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The Effects of Exercise Modality on State Body ImageHubbard, Elizabeth Anne 01 January 2013 (has links)
Previous research has shown that chronic exercise positively impacts body image in women. Research defining the modality that yields the best results following an acute session of exercise has yet to be determined. This research attempted to show the psychological benefits that exercise could have on female body image after only one bout of exercise. PURPOSE: The purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of three different modalities of acute exercise on state body image in women. This study aimed to determine which modality, if any, is more effective in increasing state body image. METHODS: Twenty-five female participants (20.2 ± 2.2 years; 23.6 ± 4.0 BMI, 25.5 ± 6.0 body fat percent) attended laboratory sessions on six different occasions; the initial informed consent, risk stratification, and descriptive data session, the familiarization session, the three exercise sessions, and the control session. During the familiarization session, each participant was acquainted with each exercise modality. The aerobic (AE) session consisted of a five-minute warm-up, 30 minutes of treadmill exercise, and a five-minute cool-down. The interval circuit (IC) session involved a five-minute warm-up, two circuits containing five bodyweight exercises each, and five minutes of cool-down stretching. The resistance (RE) session included a five-minute warm-up, three sets of eight repetitions of the bench press, bent-over row, overhead press, squat, deadlift, and lunge exercises, and five-minutes of cool-down stretching. The control session included 40 minutes of quiet reading. Ratings of perceived exertion and heart rate were monitored and recorded during each trial. State body image, positive mood, and negative mood were measured immediately before and after each experimental session. RESULTS: Following the AE and RE sessions, state body image significantly improved from pre- to post-session (AE: 5.2 ± 1.2 to 5.7 ± 1.0; RE: 5.4 ± 1.4 to 5.9 ± 1.2; p < 0.05). Only the RE post-session state body image (5.4 ± 1.4) was significantly different from the CO post-session state body image (5.4 ± 1.1; p < 0.05). The AE and RE sessions significantly increased positive mood and decreased negative mood from pre- to post-session (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Participation in the aerobic and resistance sessions significantly improved body image from pre- to post-exercise. Resistance exercise was the only research modality that yielded significantly higher post-exercise state body image as compared to the control session. Thus, a single resistance exercise session may help individuals to improve their state body image.
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Sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių neįgaliųjų asmenų su skirtingais nugaros smegenų pažeidimais aerobinis pajėgumas rankų ergometrijos metu / Aerobic performance of persons with spinal cord injuries taking and not taking part in sport during the arm ergometryŠlikienė, Rasa 18 June 2008 (has links)
Nugaros smegenų pažeidimas pasireiškia motorinių, sensorinių ir vegetacinių funkcijų pokyčiais. Pažeidus nugaros smegenis, žmogus patiria motorikos, jutimų bei šlapimo pūslės ir žarnyno funkcijos sutrikimų, kurie būna pagrindiniai veiksniai, lemiantys negalią.
Asmenų patyrusių nugaros smegenų pažeidimus savarankiškumą lemia pažeidimo lygis, laipsnis, amžius ir lytis.
Asmenys su nugaros smegenų pažeidimais susiduria su judėjimo problemomis tiesiogiai dėl pažeidimo ir pažeidimo simptomų dažniausiai veda sėslų gyvenimo būdą ir yra fiziškai neaktyvūs, todėl jų aerobinio pajėgumo rodikliai gerokai mažesni nei įgaliųjų.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir įvertinti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių neįgaliųjų asmenų su skirtingais nugaros pažeidimais aerobinį pajėgumą rankų ergometrijos metu amžiaus ir pažeidimo trukmės aspektais.
Uždaviniai :
1. Nustatyti ir įvertinti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių asmenų su nugaros smegenų pažeidimais aerobinio pajėgumo rodiklius priklausančius nuo pažeidimo lygio.
2. Nustatyti ir įvertinti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių asmenų su nugaros smegenų pažeidimais aerobinio pajėgumo rodiklius pagal amžių.
3. Nustatyti ir įvertinti sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių asmenų su nugaros smegenų pažeidimais aerobinio pajėgumo rodiklius priklausančius nuo pažeidimo trukmės.
Tyrimas buvo atliekamas paraplegikų asociacijoje „Landšafto terapijos ir rekreacijos centre“ Monciškėse. Buvo ištirta 21 asmuo su nugaros smegenų pažeidimais.
