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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de rotas metabólicas como mecanismo de ação da atividade tripanocida de Lignano-Lactonas / Evaluation of metabolic route as trypanocidal action mechanism of Lignan-Lactones

Saraiva, Juliana 02 April 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho o metilpluviatolido (1), o matairesinol (7), a hinoquinina (11), a cubebina (17) e seus respectivos derivados, providos de algumas modificações estruturais foram submetidos a testes in vitro para a determinação da atividade citotoxica e tripanocida. As substâncias não apresentaram atividade citotoxica significativa para a linhagem celular utilizada (LLC-MK2). Nos ensaios tripanocida in vitro o dimetoximorelensin (8) e 11 foram as substâncias que determinaram as maiores atividades tripanocida sobre as varias formas e cepas de T. cruzi utilizadas e juntamente com a cubebina foram submetidas os ensaios in vivo. As substâncias determinaram alterações significativas no curso da infecção chagásica experimental. No entanto apenas a 8 apresentou efeito semelhante ao do benzonidazol para ambas as cepas, sendo a cepa BOL em relação a cepa Y mais resistente as substâncias 11 e 17. Algumas rotas metabólicas foram avaliadas como mecanismo de ação das substâncias. As substâncias não apresentaram atividade inibitória sobre a enzima gliceraldeído-3-fosfato desidrogenase (GAPDH) de Trypanosoma cruzi, não induziram a produção de H2O2 e outros peróxidos, bem como não induziram a produção de óxido nítrico, tendo algumas inibindo esta produção. No entanto, apresentaram efeito inibitório sobre a respiração celular e efeito inibitório sobre a enzima ferro superóxido dismutase (Fe-SOD) de Trypanosoma cruzi. Adicionalmente foi demonstrado que em sistema livre de células as substâncias não apresentam atividade scavenger de radicais livres e que o tratamento com a substancia 8, avaliado por microscopia eletrônica, provoca alterações nucleares nas formas epimastigotas do parasita, sugerindo que a atividade tripanocida desta substancia envolva a inibição da síntese de DNA e RNA. Dessa forma, podemos concluir que a atividade tripanocida das varias lignano-lactonas avaliadas é promissora e que a produção de H2O2 e outros peróxidos, atividade inibitória sobre a enzima gliceraldeído-3-fosfato desidrogenase (GAPDH) de Trypanosoma cruzi, bem como a capacidade de indução de óxido nítrico pelos derivados bioativos são mecanismos que parecem não estar envolvidos na atividade tripanocida das substâncias. Além disso, que o efeito inibitório sobre a respiração celular parece contribuir para a atividade tripanocida e pode estar envolvido no mecanismo de citotoxicidade destas substâncias. Ainda, que o efeito inibitório sobre a enzima ferro superóxido dismutase (Fe- SOD) de Trypanosoma cruzi parece ser um dos principais mecanismos envolvidos na atividade tripanocida das substâncias. / In this work the compounds methylpluviatolide (1), matairesinol (7), hinokinin (11), cubebin (17) and its derivatives bearing some structural modifications were submitted to in vitro trypanocidal and citotoxic assays. The compounds do not show significant citotoxicity for the LLC-MK2 cells used. In the in vitro trypanocidal assays, the compounds more active against the different strains and forms of T. cruzi were the dimethoxymorelensin (8) and hinokinin (11). These compounds and cubebin (17) were submitted to in vivo trypanocidal assay. The compounds display significant modifications on the experimental chagasic infection. However, for both strains, Y and BOL, only the 8 displayed similar effect of the benznidazole. The BOL strain was more resistant than Y strain to treatment with 11 and 17. Some metabolic routes were evaluated as compounds action mechanism. The compounds do not showed inhibitory activity under enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of Trypanosoma cruzi, they do not induced the production of H2O2 and others peroxides and also do not induced the nitric oxide production, instead some compounds decrease this production. On the other hand, they showed inhibitory effect under the cellular respiration and the enzyme iron superoxide dismutase (Fe-SOD) of Trypanosoma cruzi. In addition, it was demonstrated that on system cells free, the compounds do not showed free radicals scavenger activity and that the treatment with the compound 8, evaluated in electron microscopy, display nuclear alterations on epimastigotes forms, suggesting an inhibitory effect on T. cruzi DNA and RNA biosynthesis. In conclusion, the compounds trypanocidal activity is promising and the production of H2O2 and others peroxides, the activity under enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of Trypanosoma cruzi, and the induction of nitric oxide production seem do not be involved in the trypanocidal and citotoxity activity of these group of compounds. The inhibitory effect under cellular respiration seems to be contributing for trypanocidal activity and may be involved on its citotoxic mechanism. Moreover, the inhibitory effect under the enzyme iron superoxide dismutase (Fe-SOD) of Trypanosoma cruzi seems to be the main mechanism involved on trypanocidal activity of these compounds.

