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Search For Supersymmetry In Jet Topologies With The Cms DetectorOcalan, Kadir 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Supersymmetry (SUSY) is the most motivated scenario beyond the Standard Model (SM) addressing
the problems of the SM in an elegant way by establishing a symmetry which relates
matter particles to interaction particles and vice versa. The simplest phenomenologically viable
supersymmetric theory is the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) which
can be accommodated to minimal Supergravity (mSuGra) theory in order to both take gravity
into account and constrain its parameter space. CMS detector is one of the general purpose detectors
constructed at LHC (Large Hadron Collider) which targets to search for SUSY signal.
This thesis presents a search strategy for SUSY in three different fully hadronic jet topologies
with the CMS detector. Di-jet, 3-jet, and 4-jet event topologies offer clear signatures for
SUSY searches and the key SUSY decay modes of these jet topologies appear to be squark
pair production, squark-gluino production, and gluino pair production, respectively. In these
jet topologies, an important kinematical variable named alpha, & / #945 / is used to separate SUSY
signal test points from the SM background events including QCD, EWK (Electroweak), and
invisible decay of Z boson processes. Alpha variables are found to be very useful in terms
of enhancing SUSY signal while rejecting all QCD events. Discriminating power of alpha
variables are shown in terms of signal-to-background and signal significance calculations and the results are found to be promising which further encourage searches for SUSY signal in jet
event topologies with the early CMS data at 1 f b^{& / #8722 / 1} integrated luminosity.
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