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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MAURO SCHWANKE DA SILVA 19 January 2007 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho consiste na apresentação de um método analítico para a análise harmônica de reatores saturados trifásicos quando usados no controle de tensão em sistemas de potência. A este respeito é primeiramente discutida a necessidade do controle de tensão através da compensação de potência reativa em sistemas de transmissão e distribuição e em seguida são apresentados os vários tipos de compensadores existentes que satisfazem estas necessidades, dando-se ênfase aos reatores trifásicos de núcleo de ferro saturado. Os núcleos dos reatores saturados são levados à completa saturação para as tensões de operação causando, naturalmente, o surgimento de correntes não senoidais nos enrolamentos. Duas soluções possíveis são apresentadas para eliminação de harmônicos nas correntes de linha: o uso de filtros e o cancelamento interno dos harmônicos por meio de arranjos adequados de enrolamentos em reatores saturados trifásicos. Este trabalho desenvolve um método analítico para análise harmônica de reatores saturados em que a eliminação ou redução dos harmônicos é feita internamente. São apresentadas em seguida as relações básicas do métodos de análise cujo objetivo é determinar as formas de onda das correntes no enrolamentos e linhas, com tensão de alimentação senoidal balanceada. O método é completamente geral e pode ser aplicado a reatores saturados com qualquer número de núcleos e enrolamento. Em seguida aplica-se o método previamente descrito a um tipo particular de reator saturado, o Twin-tripler, e desenvolve-se um programa em computador digital. Os resultados obtidos são depois comparados com os conhecidos experimental. / [en] This work is concerned with the presentation of an analytical method for the harmonic analysis of three-phase saturated reactors when used for controlling voltage in power systems. The requirements for voltage control in transmission and distribution systems through the demand for reactive power are first discussed and the various types of existing compensators which meet these requirements are presented. Particular attention is devoted to three-phase iron-cored saturated reactors. The cores of ac self saturated reactors are drive well into saturation at their operating voltages causing, naturally, non-sinusoidal currents to appear in the windings. Two possible approaches for the elimination of harmonics in the line currents are presented: use of filters and internal elimination of harmonics by means of suitable winding arrangements in three-phase saturated reactors. This work develops an analytical method for the harmonic analysis of satures reactors in which the harmonic elimination or reduction is achieved internally. The basic relations of the analytical method, which has the objective of determining the waveforms of the line and winding currents with a balanced three-phase voltage source, are then presented. The method is completely general and can be aplied to saturated reactors of any number of cores and windings. The previously described method is then applied to a particular type of saturated reactor, the Twin-tripler, and a digital computer programme is developed. The obtained results are then compared with those experimentally Known.


PEDRO MARTIN 18 July 2007 (has links)
[pt] O acentuado crescimento dos blocos de energia a serem transportados de distantes fontes de geração aos centros de carga indica a necessidade de variados estudos de sistemas de extra alta tensão, levando em consideração a inclusão de novos equipamentos com a finalidade de obtenção de melhores resultados econômicos. O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo dos reatores saturados, seu comportamento e uma análise de suas aplicações, de modo especial, em um sistema de extra alta tensão. / [en] The progressive growth of energy blocks to be transmitted from distant generation sources to load centers determines the necessity of several extra high voltage systems studies, taking in account the introdction of new equipaments to get better economic results. This work presents a sutdy of saturable reactors, their behavior and an analysis of their applications, specifically, in an extra high voltage system.


