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The role of Bargaining Councils in dispute resolution in the private sector14 August 2012 (has links)
M.Phil. / The Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 introduced new structures for resolution of labour disputes. The Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) was established as an independent body to resolve labour disputes. The CCMA also took over the functions of the old Industrial Court. The Act also replaced the old Industrial councils with bargaining councils. The function of the bargaining councils is to play a parallel role to the CCMA in dispute resolution within their scope of jurisdiction. The purpose of the legislature in establishing the bargaining councils was to alleviate part of the burden of the CCMA in resolving of labour disputes. The Act envisaged that the CCMA would resolve disputes speedily and inexpensively. If bargaining councils fail in their task of resolving disputes, these disputes are referred back to the CCMA adding to its caseload. The study seeks to establish the effectiveness of bargaining councils in handling dispute resolution function and whether they assist the CCMA in alleviating part of its burden. There are 43 bargaining councils that are accredited by the CCMA to conciliate and arbitrate disputes. Some bargaining councils are accredited to do both conciliations and arbitrations but are failing to perform both tasks. Some bargaining councils are closing down. Other registered bargaining councils do not apply for accreditation. Disputes that are not handled by these councils are referred to the CCMA. The CCMA caseload is escalating every year since inception in 1996. In view of these circumstances the study seeks to understand from bargaining councils and from both the unions and employers organizations that are party to the bargaining council agreements, whether there are any problems that hinder the effectiveness of bargaining councils in dispute resolution in the private sector. It has been concluded in the study that there are a number of problems that can cause bargaining councils not to exercise dispute resolution function effectively. It has been established that only few bargaining councils receive a high number of disputes referred. Bargaining councils are quicker in handling disputes than the CCMA, however, most bargaining councils receive a small number of disputes. Bargaining councils also complain about insufficient funds in handling dispute resolution function. They complain that the subsidy they receive from the CCMA is not enough for this function. Small bargaining councils are the most suffering because of low numbers of referrals. It has also been established that bargaining councils pay their panelists very high rates. The non-accredited bargaining councils are rejected when applying for accreditation because of not meeting the required criteria. Employers are negative about belonging to bargaining councils because they feel it is costly. Some employers who belong to bargaining councils are also reluctant to contribute to established council's fund.
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Inter-relação entre o processo arbitral e o processo judicial / Interrelation between arbitral and judicial processes.Cais, Maria Eugênia Previtalli 04 June 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como escopo a análise das situações em que a eleição da arbitragem como meio adequado de solução de conflitos possibilitará - ou, em algumas hipóteses, tomará imprescindível - a atuação do Poder Judiciário, via processo judicial. Uma das premissas básicas de que parte o estudo em tela reside no fato de que a arbitragem, enquanto mecanismo extrajudicial de solução de conflitos livremente escolhido pelas partes, não estará sujeita à intervenção indiscriminada do Poder Estatal. Essa relação entre juízes togados e árbitros suscita o debate de diversas questões de ordem prática, algumas patológicas e ainda pouco exploradas pela doutrina, as quais serão aqui enfrentadas. Nos ocuparemos, deixando sempre clara a independência de um e de outro, da inter-relação entre o processo arbitral e o processo judicial, partindo do estudo das seguintes fases: pré, durante e pós arbitragem. A importância desta dissertação decorre da constatação de que a arbitragem vem sendo cada vez mais adotada como método adequado de solução de contendas e de que a inter- relação entre os processos arbitral e judicial ora estudada, por vezes, dá azo a situações práticas até então não solucionadas. Nesse panorama, parece-nos que o estudo das hipóteses em que o Poder Judiciário será provocado a atuar justamente em virtude da eleição do processo arbitral pelas partes, seja antes, na constância ou até mesmo depois de encerrada a arbitragem, não só será bastante útil e atual, como de extrema relevância prática para a moderna ciência processual civil brasileira. Por fim, cumpre destacar que este trabalho combina o estudo da teoria ao exame de casos concretos, a fim de verificar como o Poder Judiciário vem decidindo em matéria de arbitragem, o que lhe confere inquestionável importância técnica. / The scope of this dissertation involves analysis of situations in which opting for arbitration as an appropriate means of conflict solution will render possible - or, in some cases, essential- involvement of the Judicial Branch via legal proceedings. One