Micromechanics of Fiber Networks Including Nonlinear Hysteresis and its Application to Multibody Dynamic Modeling of Piano Mechanisms

Masoudi, Ramin 09 April 2012 (has links)
Many engineering applications make use of fiber assemblies under compression. Unfortunately, this compression behavior is difficult to predict, due to nonlinear compliance, hysteresis, and anelasticity. The main objective of this research is to develop an algorithm which is capable of incorporating the microscale features of the fiber network into macroscopic scale applications, particularly the modeling of contact mechanics in multibody systems. In micromechanical approaches, the response of a fiber assembly to an external force is related to the response of basic fiber units as well as the interactions between these units, i.e. the mechanical properties of the constituent fibers and the architecture of the assembly will both have a significant influence on the overall response of the assembly to compressive load schemes. Probabilistic and statistical principles are used to construct the structure of the uniformly-distributed random network. Different micromechanical approaches in modeling felt, as a nonwoven fiber assembly with unique mechanical properties, are explored to gain insight into the key mechanisms that influence its compressive response. Based on the deformation processes and techniques in estimating the number of fiber contacts, three micromechanical models are introduced: (1) constitutive equations for micromechanics of three-dimensional fiberwebs under small strains, in which elongation of the fibers is the key deformation mechanism, adapted for large deformation ranges; (2) micromechanical model based on the rate theory of granular media, in which bending and torsion of fibers are the predominant elemental deformations used to calculate compliances of a particular contact; and (3) a mechanistic model developed using the general deformation theory of the fiber networks with fiber bending at the micro level and a binomial distribution of fiber contacts. A well-established mechanistic model, based on fiber-to-fiber friction at the micro level, is presented for predicting the hysteresis in compression behavior of wool fiberwebs. A novel algorithm is introduced to incorporate a hysteretic micromechanical model - a combination of the mechanistic model with microstructural fiber bending, which uses a binomial distribution of the number of fiber-to-fiber contacts, and the friction-based hysteresis idea - into the contact mechanics of multibody simulations with felt-lined interacting bodies. Considering the realistic case in which a portion of fibers slides, the fiber network can be treated as two subnetworks: one from the fibers with non-sliding contact points, responsible for the elastic response of the network, and the other consisting of fibers that slide, generating irreversible hysteresis phenomenon in the fiberweb compression. A parameter identification is performed to minimize the error between the micromechanical model and the elastic part of the loading-unloading experimental data for felt, then contribution of friction was added to the obtained mechanistic compression-recovery curves. The theoretical framework for constructing a mechanistic multibody dynamic model of a vertical piano action is developed, and its general validity is established using a prototype model. Dynamic equations of motion are derived symbolically for the piano action using a graph-theoretic formulation. The model fidelity is increased by including hammer-string interaction, backcheck wire and hammer shank flexibility, a sophisticated key pivot model, nonlinear models of bridle strap and butt spring, and a novel mathematical contact model. The developed nonlinear hysteretic micromechanical model is used for the hammer-string interaction to affirm the reliability and applicability of the model in general multibody dynamic simulations. In addition, dynamic modeling of a flexible hub-beam system with an eccentric tip mass including nonlinear hysteretic contact is studied. The model represents the mechanical finger of an actuator for a piano key. Achieving a desired finger-key contact force profile that replicates that of a real pianist's finger requires dynamic and vibration analysis of the actuator device. The governing differential equations for the dynamic behavior of the system are derived using Euler-Bernoulli beam theory along with Lagrange's method. To discretize the distributed parameter flexible beam in the model, the finite element method is utilized. Excessive vibration due to the arm flexibility and also the rigid-body oscillations of the arm, especially during the period of key-felt contact, is eliminated utilizing a simple grounded rotational dashpot and a grounded rotational dashpot with a one-sided relation. The effect on vibration behavior attributed to these additional components is demonstrated using the simulated model.

