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Proces rámcování mediálních obsahů na příkladu tématu domácího násilí / The process of framing media content on the example of domestic violenceHomolková, Dana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to find out how domestic violence was framed in the Czech printed media. The analysis was based on the findings of Robert Entman, who defined framing as selection and emphasising of certain attributes in the media (Entman, 1993). The work brought about a theoretical introduction into the concept of framing which became a part of the media studies in the last twenty years and which currently deals with all phases of media text origination and interpretation. The framing method was applied on a chosen topic of domestic violence, in connection with the new law on protection of abused people, which came into effect on January 1, 2007. Five weeklies (Blesk pro ženy, Instinkt, Květy, Reflex, Respekt) were selected for analysis and the monitored period of one calendar year from January 1, 2007, to January 1, 2008, was set. In the practical part, a qualitative analysis was carried out, determining the frames and research hypotheses for further interpretation of framing of given topic. Subsequent quantitative analysis studied the methods of article framing by individual magazines and eventual differences in the approach to this topic from the viewpoint of prevailing stereotypes associated with domestic violence. Attention was also paid to the question whether the magazines provided...
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Europeizace soukromého práva / Europeanisation of private lawLederer, Vít January 2013 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce The purpose of this thesis is to analyse europeanisation of private law. The thesis is composed of six chapter, each of them dealing with different aspects of the creation of uniform private law. Chapter One is introductory. Deals with the term of europeanisation of private law and focuses on its basic methods. Attempts to distinguish centralist and non-centralist ways of convergence in the area of european private law. The first subchapter describes unification of private law by means of international conventions and through european regulations and directives. The second subpart examines spontaneous process of europeanisation of private law. Ilustrates the creation of a european private law by legal science and education, drafting principles of european private law and is concerned with competition of legal systems. Chapter two explores if the unification of private law is needed and possible. Discusses positive as well as negative arguments of the unification in the area of private law. Chapter three describes several of academic iniciatives concerned with the creation of uniform private law. Chapter Four concentrates on european contract law. This part discusses the term of contract law, describes international instruments of its unification, focuses on consumer protection in...
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Assessing the adolescent experience of mindfulnessLechtenberg, Marcie M. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Family Studies and Human Services / Sandra M. Stith / This investigation explored a relatively understudied aspect of mindfulness: the experience of ninth graders in a public school classroom who practice a brief, daily mindfulness activity. The mixed-method study utilized both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Semi-structured interviews investigated the experience of those students and gleaned further information surrounding the question, ―What was the experience of mindfulness like for you?‖ The data from these interviews was analyzed using thematic analysis and was cross-coded by two outside researchers not part of the data collection. This study also explored the effects of classroom mindfulness activities through the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (Greco, Dew, & Baer, 2005). The participating students and a control group of students within the same school building and subject area took the measure before and after the study to determine the effects, if any, of participating in classroom mindfulness activities on adolescent mindfulness. These results were analyzed using paired sample T-tests using SPSS software.
Results from both the interviews and the survey showed that students participating in the mindfulness activities had a consistently positive experience with the mindfulness exercise and increased their level of mindfulness. While unfamiliar with mindfulness at the beginning of the study, students in the experimental condition reported they found the experience beneficial in terms of personal growth, classroom environment, and adaption to other areas of their life. Any negative experiences concerning the mindfulness exercises centered around the initial unfamiliarity with mindfulness and specific components of one exercise. These results were further confirmed by the entries in a daily journal kept by the teacher.
