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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verksamhetsinriktad handledning : En intervjustudie om lärares upplevelser / Operation-oriented coaching : An interview study of teachers' experiences

Petersson Sand, Rebecka January 2014 (has links)
I denna studie kan läsas om två arbetslag som deltagit i verksamhetsinriktad handledning. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur några lärare beskriver sina erfarenheter av att delta i verksamhetsinriktad handledning. Denna studie vill synliggöra om verksamhetsinriktad handledning är gynnsamt för ett ökat yrkeskunnande. Tidigare forskning och litteratur som presenteras i studien rör sig inom flera områden men främst handledning. Litteraturgenomgången innehåller en presentation av begreppen yrkeskunnande, pedagogisk handledning och reflektion. Denna studie är av kvalitativ art då metoden som använts är semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att förstå respondenternas berättelser analyserades delar av dessa med hjälp av reflektionsnivåer. Resultatet av den kvalitativa studien analyserades och tolkades utifrån en hermeneutisk ansats, vilket innebär att samband och mönster tolkas. Resultatet visar att lärarna som deltagit i handledningen befunnit sig på de olika reflektionsnivåerna samt att de har utvecklat sitt yrkeskunnande och sitt sätt att reflektera. De har också berättat att handledningen betytt mycket för verksamheten och för dem själva. Studiens slutsats är att verksamhetsinriktad handledning bidrar till ett ökat yrkeskunnande där respondenterna berättar att de känner sig säkrare och tryggare. De har utökat sitt yrkesspråk och talar med varandra på ett nytt sätt, förstå vad andra lärare och forskare menar. Respondenter berättar att de har förändrat sitt sätt att tänka nu och att de har fått till sig vad forskare säger om projektets innehåll. De kan översätta sina nya kunskaper till andra arbetsområden och de når fler elever idag. Handledningsprojektet har lett till en utveckling hos dem själva, deras sätt att reflektera och i verksamheten. / This study is examining the experiences from two teams of teachers that have participated in operation-oriented coaching, in order to determine if this approach is beneficial for enhancing professional competence. While previous research and literature presented in this study are drawn from multiple different areas, the topic of coaching is predominant. The literature list includes a presentation of the terms of professional skills, pedagogic coaching, and reflection. As semi-structured interviews have been used as a method, this is a qualitative study. To understand the participants’ stories, parts have been analyzed with the support of reflection levels. The result of the qualitative study were analyzed and interpreted by a hermeneutic approach, which means that correlations and pattern were interpreted. The result shows that the teachers who participated in the coaching progressed through several stages of reflection levels, as well as developed their professional competence and reflecting approach. They also stated that the coaching had a positive impact, both on aspects concerning the operation and for the teachers personally. The conclusion of the study is that operation-oriented coaching is contributing to an enhanced professional competence, in addition to giving participants increased confidence. By expanding their professional language, new ways of communicating have emerged and improved their ability to comprehend what is being addressed by other teachers and researchers. They describe a change of thinking and a new ability to take in the content of the project. They are able to translate their new skills to other work areas and today reach a greater number of students. The coaching project has resulted in a personal development, a new way of reflecting and positive effects on the operation.

Blurred lines: reinvestigating the design possibilites of architecturalized furniture and furniturized architecture in contemporary housing

Pierce, Allen Carl 22 May 2014 (has links)
Blurred LInes seeks to reopen discussion of the scale and interrelation of architecture and furniture, traditionally conceived. It traces the recent history of furniture and architectural making from the high-point of the “built-in” through the manufacturing age, questioning the corresponding stratification of our immediate built environment into building, infill and objects. Engaging modernist and contemporary criticism, it explores a return to unified building in which the architecture might well become the furniture and vice-versa, erasing built hierarchy and asynchronicity. The paper describes lessons learned from modern masters of the discipline from Adolf Loos to Nader Tehrani and attempts to identify key formal, spatial and constructional considerations in the successful integration and “blurring” of this line. All of this comes to bear in the establishment of design experiments to be carried out in studio, testing the possibilities and viability of the paper's theoretical models.

