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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Petrinetze zum Entwurf selbststabilisierender Algorithmen

Vesper, Tobias 08 December 2000 (has links)
Edsger W. Dijkstra prägte im Jahr 1974 den Begriff Selbststabilisierung (self-stabilization) in der Informatik. Ein System ist selbststabilisierend, wenn es von jedem denkbaren Zustand aus nach einer endlichen Anzahl von Aktionen ein stabiles Verhalten erreicht. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit steht der Entwurf selbststabilisierender Algorithmen. Wir stellen eine Petrinetz-basierte Methode zum Entwurf selbststabilisierender Algorithmen vor. Wir validieren unsere Methode an mehreren Fallstudien: Ausgehend von algorithmischen Ideen existierender Algorithmen beschreiben wir jeweils die die schrittweise Entwicklung eines neuen Algorithmus. Dazu gehört ein neuer randomisierter selbststabilisierender Algorithmus zur Leader Election in einem Ring von Prozessoren. Dieser Algorithmus ist abgeleitet aus einem publizierten Algorithmus, von dem wir hier erstmals zeigen, daß er fehlerhaft arbeitet. Wir weisen die Speicherminimalität unseres Algorithmus nach. Ein weiteres Ergebnis ist der erste Algorithmus, der ohne Time-Out-Aktionen selbststabilisierenden Tokenaustausch in asynchronen Systemen realisiert. Petrinetze bilden einen einheitlichen formalen Rahmen für die Modellierung und Verifikation dieser Algorithmen. / In 1974, Edsger W. Dijkstra suggested the notion of self-stabilization. A system is self-stabilizing if regardless of the initial state it eventually reaches a stable behaviour. This thesis focuses on the design of self-stabilizing algorithms. We introduce a new Petri net based method for the design of self-stabilizing algorithms. We validate our method on several case studies. In each of the case studies, our stepwise design starts from an algorithmic idea and leads to a new self-stabilizing algorithm. One of these algorithms is a new randomized self-stabilizing algorithm for leader election in a ring of processors. This algorithm is derived from a published algorithm which we show to be incorrect. We prove that our algorithm is space-minimal. A further result is the first algorithm for token-passing in a asynchronous environment which works without time-out actions. Petri nets form a unique framework for modelling and verification of these algorithms.

Two-sided markets in the online world

Hildebrand, Thomas 28 June 2011 (has links)
Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei Aufsätzen, in denen verschiedene Aspekte von zweiseitigen Märkten untersucht werden. Dabei handelt es sich um Märkte mit zwei verschiedenen Nutzergruppen, von denen jede Netzwerkeffekte auf die jeweils andere Seite ausübt. Im ersten Aufsatz werden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den traditionellen (offline) Nachfragekanälen und den neuen (online) Nachfragekanälen in der deutschen Zeitschriftenindustrie analysiert. Dabei liegt der Fokus insbesondere auf den Effekten zwischen Offlinewerbung und Onlinewerbung. Das Ergebnis der Schätzung eines dafür entwickelten ökonomischen Modells ist, dass Offline- und Onlinewerbung moderate Substitute füreinander sind. Dies erklärt die Verlagerung von Offline- zu Onlinewerbung, die man in den vergangen Jahren beobachten konnte. Im zweiten Aufsatz wird ein semistruktureller Ansatz zur Messung von Netzwerk-Effekten auf potentiell zweiseitigen Monopol-Plattformen entwickelt. Der Test ist hinreichend, wenn lediglich Daten zum Gesamtumsatz der Plattform zur Verfügung stehen. Sind getrennte Umsatzdaten für die beiden Seiten verfügbar, dann ist der Test sowohl notwendig als auch hinreichend. Der dritte Aufsatz untersucht Mechanismen und Anreize, die die Koordination von Angebot und Nachfrage auf Kreditmärkten ermöglichen, in denen es keine Finanzintermediäre mit eigener finanzieller Beteiligung an den vergebenen Darlehen gibt. Dazu wird der Online-Direktkreditmarkt analysiert, in welchem an die Stelle von klassischen Finanzintermediären ein System von Gruppen tritt. Anhand eines Differenz-in-Differenzen-Ansatzes wird gezeigt, dass Entgelte für die Leiter dieser Gruppen zu adversen Anreizen führen können. Nach Abschaffung der Entgelte differenzieren die Leiter der Gruppen deutlich stärker bei der Auswahl derjenigen Kreditgesuche, die sie als investitionswürdig empfehlen. Gleiches ist zu beobachten, wenn die Leiter der Gruppen selbst zu einem großen Teil an den entsprechenden Darlehen beteiligt sind. / This dissertation investigates various aspects of two-sided markets - markets with at least two distinct user groups each of which exerts inter-group network effects on the other side - in the online world. In the first paper, I examine the interactions between the traditional (offline) demand channels and the new (online) demand channels in the German magazines industry, focusing in particular on the link between offline and online advertising. I find that offline and online advertising are substitutes although not perfect ones. This explains the shift from offline to online advertising observed in recent years. In the second paper, I develop a semi-structural approach to identify network effects on two-sided monopoly platforms without data on prices and quantities. A sufficient test for the existence of network effects is derived when only data on total revenue is available. If separate revenue data is available on the two sides, then the test is both necessary and sufficient. The third paper investigates the certification mechanisms and incentives that enable lending markets to match demand and supply despite the absence of financial intermediaries with skin in the game. The institutional setting for this analysis is the online social lending market, in which potential lenders and borrowers interact directly without a financial intermediary but can create self-organized groups instead. A difference-in-difference approach is used to examine how the same groups behave before and after the exogenously imposed elimination of rewards for the leaders of these groups. Allowing group leader rewards is found to be detrimental for the market outcome. Group leaders become more careful in screening after the elimination of these rewards, and if their loan participation is high, i.e. when they have skin in the game and are thus severely hurt by a borrower default.

