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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo em laboratório do desempenho de concreto asfáltico usinado a quente empregando ligante tipo asfalto-borracha / not available

Faxina, Adalberto Leandro 18 July 2002 (has links)
Pesquisas sobre aplicação de borracha de pneus descartados em pavimentação asfáltica vêm sendo desenvolvidas desde a década de 1960, especialmente nos Estados Unidos e, desde o início da década de 1990, no Brasil, como alternativa para diminuição dos problemas ambientais gerados por estes resíduos sólidos. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo avaliar o desempenho de três misturas asfálticas do tipo concreto asfáltico usinado à quente: duas empregando teores diferentes de borracha moída e óleo de xisto (CAP 40 + 12% de borracha + 10% de óleo de xisto e CAP 40 + 20% de borracha + 15% de óleo de xisto) e uma convencional. Este estudo faz parte de um programa de pesquisa coordenado pela Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo (EESC-USP), Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM) e Petrobrás, envolvendo a execução de misturas com borracha e óleo de xisto em trechos experimentais. Foram realizadas dosagens Marshall e ensaios de resistência à tração, módulo de resiliência e fluência por compressão uniaxial estática. Os corpos-de-prova empregados nos ensaios foram moldados no teor ótimo de cimento asfáltico referente a cada uma das misturas. Constatou-se a viabilidade técnica da adição de óleo extensor para a incorporação de borracha de pneus descartados em concreto asfáltico, permitindo a obtenção de resultados satisfatórios quanto aos projetos de dosagem das misturas pelo método Marshall. Com base nos resultados dos ensaios realizados, acredita-se ser viável a execução de trechos experimentais empregando as duas misturas modificadas. / Researches on the application of discarded tires in asphaltic pavements has been developed since 1960, mainly in the United States and since the beginning of the 90\'s in Brazil, as an alternative to the reduction of environmental problems created by this kind of solid residues. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the performance of three hot mix asphalt concrete: two using different crumb rubber and shale oil contents (CAP 40 + 12% rubber + 10% shale oil and CAP 40 + 20% rubber + 15% shale oil) and a conventional hot mix asphalt concrete. The research is part of a major program coordinated by the Universidade de São Paulo (EESC-USP), Universidade Estadual de Maringá and Petrobras, comprehending the execution of asphaltic mixtures using tire rubber and shale oil in experimental road segments. The tests performed are: Marshall test, indirect tension, resilient modulus and static creep. The samples tested were compacted in the optimum binder content of each mixture. Good results obtained in tests confirrned the technical viability of using the shale oil as extender in crumb rubber asphalt hot mixtures. The results lead to the conclusion that experimental road sections or segments may be constructed with both tested rubber-oil modified asphalt mixtures.

Estudo em laboratório do desempenho de concreto asfáltico usinado a quente empregando ligante tipo asfalto-borracha / not available

