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La politique au service d'une conviction Philippe Hamel : deux décennies d'action politiqueLapointe, Richard 25 April 2018 (has links)
Dentiste entrant dans la vie publique pour faire triompher, sans compromis, une cause qu'il croit juste et nécessaire, Philippe Hamel entreprendra une campagne personnelle puis donnera successivement son adhésion a l'Action libérale nationale et à l'Union nationale. Croyant que Maurice Duplessis concrétiserait des reformes en hydroélectricité, Hamel sera précipite, après la victoire de l'Union nationale, dans une phase de marginalisation politique. Tenant toujours à sa vision personnelle qui abhorre tout compromis sur les principes, le dentiste entretiendra des relations difficiles avec les forces en présence. Finissant par abandonner la politique active, il n'en conservera pas moins cette volonté de faire triompher sa cause. Plus que jamais convaincu de l'influence néfaste de la "dictature économique" sur la société, il sera ramené, contexte aidant, sur la scène politique et adhèrera au Bloc populaire. Mais, une conviction toujours inébranlable verra les déboires politiques se répéter pour aboutir à un retrait progressif et définitif de la vie publique. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2013
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'n Bestekopname van die Afrikaanse roman 1934-1939 in terugblik vanuit die negentigerjare. / A survey of the Afrikaans novel from the period 1934-1939 from a nineties perspectiveHoward, Elsabé Loïs 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie is 'n herskepping van die wereld van die Afrikaanse roman van 1934-1939. Al die
romans is bekom en gelees. Die beskikbaarheid van hierdie romans word aangedui. 'n Sketsmatige
beeld van elke roman word gegee, waarin die aard daarvan aangetoon word ten opsigte van die
volgende aspekte: milieu, tema en konflik (moreel, religieus, maatskaplik, polities). Die lotgevalle
van hierdie romans is nagegaan aan die hand van tydgenootlike resepsiegeskiedenis, sowel as die
van die literatuurgeskiedskrywing tot op hede. Hieruit het dit geblyk dat sekere romans aanvanklik
hoog aangeslaan is, maar nie in die kanon opgeneem is nie. Moontlike redes hiervoor word
ondersoek. Na my oordeel verdien Die loutering van Petrus deur Ella Fischer en Die jare daarna
deur Aletta Steyn 'n herbesoek. Albei romans is boeiend en interessant, die karakters "lewe" en dit
wat hul beleef en ervaar, spreek steeds tot die leser van die negentigerjare / This study is a recreation of the world of the Afrikaans novel of 1934-1939. All the novels were
obtained and read. The availability of these novels is indicated. A schematic account of each novel
is given, in which the nature of each is explicated in respect of the following aspects: milieu, theme
and conflict (moral, religious, social and political). The fate of these novels was researched in the
context of their contemporary reception history and that of literary historiography to date. From
the study it appears that certain novels were initially highly acclaimed, but were not included in the
canon. Possible reasons for this are investigated. It is my opinion that Die loutering van Petrus by
Ella Fischer and Die }are daarna by Aletta Steyn need to be re-evaluated. Both novels are
absorbing and interesting, the characters are lifelike and their life experiences are still relevant to
the reader of the nineties / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)
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Literary challenges to the heroic myth of the Voortrekkers : H.P. Lamont's War, wine and women and Stuart Cloete's Turning wheelsHale, Frederick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is an interdisciplinary study of various historical novels which dealt to a greater or
lesser degree with the Great Trek and were written between the 1840s and the 1930s in Dutch,
Afrikaans and English but with particular emphasis on H.P. Lamont's War, Wine and Women and
Stuart Cloete's Turning Wheels (1937). The analysis of all these fictional reconstructions focuses on the
portrayal of the Voortrekkers found in them. Much attention is also paid to the historical contexts
in which the two principal works in question were written and the great controversies which they
occasioned because both of their authors had had the temerity to challenge the long-established myth
of the heroic Voortrekkers, one of the holiest of the iconic cows in the barns of their Afrikaner
Chapter I, "Introduction", is a statement of the purpose of the study, its place in the context
of analyses of the history of Afrikaner nationalism, its structure and the sources on which it is based.