En studie på flygvapenpiloter kring KASAM och meningsfullhet med yrket / A study of air force pilots on SOC and meaningfulness of the profession

Däldehög, Filip January 2010 (has links)
<p>Författaren till detta arbete har anledning att tro att piloter från olika flygsystem inom Flygvapnet känner olika stor grad av meningsfullhet med det arbete de utför. I detta arbete gör författaren en undersökning där han utifrån ett beteendevetenskapligt perspektiv försöker påvisa sådana skillnader mellan stridspiloter och transportflygpiloter. Samt vilka effekter dessa skillnader i så fall kan innebära för piloternas hälsa och motivation i såväl yrket som i livet i allmänhet. Författaren beskriver utifrån Aaron Antonovskys teori om känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) hur det går att förklara varför vissa människor är bättre rustade än andra för att klara av problematiska situationer eller svåra händelser. Vidare beskriver författaren även vikten av att individer känner en meningsfullhet i det arbete de utför och hur detta kan påverka deras vilja till att stanna kvar i det. Största delen av empirin till arbetet erhåller författaren genom en enkätundersökning bland piloter i Flygvapnet som flyger antingen JAS 39 Gripen eller C-130 Hercules. Resultatet av undersökningen är att författaren inte lyckas påvisa någon skillnad i känsla av sammanhang mellan de båda grupperna. De har utifrån detta resultat således likartade förutsättningar för att hantera motgångar och svåra situationer i livet. Författaren ser vidare en tendens till att transportflygpiloterna uppfattar sitt arbete som något mer meningsfullt än stridspiloterna, särskilt tydligt är detta i åldersintervallet 30-39 år. Författaren lyckas emellertid inte påvisa dessa skillnader som statistiskt signifikanta och utifrån uppmätt meningsfullhet med yrket drar författaren slutsatsen att de båda pilotgrupperna har likartade förutsättningar till att vilja stanna kvar inom sina respektive yrken.</p> / <p>The author of this work has reasons to believe that pilots from different systems within the Swedish air force experiences different degree of meaning with that work they carry out. In this essay the author does a survey where he on the basis of a behavior scientific perspective tries to identify such differences between fighter pilots and transport pilots. He also tries to describe what possible effects these differences, if they exist, could cause for the pilots' health and motivation. The author describes on the basis of Aaron Antonovskys theory about sense of coherence (SOC) how it is possible to explain why some people, better than other, manage to copewith difficult situations or threatening events. Furthermore the author describes the importance of feeling a purpose and meaningfulness with the work the pilots do and how this may affect their willingness to remain in their trade. The author has obtained most of the empirical material through a survey among pilots in the Swedish Air Force, flying either the JAS 39 Gripen or the C-130 Hercules. The result of the study is that the author is not able to detect any differences in sense of coherence (SOC) between the two groups of pilots. Based on this result they therefore seem to have similar abilities to handle adversities and difficult situations in life. The author also sees a tendency that cargo pilots experiences their work as something more meaningful than fighter pilots, this is particularly evident in the age 30-39 years. However, the author does not manage to prove these differences as statistically significant. Based on the study the author therefore draws the conclusionthat neither of the two different groups of pilots is more likely than the other to leave their profession due to lack of meaningfulness with what they are accomplishing.</p>

