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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude multi-échelle de la formation des coeurs denses protostellaires au sein des filaments interstellaires / Multi-scale study of protostellar dense core formation inside interstellar filaments

Ladjelate, Bilal 18 October 2017 (has links)
Des nuages moléculaires aux étoiles, l'ensemble des stades d'évolution des étoiles jeunes peuvent être observés dans le domaine submillimétrique. A cette fin, le télescope Herschel a observé, dans le cadre d'un relevé de la Ceinture de Gould, plusieurs nuages moléculaires. Lorsque ces nuages se fragmentent, des coeurs denses, accumulant de la poussière et du gaz, se forment et se contractent. Nous avons effectué un relevé exhaustif des coeurs denses préstellaires dans le nuage moléculaire d'Ophiuchus qui apparaissent couplés avec des structures filamentaires dans le cadre du paradigme de la formation d'étoiles au sein de filaments interstellaires. La région n'était pas connue pour être filamentaire, malgré des alignements de protoétoiles observables. Ce nuage moléculaire présente la particularité d'être soumis à une rétroaction importante venant d'étoiles actives à proximité, visible dans la structure du nuage moléculaire. Oph B-11, mise en évidence par des observations interférométriques, est un précurseur de naine brune, de masse finale trop faible pour que l'étoile produite brûle de l'hydrogène. Leur mécanisme de formation est mal connu. Il faut caractériser et observer un premier candidat pré-naine brune. Oph B-11 a été détectée à proximité d'un choc proche, que nous avons caractérisé chimiquement. De plus, à plus haute résolution avec ALMA, nous avons montré l'environnement moléculaire structuré, contraint le mécanisme de formation de ce type d'objet. Ces observations dévoilent une série de chocs dans plusieurs traceurs, coïncidant avec la détection de la pré-naine brune, favorisant le scénario gravo-turbulent pour la formation des naines brunes. / From molecular clouds to stars, every step of the evolution of young stars can be observed in the submillimetric range. The Herschel Space Telescope observed, as part of the Herschel Gould Belt Survey, many molecular clouds.When these molecular clouds are fragmenting, dense prestellar cores accumulating dust and gaz are forming and contracting. We performed a census of prestellar dense cores in the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud, which appear to be coupled with filamentary structures, as part of the paradigm of star-formation inside insterstellar filaments. The region was not previously known as filamentary, despite the observation of protostellar alignments.This molecular could is under the heavy feedback of active stars nearby seen in the structure of the molecular cloud.Oph B-11, detected with interferometric observations, is a brown dwarf precursor, which final mass will not be important enough for the final star to burn hydrogen. Their formation mechanism is not well constrained, we must find and characterize a first candidate pre-brown dwarf.Oph B-11 was detected along a nearby shock, we characterize chemically. Moreover, higher resolution studies with ALMA show a structured molecular environment, and help us constrain the mechanism of formation of this kind of objects. These observations show a series of shocks in differents tracers, spatially coincident with the detected position of the pre-brown dwarf, in favor of the gravo-turbulent scenario for the formation of brown dwarfs.

Theorie und Praxis der Freundschaft bei Friedrich Nietzsche / Théorie et pratique de l’amitié chez Friedrich Nietzsche / Nietzsche’s concept and practice of friendship