Chapter II, "The Unfolding of the Myth of the Heroic Voortrekkers", traces its evolution
from the 1830s to the 1930s and explores how both English-speaking South Africans and Afrikaners,
especially Gustav PrelIer, purposefully contributed to it. Also highlighted in this chapter is the
significance of the Great Trek Centenary and the events leading up to it in the middle and late 1930s
in intensifying Afrikaner nationalism.
Chapter III, "The Heroic Myth in Early Dutch and Afrikaans Novels about the Great Trek",
considers especially how these works were used as vehicles for placing before Afrikaners the historic
virtues of their ancestors both to provide models for emulation and to stimulate their ethnic pride.
Chapter IV, "Sympathetic English Reconstructions of the Great Trek", deals with two novels,
Eugenie de Kalb's Far Enough and Francis Brett Young's They Seek a Country, both of which reproduced
the heroic myth to some extent.
Chapter V, "Rendezvous with Disaster? The South Africa in Which Lamont Wrote War,
Wine and Women" establishes the context of intensifying Afrikaner nationalism which this immigrant
from the United Kingdom encountered in the late 1920s when he accepted a lectureship at the
University of Pretoria and why this context was hostile to a novel which was critical of Afrikanerdom.
Chapter VI, "Wa1~ Wine and Women: Its General Context and Commentary on South Africa"
explores how this work, conceived as a "war book" dealing with the 1914-1918 conflict in Europe,
depicted both Englishmen and Afrikaners negatively.
Chapter VII, "Academic Freedom vs. Afrikaner Nationalism: The Consequential Strife over
War, Wine and Women" deals with the hostile reception of Lamont's pseudonymously published novel,
the physical assault on him and his dismissal from his lectureship at the University of Pretoria. Chapter VIII, "The Rhetoric of Revenge in Lamont's Halcyon Days in Africa", explores how
the author, after relurning lo England, used his pen as a weapon for striking back al his Afrikaans foes
in South Africa.
Chapter IX, "Stuart Cloete's Portrayal of the Voortrekkers in Turning U'heels", focuses on the
portrayal of various ethnic types in his gallery of characters.
Chapter X, "The Con troversy over Turning U'heels", handles the hostile and apparently
orchestrated reaction to Cloete's book and how it was eventually banned.
Chapter XI, "Conclusion: Quod Eral Demonstrandum", summarises several thematic findings
which a detailed examination of the novels in their historical context yields. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling is 'n interdissiplinêre studie van verskeie historiese romans waarin daar in 'n
mindere ofmeerdere mate op die Groot Trek gefokus word en wat geskryfis tussen die 1840's en
die 1930's in Nederlands, Afrikaans en Engels, maar met die klem op H. P. Lamont se War, Wine
and Wamen en Stuart Cloete se Turning Wheels (1937) in die besonder. Die analise van al hierdie
fiktiewe rekonstruksies fokus op die uitbeelding van die Voortrekkers daarin. Daar word ook in die
besonder aandag gegee aan die historiese kontekste waarbinne hierdie twee hoofwerke geskryfis en
die groot polemiek daarrondom, omdat beide outeurs die vermetelheid gehad het om die lank reeds
gevestigde mite van die heldhaftige Voortrekkers, een van die heiligste ikoniese koeie in die skure van
die Afrikanernageslagte, uit te daag.
Hoofstuk I, "Introduction", stel die doel van die studie, waar dit staan in die konteks van
analises van die geskiedenis van Afrikanernasionalisme, die skruktuur en die bronne waarop dit
gebaseer is. Hoofstuk II, "The Unfolding of the Myth of the Herioc Voortrekkers", volg die evolusie
van Afrikanernasionalisme van die 1830's tot die 1930's en ondersoek op beide Engelssprekende
Suid-Afrikaners en Afrikaners, veral Gustav Preller, doelgerig hiertoe bygedra het. In hierdie
hoofstuk word daar ook beklemtoon hoe betekenisvol die honderdjarige herdenking van die Groot
Trek en die gebeure wat daartoe aanleiding gegee het gedurende die middel- en laat 1930's, bygedra
het tot die versterking van Afrikanernasionalisme.
Hoofstuk III, "The Heroic Myth in Early Dutch and Afrikaans Novels about the Great
Trek", bespreek veral hoe hierdie werke gebruik is om aan Afrikaners die historiese deugsaamheid
van hulle voorvaders voor te hou en wat as voorbeelde moet dien wat nagestreef moet word en om
hulle etniese trots te stimuleer.
