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Forum selection in the conflict of laws /Stingl, Harald. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--University of Linz, Austria, 1999.
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Konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal : när binder avtalet konkursboet?Persson, Emilia, Larsson, Nina January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att beskriva gällande rätt kring om och när en konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal binder dess konkursbo samt konsekvenserna av detta. I dagsläget är rättsområdet osäkert och enbart grundat på praxis, uppsatsen utreder därför även om lagstiftning eller annan utveckling på området är erforderlig. Det har i praxis konstaterats att en konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal binder dess konkursbo då tvister gäller obligationsrättsliga anspråk och bevakningsförfaranden är aktuella. I praxis kan vidare konstateras att i tvister av sak- och föreningsrättslig karaktär är ett konkursbo inte bundet av konkursgäldenärs skiljeavtal. Tvister avgörs då i enlighet med konkursrättens tvistlösningsmetoder. Juridisk metod används för att beskriva gällande rätt och för att bringa klarhet i de grundläggande bestämmelserna på området används en deskriptiv metod. En problemorienterad metod används för att analysera rättsläget. Konsekvenserna av att ett konkursbo är bundet av konkursgäldenärens skiljeavtal är att en borgenär kan, genom sin skiljeklausul, komma att tillgodogöra sig mer ur konkursboets egendomsmassa än övriga borgenärer med bevakade fordringar i konkursen som inte avtalat om skiljeförfarande. Att konkursboet i obligationsrättsliga fall är bundet att tvista i ett skiljeförfarande, trots att boet inte existerat vid skiljeavtalets uppkomst, innebär att en kollision mellan offentlig- och civilrätt uppstår. Författarna anser avslutningsvis att konkursgäldenärs skiljeklausul inte ska binda dess konkursbo. De sak- och föreningsrättsliga rättsfallen är mer klara i sina argument och utveckling av rättsläget bör därför, enligt författarna, ske i samförstånd med dessa bedömningar. / The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to investigate current law whether if and when a bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement is binding towards its bankrupt’s estate and the consequences of this. The legal position is in the current situation uncertain and is solely based on legal cases; the thesis investigates therefore whether legislation or other development within the area is required. It has been stated through legal cases that bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement is binding towards its bankruptcy estate when the conflict refers to claims on law of obligations and when monitoring procedures are in question. Case law furthermore state that the bankruptcy estate is not bound by its bankruptcy debtor’s arbitration agreement in conflicts concerning law of property and rights of association. A traditional legal method has been used in order to investigate current law and a descriptive method has been used to clarify the fundamental provisions in the area. A problem-oriented method has been used in order to analyze the legal position. The consequences of the binding effect of the arbitration agreement towards the bankruptcy’s estate is that a creditor can, through its arbitration clause, utilize more from the bankruptcy’s estate property than the rest of the creditors, whom have not agreed on an arbitration clause. That the bankruptcy’s estate is considered forced to dispute in arbitration, even though the bankruptcy’s estate did not exist when the arbitration agreement occurred, implies that an impact between public- and civil law arises. The authors consider that the bankruptcy’s debtor arbitration clause should not be binding towards its bankruptcy’s estate. The authors is of the opinion that the case law conflicts concerning law of property and rights of association are more clear in their argument’s and development of the legal position should take guidance from these legal cases.
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The new indomitable colt: The problematic standard of motivation of awards required by Peruvian courts / El nuevo potro indomable: El problemático estándar de motivación de los laudos exigido por las cortes peruanasCantuarias Salaverry, Fernando, Repetto Deville, José Luis 12 April 2018 (has links)
The author makes a critical analysis of the current situation of the Arbitration in Peru, from various court decisions that have identified the standard of motivation that must have an arbitration award. In this way, the author indicates that the consequences of annulling arbitral awards by improper motivation, insufficient motivation or follow criteria of the Arbitral Tribunal are severe and it affects all the progress that has been obtained in the arbitration in these last two decades. / El autor hace un análisis crítico la situación actual del Arbitraje en el Perú, a partir de diversas decisiones de las cortes al momento de identificar el estándar de la motivación que debe tener un laudo arbitral. De esta forma, precisa que las consecuencias de anular laudos arbitrales por indebida motivación, insuficiente motivación o por calificar criterios del Tribunal Arbitral son graves y afecta todo el avance que se ha obtenido en el Arbitraje en estas dos últimas décadas.
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The Arbitration Clauses and the New Labor Procedure Law / Las Cláusulas Arbitrales y la Nueva Ley Procesal del TrabajoHiga García, Alfonso 10 April 2018 (has links)
The following article offers a point of view about the arbitraje as an alternate resolution method for workplace conflicts, in this way, a more critical point of view can be developed about the possibility of the arbitraje usage regulated in the “Ley Procesal del Trabajo” which once again has been regulated in the “Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo”. For that purpose, the author analyzes the different points of view existing in the doctrine as well as the ones in the jurisprudence about the labour arbitration situation in the “Ley General de Arbitraje”, followed by this, it will be analyzed the regulation contained in the “Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo”. / El presente artículo nos brinda una visión acerca del uso del arbitraje como método de resolución de conflictos alterno en el ámbito de los conflictos laborales, así, se desarrolla una mirada crítica sobre la posibilidad del uso del arbitraje que se encontraba regulada en la Ley Procesal del Trabajo y que, nuevamente, ha sido regulada en la Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo. Para ello, el autor analiza las posiciones existentes tanto en la doctrina como en la jurisprudencia sobre la situación del arbitraje laboral en la Ley General de Arbitraje, luego de lo cual se analizará la regulación contenida en la Nueva Ley Procesal del Trabajo.
