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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Feminine Ancestral Footsteps: Symbolic Language Between Women in The Scarlet Letter and The House of the Seven Gables

Serrano, Gabriela 12 1900 (has links)
This study examines Hawthorne's use of symbols, particularly flowers, in The Scarlet Letter and The House of the Seven Gables. Romantic ideals stressed the full development of the self¬reliant individual, and romantic writers such as Hawthorne believed the individual would fully develop not only spiritually, but also intellectually by taking instruction from the natural world. Hawthorne's heroines reach their full potential as independent women in two steps: they first work together to defeat powerful patriarchies, and they then learn to read natural symbols to cultivate their artistic sensibilities which lead them to a full development of their intellect and spirituality. The focus of this study is Hawthorne's narrative strategy; how the author uses symbols as a language his heroines use to communicate from one generation to the next. In The Scarlet Letter, for instance, the symbol of a rose connects three generations of feminine reformers, Ann Hutchinson, Hester Prynne, and Pearl. By the end of the novel, Pearl interprets a rose as a symbol of her maternal line, which links her back to Ann Hutchinson. Similarly in The House of the Seven Gables Alice, Hepzibah, and Phoebe Pyncheon are part of a family line of women who work together to overthrow the Pyncheon patriarchy. The youngest heroine, Phoebe, comes to an understanding of her great, great aunt Alice's message from the posies her feminine ancestor plants in the Pyncheon garden. Through Phoebe's interpretation of the flowers, she deciphers how the cultivation of a sense of artistic appreciation is essential to the progress of American culture.

Le rôle des programmes moteurs graphiques dans la reconnaissance des lettres / The role of graphic motor programs in letter-like shape recognition

Seyll, Lola 28 April 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Le but du présent travail de thèse était d’examiner dans quelle mesure les programmes moteurs graphiques acquis au cours de l’apprentissage par écriture manuscrite contribuent au processus de reconnaissance. Précédemment, l’avantage de l’écriture manuscrite sur la dactylographie a été attribué à la contribution des programmes moteurs graphiques (Longcamp et al. 2010). Toutefois, les données recueillies dans le présent travail suggèrent que l’analyse visuelle détaillée requise par l’écriture manuscrite explique une grande partie de cet avantage. En effet, lorsque le symbole à reconnaître est présenté dans des conditions visuelles optimales, les apprentissages par écriture manuscrite et par composition – nécessitant tous les deux une analyse visuelle détaillée – aboutissent à un niveau de reconnaissance similaire et supérieur à celui faisant suite à la dactylographie. Ces résultats sont en accord avec la conception visuelle de la reconnaissance des lettres. Dans cette perspective, l’association entre la perception des lettres et l’activation motrice peut être interprétée comme la conséquence de l’apprentissage conjoint de la lecture et de l’écriture et non comme une condition nécessaire à l’encodage et à la reconnaissance.Toutefois, lorsque les conditions visuelles de présentation sont altérées, l’apprentissage par écriture manuscrite tend à aboutir à une meilleure reconnaissance que les apprentissages par composition et par dactylographie. Ces données suggèrent que les programmes moteurs graphiques pourraient contribuer à la reconnaissance lorsque les informations visuelles sont limitées et que la mémoire visuelle ne peut être utilisée de façon optimale. Notons que cette hypothèse mériterait d’être examinée de façon plus directe.Même si les résultats montrent une contribution importante de l’analyse visuelle détaillée dans l’avantage de l’écriture manuscrite sur la dactylographie, il convient de souligner que dans des conditions d’apprentissage naturelles, l’écriture manuscrite constitue le moyen le plus évident et spontané de promouvoir une telle analyse détaillée. Par ailleurs, pour que l’écriture manuscrite puisse aboutir à un encodage optimal, il est important que l’automaticité des mouvements d’écriture soit préservée. En effet, rompre l’automaticité de l’écriture par une perturbation de l’activité graphomotrice durant l’apprentissage affecte les performances ultérieures en reconnaissance. / Doctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A modern Wessex of the 'penny post' : letters and the post in Thomas Hardy's novels