Hoofstuk IV, "Sympathetic English Reconstructions of the Great Trek", bespreek twee
romans, Far Enough van Eugenie de Kalb en TheySeek a Country van Francis Brett Young, wat altwee
die heroïse mite in 'n sekere mate herproduseer.
Hoofstuk V, "Rendezvous with Disaster? The South Africa in Which Lamont Wrote War,
Wine and Women" vestig die konteks van groeiende Afrikanernasionalisme wat hierdie immigrant van
die Verenigde Koninkryk in die laat 1920's teëgekom het toe hy 'n lektoraat aan die Universiteit van
Pretoria aanvaar het, en hoekom hierdie konteks vyandiggesind was teenoor 'n roman wat krities was
teenoor die Afrikanerdom. Hoofstuk VI, "Wa1~ Wine and Women: Its General Context and Commentary on South Africa"
ondersoek hoe hierdie werk, beskou as 'n "oorlogsboek" wat handeloor die 1914-1918 konflik in
Europa, beide die Engelse en die Afrikaners in 'n negatiewe lig gestel het.
Hoofstuk VII, "Academic Freedom vs. Afrikaner Nationalism: The Consequential Strife over
War, Wine and Women" skenk aandag aan die vyandige ontvangs van Lamont se roman (gepubliseer
onder 'n skuilnaam), die fisieke aanval op hom en sy ontslag as lektor van die Universiteit van
Hoofstuk VIII, "The Rhetoric of Revenge in Lamont's Halcyon Days inAfrica", ondersoekhoe
die outeur, na hy na Engeland teruggekeer het, sy pen as wapen gebruik het in 'n teenaanval op sy
Afrikaanse vyande in Suid-Afrika.
Hoofstuk IX, "Stuart Cloete's Portrayal of the Voortrekkers in Turning Wheels", fokus op die
uitbeelding van verskeie etniese tipes in sy gallery karakters.
Hoofstuk X, "The Controversy over Tumng Wheels", bespreek die vyandige en klaarblyklike
georkestreerde reaksie op Cloete se boek, en hoe dit uiteindelik verban is.
Hoofstuk XI, "Conclusion: Quod Era! Demonstrandum", bied 'n opsomming van verskei tematiese bevindinge aan, wat deur 'n gedetaileerde ondersoek van die romans opgelewer is.
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The architectural nature of the illustrated books of Iliazd : (Ilia Zdanevich, 1894-1975)Sume, David 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Na travessia da modernidade: imaginação poética e resistência na memória de caipiras em São Luís do ParaitingaGonçalves, Bruno Simões 24 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:17:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007-10-24 / The purpose of this essay is to investigate the existing tension between the tradition
and the modernity within the caipira way of life, by using two basic and complementary
methods: the bibliographic research and the field research.
The theoretical basis is built on an approximation between the reflection on Brazilian
modernity, by the sociologist José de Souza Martins, and the phenomenology of the
imagination, by Gaston Bachelard. The field research took place in São Luís do Paraitinga
and resulted in the conduction, transcription and analysis of four interviews, all included in
this work. The choice of the research subjects, the issues of the interviews and the eventual
use of those accounts have been based in the fundamentals of Oral History.
The modern Brazilian consciousness is like a path in between two boundaries. Our
double consciousness, divided between the modern and the traditional, results on the
conjugation of the different life styles which got together to form our own identity. The
modern Brazilian consciousness takes place in a game of power in which are summed up
customs and values, that are rationalized and urbanocentrics , with the tribality and the rural
magic universe. Logic and Poetic Imagination are seen here as symbols of these two distinct
ways of being together with reality.
This essay is an effort to reach the understanding of the fundamental dynamics
existing within our culture, revealed through the subjectivity and the daily caipira style of
living, as well as, to perceive how these dimensions are related basing on the so called great
lines of History . Built in a direct interaction with some of the residents of São Luís do
Paraitinga, these reflections are a way to not only built a brief critical analysis of reality but
also to register words and gestures of the ones who, historically, had their voices silenced
the women and men from the countryside / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal investigar a tensão existente entre
tradição e modernidade no interior do modo de vida caipira, a partir de dois pilares básicos e
complementares: a pesquisa bibliográfica e a pesquisa de campo.