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Cláusulas arbitrais patológicas e cuidados na redação de cláusulas compromissóriasReynol, Thais Schiavoni Guarnieri Silva 16 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by THAIS SCHIAVONI GUARNIERI SILVA REYNOL (tguarnieri.silva@gmail.com) on 2017-11-08T18:17:00Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-10-16 / O presente trabalho tem por objeto central a análise das cláusulas compromissórias patológicas com o intuito de propor recomendações para a elaboração de cláusulas arbitrais completas e plenamente eficazes. Para justificar a pertinência e a utilidade de um guia prático abrangendo as principais orientações a serem observadas em cada um dos elementos que a cláusula compromissória pode conter, avalia-se a importância dos cuidados dispensados à redação de tais cláusulas a partir da apresentação de exemplos concretos dos vícios que possam estar presentes de modo a torná-las patológicas, bem como do tratamento jurídico dado às cláusulas defeituosas, tanto nas hipóteses de vícios sanáveis, em que se mostra necessária a prévia intervenção do Poder Judiciário a fim de viabilizar o início da arbitragem, quanto nos casos de vícios insanáveis, os quais tornam a cláusula inválida e insuscetível de cumprimento forçado. / The present work has as its central object the analysis of pathological arbitration clauses, in order to propose recommendations for the preparation of complete and fully effective arbitration clauses. To justify the pertinence and usefulness of a practical guide including the main recommendations to be observed in each of the elements that the arbitration clause can contain, it is analyzed the importance of care dismissed in drafting these clauses, starting from the presentation of concrete examples of the defects that can be present in the clauses in order to make them pathological as well as the legal treatment given to defective clauses, both in the cases of soluble vices, when it is necessary prior intervention by the Judiciary to enable the start of arbitration, as in the cases of defects which make the clause invalid and not enforceable.
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Some reflections on international commercial arbitrationCole, Rowland James Victor 31 October 2003 (has links)
Arbitration is central to the settlement of transnational commercial disputes. This
dissertation discusses arbitration as an alternative method of dispute settlement as
opposed to litigation. The work surveys the difficulties relating to international
commercial arbitration and the enforcement of awards, and efforts made to overcome
The research is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces the reader to the
work. It gives a general background to international commercial arbitration and briefly
explains what the dissertation is all about. Chapter two is definitional. It examines some
of the definitions of international commercial arbitration and contains the author's
thoughts on this issue. The author is of the view that the traditional definitions do not
properly address the concept. It is concluded that the question whether an arbitration is
international should largely depend on whether international norms are used to resolve
the dispute rather than by reference to geographical considerations. This chapter also
weighs the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration as against litigation. Chapter three
deals with recognition and enforcement of awards. This is considered crucial since at the
end of the day, parties to arbitration would want to enforce their awards in a court of law,
in the event of non-compliance. Since the award might be made in a foreign country,
enforcement may be problematic. The chapter examines efforts made in intemational and
domestic law to overcome such problems and achieve enforceable awards. A selection of
multi-lateral, regional and domestic laws is examined. This chapter also discusses
problems of enforcing awards against states and steps taken to overcome them. The final
chapter deals with general conclusion and suggestions. It is suggested that efforts should
be made to harmonise international commercial arbitration. This can be achieved both in
domestic and international law. / Jurisprudence / LL.M. (Jurisprudence)
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International Arbitration under debate / Entrevista a Gary Born. El Arbitraje Internacional en debateNarancio, Victoria, Núñez del Prado, Fabio 12 April 2018 (has links)
Is the choice of the arbitral seat still an important decision in international arbitration? Should arbitral awards be subject to greater judicial scrutiny? Should the appeal be in international arbitration? Is it possible that an annulled arbitral award is recognized under the New York Convention? Should the New York Convention be amended to achieve CNY 2.0? Is investment arbitration a system that works? Are the criticisms of investment arbitration valid? In this interview, Gary Born responds to each of these questions by addressing many controversial current issues in international arbitration. / ¿Es la elección de la sede del arbitraje todavía una decisión importante en el arbitraje internacional? ¿Deberían los laudos estar sometidos a un mayor escrutinio judicial? ¿Debería existir la apelación en el arbitraje internacional? ¿Es posible que en virtud de la Convención de Nueva York se reconozca un laudo anulado? ¿Debería enmendarse la Convención de Nueva York para lograr una CNY 2.0? ¿Es el arbitraje de inversiones un sistema que funciona? ¿Son las críticas al arbitraje de inversiones válidas? En la presente entrevista, Gary Born responde cada una de estas interrogantes tratando muchos temas polémicos de actualidad en el arbitraje internacional.