of the basic assumptions underpinning this study is the fact that arbitration, while being an extrajudicial conflict resolution mechanism freely chosen by parties, will not be subject to indiscriminate intervention by the State. Such relationship between judges and arbitrators provokes debate of several practical issues; some pathological and still relatively unexplored by doctrine, to be examined herein. We will deal with the interrelation between arbitral and judicial processes - while clearly acknowledging their independence from each other - based on study of the following phases: pre, during and post arbitration. The importance of this dissertation arises from the evident fact that such proceedings are increasingly adopted as a suitable method of resolving differences and that the interrelation between arbitral and legal processes studied herein may, at times, give rise to theretofore unresolved practical situations. In such scenario, it is clear to us that the study of situations in which the Judiciary is called upon to act in virtue of election by parties for arbitration, whether before, during or even after such proceedings are concluded, will not only prove useful and topical, but will also be of utmost practical relevance to the science of modern Brazilian civil procedural law. Finally, it is worthy of note that this paper combines theoretical study with examination of real finalized cases in order to see how the Judiciary deliberates in respect of arbitration, thereby conferring unquestionable technical importance upon it as a study.
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Laudo arbitral na sede da arbitragem e conseqüências internacionais: visão a partir do Brasil / Laudo arbitral na sede da arbitragem e conseqüências internacionais: visão a partir do BrasilBraghetta, Adriana 13 June 2008 (has links)
A tese analisa o papel da sede da arbitragem no controle do laudo arbitral e como o país receptor de um laudo anulado deve reagir a um pedido de reconhecimento desse laudo anulado. O estudo passa pela: (i) discussão da necessidade de existência de algum controle, (ii) pela análise dos principais tratados internacionais e seus trabalhos preparatórios - Convenção genebrina de 1927, Convenção de Nova Iorque de 1958 e Convenção Européia de 1961 - , (iii) pelas sugestões de melhoria do sistema de controle global, (iv) pelos principais julgados envolvendo a questão e (v) pela doutrina que se biparte entre autonomista, favorável à teoria da deslocalização, i.e, que o controle não deveria ser feito na sede e somente no local da execução, a teoria territorialista defendendo o controle na sede. Posteriormente, analisa-se a questão sob a ótica brasileira, tanto se a sede for no País ou se o laudo for proferido no exterior, apresentando um quadro claro de vários tratados ratificados pelo Brasil nos âmbitos mundial, interamericano e do Mercosul. O trabalho conclui que: (i) há uma tendência de diminuição do papel da sede da arbitragem, (ii) contudo, não existe, atualmente, nenhuma forma mais harmônica e eficaz de controle que aquela exercida pela sede e (iii) que a teoria territorialista é majoritariamente aceita. Sob a ótica brasileira, se a lei de arbitragem vier a ser reformada, defende-se sua alteração à semelhança da Convenção Européia de 1961, restringindo ainda mais o papel da sede. Mas até lá, se anulado o laudo na sede, o Brasil não deve, em princípio, reconhecê-lo, por força tanto da Convenção de Nova Iorque, quanto da do Panamá ou de sua legislação interna, salvo se a sentença anulatória violar a ordem pública brasileira. / The thesis analyzes the role that the place of the arbitration plays in the control of the arbitration award. The analysis addresses: (i) discussion of the need for some type of control, (ii) analysis of the main international treaties and their preparatory work - Geneva Convention of the 1927, New York Convention of 1958 and European Convention of 1961, (iii) suggestions to improve the global control system, (iv) the main judicial awards involving the matter and (v) doctrine, split into the autonomist, which favors the principle of delocatization, i.e that the control should not be centralized on the place of arbitration and only on the place where the arbitral award will be enforced, and the doctrine based on the territorial principle, which sustains the control at the place of arbitration. The thesis then passes on to the analysis under the Brazilian approach, both if the place of arbitration is in Brazil or when the arbitration is awarded abroad, presenting a clear chart of several treaties ratified by Brazil on the global, interamerican and Mercosul levels. The work conc1udes that: (i) there is a tendency of mitigation of the role of the place of arbitration, (ii) not existing, however, currently, no form that is more harmonious and efficient than that which is played by the place of arbitration and (iii) that the territorial principle is more broadly accepted. Under the Brazilian viewpoint, if the arbitration law should be changed, its review similar to the European Convention of 1961 is supported, to further restrict the role of the venue. But until then, if the award granted at the venue is cancelled, Brazil should not, in principle, recognize it pursuant to the New York Convention, the Panama Convention or its internal law, except if the cancellation ruling violates the Brazilian legal system.