Freregger, Sandra Yvonne 14 October 2015 (has links)
Le mérite de Nietzsche, qui est représenté dans notre étude, est d'avoir cherché à élucider la « dialectique de l’amitié » de manière philosophique. On retrouve dans son œuvre des traces nettes d'une confrontation philosophique continue avec le thème de l'amitié qui parsèment ses écrits, ses fragments posthumes et ses lettres. Bien que le mot « amitié » revienne très souvent et que le sujet de l'amitié soit très important dans ses écrits, il a jusqu'à ce jour été très peu question d'« amitié » dans la littérature secondaire sur Nietzsche. Nietzsche est peut-être le dernier philosophe pour qui l'amitié représente, de façon presque antique, la forme de vie du philosophe et le véhicule de la pensée. La philosophie est considérée comme un exercice intellectuel, comme un travail sur soi-même dans lequel la théorie s'allie à la pratique. Nietzsche démontre un souci permanent de vivre, d'apprendre et d'enseigner dans l'amitié. Le présent travail se propose d’analyser sa théorie et sa pratique de l’amitié selon des exemples dans son parcours : l'« Idylle de Tribschen » avec Wagner, « l'amitié de table, de maison et de pensée » de Bâle avec Overbeck, le « cloître pour esprits libres » de Sorrente avec Meysenbug et Rée ainsi que la « Trinité » intellectuelle, la « Heilige Dreieinigkeit », avec Rée et Salomé. Ce qui apparaît, c'est la diversité que revêt la notion d'amitié de Nietzsche. L'idée que l'amitié est empreinte de différends, d'instabilité et de changement accompagne l'œuvre de Nietzsche. Il s'avère qu’un aspect important de sa pensée a été ignoré : son inventaire des dangers et de l'impossibilité de l'amitié, ce pourquoi le sens de la notion « ami » doit être redéfini. / Friendship plays an outstanding role in Friedrich Nietzsche’s life and work. His oeuvre is very rich in references to the concept of friendship. Yet, there has been surprisingly little research on this topic so far. Nietzsche clearly recognizes the ambivalence of friendship. The present thesis is an effort to analyse the dialectic of friendship and to conceptualize it with Nietzsche. We examine Nietzsche’s concept of friendship: as a necessity and, at the same time, an unreachable ideal; as a sublation of the established opposition between friend and enemy; in its relation to the concept of “star-friendship”; in its transition to the status of “ghosts of friends”; with respect to breaking up friendships; with respect to his “Hymn to Friendship”. Nietzsche may have been the last great writer for whom friendship represents the existential problem of a philosopher and the vital medium of his thought. According to him, philosophy is a spiritual exercise; his efforts consequentially aim at living in friendship, learning in friendship and teaching in friendship. We examine a series of case studies: the close friendship with Wagner, the confraternity with Overbeck at Basel, the “monastery of free spirits” with Meysenbug and Rée at Sorrento and the so-called “holy trinity” with Rée and Salomé. A culminating point in Nietzsche’s oeuvre is §279 of the “Gay Science”. Due to the vital importance of this aphorism on “star-friendship”, we devote an extensive analysis to it. Finitude and a kind of persistence of friendship even after its break-up are intertwined here. We also reconstruct the genesis of this aphorism, making use of textual pre-stages archived at Weimar. / Freundschaft nimmt in Nietzsches Denken und Leben eine herausragende Stellung ein. In seinem Schaffen finden sich deutliche Spuren einer kontinuierlichen philosophischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema der Freundschaft, die in seinen Schriften, nachgelassenen Fragmenten und Briefen verstreut sind. Obwohl allein das Wort „Freundschaft“ sehr häufig in seinem Werk vorkommt, ist die Freundschaftsthematik in der Nietzsche-Sekundärliteratur bisher wenig behandelt worden. Friedrich Nietzsche hat wie kein anderer Denker die ambivalente Natur der Freundschaft erkannt, dargestellt und durchlebt. Vorliegende Untersuchung will einen Beitrag dazu leisten, diese „Dialektik der Freundschaft“ mit Nietzsche auf den philosophischen Begriff zu bringen. Einzelne Teile der Arbeit untersuchen Nietzsches Bemühen um die Freundschaft: als Unentbehrlichkeit und zugleich Unmöglichkeit; als Aufhebung des klassischen Gegensatzes von Freund und Feind; im Blick auf die Freunde der Zukunft; im Postulat der Sternen-Freundschaft; in ihrer Veränderlichkeit in der Gespenster-Freundschaft; im Brechen von Freundschaften; in der Freundschaftskomposition des „Hymnus an die Freundschaft“; im lebenslangen Streben, Freundschaftsbündnisse zu begründen. Nietzsche ist vielleicht der letzte Philosoph, für den Freundschaft die Lebensform des Philosophen und das Medium des Denkens bildet. Philosophie wird verstanden als geistige Übung, als Arbeit am Selbst, in der sich Theorie und Praxis vereinigen. Beständig richtet sich Nietzsches Bestreben darauf, in Freundschaft zu leben, zu lernen und zu lehren. Der Freundschaftsbund mit Gleichgesinnten ist die Hoffnung und der Traum seines Lebens und wird exemplarisch anhand der Tribschner Gemeinschaft der Unzeitgemäßen mit Wagner, der Basler „Tisch-, Haus- und Gedankenfreundschaft“ mit Overbeck, des Sorrentiner „Klosters für freiere Geister“ mit Meysenbug und Rée sowie der sogenannten „Heiligen Dreieinigkeit“ mit Rée und Salomé dargestellt. Einen Kulminationspunkt in Nietzsches Schaffen bildet der §279 der „Fröhlichen Wissen¬schaft“, der Aphorismus über „Sternen¬-Freundschaft“, dem wir daher eine eingehende Analyse widmen. Endlichkeit und Fortdauer der Freundschaft über das Ende hinaus werden hier zusammengeführt. Aufgrund der Bedeutsamkeit dieses Aphorismus für Nietzsches Konzept der Freundschaft wird seine Genese anhand der textlichen Vorstufen rekonstruiert.