Micromechanics of Fiber Networks Including Nonlinear Hysteresis and its Application to Multibody Dynamic Modeling of Piano Mechanisms

Masoudi, Ramin 09 April 2012 (has links)
Many engineering applications make use of fiber assemblies under compression. Unfortunately, this compression behavior is difficult to predict, due to nonlinear compliance, hysteresis, and anelasticity. The main objective of this research is to develop an algorithm which is capable of incorporating the microscale features of the fiber network into macroscopic scale applications, particularly the modeling of contact mechanics in multibody systems. In micromechanical approaches, the response of a fiber assembly to an external force is related to the response of basic fiber units as well as the interactions between these units, i.e. the mechanical properties of the constituent fibers and the architecture of the assembly will both have a significant influence on the overall response of the assembly to compressive load schemes. Probabilistic and statistical principles are used to construct the structure of the uniformly-distributed random network. Different micromechanical approaches in modeling felt, as a nonwoven fiber assembly with unique mechanical properties, are explored to gain insight into the key mechanisms that influence its compressive response. Based on the deformation processes and techniques in estimating the number of fiber contacts, three micromechanical models are introduced: (1) constitutive equations for micromechanics of three-dimensional fiberwebs under small strains, in which elongation of the fibers is the key deformation mechanism, adapted for large deformation ranges; (2) micromechanical model based on the rate theory of granular media, in which bending and torsion of fibers are the predominant elemental deformations used to calculate compliances of a particular contact; and (3) a mechanistic model developed using the general deformation theory of the fiber networks with fiber bending at the micro level and a binomial distribution of fiber contacts. A well-established mechanistic model, based on fiber-to-fiber friction at the micro level, is presented for predicting the hysteresis in compression behavior of wool fiberwebs. A novel algorithm is introduced to incorporate a hysteretic micromechanical model - a combination of the mechanistic model with microstructural fiber bending, which uses a binomial distribution of the number of fiber-to-fiber contacts, and the friction-based hysteresis idea - into the contact mechanics of multibody simulations with felt-lined interacting bodies. Considering the realistic case in which a portion of fibers slides, the fiber network can be treated as two subnetworks: one from the fibers with non-sliding contact points, responsible for the elastic response of the network, and the other consisting of fibers that slide, generating irreversible hysteresis phenomenon in the fiberweb compression. A parameter identification is performed to minimize the error between the micromechanical model and the elastic part of the loading-unloading experimental data for felt, then contribution of friction was added to the obtained mechanistic compression-recovery curves. The theoretical framework for constructing a mechanistic multibody dynamic model of a vertical piano action is developed, and its general validity is established using a prototype model. Dynamic equations of motion are derived symbolically for the piano action using a graph-theoretic formulation. The model fidelity is increased by including hammer-string interaction, backcheck wire and hammer shank flexibility, a sophisticated key pivot model, nonlinear models of bridle strap and butt spring, and a novel mathematical contact model. The developed nonlinear hysteretic micromechanical model is used for the hammer-string interaction to affirm the reliability and applicability of the model in general multibody dynamic simulations. In addition, dynamic modeling of a flexible hub-beam system with an eccentric tip mass including nonlinear hysteretic contact is studied. The model represents the mechanical finger of an actuator for a piano key. Achieving a desired finger-key contact force profile that replicates that of a real pianist's finger requires dynamic and vibration analysis of the actuator device. The governing differential equations for the dynamic behavior of the system are derived using Euler-Bernoulli beam theory along with Lagrange's method. To discretize the distributed parameter flexible beam in the model, the finite element method is utilized. Excessive vibration due to the arm flexibility and also the rigid-body oscillations of the arm, especially during the period of key-felt contact, is eliminated utilizing a simple grounded rotational dashpot and a grounded rotational dashpot with a one-sided relation. The effect on vibration behavior attributed to these additional components is demonstrated using the simulated model.