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Saudi administrative contracts and arbitrabilityAlrashidi, Razq January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide a critical appraisal of the validity and enforcement of arbitration agreements and clauses in the context of administrative contracts. The proposed thesis will consider the potential impacts of Shariah on arbitration proceedings initiated in Saudi Arabia, with particular attention focused on the requirements of the applicable procedural and substantive laws. Drawing on the administrative systems of France and Egypt, this thesis will consider how other civil law systems have balanced the rights of private parties with the unilateral authority of public administration, and the extent to which these systems have recognised the rights of private parties to resolve disputes through the mechanisms of arbitration.
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Partes e terceiros na arbitragem / Parties and third parties in arbitrationCosta, Guilherme Recena 23 March 2015 (has links)
A tese discute o problema dos terceiros na arbitragem. Ela distingue os planos substantivo (contratual) e processual (jurisdicional) da arbitragem e, portanto, o status de parte e terceiro com relação, respectivamente, à convenção de arbitragem e ao processo arbitral. Depois de desenvolver as premissas teóricas na Parte 1, a Parte 2 expõe as teorias contratuais e societárias por meio das quais um não-signatário pode ficar vinculado à convenção de arbitragem, com destaque para a extensão a todos os acionistas da companhia da cláusula compromissória estatutária, bem como para a aplicação do princípio da boa-fé objetiva (teoria dos atos próprios, estoppel) para impedir com que determinados signatários burlem a convenção de arbitragem ao incluir terceiros no polo passivo da demanda ou, ainda, para impor a arbitragem a não-signatários que derivaram um benefício do contrato inter alios. Na Parte III, a atenção volta-se para o processo e a sentença arbitral. Expõe-se uma teoria dos efeitos da sentença, buscando-se explicar a sua potencial eficácia ultra partes com base: a) na necessidade de realizar o direito da contraparte à tutela jurisdicional (adquirente do direito litigioso, sucessores post rem judicatam); e b) na identificação de nexos de prejudicialidade-dependência permanente entre as relações jurídicas no plano do direito material (terceiro titular de situação dependente). Refutam-se, em passo seguinte, teorias que preconizam o valor absoluto da sentença. Oferece-se, como núcleo da tese, uma reconstrução dogmática das modalidades de intervenção de terceiro, buscando adaptá-las à arbitragem para alcançar, em cada situação, um justo equilíbrio entre as expectativas contratuais das partes originárias e a natureza privada da arbitragem, de um lado, e os efeitos da sentença perante terceiros, de outro. Conclui-se que, em alguns casos, legitima-se o terceiro a intervir voluntariamente, mesmo contra ou independentemente da vontade das partes, se ele estiver sujeito aos efeitos da sentença. Em hipótese excepcionalíssimas, ademais, a parte pode sujeitar um terceiro aos efeitos de intervenção, provocando a sua assistência no processo arbitral. / The thesis addresses the problems of third parties in arbitration. It distinguishes the substantive (contractual) and procedural dimensions of arbitration and, hence, the status of parties and third parties in connection with, respectively, the arbitration agreement and the arbitral proceedings. After spelling out theoretical premises in Part 1, Part 2 covers the contractual and corporate theories by which a non-signatory may be bound by the arbitration agreement, highlighting the extension to all shareholders of the agreement in the corporate bylaws, as well as the application of the equitable doctrine of estoppel to bar certain signatories from avoiding