Estimating soluble arsenic and phosphorus concentrations under Precambrian oceanic conditions / Estimering av lösta arsenik och fosfor koncentrationer i Prekambriska havsförhållanden

Hemmingsson, Christoffer January 2014 (has links)
Original estimates of phosphorus (P) concentrations in the Precambrian oceans before 1.9 Ga gave a budget of ~10-25% of modern day levels. This budget was challenged by accounting for high silica (Si) concentrations that were believed to have outcompeted P for binding sites on precipitating iron oxide-hydroxide particles during the chemical oxidation and burial of iron (Fe). Such iron oxide-hydroxide particles are considered as proxies of ancient iron-rich sedimentary rocks, such as banded iron formations, which are often used to infer the dissolved chemistry of trace elements in the ancient oceans. This study raises the question of wether arsenic (As) had an effect of the binding of P to precipitating iron minerals, during the co-precipitation of Iron oxide- hydroxide in elevated Fe and Si concentrations characteristic of the early oceans. This hypothesis is based on the chemical similarities seen between P and As. Results show a more pH dependent competition between P and AsIII, whereby P outcompetes AsIII at a pH <7. The effect decreases as the pH rises until pH ~8 at which the effect cancels out and AsIII becomes somewhat predominant over P. AsV on the other hand, an analogue to P, is outcompeted by P throughout pH 5-10. Distribution coefficients (Kd) of P on iron oxide-hydroxide particles were not affected by the concentration of Si in solution. Average Kd and standard error between concentrations of Si, across the sample pH of 5-10 revealed an average Kd of 0.072 (±0.01) μM-1. This is strikingly similar to another experimental Kd at 0.075 (±0.003) μM-1, when the effects of Si are excluded. The average Kd in this study is also consistent with the average Kd of 0.06 μM-1 from a range of As-rich hydrothermal systems reported in a previous study, supporting the original idea of Precambrian P levels being low. The average Kd between concentrations of Fe revealed a Kd of 0.12 (±0.03) μM-1 although this was not statistically significant from the average Kd between groups of Si. In addition to low levels of P, the Precambrian oceans likely also contained high levels of As, due to the high hydrothermal activity. This scavenging of P from oceanic waters would have become increasingly important as surface oceans became more oxygenated and the presence of AsV would have been greater. Because the availability of Si does not show any great effect on the uptake of P by precipitating iron oxide-hydroxides, Si concentration is likely not a proxy for oceanic P concentrations. It is proposed that low dissolved P levels are consistent with early oceans that w!ere a lot more hydrothermally influenced than the oceans of today. / Prekambriska fosfor (P) nivåer var ursprungligen estimerade till ca 10-25% utav koncentrationen funnen i dagens havsvatten. Denna budget blev motsagd i och med att kisel (Si) sades kunna ersätta bundet fosfor på järn oxid-hydroxid partiklar som precipiterade genom kemisk oxidation och sedimentering av järn (Fe). Dessa järn oxid-hydroxid partiklar anses användbara som proxy för formationen av uråldriga järn-rika sedimentära bergarter såsom banded iron formation (BIF), vilka används idag för att bestämma mängden spårämnen i de uråldriga haven. Denna studie ställer frågan huruvida arsenik (As) påverkar mängden P som binder till precipiterande järn mineral under procession av co-precipitering av järn oxid-hydroxid i lösning med förhöjda koncentrationer av Fe och Si, karakteristiska för the uråldriga haven. Denna hypotes är baserad på de kemiska likheter som finns mellan P och As. Resultaten påvisar en pH beroende konkurrens mellan P och AsIII där P utkonkurrerar AsIII vid låg pH. Effekten av denna konkurrans minskar med ökande pH tills effekten blir omvänd omkring pH 8 och P blir istället till viss del utkonkurrerad av AsIII. AsV å andra sedan, en verklig kemisk analog till P, är kontinuerligt utkonkurrerad av P genom alla utförda pH, pH 5-10. Distribueringskoefficienter (Kd) för P på järn oxid-hydroxid partiklar visade ingen påverkan av mängden Si tillgängligt. Medelvärdet av Kd och standard error mellan data av alls pH, grupperat av Si, gav ett värde av 0.072 (±0.01) μM-1. Detta är påfallande nära ett experimentellt framtaget Kd värde av 0.075 (±0.03) μM-1 då effekten av Si är borttagen. Medelvärdet i denna studie är också sammanfallande med det Kd medelvärde man finner idag från olika hydrotemala system av 0.063 (±0.01) μM-1. Detta ger support till den originala idén att de prekambriska haven troligen hade låga halter P tillgängligt. Medelvärdet av Kd mellan koncentrationer av Fe gav ett värde av 0.12 (±0.03) μM-1, dock var detta värde ej statistiskt significant från det Kd utifrån koncentrationer av Si. Förutom de låga nivåer av P i de Prekambriska haven så var det troligen även höga halter av As på grund av utbredd hydrotermal aktivitet. Detta uppfångande av P i de tidiga haven var troligen en alltmer viktigare process då ytvatten blev syrerikare och den oxiderade formen av As, det vill säga AsV hade varit mer vanligt förekommande. Framför allt då den konkurrerande effekten av Si kan bortses när P såväl som As inte påverkas av dess närvaro till den grad man hade trott. Detta gör även att mängden Si troligen inte är en tillförlitlig proxy för att estimera P nivåer i de uråldriga haven. Därmed föreslås det att de prekambriska haven var k!arakteriserade av låga P nivåer, jämfört med idag.