Tyrimo metodai:... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Motor, sensory and vegetative deficits are well-known consequences of spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injury is associated with motor, sensory, urinary and bowel systems dysfunction, which are leading causes of disability.
Level and degree of injury, age and gender are determinants of independency of person with spinal cord injury.
Persons with spinal cord injuries often are not physically active and lead a sedentary life because of subsequences of spinal cord injury, thus their aerobic capacity is lower than able-bodies.
Aim of research: Ascertain and evaluate the aerobic performance of persons with different spinal cord injuries during arm ergometry.
1. Ascertain and evaluate taking and not taking part in sports persons with spinal cord injuries aerobic performance dependent from spinal cord injuries levels.
2. Ascertain and evaluate taking and not taking part in sports persons with spinal cord injuries aerobic performance dependent from age.
3. Ascertain and evaluate taking and not taking part in sports persons with spinal cord injuries aerobic performance dependent from lesion time.
The researches were carried out in paraplegics association. In this research participate 21 persons with spinal cord injuries.
Research methods – Constantly increasing continuous physical loads have been applied to all persons with spinal cord injuries by using a arm ergometer “Monark”. The wheel frequency was 70 times/ min (rotations). The persons gas analyzer „Oxygon Mobile“... [to full text]
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Skirtingos fizinės negalios neįgaliųjų plaukikų požiūris į klasifikacijos sistemą ir galimybės siekti rezultatų / Attitude to classification system and possibilities to reach result of physical disabled swimmerKragnienė, Inga 18 June 2008 (has links)
Klasifikacijos pagrindinis tikslas - užtikrinti lygiavertį neįgaliųjų plaukikų su skirtingoms fizinėmis negalėmis dalyvavimą varžybose. Lygiavertiškumo įvertinimas yra labai sudėtingas procesas, dėl to vis dar tęsiasi mokslininkų diskusijos ieškant naujų tyrimo metodų, kaip išanalizuoti ir objektyviai įvertinti skirtingos negalios plaukikų galimybes dalyvauti neįgaliųjų plaukime. Tyrimo objektas – skirtingų fizinių negalių neįgalieji plaukikai. Dėl vis besitesinčios diskusijos apie klasifikacijos problemas ir išsamesnių tyrimų trūkumo, funkcinės plaukimo klasifikacinės sistemos tyrimai išlieka aktualūs ir reikšmingi. Dėl to, kad mažai tyrinėtas neįgaliųjų požiūris į klasifikacijos sistemą ir netyrinėtas treniruočių poveikis skirtingos negalios plaukikų rezultatams buvo suformuluotos tokios hipotezės:
• skirtingos fizinės negalios plaukikų požiūris į klasifikacijos sistemą turėtų būti teigiamas;
• skirtingos fizinės negalios tipo, bet tos pačios klasės plaukikų aerobinio pajėgumo rodikliai ir plaukimo rezultatai turėtų būti panašūs.
Šio darbo tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir įvertinti skirtingos fizinės negalios tipo plaukikų požiūrį ir galimybes dalyvauti neįgaliųjų plaukime, aerobinio pajėgumo rodiklių ir plaukimo rezultatų kitimo aspektais. Šiam tiksliu pasiekti buvo iškelta keletas uždavinių:
1. nustatyti ir įvertinti neįgaliųjų plaukikų požiūrį į klasifikacinę sistemą ir galimybes dalyvauti plaukime;
2. nustatyti ir įvertinti aštuonių savaičių trukmės treniruočių įtaką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sport classification systems help to ensure that competition is equitable and individuals who, do so because of training and talent and not because their disability happens to be less severe then their opponents.
For international competition the system changes. Since the late 1980”s international swimming for athletes with disabilities has used a functional classification system. It was a lot of proble in this disability system. Disability swimming is a complex social system with many individual actors interaction with each other to fulfill specific functions that are necessary to optimize disability swimming as a viable part of the disability sport movement.
The purpose of this study was to determine of physical disable swimmer side and possibilities have a good result.
Hypothesis of the research:
• Sport classification system mast to help the person with different physical disable in the game;
• the person with different physical disable in the same S4 class capacity mast to be the equable.
The goals of this study:
1. ascertains and evaluate disabled swimmer side to classification systems;
2. ascertains and evaluate eight weeks aerobics training effect for S4 class disable swimmer;
3. ascertains and evaluate functional swimmers classification system capacity for S4 class different physical ddisable.