Koehler, Karin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the use and representation of letters (and other written messages) in Thomas Hardy's novels, and it considers how Hardy's writing engages with Victorian communication technologies. The 1895 Preface to Far from the Madding Crowd describes Hardy's fictional setting as a ‘a modern Wessex of railways, the penny post, mowing and reaping machines, union workhouses, lucifer matches, labourers who could read and write, and National school children'. The penny post, a communication revolution with an enormous social, economic, and cultural impact, was introduced on 10 January 1840, just a few months before Hardy was born. This thesis aims to demonstrate how a consideration of the material, technological and cultural conditions of communication in Victorian England might reshape our understanding of Hardy's novels, especially of the countless letters, notes, and telegrams which permeate his texts. The written messages in Hardy's novels serve as a means for exploring the process of human communication, and the way this process shapes individual identity, interpersonal relationships, and social interactions alike. Chapter I of this thesis relates Hardy's portrayal of letters to the historical transition from oral tradition to written culture. Chapter II enquires into the relationship between letter writing and notions of privacy and publicity in Hardy's novels. Chapters III and IV argue that Hardy uses letters so as to give a strikingly modern complexity to his representation of human subjectivity and intersubjectivity. The two final chapters investigate how the modalities and technological conditions of written communication influence the construction of Hardy's narratives, the design of his plots. Taken together, the six chapters examine Hardy's perception of one of the most fundamental human activities: communication.

Into the known

Inge, Courtney Lynn 16 October 2014 (has links)
This report details a design process that generates new forms from mundane materials and tools. By utilizing a structure of limitations to establish artificial constraints, making becomes a sort of game where the designer must negotiate the rules and objects in order to achieve a solution. The best results come from setting up explicit limitations about the type of manipulation permitted, establishing design objectives, specifying the material or tool to be explored. Throughout the process of designing a structure of limitations affords the designer a critical distance from the assumed uses of common materials and familiar tools resulting in new forms, and often unexpected results. Self-assigned parameters help the designer gain control over rules and constraints established by clients. / text

Algebra i gymnasieskolan : Vilka svårigheter har eleverna?

Nilsson, Staffan January 2007 (has links)
<p>During my practice as a teacher trainee at an upper secondary school it became clear to me that many pupils have difficulties with algebra. Also in a report from the National Agency for Education (1999) you can see that the students algebra knowledge get worse and worse. I was surprised to find that many pupils seemed to get stuck on the level of attainment for the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. As I have not studied anything about difficulties in algebra during my training to become a qualified teacher I would like to get to know more about this. I also examine why you have to study algebra in upper secondary school. In my examination I have besides studying research used an empirical study. The empirical study consists of four interviews with upper secondary school teachers in mathematics.</p><p>The result of my assignment can be summarized with that algebra gives you general solutions to problems, gives you larger poosibility to manage higer studys and its an important tool in other subjects in Upper Secondary School. The typical mistakes students do depends especially on fault due to lack of arithmetic skills.</p> / <p>Under mina praktikperioder på gymnasieskolan som lärarstudent kom jag i kontakt med många elever som hade det svårt med algebra. Även i en rapport från Skolverket (1999) fastlås gymnasieelevers allt sämre algebrakunskaper. Jag förundrades över att många elever verkade ha fastnat på högstadiets kunskapsnivå. Då jag inte har fått någon undervisning om elever med svårigheter i algebra i min lärarutbildning, vill jag lära mig mer om detta. Jag undersöker också varför man läser algebra på gymnasieskolan. I min undersökning har jag förutom litteraturstudier använt mig av en empirisk studie. Den empiriska studien består av intervjuer med fyra gymnasielärare i matematik.</p><p>Resultatet av mitt arbete kan sammanfattas med att algebra ger generella lösningar på problem, ger större möjligheter att klara av högre studier och att det är ett viktigt verktyg i många andra ämnen i gymnasieskolan. De typiska fel som gymnasieelever gör beror främst på fel p.g.a. aritmetiska färdigheter saknas.</p>

Är VD:ns tonfall befogat? : En studie om huruvida informationsasymmetri existerar i den frivilliga redovisningen och eventuella konsekvenser för investerare.