Microscopic Simulation of Pedestrian Traffic in a Station Environment: A Study of Actual and Desired Walking Speeds

Lagervall, Malin, Samuelsson, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
In order to attract pedestrians to travel with public transport instead of private cars, the layout of interchange stations is important and should be designed in an effective way. Microscopic simulation of pedestrians can be used to evaluate different layout scenarios or a future increase in flow. The simulation software Viswalk was investigated, where the movements of pedestrians are based on a social force model,. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate simulated walking speeds for different flow levels and to investigate the effects of dividing pedestrians into types with different desired speeds. The aim was to find a desired speed distribution that can be used for different flow levels. Field studies have been performed to collect pedestrian traffic data with a video camera at Stockholm Central Station. Two disjoint flow levels were identified and used to investigate if the same desired speed distribution could be used for different flow levels. The average observed walking speed was 1.33 metres per second at the low flow level and 1.25 metres per second at the high flow level. The error was 4.5 percent between the average observed walking speed and the average simulated walking speed when the optimal desired speed distribution at the low flow level was used at the high flow level. Effects of using different desired speed distributions for different pedestrian types have also been investigated. The error between the average of the observed and the simulated walking speeds varies between 2.3 and 4.1 percent when dividing pedestrians into different types when the optimal desired speed distributions at the low flow level are used at the high flow level. A sensitivity analysis of some parameters of the social force model in Viswalk has also been performed. Several adjustments of the parameters show that some parameters had great impact of the simulated walking speeds. The final conclusion is that the parameter configuration and how the pedestrians are divided into different types affect the average simulated walking speed.

Effects of rainfall and temperature on weight gain in the big brown bat, eptesicus fuscus / Approval sheet title: Effect of rainfall and temperature on weight gain in the big brown bat, eptesicus fuscus

Drumm, Robert January 1993 (has links)
Maternal colonies of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus were studied in Delaware and Grant Counties from 21 May to 22 September, 1992. Nineteen colonies of bats were located and revisited several times during the summer. Bats were captured, sexed, aged, weighed and banded at each site. The weight gain pattern of the bats was related to rainfall and temperature during the summer. Other factors that might affect weight gain such as ectoparasites, tooth wear, and wing damage were also measured.The summer of 1992 had below normal rainfall in May and above normal rainfall in June and July. Temperatures were below normal during the study period. The weights of captured bats were compared to weights of bats captured at similar colonies during the same period in 1988, a dry year, and 1989 a wet year. Both of these years had near normal temperatures. Lower weight gain for juveniles and for adult females in late spring and early summer of 1992 was associated with higher than average precipitation and lower than average temperatures during the period. / Department of Biology

Predicting intellectual level from the Mini-Mental State Examination : a multivariate approach

Brockett, Daniel R. January 1992 (has links)
It is necessary to assess the intellectual functioning of dementia patients. However, psychometric instruments such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - revised (WAIS-R) are often too demanding for dementia patients, precluding its utility. Clinicians and researchers have indirectly estimated a dementia patient's IQ from the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). This measure is an eleven item screen instrument of global cognitive functioning. Fairly accurate estimates of IQ have been predicted using the MMSE total score.The purpose of the present study was to determine if it is possible to more accurately predict intellectual functioning when the individual MMSE items were used to predict Full Scale, Verbal, and Performance IQ using multiple regression analyses. Forty elderly dementia patients were administered both the MMSE and the WAIS-R. The MMSE total score was entered into a simple linear regression to predict FSIQ. In addition, the eleven item scores of the MMSE were entered into separate stepwise regressions to predict FSIQ, VIQ, and PIQ. The increment in the amount of variance accounted for in the FSIQ between the simple and multiple regression equations were evaluated for statistical significance.The results of these investigations revealed that while the multiple regression equations using MMSE item scores predicted a significant amount of the variance in IQ, they were not statistically superior to using the MMSE total score alone. The MMSE total score was found to account for 76.2% of the variance in Full Scale IQ. The MMSE items that were found to add significantly to the variance in intellectual level accounted for 80.9 %, 75.1 %, and 73.4 % of FSIQ, VIQ, and PIQ respectively. The results of the present study replicated other research that found the MMSE total score to accurately predict intellectual functioning in dementia patients. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services