• questioned;
��� testing;
• exsperiment;
• mathematical statistics.
The research were carried out in Lithuanian academy of physical education in laboratory. In... [to full text]
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Dviejų savaičių intensyvios treniruočių programos įtaka asmenų, turinčių skirtingo lygio nugaros smegenų pažeidimus, aerobinio pajėgumo rodikliams / Intensive two weeks trainings programs impact to rates of performance of spinal cord injured with different lesionsDilys, Sigitas 18 June 2008 (has links)
Judėjimo funkcijų praradimas po nugaros smegenų traumos gali įtakoti sėslų gyvenimo būdą. Fizinio aktyvumo sumažėjimas veda prie organizmo būklės pablogėjimo ir jėgos mažėjimo atliekant fizinį darbą. Taip pat žmonių, turinčių stuburo smegenų pažeidimus, kasdienis aktyvumas nėra pakankamas, kad sustabdytų fizinio pajėgumo prastėjimą. Fizinio pajėgumo trūkumas atliekant įvairias užduotis, gali būti rimta kliūtis savarankiškumui, ir priversti žmogų būti priklausomu nuo aplinkinių pagalbos. Šis regresavimo procesas atliekant fizines treniruotes gali būti grįžtamasis. Tyrimo problema : ar dviej�� savaičių intensyvi aerobinio lavinimo programa veiksmingai įtakoja asmenų su stuburo smegenų pažeidimais aerobinių pajėgumo rodiklių didėjimą?
Tyrimo tikslas : nustatyti ir įvertinti trumpalaikės ir intensyvios treniruočių programos įtaką, asmenų, turinčių skirtingus nugaros smegenų pažeidimus, aerobinio pajėgumo rodikliams.
Uždaviniai :
1. Nustatyti ir įvertinti tiriamųjų turinčių aukštus nugaros smegenų pažeidimus (Th1-Th7) aerobinio pajėgumo rodiklių pokytį po treniruočių ciklo.
2. Nustatyti ir įvertinti tiriamųjų turinčių vidutinius nugaros smegenų pažeidimus (Th8-L1) aerobinio pajėgumo rodiklių pokytį po treniruočių ciklo.
3. Nustatyti ir įvertinti tiriamųjų turinčių minimalias judėjimo negalias aerobinio pajėgumo rodiklių pokytį po treniruočių ciklo.
Tyrimo hipotezė:
Intensyvi 2 savaičių aerobinio pajėgumo lavinimo programa gali pagerinti asmenų, turinčių stuburo smegenų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Losing motional functions after spinal cord injury may influence sedentary life manner. Reduction of physical activity leads to body impairment and decreased force during physical work. Also everyday activity of individuals, having spinal cord injury, is not sufficient to stop decline of physical capability. Lack of capability while doing various tasks may be serious difficulty to self-sufficiency, and make an individual dependant on the people round about. This regression may be reversible by doing physical training. Problem of research: does two weeks applicable manual activity effectively influence aerobic capability rate increment of individuals having spinal cord injury.
Purpose of research: assess and evaluate short and intense training programs impact to aerobic capability rate of individuals having different spinal cord injuries.
1. Assess and evaluate aerobic capability rate increment of individuals having high spinal cord injuries (Th1-Th7) after training cycle.
2. Assess and evaluate aerobic capability rate increment of individuals having medium spinal cord injuries (T81-L1) after training cycle.
3. Assess and evaluate aerobic capability rate increment of individuals having minimum motional disability.
Hypothesis of research:
Intense two weeks duration applicable manual activity may greatly improve aerobic capability rate of individuals having spinal cord injuries.
The researches were carried out in „Landšafto terapijos ir rekreacijos centre“ Monciškėse. In... [to full text]
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Skirtingo pobūdžio fizinių krūvių poveikio fiziniam pajėgumui tyrimas vyrų ir moterų grupėse / The research of physical strains having different effect upon the physical capability in regard of the members of men and women groups of inquired personsStakėnas, Tadas 18 June 2008 (has links)
Didėjant visuomenės susidomėjimu asmenine sveikata ir fiziniu aktyvumu iš sporto specialisto šiandien reikalaujama patrauklios treniruočių programos, naujausių metodikų, naujų žinių, efektyvaus darbo, ergonomiškų, saugių sporto priemonių ir aplinkos. Norima, kad treniruočių programos būtų ne tik efektyvios, saugios, bet ir pasiekti rezultatai pastebimi, objektyviai interpretuoti, vaizdžiai pateikti, nurodytos rekomendacijos.