the arbitration agreement by including third parties as defendants or even to impose arbitration onto non-signatories who derived a benefit from the contract inter alios. In Part III, my attention turns to the proceedings and the arbitral award. I set out a doctrine of the effects of judgments, seeking to explain their potential effects on third parties based: a) on the prevailing need to preserve the counterpartys right to a binding declaration on its asserted claims (acquirers, successors post rem judicatam); b) the identification of substantive ties between legal relationships that make the third parties rights permanently dependent on the situation between the parties. I then refute theories ascribing absolute value to the award vis-à-vis third parties. As the core of the thesis, I offer a doctrinal reconstruction of third party interventions, seeking to adapt them to arbitration in order to achieve, in each situation, a fair balance between the contractual expectations of the original parties and the private nature of arbitration, in one hand, and the effects of the award on third parties, on the other. I conclude that a third party should be allowed to intervene, albeit against the will of the parties, if it is subject to the concrete effects of the arbitral award. In exceptional situations, moreover, a party may vouch in a third party, who will then be bound by the determinations of factual and legal issues made in the award.
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L'internationalité de l'arbitrage : étude de droit international privé / The internationality of arbitration : a study of international private lawTronel, Violette 05 December 2015 (has links)
L’internationalité est une notion envahissante. En modifiant le rapport à l’espace, la mondialisation l’a rendue omniprésente, elle l’a banalisée, mais dans le même temps elle annonce aussi peut-être son dépassement dans un monde globalisé. Saisir ce qui fait l’internationalité d’une situation est une opération délicate. Le droit de l’arbitrage la rend pourtant inéluctable en raison du régime propre qu’il dédie à l’arbitrage international. L’internationalité factuelle peut tenir à des considérations diverses. Mais l’internationalité en droit est une affaire de choix, de politique. Entre une approche formelle de l’internationalité, axée sur la procédure elle-même, et une approche matérielle centrée sur la matière du litige, les enjeux sont importants. C’est la place concédée à la volonté des parties qui est en cause, et, par-delà, la propension que peut avoir l’État à ne pas abandonner toute prérogative dans le fonctionnement ou les suites de cette justice qui entend se placer hors de son emprise… Mais l’internationalité ne peut-elle pas elle-même s’affranchir du regard de l’État ? / Internationality is an invasive concept. In changing our relationship with space, globalisation has rendered internationality omnipresent, it has trivialised it, and at the same time it has perhaps announced the overtaking of internationality in a globalised world as well. To grasp what makes the internationality of a situation is a delicate matter. However, arbitration law makes it unavoidable because of the specific regulations it applies to international arbitration. The fact of internationality can depend on a variety of considerations. But internationality in law is a matter of choice and politics. There are important issues at stake between a formal approach to internationality – based on the procedure itself, and a practical approach – based on the subject under litigation. It is the importance given to the free will of the parties that is in question, and beyond that, the propensity of the State not to abandon all prerogatives in the operation of this justice which extends beyond its sphere of influence… But can’t internationality itself be liberated from the control of the State ?
