involving brittle geological units overlying ductile terrains, are a common occurrence in the sandstone and limestone plateaux of the northern Apennines of Italy. These instability phenomena can become particularly risky, when historical towns and cultural heritage sites built on the top of them are endangered. Neverthless, the mechanisms controlling the developing of related instabilities, i.e. toppling and rock falls, at the edges of rock plateaux are not fully understood yet. In addition, the groundwater flow path developing at the contact between the more permeable units, i.e. the jointed rock slab, and the relatively impermeable clay-rich units have not been already studied in details, even if they may play a role in this kind of instability processes, acting as eventual predisposing and/or triggering factors. Field survey, Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Close Range Photogrammetry techniques, laboratory tests on the involved materials, hydrogeological monitoring and modelling, displacements evaluation and stability analysis through continuum and discontinuum numerical codes have been performed on the San Leo case study, with the aim to bring further insights for the understanding and the assessment of the slope processes taking place in this geological context.
The current research permitted to relate the aquifer behaviour of the rocky slab to slope instability processes. The aquifer hosted in the fractured slab leads to the development of perennial and ephemeral springs at the contact between the two units. The related piping erosion phenomena, together with slope processes in the clay-shales led to the progressive undermining of the slab. The cliff becomes progressively unstable due to undermining and undergoes large-scale landslides due to fall or topple.
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Relationship Between Chronic Inflammation and Cancer: Interleukin-1β Overexpression Induces Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma in Oncogenic Kras MiceMacchini, Marina <1982> January 1900 (has links)
Chronic pancreatitis is an established risk factor for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) development. Polymorphisms in the pro-inflammatory cytokine gene interleukin 1β (IL-1β), as well as high IL-1β or low IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) serum levels, are associated to worse prognosis in PDAC patients. To characterize the role of IL-1β in pancreatic tumorigenesis, we generated a transgenic mouse model bearing KRASG12D mutation combined to chronic inflammation induced by pancreatic overexpression of human IL-1β (KC-IL-1β). We found that IL-1β overexpression induced PDAC onset in 6 out of 13 KRASG12D bearing animals (46%), with a median overall survival of 10.5 months, compared to only 1 out of 13 mice carrying KRASG12D mutation alone (KC)(7.7% p= 0.02).
In primary pancreatic KRASG12D organoid cultures, IL-1β exposure increased the number of spheroids and induced gene expression changes consistent with epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), as shown by increased expression of vimentin, Zeb1, Snail. All these changes were counteracted using a recombinant human IL-1receptor antagonist (IL1-RA). Consistently, immuno-histochemical analysis confirmed that in KC-IL-1β tumor epithelial cells and metastasis were strongly positive for vimentin.
The relevance of these findings was confirmed in human PDAC, showing higher IL-1 receptor I (IL1-RI) and vimentin expression in tumor tissue compared with adjacent normal pancreas.
Regarding the mechanism involved in EMT activation, IL-1β exposure was found to induce an up-regulation of ribosome biogenesis rate, with consequent down-regulation of p53 protein expression which has been shown to be responsible for EMT changes.
The finding that IL-1β/IL1-RI inflammatory pathway stimulates acinar cell proliferation and promotes EMT provides the rationale for a therapeutic strategy based on IL-1β receptor blockade to counteract inflammation-induced pancreatic tumorigenesis
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