JOSE EDUARDO ONODA PESSANHA 16 January 2007 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho envolve o desenvolvimento de um modelo de compensador estático do tipo reator saturado e sua implementação no programa de estabilidade transitória TRANSTAB, implantado no computador CYBER 170-835 da PUC/RJ. O modelo é composto por bancos de capacitores fixos, responsáveis pela geração de reativos, em paralelo com o reator saturado, responsável pela absorção de reativos. São obtidos em primeiro lugar as equações do modelo e, a partir destas, elabora-se o diagrama de blocos a ser implementado no programa. Vários testes (simulações digitais) são realizados utilizando sistemas de potência, sob condição de distúrbio. Os resultados obtidos são então comparados com outros da literatura e a partir daí se comprova a validade do modelo desenvolvido. Com a conclusão deste trabalho, o programa TRANSTAB passa a dispor de dois tipos de compensadores estáticos: Reator Saturado e Reator Controlado por Tiristores. / [en] The model comprises fixed capacitor banks, for the generation of reactive power, in parallel with the saturated reactor, for the absortion of reactive power. The model equations are obtained in first place and from them the block diagram is developed for implementation in the program. Tests are carried out (digital simulations) using power systems under disturbance conditions. The results are then compared with others from the literature to access the validity of the model. With the conclusion of this work the TRANSTAB program stay with two types of static compensators: Saturated Reactor Type and Thyristor Controled Reactor.


GUILHERME ROBERTO SLONGO 06 April 2009 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação contemplou o estudo de propriedades mecânicas de um solo Residual Biotita Gnaisse do Alto Leblon (Município do Rio de Janeiro) e o desenvolvimento de um equipamento triaxial para ensaios não saturados. Para o estudo do comportamento mecânico foi desenvolvido um programa experimental que envolveu: (a) ensaios de caracterização física; (b) caracterização mineralógica através da difratometria de Raio-X, microscopia óptica e Microscopia Digital; (c) determinação de propriedades não saturadas através da curva característica determinada utilizando o método do papel filtro, porosimetria de mercúrio e análise digital de imagem; (d) parâmetro de resistência ao cisalhamento através de ensaios triaxiais convencionais e não convencionais com controle de trajetória de tensões na condição saturada; (e) análise dos Módulos Iniciais com a utilização de sensores para a medição de deformação externa e interna (Eletronível tipo Imperial College) e os efeitos das trajetórias de tensões sobre os Módulos Iniciais. O equipamento Triaxial desenvolvido para ensaios na condição parcialmente saturada está equipado com um sistema de medição de variação de volume total do corpo de prova o qual está baseado no princípio de vasos comunicantes aliado a uma balança de precisão. Visando eliminar o efeito de dilatação, a câmara triaxial foi desenvolvida utilizando o artifício da câmara dupla. O equipamento encontra-se montado, porém não houve a possibilidade de sua validação devido a atrasos no processo de importação de componentes referentes ao controle, aplicação de pressões e aquisição de dados. / [en] This dissertation presents a study of the mechanical properties of biotite gneiss residual soil found at Alto Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, and the development of a triaxial equipment for unsaturated soil testing. An experimental program has been created to study the mechanical behaviour of soil. The methodology proposed by this campaign is: (a) physical characterization tests; (b) mineralogical characterization by X-Ray difratometry tests, optical microscopy and digital microscopy analysis; (c) study of unsaturated properties based on its moisture retention curve – which has been determined by using the filter paper method, the mercury intrusion porosimetry test and digital image analysis; (d) by obtaining shear strength parameter through conventional and unconventional triaxial tests using stress paths controlled at a saturated condition and; (e) by analyzing the Initial Modules using sensors to measure internal and external axial strain (Imperial College electrolevel) and to study the stress paths effects on Initial Modules. The triaxial equipment used in this research was specially developed for the study of unsaturated soils. It includes a system for measuring the total volume variation of the specimen. This system is based on the principle of communicating vessels and is associated with a precision balance. The triaxial chamber has been developed based upon the dual chamber principle to eliminate dilatation effects. The equipment has been set up, but its validation was not possible due to a delay in the importation process of control, pressure application and data acquisition components.