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Laudo arbitral na sede da arbitragem e conseqüências internacionais: visão a partir do Brasil / Laudo arbitral na sede da arbitragem e conseqüências internacionais: visão a partir do BrasilAdriana Braghetta 13 June 2008 (has links)
A tese analisa o papel da sede da arbitragem no controle do laudo arbitral e como o país receptor de um laudo anulado deve reagir a um pedido de reconhecimento desse laudo anulado. O estudo passa pela: (i) discussão da necessidade de existência de algum controle, (ii) pela análise dos principais tratados internacionais e seus trabalhos preparatórios - Convenção genebrina de 1927, Convenção de Nova Iorque de 1958 e Convenção Européia de 1961 - , (iii) pelas sugestões de melhoria do sistema de controle global, (iv) pelos principais julgados envolvendo a questão e (v) pela doutrina que se biparte entre autonomista, favorável à teoria da deslocalização, i.e, que o controle não deveria ser feito na sede e somente no local da execução, a teoria territorialista defendendo o controle na sede. Posteriormente, analisa-se a questão sob a ótica brasileira, tanto se a sede for no País ou se o laudo for proferido no exterior, apresentando um quadro claro de vários tratados ratificados pelo Brasil nos âmbitos mundial, interamericano e do Mercosul. O trabalho conclui que: (i) há uma tendência de diminuição do papel da sede da arbitragem, (ii) contudo, não existe, atualmente, nenhuma forma mais harmônica e eficaz de controle que aquela exercida pela sede e (iii) que a teoria territorialista é majoritariamente aceita. Sob a ótica brasileira, se a lei de arbitragem vier a ser reformada, defende-se sua alteração à semelhança da Convenção Européia de 1961, restringindo ainda mais o papel da sede. Mas até lá, se anulado o laudo na sede, o Brasil não deve, em princípio, reconhecê-lo, por força tanto da Convenção de Nova Iorque, quanto da do Panamá ou de sua legislação interna, salvo se a sentença anulatória violar a ordem pública brasileira. / The thesis analyzes the role that the place of the arbitration plays in the control of the arbitration award. The analysis addresses: (i) discussion of the need for some type of control, (ii) analysis of the main international treaties and their preparatory work - Geneva Convention of the 1927, New York Convention of 1958 and European Convention of 1961, (iii) suggestions to improve the global control system, (iv) the main judicial awards involving the matter and (v) doctrine, split into the autonomist, which favors the principle of delocatization, i.e that the control should not be centralized on the place of arbitration and only on the place where the arbitral award will be enforced, and the doctrine based on the territorial principle, which sustains the control at the place of arbitration. The thesis then passes on to the analysis under the Brazilian approach, both if the place of arbitration is in Brazil or when the arbitration is awarded abroad, presenting a clear chart of several treaties ratified by Brazil on the global, interamerican and Mercosul levels. The work conc1udes that: (i) there is a tendency of mitigation of the role of the place of arbitration, (ii) not existing, however, currently, no form that is more harmonious and efficient than that which is played by the place of arbitration and (iii) that the territorial principle is more broadly accepted. Under the Brazilian viewpoint, if the arbitration law should be changed, its review similar to the European Convention of 1961 is supported, to further restrict the role of the venue. But until then, if the award granted at the venue is cancelled, Brazil should not, in principle, recognize it pursuant to the New York Convention, the Panama Convention or its internal law, except if the cancellation ruling violates the Brazilian legal system.