Mūsų darbo objektas – su sveikata susijęs fizinis pajėgumas.
Todėl mūsų darbo tikslas – ištirti skirtingo pobūdžio fizinių krūvių poveikį fiziniam pajėgumui vyrų ir moterų grupėse. Darbo tikslas yra konkretinamas šiais uždaviniais: 1) Ištirti aerobinės ištvermės ir jėgos ištvermės krūvių poveikį vyrų ir moterų kūno kompozicijos rodikliams (svoris, KMI, riebalinei masei (%) ir kitiems rodikliams); 2) Nustatyti aerobinės ištvermės ir jėgos ištvermės krūvių poveikį vyrų ir moterų bendram aerobiniam darbingumui (MDS rodikliai); 3) Nustatyti aerobinės ištvermės ir jėgos ištvermės krūvių poveikį vyrų ir moterų skirtingų raumenų grupių (kojų, nugaros ir krūtinės) pajėgumui.
Tiriamieji. Tyrimuose dalyvavo fiziškai aktyvūs sveikatingumo centro ,,Linija“ lankytojai jauno ir vidutinio amžiaus moterys (n = 16) ir vyrai (n = 20). Tiriamųjų amžius 25–50 metų. Tam, kad įvertintume taikomų programų efektyvumą tiriamuosius skirstėme į pogrupius. Pagal treniruočių pobūdį pogrupiai skirstomi į A – vyraujanti jėgos treniruotė ir B – vyraujanti aerobinės ištvermės treniruotė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / While the public interest in personal health and in physical activity is growing the specialist in sports is required to apply an attractive training program, the brand new methodologies, brand new knowledge, effective work, to work using ergonomic, safe implements and environment. It is desirable that the training programs would be not only effective, safe, but also the obtained results should be easily noticeable, objectively interpreted, visually represented, also special recommendations for this matter should be indicated.
The object of our work is the physical capability that is closely linked towards a health.
Therefore the purpose of our work is to make the research of the effect of different nature physical strains onto physical capability in regard of the members of inquired men and women groups. The purpose of the work is concretized on the ground of these tasks: 1) to make the research of the effect of aerobic physical strains onto the physical capability in regard of indicators of body composition among the members of men and women groups (weight, Index of body mass, fat mass (%) and other indicators); 2) to estimate the effect of the strains of the aerobic endurance and the endurance of power onto overall aerobic efficiency among the members of men and women groups of inquired persons (MDS indicators); 3) to estimate the effect of the strains of aerobic endurance and the endurance of power onto the capability of muscles of different groups among the members of... [to full text]
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Narcissism, physical self-efficacy and exercise addiction : a comparative study of runners and aerobics exercisers.Leask, Zia. January 1997 (has links)
Narcissism and physical self-efficacy and exercise commitment were investigated in 'addicted' and
'non-addicted' runners (n = 112) and aerobics exercisers (n = 57) and compared to a control
group of non-exercisers (n = 42). Runners and aerobics exercisers were assigned to an 'addicted'
or 'non-addicted' group using Hailey and Bailey's (1982) Negative Addiction Scale. All subjects
completed biographical questionnaires, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) and the Physical
Self-Efficacy Scale (PSE). Although both narcissism and physical self-efficacy were found to play
a significant role in exercise adoption, narciss\ism was the only significant variable when comparing
'addicted' and 'non-addicted' exercisers. Differences between the runners and aerobics exercisers
were found with the aerobics exercisers exhibiting higher narcissistic tendencies than the runners.
The runners were assigned to one of four quadrants based on their level of commitment and
addiction to running and the Perceived Physical Ability subscale of the PSE and the Self-Sufficiency
subscale of the NPI produced significant differences between the four quadrants. Taken together,
the results suggest that addicted exercisers have the tendency to exhibit narcissistic traits, however
the interaction with physical self-efficacy is equivocal. The findings are discussed with reference
to relevant personality theory and implications for future research in this area. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1997.
