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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cognitive Appraisal, Anxiety, and Coping Strategies in Mediating SAM Activation to a Psychological Stressor

Ennis, Michael Patrick 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine Dienstbier's (1989) hypothesis that SAM elicitation is prompted by subject's cognitive expectations of an acute stressor ('challenge' or 'threat' appraisal). Reported anxiety was also measured.

Digitalisering inom offentlig förvaltning : En studie av informationsvärdering vid skanning av arkiv / Digitization in public administration : A study of appraisal when scanning archives

Fägerhall, Nils January 2020 (has links)
When digitizing the public sector there is a risk that public administrations lose control of what is preserved in their archives. The main issue raised in this thesis concerns the valuation of information, also called appraisal, that is required before and during scanning of archival material. The focus is on reviewing and analyzing how the appraisal process may be affected by the fact that external companies perform the scanning work when digitizing archives. Also, the background as to why public administrations choose external providers of scanning is examined. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with four archivists and one project leader from five different public administrations and transcripts from the interviews formed the data of analysis.The analysis was based on Terry Cook's theory macroappraisal and Lennart Lundquist's theory of public ethos. The theories were applied to the empirical material. The study showed that external companies did not have to evaluate information in the way that is usually discussed under the concept of appraisal. The reason for this is that the public administrations themselves have prepared the material to be digitized. The study has also showed that almost all interviewees describe how the lack of equipment and skills regarding the actual scanning has contributed to the choice of providers. Three out of five interviewees also state that they lacked the time and/or staff to do the scanning themselves. Only one of the interviewees said that the choice of provider was made on the basis that the cheapest option was chosen. The conclusion that could be drawn is that the public administrations already have identified the risk of losing control of what is preserved in their archives when using external companies for scanning. A question one might ask instead is whether the prudence that the public administrations show is justified? This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.

Client pressure, does it exist, in which form and what is done to prevent it? / Kundpress, förekommer det, i vilken form och vad gör man åt det?

Moström, Elin, Theander, Lukas January 2016 (has links)
The value of real estate is a fundamental part of the economy as it is used both as a collateral for loans as well as a key basis for a company’s annual reports. Today there are more than three million real estates in Sweden, and the market value of these can not be directly observed but have to rather be based on estimates. Thus, it is critical to attain reliable assessment and hire appraisers before making an investment decision or finalising an annual report. However, depending on the purpose and context of a valuation, the client may posses incentives to influence the outcome of the valuation in some direction. Such impact on the valuation of an asset is referred to as “client pressure,” and may come in various forms; expert pressure, information pressure and reward pressure. Does this have a real impact on market values? According to previous scholarly research, both domestic and international, client pressure is an observable phenomenon but its outcome is difficult to accurately assess. The purpose of this thesis is to provide evidence that supports the existence of client pressure within the commercial real estate market in Stockholm, and to establish a framework that may better understand the outcomes that such skewed valuations may lead to. In order to conduct this study, the authors have carried out a number of personal interviews with authorised appraisals, as well as further research into what can be done to prevent client pressure. The results of this study supports the notion that client pressure, primarily that of expert pressure, can be observed in the commercial real estate market in Stockholm. Moreover, what has been accentuated by the interviewed appraisals though is that such pressures do not affect the valuation outcome and that the discussion may actually provide a more accurate valuation as long as the appraisal manages to stay objective. However, several of the appraisals pointed out that they knew of others that have allowed themselves to be influenced. In order to counteract client pressure an authorization has been established by the organization Samhällsbyggarna - a development which has received great support by a large group of appraisals. Ultimately, the research in this study concludes that the best way to counteract client pressure is through knowledge, and our findings lead to the belief that experienced appraisals are willing to help less experienced ones if they are exposed to client pressure. / Värdet på fastigheter är en samhällsangelägenhet och gäller som bland annat säkerhet för lån och underlag för bolags årsresultat. I Sverige finns drygt tre miljoner fastigheter och marknadsvärdet på dessa är ingenting som kan observeras, bara bedömas. Därför har man behov av tillförlitliga bedömningar och anlitar värderingsmän inför såväl investeringsbeslut som årsredovisningar. Vad det bedömda värdet på fastigheten ska användas till kan ge incitament för kunden till att vilja påverka det åt något håll. Beroende på olika egenskaper hos kunden kan försök till att påverka värdet yttra sig i olika former utav press; expertpress, informationspress samt belöningspress. Kan det påverka bedömningen av marknadsvärdet? Pressen finns enligt tidigare forskning, det har undersökts både nationellt och internationellt, men konsekvenserna är svåra att avgöra. Studien i den här uppsatsen har fokuserats på att undersöka om press finns på Stockholmsmarknaden för kommersiella fastigheter och i vilken form den i så fall förekommer. För att ta reda på resultaten har ett antal intervjuer gjorts med aktiva värderare och det har också undersökts vad man i så fall gör för att motverka pressen. Det som kunnat konstateras är att kundpress finns och främst i form av expertpress. Värderarna menar dock att det inte påverkar deras egna bedömningar och att det till och med i vissa fall kan vara nyttigt att få en diskussion med kunden om de använda värdena så länge man fortsatt är objektiv. Flertalet har dock meddelat att de vet om fall där en värderare låtit sig påverkas. För att motverka kundpress finns auktorisering från organisationen Samhällsbyggarna och en stor del av värderarna tycker att det är ett bra stöd. Man motverkar även press med kunskap, erfarna värderare kan gå in och hjälpa de mer oerfarna med argument om man blir utsatt för press.

