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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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企業主管支持友善育兒政策影響因素之研究 / Why managers supporting childcare-friendly policies-An quantitative analysis

何昭蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於現今社會對於員工工作與家庭責任平衡議題的關注,無論是社會政策或企業雇主,都越來越重視員工的家庭生活。然而,企業中所提供的友善育兒政策究竟能否確實地被需要的人使用,卻仰賴主管對於員工使用行為的支持態度。因此,本研究希望了解主管對友善育兒政策的態度以及影響主管對友善育兒政策支持態度的因素。   本研究以立意抽樣方式,於三所國立大學之EMBA發放問卷,另以滾雪球方式蒐集網路問卷,共獲得227份主管的有效樣本,研究結果為: 1、在主管個人變項中,僅年齡、婚姻狀況、是否撫養子女與總支持態度或各措施呈現顯著關係。35歲以下者僅對於育嬰假支持態度較高、已婚及未婚者較離婚者更支持公司托兒制度、無撫養子女者的總支持態度也高於有撫養子女者;性別則與支持態度未呈現顯著差異。 2、企業環境之變項中,包含企業規模、產業類型、是否成立工會、是否實施性騷擾防治政策、員工屬性以及企業中友善家庭文化的氛圍皆與總支持態度或各措施呈現顯著關係。任職於企業規模250人以上、金融業、實施性騷擾教育訓練、專業人員比例高或具備友善家庭文化企業之主管,呈現較高的支持態度。 3、主管認知與經驗變項中,主管過去對於友善育兒政策的使用經驗、對於政策的功能認知以及主管的性別意識亦與總支持態度或各措施呈現正相關。   研究最後針對政策、企業及未來研究提出建議,包含加強輔導中小企業實施友善育兒政策、了解企業未能實施友善育兒政策原因據以對症下藥、加強查察未落實之企業並加以嚴懲、邀請有使用經驗者於輔導講座中分享心得、營造使用者觀點的友善企業環境、對管理階層的家庭關懷再教育、設計創意的工作模式等。 / In accordance with the rising social awareness of work-family balance issue, governmental policies and employers are more concerned with employees’ family life. However, whether the childcare-friendly policy in the firm can be applicable for the employees in need or not depends largely on the attitude of their managers in the workplace. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand the managers’ attitude to childcare-friendly policy and the related factors influencing their attitude. A total of 227 valid samples from managers were collected through 2 means: (1) Purposive sampling in 3 EMBA classes in national universities and (2) Snowball sampling online. The findings are as follows: 1. Among all the related factors of the managers, only their age, marital status, and whether they have children on their own are significantly correlated with their supportive attitude towards the childcare friendly policy. Managers aging less than 35 years old only support on parental leave. Managers who are married or not married support on-site childcare more than the divorced ones. As for managers who don’t have children support friendly childcare policies more than those do. There is a not significant correlation between managers’ gender and their supportive attitude. 2. As for corporate environment factors, significant correlation to supportive attitude on child-care friendly policy exists with the scale of firm, the industrial classification of firm, union in existence, preventing policies of sexual harassment in place, the attribute of employee, and family-friendly culture. Managers who work in firms (1) with more than 250 employees, (2) positioned in finance industry, (3) implanting sexual harassment education (4) with high proportion of professionals and (5) family-friendly culture, have higher supportive attitude. 3. There are significant positive correlation between manager’s experience of utilizing childcare-friendly policies, their functional awareness of the policies, and their gender consciousness to their total supportive attitude among managers’ cognitive and experience measures. Lastly, there are some suggestions provided as follows. First, the government should enforce stronger supervision over small and medium enterprises on the execution of the policy, understand why some enterprises cannot implement the policy to devise solutions, inspect and pose proper punishment on enterprises not fully complying with the policy. Further, government should also invite experienced specialists to share their thoughts in sessions, create friendly corporate environment from user’s perspective, re-educate managers on family care, and design creative working modes and so on.