MARLENE SUSY TAPIA MORALES 10 September 2008 (has links)
[pt] O estudo de fluxo saturado - não saturado em solos exige o conhecimento das funções de relação, como a curva característica (q x h) e a curva de condutividade hidráulica (K x h). Para determinar estas relações o presente trabalho utiliza o modelo de van Genuchten- Mualem, o qual está implementado numa ferramenta numérica que permite a utilização da retroanálise como método para determinação dos parâmetros do modelo. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a avaliação de um método que permita a estimativa dos parâmetros do modelo de van Genuchten-Mualem, a partir de dados coletados em campo ou laboratório para, então, realizar-se a análise de fluxo saturado - não saturado e a estimativa dos parametros de van Genuchtem-Mualem. Finalmente, a as condições de fluxo saturado - não saturado em duas encostas foram simuladas, em duas e três dimensões, a fim de verificar a variação de fluxo nestes casos. / [en] The study of saturated and non saturated flow in soils requires the knowledge of relation functions, as water retention curve (q vs. h) and hydraulic conductivity curve (K vs. h).In order to determine these relations, this research uses van Genuchten-Mualem`s model, which is implemented on a numerical based method. This tool allows the inverse solution as a method to determine the parameters of the model. The main objective of this research is the evaluation of a method which allows the estimative of the required parameters by the chosen model, determined based on field or laboratory data, so then, based on these parameters, saturated and non- saturated flow analysis were carried out and the estimative of parameters of van Genuchten-Mualem`s model. Finally, saturated and non-saturated simulations were made on two slopes. These simulations were followed by 2D and 3D models, in order to verify the flow variation on these cases.


RAQUEL QUADROS VELLOSO 30 July 2001 (has links)
[pt] A análise de fluxo em solos parcialmente saturados exige o conhecimento das propriedades hidráulicas do solo: a curva característica, q(y), e a curva de permeabilidade, k(y). Entre os problemas geotécnicos que envolvem fluxo em meios parcialmente saturados pode-se citar a instabilização de encostas, muitas vezes associada a variações de sucção, e o transporte de contaminantes, pois, freqüentemente, a fonte contaminante está acima do nível d`água. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a implementação numérica de um programa, baseado num código de elementos finitos, para a realização da retroanálise de parâmetros de fluxo em solos parcialmente saturados a partir de ensaios de campo, e que forneça também informações sobre a qualidade da estimativa obtida. O método de retroanálise utilizado permite a determinação simultânea da curva característica e da curva de permeabilidade a partir de dados de fluxo transiente. O programa desenvolvido foi utilizado para determinar os parâmetros de fluxo de um ensaio realizado no campo experimental II da PUC - Rio. Com base na análise dos resultados obtidos neste ensaio e na análise de sensibilidade foi proposto um ensaio de configuração mais simples que pode fornecer resultados satisfatórios na determinação das propriedades hidráulicas de solos parcialmente saturados. / [en] Flow analysis in partially saturated soils requires the determination of soil hydraulic properties: its characteristic curve, q(y), and its permeability curve k (y). The instabilization of slopes, often associated with suction variations, and the transport of contaminants, where the source of contaminants is often above water leve, are some of the geotechnical problems involving flows in partially saturated media. The main objective of this work is the numerical implementation of a program, based on finite element coding, for the back analysis of flow parameters in partially saturated soils, based on field experiments, capable of providing information on the quality of the estimates obtained. The back analysis method used here allows the simultaneous determination of the characteristic and permeability curves from transient flow data. The program was used to determine flow parameters of a field experiment conducted in Experimental Field II (PUC- Rio). A simpler configuration test is proposed based on the analysis of the results obtained in this field experiment and on a sensitivity analysis. This test may provide satisfactory results in the determination of hydraulic properties of partially saturated soils. / [es] El análisis de flujo en suelos parcialmente saturados exige el conocimiento de las propiedades hidráulicas del suelo: la curva característica, q(y), y la curva de permeabilidade, k(y). Entre los problemas geotécnicos que consideran flujos en medios parcialmente saturados se puede citar la inestabilidad de pendientes, muchas veces asociada a la variaciones de succión; y el transporte de contaminantes, ya que frecuentemente la fuente contaminante está encima del nível de agua. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es la implementación numérica de un programa, basado en un código de elementos finitos, para la realización del retroanálisis de parámetros de flujo en suelos parcialmente saturados a partir de ensayos de campo, y que brinde también informaciones sobre la calidad de la estimatición obtenida. El método de retroanálisis utilizado permite la determinación simultánea de la curva característica y de la curva de permeabilidad a partir de datos de flujo transitorio. El programa desarrollado fue utilizado para determinar los parámetros de flujo de un ensayo realizado en el campo experimental II de la PUC - Rio. Analizando los resultados obtenidos en este ensayo y el análisis de sensibilidad, se propone un ensayo de configuración más simple que puede dar resultados satisfactorios en la determinación de las propiedades hidráulicas de suelos parcialmente saturados.