En studie på flygvapenpiloter kring KASAM och meningsfullhet med yrket / A study of air force pilots on SOC and meaningfulness of the profession

Däldehög, Filip January 2010 (has links)
Författaren till detta arbete har anledning att tro att piloter från olika flygsystem inom Flygvapnet känner olika stor grad av meningsfullhet med det arbete de utför. I detta arbete gör författaren en undersökning där han utifrån ett beteendevetenskapligt perspektiv försöker påvisa sådana skillnader mellan stridspiloter och transportflygpiloter. Samt vilka effekter dessa skillnader i så fall kan innebära för piloternas hälsa och motivation i såväl yrket som i livet i allmänhet. Författaren beskriver utifrån Aaron Antonovskys teori om känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) hur det går att förklara varför vissa människor är bättre rustade än andra för att klara av problematiska situationer eller svåra händelser. Vidare beskriver författaren även vikten av att individer känner en meningsfullhet i det arbete de utför och hur detta kan påverka deras vilja till att stanna kvar i det. Största delen av empirin till arbetet erhåller författaren genom en enkätundersökning bland piloter i Flygvapnet som flyger antingen JAS 39 Gripen eller C-130 Hercules. Resultatet av undersökningen är att författaren inte lyckas påvisa någon skillnad i känsla av sammanhang mellan de båda grupperna. De har utifrån detta resultat således likartade förutsättningar för att hantera motgångar och svåra situationer i livet. Författaren ser vidare en tendens till att transportflygpiloterna uppfattar sitt arbete som något mer meningsfullt än stridspiloterna, särskilt tydligt är detta i åldersintervallet 30-39 år. Författaren lyckas emellertid inte påvisa dessa skillnader som statistiskt signifikanta och utifrån uppmätt meningsfullhet med yrket drar författaren slutsatsen att de båda pilotgrupperna har likartade förutsättningar till att vilja stanna kvar inom sina respektive yrken. / The author of this work has reasons to believe that pilots from different systems within the Swedish air force experiences different degree of meaning with that work they carry out. In this essay the author does a survey where he on the basis of a behavior scientific perspective tries to identify such differences between fighter pilots and transport pilots. He also tries to describe what possible effects these differences, if they exist, could cause for the pilots' health and motivation. The author describes on the basis of Aaron Antonovskys theory about sense of coherence (SOC) how it is possible to explain why some people, better than other, manage to copewith difficult situations or threatening events. Furthermore the author describes the importance of feeling a purpose and meaningfulness with the work the pilots do and how this may affect their willingness to remain in their trade. The author has obtained most of the empirical material through a survey among pilots in the Swedish Air Force, flying either the JAS 39 Gripen or the C-130 Hercules. The result of the study is that the author is not able to detect any differences in sense of coherence (SOC) between the two groups of pilots. Based on this result they therefore seem to have similar abilities to handle adversities and difficult situations in life. The author also sees a tendency that cargo pilots experiences their work as something more meaningful than fighter pilots, this is particularly evident in the age 30-39 years. However, the author does not manage to prove these differences as statistically significant. Based on the study the author therefore draws the conclusionthat neither of the two different groups of pilots is more likely than the other to leave their profession due to lack of meaningfulness with what they are accomplishing.

Contributions to the 11th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis

28 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Formal concept analysis (FCA) is a mathematical formalism based on order and lattice theory for data analysis. It has found applications in a broad range of neighboring fields including Semantic Web, data mining, knowledge representation, data visualization and software engineering. ICFCA is a series of annual international conferences that started in 2003 in Darmstadt and has been held in several continents: Europe, Australia, America and Africa. ICFCA has evolved to be the main forum for researchers working on theoretical or applied aspects of formal concept analysis worldwide. In 2013 the conference returned to Dresden where it was previously held in 2006. This year the selection of contributions was especially competitive. This volume is one of two volumes containing the papers presented at ICFCA 2013. The other volume is published by Springer Verlag as LNAI 7880 in its LNCS series. In addition to the regular contributions, we have included an extended abstract: Jean-Paul Doignon reviews recent results connecting formal concept analysis and knowledge space theory in his contribution “Identifiability in Knowledge Space Theory: a Survey of Recent Results”. The high-quality of the program of the conference was ensured by the much-appreciated work of the authors, the Program Committee members, and the Editorial Board members. Finally, we wish to thank the local organization team. They provided support to make ICFCA 2013 proceed smoothly in a pleasant atmosphere.