Adalberto Leandro Faxina 18 July 2002 (has links)
Pesquisas sobre aplicação de borracha de pneus descartados em pavimentação asfáltica vêm sendo desenvolvidas desde a década de 1960, especialmente nos Estados Unidos e, desde o início da década de 1990, no Brasil, como alternativa para diminuição dos problemas ambientais gerados por estes resíduos sólidos. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo avaliar o desempenho de três misturas asfálticas do tipo concreto asfáltico usinado à quente: duas empregando teores diferentes de borracha moída e óleo de xisto (CAP 40 + 12% de borracha + 10% de óleo de xisto e CAP 40 + 20% de borracha + 15% de óleo de xisto) e uma convencional. Este estudo faz parte de um programa de pesquisa coordenado pela Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo (EESC-USP), Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM) e Petrobrás, envolvendo a execução de misturas com borracha e óleo de xisto em trechos experimentais. Foram realizadas dosagens Marshall e ensaios de resistência à tração, módulo de resiliência e fluência por compressão uniaxial estática. Os corpos-de-prova empregados nos ensaios foram moldados no teor ótimo de cimento asfáltico referente a cada uma das misturas. Constatou-se a viabilidade técnica da adição de óleo extensor para a incorporação de borracha de pneus descartados em concreto asfáltico, permitindo a obtenção de resultados satisfatórios quanto aos projetos de dosagem das misturas pelo método Marshall. Com base nos resultados dos ensaios realizados, acredita-se ser viável a execução de trechos experimentais empregando as duas misturas modificadas. / Researches on the application of discarded tires in asphaltic pavements has been developed since 1960, mainly in the United States and since the beginning of the 90\'s in Brazil, as an alternative to the reduction of environmental problems created by this kind of solid residues. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the performance of three hot mix asphalt concrete: two using different crumb rubber and shale oil contents (CAP 40 + 12% rubber + 10% shale oil and CAP 40 + 20% rubber + 15% shale oil) and a conventional hot mix asphalt concrete. The research is part of a major program coordinated by the Universidade de São Paulo (EESC-USP), Universidade Estadual de Maringá and Petrobras, comprehending the execution of asphaltic mixtures using tire rubber and shale oil in experimental road segments. The tests performed are: Marshall test, indirect tension, resilient modulus and static creep. The samples tested were compacted in the optimum binder content of each mixture. Good results obtained in tests confirrned the technical viability of using the shale oil as extender in crumb rubber asphalt hot mixtures. The results lead to the conclusion that experimental road sections or segments may be constructed with both tested rubber-oil modified asphalt mixtures.

Avaliação do uso de rejeito de caulim como fíler em concretos asfálticos / Evaluation of kaolin waste as filler in hot mix asphalt