The code is more what you´d call guidelines than actual rules… : En kvalitetsgranskning och jämförelse av lokala kliniska riktlinjer gällande ventilatorassocierad pneumoni. En kvantitativ metod.

Jarlekrans, Emmie, Karlsson, Victoria January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ventilatorassocierad pneumoni, VAP, är en vårdrelaterad infektion inom intensivvården som ökar mortaliteten och vårdkostnaden. För att förebygga VAP finns olika åtgärder som beskrivs i kliniska riktlinjer. Dessa finns som stöd för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal för att öka patientsäkerheten. I dagsläget finns inga nationella eller internationella VAP-förebyggande riktlinjer. Syfte: Syftet är att kvalitetsgranska och jämföra svenska intensivvårdsavdelningars lokala kliniska riktlinjer gällande VAP-förebyggande åtgärder för vuxna. Metod: Kvantitativ deskriptiv studie. De lokala kliniska riktlinjerna kvalitetsgranskades med hjälp av kvalitétbedömningsinstrumentet AGREE II.  Resultat: Totalt kvalitetsgranskades och jämfördes 34% (n=27) av Sveriges intensivvårdsavdelningars lokala kliniska riktlinjer gällande VAP-förebyggande åtgärder. Alla granskade lokala kliniska riktlinjerna var av låg kvalité. Den låga kvalitén var bland annat orsakad av låg noggrannhet vid framställningen av riktlinjen [md=5] och lågt redaktionellt oberoendet [md=0]. I jämförelsen av VAP-förebyggande åtgärderna beskrev 93–100% (n=25–27) av riktlinjerna möjlighet till subglottisaspiration, kufftryck mellan 25–30 cmH2O, höjd huvudända eller tippning till 30–45 grader och skriftliga rutiner.  Slutsats: Sveriges intensivvårdsavdelningars granskade lokala kliniska riktlinjer gällande förebyggande av ventilatorassocierad pneumoni, VAP, var av låg kvalité. De innehåller en stor variation av VAP-förebyggande åtgärder, som i vissa fall var motsägande.  Det finns behov av en uppdaterad och evidensbaserade nationell eller internationell klinisk riktlinje gällande förebyggande av VAP. Detta för att säkra patientsäkerheten på Sveriges intensivvårdsavdelningar. / Background: Ventilator associated-pneumonia, VAP is a hospital acquired-infection that increases the mortality and the healthcare cost in the intensive care. There are different methods to prevent VAP. These methods are described in clinical guidelines. These guidelines are there to support healthcare professionals and to increase patient safety. There exist no national or international clinical guidelines for VAP-preventions. Aim: The aim is to quality appraise and compare Swedish intensive care units´ local clinical guidelines of VAP-prevention for adults.  Method: A quantitative descriptive study. The local clinical guidelines were appraised with the qualitative appraisal instrument AGREE-II.  Main result: In total 34% (n=27) of the Swedish intensive care units clinical guidelines for VAP-preventions were quality appraised and compared. All reviewed local clinical guidelines were of low quality. The low quality was caused by low accuracy in the preparation of the guideline [md=5] and low editorial independence [md=0]. In the comparison of VAP-preventions 93–100% (n=25–27) of the clinical guidelines described the possibility of subglottic aspiration, cuff-pressure between 25–35 cmH20, elevated head of the bed to 30–45 degrees and written guidelines.  Conclusion: The local Swedish intensive care units reviewed clinical guidelines for prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia, VAP had low quality.  They included a large variation of different VAP-preventions, and some of the preventions were contradictory. There is a need for an updated and evidence based national or international clinical guideline to prevent VAP. There is a need to ensure the patient safety in Sweden's intensive care units.