Friedrich List, Ziya Gokalp And The National Economy Thesis In The Ottoman Empire

Unal, Huseyin Safa 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study compares the National Economy concept as it is employed in Friedrich List&rsquo / s works with its theoretical reflections among Ottoman intelligentsia, particularly in Ziya G&ouml / kalp. The effects of National Economy on the Ottoman thought is examined by bearing in mind two journals: T&uuml / rk Yurdu and Iktisadiyat Mecmuasi. The field of application of National Economy is explicated by an analysis of the first steps towards industrialization, especially after the Young Turk Revolution of 1908. It attempts to find answers to the questions as to how and to what degree the theoretical development of National Economy affected the Ottoman economic policies implemented.

Ein Sequenzdesign-Algorithmus für verzweigte DNA-Strukturen / A Sequence Design Algorithm for Branched DNA Structures

Seiffert, Jan 28 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Aufgrund ihrer Selbstorganisationseigenschaften besitzt DNA ein großes Potential für den Einsatz in Bottom-up-Techniken der Nanotechnologie. So erlaubt DNA eine genau definierte Anordnung von Bauelementen im Abstand von nur wenigen Nanometern. Zum Beispiel kann ein regelmäßig mit Metallclustern oder Proteinen bestücktes DNA-Netz als Katalysator oder in Sensoren eingesetzt werden. DNA wird außerdem als Templat für Nanodrähte benutzt und kann deshalb eine wichtige Rolle in einer zukünftigen Nanoelektronik spielen. DNA-Strukturen entstehen meist durch Selbsassemblierung von Einzelstrangmolekülen während einer Hybridisierung. Die Assemblierung wird dabei durch die Basensequenzen der beteiligten Einzelstränge gesteuert. Das bedeutet: Die Basensequenzen der Einzelstränge definieren die Gestalt der entstehenden Struktur. Diese Dissertation stellt Regeln für Sequenzkonfigurationen vor, welche DNA-Einzelstränge erfüllen müssen, damit die erfolgreiche Selbstassemblierung einer gewünschten Zielstruktur erfolgreich sein kann. Das Grundprinzip dieser Regeln ist eine Minimierung der Länge von Basenfehlpaarungen. Es wird ein Algorithmus entwickelt, welcher diese Regeln umsetzt und für beliebige Zielstrukturen passende Sequenzkonfigurationen erzeugt. Der Algorithmus arbeitet vollautomatisch und ist für die meisten Strukturgrößen sehr schnell. Eine Java-Implementierung des Algorithmus mit Namen Seed ist unter http://nano.tu-dresden.de/~jseiffert/Seed/ frei erhältlich. Abschließend präsentiert diese Arbeit ein Experiment, in welchem eine Reihe von Double-Crossover-(DX)-Molekülen zu einer langen Kette verbunden werden. Die Sequenzkonfiguration für dieses Experiment wurde mit Seed erstellt und zeigt die Anwendungsfähigkeit des vorgestellten Algorithmus. / Due to its self-recognition abilities, DNA has a great potential to disclose new bottom-up routes towards nanofabrication. DNA allows well-defined arrangements of building blocks with only a few nanometer distance. For example, a DNA network with regulary attached metal beeds or proteins can be placed on a surface to act as a catalyst or a sensor. DNA can also be used as template for nanowires and, therefore, might play a major role in future nanoelectronics. DNA structures mostly assemble themselves by hybridization of single stranded DNA molecules. The self-assemby process is controlled by the base sequences of the single strands: The sequence configuration defines the shape of the resulting structure. This thesis introduces rules for sequence configuration that DNA strands must fullfill to produce a desired target structure in a hybridazation process. The basic principle of these rules is a mismatch minimization. An algorithm is presented, which generates suitable sequence configurations according to the introduced rules. The algorithm can handle any DNA structures, works full-automatically, and for most structure dimensions, is very fast. A Java-implementation of the algorithm called Seed is freely available at http://nano.tu-dresden.de/~jseiffert/Seed/. Finally, this work describes a structure building experiment, where a number of double crossover (DX) molecules were concatenated into a long chain. The sequence configuration for this experiment was generated by the developed program Seed showing the use of the presented algorithm.