Förskolans pedagogiska praktik : Ett verksamhetsperspektiv / The pedagogical practice in preschools : In a perspective of activity

Ekström, Kenneth January 2007 (has links)
Since 1960s, preschools have been important parts both of Swedish welfare and of labour market policies. The preschool thus constitutes a very important site for rearing and educating young children. Reforms of the Swedish preschool in the 1990s concerning both accessibility and quality were introduced at a time when the economy of the municipalities dramatically deteriorated because of reductions in State subsidies. The strained economy of the State and the municipalities, has resulted, among other things, in a growing number of children in preschool groups and pressure to change organization and pedagogical content. These changes took place in a time of decentralization where the responsibility for organization of preschools was given to the municipalities. Changes in economy, organization and curriculum form the background for this study. The purpose of the study is to examine and understand how preschool working teams shape and realize the pedagogical practice and how working conditions affect this process. The approach of the study is interpretative, where the interpretative perspective is mainly represented by activity theory and theories of cultural reproduction. Three aspects of the actions are observed: the object of the actions, the instruments mediating the actions and the content of mediating actions. Bernstein’s concepts classification and framing are used as tools in analysing the empirical data. The interpretative, empirical study is based on qualitative data collected mainly by observations and interviews. Three preschools are chosen for the study. The preschools in the study are located in two municipalities in the north of Sweden, representing three different environments. All preschools receive children one to five years old. The personnel consist of preschool teachers and childminders working in teams. Eleven of them where interviewed. The study shows that daily routines both shape and restrict practices in preschools. The work is mainly focused on care giving, where the children are supposed to adapt to and subordinate themselves to the norms and to the existing routines. The children’s influence varies between organized activities, where they have little influence, and play time, where they can choose what to do. It also varies between the preschools, where the preschool with children from more affluent families have more freedom than children from the multicultural, lower-income environment do. The work is collectively oriented toward training adaptation, but also, to a certain extent, training for autonomy and responsibility taking. Organization of learning activities often takes the form of transmitting information. The informants regard themselves as caregivers with the main purpose to mediate security and create conditions for the children to develop socially. The changes in conditions emanating from political decisions have brought new working tasks to the preschools and have reduced the level of resources at the same time as the demands made are experienced as being harder. This creates frustration and tends to result in lower levels of ambition.

少子女化與臺北市大安區家長選擇英語安親班之決策行為 / The selection of bilingual childcare under the trend of low natality in Da-an district of Taipei City

趙秋玲 Unknown Date (has links)
2009年臺灣是全球少子女化最嚴重的國家,家長對子女的期望提升,這些獨生子女的家長對英語安親班的選擇之決策行為情況,為值得探究的議題。本研究旨在探討,在教育市場化的趨勢下,影響國小學生家長選擇子女英語安親班之決策行為之因素。 本研究採質化研究之半結構訪談,立意抽樣12位受訪家長。 研究結果發現: 一、受訪者子女每週上英語次數、時數及每月英語教育費用支出有極大的差異性;對英語安親班選擇各有偏好。 二、家長對孩子期望及早、主動與持續補英語,以期具備良好英文能力。 三、家長認同英文很重要,有利升學、深造,具國際觀,並可增強職場競爭力。四、絕大多數家長本身有能力教而不教,是希望給與子女最適當的學習安排。 五、美語安親班所學遠遠超過在校所學;家長藉由親友及家長之口耳相傳,作為取得英語安親班之訊息最重要來源。 六、決策偏好評估因素為:師資穩定性高及教學經驗豐富;母語是英文之外師教導子女發音純正之道地英文;按照個人程度能力分班;教材使用美國教科書;地點方便性、時間適切性;解決個別家長安親問題;費用合理;在安全及說英語的小班制環境下自然學習。  根據研究發現,本研究做出以下建議: 一、家長須認清英語為外語,子女學習英語完全仰賴英語安親班是件困難的事,家長需幫助子女養成在日常生活中多聽、多看、多說英語。 二、隨著孩子年紀增長,學習會愈來愈加重與吃力,如何在學習樂趣與作業、測驗、時間排擠間取得一個平衡,讓孩子持續對英語的學習動機及熱情不減,需妥思對策。 三、孩子學習英語之路需要被鼓勵與讚美進而展現自信心,家長唯有與子女共同學習,找出適合的學習策略才是一條可行之路。 四、以全美語教學是英語老師必備之能力,學校英語老師應秀出自己的專業能力使家長明白學校和英語安親班英文老師的教學專業不分軒輊。 五、學校與家長共商最適孩子之英語學習資源,爭取外師到校介紹文化等相關議題,讓學生熟習校園有聽、說英語的環境。 六、英語安親班業者需在每一個家長間建立好口碑,使已就讀英語安親班之家長願意提供好的資訊給有需要的家長。 七、英語安親班業者需花心力於把關教師素質,給外師一個安心的教學環境,使用內容廣泛之美國教材;並注意家長接送子女需求;環境安全及學習英語的氛圍 。 / In 2009, Taiwan was ranked the worst place in the world for its low natality. With rising expectation from parents on their only kids, we consider it a worthy topic to study how these parents decide Bilingual Childcare for their only children. This study mainly explores the key factors that influence parents in choosing Bilingual Childcare for their elementary school kids, under the commercialized trend of education. This study uses half-structuralized interview in a qualitative approach and specifically samples 12 parents as interviewees. The research discloses the following results: 1.There are big differences among their English weekly learning times, learning hours and monthly expenditures to Bilingual Childcare in the interviewees’ children. They have personal preferences for Bilingual Childcare. 2.Parents expect to equip kids with English proficiency by studying English as early as possible, taking initiative in learning English and keeping learning English. 3.Parents consider English crucial; good English ability benefits exams, further (graduate) studies, world view and competence in job market. 4.A good majority of parents can teach kids English, but they would rather arrange the best learning institute for kids. 5.What kids learn at Bilingual Childcare is way over what they get at school; parents regard friend or relative’s introduction and recommendation as an index in choosing Bilingual Childcare. 6.Preference in decision making: teacher’s stability and rich experiences, native speaker’s pronunciation, dividing class by individual’s level, using American textbooks, convenient transportation, suitable time, meeting individual parental needs, fair tuition, and a safe and spontaneous learning in a English speaking small class.   Researcher’s suggestion: 1.Parents should regard English as a foreign language. It’s hard to count all English learning on the Bilingual Childcare. Parents need to make it a rule for kids to listen to, read and speak English in their daily living. 2.Along with their growth and increasing pressure from learning, children need to learn how to strike a time balance among fun, assignments and tests so that their passion for English still remains. 3.In learning English, children needs encouragement and praises to nourish their self-confidence. Parents need to work out a proper learning strategy with their kids. 4.Whole language approach is a necessity for English teachers. Elementary school teachers need to show their profession and convince parents that school is nothing inferior to Bilingual Childcare. 5.School and parents should work together to give kids proper English learning resources, invite native speakers to give cultural guidance and let kids listen to and speak English at school. 6.Bilingual Childcare owner need to have good reports among parents so that they can pass a positive image of Bilingual Childcare to other parents. 7.Bilingual Childcare owners need to control the best quality of teaching, giving native speaking teachers a peaceful environment, generously employing American textbooks, meeting parental needs in transporting kids and making sure of safety and good learning.