Avaliação de rotas metabólicas como mecanismo de ação da atividade tripanocida de Lignano-Lactonas / Evaluation of metabolic route as trypanocidal action mechanism of Lignan-Lactones

Juliana Saraiva 02 April 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho o metilpluviatolido (1), o matairesinol (7), a hinoquinina (11), a cubebina (17) e seus respectivos derivados, providos de algumas modificações estruturais foram submetidos a testes in vitro para a determinação da atividade citotoxica e tripanocida. As substâncias não apresentaram atividade citotoxica significativa para a linhagem celular utilizada (LLC-MK2). Nos ensaios tripanocida in vitro o dimetoximorelensin (8) e 11 foram as substâncias que determinaram as maiores atividades tripanocida sobre as varias formas e cepas de T. cruzi utilizadas e juntamente com a cubebina foram submetidas os ensaios in vivo. As substâncias determinaram alterações significativas no curso da infecção chagásica experimental. No entanto apenas a 8 apresentou efeito semelhante ao do benzonidazol para ambas as cepas, sendo a cepa BOL em relação a cepa Y mais resistente as substâncias 11 e 17. Algumas rotas metabólicas foram avaliadas como mecanismo de ação das substâncias. As substâncias não apresentaram atividade inibitória sobre a enzima gliceraldeído-3-fosfato desidrogenase (GAPDH) de Trypanosoma cruzi, não induziram a produção de H2O2 e outros peróxidos, bem como não induziram a produção de óxido nítrico, tendo algumas inibindo esta produção. No entanto, apresentaram efeito inibitório sobre a respiração celular e efeito inibitório sobre a enzima ferro superóxido dismutase (Fe-SOD) de Trypanosoma cruzi. Adicionalmente foi demonstrado que em sistema livre de células as substâncias não apresentam atividade scavenger de radicais livres e que o tratamento com a substancia 8, avaliado por microscopia eletrônica, provoca alterações nucleares nas formas epimastigotas do parasita, sugerindo que a atividade tripanocida desta substancia envolva a inibição da síntese de DNA e RNA. Dessa forma, podemos concluir que a atividade tripanocida das varias lignano-lactonas avaliadas é promissora e que a produção de H2O2 e outros peróxidos, atividade inibitória sobre a enzima gliceraldeído-3-fosfato desidrogenase (GAPDH) de Trypanosoma cruzi, bem como a capacidade de indução de óxido nítrico pelos derivados bioativos são mecanismos que parecem não estar envolvidos na atividade tripanocida das substâncias. Além disso, que o efeito inibitório sobre a respiração celular parece contribuir para a atividade tripanocida e pode estar envolvido no mecanismo de citotoxicidade destas substâncias. Ainda, que o efeito inibitório sobre a enzima ferro superóxido dismutase (Fe- SOD) de Trypanosoma cruzi parece ser um dos principais mecanismos envolvidos na atividade tripanocida das substâncias. / In this work the compounds methylpluviatolide (1), matairesinol (7), hinokinin (11), cubebin (17) and its derivatives bearing some structural modifications were submitted to in vitro trypanocidal and citotoxic assays. The compounds do not show significant citotoxicity for the LLC-MK2 cells used. In the in vitro trypanocidal assays, the compounds more active against the different strains and forms of T. cruzi were the dimethoxymorelensin (8) and hinokinin (11). These compounds and cubebin (17) were submitted to in vivo trypanocidal assay. The compounds display significant modifications on the experimental chagasic infection. However, for both strains, Y and BOL, only the 8 displayed similar effect of the benznidazole. The BOL strain was more resistant than Y strain to treatment with 11 and 17. Some metabolic routes were evaluated as compounds action mechanism. The compounds do not showed inhibitory activity under enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of Trypanosoma cruzi, they do not induced the production of H2O2 and others peroxides and also do not induced the nitric oxide production, instead some compounds decrease this production. On the other hand, they showed inhibitory effect under the cellular respiration and the enzyme iron superoxide dismutase (Fe-SOD) of Trypanosoma cruzi. In addition, it was demonstrated that on system cells free, the compounds do not showed free radicals scavenger activity and that the treatment with the compound 8, evaluated in electron microscopy, display nuclear alterations on epimastigotes forms, suggesting an inhibitory effect on T. cruzi DNA and RNA biosynthesis. In conclusion, the compounds trypanocidal activity is promising and the production of H2O2 and others peroxides, the activity under enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of Trypanosoma cruzi, and the induction of nitric oxide production seem do not be involved in the trypanocidal and citotoxity activity of these group of compounds. The inhibitory effect under cellular respiration seems to be contributing for trypanocidal activity and may be involved on its citotoxic mechanism. Moreover, the inhibitory effect under the enzyme iron superoxide dismutase (Fe-SOD) of Trypanosoma cruzi seems to be the main mechanism involved on trypanocidal activity of these compounds.