To and Fro Between Tableaus and Automata for Description Logics

Hladik, Jan 31 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Beschreibungslogiken (Description logics, DLs) sind eine Klasse von Wissensrepraesentationsformalismen mit wohldefinierter, logik-basierter Semantik und entscheidbaren Schlussfolgerungsproblemen, wie z.B. dem Erfuellbarkeitsproblem. Zwei wichtige Entscheidungsverfahren fuer das Erfuellbarkeitsproblem von DL-Ausdruecken sind Tableau- und Automaten-basierte Algorithmen. Diese haben aufgrund ihrer unterschiedlichen Arbeitsweise komplementaere Eigenschaften: Tableau-Algorithmen eignen sich fuer Implementierungen und fuer den Nachweis von PSPACE- und NEXPTIME-Resultaten, waehrend Automaten sich besonders fuer EXPTIME-Resultate anbieten. Zudem ermoeglichen sie eine vom Standpunkt der Theorie aus elegantere Handhabung von unendlichen Strukturen, eignen sich aber wesentlich schlechter fuer eine Implementierung. Ziel der Dissertation ist es, die Gruende fuer diese Unterschiede zu analysieren und Moeglichkeiten aufzuzeigen, wie Eigenschaften von einem Ansatz auf den anderen uebertragen werden koennen, um so die positiven Eigenschaften von beiden Ansaetzen miteinander zu verbinden. Unter Anderem werden Methoden entwickelt, mit Hilfe von Automaten PSPACE-Resultate zu zeigen, und von einem Tableau-Algorithmus automatisch ein EXPTIME-Resultat abzuleiten. / Description Logics (DLs) are a family of knowledge representation languages with well-defined logic-based semantics and decidable inference problems, e.g. satisfiability. Two of the most widely used decision procedures for the satisfiability problem are tableau- and automata-based algorithms. Due to their different operation, these two classes have complementary properties: tableau algorithms are well-suited for implementation and for showing PSPACE and NEXPTIME complexity results, whereas automata algorithms are particularly useful for showing EXPTIME results. Additionally, they allow for an elegant handling of infinite structures, but they are not suited for implementation. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the reasons for these differences and to find ways of transferring properties between the two approaches in order to reconcile the positive properties of both. For this purpose, we develop methods that enable us to show PSPACE results with the help of automata and to automatically derive an EXPTIME result from a tableau algorithm.

Deep Inference and Symmetry in Classical Proofs

Brünnler, Kai 25 August 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we see deductive systems for classical propositional and predicate logic which use deep inference, i.e. inference rules apply arbitrarily deep inside formulas, and a certain symmetry, which provides an involution on derivations. Like sequent systems, they have a cut rule which is admissible. Unlike sequent systems, they enjoy various new interesting properties. Not only the identity axiom, but also cut, weakening and even contraction are reducible to atomic form. This leads to inference rules that are local, meaning that the effort of applying them is bounded, and finitary, meaning that, given a conclusion, there is only a finite number of premises to choose from. The systems also enjoy new normal forms for derivations and, in the propositional case, a cut elimination procedure that is drastically simpler than the ones for sequent systems.

Relational Exploration / Combining Description Logics and Formal Concept Analysis for Knowledge Specification

Rudolph, Sebastian 28 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Facing the growing amount of information in today's society, the task of specifying human knowledge in a way that can be unambiguously processed by computers becomes more and more important. Two acknowledged fields in this evolving scientific area of Knowledge Representation are Description Logics (DL) and Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). While DL concentrates on characterizing domains via logical statements and inferring knowledge from these characterizations, FCA builds conceptual hierarchies on the basis of present data. This work introduces Relational Exploration, a method for acquiring complete relational knowledge about a domain of interest by successively consulting a domain expert without ever asking redundant questions. This is achieved by combining DL and FCA: DL formalisms are used for defining FCA attributes while FCA exploration techniques are deployed to obtain or refine DL knowledge specifications.

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