O aporte teórico teve como principal fundamento uma aproximação entre a reflexão
sobre a modernidade brasileira feita pelo sociólogo José de Souza Martins e a fenomenologia
da imaginação de Gaston Bachelard. Já a pesquisa de campo se desenvolveu no município
vale-paraibano de São Luís do Paraitinga e resultou na realização, transcrição e análise de
quatro entrevistas, todas incluídas nesta dissertação. A escolha dos sujeitos, as temáticas
abordadas nesses encontros e o posterior manuseio das narrativas tiveram como base
metodológica os fundamentos da História Oral.
A consciência moderna brasileira é uma travessia entre duas margens. Dividida entre o
moderno e o tradicional, nossa dupla consciência é uma reunião dos diferentes modos de vida
que se mesclaram na formação de nossa identidade. Sobrepondo costumes e valores
urbanocêntricos e racionalizados à tribalidade e ao universo rural e mágico que também a
constituem, a consciência moderna brasileira se realiza nesse jogo de forças. Razão e
imaginação poética aparecem então como símbolos desses dois modos distintos de estar junto
à realidade.
Esta pesquisa expressa a busca de um início de compreensão sobre como essa
dinâmica fundamental de nossa cultura se revela na subjetividade e na vida cotidiana do
caipira e como estas dimensões se relacionam na discussão das chamadas grandes linhas da
História . Produzida em meio a um convívio direto com o município de São Luís do
Paraitinga e parte de seus moradores, o conjunto de reflexões que compõem esta dissertação
buscou não só tecer uma breve análise crítica da realidade pesquisada como também deixar
registradas palavras e gestos daqueles que, historicamente, têm sua voz silenciada as
mulheres e os homens do campo
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Os projetos para o desenvolvimento da nação na Revista Cultura Política durante o Governo VargasRodrigues, Alessandro Antonio [UNESP] 06 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2010-10-06Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:50:39Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
rodrigues_aa_me_mar.pdf: 825366 bytes, checksum: 8fbe3073df7bdd23f080db418a3dd458 (MD5) / A Revista Cultura Política foi um dos canais de difusão da ideologia de governo que se articulou no Estado Novo. Ela circulou de março de 1941 a outubro de 1945. Era uma revista de estudos brasileiros destinada a explicar as transformações socioeconômicas pelas quais passava o país. Além de relatar minuciosamente as realizações governamentais, ela funcionava como uma central de informações sobre Getúlio Vargas e o Estado Novo. Durante a sua existência, atingiu a marca de 50 publicações com ampla divulgação e vendidas mensalmente nas bancas do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Teve a participação de grandes expoentes da intelectualidade brasileira abrigando as mais diversas correntes de pensamento, tais como: Almir de Andrade, Azevedo Amaral, Cassiano Ricardo, Francisco Campos, Lourival Fontes, Graciliano Ramos, Gilberto Freyre, Nelson Werneck Sodré, entre outros presentes na elaboração dos artigos da Revista, os mais variados temas discutidos por eles e a alta tiragem de seus exemplares, nos chamaram a atenção e serviram de base para o nosso estudo. A partir dos artigos da Revista Cultura Política, propomos um estudo dos projetos para o Brasil dos intelectuais autoritários que, em certa medida, eram influentes no pensamento estadonovista. Nossa proposta entende que é possível estabelecer uma análise dos discursos contidos nos artigos destes intelectuais com o propósito de entender como eles viam a Nação e qual era o seu projeto de desenvolvimento para ela, especialmente no tocante aos rumos da economia brasileira e sua inserção no mundo. Estudaremos o pensamento e os artigos dos autores: Almir de Andrade, Azevedo Amaral, Cassiano Ricardo, Francisco Campos e Lourival Fontes, pois estes autores são considerados os principais autores autoritários e ideólogos do Estado Novo / Political Culture Magazine was one of the diffusion channels of government ideology formed during the “Estado Novo “(the political regime instituted by Getúlio Vargas in Brazil from 1937 to 1945). The magazine was published from March, 1941 through October, 1945. It dealt with Brazilian studies and aimed at explaining the social economical changes in course in Brazil at that time. Besides of reporting the governmental accomplishments in details Political Culture Magazine also played the role of a bibliographical information center announcing and reviewing publications