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Evaluation of fluidised-bed reactors for the biological treatment of synthol reaction water, a high-strength COD petrochemical effluent / by Katharine Gaenor Aske SwabeySwabey, Katharine Gaenor Aske January 2004 (has links)
Reaction water, a high-strength COD (chemical oxygen demand) petrochemical effluent,
is generated during the Fischer-Tropsch reaction in the SASOL Synthol process at
SASOL SynFuels, Secunda, South Africa. Distillation of the reaction water to remove
non- and oxygenated hydrocarbons yields approximately 25 - 30 ML/d of an organic
(carboxylic) acid-enriched stream (average COD of 16 000 mg/L) containing primarily
C2 – C5 organic acids, light oils, aldehydes, ketones, cresols and phenols. Together with
the Oily sewer water (API) and Stripped Gas Liquor (SGL) process streams, this process
effluent is currently treated in ten dedicated activated sludge basins. However, the
successful operation of these activated sludge systems has proven to be difficult with low
organic loading rates (3.5 kg COD/m3.d) low COD removal efficiencies (<80 %) and
high specific air requirements (60 - 75 m3 air/kg CODrem). It is hypothesised that these
operational difficulties can be attributed to organic shock loadings, variation in
volumetric and hydraulic loadings, as well as variations in the composition of the various
process streams being treated. Due to the fact that the Fischer-Tropsch (Synthol) reaction
water constitutes 70 % of the COD load on the activated sludge systems, alternative
processes to improve the treatment cost and efficiency of the Fischer-Tropsch acid stream
are being investigated. Various studies evaluating the aerobic and anaerobic treatment of
Fischer-Tropsch reaction water alone in suspended growth wastewater treatment systems
have proven unsuccessful. High rate fixed-film processes or biofilm reactors, of which
the fluidised-bed reactors are considered to he one of the most effective and promising
processes for the treatment of high-strength industrial wastewaters, could he a suitable
alternative. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of biological
fluidised-bed reactors (BFBRs) for the treatment of Fischer-Tropsch reaction water.
During this study, the use of aerobic and anaerobic biological fluidised-bed reactors
(BFBR), using sand and granular activated carbon (GAC) as support matrices, were
evaluated for the treatment of a synthetic effluent analogous to the Fischer-Tropsch
reaction water stream. After inoculation, the reactors were operated in batch mode for 10
days at a bed height expansion of 30% and a temperature of 30 ºC to facilitate biofilm
formation on the various support matrices. This was followed by continuous operation of
the reactors at hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 2 days. While the COD of the
influent and subsequent organic loading rate (OLR) was incrementally increased from 1
600 mg/L to a maximum of 20 000 mg/L and 18 000 mg/L for the aerobic and anaerobic
reactors, respectively. Once the maximum influent COD concentration had been
achieved the OLR was further increased by decreasing the HRTs of the aerobic and
anaerobic reactors to 24h and 8h, and 36h, 24h and 19h, respectively. The dissolved
O2 concentration in the main reactor columns of the aerobic reactors was constantly
maintained at 0.50 mg/L.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal efficiencies in excess of 80 % at OLR of up
to 30 kg COD/m3.d were achieved in the aerobic BFBRs using both sand and GAC as
support matrices. Specific air requirements were calculated to be approximately 35 and
41 m3 air/kg CODrem for the BFBRs using sand and GAC as support matrices,
respectively. The oxygen transfer efficiency was calculated to be approximately 5.4 %.
At high OLR (> 15 kg COD/m3.d) significant problems were experienced with plugging
and subsequent channelling in the BFBR using GAC as support matrix and the reactor had
to be backwashed frequently in order to remove excess biomass. Despite these backwash
procedures, COD removal efficiencies recovered to previous levels within 24 hours. In
contrast, no significant problems were encountered with plug formation and channelling
in the BFBR using sand as support matrix. In general the overall reactor performance
and COD removal efficiency of the aerobic BFBR using sand as support matrix was more
stable and consistent than the BFBR using GAC as support matrix. This BFBR was also
more resilient to variations in operational conditions, such as the lowering of the
hydraulic retention times and changes in the influent pH. Both aerobic reactors displayed
high resilience and COD removal efficiencies in excess of 80 % were achieved during
shock loadings. However, both reactors were highly sensitive to changes in pH and any
decrease in pH below the pKa values of the volatile fatty acids in the influent (pKa of
acetic acid = 4.76) resulted in significant reductions in COD removal efficiencies.