Fredriksson, Jakob, Konradsson, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Extern redovisning är till för att upplysa utomstående som har ett intresse för hur företaget har presterat, dess finansiella resultat, nuvarande ställning samt utveckling. Den externa redovisningen består av två delar, en frivillig och en obligatorisk del där den frivilliga delen är oreglerad. Informationen från den frivilliga redovisningen kan användas som ett verktyg för att minska andelen informationsasymmetri mellan företaget och dess intressenter. Det råder dock en teoretisk oenighet huruvida den frivilliga redovisningen bidrar till minskad informationsasymmetri eller ej där tidigare forskning menar på att informationen kan minska graden av informationsasymmetri. Men bevis har även hittats som stödjer att VD:n använder den frivilliga redovisningen för att visa upp en förfinad bild av företaget. På grund av oenigheten som råder i tidigare forskning har VD-brevet undersökts för att se om informationen är trovärdig eller om den är vinklad och därmed bidrar till asymmetri. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida informationen som skildras i VD-brevet är trovärdigt och autentiskt. VD-brevet undersöks genom att studera tonfallet och dess koppling till utvalda förklaringsvariabler och ta ställning till om VD-brevet är lämpligt som beslutsunderlag för investerare. Metod: Studien genomförs med en kvantitativ tvärsnittsdesign och en deduktiv ansats där data samlas in från företag listade på Stockholmsbörsens large- och mid cap listor för 2014. Studiens hypoteser testas med tre beroende tonfallsvariabler och fem förklaringsvariabler för att ta ställning till studiens undersökta problem. Resultat: Två av studiens framtagna hypoteser accepteras varav den ena ger stöd för den bidragande sidan till informationsasymmetri och den andra ger stöd för den motverkande sidan. Resultatet visar på problematiken kring informationsasymmetri och ger stöd för att båda teoretiska sidorna samexisterar i VD-brevet. Slutsatsen blir att kommunikationen i VD-brevet till stor del går att se som trovärdig men att investerare bör ta hänsyn till att informationen till viss del visar på användandet av strategiska kommunikationsverktyg som ifrågasätter trovärdigheten. / Background: Financial reporting aims to inform third parties who have an interest in how the company has performed, its financial results, current status and development. The financial reporting consists of two sides, a voluntary and amandatory side where the voluntary side is unregulated. The information from the voluntary reporting can be used as a tool to reduce information asymmetry between the company and its stakeholders. However, there is a theoretical discussion as to whether the voluntary reporting contribute to reducing information asymmetry or if the CEO uses the letter to present a misleading picture of the organization. On the basis of the disagreement between previous studies, the CEO’s letter has been examined to see whether the information is credible and authentic or if it is misleading and thus contribute to asymmetry. Aim: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the information in the CEO’s letter is credible and authentic. The CEO’s letter will be investigatedby studying the tone and its link to the selected explanatory variables, to examine if the CEO’s letter is suitable as a decision basis for investors. Methodology: The study was conducted with a quantitative cross-sectional design and a deductive approach in which data has been collected from companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange large and mid-cap listings for the year 2014. The study’s hypotheses were tested with three dependent tone variables and five explanatory variables allowing us to study the problem of whether the CEO’s letter increases or decreases the degree of asymmetry. Result: Two of the study’s hypotheses were accepted, where one supports the contributing side to the information asymmetry and the other provides support for the opposite side who argue that voluntarily information reduces information asymmetry. The result provides support for both sides to the theoretical discussion and indicates that in reality both sides coexist in the CEO’s letter. The conclusion is that the communication in the CEO’s letter to a large extent can be seen as credible but investors should take in to consideration CEO’s use strategic communication tools in some extent.