Aguiar, Marcelo Figueiredo Massulo 26 March 2019 (has links)
A atividade de mineração de caulim, no Pará, produz cerca de 1,5 milhões de toneladas/ano de caulim beneficiado para uso na indústria de papel e, em consequência, é gerado um grande volume de rejeito de caulim, cujo aproveitamento como material de pavimentação pode reduzir o passivo ambiental. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a viabilidade técnica do uso de rejeito de caulim como fíler em concretos asfálticos, considerando aspectos relacionados à dosagem Marshall e propriedades de engenharia. Para isso, foram produzidas doze misturas asfálticas, que resultaram da combinação dos fatores: tipo de ligante asfáltico (CAP 50/70 e CAP 30/45) e tipo/teor de fíler (granito, 1,5%, 3,0% e 6,0% de caulim, 1,5% de cal e 3,0% de caulim + 1,5% de cal), as quais foram avaliadas à luz dos resultados de dosagens Marshall, de ensaios mecânicos (RT, MR, fadiga e creep estático) e relacionados à durabilidade (de susceptibilidade térmica e ao dano por umidade). Adicionalmente, foram testadas correlações entre os parâmetros de caracterização do fíler \"teor de caulim\", \"D10\", \"D30\", \"D60\" e \"módulo de finura\" (MF) versus parâmetros de dosagens e propriedades mecânicas e de durabilidade. Os resultados das dosagens indicaram que as mudanças do tipo de CAP e/ou do tipo e teor de fíler não influenciaram significativamente os teores de projeto (TP variaram entre 5,3 e 5,6%); no entanto, os valores de estabilidade das misturas com CAP 30/45 foram superiores aos das misturas com CAP 50/70, e as misturas com 6,0% de caulim apresentaram baixa estabilidade e elevada fluência, para ambos os ligantes asfálticos. As misturas sem cal não atenderam a RRT mínima de 70%, o que foi atribuído à má adesividade do granito com os ligantes asfálticos. Por isso, em termos de dosagem, apenas as misturas contendo cal atenderam a todas as exigências do DER/SP. Quanto aos ensaios mecânicos, constatou-se que nas misturas com CAP 30/45, a rigidez e as resistências à tração e à fadiga foram maiores e a susceptibilidade térmica foi menor em relação às misturas com CAP 50/70. Para ambos ligantes asfálticos, a adição de rejeito de caulim aumentou a rigidez e a vida de fadiga e melhorou a susceptibilidade térmica, porém reduziu as resistências à tração e à deformação permanente. Identificou-se que o efeito do tipo de ligante asfáltico está mais relacionado às propriedades mecânicas e à susceptibilidade térmica, e o efeito do tipo de fíler, às propriedades volumétricas, aos parâmetros de deformação permanente e de susceptibilidade ao dano por umidade. Complementarmente, mostrou-se que os parâmetros de caracterização \"teor de caulim\" e \"MF\" se correlacionaram melhor com os parâmetros das dosagens Marshall e do ensaio de creep estático, respectivamente. Por fim, conclui-se que o uso de rejeito de caulim como fíler em concreto asfáltico é tecnicamente viável, para ambos os tipos de ligante asfáltico, em teores de adição de até 3,0% e associado à cal. / Mining activity of kaolin, in Pará, produces around 1.5 million ton/year of processed Kaolin for paper industry, as a consequence, a substantial volume of waste is generated. The use of kaolin waste might reduce the environmental legacy. The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the technical feasibility of kaolin waste as filler in hot mix asphalt, considering aspects related to mix design and engineering properties. For this, twelve asphalt mixtures were produced from the combination of factors: type of asphalt binder (CAP 50/70 e CAP 30/45) and type/content of filler (granite, 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0% of kaolin waste, 1.5% of lime and 3.0% of kaolin waste+1.5% of lime). Asphalt mixtures were evaluated based on results from Marshall design, mechanical (ITS, RM, fatigue and static creep) and durability (thermal and moisture susceptibilities) tests. Additionally, filler-characterization parameters (kaolin content, D10, D30, D60 and fineness modulus, FM) were correlated to the Marshall\'s parameters and to the mechanical and durability properties. Marshall design results indicated that the changes of asphalt binder and types/content of filler did not significantly influence asphalt content (variation from 5.3 to 5.6%), however, stability values of mixtures with CAP 30/45 were higher than the mixtures with CAP 50/70. Mixtures containing 6% of Kaolin presented low stability and high flow, for both asphalt binders. Mixtures without lime did not reach minimum TSR value (70%), which was attributed to the poor adhesion between granite aggregates and asphalt binders. Therefore, regarding Marshall parameters, only asphalt mixtures with lime met all of DOT/Sao Paulo\'s standard requirements. Concerning mechanical tests, it was showed that, in mixtures with CAP 30/45, stiffness, tensile strength and fatigue resistance were higher and the thermal susceptibility was lower when compared to mixtures with CAP 50/70. Kaolin addition increased stiffness and fatigue life, but, decreased tensile strength and rutting resistance. Mechanical properties and thermal susceptibility were quite affected by asphalt binder whereas volumetric and rutting properties and moisture damage were most influenced by filler type and content. Furthermore, kaolin content and FM well correlated with Marshall and rutting parameters, respectively. Finally, it was concluded that the use of kaolin waste as filler in hot mix asphalt is technically feasible, for both tested asphalt binders, at contents up to 3.0% and combined with 1.5% of lime.

Etude physico-chimique des possibilités de valorisation des sables argileux non conformes dans des mélanges bitumineux routiers / A mineralogical approach to use the non-qualified fine aggregates in asphalt concrete pavement

