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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Behavioral Activity and Hypoxia Tolerance of African Weakly Electric Fish

Mucha, Stefan 16 February 2023 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden die Morpho-Physiologie und das Verhalten zweier Arten Afrikanischer schwach elektrischer Fische, Marcusenius victoriae und Petrocephalus degeni, im Labor und in einem ihrer natürlichen Habitate im Lwamunda Sumpf in Uganda untersucht. Die zwei Hauptziele dieser Arbeit waren (i) tageszeitabhängige Verhaltensrhythmen (Aktivität, Habitatnutzung) im Labor und im Freiland zu untersuchen und (ii) die Ausprägung und Plastizität der morpho-physiologischen Merkmale von P. degeni zu untersuchen, die ihnen erlauben bei natürlich vorkommender, geringer Sauerstoffverfügbarkeit (Hypoxie) zu überleben. Tageszeitabhängige Verhaltensrhythmen beider Arten wurden im Labor über 42 Stunden und im natürlichen Habitat dieser Fische für sechs Tage erfasst. In den Laborversuchen verbrachten beide Arten tagsüber annähernd 100% der Zeit in einem bereitgestellten Versteck und schwammen nachts heraus um aktiv ihre Umwelt zu erkunden. Im Habitat wurden die meisten Fische in strukturell komplexen Habitaten unter schwimmenden Pflanzen detektiert. Nachts schwammen die Fische aktiv in die offenen und ungeschützten Bereiche der Lagune, vermutlich um nach Futter zu suchen und zu interagieren. Die Begleitende in-situ Messung der Sauerstoffverfügbarkeit zeigte, dass beide Arten präsent und vermutlich sogar am aktivsten waren während Phasen extremer nächtlicher Hypoxie. Zur Untersuchung der respiratorischen Merkmale von P. degeni wurden Respirometrieversuche mit hypoxie-akklimatisierten Tieren durchgeführt, Hämoglobin- und Laktatkonzentration im Blut gemessen, und morphologische Parameter an den ersten beiden Kiemenbögen erfasst. Die Fische zeigten niedrige Sauerstoffverbrauchsraten, welche sie bis zu einem sehr niedrigem äußeren Sauerstoffpartialdruck aufrechterhielten. Zusätzlich zeigten sie hohe Hämoglobin- und Laktatkonzentrationen im Blut. Bis zu 75 Tage Normoxie-Akklimatisierung führte zu reduzierter Hämoglobinkonzentration und kürzeren Kiemenfilamenten. / In this thesis, I investigated the morpho-physiology and behavior of two species of African mormyrid weakly electric fish, Marcusenius victoriae and Petrocephalus degeni, in the laboratory and in one of their natural habitats, the Lwamunda Swamp in Uganda. The two main objectives of this work were to (i) observe behavioral rhythms and habitat use patterns of both species under natural and laboratory conditions, and (ii) assess expression and plasticity of morpho-physiological traits that might enable P. degeni to survive naturally occurring low oxygen conditions (hypoxia). Behavioral rhythms were recorded in the laboratory over 42 hours and in the habitat on six sampling days. In the laboratory, both species spent close to 100% of the time in their shelter during the day and actively explore their environment at night. In the swamp lagoon, fish were most often encountered in structurally complex habitats under floating vegetation and ventured into open and unsheltered areas of the lagoon at night, presumably to forage and interact. Concomitant in-situ oxygen measurements revealed that these fish were present, and presumably most active during periods of extreme nocturnal hypoxia in their swamp habitat. To investigate respiratory traits of swamp-dwelling P. degeni, I conducted respirometry experiments and measured blood lactate and hemoglobin and gill morphometrics on the first two gill arches. Fish showed low routine oxygen consumption rates, which they maintained until a very low ambient oxygen partial pressure was reached. Additionally, they had high concentrations of hemoglobin and lactate in their blood. Up to 75 days of normoxia exposure reduced blood hemoglobin and gill filament length.