about Getúlio Vargas and the “Estado Novo”. During its existence it achieved 50 publications with large diffusion as it was monthly sold at newsstands in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. There was a participation of many outstanding intellectuals embracing the most diverse trends of thought such as Almir de Andrade, Azevedo Amaral, Cassiano Ricardo, Francisco Campos, Lourival Fontes, Graciliano Ramos, Gilberto Freyre, Nelson Werneck Sodré, among other articles’ writers. The most varied subjects were discussed there and the high circulation figures called our attention thus constituting the basis of our work. Starting from the Political Culture articles our proposal aims at studying the economical debate among the magazine members - the so called authoritarian intellectuals - who conceived projects for Brazil, i.e. the intellectuals who to a certain extent influenced the estadonovista thought and therefore its economical thought. We believe it is possible to comparatively analyze the content of their speeches in order to better understand how they viewed the nation and what was their development project for the country specially concerning the guidelines of the Brazilian economy and its insertion in the world. Among those authors a special attention will be given to Almir de Andrade, Azevedo Amaral, Cassiano Ricardo, Francisco Campos e Lourival Fontes
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'n Bestekopname van die Afrikaanse roman 1934-1939 in terugblik vanuit die negentigerjare. / A survey of the Afrikaans novel from the period 1934-1939 from a nineties perspectiveHoward, Elsabé Loïs 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie is 'n herskepping van die wereld van die Afrikaanse roman van 1934-1939. Al die
romans is bekom en gelees. Die beskikbaarheid van hierdie romans word aangedui. 'n Sketsmatige
beeld van elke roman word gegee, waarin die aard daarvan aangetoon word ten opsigte van die
volgende aspekte: milieu, tema en konflik (moreel, religieus, maatskaplik, polities). Die lotgevalle
van hierdie romans is nagegaan aan die hand van tydgenootlike resepsiegeskiedenis, sowel as die
van die literatuurgeskiedskrywing tot op hede. Hieruit het dit geblyk dat sekere romans aanvanklik
hoog aangeslaan is, maar nie in die kanon opgeneem is nie. Moontlike redes hiervoor word
ondersoek. Na my oordeel verdien Die loutering van Petrus deur Ella Fischer en Die jare daarna
deur Aletta Steyn 'n herbesoek. Albei romans is boeiend en interessant, die karakters "lewe" en dit
wat hul beleef en ervaar, spreek steeds tot die leser van die negentigerjare / This study is a recreation of the world of the Afrikaans novel of 1934-1939. All the novels were
obtained and read. The availability of these novels is indicated. A schematic account of each novel
is given, in which the nature of each is explicated in respect of the following aspects: milieu, theme
and conflict (moral, religious, social and political). The fate of these novels was researched in the
context of their contemporary reception history and that of literary historiography to date. From
the study it appears that certain novels were initially highly acclaimed, but were not included in the
canon. Possible reasons for this are investigated. It is my opinion that Die loutering van Petrus by
Ella Fischer and Die }are daarna by Aletta Steyn need to be re-evaluated. Both novels are
absorbing and interesting, the characters are lifelike and their life experiences are still relevant to
the reader of the nineties / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)
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Cultura letrada e caminhos da memÃria: intelectuais, leitura, imprensa e memÃria na Zona Norte do Cearà (1870-1890, 1907-1932, 1984-2003)Jorge Luiz Ferreira Lima 00 October 2018 (has links)
nÃo hà / O presente trabalho busca analisar os conflitos presentes na construÃÃo de uma memÃria
organizadora para as cidades da zona norte do CearÃ. Interessa-nos desta memÃria sua Ãnfase
na aÃÃo dos intelectuais e o desejo de atribuir Ãs cidades em questÃo o estatuto de âcidade
intelectualâ. Obviamente, tal memÃria nÃo conseguiu impor o silÃncio Ãs memÃrias
divergentes, que lhe desafiaram a hegemonia. A principal cisÃo interna dessa memÃria surgiu
junto com uma nova categoria no interior do campo intelectual: os jornalistas. Tal processo
pode ser percebido a partir da anÃlise das trajetÃrias profissionais e sociais de Vicente Loyola
e Deolindo Barreto Lima, dois jornalistas cujas memÃrias constituÃram um desafio Ãquela