Interaction jet radio-gaz dans des galaxies proches / Radio jet-gas interaction in nearby galaxies

Salomé, Quentin 29 September 2016 (has links)
Les galaxies massives sont moins nombreuses que ce qui est attendu avec le modèle standard (le modèle Λ-CDM). Ceci ce traduit par une formation d’étoiles moins importante que prévue dans les galaxies. Pour expliquer celà, il est globalement accepté que des processus stoppent le formation d’étoiles. Pour les galaxies massives, ceci est expliqué par l’action des trous noirs supermassifs. En accrétant du gaz, le trou noir central produit de l’énergie et de l’impulsion. Quand l’accrétion devient importante, le trou noir forme un noyau actif de galaxie, et l’énergie peut ralentir la formation d’étoiles, par chauffage du gaz, de la turbulence, ou par ablation du gaz (feedback négatif). Cependant, il existe des cas de feedback positif qui favorise la formation d’étoiles en comprimant le gaz. En particulier, une partie des noyaux actifs produisent des jets de plasma qui sont observés en émission radio. Ces jets radio peuvent intéragir avec du gaz le long de leur direction de propagation. Des telles interactions sont susceptibles de déclencher de la formation d’étoiles (formation induite par les jets). Ma thèse porte sur les interactions jet-gaz dans des radio galaxies proches. J’ai étudié l’effet du jet sur l’efficacité de la formation d’étoiles pour des interactions à des échelles globales (quelques kiloparsecs) et intermédiaires (quelques centaines de parsecs). Pour celà, j’ai observé et cartographié le gaz moléculaire, qui est un élément clé de la formation d’étoiles. Cette phase froide est observable grâce aux équipements au sol actuels de radio astronomie, comme ALMA, APEX, NOEMA et le 30m de l’IRAM. / Massive galaxies are less abundant than predicted by the standard model of galaxy formation (the Λ-CDM model). This means that galaxies form less stars than expected. To explain this behaviour, it is commonly accepted that some processes are at play and quench star formation. For massive galaxies, it is explained by the feedback of the supermassive black holes. While accreting gas, the central black hole produces energy and momentum. When gas accretion becomes important, the black hole forms an active galactic nucleus, and the energy is expected to quench star formation, via gas heating, turbulence or gas removal (negative feedback). However, evidence is found of so-called AGN positive feedback that favours star formation by compressing the gas. In particular, a fraction of the AGN population produces jets of plasma that are observed in radio emission. These radio jets may interact with gas that is located along the direction of propagation. Such interactions are invoked to trigger star formation (jet-induced star formation). My PhD focused on the jet-gas interaction for nearby radio galaxies. I explored the effect of the jet on the star formation efficiency in such interactions at global (few kiloparsecs) and intermediate (few hundreds parsecs) scales. To do so, I searched and mapped the molecular gas (via CO emission lines) that is a key ingredient for star formation. This cold gas is observable using current radio astronomy ground-based facilities, like ALMA, APEX, NOEMA and the 30m telescope.

An Analysis of Four Seattle Repertory Theatre Seasons: 1970-1974

Bass, Penny 05 1900 (has links)
The Seattle Repertory Theatre is one of the most successful regional theatre companies in the country. This study attempts to determine the components-of its success. It concludes that the unique community acceptance and support of the Seattle Repertory Theatre is due primarily to the innovations of its Artistic Director, W. Duncan Ross, including a departure from the "permanent company" repertory theatre concept to a more flexible "nucleus company" supported by special guest artists, a shift in play selection emphasis from traditional dramatic plays to more contemporary and comedic works, and shortened .duration for each play from four to three weeks. Also examined are the growth of American Theatre, Ross's community involvement, guest directors, critical acceptance, and audience attendance.