Can algorithms translate the world? : A digital discourse analysis of Google Translate’s algorithmic agency in the translation of news reports

Candido Fleury, Luana January 2022 (has links)
Google Translate’s mission is “to enable everyone, everywhere, to understand the world and express themselves across languages” (Pitman, 2021). But are algorithms capable of leading us beyond the translation of the word toward an understanding of the world? Computational linguistics research has been interested in assessing this kind of real-world effects of technology and invited other disciplines to join their effort. With this purpose, this study examines the ways the algorithmic agency (Maly, 2022) elicits a ‘movement of meanings’ (Silverstone, 1999) when mediating news reports from English to Portuguese – the official language of Brazil, the country with the greatest use of Google Translate (Turovsky, 2016). For that, it investigates how algorithms convert appraisal and semiotic elements that carry ideological stances. The bilingual sample consists of six news articles on the U.S. Capitol attack published in U.S. outlets, two each of right, center, and left political leaning, along with their translations obtained through Google Translate. The analytical framework encompasses Fairclough’s (2003) CDA methods that allow an exploration of how discourses embedded in these texts represent the social phenomena that are being depicted. This lens is complemented by the Appraisal theory (Martin & White, 2005) to investigate how value positions are constructed within texts through evaluation. A third analytical tool is necessary to engage with the ways in which meanings are moved from source to target texts. For this, van Leeuwen’s (2008) notion of recontextualization affords an assessment of the processes inherent to translations. The analysis showed that algorithms neutralized appraisal through lexical choices, changed semiotic elements through recontextualization, and blurred stances by standardizing the target language. The paper, thus, concludes that Google Translate constructed power by renaming reality and enacted it by reshaping evaluations, advancing research that seeks to examine algorithms’ impacts on digital discourse. Speaking from the epistemic locus of the Global South, this thesis proposes a critical reflection on the ideologies concealed by the self-proclaimed discourse of the universality of digital technologies.

Comparative Views on Age Discrimination Within Appellate Court Decisions: Utilizing Werner and Bolino’s Framework

Trinkle, Daniel 01 December 2020 (has links)
The manner by which courts view performance appraisals in relation to the outcome of case is certainly a topic worthy of discussion. Utilizing the framework used within the work of Werner and Bolino (1997), the following study was able to accomplish two main goals: (1) update the information of Werner and Bolino (1997) by evaluating modern cases, and (2) to evaluate new data regarding age discrimination utilizing the same framework as Werner and Bolino (1997). Utilizing chi-square analysis to test all of the hypotheses, it was demonstrated that there was statistical significance in performance appraisals with the presence of a job analysis regarding court outcome. Other variables such as appraisal basis (trait, behavioral, MBO), triangulation, and appraisal frequency did not have any statistical significance. Out of the six new hypotheses tested, all showed statistical significance except for one. These hypotheses showcased the immense differences in how different forms of discrimination are viewed by the court even with respect to the performance appraisal. This was especially true with age discrimination in comparison to every other form of discrimination. In conclusion the following study accomplished its two main goals by displaying consistency with Werner and Bolino’s work and successfully evaluating new variables to support the hypotheses that involve differences between different forms of discrimination and the outcome of the court case.