La fraude et la dématérialisation du crédit documentaire

Rakotonanahary, Salohy Miadana 09 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit des affaires (LL.M)" / Le commerce international ne cesse de se développer avec l'évolution des technologies de l'information de nos jours. Le crédit documentaire, qui est un instrument de règlement du prix de prestations commerciales entre un vendeur exportateur et un acheteur importateur, fait partie du domaine touché par l'évolution électronique. C'est la raison pour laquelle la Chambre de commerce international de Paris a adopté récemment le Guide sur le crédit documentaire informatisé (eRUU), supplément aux règles et usances uniformes (les RUU 500) appliqué aux crédits documentaires. Le crédit documentaire doit être basé sur une grande confiance et une énorme sécurité. Ainsi, la fraude nuit au principe de l'autonomie de la lettre de crédit et détruit le besoin de sécurité qu'elle engendre. Les divergences relatives à certains critères de la fraude et la délimitation des obligations de la banque dans la vérification des documents sur support papier sont assez complexes pour les commerçants internationaux et pour les banques. Et même si la dématérialisation des documents a tendance à diminuer la fraude en la matière, le crédit documentaire dématérialisé serait encore loin d'être réalisé sans difficultés, avec l'émergence directe des tiers dans l'opération. Son analyse exhaustive doit donc continuer sur le plan doctrinal. La délimitation du devoir de la banque dans la recherche de cette fraude électronique, et dans le paiement des documents électroniques deviendrait aussi discutable que celle dans le crédit documentaire traditionnel. Les banques devraient, entre autres, être sensibilisées sur la nécessité de prendre dans les meilleurs délais certaines dispositions, pour permettre à la clientèle des entreprises d'effectuer des présentations ou des réceptions électroniques des documents de la lettre de crédit en conformité avec le règlement eUCP. / The international trade does not cease developing with the evolution of information technology nowadays. The documentary credit, which is an instrument of payment of the price of commercial services between an exporting salesman and an importing purchaser, is part of the field touched by the electronic evolution. This is why the international Chamber of Commerce of Paris recently adopted the Guide on the computerized letter of credit (eRUU), supplement to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit (RUU 500). The letter of credit must be based on a great confidence and an enormous safety. Thus, the fraud harms the principle of the autonomy of the letter of credit and destroyes the need for safety which it generates. The divergences relative to certain criteria of the fraud and the delimitation of the obligations of the bank in the checking of the documents on paper medium are complex enough for the international tradesmen and the banks. And even if the dematerialization of the documents tends to decrease the fraud on the matter, the dematerialized credit on security would be still far from being carried out without difficulties, with the direct emergence of the thirds in the operation. Its exhaustive analysis must then continue on the doctrinal level. The delimitation of the duty of the bank in the search for this electronic fraud, and in the payment of the electronic documents would become as debatable as that in the traditional documentary credit. The banks would have to be somewhat sensitized on the need for making certain provisions as soon as possible, to allow companies' customers to carry out presentations or electronic receptions of the documents of the letter of credit in conformity with the eUCP.

Välj mig! : En studie av framgångsrik och icke framgångsrik intrycksstyrning i det personliga brevet.

Idenfors Norrbacka, Carina January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

References to Clothing in Hawthorne's Major Romances

Brown, Evelyn Grayce 12 1900 (has links)
Through a close study of Hawthorne's four major romances--The Scarlet Letter, The House of the Seven Gables, The Blithedale Romance, and The Marble Faun-—this thesis singles out all significant references to apparel or accessories and evaluates the use he makes of them.

An Investigation of the Effects of Deferred Rush and Pledging on a Group of Freshmen at Southern Methodist University

Bryson, Fred, Wylie, 1922- 08 1900 (has links)
Since the initial experiences of the college freshman were regarded as critical to his personal and social adjustment, the present study had as its primary purpose the investigation of the effects of deferred rush and pledging on a student's first year as Southern Methodist University. More specifically, the study investigated the effects of deferred rush and pledging on the following factors: 1. The effect on academic achievement of a selected group of freshmen. 2. The effect on the drop-out rate of a selected group of freshmen. 3. The effect on the extent to which a selected group of freshmen use the University Health Center. 4. The effect on the extent to which a selected group of freshmen used the Psychological Services of the University.

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