Chen, Chi-Wei 29 March 2016 (has links)
Ma thèse de doctorat doit contribuer à la diminution du gaspillage des ressources naturelles (en particuliers les sables naturels) en étendant leur acceptabilité dans les enrobés bitumineux. La compréhension de l’effet des particules nocives, notamment la fraction argileuse contenue dans les sables, sur le comportement des mélanges bitumineux est visé. Pour évaluer le niveau de nocivité des particules fines, le test d'adsorption du bleu de méthylène noté MB (EN13043, NF EN 933-9) est appliqué, mais un tel test a été modifié à quatre reprises au cours des 22 dernières années tandis que la valeur de bleu limite, utilisée pour déterminer la conformité ou non du sable, n’a pas été modifiée. Le projet de thèse vise à modifier cette valeur limite pour étendre la gamme de sable utilisable. Cet objectif sera atteint grâce à l’identification de la composition minéralogique des sables, une recherche sur la meilleure manière de quantifier les phases qui composent les sables et une meilleure compréhension du rôle de la fraction fine sur la durabilité et les pathologies des mélanges bitumineux. Le travail de thèse est organisé en différentes tâches : 1. Tester le protocole de mesure de la valeur de bleu. Nous voulons comprendre l'effet de différents facteurs (tels que l'échantillonnage, la cinétique des additions de bleu, la température de séchage du sable avant l’essai ...) sur la mesure de la valeur de bleu. Le développement d'un appareil automatique ou d'une nouvelle méthode (qui sera validée par comparaison avec les résultats obtenus à partir de la méthode standardisée) est prévu.2. Établir une corrélation entre la valeur de bleu (ou d'autres paramètres à trouver) et la quantité de phases minérales présentes dans les sables. Un jeu de données a d’ores et déjà été établi au cours de mon stage de master. Pour atteindre cet objectif, les différentes méthodes de quantification (utilisant en particuliers la diffraction de rayons X) doivent être testées et comparées.3. Corréler la valeur de bleu couplée à la nature minéralogique des particules fines avec le comportement mécanique des mélanges sable/bitume. Nous allons étudier la dégradation en présence d’eau des propriétés du matériau bitumineux (par exemple l'adhésion du liant bitumineux sur granulat) et le rôle de la couche de particules fines qui entourent les grains de sable sur les propriétés mécaniques de ce matériau. Nous espérons comprendre en particulier l'effet de la présence d’argile gonflante dans les matériaux constitutifs de la chaussée bitumineuse.4. Améliorer le comportement des granulats non conformes par l’application d’un traitement. Après l'identification de l'origine des pathologies (nous faisons l'hypothèse que les argiles gonflantes jouent un rôle majeur), nous proposons d'appliquer un traitement en ajoutant de la chaux (ou de traiter en ajoutant des déchets qui contiendraient des substances actives comme la chaux), et de tester également l’utilisation de polymères ou du greffage avec des composés organiques des argiles comme traitement / Siliceous fines (clays) in fine aggregates used for AC pavement stimulate the moisture entering the bitumen-aggregates interface in AC mixture and create channels for water penetration. MB adsorption for qualifying fine aggregates is in accordance with the layer charge and the accessibility of consisted mineralogy in fine aggregates. However, the correlation between MB qualification for fine aggregates and fine aggregates triggering moisture susceptibility of AC mixture has not ever been addressed; moreover, the questions from MB adsorption still remain to be solved. In order to evaluate the stripping and to clarify MB adsorption on fine aggregates from a mineralogical perspective, the most common clays in natural aggregates, kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite, were extracted from their clay rocks, and used to prepare thin clay film, artificial fine aggregates and asphalt concrete mixtures consist of artificial fine aggregates. Moreover, the 5 blinded fine aggregates received from quarries without any given information were applied as the blinded experiments to confirm the practicability with mineralogical diversity. The mineralogical analysis was identifying and quantifying the mineral phases in extracted clay and fine aggregates by using X-Ray diffraction, and the quantitative results were judged by complementary test. MB adsorption was studied using drop method, UV-Photometer method and cation exchange capacity from clays and aggregates. Water-bitumen-clay interaction was studied using the sessile drop and the Oliensis spot tests on those thin clay films. The water intrusion routes in AC mixture was investigated immersing AC mixture in solution with chemical probe, whereas Duriez tests allowed measuring the moisture susceptibility of AC mixtures containing varied clay mineralogy in fine aggregates. The results show that clay mineralogy is in relation to water-bitumen-clay interaction, and it is agreed by moisture susceptibility of AC mixture indicated by Duriez test. With the dispersive nature bitumen used in this study, cohesive failure is in the light of kaolinite-AC mixture in the presence of water, whereas swelling property is responsible for the stripping in illite- and montmorillonite- AC mixture. In order to exclude the physical interferences on MB adsorption, the vale of 100% of MB adsorption on fine aggregates referred to CEC value is necessary to apply, and MB value measured from drop method efficiently excludes the significant impacts from layer charge, pH value and exchangeable cations. Although MB adsorption is in relation to clay mineralogy, this test does not sufficiently indicate the stripping of AC mixture occurred by clay in fine aggregates. There are still rooms to use the non-qualified fine aggregates for the use of AC pavement. As Rietveld method from X-Ray diffraction derives the most reasonable quantitative results, the X-Ray powder diffraction and the X-Ray orientated EG treated K-saturated clay diffraction are proposed for analyzing clay mineralogy and its swelling property for judging the use of non-qualified fine aggregates for AC mixture.MB2 and Duriez0.8 surfaces can be established on clay mineralogical map since we discovered MB adsorption and moisture susceptibility are related to clay mineralogy in fine aggregates. The fine aggregates which is not qualified by MB adsorption is going to confirm the possibility for the use of AC pavement by the mineralogical analysis through X-Ray diffraction. By adopting the quantitative results of clay on mineralogical map with Duriez0.8 surface and the swelling property of clays in fine aggregates, the use of fine aggregates for AC pavement can be properly judged according to water-bitumen-aggregates interaction and stripping which has been proved in this study