Dynamique spatio-temporelle des populations de truites en milieu naturel et au voisinage des ouvrages hydroélectriques / Spatiotemporal dynamics of brown trout populations in natural and bypassed reaches

Bret, Victor 04 May 2016 (has links)
Bien que l’écologie de la truite (Salmo trutta) ait déjà été bien étudiée, les processus expliquant la dynamique spatio-temporelle des populations restent à caractériser. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’identifier les processus démographiques (ex. survie ou déplacements) et l’influence des processus biotiques (interactions entre individus) et abiotiques (conditions environnementales) qui structurent dans le temps et dans l’espace les différentes classes d’âge (alevins, juvéniles et adultes) de ces populations. J’ai étudié l’influence sur la survie apparente de (1) la densité-dépendance et (2) des conditions environnementales vécues directement par les truites (habitat hydraulique et température de l’eau). Pour évaluer la transférabilité des résultats, j’ai évalué (3) l’échelle spatiale (globale ou locale) à laquelle opéraient les processus et (4) si ces processus variaient entre populations (approche hiérarchique). J’ai considéré la dynamique de 45 populations de truites dont 22 sont situées à l’aval d’un ouvrage hydroélectrique. A large échelle, il est apparu que le recrutement de populations séparées par des distances allant jusqu’à 75km peut être synchronisé par de fortes crues lors de l’émergence des alevins ou des déplacements du substrat de ponte. Nous avons synthétisé les résultats de l’application d’un modèle déterministe de dynamique de population, calibrés localement sur neuf stations aux conditions environnementales bien caractérisées. Cette synthèse a montré que des processus locaux influençaient directement la dynamique des populations. Enfin, la construction d’un modèle hiérarchique a montré le rôle structurant de la mortalité densité-dépendante des juvéniles et des adultes, dont l’intensité augmentait en l’absence d’abris (<2% de la surface) ou variait avec la température de l’eau (diminution pour les juvéniles et augmentation pour les adultes). Ce travail fournit des bases scientifiques aux gestionnaires d’ouvrages hydro-électriques pour leur permettre de limiter leur influence sur les populations de poissons et répondre ainsi aux demandes réglementaires / Brown trout (Salmo trutta) ecology was largely studied. However, the process structuring the spatiotemporal patterns of population dynamics remains unclear. The objective of this thesis was to identify the demographic processes (e.g. survival or displacements) and the influence of biotic (between-individuals interactions) and abiotic (environmental conditions) processes structuring the age-stages (fry, juveniles and adults) of these populations in time and space.I studied (1) the role of density-dependence on survival and (2) the influence of environmental conditions experienced by trouts (hydraulics and water temperature). To assess the results’ transferability, I studied (3) the spatial scale (global or local) of influence of the processes and (4) if those processes varied among populations (hierarchical approach).I considered the dynamics of 45 trout populations, 22 being located downstream a hydropower facility. At a large scale, the recruitment of distant populations (up to 75 km apart) may be synchronized by large floods during emergence of fry or by spawning substratum displacements. We summarized the results of a determinist population dynamics models, locally calibrated on nine reaches showing well-described environmental conditions. This summary revealed the influence of various local drivers on population dynamics. Finally, a hierarchical model showed that density-dependent mortality among juveniles and adults was a key biotic process. The strength of the competition was greater in absence of shelter (<2% of the surface) and varied with water temperature (decreasing for juveniles and increasing for adults).The results of this work will provide scientific basis to hydropower facility managers. This will help them to reduce their influence on trout populations and respond to regulatory demands

(Re)writing Pathways : Oral Tradition, Written Tradition, and Identity Construction in Kanaky/Nouvelle-Calédonie / Les chemins de la réécriture : tradition orale, tradition écrite et construction identitaire en Kanaky/Nouvelle-Calédonie