Dynamique des écoulements dans les aquifères calcaires de bas plateaux : de l'identification à la quantification des types de circulation. Exemple des formations triasiques et jurassiques dans le nord-est de la France / Flow dynamics in the limestone aquifers of low plateaus : from identification to quantification of the types of circulation : example of Triassic and Jurassic formations in the North-East of France

Fister, Vincent 07 December 2012 (has links)
L'hétérogénéité spatiale est un trait caractéristique des aquifères calcaires. Conditionnée par le karst et ses morphologies, cette hétérogénéité explique la fréquente sous-exploitation des réserves de ces hydrosystèmes mais également le degré lacunaire de connaissance de leurs fonctionnements. Nous avons voulu, dans cette recherche, approfondir cette connaissance en scrutant le fonctionnement des aquifères calcaires qui arment les bas plateaux du Nord-Est de la France. Trois de ces bas plateaux ont été retenus, ceux du Dogger et de l'Oxfordien (Jurassique) et celui du Muschelkalk (Trias). Afin de comprendre comment s'organisent les écoulements sur et dans ces trois systèmes, notre démarche s'articule autour de deux principaux axes ; le premier concerne l'identification des modalités de l'écoulement et le second est consacré à leur quantification. En pratique, la connaissance des modalités de circulation a été recherchée à travers l'étude des différents paramètres structurels (géologique, tectonique, karstique) et conjoncturels (précipitation, évapotranspiration) qui interagissent dans le cycle de l'eau. Nous montrons que la variété de fonctionnements hydrologiques observés, à l'échelle du domaine d'étude, est conditionnée principalement par les paramètres structurels ; l'hétérogénéité lithologique, notamment, apparaît comme une clef fonctionnelle déterminante, d'une part, par l'existence d'une multiplicité de nappes d'eau et d'autre part, par son rôle dans la karstogenèse. Les morphologies du karst s'observent principalement sur les secteurs de contact lithostratigraphique et nous avons pu établir, à travers une répartition spatiale des phénomènes du karst (en surface et en souterrain), que ces trois plateaux sont majoritairement déconnectés du karst et dominés par des processus de circulation lents, de l'infiltration à la vidange aquifère. Afin d'apporter des éléments de quantification sur les circulations, une analyse hydroclimatique et géochimique d'exutoires de petites dimensions a été ensuite menée. C'est ainsi qu'une petite dizaine de sources et de bassins versants, localisés dans des contextes physiographiques variés, ont fait l'objet de suivis sur plusieurs cycles hydrologiques. L'analyse nous a permis de préciser les caractères hydrodynamiques de deux grands types de comportement observés au sein des bas plateaux étudiés : le comportement fissural et le comportement karstique. Le comportement fissural se manifeste, à l'échelle annuelle, par un filtrage important des précipitations par les systèmes (forte inertie des valeurs de débits et de conductivités électriques) et également par de lents processus de mise en charge à l'échelle des évènements de crue. Le comportement karstique, quant à lui, est attesté, à l'échelle annuelle, par des pluies moyennement filtrées par les systèmes mais aussi par des variations hydrogéochimiques accusées lors des sollicitations pluviométriques majeures, en lien avec la transmissivité importante de ces milieux / The spatial heterogeneity is a feature of limestone aquifers. Conditioned by the karst and its morphologies, this heterogeneity explains the frequent under-exploitation of these hydrosystem reserves but it also explains the incomplete degree of knowledge of their functionings. In this research we wanted to deepen this knowledge by scrutinizing the functioning of the limestone aquifers which arm the low plateaus of the North-East of France. Three of these low plateaus held our attention, those of Dogger and Oxfordian (Jurassic) and the one of Muschelkalk (Triassic). In order to understand how the flows on and into these three systems are organized, our approach focuses on two main axes ; the first one concerns the identification of the modes of flow and the second one is devoted to quantification. In practice, the knowledge of the flow modes was investigated through the study of various structural parameters (geology, tectonics, karst) and conjunctural parameters (precipitation, evapotranspiration) interacting the water cycle. We show that the variety of hydrological functionings which are observed, on the scale of the study area, is mainly dependent on the structural parameters ; the lithological heterogeneity, in particular, appears as a determining functional