Navrhování nízkoteplotních asfaltových směsí / Design of low-temperature asphalt mixtures

Líšková, Jana January 2020 (has links)
In this diplomatic work, the issue of low-temperature asphalts and binders for asphalt mixtures is solved. Diploma work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part of diploma work, the purpose was to process a overview of technologies that allow the reduction of working temperature in the production and laying of asphalt mixtures. The purpose of the practical part was to comparison the functional parameters of two types of asphalt mixtures made in two variants, with the common asphalt binder and adding licomont into asphalt. Attention was given to stiffness, wheel drive tests and low temperature parameters.

Analyse et modélisation du comportement mécanique de structures de voies ferrées avec sous-couche bitumineuse : Instrumentation de la ligne à grande vitesse Bretagne – Pays de la Loire / Analysis and modeling of the mechanical behavior of railway structures with bituminous underlayment

Khairallah, Diana 17 September 2019 (has links)
Pour améliorer la durabilité des voies ferrées, il a été introduit sur la LGV BPL (Bretagne- Pays de Loire), une couche bitumineuse sous ballast, destinée entre autre à diminuer l’amplitude des accélérations produites par le passage des TGV, ce qui est une cause majeure du tassement de ballast. Afin d'étudier les réponses dynamiques des différentes structures, trois sections avec sous couche bitumineuse, et une section avec sous couche granulaire de la voie BPL ont fait l’objet d’une instrumentation, avec suivi à distance des mesures. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’analyser et de modéliser la réponse des sections instrumentées, et de comparer leur comportement durant la phase de montée en vitesse puis durant la phase d’exploitation commerciale. Les résultats ont indiqué un bon comportement des sections bitumineuses. La comparaison des accélérations obtenues sur les différentes sections a confirmé l’effet positif de la couche bitumineuse sur la stabilité de la voie. Sur la base des mesures de la phase de montée en vitesse, des modélisations de la réponse mécanique des sections de la LGV BPL à l’aide du logiciel ViscoRail ont confirmé la fiabilité du logiciel à reproduire le comportement mécanique des structures. Les mesures de température, de teneur en eau, et de tassements verticaux ont également confirmé le bon comportement saisonnier des structures bitumineuses. Enfin, une extension de ViscoRail est mise en place, pour comparer l’effet de différents types de semelles sous rail, linéaire et non linéaire, sur la réponse de la voie. / To improve railways durability, it has been introduced on the HSL BPL (Bretagne-Pays de Loire), a bituminous layer under ballast, intended among other things to reduce the amplitude of the accelerations produced by highspeed trains circulations, which is a major cause of ballast settlement. In order to study the dynamic responses of the different structures, three sections with bituminous underlayment, and a section with a granular sub-layer of BPL track were instrumented. Measurements are monitored remotely. The objective of this thesis is to analyze and model the response of the instrumented sections, and to compare their behavior during the speed up phase and during the commercial service phase. The results indicated good behavior of bituminous sections. The comparison of the accelerations obtained on different sections confirmed the positive effect of the asphalt concrete layer on the stability of the track. Based on the speed up phase measurements, modeling the mechanical response of the various HSL sections using ViscoRail has confirmed the software’s reliability to reproduce the mechanical behavior of railway structures. Temperature measurements, water content and vertical settlements have also confirmed the good seasonal behavior of bituminous structures. Finally, an extension of ViscoRail is put in place, to compare the influence of different types of rail pads, linear and nonlinear, on the response of the track.