Propagação da caramboleira por estacas caulinares e caracterização anatômica e histológica da formação de raizes adventícias / Star fruit trees propagation by cuttings and anatomical and histological characterization of the formation of adventitious roots

Débora Costa Bastos 03 February 2006 (has links)
A produção de mudas de caramboleira é um dos fatores limitantes à expansão comercial da cultura, devido ao tempo que estas levam para serem formadas e iniciarem a produção. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar os processos mais adequados para aumentar a eficiência da propagação por estaquia em caramboleira, utilizando-se diferentes tipos de estacas, técnicas de estiolamento e ferimento na base combinadas ao uso de reguladores de crescimento (AIB), e também estudar a estrutura anatômica e histológica dos diferentes tipos de estacas com relação à formação de raízes adventícias. O trabalho foi realizado com a instalação e condução de 3 (três) experimentos. Nos dois primeiros experimentos (I e II) foram testadas técnicas para maximizar a propagação por estacas da caramboleira. Foram utilizadas estacas da variedade Malásia, padronizadas com um par de folhas inteiras, com 12 (doze) cm de comprimento e 3 (três) gemas. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 3 x 4, onde os fatores estudados foram técnicas aplicadas nas estacas (estiolamento, ferimento na base e controle) e diferentes concentrações de AIB (0, 3000, 6000 e 9000 mg L-1) para estacas lenhosas (experimento I) e (0, 2000, 4000 e 6000 mg L-1) para estacas herbáceas (experimento II). As estacas foram mantidas em câmara de nebulização intermitente e após 75 dias, avaliaram-se as porcentagens de enraizamento, sobrevivência, formação de calos e número de raízes por estaca. Concluiu-se, para os dois experimentos, que as técnicas de estiolamento e ferimento na base da estaca foram prejudiciais à formação de raízes adventícias e a aplicação de AIB não mostrou diferença significativa para o enraizamento dos dois tipos de estacas estudados. No terceiro experimento foram feitos estudos anatômicos e histológicos que envolvem o processo de formação de raízes nas estacas. Estacas herbáceas, semilenhosas e lenhosas tratadas por imersão rápida em 0 e 3000 mg L-1 de ácido indolbutírico (AIB) foram mantidas em câmara de nebulização sob condições controladas por até 70 dias. Periodicamente as estacas foram cortadas, fixadas, desidratadas e preparadas para os cortes histológicos seriados e análise por microscopia óptica. Como conclusão, verificou-se que os diferentes tipos de estacas caulinares de caramboleira apresentaram estruturas anatômicas e histológicas distintas e a formação endógena de primórdios de raízes em estacas herbáceas ocorreu a partir do câmbio vascular. / The star fruit seedling production is one of the limiting factors to the commercial expansion of this culture, due to the time that they take to be formed and begin the production. The aim of this paper is to study the most adapted processes to increase the efficiency of stem propagation for star fruit using different types of cuttings, etiolating techniques and wound in the base combined to the use of growth regulators (IBA), and also to study the anatomical and histological structure of the different types of cuttings with related to the formation of adventitious roots. The work was accomplished with the installation and conduction of 3 (three) experiments. In the first two experiments (I and II) techniques were tested in order to improve the propagation by cuttings of the star fruit. Cuttings of the variety Malaysia were used and standardized with a pair of whole leaves, with 12 (twelve) cm of length and 3 (three) gems. The statistical design used was entirely randomized in arrangement to factorial 3 x 4, where the studied factors were the techniques applied in the cuttings (etiolating, wound in the base and control) and different concentrations of IBA (0, 3000, 6000 and 9000 mg L-1) for hardwood cuttings (experiment I) and (0, 2000, 4000 and 6000 mg L-1) for herbaceous cuttings (experiment II). The cuttings were maintained in chamber of intermittent mist and after 75 days, the percentages of root formation, survival, formation of calluses and number of roots per cuttings were evaluated. It is concluded for both experiments, that the etiolating techniques and wound in the base of the cuttings were harmful to the formation of adventitious roots and the application of IBA did not show significant difference for root formation of both types of cuttings studied. The third experiment carried out anatomical and histological studies that involve the process of formation of roots in the cuttings. Herbaceous, softwood and hardwood cuttings treated in fast immersion at 0 and 3000 mg L-1 of indolbutyric acid (IBA) were maintained in mist chamber under controlled conditions for up to 70 days. Periodically the cuttings were cut, fastened, dehydrated and prepared for the serial histological cuts and analysis through optical microscopy. As conclusion, it was verified that the herbaceous, softwood and hardwood cuttings of star fruit present different anatomical and histological structures and the endogenous formation of roots primordium in herbaceous cuttings occurred from the cambium.