key, on the one hand, by the existence of a multiplicity of groundwater and on the other hand, by its role in the karstogenesis. The morphologies of the karst are primarily obvious on the areas of lithostratigraphic contact and we were able to establish, through a spatial distribution of karst phenomena (on and underground), that these three plateaus are mainly disconnected from the karst and run by slow-flow processes, from infiltration to ground water discharge. In order to provide some quantifications of the circulations, a hydroclimatic and geochemical analysis of small outlets was then conducted. Thus a dozen springs and catchments, located in various physiographic settings have been surveyed for several water years. The analysis allowed us to specify the hydrodynamic characteristics of two types of behavior observed in the low plateaus we studied: the fissural behavior and the karstic behavior. The fissural behavior appears, on an annual scale, through a significant rainfall filtering of the systems (high inertia of the values of discharges and electrical conductivities) and also by slow charging processes when flood events occur. The karst behavior, meanwhile, is evidenced on an annual scale, by a moderately rainy filtering of the systems but also by hydrogeochemical variations accused during major rainfall solicitations in connection with the important transmissivity of these environments

Two Dimensional Numerical Modelling Of Variably Saturated Flows

Muthineni, Srinivas 01 1900 (has links)
The prediction of moisture and contaminant transport through unsaturated soil to ground water is becoming increasingly important in the fields of hydrology, agriculture and environmental engineering. Computer aided simulation techniques enables one to conduct a series of systematic numerical experiments to analyze flow phenomenon in subsurface hydrology under various physical and chemical processes. The flow movement depends upon medium characteristics, initial and boundary conditions, which reflect, physical processes occurring below the ground. To understand the effects of physical process an efficient and accurate model is needed. Thus the model developed must be able to handle varied initial and boundary conditions. In this regard, infiltration into a very dry soil becomes a very important problem of study. Most of the earlier numerical models developed are concentrated on the development of an efficient algorithm or the modelling of a particular process which govern the flow in unsaturated or saturated-unsaturated homogeneous medium. Not much work has been done on the analysis of variably saturated flow in layered soil medium. Models to simulate unsaturated flow through dry soils, especially through layered soils with varied boundary conditions are very limited. Further, not much studies have been reported in the literature on the prediction of seepage face development and the phreatic surface movement in variably saturated media with layering. These aspects are very important in determining the flow field and the discharge from the domain. A detailed literature review covering above aspects has been made and is reported in this thesis. In the present work, two dimensional numerical models to predict the movement of wetting front in unsaturated domain and the movement of the phreatic surface in homogeneous and layered porous media under various initial and boundary conditions are developed based on finite difference and finite volume techniques. These models can handle flow in both rectangular flow domains and radial flow domains. The initial condition settings include the handling of very dry soil medium without any transformation of the governing equation, handling of infiltration and constant head conditions at the boundaries under steady state as well as transient scenarios. The models are also able to handle various soil moisture characteristics which depict the nonlinear behaviour between hydraulic conductivity, moisture content and pressure head in a soil media. A mixed form of the governing partial differential equation is used in the present study as it leads to better mass conservation. The finite difference model uses a central difference approximation for the space derivatives and an Eulerian backward difference approximation for the time derivative. The fully implicit formulation is solved iteratively using Strongly Implicit Procedure after making Picard approximation for the highly nonlinear coefficients. The process of infiltration into an initially dry soil leads to the development of a steep wetting front. As the finite volume technique is naturally an upwind method, it is expected to play a positive role in modelling such processes accurately. Hence, a