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Trafikbelastade gårdsbjälklag : En undersökning av beräkningsmetoders lämplighet och möjliga förenklingar i projekteringsprocessenHärd, Johan, Skoglund, Mårten January 2019 (has links)
As a structural designer, you are sometimes required to design structures carrying traffic loads, but which are not, for example, bridges or parking garages. In practice, this usually applies to drivable floor layers and culverts under roads. When designing structures such as bridges and parking garages, there are clear standards and regulations to follow. These types of guidelines are not as comprehensive when it comes specifically to dimensioning traffic-load-bearing constructions in connection with building construction. Frequently, an evenly distributed load of 20 kN/m2 is used. The purpose of this work is to investigate which regulations house construction designers should relate to when designing structures that carry traffic loads which are not bridges or parking garages. The work also includes an investigation of how suitable different calculation methods are for different types of load cases. The goal is to make recommendations that can streamline the work for construction designers. The material for this work has been obtained through three different methods. In order to gain an understanding of the subject and the current state of knowledge in the field, a literature study has been made. The main part of the work has included qualitative interviews with people who have good experience and knowledge in the field, as well as practical modeling and calculation of load cases. The focus has been on investigating which transverse forces occur for some specific load cases. The study also includes the effect of the fill layer’s thickness on the load spread. For larger floor spans, it is confirmed that an evenly distributed load of 20 kN/m2 is a bit heaped. To dimension after this covers most of the load cases that may occur on a floor layer or similar construction. In some cases, this value could be halved without problem. It also turns out that the shorter the span of the floor, the more the evenly distributed load differs between the different fill layer thicknesses. / Som husbyggnadskonstruktör får man ibland dimensionera konstruktioner som bär trafiklast, men som inte är exempelvis broar eller parkeringsgarage. I praktiken gäller det oftast körbara gårdsbjälklag och kulvertar under vägar. Gårdsbjälklag är ett något diffust begrepp. Vanligen innebär ett gårdsbjälklag ett bjälklag som skiljer insidan av en byggnad från någon typ av innergård. Normalt byggs dessa konstruktioner ovanpå parkeringsgarage eller källarvåningar. Ofta bär gårdsbjälklaget på de massor av material som planteringar, gräsmattor, vägar och gångar innebär. Gårdsbjälklag bär alltså i praktiken ofta på ett tätskikt, isoleringslager, samt diverse överbyggnader. Överbyggnaden kan bestå av jord, stenmaterial eller liknande massor. Dessa gårdsbjälklag kan även vara föremål för trafiklaster. Vanligtvis handlar det om uppställningsplatser för utryckningsfordon, men det finns också gårdsbjälklag där fraktfordon, servicefordon eller personbilar kan köra. Ofta trafikeras gårdsbjälklag även av fordon under byggskedet. Det kan exempelvis vara grävmaskiner, traktorer, lastbilar eller mobila kranar. Vid dimensionering av konstruktioner som broar och parkeringsgarage finns tydliga normer och regelverk att följa. Dessa typer av riktlinjer är inte lika omfattande när det specifikt gäller dimensionering av trafikbelastade konstruktioner i samband med husbyggnad. Ofta används en vedertagen utbredd last på 20 kN/m2. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilka regelverk husbyggnadskonstruktörer ska förhålla sig till vid dimensionering av konstruktioner som bär trafiklast men som inte är broar eller parkeringsgarage. Arbetet innefattar även en granskning av hur lämpliga olika beräkningsmetoder är för olika typer av lastfall. Målet är att ta fram rekommendationer som kan effektivisera arbetet för konstruktörer inom husbyggnad. Materialet för detta arbete har inhämtats genom tre skilda metoder. För att få en förståelse för ämnet och det aktuella kunskapsläget inom området har en litteraturstudie gjorts. Huvuddelen av arbetet har innefattat dels kvalitativa intervjuer med personer som har god erfarenhet och kunskap inom området, dels praktisk modellering och beräkning av lastfall. Fokus har legat på att undersöka vilka tvärkrafter som uppstår för några specifika lastfall. Undersökningen innefattar även vilken inverkan överbyggnader av olika tjocklek har på lastspridningen. De beräkningsprogram som har använts under arbetet är i synnerhet Strusoft FEM-Design. Även Strusoft Frame Analysis och PTC Mathcad Prime har nyttjats. Vid intervjuer med erfarna husbyggnadskonstruktörer framgick bland annat att dimensioneringsprocessen i de flesta fall är relativt simpel, men att vissa svårigheter kan uppstå, samt att en effektivisering av dimensioneringsprocessen för gårdsbjälklag är möjlig. Båda respondenterna nämnde att många konstruktioner troligen överdimensioneras till följd av användandet av gamla riktlinjer. Hur pass erfaren konstruktören är kan också spela in. Vidare kan det vid beräkning av laster på gårdsbjälklag vara både fördelaktigt och nödvändigt att räkna på lastspridningen i överbyggnadsmaterialet. En utförligare undersökning kring vilka laster man som konstruktör faktiskt bör räkna med för olika lastfall skulle därmed vara av intresse. Enligt en respondent saknas även en tydlig gränsdragning för i vilka fall EKS respektive specifika laster bör användas vid dimensionering. Resultatet från beräkningarna visar att stora utbredda laster uppkommer när spännvidderna blir mindre. Detta blir viktigt att beakta vid dimensionering av exempelvis kulvertar, där punktlasterna för de specifika lastfallen måste tas hänsyn till, givet att överbyggnaden inte är väldigt tilltagen. För större bjälklag bekräftas att en dimensionerande, jämnt utbredd last på 20 kN/m2 är väl tilltagen. Att dimensionera efter detta täcker de absolut flesta lastfallen som kan tänkas förekomma på ett gårdsbjälklag eller liknande konstruktion. I en del fall skulle detta värde kunna halveras utan att problem skulle uppstå. Det visar sig även att ju kortare bjälklagets spännvidd är, desto mer skiljer sig den motsvarande utbredda lasten mellan de olika överbyggnadstjocklekarna.