A Clinical Study to Determine the Factors That May Influence Results in Non-Surgical Endodontic Retreatments

Zolty, Gary January 2010 (has links)
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium - MChD / When faced with a failing or failed root treatment, the dentist must decide whether the tooth can be retreated and saved or extracted. The dentist's decision to retreat is often based on the x-ray presenting a failing root treatment. The dentist must be aware that there might be a number of factors that have contributed to the failure and which may preclude, following retreatment, a successful long term clinical function. The current study has been made to determine those factors that may influence the prognosis in order to assist the clinician in advising the patient of the best course of treatment. A literature review was made to determine and identify these factors and explain their relevance and influence on the healing process. The current study included identifying the factors described in the literature review and noting their influence on the prognosis following non-surgical retreatment. Retreatment of failed root treated teeth requires special knowledge and skill from the clinician in order to correct and manage the case. The current study was made in a clinical setting and compared results of retreatment with two types of rotary files on the market: progressive or variable taper (Pro Taper) with constant non-ISO 06 taper (K3). Clinical signs and symptoms were noted at the patient's presentation and following recalls at 1, 4 months and 1 year. The results were recorded and statistically analysed and the results were discussed. The results showed that out of 81 patients 10cases of retreatment were considered to have failed and 68 cases were considered to have been successful. Three patients did not return for their assessments and were therefore not considered in further results. There was a statistically significant (p<0.1 0) recording of deep periodontal pockets associated with teeth with failing root treatments (40%) and (13%) in the "Success" group. The two estimated proportions of "Sinus" present (60%) in the "Failure" group and 10% in the 'Success' group were significantly different (p<0.01). "Sinus present" in the "Success group" means in the initial clinical assessment before retreatment was initiated. The presence of a sinus at the One Year follow up signified a failure of the root retreatment (p<0.001). The two estimated proportions of "Occlusion" present (80% and 99%) in the "Failure" and "Success" group were significantly different (p<0.05). Therefore, teeth in "occlusion" were more within the "Success" group. 70% of those teeth that failed had pretreatment apical rarefactions of greater than 6mm diameter; whereas 76.5% of successful retreatments had areas less than 6mm diameter. The differences were significant according to Fisher's Exact Test (p<0.01). 44% of failed cases had areas of rarefaction described as "diffuse"; and 56% of failed cases had areas that were described as "well-defined". 95% of cases that were successful had areas described as "diffuse" and the rest were "welldefined". The differences between the success and failure categories were statistically significant (p<0.0 1). The two estimated proportions of "Post present" (0% and 31%) in the "Failure" and "Success" groups were significantly different (p<0.1 0). Therefore, the "Post was present" in many more cases within the "Success" group than in the "Failure" group. There was no difference between the Median "Crown/Root" ratios of the "Failure" (Median = 0.595) or "Success" groups (Median = 0.662) (Wilcoxon Test, p>O.10). Teeth with longer roots tend to lead to failure, however there was a considerable overlap between the distributions. Therefore the finding is that the Median length of the roots of the "Failures" is longer than that of the "Successes". (Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, p-value = 0.0628). The results also indicated that previous short root filling preparation contributes to the final success of retreatment (Fisher Exact Test, p<0.05). There was a significant difference between the distribution of the "Failure" and "Success" (88.2%) groups (Fisher Exact Test, p<O.OI) in those cases with initial short obturated fillings. When comparing the outcome following the use of the two types of rotary files it was found that the "Successes" with K3 File (35 out of 41) was 85%; and with Protaper File (32 out of 36) 89%. The "Success" rate certainly was not different between the two file types. The conclusions drawn from the current study was not significantly different from those in the literature review and the overall results were of a similar nature with some minor changes. However it is clear that non-surgical root retreatment offers a good prognosis and should be included as an option for failed or failing root treatment.

A Structural Equation of Leader-Member Exchange, Employee-Supervisor Relationship, Performance Appraisal, and Career Development

Henkel, William Joseph 01 January 2017 (has links)
Some employees perceive that supervisors do not accurately reflect employees' performance or effectively differentiate among employees' performances during performance appraisals (PAs). Other employees believe the performance feedback they receive is not valuable for supporting their career development (CD). Employing leader-member exchange (LMX) theory and the distributive and interactional justice dimensions of organizational justice theory as the theoretical framework, this correlational study examined the relationships among LMX and employee-supervisor relationships (ESRs) and the relationships' influence on employees' CD through the mediating effect of employees' perceived efficacy of the PA process. Participants consisted of 44 defense contractor employees in the United States who completed a combination of 4 validated survey instruments (LMX-7, Interactional Justice, Appraisal System Satisfaction, Perceived Career Opportunity) and 1 demographic instrument. Results from the structural equation model, using partial least squares analysis, indicated significant (p < .001) positive relationships between the independent variables of LMX and ESR, the dependent mediating variable PA, and the dependent variable CD. The results indicated that a positive relationship between LMX and ESR will influence employees' CD through the mediating effect of employees' PAs. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve communications between employees and supervisors, increase organizational performance by increasing employees' job satisfaction, potential benefiting career development for improving employees' families' quality of life, and contributions to the communities.