finite volume model is also developed by approximating the convective part using a MUSCL approach and a fully implicit central difference method for the diffusive part of the governing equation. The models developed are validated using both experimental data and numerical solutions for problems reported in the literature. The validation problems cover a wide range of physical scenarios such as: infiltration into a very dry soil, infiltration into a dry soil column with gravity drainage, development of water table mound, steady state drainage in a sand filled wedge shaped tank with seepage face development and transient seepage face development in a rectangular domain. Five test problems are used for the validation of the models. The developed models perform very well for the test problems considered, indicating the models' capability in handling such situations. The results obtained by using the present models for simulating flow through highly unsaturated (very dry) soils show that the models perform very well when compared with models which use transformation techniques to handle such problems. The performance of the present models in comparison with the experimental data and numerical models available in the literature show the suitability of the present models in handling such situations. The present models are also used to analyse various types of unsaturated flow problems with varying initial and boundary conditions. The boundary conditions considered are no flow and /or free flow conditions along the left, right and bottom boundaries with infiltration condition along a part of the top boundary. For the various cases considered in the present study, infiltration rate varies from 5 cm/day to 50cm/day through an initially very dry soil of -15000 cm pressure head in homogeneous and layered soils. Different types of soil media considered vary from sandy loam, loam and clay with horizontal and vertical layering of these soils. A total number of 14 cases are analysed. The results are discussed in terms of pressure head variation in the flow domain along with moisture redistribution for all the cases under consideration. It is observed from these studies that the infiltration rate play an important role on the wetting front movement through layered soils depending on the type of layering and the boundary conditions considered. The soil properties of various layers affect the movement of wetting front by changing the direction of movement. Even though the wetting front movement is predominantly vertical, there is a tendency for the wetting front to move in the horizontal direction as it moves from a coarse soil to fine soil. It is also observed that the vertical layering of soils with different hydraulic conductivity helps in redirecting the flow towards the bottom boundary through the neighboring coarser layers. As finite volume method is more suitable for simulating sharp fronts, it is expected to perform better than finite difference method for simulating infiltration into very dry soils. So, a comparison is made between the performance of these two models by using the above test problems. It is observed from these studies that the performance of both the models are same except that the finite volume method takes much more CPU time than the finite difference model. Considering the type of problems tested, it is observed that for modelling unsaturated and saturated-unsaturated flows, finite difference method is better in comparison to finite volume method. It may be due to the predominant diffusive characteristics of the governing equation even while modelling flow through very dry soils. Proper estimation of the seepage height is an important aspect in finding the discharge through the porous medium. It is observed from the literature that the use of a saturated flow model in such situations can lead to an underestimation of the discharge through the porous medium. This effect is more important when dealing with small dimension problems. It is also observed that various parameters which govern the moisture movement through saturated-unsaturated regions affect proper estimation of the seepage face height and there by discharge. Various factors like effect of boundary conditions, type of soil layering, problem dimension and aspect ratio on seepage face development and the associated phreatic surface formation is studied in the present work. It is seen from the present study that the seepage face development is more in rectangular flow domain than in radial flow domain for both homogeneous and layered soils. It is also seen that the seepage face development in rectangular problems are more sensitive than radial flow problems for various factors considered. The seepage height