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The three ages of international commercial arbitration : between renewal and anxiety / Les trois âges de l’arbitrage commercial international : entre renouveau et anxiétéSchinazi, Mikaël 15 January 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’histoire de l’arbitrage commercial international, mode de règlement des différends par lequel les parties soustraient l’examen de leur litige aux juridictions étatiques et en confient la solution à une ou plusieurs personnes privées. Cette histoire peut être divisée en trois grandes périodes. Pendant « l’âge des aspirations » (des années 1800 à 1920 environ), l’arbitrage fut utilisé dans de nombreux contextes, tant sur le plan national (arbitrage corporatif) qu’international (arbitrage interétatique), ce qui a conféré certains traits caractéristiques à la pratique moderne de l’arbitrage commercial international. Pendant l’« âge de l'institutionnalisation » (des années 1920 à 1950 environ), des institutions clés, telles que la Chambre de commerce internationale et sa Cour d’arbitrage, furent créées, et on assista également à la mise en place de systèmes d’arbitrage institutionnels cohérents et efficaces. Enfin, l’« âge de l’autonomie » (depuis les années 1950) fut marqué par une spécialisation accrue et par les tentatives d’auto-instituer un corps de droit séparé et de justifier les fondements théoriques du système d’arbitrage dans son ensemble. Cette recherche démontre que l’histoire de l’arbitrage commercial international oscille entre des phases de « renouveau » et des phases d’« anxiété ». Pendant les périodes de renouveau, de nouveaux instruments, dispositifs et institutions furent conçus pour étendre la portée de l’arbitrage commercial international. De telles mesures furent contrebalancées pendant les périodes d’anxiété ou de remise en question, pendant lesquelles on chercha à limiter la place de l’arbitrage (afin, par exemple, de ne pas empiéter sur la souveraineté des États). Cette tension ou mouvement de balancier entre renouveau et anxiété est un trait caractéristique de l’histoire de l’arbitrage commercial international et permet d’expliquer les forces structurantes qui sous-tendent son évolution. / This thesis is an exploration of the history of international commercial arbitration—the mechanism by which the mutual rights and liabilities of the parties are determined with binding effect by a third person, the arbitrator, instead of by a court of law. It seeks to divide the history of international commercial arbitration into three broad waves or periods. In the Age of Aspirations (ca.1800–1920), arbitration was used in a range of contexts, both domestic (in local trade associations) and international (between states), as a result of which some of the defining features of modern international commercial arbitration practice were established. The Age of Institutionalization (1920s–1950s) witnessed the creation of key institutions, such as the International Chamber of Commerce and its Court of Arbitration, and the establishment of coherent and effective institutional arbitration systems. The Age of Autonomy (1950s–present) was marked by increased specialization and the attempt to create a separate body of law and justify the theoretical foundations of the arbitration system as a whole. The thesis argues that this history oscillates between moments of renewal and moments of anxiety. During periods of renewal, new instruments, devices, and institutions were created to carry international commercial arbitration forward. These initiatives were then counterbalanced during periods of anxiety, in which it seemed that international commercial arbitration should not go too far (lest it encroach on state sovereignty, for example). This tension or pendulum-like movement—from renewal to anxiety and from anxiety to renewal—is a key feature of the history of international commercial arbitration and helps explain the course of its development.
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Independence and impartiality of arbitrators / by Tania SteenkampSteenkamp, Tania January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (LL.M.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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International Arbitration : Arbitration Agreements and the writing requirement / Internationellt Skiljedomsförfarande : Skiljeavtal och det skriftliga formkravetDalentoft, Tomas, Toftgård, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Abstract As international trade is constantly increasing, the number of disputes between international parties is greater than ever. In view of the fact that it is difficult to get court judgments recognized and enforced, arbitration has gained a great foothold in international commercial disputes. The leading international legal framework for recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards is the New York Convention of 1958 with 142 Member States as of today. It simplifies recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in foreign countries. Nevertheless, certain criterions are required to be fulfilled and a much-debated criterion is the writing requirement for arbitration agreements. The writing requirement is found in Article II(2) of the New York Convention