產業結構對小孩照顧時間的影響 / The influence of industrial structure on childcare time

蔡淑清, Tsai, Shu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
美國於過去30至40年來,女性勞動參與率大幅增加,然而女性照顧小孩的時間卻仍呈現增長的趨勢;若以男性來看,也可發現照顧小孩的時間呈現穩定成長。為了探討此現象,我們進而搜集父母照顧小孩的相關資料,發現父母照顧小孩時間與教育程度的報酬率有關,故想研究父母照顧小孩時間與一個地區產業結構之相關性。在本文中,我們針對一個地區的勞力密集程度與父母教育小孩時間進行分析,而著重於體力的探討是因為本文假設從事體力密集的工作者較不具區域遷徙性,進而討論此特性對於父母照顧小孩的時間影響為何。 本研究的貢獻,在於以美國的州別為單位,利用不同職業所使用的勞力程度與其在各州分佈的比例,形成州與州之間產業結構的差異,並深入分析此差異對於父母照顧小孩時間的影響。由實證結果可發現,勞力密集程度與父母照顧小孩時間呈現負相關,且對於不同性別小孩的照顧時間並無顯著差異,表示父母對於不同性別小孩的重視程度相當。此外,教育程度不同的父母親,照顧小孩時間的差異性不大,表示產業結構的差異為全面性的影響,不因父母教育程度的不同而有所改變。最後,父母減少照顧小孩的時間主要來自於教育及接送時間,且對於0至11歲的小孩影響最大,表示勞力密集程度越高,使得父母對於小孩的人力資本投資自幼較不那麼重視。 / In the United States, women’s labor force participation rapidly rises over the past several decades; however, the amount of time women spent with children increases as well. On the other hand, man’s time with children has the same trend as women. For finding potential explanations of parents’ childcare time increased, we collect related literatures on this issue. It reveals that increasing time may be a response to a return on parents’ education. Here, we claim the strong correlation between the childcare time and industrial structure. We take physical factors to define industrial structure in that we assume labor-intensive workers are less mobile across regions. We discuss this assumption would impact on the parents’ childcare time. We estimate difference in industrial structure between states in America and discuss this effect on parents’ childcare time. By several empirical results, we summarize that (a) there is a negative relationship between labor-intensive levels and childcare time, (b) the sex of children and parents’ education degree would not affect empirical results, (c) decreasing childcare time of parents comes from educational time and travel time, and (d) the drop in childcare time was particularly pronounced among those children ranges from 0 to 11. This conclusion implies that parents neglect human capital development of children.