Sensitivity of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) to variation of temperature and moisture availability along latitudinal and longitudinal climate gradients

Terrell, Mark A. January 2002 (has links)
Spatial distribution of species and thus the composition of deciduous forests are expected to change in response to global climatic warming. Climate-growth response algorithms in forest simulation models that represent the influence of climate on tree growth are based on the geographic range limits of a species. These models assume that temperature limitations control the latitudinal range boundaries for tree species in the eastern United States, and that water limitations control the western range boundary. This study investigated spatial variation of tree-growth responses to historical variations in climate using tree-ring data for Quercus rubra L. from 71 study sites across latitudinal and longitudinal temperature and precipitation gradients in eastern North America. Correlation analyses were used to identify significant site-specific associations between radial growth indices and 130 climate variables for the common time interval 1930-1980. Geographic information systems (GIS), and Mantel and partial Mantel spatial correlation analyses were used to map, identify, and measure spatial associations between oak sensitivity to climate and regional climate patterns to test the hypothesis that climate controls the spatial distributions of species range limits.Seasonal climate variables exhibited the strongest correlations with radial growth most consistently across the 71 study sites. However, spatial patterns in regional climate were only weakly associated with spatial variation in red oak sensitivity to climate variables. Contrary to expectations, correlations between red oak radial growth indices and temperature variables at northern and southern sites were not significant, failing to support the hypothesis that latitudinal range limits are defined by temperature effects on mature tree growth. High early growing season temperature reduced growth mostly at sites in the southwest region, which concomitantly experienced high inter-annual variability in soil moisture. Increased early growing season site water balance and precipitation was associated with greater radial growth in the western third of red oak's range, partially supporting the hypothesis that the western range limit is defined by limited water availability. These results indicate that climate only partially determines range limit locations; thus model projections may exaggerate forest responses to climate change. / Department of Biology

Determining the factors that Influence female unemployment in a South African township / Tebello Hilda Msimanga

Msimanga, Tebello Hilda January 2013 (has links)
Unemployment is the most popular indicator of the country’s economy. As popular as it is, it remains difficult to define and to measure. This is the reason why different economists have different views of where South Africa really is as far as the unemployment rate is concerned. Female unemployment in South Africa is relatively high and much attention should be given on that issue. Some females are uneducated; others lack the skills while others are discouraged due to lack of vacant positions within their area. The consequences of unemployment are devastating and remain one of the most significant challenges for South Africa (Naude & Serumaga-Zake, 2001:261). These consequences range from decreased standards of living to degradation of society as a whole through crime, and community unrest (Barker, 1995:113). This study aims to investigate the factors that have an influence on the employment status of females in Bophelong Township, to determine if variables such as age, marital status, education level and income have any causal effect on the employment status of females. The results of this study will then help policy makers to create and design strategies that will help achieve the objective of unemployment reduction. / MCom (Economics) North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2014

Blood levels of selective antiretroviral drugs over a period of time, in Sprague-Dawley rats / Michael du Plooy