Propagação da caramboleira por estacas caulinares e caracterização anatômica e histológica da formação de raizes adventícias / Star fruit trees propagation by cuttings and anatomical and histological characterization of the formation of adventitious roots

Bastos, Débora Costa 03 February 2006 (has links)
A produção de mudas de caramboleira é um dos fatores limitantes à expansão comercial da cultura, devido ao tempo que estas levam para serem formadas e iniciarem a produção. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar os processos mais adequados para aumentar a eficiência da propagação por estaquia em caramboleira, utilizando-se diferentes tipos de estacas, técnicas de estiolamento e ferimento na base combinadas ao uso de reguladores de crescimento (AIB), e também estudar a estrutura anatômica e histológica dos diferentes tipos de estacas com relação à formação de raízes adventícias. O trabalho foi realizado com a instalação e condução de 3 (três) experimentos. Nos dois primeiros experimentos (I e II) foram testadas técnicas para maximizar a propagação por estacas da caramboleira. Foram utilizadas estacas da variedade Malásia, padronizadas com um par de folhas inteiras, com 12 (doze) cm de comprimento e 3 (três) gemas. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 3 x 4, onde os fatores estudados foram técnicas aplicadas nas estacas (estiolamento, ferimento na base e controle) e diferentes concentrações de AIB (0, 3000, 6000 e 9000 mg L-1) para estacas lenhosas (experimento I) e (0, 2000, 4000 e 6000 mg L-1) para estacas herbáceas (experimento II). As estacas foram mantidas em câmara de nebulização intermitente e após 75 dias, avaliaram-se as porcentagens de enraizamento, sobrevivência, formação de calos e número de raízes por estaca. Concluiu-se, para os dois experimentos, que as técnicas de estiolamento e ferimento na base da estaca foram prejudiciais à formação de raízes adventícias e a aplicação de AIB não mostrou diferença significativa para o enraizamento dos dois tipos de estacas estudados. No terceiro experimento foram feitos estudos anatômicos e histológicos que envolvem o processo de formação de raízes nas estacas. Estacas herbáceas, semilenhosas e lenhosas tratadas por imersão rápida em 0 e 3000 mg L-1 de ácido indolbutírico (AIB) foram mantidas em câmara de nebulização sob condições controladas por até 70 dias. Periodicamente as estacas foram cortadas, fixadas, desidratadas e preparadas para os cortes histológicos seriados e análise por microscopia óptica. Como conclusão, verificou-se que os diferentes tipos de estacas caulinares de caramboleira apresentaram estruturas anatômicas e histológicas distintas e a formação endógena de primórdios de raízes em estacas herbáceas ocorreu a partir do câmbio vascular. / The star fruit seedling production is one of the limiting factors to the commercial expansion of this culture, due to the time that they take to be formed and begin the production. The aim of this paper is to study the most adapted processes to increase the efficiency of stem propagation for star fruit using different types of cuttings, etiolating techniques and wound in the base combined to the use of growth regulators (IBA), and also to study the anatomical and histological structure of the different types of cuttings with related to the formation of adventitious roots. The work was accomplished with the installation and conduction of 3 (three) experiments. In the first two experiments (I and II) techniques were tested in order to improve the propagation by cuttings of the star fruit. Cuttings of the variety Malaysia were used and standardized with a pair of whole leaves, with 12 (twelve) cm of length and 3 (three) gems. The statistical design used was entirely randomized in arrangement to factorial 3 x 4, where the studied factors were the techniques applied in the cuttings (etiolating, wound in the base and control) and different concentrations of IBA (0, 3000, 6000 and 9000 mg L-1) for hardwood cuttings (experiment I) and (0, 2000, 4000 and 6000 mg L-1) for herbaceous cuttings (experiment II). The cuttings were maintained in chamber of intermittent mist and after 75 days, the percentages of root formation, survival, formation of calluses and number of roots per cuttings were evaluated. It is concluded for both experiments, that the etiolating techniques and wound in the base of the cuttings were harmful to the formation of adventitious roots and the application of IBA did not show significant difference for root formation of both types of cuttings studied. The third experiment carried out anatomical and histological studies that involve the process of formation of roots in the cuttings. Herbaceous, softwood and hardwood cuttings treated in fast immersion at 0 and 3000 mg L-1 of indolbutyric acid (IBA) were maintained in mist chamber under controlled conditions for up to 70 days. Periodically the cuttings were cut, fastened, dehydrated and prepared for the serial histological cuts and analysis through optical microscopy. As conclusion, it was verified that the herbaceous, softwood and hardwood cuttings of star fruit present different anatomical and histological structures and the endogenous formation of roots primordium in herbaceous cuttings occurred from the cambium.