Politiques familiales, activité professionnelle et fécondité en Hongrie et en France : différences de mentalités et de comportements / Family policy, women’s employment and fertility in Hungary and France : mentality and behavioural differences

Makay, Zsuzsanna 04 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse compare deux pays dont les niveaux de fécondité sont très différents et se pose la question de savoir dans quelle mesure les dispositifs des politiques familiales, et notamment les mesures qui permettent aux femmes de concilier activité professionnelle et vie familiale expliquent cette différence. Les deux pays ont en effet en commun de consacrer proportionnellement un même pourcentage de leur PIB pour soutenir les familles. Or la conciliation entre vie familiale et vie professionnelle est différemment soutenue. Tandis qu’en France les dispositifs et les modes de gardes pour les enfants d’âge préscolaire permettent une rapide reprise de l’activité professionnelle pour les femmes après une naissance, en Hongrie c’est une longue interruption de cette activité qui est soutenue avec les allocations-interruption. Ce système, hérité des années 1960-1990 influence la durée de l’inactivité des femmes qui est en moyenne de 4,7 ans après une naissance. Les mentalités soutiennent d’ailleurs ce mode de fonctionnement puisque les normes sociales préconisent en Hongrie la garde maternelle avant l’âge de trois ans des enfants. Ces normes sont toutefois en train de changer, les femmes jeunes étant plus permissives et souhaitant travailler plus rapidement après une naissance. La quasi obligation de quitter le marché du travail après une naissance a comme résultat que le statut professionnel influence significativement la réalisation des intentions de fécondité en Hongrie tandis qu’en France, en conséquence d’une plus grande neutralité des politiques familiales, le statut professionnel joue moins sur ces intentions dont la réalisation est d’ailleurs plus fréquente. / This dissertation compares two countries in which the level of fertility is very different and explores to which extent these differences can be explained with current family policy measures and in particular with measures that permit women to reconcile employment and family life. Both countries devote the same proportion of their GDP to families, but they support the reconciliation between work and family life differently. While in France the measures and the childcare facilities for children below three allow women to resume work quickly after a birth, long career interruptions are supported in Hungary. The measures, inherited from the era of state-socialism, have an important impact on the duration of career interruptions of women: after a birth, the mean length of these interruptions is about 4.7 years.At the meantime people’s mentality supports this organisation of family life after a birth since social norms require maternal childcare until the age of three. Yet, these norms are changing and younger women are more permissive and wish to resume work more quickly. The almost obligation to take up parental leave after a birth means that women’s employment status has a significant effect on the realisation of fertility intentions in Hungary. In France, on the contrary, as a result of the more neutral family policy, employment status has less effect on the realisation of fertility intentions, and moreover, these intentions are more often realised than in Hungary.

A community-based model of supervision for child and youth care workers employed in the Isibindi model of care in South Africa

Scott, Kathleen June 11 1900 (has links)
South African child and youth care programmes have been challenged to transform to address the needs of vulnerable and/or orphaned young people affected and/or infected by HIV/AIDS. The Isibindi programme was designed by the National Association of Child Care Workers to respond to this challenge to provide viable community child and youth care programmes. Supervision of staff plays a critical part in child and youth care programmes. This study explores the model of supervision being implemented in the Isibindi programme, identifies the elements of this model and stipulates which of these need to be strengthened for effective and efficient services. The research findings indicate that the Isibindi model of supervision reflects the practice of child and youth care services being delivered in the programme. Common child and youth care elements were identified as being essential to the efficient delivery of this model of supervision. / Health Studies / (M. Tech. (Child and Youth Care))

Harmonizace rodičovství a zaměstnání v rodinách s dětmi do 3 let věku. Domov nebo jesle? / Harmonization of parenthood and work in families with children under 3 years. Home or day nursery?

DUDOVÁ, Jiřina January 2010 (has links)
The thesis concerns with the issue of harmonization of a family life with work duties of parents of children up to the age of 3 years in Czech Republic. Theoretical part focuses on the difficulties, which come with and which complicate the harmonization, on the supportive arrangements in the family and workplace that help the harmonization; it deals with the role of state and employers in this domain. Furthermore it describes the system of services in daycare for the youngest children with the accent on the problems of day nursery. It presents current modern day nurseries and rebuts arguments which doubt the reason of their existence. Practical part of the thesis consists of description and analysis of a research inquiry which was made among the parents that decided to put their children into day nursery. Target of the inquiry was to find out which reasons led parents to the use of this particular childcare service form, what moved them to choose public institutional facility and not another form of care that would enable them to ensure childcare in their home.