Sinclair-Reynolds, Emma 24 March 2014 (has links)
Comment les traditions orales kanak pourraient-elles agir au-delà de leurs frontières habituelles et influencer les processus de construction identitaire dans la société néo-calédonienne contemporaine ? Notre travail explore les interactions entre la tradition orale kanak et la tradition écrite néocalédonienne, en examinant les textes de réécriture, ces lieux de rencontre entre traditions qui constituent un espace de patrimoine commun. Cette thèse retrace les chemins d’une histoire, Le Chef et le lézard (dont on trouve de multiples versions dans les différentes traditions orales kanak), dans la tradition écrite. Sont élucidés les contextes historiques, politiques et littéraires des processus de production de versions de l’histoire, afin de mettre en évidence les forces en oeuvre, et d’éclairer la manière dont les représentations qui y figurent pourraient participer aux processus de construction identitaire. Les outils conceptuels employés sont la « réécriture », la « vā » (l’espace relationnel océanien d’échange et de rencontre),ainsi que la littérature comme « outil de renforcement communautaire ». La contribution originale qu'apporte notre travail consiste en démontrant le degré et l’étendue de l’intégration d'une histoire kanak dans le polysystème littéraire néo-calédonien ; en soulignant le rôle actif joué par des acteurs kanak dans les processus de réécriture ; en créant une métaphore étendue géographique du paysage littéraire néo-calédonien ; en témoignant de la richesse des traditions orales et écrites de Kanaky/Nouvelle-Calédonie ; et en constituant une passerelle entre les chercheurs/lecteurs non-francophones et la littérature néo-calédonienne. / How might Kanak oral traditions move beyond their usual boundaries and influence identity construction processes in contemporary New Caledonian society? This thesis explores the interactions between Kanak oral tradition and New Caledonian written tradition, by examining the (re)writings that are places of encounter between these traditions, and thus constitute a space of shared heritage. This study traces the pathways taken by a story, Le Chef et le lézard, (a number of versions of which are found in different Kanak oral traditions), as it moves into and within written tradition. The historical, political, and literary contexts of the (re)writing processes that produce versions of Le Chef et le lézard are elucidated, to demonstrate the forces at work and shed light on how the representations that figure in the (re)writings might participate in identity construction processes. The conceptual tools used in the study include: rewriting; vā (the relational space of exchange and encounter found throughout Oceania); and literature as a means of building community. The original contribution of this thesis has been to demonstrate the degree and the extent of the integration of a Kanak story into the New Caledonian literary polysystem; to highlight the active role played by Kanak actors in the rewriting process; to develop anextended geographic metaphor for the New Caledonian literary landscape; to bear witness to the richness of oral and written traditions in Kanaky/Nouvelle-Calédonie; and to create a bridge between non-Francophone researchers/readers and New Caledonian literature (oral and written).

Animal personality and the social context : the role of boldness and sociability variation in schooling fish

Jolles, Jolle Wolter January 2016 (has links)
Throughout the animal kingdom, individuals often differ consistently from one another in how they cope with their environment. In particular, consistent behavioural variation, known as animal personality, is a substantial driver of a range of important ecological and evolutionary processes. As most animal species are social for at least part of their lives and group living is common, a crucial link between personality and the social context may be expected. In this thesis I systematically investigate this link, using three-spined stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus) as my model system. I begin by showing that fish vary consistently in their boldness and sociability, with only boldness being positively linked to food intake for fish at rest. This finding provides support for evolutionary theory that links personality variation to life-history strategies, and lays the basis for work related to the social context. I continue by investigating how the social context may modulate personality variation and show that short contact with a social group may have carry-over effects and obfuscate personality expression when individuals are alone. Next, I observed fish in different pairs over time and found that social experience from both the current as well as previous social contexts are integrated in the risk-taking and leadership decisions of individuals but also depends on their boldness type. This result provides support for the importance of social feedback in the expression of personality differences. I go on to demonstrate that, in a pair, bolder fish have lower social attraction, with positive effects on individual’s leadership but negative effects on social coordination. Finally, by detailed tracking of the collective movements and group foraging of free-swimming shoals, I reveal boldness and sociability have complementary driving effects of on social structure, collective behaviour, and group functioning. Furthermore, I show that in turn the group composition determines the performance of individual personality types, providing a potential adaptive explanation for the maintenance of personality variation. Taken together, these studies provide an integrated account of animal personality and the social context and highlight the presence of a feedback loop between them, with personality variation being a key driver of collective behaviour and group functioning but also strongly affected and potentially maintained by it.

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