Simulation numérique de la magnétosphère des pulsars : étude détaillée de processus radiatifs / Numerical simulation of pulsar magnetospheres : detailed study of radiative processes

Voisin, Guillaume 23 October 2017 (has links)
Les pulsars sont des étoiles à neutron hautement magnétisées en rotation rapide produisant un rayonnement pulsé. Cette thèse est dédiée à leur magnétosphère, c'est à dire la zone proche de l'étoile à neutron, remplie d'un plasma entraîné par la rotation rapide de celle-ci. Il a été montré dès 1969 que la magnétosphère doit avoir des zones très peu denses arborant des champs électriques intenses capables d'accélérer le plasma raréfié de ces régions à des énergies très élevée le long du champ magnétique. La courbure des lignes de champ, couplé avec la rotation d'une particule autour du champ, cause un rayonnement dit de « synchro-courbure ». L'énergie est rayonnée essentiellement en photons gamma (g). Ces photons peuvent ensuite être convertis par interaction quantique photon γ-champ magnétique ou γ-γ en une paire électron-positron e+e- dont chaque composante rayonne à son tour, résultant en une cascade qui alimente la magnétosphère en plasma. Cette thèse traite particulièrement de deux phénomènes clefs de ces cascades : le rayonnement de synchro-courbure et la création de paires par interaction γγ.La théorie quantique du rayonnement de synchro-courbure est développée pour la première fois à partir des principes de base de l'électrodynamique quantique. Les paramètres compatibles avec les approximations du calcul correspondent à une large gamme de conditions physiques typiques des magnétosphères de pulsars. Les transitions quantiques sont considérées dans l'approximation continue lorsqu'elles impliquent un saut de l'impulsion de la particule dans la direction parallèle au champ, et discrète dans la direction perpendiculaire. Il en résulte un spectre tendant asymptotiquement vers les descriptions classiques des rayonnement de courbure et de synchro-courbure mais présentant des déviations très importantes lorsque les transitions discrètes dominent le rayonnement.L’interaction γγ→e+e- a été étudiée dans le cas où un gamma réagit sur un fond de photons de basse énergie. Ce mécanisme est considéré comme potentiellement important lorsque le champ magnétique n'est pas assez fort pour produire des paires par le mécanisme γ-champ magnétique. Tout indique que le fond est anisotrope, c'est pourquoi nous avons développé un formalisme permettant de prendre en compte arbitrairement les anisotropies et de produire les spectres des particules produites. Appliqué à un modèle simple d'étoile rayonnant thermiquement en X, il en résulte une dépendance forte du taux de réaction sur la direction du photon gamma.Cette thèse comprend également un modèle de chronométrage du pulsar milliseconde dans un système triple J0337+1715. Ce pulsar orbite avec deux étoiles naines blanches dont les interactions mutuelles ne sont pas négligeables. Une intégration numérique, à l'ordre newtonien et post-newtonien, a été développée pour déterminer les orbites. Un modèle complet incluant le calcul des retards du système du pulsars au télescope a été réalisé. Le modèle s'ajuste aux données de chronométrage provenant du radiotélescope de Nançay avec des résidus d'écart-type inférieur à 2 µs. Un tel système permet en principe le test du principe d'équivalence fort gravitationnel par une technique similaire à celle employée lors des expériences de laser-lune, mais avec une précision sans précédent en régime de champ fort. Ce test requiert une évaluation rigoureuse des incertitudes sur chaque paramètre, échantillonnées grâce à un code MCMC. La validation du code et l'évaluation des incertitudes sont en cours. / Pulsars are highly magnetized fast rotating neutron stars producing a pulsed radiation. This thesis is dedicated to their magnetosphere, namely the zone surrounding the star and filled with a plasma dragged by the rotation of the star. It was shown as soon as 1969 that the magnetosphere must have vacuum gaps, where intense electric fields develop that are capable of accelerating the rarefied plasma to very high energies along the magnetic field. The curvature of the field lines, together with the rotation around the magnetic field, results in the so-called «  synchrocurvature » radiation. The energy is mostly radiated in gamma photons (γ). These photons may then be converted by the quantum processes γ photon-magnetic field or γ-γ in an electron-positron pair e+e-, each component of which then radiates at its turn which results in a cascade that provides plasma to the magnetosphere. This thesis particularly deals with two key phenomena of these cascades : synchrocurvature radiation and γγ pairs.The quantum theory of synchrocurvature radiation is developed for the first time from the first principles of quantum electrodynamics. The range of parameters compatible with the approximations of the derivation covers a wide range of physical conditions typical of pulsar magnetospheres. Quantum transitions are considered in the continuous limit when they imply a jump of the particle impulsion parallel to the magnetic field, and discrete when the jump is in the perpendicular direction. It results in a spectrum that asymptotically tends to the classical descriptions of curvature and synchrocurvature radiations but that presents very important deviations when the discrete transitions dominate the radiation.The γγ→e+e- process was studied in the case of the reaction of a gamma photon on a soft photon background. This mechanism is considered as potentially important when the magnetic field is nopt strong enough for the γ-magnetic field process to efficiently produce pairs. The soft background is most likely anisotropic, and that is why we developed a formalism allowing to arbitrarily take into account anisotropies, as well as produce the spectra of the outgoing particles so as to be able to feed the subsequent cascade consistently. Applied to a simple model of a star radiating thermal X rays, it results in a strong dependence of the reaction rate on the direction of the gamma photon.This thesis also includes a timing model of the millisecond pulsar in a triple system J0337+1715. This pulsar orbits with two white-dwarf stars, and their mutual interactions are not negligible. It follows that a numerical integration of the orbits was developed at Newtonian and first post-Newtonian orders. A complete model including the computation of delays from the star to the telescope was realized. This model is able to fit the timing data from the Nançay (France) radiotelecope with a standard deviation of less than 2µs. In principle, such a system allows to test the strong equivalence principle by a technique similar to that employed in Lunar-laser-ranging experiments, but with an unprecedented accuracy in the strong-field regime. This test demands a careful estimate of the uncertainties on each parameter, which we sample using a MCMC code. The validation of the code and the evaluation of the uncertainties are ongoing.