Thermally Induced Fracture Performance of Asphalt Mixtures

Das, Prabir Kumar January 2012 (has links)
A major distress mode in asphalt pavements is low temperature cracking, which results from the contraction and expansion of the asphalt pavement under extreme temperature changes. The potential for low temperature cracking is an interplay between the environment, the road structure and importantly the properties of the asphalt mixture. The thermal cracking performance of asphalt concrete mixtures can be evaluated by conducting thermal stress restrained specimen tests (TSRST) which is known to be correlated well with the fracture temperatures observed in the field. Although TSRST provides a good estimation of the field performance, it may be unrealistic to implement the obtained results in a design framework. On the other hand, recent studies showed Superpave indirect tension tests can be used to evaluate fracture performance (fatigue, moisture damage, low temperature cracking, etc.) of the asphalt concrete  mixtures. In addition, the obtained elastic and viscoelastic parameters from the Superpave IDT tests can be used as an input parameter to establish a design framework. The study presented in this thesis has a main objective to develop a framework using Superpave IDT test results as input parameters in order to evaluate the low temperature cracking performance of asphalt concrete mixtures. Moreover, the study aims to investigate micro-mechanically the low temperature cracking behavior of bitumen using atomic force microscopy (AFM) as a tool. The numerical model has been developed by integrating fracture energy threshold into an asphalt concrete thermal fracture model, considering non-linear thermal contraction coefficients. Based on the asphalt concrete mixture viscoelastic properties, this integrated model can predict thermally induced stresses and fracture temperatures. The elastic, viscoelastic and fracture energy input parameters of the model were measured by conducting indirect tension tests and the thermal contraction coefficients were measured experimentally. The proposed model has been validated by comparing the predicted fracture temperatures with the results obtained from TSRST tests. It was found that, while there is a quantitative discrepancy, the predicted ranking was correct. In the measurement of the thermal contraction coefficients it was observed that the thermal contraction coefficient in asphalt concrete is non-linear in the temperature range of interest for low temperature cracking. The implications of having non-linear thermal contraction coefficient were investigated numerically. In an effort to understand the effect of bitumen properties on low temperature fatigue cracking, AFM was used to characterize the morphology of bitumen. The AFM topographic and phase contrast image confirmed the existence of bee-shaped microstructure and different phases. The bitumen samples were subjected to both environmental and mechanical loading and after loading, micro-cracks appeared in the interfaces of the bitumen surface, confirming bitumen itself may also crack. It was also found that the presence of wax and wax crystallization plays a vital role in low temperature cracking performance of bitumen. / <p>QC 20120828</p>

Dimensionering av vägens bärlager : Hur påverkar asfaltbetongblandningen och hur effektiv är svensk dimensioneringsmetod? / Road pavement design : What is the effect of the asphalt concrete mixture and how effective are Swedish design methods?