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Extensão da cláusula compromissória na arbitragem comercial internacional: o caso dos grupos societários / The extension of the arbitral agreement in international comercial arbitration: the group of companies caseCristina Saiz Jabardo 25 May 2009 (has links)
O objeto de estudo desta dissertação é a abrangência subjetiva da cláusula compromissória, especificamente daquela celebrada por sociedades pertencentes a grupos societários. O problema, ainda novo no Brasil devido ao desenvolvimento recente da arbitragem em nosso país, já foi objeto de muito debate na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, onde a arbitragem é usada há muitos anos como método alternativo de resolução de conflitos. No âmbito da arbitragem comercial internacional, consolidou-se, tanto na jurisprudência como na doutrina, a teoria da unidade econômica dos grupos societários. Ela reconhece a especificidade do problema que a presença de agrupamentos de sociedades suscita na arbitragem, devido, essencialmente, à dupla realidade que eles representam unidade diretiva e econômica e diversidade jurídica. Nesta dissertação, procuramos expor as bases sobre as quais essa teoria, consolidada na prática comercial internacional, se assenta. Se no Brasil o tema não foi suficientemente discutido, podemos aprender as lições daqueles que não só já debateram exaustivamente a questão como, também, parecem já ter encontrado uma solução, ainda que ela não seja indene de críticas e ainda mereça ser aperfeiçoada. De início, tentamos conceituar e caracterizar os grupos societários. Em seguida, fizemos um apanhado de casos emblemáticos da jurisprudência arbitral e estatal, de diversos países, que recorreram à teoria da unidade econômica do grupo. Nosso intuito foi verificar a solução conferida ao problema por aqueles que se depararam com ele no caso concreto. Depois, procuramos expor a visão da doutrina sobre a teoria da unidade econômica do grupo, para podermos concluir onde reside o problema central da questão. Ao fim, discutimos o possível obstáculo, apontado por alguns autores, à aplicação da teoria no Direito brasileiro. / The purpose of this paper is to discuss who are the parties to the arbitration agreement, especially regarding the convention executed by companies that form part of a group. The issue, still topical in Brazil due to the recent development of the arbitration in our country, has already been subject to much debate in Europe and in the United States, where arbitration has been used for years as an alternative dispute resolution method. In international arbitration, the group of companies theory has been restated, both within the legal authorities and in case law. Such theory acknowledges the specificity of the issue raised by the presence of groups of companies in arbitration, especially due to their dual characteristics managerial and economical unit and legal diversity. In this paper, we have sought to settle the basis over which such theory, already settled in the international commercial arbitration practice, is construed. Since in Brazil the subject hás been scarcely discussed, we may learn lessons from those who have not only exhaustively debated it but who also seem to have found a way to solve it, even if it is not immune to criticism and still ought to be improved. We have initially tried to clarify the notion and the characteristics of the groups of companies. We have subsequently gathered a number of illustrative arbitral and state case law, from different countries, which have made use of the group of companies theory. Our aim was to verify the solution given to the issue by those who have actually been faced with the problem. Then, we have tried to present the legal authoritys view on the group of companies theory in order to conclude where the issue is in fact centered. In the end, we have discussed a possible obstacle, which certain authors have raised, as to the application of the theory in the Brazilian Law.
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Justifiability as grounds for the review of labour arbitration proceedingsYoung, Kirsty Leigh January 2004 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the review of labour arbitration awards given under the auspices of the following bodies: the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration ("CCMA"), bargaining councils, statutory councils, accredited private agencies and private arbitration tribunals. The general grounds of review applicable to the arbitration awards of each body are set out. Against this background, the case of Carephone (Pty) Ltd v Marcus NO & Others (1998) 19 ILJ 1425 (LAC) is analysed and the principles pertaining to the justifiability test are clarified. The judicial rationale for the application of the test to CCMA arbitration proceedings and criticisms of the test are then examined. Currently the justifiability test applies in the review of CCMA proceedings only, so the judicial reasoning for the rejection of justifiability as a ground for private arbitration review is examined. Three approaches are suggested for the application of the justifiability test in private arbitration review. First it is proposed that the Arbitration Act could be interpreted to include the justifiability test under the statutory review grounds. Failing the acceptance of this approach, the second submission is that arbitration agreements could be interpreted to include an implied term that the arbitrator is under a duty to give justifiable awards. A third suggestion is that the law should be developed by attaching an ex lege term to all arbitration agreements requiring arbitrators to give justifiable awards. In the final chapter, the requirement of justifiability in awards given under the auspices of collective bargaining agents and accredited private agencies highlights the incongruity in applying the justifiability test in CCMA arbitration review and in rejecting this test in private arbitration review.
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State contracts in investment treaty arbitrationSinclair, Anthony Charles January 2014 (has links)
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