is also influenced by the tail water level. It is seen from the present study that as the tail water level increases the seepage face reduces with no seepage face development for some of the cases studied. This influence is relatively less for radial flow problems. As the length of the domain increases the seepage height decreases. It is seen that for different cases with same horizontal dimension, as the height of the domain increases the seepage face height also increases. This phenomenon is observed for both homogeneous and layered soil medium. The influence of the aspect ratio, which is the ratio of the length to height of the domain indicate that as the aspect ratio increases the seepage height decreases. The type of the soil layering is observed to have a very strong influence on the seepage face development. The study for understanding the effect of soil layering on the development of seepage face and phreatic surface suggest that as the coarseness of the material increases, the phreatic surface become flatter and its steepness increases with the fineness of the soil. The present model is also used for studying the transient phreatic surface movement and the seepage face development. This is studied for homogeneous and layered rectangular soil medium. The present study is used to understand the effect of specific storage on the phreatic surface movement and the seepage face development. The studies indicate that the influence of specific storage on the seepage face development is insignificant in homogeneous soils with only very little effect in the early time for longer domains. It is also observed that the influence of the specific storage is significant in the case of layered soils. This effect depends on the type of layering and the problem dimension and is observed to have influence for relatively longer period. This observation suggests the importance of specific storage on transient seepage face development. When the specific storage effect is considered the drainage of the soil become faster resulting in a faster decline of the phreatic surface with time. The influence of specific storage is also studied considering the problem dimension effect. It is seen that as the aspect ratio increases, the effect of specific storage on the phreatic surface development decreases. The studies with change in the upstream boundary condition from a constant head to a no flow condition indicate that the effect of specific storage has no significant influence on the phreatic surface development for both homogeneous and layered soils.


FELIPE ALVES ROSA 22 March 2018 (has links)
[pt] A determinação dos parâmetros hidráulicos não saturados em laboratório nem sempre representa efetivamente as situações observadas em campo, principalmente devido ao erro causado pelo efeito de escala. Nesse sentido, inúmeros ensaios de campo vêm sendo desenvolvidos, fazendo o uso de medidas de carga de pressão no tempo, para a determinação das propriedades hidráulicas não saturadas. No presente estudo, foi utilizado o ensaio de campo proposto por Velloso (2000), denominado Ensaio de Infiltração Monitorada (EIM). Neste ensaio é mantida uma carga constante, utilizando um permeâmetro tipo Gueplh, sendo monitorada, com o auxílio de um tensiômetro, a variação da sucção ocasionada pela frente de infiltração. Quando a variação da sucção no solo torna-se constante e próxima a zero, o ensaio atingiu, portanto, a condição de fluxo permanente, podendo-se assim finalizar o teste. Os parâmetros do solo e os respectivos parâmetros do modelo de Van Genuchten (1980), os quais descrevem a curva de saturação versus o potencial mátrico, são obtidos matematicamente, através da resolução do problema inverso. Nesse sentido, o objetivo principal do presente trabalho é realizar uma avaliação detalhada dos procedimentos numéricos e experimentais para uso no Ensaio de Infiltração Monitorada (EIM), seguindo as diretrizes e recomendações apontadas nos estudos anteriormente realizados. Desta forma, buscou-se um melhor entendimento do EIM, e para isto, foram realizadas: análises comparativas com resultados de ensaio de laboratório do tipo papel filtro; foi adicionado o monitoramento de umidade de solo durante o EIM; e foram utilizados diferentes métodos de estimativa de parâmetros. Os ensaios apresentados no presente estudo foram realizados em cinco áreas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. / [en] The determination of unsaturated hydraulic parameters in laboratory tests is not always represents as observed on the field, especially because of the presence of errors caused by the scale factor. So, several field tests have been developed using suction measures with time for a determination of the unsaturated