Du Plooy, Michael January 2008 (has links)
Selective antiretroviral! (ARV) drugs are primarily metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, characteristically predisposed to variation, and are therefore primarily responsible for ARV pharmacokinetic variability and associated drug interactions. For the majority of ARV drugs, the therapeutic window is narrow and imminent toxicities due to CYP inhibition or sub-therapeutic drug levels as a result of CYP induction is inevitable. Animals provide a metabolism replica to conduct detailed investigations. We endeavored to establish a rat model to screen for variability in metabolism of selective ARV drugs responsible for treatment failure and drug interactions, over time in the liver and serum. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 24) were divided into 6 groups: methylcellulose, 160mg/kg/day (n = 24) (control); efavirenz, 160mg/kg/day (n = 18); ritonavir, 20 mg/kg/day (n = 18); ritonavir, 20 mg/kg/day and verapamil 5 mg/kg/day (n = 18); Kaletra® (ritonavir/lopinavir), 20 mg/kg/day, (n = 18); Kaletra® (ritonavir/lopinavir), 20 mg/kg/day and verapamil 5 mg/kg/day (n = 18). Treatment duration varied from one day (single dose), 7 or 21 days. Blood samples were collected after decapitation on days 1, 7 and 21. A sensitive and rapid liquid chromatograph (LC) interfaced to a quadrupoie mass spectrometer (MS) and coupled with electrospray ionization (ESI) method was employed for the blood sample determinations. One single injection was required to simultaneously quantify efavirenz, lopinavir and ritonavir within the linear concentration range of 78 - 5000 ng/ml. Efavirenz blood levels increased statistically significantly (p < 0.05) from day 1 to day 21 with distinct steady state achievement prior to day 7. The levels of ritonavir increased statistically significantly (p < 0.05) from day 7 to 21 when administered alone and statistically significantly (p < 0.01) from day 1 to 21 when administered as the ritonavir/lopinavir combination. The levels of lopinavir also increased statistically significantly (p<0.01) from day 1 and 21 in the ritonavir/lopinavir combination. However, the inclusion of a P-glycoprotein inhibitor, verapamil, increased both the ritonavir (administered alone) and lopinavir blood levels significantly (p < 0.05) at day 1. The ritonavir levels were also significantly increased on day 21 (p < 0.05). When verapamil was added to the ritonavir/lopinavir combination the levels of ritonavir increased statistically significantly (p < 0.01) from day 1 to 21. A rat model can be used to detect changes in metabolism over time as measured by blood levels. The influence of drug interactions, such as verapamil, on ARV drug metabolism can be investigated by this model. These results will be substantiated by PCR liver results in the future. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Die effek van 'n fisieke-aktiwiteits-, dieet en gedragsveranderingsintervensie op obesiteit by 9-12 jarige kinders / C. Kemp

Kemp, Chanelle January 2008 (has links)
Various research studies have indicated that the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents has increased worldwide and has, therefore, become a serious health problem. Besides the various health implications of childhood obesity, it can also have psychological consequences for these children and they have a greater risk than a normal weight child to suffer from poor self perception. The effect of a physical activity, diet and behaviour modification intervention on the total energy expenditure, physical activity levels and self perception of 9 to 12 year old overweight and obese children is, however, not clear. The aim of the study was firstly to determine the effect of a physical activity, diet and behaviour modification intervention on the total energy expenditure and physical activity levels of 9 to 12 year old overweight and obese children. Secondly, to determine the effect of such an intervention on the self perception, and more specifically athletic and physical self perception of these children. An availability sample of 20 overweight and obese subjects (13 girls and 7 boys) between the ages of 9 and 12 years with a mean age of 11 years, participated in a 13 week (3 times/week) multidisciplinary intervention programme. Actical® monitors were used to monitor energy expenditure as well as physical activity levels during 2 weekdays and 1 weekend day before and after the intervention programme. From the results, analyzed by means of t-testing and linear regression, it is apparent that the total energy expenditure of the group, when adjusted for the effect of the intervention, showed a significant increase (p < 0.05) and body fat percentage as well as waist and upper arm circumferences decreased significantly. Although not significant, a decrease of 2,9 kg in body mass and 2,00 kg.rh" in body mass index were also indicated. However, the moderate and high intensity physical activity levels of the groups decreased significantly after the intervention programme. A possible reason for this decrease can be ascribed to the fact that the post-test took place during the school holidays. Further analysis of the data also indicated that the group slept longer hours, which increased their hours spent in the sedentary activity zone. The group also spent more time during the day watching television which also contributed to a decrease in the percentage of time spent in the moderate intensity zone. It is, however, concluded that increased total energy expenditure alone could not bring about effective weight loss and must, therefore, be accompanied by activity in the moderate and high intensity zones. For the purpose of the second aim, twenty children (13 girls and 7 boys) between the ages of 9 and 12 years, with a mean age of 11 years, participated in a 13 week multidisciplinary intervention programme (3 times per week). Eighteen children (11 girls and 7 boys) between the ages of 9 and 12 years, with a mean age of 11 years, served as a control group. Self perception, which consisted of 6 subcomponents, was determined by using the Harter Scale for Self Perception (Harter, 1985). It is clear from the results of the t-test (p < 0.05) that all subcomponents of self perception of the experimental group, especially physical, athletic and global self perception, increased significantly in relation to the control group which remained the same in all the subcomponents (p > 0.05), while a decrease in their social self perception was noted (p < 0.05). The experimental and control group did not differ significantly before the intervention programme, therefore the significant differences with regard to the subcomponents during the post-test, confirm the effect of the programme. On the basis of the abovementioned results the assumption can be made that a multidisciplinary intervention programme holds various benefits for overweight and obese children and is, therefore, another strategy in the prevention of overweight and obesity in children in South Africa. A multidisciplinary intervention programme, as used in this programme, is not only advantageous for weight loss in overweight and obese children, but also significantly improves their self perception. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

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