and it stipulates that an arbitration clause or an arbitration agreement must be signed by the parties or contained in an exchange of letters or telegrams to constitute a valid arbitration agreement, which is the foundation of a recognizable and enforceable arbitral award. The requirement in itself is clear, but the development of electronic communication and the fact that national courts interpret the writing requirement differently, leads to dissimilar requirements in various countries. Moreover, numerous new ways of how to conclude contracts have been established during the 50 years that has passed since the adoption of the New York Convention and the ever increasing number of disputes has questioned the function of the writing requirement. The UNCITRAL has, by adopting a model law, tried to accomplish a uniform interpretation and establish what it takes to fulfill the writing requirement. The starting point for the work of the UNCITRAL was to modify national arbitration legislation and thus reach the objective of harmonizing the writing requirement. The thesis undertakes an international outlook in three countries, Australia, Italy and Sweden. These countries are all Member States of the New York Convention but there are great differences in their legislation. Sweden imposes no writing requirement and Italy has applied a very restrictive interpretation. Australia has incorporated the UNCITRAL Model Law. The international outlook illustrates how the interpretation depends on national arbitration legislation and attitude towards the writing requirement. An analysis of the current general legal context shows a weakening threshold for fulfillment of the writing requirement. It is also evident that the writing requirement is not in line with how international trade is practiced today. The writing requirement frequently constitutes a formalistic problem regarding conclusion of contracts, as it comprise a requirement with-out function. In addition to this, the attempts of the UN have failed to eliminate uncer-tainty and the divergence in interpretation. To reach a uniform interpretation, an immense overhaul of the New York Convention is needed, alternatively that additional States adhere to the UNCITRAL Model Law and thus eliminate the national differences of today. / Sammanfattning En ständigt ökande internationell handel leder till en ökning i antalet tvister mellan parter från olika länder. Då nationella domslut är svåra att få erkända och verkställda i en främmande stat har skiljedomsförfaranden ökat i antal. Regelverket kring att få en skiljedom erkänd och verkställd i en främmande stat utgörs främst av New Yorkkonventionen från 1958 med 142 fördragsslutande stater till dags dato. New Yorkkonventionen möjliggör att en internationell skiljedom lättare kan erkännas och verkställas i en främmande stat. Dock måste vissa kriterier vara uppfyllda och ett av de mest omdebatterade och domstolsprövade kriterierna är det skriftliga formkravet för skiljeavtal. Skriftlighetskravet regleras i Artikel II(2), New Yorkkonventionen och påvisar att skiljeavtalet måste vara undertecknat av parterna eller inkluderat i brev- eller telegramväxling för att vara giltigt. Ett giltigt skiljeavtal formar grunden för en verkställbar skiljedom. Kravet i sig är relativt tydligt men med teknologins frammarsch och det faktum att nationella domstolar tolkar skriftlighetskravet olika har kraven för att uppnå skriftlighetskravet skiftat från land till land. Framförallt har olika sätt att sluta avtal tillkommit under de 50 år som New Yorkkonventionen har existerat och även det ökande antalet internationella skiljedomsförfaranden har ifrågasatt grunden för skriftlighetskravet. UNCITRAL har genom en modellag om kommersiella skiljeförfaranden försökt skapa enhetlighet om hur skriftlighetskravet skall tolkas och vad som krävs för att uppnå kravet. Utgångspunkten för UNCITRAL’s arbete har varit att förändra nationell lagstiftning och därmed uppnå målet om harmonisering av skriftlighetskravet. Uppsatsen gör en internationell utblick i tre länder, Australien, Italien och Sverige. De tre länderna är fördragsslutande stater till New Yorkkonventionen men deras nationella lagstiftning skiftar markant. Sverige påvisar inte något skriftlighetskrav för skiljeavtal och Italien har tolkat skriftlighetskravet restriktivt. Australien har fullt ut inkorporerat den modellag som UNCITRAL har utarbetat gällande kommersiella skiljeförfaranden. Utblicken visar även i flera rättsfall hur olika tolkningen av skriftlighetskravet blir beroende på den nationella lagstiftningen och inställningen till skriftlighetskravet. En analys av rättsläget påvisar att tröskeln för att uppnå skriftlighetskravet tenderar att luckras upp. Det framkommer även att skriftlighetskravet inte är i fas med hur internationell handel praktiseras idag. Skriftlighetskravet är ofta ett formalistiskt problem vad gäller avtalsslut och konstituerar ett krav utan funktion. Därtill har de försök som gjorts från överstatligt håll misslyckats med att undanröja osäkerheten och skiftningar i tolkningen. För att uppnå enhetlighet krävs en genomarbetning av New Yorkkonventionen, alternativt att fler stater anammar UNCITRAL’s modellag och därmed undanröjer de nationella olikheter som existerar idag.
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