Maintenance of reactor pH above 5.0 was thus an essential facet of reactor operation.
It has been reported that the VFA/alkalinity ratio can be used to assess the stability of
biological reactors. The VFA/alkalinity ratios of the aerobic BFBRs containing sand and
GAC as support matrices were stable (VFNalkalinity ratios of < 0.3 - 0.4) until the OLR
increased above 10 kg/m3.d. At OLRs higher than 10 kg/m3.d the VFA/alkalinity ratios
in the BFBR using sand support matrix increased to 4, above the failure limit value of 0.3
- 0.4. In contrast the VFA/alkalinity ratios of the BFBR using GAC support matrix
remained stable until an OLR of 15 kg/m3.d was obtained, where the VFA/alkalinity
ratios then increased to > 3. Towards the end of the study when an OLR of
approximately 25 kg/m3.d was obtained the VFA/alkalinity ratios of both the BFBRs
using sand and GAC as support matrices increased to 9 and 6 respectively, indicating the
decrease in reactor stability and acidification of the process. Total solid (TS) and volatile
solid (VS) concentrations in the aerobic BFBRs were initially high and decreased over
time. While the total suspended solids (TSS) and volatile suspended solids (VSS)
concentrations were initially low and increased over time as the OLR was increased, this
is thought to be as a result of decreased HRT leading to biomass washout.
The anaerobic BFBR using sand as support matrix never stabilised and COD removal
efficiency remained very low (< 30 %), possibly due to the high levels of shear forces.
Further studies concerning the use of sand as support matrix were subsequently
terminated. An average COD removal efficiency of approximately 60 % was achieved in
the anaerobic BFBR using GAC as a support matrix at organic loading rates lower than
10 kg COD/m3.d. The removal efficiency gradually decreased to 50 % as organic loading
rates were increased to 20 kg COD/m3.d. At OLRs of 20 kg COD/m3.d, the biogas and
methane yields of the anaerobic BFBR using GAC as support matrix were determined to
be approximately 0.38 m3 biogas/kg CODrem (0.3 m3 biogas/m3reactor vol.d), and 0.20 m3
CH4/kg CODrem (0.23 m3 CH4/m3reactor vol.d), respectively. This value is 57 % of the
theoretical maximum methane yield attainable (3.5 m3 CH4/kg CODrem). The methane
yield increased as the OLR increased, however, when the OLR reached 8 kg/m3.d the
methane yield levelled off and remained constant at approximately 2 m3 CH4/m3reactor vol.d.
Although the methane content of the biogas was initially very low (< 30 %), the methane
content gradually increased to 60 % at OLRs of 20 kg COD/m3.d. The anaerobic BFBR
using GAC as support matrix determined that as the OLR increased (>12 kg/m3.d), the
VFA/alkalinity ratio increased to approximately 5, this is indicative of the decrease in
stability and acidification of the process. The anaerobic BFBR using GAC as support
matrix experienced no problems with plug formation and channelling. This is due to the
lower biomass production by anaerobic microorganisms than in the aerobic reactors. The
TS and VS concentrations were lower than the aerobic concentrations but followed the
same trend of decreasing over time, while the TSS and VSS concentrations increased due
to decreased HRTs. The anaerobic BFBR was sensitive to dramatic variations in organic
loading rates, pH and COD removal efficiencies decreased significantly after any shock
Compared to the activated sludge systems currently being used for the biological
treatment of Fischer-Tropsch reaction water at SASOL SynFuels, Secunda, South Africa,
a seven-fold increase in OLR and a 55 % reduction in the specific air requirement was
achieved using the aerobic BFBRs. The methane produced could also be used as an
alternative source of energy. It is, however, evident that the support matrix has a
significant influence on reactor performance. Excellent results were achieved using sand
and GAC as support matrices in the aerobic and anaerobic BFBRs, respectively. It is
thus recommended that future research be conducted on the optimisation of the use of
aerobic and anaerobic BFBRs using these support matrices.
Based on the results obtained from this study, it can be concluded that both aerobic and
anaerobic treatment of a synthetic effluent analogous to the Fischer-Tropsch reaction
water as generated by SASOL in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthol process were successful
and that the application of fluidised-bed reactors (attached growth systems) could serve
as a feasible alternative technology when compared to the current activated sludge
treatment systems (suspended growth) currently used.