Helmersson, Elin, Nestéus, Tim January 2013 (has links)
Det här arbetet handlar om asfaltbetongblandningar och hur variationen av dessa vid projektering påverkar vägarnas dimensionering i överbyggnaden mer specifikt bärlagret. Arbetet är baserat på litteraturstudier av den senaste teorin kring dimensionering av asfaltbetongblandningar i väglager samt tillhörande kravskrifter både från svenska och amerikanska myndigheter. Den inledande delen i examensarbetet omfattar bakgrunden till vägdimensionering. Inledningsvis behandlas materialet asfaltbetong och derss egenskaper för att sedan gå vidare till allmänt om vägar, hur de utformas, vägens funktionella egenskaper och skador som kan uppstå. Detta ska ge läsaren tillräckligt med bakgrund för att följa med i resten av arbetet där man kan läsa mer ingående om deformationsskador och vilka parametrar som är till stor vikt när man studerar skador som uppstår i asfaltbetongen samt relationen till dem egenskaper bitumen har. Rapporten avslutas med att resonera kring eventuella problem kring dimensioneringsmetoder samt betydelsen av blandningens hållfasthetsegenskaper och hur de påverkar vägarnas tjocklek. Slutsatsen i rapporten är att asfaltbetongblandningen har en betydelse för dimensionering av bärlager och att det kan vara någonting att beakta oftare vid vägdimensionering speciellt vid blandningar som skiljer sig mycket från standardvarianterna. / This essay is about bitumen concrete pavement mixtures and how the variation of these affects the design of the superstructure of the road during the design-stadium, more specifically the pavement. The essay is based upon studies of literature written about the latest theory of asphalt concrete design for roads as well as the texts with regulations from Swedish and American government agencies. The introductory parts of the essay consist of the background to road design. Initially bitumen concrete and its characteristics are discussed and move on to general information about roads, how they are designed, the roads serviceable characteristics and finally the damage that can develop. This is meant to give the reader enough background to follow the rest of the essay where you can read more about deformation and which parameters that are of importance when you study deformation in bitumen concrete as well as the relation between the characteristics of bitumen concrete and bitumen. The essay is then finished with a argumentation about eventual problems with design methods and the significance of the bitumen concrete mixture’s strength parameters and how they affect the thickness of the road superstructure. The conclusion is that the asphalt concrete mixture has an impact on the design of the pavement of the road and that it should be something to take into account more often in road design, especially when you are using a mixture that differs much from the standard mixtures.

Evaluation of the Ohio CTE Device for Low Temperature Characterization of Hot Mix Asphalt

Nassar, Saif 25 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Comparison of Winter Temperature Profiles in Asphalt and Concrete Pavements

Dye, Jeremy Brooks 12 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Because winter maintenance is so costly, Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) personnel asked researchers at Brigham Young University to determine whether asphalt or concrete pavements require more winter maintenance. Differing thermal properties suggest that, for the same environmental conditions, asphalt and concrete pavements will have different temperature profiles. Climatological data from 22 environmental sensor stations (ESSs) near asphalt roads and nine ESSs near concrete roads were used to 1) determine which pavement type has higher surface temperatures in winter and 2) compare the subsurface temperatures under asphalt and concrete pavements to determine the pavement type below which more freeze-thaw cycles of the underlying soil occur. Twelve continuous months of climatological data, primarily from the 2009 calendar year, were acquired from the road weather information system operated by UDOT, and erroneous data were removed from the data set. To predict pavement surface temperature, a multiple linear regression was performed with input parameters of pavement type, time period, and air temperature. Similarly, a multiple linear regression was performed to predict the number of subsurface freeze-thaw cycles, based on month, latitude, elevation, and pavement type. A finite-difference model was created to model surface temperatures of asphalt and concrete pavements based on air temperature and incoming radiation. The statistical analysis predicting pavement surface temperatures showed that, for near-freezing conditions, asphalt is better in the afternoon, and concrete is better for other times of the day, but that neither pavement type is better, on average. Asphalt and concrete are equally likely to collect snow or ice on their surfaces, and both pavements are expected to require equal amounts of winter maintenance, on average. Finite-difference analysis results confirmed that, for times of low incident radiation (night), concrete reaches higher temperatures than asphalt, and for times of high incident radiation (day), asphalt reaches higher temperatures than concrete. The regression equation predicting the number of subsurface freeze-thaw cycles provided estimates that did not correlate well with measured values. Consequently, an entirely different analysis must be conducted with different input variables. Data that were not available for this research but are likely necessary in estimating the number of freeze-thaw cycles under the pavement include pavement layer thicknesses, layer types, and layer moisture contents.

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