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Through examining the variables that contribute to the natural process of language and cognition, a promising path is paved for researchers to identify the variables that influence higher order skills, such as perspective taking, empathy and altruism. The current study implemented the PEAK Relational Training System Transformation Module Pre-Assessment Expressive portion (PEAK-T PA) as an objective behavior measure of relational framing complexity. Two additional self-report assessments were used with all subjects, including a multi-dimensional measure of empathy, referred to as the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) and the Valued Living Questionnaire (VLQ). A Pearson correlation analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between PEAK-T PA scores and IRI subscale scores. Additional Pearson correlation analysis was used to determine a relationship between PEAK-T scores and VLQ scores. A statistically significant relationship was determined between one of the relational frame subareas of the PEAK-T PA and the perspective taking IRI subscale scores. Results, limitations and future research areas associated with relational framing abilities are discussed.
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“The Living Cow” : A frame analysis of support for and opposition to hydraulic fracturing in ArgentinaPlanting Mollaoglu, Emil January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Sofrimentos psíquicos na ascensão social: da ruptura do contrato narcísico à busca por reconhecimento no metaenquadre sociocultural brasileiro / Psychic suffering in the social ascension: from breaking the narcissistic contract to the search for recognition in the Brazilian sociocultural metaframeNicoletti, Taís de Oliveira 28 June 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa é inspirada na grande ampliação da classe C ocorrida no passado recente de nosso país. A inclusão de milhões de brasileiros em ambientes e atividades antes exclusivas das classes mais abastadas, como o estudo em instituições de ensino superior e ocupações profissionais de natureza mais intelectual do que braçal, é algo extremamente positivo para o País. Porém, ela parece ter gerado efeitos colaterais inesperados: indivíduos apresentando sofrimentos psíquicos que os impedem de prosseguir sua vida durante ou após trajetórias de ascensão social. Este estudo pretende compreender como a ascensão social, que muitas vezes se apresenta como um movimento familiar e multigeracional, pode afetar psiquicamente os indivíduos que vivem esse processo. Para isso, são apresentados três fatos clínicos a partir dos quais procura-se estabelecer ligações entre os sintomas observados e conceitos psicanalíticos que possam elucidá-los, em articulação com reflexões de Souza (2018) acerca do cenário sociocultural em que se deu esse movimento de ascensão social. O primeiro conceito é o de enquadre (Bleger, 1977) que, expandido à noção de metaenquadre (Kaës, 2007/2011), explica o fato de os sintomas de sofrimento se apresentarem de forma obscura, quase imperceptível. Em seguida, há uma reflexão sobre a saída do lugar de origem através do conceito de contrato narcísico (Aulagnier, 1975/2001 e Kaës, 2007/2011), para posteriormente se pensar o lugar de (não) chegada e o desejo de reconhecimento (Hegel, 1807/1988, Benjamin,1988 e Safatle, 2017) / This research is inspired by the large growth of the social class C, which occurred in the recent past of our country. The inclusion of millions of Brazilians into environments and activities which had been, up to a few years ago, exclusive to the wealthier social classes, such as undergraduate education and professional occupations of intellectual nature, rather than those of physical labour, is something extremely positive for the country. Nevertheless, this seems to have generated unexpected side effects: individuals showing psychic sufferings during or after their social ascension trajectories, which prevent them from reaching the objectives they had set for themselves. This study intends to comprehend how social ascension, often being a multigenerational move in the family, can psychically affect the individuals who undertake it. To accomplish that I introduce three clinical facts from which I try to establish liaisons between the observed symptoms and three psychoanalytic concepts to elucidate them. This is done in articulation with Souzas (2018) thoughts on the sociocultural scene where the social ascension takes place. The first concept is frame (Bleger, 1977) which, when expanded into the notion of metaframe (Kaës, 2007/2011), explains the fact that the suffering symptoms present themselves in an obscure, almost imperceptible manner. Following that, there is a reflection on leaving the origin and the inevitable split from several aspects of this birth time-space for that I resort to the concept narcissistic contract (Auglanier, 1975/2001; Kaës, 2007/2011), to then think of the (non-)arrival place and the longing for recognition (Hegel, 1807/1988; Benjamin, 1988; Safatle, 2017)