Flickering Analysis of CH Cygni Using Kepler Data

Dingus, Thomas Holden 01 August 2016 (has links)
Utilizing data from the Kepler Mission, we analyze a flickering phenomenon in the symbiotic variable star CH Cygni. We perform a spline interpolation of an averaged lightcurve and subtract the spline to acquire residual data. This allows us to analyze the deviations that are not caused by the Red Giant’s semi-regular periodic variations. We then histogram the residuals and perform moment calculations for variance, skewness, and kurtosis for the purpose of determining the nature of the flickering. Our analysis has shown that we see a much smaller scale flickering than observed in the previous literature. Our flickering scale is on the scale of fractions of a percent of the luminosity. Also, from our analysis, we are very confident that the flickering is a product of the accretion disc of the White Dwarf.

X-ray Diagnostics of Massive Star Winds

Oskinova, Lidia M., Ignace, Richard, Huenemoerder, D. P. 01 November 2016 (has links)
Observations with powerful X-ray telescopes, such as XMM-Newton and Chandra, significantly advance our understanding of massive stars. Nearly all early-type stars are X-ray sources. Studies of their X-ray emission provide important diagnostics of stellar winds. High-resolution X-ray spectra of O-type stars are well explained when stellar wind clumping is taking into account, providing further support to a modern picture of stellar winds as non-stationary, inhomogeneous outflows. X-ray variability is detected from such winds, on time scales likely associated with stellar rotation. High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy indicates that the winds of late O-type stars are predominantly in a hot phase. Consequently, X-rays provide the best observational window to study these winds. X-ray spectroscopy of evolved, Wolf-Rayet type, stars allows to probe their powerful metal enhanced winds, while the mechanisms responsible for the X-ray emission of these stars are not yet understood.

Analyse de front d'onde sur étoile laser allongée pour l'optique adaptative de l'ELT / Elongated laser guide star wavefront sensing for the ELT adaptive optics systems