hydraulic properties. This research aims to use the field test proposed by Velloso (2000), called Monitored Infiltration Test (EIM) to determine the Soil Water Characteristic Curve. In this test the constant head is maintained, using a constant head permeameter and, at the same time, monitoring a variation of the suction caused by the infiltration front with a tensiometer. When a variation of the suction in the soil becomes constant and close to zero, then, the test reached a condition of permanent flow, being possible to finalize the procedure. In addition, the soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) and the respective Van Genuchten parameters, that describes a saturation curve versus the matric potential, are obtained mathematically by solving the inverse problem. In this context, the main objective of this research is to develop a detailed evaluation of the numerical and experimental procedures to use it in the Monitored Infiltration Test (EIM), following the guidelines and recommendations pointed out in previous studies in the area. Moreover, was sought a better understanding of EIM, and for this, comparative analyzes were performed with laboratory test results of the filter paper type. In addition, it was added the soil moisture monitoring during the EIM. Finally, was used many optimization methods for parameter estimation. The tests developed and presented in this research, were performed in five areas around the State of Rio de Janeiro.


[pt] O presente trabalho de pesquisa teve dois objetivos principais. O primeiro foi obter um índice geotécnico que permita avaliar o grau de intemperismo dos solos residuais. Para isto foram analisados dados correspondentes a perfis de alteração de Gnaisse característicos do município do Rio de Janeiro e executou-se a caracterização completa de um perfil específico de alteração de Gnaisse Facoidal. O segundo objetivo foi a determinação experimental das propriedades hidráulicas de solos tropicais não saturados. Como parte deste objetivo foram desenvolvidos novos instrumentos e modificados equipamentos existentes. A determinação da curva característica de sucção foi efetuada em seis solos residuais e em dois solos sedimentares. Na obtenção das curvas de retenção foram utilizadas as técnicas de translação de eixos, papel filtro e umidade relativa. Esta curva foi também definida a partir de resultados de ensaios de porosimetria de mercúrio. Avaliou-se a aplicabilidade dos modelos disponíveis na literatura no ajuste dos dados experimentais. A função de permeabilidade foi determinada em dois solos, um residual e um sedimentar, utilizando um permeâmetro de parede flexível com sucção controlada. Análises numéricas, efetuadas para avaliar o comportamento do equipamento utilizado, possibilitaram a definição de uma metodologia otimizada de interpretação dos resultados. A aplicabilidade dos modelos disponíveis na literatura na obtenção da função de permeabilidade foi analisada, tendo-se verificado a necessidade de introdução de mudanças nestas formulações para se conseguir reproduzir as medidas diretas efetuadas. / [en] The present research work had two main objectives. The first was to obtain a geotechnical index for measuring the weathering degree of gneissic residual soils. For that it were analyzed data corresponding to typical weathering profiles found in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro and executed a complete characterization of a specific weathering profile of facoidal gneiss. The second objective was to determine, experimentally, the hydraulic properties of tropical unsaturated soils. As part of that new instruments were developed and existing equipments were modified. Moisture retention curves were determined for six residual soils and two sedimentary ones. The axis- translation technique, the filter paper method and the relative humidity one were employed to obtain such curves. Data from mercury intrusion porosimetry tests were also used to define these curves. The applicability of models available in literature to adjust the obtained experimental data was evaluated. The hydraulic conductivity function was determined for two soils, one residual and one sedimentary. A suction controlled, flexible wall permeameter set up was used for that. Numerical modeling was implemented to evaluate the performance of the experimental set up. This provided means for an optimized interpretation of the testing results. The applicability of models available in the literature to obtain the permeability functions was evaluated, being found the need to introduce changes in their formulation in order to be able to reproduce the obtained experimental data.

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