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A comparative study of contemporary East and West African poetry in EnglishMosoti, Edwin 03 September 2012 (has links)
Ph.D. University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities, 2012 / Modern African poetry in English is a product of a number of literary traditions broadly categorised as either „indigenous‟ or „alien‟ to Africa. Working on the premise that these vary from one region to another, this study seeks to compare the myriad of poetic influences and traditions as manifested in contemporary East and West African poetry of English expression using a corpus of selected contemporary African poems. The contemporary era, here temporally defined as the post 1980s period, is typified by borrowing across literary genres and traditions to the point where the boundaries of what may be designated as „indigenous‟ or „alien‟ has become difficult to determine and distinguish. Core to my thesis is what Jan Ramazani (2001) designates as the hybrid muse, which ensures that contemporary poetry or poetic discourses explicitly or implicitly acknowledge that they are defined by their relationship to others, hence regarded as „epochal continuities‟ of foundational poetics. The study seeks to illustrate how creative writing, in particular poetic composition, emerging from the two regions exhibits affinities, parallels, as well as inter-connectedness despite the much emphasised disparities and peculiarities. Central to contemporary poetry examined in this study is „song‟ as a metaphor for its characteristic hybrid nature. The following chapters engage with different facets of song; from the praise song – hatched as a dirge in Chapter Two, mashairi as a Swahili sung poem tradition influencing poetry in written English in Chapter Three, what Osundare calls „songs of the season‟ in Chapter Four and how the experiment dialogues with journalistic discourses, song school and the different „Lawinos‟ singing in contemporary times in Chapter Five, through to Mugo‟s mother‟s poem and other songs in Chapter Six. Recent poetry from Africa is replete with and informed by diverse texts and intellectual discourses available to the poet in East or West Africa. Despite the much emphasized differences, I argue that there need not be explicit intertextual relations; that even when produced or consumed in tregion („solitary speaker‟), contemporary poetry still typically includes „language‟ or textual material derived not just from a „socially diverse discursive formation‟ but econo-political and intellectual environment underpinning the „other‟. The contemporary socio-political and economic conditions as well as various institutional parameters ensure that sharp differences in thematic preoccupations and aesthetic – are not as much as they may have been portrayed in “foundational poetry”. Considering the commonality in contemporary poetry issues from more or less the same pool of texts, intertextuality marking the era therefore evidences dialogues within and across the regions examined
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Manger entre pairs à l’école : Synchronisme et complémentarité des processus de socialisation / Eating at school with peers : Synchronism and complementarity of the socialization processesComoretto, Geraldine 09 March 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les aspects sociaux des repas consommés entre pairs à l’école élémentaire : le déjeuner à la cantine et le goûter à l’étude du soir. Elle montre en quoi ces prises alimentaires constituent des temps et des espaces de socialisation singuliers pour les enfants, en ce qu’ils ne sont ni tout à fait scolaires, ni extrascolaires. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique menée dans trois écoles de la région parisienne accueillant des populations socialement différenciées, cette recherche s’intéresse à la rencontre entre les diverses instances de socialisation qui interfèrent dans la construction du rapport à l’alimentation des enfants. Des observations, en partie participantes, ont été réalisées pendant deux années scolaires dans les écoles ainsi que des entretiens semi-directifs auprès des familles et des encadrants des prises alimentaires. Nos résultats montrent que les pratiques et les dispositions familiales, socialement et culturellement situées, transmises à l’enfant en matière d’alimentation, sont confrontées à l’école à d’autres modes de socialisation. L’influence du groupe de pairs et le rôle des adultes qu’ils côtoient lors des repas sont mis en lumière afin de rendre compte du caractère synchronique et de la complémentarité des processus de socialisation. Le partage de ces repas confronte les enfants à des normes et à des valeurs inégalement proches de celles de leur milieu familial : celles de leurs pairs et de la culture enfantine d’une part ; celles des professionnels qui les servent et les encadrent d’autre part et qui, selon leur profil et leur origine sociale, ne disposent pas de la même légitimité à socialiser / This thesis explores the social aspects of meal times among peers in elementary school: lunch in the canteen and afternoon snack at 4:30. It demonstrates the manner in which these meals constitute environments and opportunities for socialization amongst children. Being neither, strictly speaking, curricular nor completely removed from the educational environment, these extracurricular times nonetheless gather students around food. An ethnographic study was conducted in three socially and culturally differentiated Parisian schools. It focuses on the juxtaposition of various opportunities for socialization within a peer group at meal times. Observations, partly participant, were conducted over two academic years. Semi-structured interviews were also undertaken with families and supervisors of food intake. Our results show that social and cultural family practices transmitted to children, in terms of food and meal times, are confronted with school and other modes of socialization. The influence of the peer group and the role of adults around children during meals are highlighted to reflect their synchronic character and to evince the complementarity of the socialization process. Sharing these meals confronts children to new norms and values, uneven close to those of their family environment. The norms and values of their peers and childhood on the one hand, and one the other hand those of the professionals who serve the meals and supervise the children, professionals whose legitimacy to socialize is furthermore closely related to their social origin
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Dois pares narrativos de Lídia Jorge: uma tetralogia construída / Two narrative pairs by Lídia Jorge: a constructed tetralogy.Freitas, Elisângela Aneli Ramos de 29 October 2018 (has links)
Este estudo propõe-se a avaliar as relações existentes entre dois pares narrativos formados por uma narrativa curta e outra longa, da autora Lídia Jorge, compostos pelo conto Os Gafanhotos, inserido no romance A Costa dos Murmúrios (1988) e seu próprio romance, e o conto A Instrumentalina (1992) e o romance A Manta do Soldado (1996), fundando-se, desta forma, a nossa tetralogia construída. Esta análise procurou debruçar-se sobre as questões que a narrativa moldura, no primeiro par, incita, da mesma forma que dedicou-se a outras relações narrativas observadas nos dois pares, como a preocupação em denunciar o perigo da história única, a questão da emigração e da identidade portuguesa durante o período do Estado Novo, além da construção e utilização dos símbolos como potência dentro destas obras. Tendo como eixos de pesquisa identidade e alteridade, memória e herança, procuramos analisar como os conceitos impregnados nestas obras operam em sua elaboração, contribuindo para o melhor entendimento da complexidade da obra da autora. / This study intends to evaluate the relations between two narrative pairs formed by a short and a long story by Lídia Jorge, composed by the short story Os Gafanhotos, inserted in the novel A Costa dos Murmúrios (1988) and its own novel, and the tale A Instrumentalina (1992) and the novel A Manta do Soldado (1996), therefore, forming our constructed tetralogy. This analysis was looked for to focus on the issues of the narrative frame, in the first pair, as it was devoted to other narrative relations observed in the two pairs, such as concern to denounce the danger of single history, the question of emigration and Portuguese identity during the Estado Novo period, as well as the construction and use of symbols as power within these works. Having as axes of research identity and alterity, memory and inheritance, we try to analyze how the concepts that these works help in their elaboration, contributing to a better understanding of the complexity of the work of the author.
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