News Media Representation of The Dakota Access Pipeline Protest (A Study Using Systemic Functional Linguistics)

Crosby, Aubrey M. A. 13 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.


MARA REGINA DE ALMEIDA GRIFFO 10 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] Inserido na área da Linguística Aplicada (MOITA LOPES, 2006, 2013), este estudo tem como objetivos buscar maiores entendimentos acerca do trabalho do professor de inglês nos primeiros anos de escolarização, da escola como lugar de afetos e sobre a participação das crianças na pesquisa. Juntos, professora e alunos, crianças de 10-11 anos, lançam um olhar reflexivo sobre a vida na sala de aula em uma escola da rede particular no Rio de Janeiro. Sendo um trabalho colaborativo, caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa, interpretativa e interdisciplinar (DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006), baseada nos princípios da Prática Exploratória (ALLWRIGHT; HANKS, 2009; MILLER, 2010; MILLER; CUNHA, 2017; HANKS, 2017), uma modalidade da pesquisa do praticante (COCHRAN-SMITH; LYTLE, 2009). O conjunto de dados foi gerado no horário escolar com o consentimento dos sete participantes e de seus responsáveis. As Atividades Pedagógicas com Potencial Exploratório (BARRETO et al., 2019) incluem textos escritos em inglês e desenhos realizados pelos alunos, integrando práticas pedagógicas à pesquisa. Tais atividades foram utilizadas como oportunidades para estimular as conversas individuais gravadas em áudio. Os principais temas emergentes nas conversas exploratórias foram os entendimentos dos alunos sobre o professor de inglês, a escola e a colaboração na pesquisa. A análise discursiva dos dados gerados nas conversas transcritas tem como ponto central a avaliação a partir do aporte do Sistema de Avaliatividade (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005; VIAN JR., 2009; NÓBREGA, 2009), arcabouço teórico inscrito na Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1994). A avaliação das escolhas léxico-gramaticais no discurso, com foco no campo do afeto, do julgamento e da apreciação, aponta para a maturidade reflexiva dos alunos ao expressar crenças e emoções acerca do contexto de ensino e aprendizagem de inglês. A análise detalhada do discurso contribui para o enriquecimento da pesquisa do praticante, levando à reflexões e ao reconhecimento da professora e dos alunos como produtores de saberes locais e como sujeitos-agentes da sala de aula. / [en] This dissertation, inserted in the field of Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006, 2013), aims at building understandings about the English teachers work developed in the early years of schooling, about the school as a place of affection and the learners participation in the research. The teacher and the learners, children aged 10-11, worked together to reflect on classroom life in a private school in Rio de Janeiro. With an emphasis on collaboration, this study is characterized as qualitative, interpretative and interdisciplinary (DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006), as well as based on the principles of Exploratory Practice (ALLWRIGHT; HANKS, 2009; MILLER, 2010; MILLER; CUNHA, 2017; HANKS, 2017), a kind of practitioner research (COCHRAN-SMITH; LYTLE, 2009). The data was generated during regular school hours under the formal consent of the seven participants and their legal guardians. The set of data includes Potentially Exploitable Pedagogical Activities (BARRETO et al., 2019) and audio recorded exploratory talks. By integrating pedagogical practices and research, the activities were used as opportunities to stimulate reflections during the conversations. The themes that emerged focused on the learners understandings about the English teacher, the school, and their participation in the research. The discursive analysis of the transcription of the exploratory talk has as its central point the evaluation based on Appraisal Theory (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005; VIAN JR., 2009; NOBREGA, 2009), a theoretical framework inscribed in Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1994). The analysis of the lexical-grammatical choices in the students discourse, focusing on the sub-systems of affect, judgment and appreciation points towards the participants reflexive maturity, as they express their beliefs and emotions about the context of teaching and learning English. The detailed discourse analysis contributes to the enrichment of practitioner research, leading to further reflections and the recognition of the teacher and the seven students as producers of local understandings, as subjects-agents.

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