Consulta de enfermagem em puericultura como tecnologia na preceptoria: estudo com abordagem sociopoética

Augusto, Verônica de Oliveira January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiana Gonçalves Pinto (benf@ndc.uff.br) on 2018-03-13T19:50:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Veronica de Oliveira Augusto.pdf: 804281 bytes, checksum: 98df52562eeab211da81f516ae053a73 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-13T19:50:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Veronica de Oliveira Augusto.pdf: 804281 bytes, checksum: 98df52562eeab211da81f516ae053a73 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Mestrado Profissional em Ensino na Saúde / No contexto atual, o Ministério da Saúde organizou uma grande estratégia, a fim de qualificar as Redes de Atenção Materno-Infantil em todo o País com o objetivo de reduzir as taxas de morbimortalidade. Dessa forma, a puericultura efetiva-se como ação fundamental, na atenção básica de saúde pelo acompanhamento periódico e sistemático das crianças para avaliação de seu crescimento e desenvolvimento. A puericultura é uma assistência de saúde aonde o profissional realiza um acompanhamento da criança saudável em uma fase da vida onde o ser humano se encontra mais vulnerável. Ao pensar na formação do enfermeiro para cuidar de crianças seja em hospitais, em unidades básicas de saúde, escolas ou creches, tal temática é imprescindível e atual, tendo em vista que os modelos de consulta de enfermagem delimitam espaços físicos, materiais específicos e condições de segurança à clientela. O enfermeiro-preceptor possui fundamental importância no processo de formação do aluno, tendo que possuir um perfil diferenciado do meio acadêmico com uma posição aonde o mesmo insere e socializa novos profissionais no campo pratico de trabalho. Demonstrando compromisso com o processo de ensino e de aprendizado do desenvolvimento prático, onde o estudo nos contempla com uma temática inovadora e relevante, tendo em vista a dificuldade do pesquisador utilizar todos os descritores relacionado ao tema conjugados, foi necessário realizar uma pesquisa de maneira fragmentada, onde houve conjugação de 2 a 3 descritores, mesmo assim foram encontrados poucos artigos que englobando a temática. O estudo tem como objetivo evidenciar a Consulta de Enfermagem em Puericultura como tecnologia na preceptoria. Foi desenvolvido um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, com abordagem sociopoética. Realizou-se oficinas que aconteceram em um espaço de atividade educativa, existente no Ambulatório Escola, tivemos a participação de 5 enfermeiros, 2 que atuam no cenário ambulatorial e 3 da ESF, a princípio seriam nove mas 4 não puderam participar devido férias, licença médica e compromisso particular. Os que participaram realizam e/ou realizaram consultas de enfermagem em puericultura em cenários distintos, 5 unidades ESF (Estratégia Saúde da Família) e um Ambulatório Escola (AMBE) da região serrana do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Questão norteadora que foi abordada em uma das oficinas, utilizando o método "Lugares Geomiticos", uma das técnicas da sociopoética: “Se a Consulta de Enfermagem em Puericultura fosse (exemplo) um poço como seria esse poço?” e assim sucessivamente com os outros lugares escolhidos pelas participantes. O estudo conforme exigência obteve a liberação do comitê de ética, sob nº parecer 1.326.808, CAAE: 49067415.5.00005245. Diante das falas do grupo pesquisador foi procedida análise categorial temática, na qual as falas foram sendo agrupadas por similaridade, assim as categorias emergiram para posterior análise. São essas as seguintes categorias: 1- Valorização profissional, através do reconhecimento da Consulta de Puericultura realizada pelo Enfermeiro na preceptoria; 2-Interferência do cenário de atuação, na realização da CEP na preceptoria; 3-Cultura do modelo biomédico presente na comunidade, interferindo na adesão. Obtivemos como conclusão questões que divergem na pratica dos enfermeiros-preceptores, onde o cenário se torna significativo para um bom desempenho dos discentes diante a CEP, fez-se necessário compreender e descrever essa atividade, buscando tê-la como tecnologia educacional, onde os confetos foram intensificados, evidenciando fatores que interferem na realização e reconhecimento da CEP trazidos pelo GP e assim dando visibilidade a identidade profissional / In the current context, the Ministry of Health organized a great strategy in order to qualify the Maternal and Child Care Networks throughout the country in order to reduce morbidity and mortality rates. Thus, the effective up childcare as a key action in basic health care for the regular and systematic monitoring of children to assess their growth and development. The child care is a health care where the professional performs a monitoring of healthy child in a stage of life where the human being is more vulnerable. When thinking about the education of nurses to care for children or in hospitals, basic health units, schools or day care centers, this theme is essential and current, considering that the nursing consultation models delimiting physical spaces, specific materials and conditions security to customers. The nurse-teacher is of fundamental importance in the student's education process, having to have a different profile from academia to a position where it enters and socializes new professionals in the practical field work. Demonstrating commitment to the process of teaching and learning practical development, where the study contemplates us with an innovative and relevant thematic, with a view to researcher difficulty using all related descriptors to connecting theme, it was necessary to perform a piecemeal search where there was conjunction 2-3 descriptors still found a few articles covering the thematic. The study aims to show the Nursing Consultation on Child Care and technology in preceptorship. a qualitative, descriptive study, with poetics approach was developed. Held workshops that took place in a educational activity space, existing at the Clinic School, had the participation of five nurses, two working in the outpatient setting and 3 of the ESF, the principle would be nine but 4 could not attend due to vacation, sick leave and private commitment. Those who participated perform and / or carried out nursing consultations in child care in different scenarios, 5 units FHS (Family Health Strategy) and Ambulatory School (AMBE) in the mountainous region of the state of Rio de Janeiro. guiding question that was addressed in one of the workshops, using the method "Places Geomiticos", one of the techniques of poetics: "If the Nursing Consultation on Child Care were (example) a well as it would be this well" and so on with the other places chosen by the participants. The study as exigency obtained the release of the committee of ethics under nºparecer 1,326,808, CAAE: 49067415.5.00005245.Diante the speeches of the research group was preceded analysis categorical thematic, in which the lines were being grouped by similarity, so the categories emerged for further analysis. These are the following categories: 1. Professional Valuation, by recognizing the Child Care consultation conducted by the Nurse in the preceptorship; 2-Interference performance scenario, the achievement of the CEP in precptoria; 3- Culture of the biomedical model present in the community, affecting the membership. We obtained as issues conclusion that diverge in practice of nurses, tutors, where the scenery becomes significant for a good performance of students on the zip code, became necessary to understand and describe this activity, seeking to have it as an educational technology, where confects They were intensified, highlighting factors that interfere with the achievement and recognition of the CEP brought by GP and thus giving visibility to professional identity