memÃria intelectual organizadora em Sobral. O recorte espacial contempla a porÃÃo noroeste
do CearÃ, tendo como epicentro a cidade de Sobral, onde essa memÃria voltada para os
intelectuais se fez sentir de maneira mais intensa, podendo ser percebida nos jornais, na
literatura e, mais recentemente, no processo de patrimonializaÃÃo. Para tanto, analisamos dois
processos anteriores: a difusÃo do livro e da leitura, ancorada a um projeto de difusÃo da
instruÃÃo representado pelos gabinetes de leitura, quando nos reportamos aos anos de 1870 a
1900; a consolidaÃÃo da imprensa enquanto espaÃo de profissionalizaÃÃo do trabalho
intelectual e os conflitos surgidos nesse processo, que abarcou discursos e trajetÃrias diversas,
compreendendo o intervalo entre os anos 1907 e 1932; e, por fim, o perÃodo de 1984 a 2015,
quando se deu o processo de patrimonalizaÃÃo, iniciado com a comemoraÃÃo do centenÃrio de
nascimento do jornalista Deolindo Barreto Lima, passando pelos tombamentos dos sÃtios
histÃricos de Sobral e ViÃosa do Cearà e chegando aos dias atuais, quando as ditas cidades â
bem como outras da zona norte deste estado â buscam sua consolidaÃÃo como pontos
importantes no processo de interiorizaÃÃo do turismo e da iniciativas de natureza
governamental no Ãmbito da promoÃÃo cultural. Este trabalho faz parte de um conjunto de
estudos desenvolvidos pelo Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em PatrimÃnio e MemÃria â
. / O presente trabalho busca analisar os conflitos presentes na construÃÃo de uma memÃria
organizadora para as cidades da zona norte do CearÃ. Interessa-nos desta memÃria sua Ãnfase
na aÃÃo dos intelectuais e o desejo de atribuir Ãs cidades em questÃo o estatuto de âcidade
intelectualâ. Obviamente, tal memÃria nÃo conseguiu impor o silÃncio Ãs memÃrias
divergentes, que lhe desafiaram a hegemonia. A principal cisÃo interna dessa memÃria surgiu
junto com uma nova categoria no interior do campo intelectual: os jornalistas. Tal processo
pode ser percebido a partir da anÃlise das trajetÃrias profissionais e sociais de Vicente Loyola
e Deolindo Barreto Lima, dois jornalistas cujas memÃrias constituÃram um desafio Ãquela
memÃria intelectual organizadora em Sobral. O recorte espacial contempla a porÃÃo noroeste
do CearÃ, tendo como epicentro a cidade de Sobral, onde essa memÃria voltada para os
intelectuais se fez sentir de maneira mais intensa, podendo ser percebida nos jornais, na
literatura e, mais recentemente, no processo de patrimonializaÃÃo. Para tanto, analisamos dois
processos anteriores: a difusÃo do livro e da leitura, ancorada a um projeto de difusÃo da
instruÃÃo representado pelos gabinetes de leitura, quando nos reportamos aos anos de 1870 a
1900; a consolidaÃÃo da imprensa enquanto espaÃo de profissionalizaÃÃo do trabalho
intelectual e os conflitos surgidos nesse processo, que abarcou discursos e trajetÃrias diversas,
compreendendo o intervalo entre os anos 1907 e 1932; e, por fim, o perÃodo de 1984 a 2015,
quando se deu o processo de patrimonalizaÃÃo, iniciado com a comemoraÃÃo do centenÃrio de
nascimento do jornalista Deolindo Barreto Lima, passando pelos tombamentos dos sÃtios
histÃricos de Sobral e ViÃosa do Cearà e chegando aos dias atuais, quando as ditas cidades â
bem como outras da zona norte deste estado â buscam sua consolidaÃÃo como pontos
importantes no processo de interiorizaÃÃo do turismo e da iniciativas de natureza
governamental no Ãmbito da promoÃÃo cultural. Este trabalho faz parte de um conjunto de
estudos desenvolvidos pelo Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em PatrimÃnio e MemÃria â
. / The present work seeks to analyze the present conflicts in the construction of an organizing
memory for the cities of the northern area of CearÃ. We are interested in this memory of its
emphasis on the action of intellectuals and the desire to attribute the status of "intellectual
city" to the cities in question. Obviously, such a memory failed to impose silence on the
divergent memories that challenged itâs hegemony. The main internal split of this memory
emerged along with a new category within the intellectual field: the journalists. This process
can be perceived from the analysis of the professional and social trajectories of Vicente
Loyola and Deolindo Barreto Lima, two journalists whose memories constituted a challenge
to that intellectual memory in Sobral. The spatial clipping contemplates the northwestern
portion of CearÃ, with the epicenter of the city of Sobral, where this memory focused on the
intellectuals was felt more intensely, and can be seen in the newspapers, literature and, more