Keywords: aerobic treatment, anaerobic treatment, biological fluidised-bed reactors,
petrochemical effluent, Fischer-Tropsch reaction water, industrial wastewater. / Thesis (M. Omgewingswetenskappe)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.
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The Role of Fatty Acid Synthase Over-expression in Human Breast CancerHopperton, Kathryn 20 November 2012 (has links)
Fatty acid synthase (FAS) is over-expressed in many human cancers and its activity is required for cancer cell survival. To understand why FAS is over-expressed, we compared in breast cancer cells the utilization of fatty acids synthesized endogenously by FAS to those supplied exogenously in the culture medium. We found that endogenously synthesized fatty acids are esterified to the same lipid and phospholipid classes in the same proportions as those derived exogenously and that some endogenous fatty acids are excreted. Thus, FAS over-expression in cancer does not fulfill a specific requirement for endogenously synthesized fatty acids. We next investigated whether lipogenic activity mediated by FAS was, instead, involved in the maintenance of high glycolytic activity in cancer cells. By culturing breast cancer and non-cancer cells in anoxic conditions, we increased glycolysis 2-3 fold but observed no concomitant increase in lipogenesis. More research is needed to understand why FAS is over-expressed in cancer.
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Asmenų, adaptuotų greitumo jėgos fiziniams krūviams, funkcinės būklės ypatybės ir kaita mezociklo pratybose taikant koncentruotus aerobinius ir anaerobinius krūvius / Peculiarities of functional state of athletes adapted to speed power loads and influence of training mezocycles using concentrated aerobic and anaerobic loadsSadzevičienė, Rita 10 January 2006 (has links)
Hypothesis. Heterochronicity of body functions reveals itself during the performing different movement tasks, in particular at onset of the exercise or in changing the parameters of the load as well as during the recovering period. We think that estimations of body functional state of the sportsmen can better reflect manifestations of complexity of body functioning during the physical loads tries join different movement tasks: a dosed aerobic load and a maximum effort anaerobic load try. In order to verify this hypothesis it is purposeful to estimate peculiarities of functional state change and long-term adaptation effects due to concentrated physical loads of different direction.
The aim of the research: to define how the functional state of subjects adapted to speed-power physical loads is affected by concentrated aerobic and anaerobic type loads by using various assessments of sportsmen functional state.
1. Subjects adapted to speed-power physical loads distinguish themselves by the higher indices of muscles working-capacity by performing maximum short-term effort requiring tasks than non-athletes or the subjects adapted to endurance physical loads. From the standpoint of central nervous system functional state indices they distinguish themselves by greater central nervous system mobility and smallest central nervous system functional stability values. Speed-power representatives distinguish themselves by lower cardiovascular system indices related to... [to full text]
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Skirtingo amžiaus ir treniruotumo moterų fiziologiniai pokyčiai ir energetika aerobikos pratimų metu / Physiological changes and energetics of women of different age and level of training during aerobic exerciseAleksandravičienė, Roma 18 January 2006 (has links)
The study was aimed to establish the aerobic capacity of women aerobics athletes of different age and different mastership, physiological changes and energetics during competitive activities. The main conlusions are as follows:
1. The aerobic capacity of representatives of aerobic gymnastics is by 25% higher the norm values of girls of similar age but it is considerably (about 35 %)) smaller than the respective indices of athletes developing endurance. The absolute VO2max during continuous incremental treadmill test is 2.5 l/min (95% CI [2.2 – 2.8]; the relative one – 45 ml/kg/min, CI [41.6 – 48.0],the maximum pulmonary ventilation reaches 87 l/min, CI [78.0 – 95.1], and the maximum HR – 190 beats/min, CI [183.6 – 197.0]. The first ventilation threshold VE manifests itself O2 consumption having reached 74% of the maximum wren HR is – 171 beats/min or 90% of the maximum.The maximum and submaximum respiratory gas exchange and HR values during the continuous incremental treadmill test were similar (p>0.05) in groups of aerobic gymnastics with different level of training.
2. The telemetric registration and analysis of respiratory gas and HR has shown that changes in the form of the exponent are typical for all the indices mentioned when after a fast increase at the onset of the exercise they become nearly stabilized. The rate of changes in separate indices is not the same. Thus, the fastest change occur in HR.VO2 changes slower and VE – the slowest with time constant being 17.2... [to full text]
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