Rodinná politika v České republice a služby péče o děti předškolního věku / Family policy in the Czech Republic and services of care about children in the pre-school age

Sláma, Vladimír January 2011 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce Family policy in the Czech Republic and services of childcare for children of pre-school age This master's degree thesis deals with family policy, in particular with the institutional provisions of childcare services for children of pre-school age, their legislative framework and potential future development. The goal is to find out whether the current legislation of childcare services sufficiently reflects the needs of parents, given demographic developments and the existing socio-cultural and economic context. The first chapter characterizes the current context of family policy in the Czech Republic: We are experiencing rising fertility rates, while people realize parenthood at later stages of their lives. In addition, opinion polls show that 50% of families desire an egalitarian family model with an equal distribution of childcare responsibilities between both parents, thus allowing for the professional development of each. In reality, however, women usually lower their professional ambitions and stay at home taking care of the children. The second chapter suggests that the discrepancy between the desired and the actually practiced family model is a result of existing family policies in the Czech Republic, which prefer the model of the father as the breadwinner and the mother...

Komparace rodinné politiky České republiky a Belgie v letech 1995 – 2016 - harmonizace rodinného a pracovního života / Family policy comparison in the Czech Republic and in Belgium - 1995-2016 - Work-life balance

Buchtová, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
Work-life balance is very actual them not only of political debate due to the low fertility and more and more discussed gender equality. The aim of the thesis is a comparison of family policy in the Czech Republic, and family policy in Belgium and resulting evaluation of ability of policy to promote work-life balance environment. While Belgium belongs between countries with high fertility and high employment rate of mothers in the European Union, Czech Republic is an opposite case. Belgium creates a comprehensive system of childcare and flexible working possibilities for parents. Together it gives the opportunity for harmonization of carrier and care of family. Belgium could be an inspiration for the Czech Republic in area of family policy, where the Czech Republic still lags far behind.

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