recently, in the patrimonialisation process. To do so, we analyze two previous processes: the
diffusion of the book and the reading, anchored to a project of diffusion of the instruction
represented by the offices of reading, when we report the years of 1870 to 1900; the
consolidation of the press as a space for the professionalization of intellectual work and the
conflicts that emerged in this process that included diverse discourses and trajectories,
including the interval between 1907 and 1932; and, finally, the period from 1984 to 2015,
when the process of patrimonalization began, commemorating the centenary of the birth of
the journalist Deolindo Barreto Lima, passing through the historic sites of Sobral and ViÃosa
do Cearà and arriving at the days where these cities as well as others in the northern part of
this state seek to consolidate them as important points in the process of internalization of
tourism and initiatives of a governmental nature in the scope of cultural promotion. This work
is part of a set of studies developed by the Group of Studies and Research in Patrimony and
Memory - GEPPM/UFC/CNPq. / The present work seeks to analyze the present conflicts in the construction of an organizing
memory for the cities of the northern area of CearÃ. We are interested in this memory of its
emphasis on the action of intellectuals and the desire to attribute the status of "intellectual
city" to the cities in question. Obviously, such a memory failed to impose silence on the
divergent memories that challenged itâs hegemony. The main internal split of this memory
emerged along with a new category within the intellectual field: the journalists. This process
can be perceived from the analysis of the professional and social trajectories of Vicente
Loyola and Deolindo Barreto Lima, two journalists whose memories constituted a challenge
to that intellectual memory in Sobral. The spatial clipping contemplates the northwestern
portion of CearÃ, with the epicenter of the city of Sobral, where this memory focused on the
intellectuals was felt more intensely, and can be seen in the newspapers, literature and, more
recently, in the patrimonialisation process. To do so, we analyze two previous processes: the
diffusion of the book and the reading, anchored to a project of diffusion of the instruction
represented by the offices of reading, when we report the years of 1870 to 1900; the
consolidation of the press as a space for the professionalization of intellectual work and the
conflicts that emerged in this process that included diverse discourses and trajectories,
including the interval between 1907 and 1932; and, finally, the period from 1984 to 2015,
when the process of patrimonalization began, commemorating the centenary of the birth of
the journalist Deolindo Barreto Lima, passing through the historic sites of Sobral and ViÃosa
do Cearà and arriving at the days where these cities as well as others in the northern part of
this state seek to consolidate them as important points in the process of internalization of
tourism and initiatives of a governmental nature in the scope of cultural promotion. This work
is part of a set of studies developed by the Group of Studies and Research in Patrimony and
Memory - GEPPM/UFC/CNPq.
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Camille Gutt et le gouvernement de Londres: aspects politiques, économiques et financiers de la participation belge à la Seconde Guerre mondialeCrombois, Jean-François January 1998 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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A weak link in the chain: The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Truman-MacArthur controversy during the Korean War.Sager, John 05 1900 (has links)
This work examines the actions of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the first year of the Korean War. Officially created in 1947, the Joint Chiefs saw their first true test as an institution during the conflict. At various times, the members of the JCS failed to issue direct orders to their subordinate, resulting in a divide between the wishes of President Truman and General MacArthur over the conduct of the war. By analyzing the interaction between the Joint Chiefs and General Douglas MacArthur, the flaws of both the individual Chiefs as well as the organization as a whole become apparent. The tactical and strategic decisions faced by the JCS are framed within the three main stages of the Korean War.
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