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Analysis of <sup>26</sup>Al + p elastic and inelastic scattering reactions and Galactic abundances of <sup>26</sup>AlPittman, Stephen Todd 01 December 2011 (has links)
26Al(p,p)26Al and 26Al(p,p’)26Al* scattering reactions were performed at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The purpose of the elastic scattering study was to determine properties of previously uncharacterized 27Si levels above the proton threshold in the energy range E(c.m.) ~ 0.5 - 1.5 MeV and to calculate reaction rates for the 26Al(p,γ[gamma])27Si reaction that destroys 26Al. The inelastic scattering reaction was also evaluated to investigate the reaction that produces the metastable state of 26Al at E(c.m.) = 228 keV, which would in turn destroy 26Al in the stellar environment.
Pure 26Al beams (E(beam) = 13 - 41 MeV) with intensities of ~2*106 26Al/s bombarded a thin polypropylene target of 46 μ[micro]g/cm2 thickness for 7 days. Scattered protons were detected in the Silicon Detector Array (SIDAR), covering laboratory angles 18 to 41 degrees. Background events were rejected by detecting these protons in coincidence with recoiled 26Al particles in an ionization chamber, and proton yields were measured at 45 energies from E(c.m.) = 0.49 - 1.53 MeV. A thick 2.4 mg/cm2 polypropylene target was also bombarded with a 32 MeV 26Al beam for 1.5 days for comparison with thin-target excitation functions.
Little evidence for the inelastic scattering reaction was observed, indicating that this is not a significant destruction pathway. For the first time, however, an upper limit for the cross section of this reaction was estimated, and it has been set at 5*10-2 barns. The first upper limits were also established for possible resonances of the elastic scattering reaction with angular momentum transfers up to L = 3 that were not directly observed by this study. Thin-target elastic scattering data suggested a potential resonance at E(r) = 544 keV, which had not been previously observed, with (9/2, 11/2)+ spin and proton width Γp[Gamma_p] ≤ 1 keV. Thick-target analysis appeared to confirm this result. An upper limit for the strength of this resonance was estimated to be 1.4*10-5 keV or 1.6*10-5 keV for a 9/2+ or 11/2+ state, respectively, moderately increasing the total 26Al(p,γ[gamma])27Si resonant reaction rate at supernova temperatures.
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Mesures précises des demi-vies et rapports d’embranchement pour la décroissance β des noyaux miroir 23Mg et 27Si / Precise measurement of half-lives and branching ratios for the mirror β decay of 23Mg and 27SiMagron, Cécile 29 September 2016 (has links)
L’étude de la décroissance β est un outil fantastique pour approfondir notreconnaissance de l’interaction faible décrite par le Modèle Standard. Ce modèle et laphysique au-delà peuvent être testés par des mesures précises de paramètres caractérisantces décroissances. Parmi ces tests, la vérification de l’hypothèse de la conservation ducourant vectoriel (CVC) et de l’unitarité de la matrice de mélange des quarks de Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) sont d’un grand intérêt. Pour cela, les paramètres caractérisantles transitions β doivent être déterminés très précisément. Les meilleures précisions ont étéobtenues pour les transitions super-permises de Fermi de type 0+ → 0+. Cependant, il existed’autres types de décroissances pour réaliser ces tests, par exemple, les décroissances βmiroir. À ce jour, elles ne permettent pas d’atteindre les précisions obtenues avec lestransitions de type 0+ → 0+. Pour améliorer cela, de nouvelles mesures très précises desparamètres expérimentaux caractérisant ces transitions, comme la demi-vie et le rapportd’embranchement, sont nécessaires. C’est pourquoi une expérience a été réalisée àl’université de Jyväskylä en Finlande, afin d’étudier la décroissance β des noyaux miroir 23Mget 27Si et de mesurer ces paramètres. Les valeurs des demi-vies obtenues pour ces deuxnoyaux sont respectivement dix fois et sept fois plus précises que les moyennes de lalittérature. La valeur obtenue pour le rapport d’embranchement de 23Mg est trois fois plusprécise que la moyenne de la littérature, celui de 27Si étant déjà connu avec une très grandeprécision (0,02%), n’a pas été déterminé avec une meilleure précision. / Beta decays are a fantastic tool to study the weak interaction described by theStandard Model. This model and the physics beyond can be tested by precisemeasurements of nuclear β decays. Among these tests, the conserved vector current (CVC)hypothesis and the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) quark-mixing matrixare of great interest. For these, the parameters of β transitions must be precisely determined.The highest precisions have been obtained with superallowed 0+ → 0+ Fermi β decays.However, there are other possibilities to make these tests, for example mirror β decays. Fornow, they do not allow to achieve the precision of the 0+ → 0+ transitions. To improve this,new accurate measurements of experimental parameters characterizing these transitions,such as the half-life and the branching ratio, are needed. For this purpose, an experimenthas been carried out at the University of Jyväskylä to study the mirror β decays of 23Mg and27Si and to measure these parameters. The half-life values obtained for these two nuclei are,respectively, ten times and seven times more precise than the literature averages. The valueof the branching ratio obtained for 23Mg is three times more precise than the literatureaverage; the one of 27Si has not been improved as it is already precisely known (0.02%).
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