Bardou, Lisa 27 September 2018 (has links)
L’ELT (Extremely Large Telescope), est un télescope de diamètre 39 m en cours de réalisation par l’Observatoire Européen Austral (ESO). Pour pouvoir tirer pleinement parti de sa taille, ses instruments seront équipés de systèmes d’Optique Adaptative (OA) qui compenseront la turbulence atmosphérique. Ces systèmes d’OA requièrent l’utilisation d’étoiles guides laser afin de maximiser la couverture du ciel. Les étoiles guides laser sont générées par laser accordé sur une résonance d’atome de sodium présents dans une couche d’une épaisseur de 10 km et située à environ 90 km d’altitude. Une étoile laser est donc un cylindre lumineux dans la haute atmosphère, allumé par la relaxation des atomes. L’analyse de front d’onde à l’aide de ces étoiles artificielles souffrent de limitations connues. De plus, sur un télescope de la taille de l’ELT, leur utilisation est compliquée par l’effet de perspective qui provoque un allongement de l’étoile guide lorsqu’elle est vue d’un point éloigné de son point de lancement au sol : le cylindre n’est plus vu par une section circulaire, mais sur le côté. Sur un télescope de 39m, l’élongation de l’étoile peut alors atteindre jusqu’à 20 secondes d’arc, à comparer avec le diamètre du cylindre qui est déterminé par la turbulence, soit de l’ordre d’une seconde d’arc. La variabilité de l’épaisseur, de l’altitude et de la distribution de densité de la couche de sodium ont alors un impact sur la mesure du front d’onde.L’étude de ce problème, qui porte à la fois sur les algorithmes de mesure et le design des analyseurs de front d’onde, a donné lieu à de nombreux travaux s’appuyant sur des simulations et des tests en laboratoire. Le but de cette thèse a été d’étudier cette question à l’aide de données expérimentales obtenues sur le ciel. Ces données ont été enregistrées grâce au démonstrateur d’OA CANARY, situé sur le télescope William Herschel sur l’île de la Palma aux Canaries. CANARY a été développé par le LESIA, en collaboration avec l’Université de Durham; le laser et son télescope d’émission ont été fournis et opéré par l’ESO. Lors de cette expérience, l'allongement extrême des étoiles laser qui sera observé sur l'ELT a été reproduit en plaçant le télescope d’émission à environ 40m du télescope William Herschel. Le front d'onde a ensuite été mesuré sur l’étoile laser allongée ainsi crée.Les travaux effectués pendant cette thèse ont consisté en la préparation de l’instrument et en particulier de l’analyseur de front d’onde de l’étoile laser, la réalisation des observations et le traitement des données résultant de ces dernières. L’analyse de ces données a permis de construire un budget d’erreur de la mesure de front d’onde sur étoile laser allongée. Grâce à ce budget d’erreur, les performances de différents algorithmes de mesure ont été comparées, ainsi que leur comportement face à la variabilité du profil de sodium et des conditions de turbulence. Enfin, différentes configurations d’analyseurs ont été extrapolées, ce qui a permis d’établir des limites sur leur design dans le cadre de l’ELT. / The ELT (Extremely Large Telescope) is a telescope whose diameter is 39 m currently under construction by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). In order to fully benefit from its size, ELT instruments will be equipped with Adaptive Optics (AO) systems to compensate the atmospheric turbulence. These AO systems require the use of Laser Guides Stars (LGS) in order to have as large a sky coverage as possible. LGS are generated using a laser tuned on a resonant frequency of sodium atoms contained in a layer approximately 90km high and 10 km thick. Therefore, a LGS is a luminous cylinder in the high atmosphere, lighted by sodium atoms relaxation. Wavefront sensing on these artificial stars suffers from known limitations. On a telescope the size of the ELT, their use is further complicated by the perspective effect which causes an elongation of the LGS when it is seen from a point distant from its launch position : the cylinder is no longer seen by its circular section, but on the side. On a 39m telescope, the elongation can reach up to 20 arcseconds, which is large compared to to the diameter of the cylinder determined by the turbulence, that is about 1 arcsecond. Variability of the thickness, height and density distribution of the sodium layer then have an impact on wavefront sensing. The study of this problem, which concerns both sensing algorithms and wavefront sensor design, has already been the subject of many work relying on simulations and laboratory experiments. This thesis aims at studying this question using experimental data obtained on sky. These data were acquired using the AO demonstrator CANARY, placed on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) on the island of La Palma in the Canaries Island. CANARY was developed by LESIA in collaboration with Durham University; the laser and its launch telescope were supplied and operated by ESO. In this experiment, the extreme elongation of LGS as will be seen on the ELT was reproduced by placing the launch telescope 40 m away from the William Herschel Telescope. The wavefront was the measured on the elongated LGS thus created. The studies led during this thesis consisted in the preparation of the instrument and in particular the LGS Wavefront Sensor (WFS), the realisation of the observations and processing on the data obtained. Analysis of these data allowed to build an error breakdown of wavefront sensing on the elongated LGS. Thanks to this error breakdown, performances of different measurement algorithms where compared, as well as their behaviour according to the variability of the sodium profile and the turbulence conditions. Finally, different wavefront sensor designs were extrapolated which allowed to establish limits on their designs for the ELT.

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