Mecanismo de ação da microplusina, um peptídeo quelante de cobre com atividade antimicrobiana. / Action mechanism of microplusin, a copper chelating peptide with antimicrobial activity.

Silva, Fernanda Dias da 21 October 2008 (has links)
Peptídeos antimicrobianos (PAMs) fazem parte de um dos mecanismos da imunidade inata contra infecções. A microplusina é um PAM de 10.204 Da, isolado da hemolinfa livre de células e dos ovos do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. É um PAM aniônico em pH fisiológico, possui seis resíduos de cisteína, com formação de três pontes dissulfeto, além de sete resíduos de histidina concentrados principalmente na sua porção C-terminal. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar o mecanismo de ação antimicrobiana da microplusina. A microplusina recombinante é ativa contra várias bactérias Gram-positivas e fungos, porém não apresenta atividade contra bactérias Gram-negativas. Para avaliar o seu mecanismo de ação, foram utilizados dois modelos: a bactéria Micrococcus luteus e o fungo Cryptococcus neoformans. A microplusina é bacteriostática contra M. luteus e apresenta localização intracelular na bactéria. Além disso, observamos que a microplusina liga cobre e que a adição deste metal ao meio de cultivo reduz sua atividade antibacteriana. Bactérias M. luteus pré-incubadas com microplusina retomam o seu crescimento quando cobre é adicionado ao meio. Estes dados indicam que a atividade da microplusina está relacionada à sua habilidade de depletar cobre do meio extra ou intracelular, sugerindo um efeito nutricional para o peptídeo. A microplusina apresenta estrutura terciária com cinco a-hélices e sua ligação ao cobre não induz mudanças conformacionais. Observou-se que as histidinas 1, 2 e 74 da microplusina podem estar envolvidas na formação de um sítio de ligação ao cobre. Quanto à C. neoformans, verificou-se que a microplusina inibe a melanização do fungo, um fator de virulência catalisado pela lacase, uma enzima cobre-dependente. Entretanto, a microplusina não afeta a atividade da lacase, nem sua expressão gênica. O peptídeo também não inibe a auto-polimerização de substratos fenólicos que levam à melanização. Sendo assim, mais estudos são necessários a fim de avaliar o mecanismo pelo qual a microplusina inibe a melanização. Adicionalmente, a microplusina afeta a viabilidade do fungo e reduz o tamanho de sua cápsula, outro importante fator de virulência. As atividades da microplusina sobre C. neoformans sugerem o seu potencial terapêutico. Experimentos in vivo com modelo murino, mostraram que a microplusina reduz o processo inflamatório e a viabilidade de C. neoformans nos pulmões, indicando que em condições otimizadas, o peptídeo pode atuar no controle de infecções. / Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) take part of innate immune mechanisms against infections. Microplusin is a 10,204 Da AMP, isolated from cell-free hemolymph and eggs of the tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. It is an anionic AMP at physiological pH, with six cysteine residues forming three disulfide bridges and seven histidine residues clustered mainly at the carboxy end portion. The goal of the present work was investigate the antimicrobial action mechanism of microplusin. Recombinant microplusin is active against Gram-positive bacteria and fungi, however, no activity is detected for Gram-negative bacteria. Two models were used to evaluate the action mechanism of microplusin: the bacteria Micrococcus luteus and the yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. Microplusin is bacteriostatic against M. luteus and its localization is intracellular for these bacteria. Moreover, microplusin binds copper and the addition of this metal into the medium reduces its antibacterial activity. M. luteus bacteria pre-treated with microplusin recover its growth when copper is added. These data indicate that microplusin activity is related to its ability to deplete copper present in the extracellular or intracellular environment, suggesting a nutritional effect. Microplusin presents a tertiary structure with five a-helix and the copper binding does not induce conformation changes. In addition, it was observed that histidines 1, 2 and 74 from microplusin may be involved in the formation of a copper binding site. About C. neoformans, it was verified microplusin inhibits its melanization, a virulence factor catalyzed by laccase, a copper dependent enzyme. However, microplusin does affect neither laccase activity nor its gene expression. The melanization caused by auto-polymerazation of phenolic substrates, is also not inhibited by microplusin. Hence, additional studies are required to evaluate the mechanism by which microplusin inhibits melanization. In addition, microplusin also affects the fungi viability and reduces the capsule size, another important virulence factor.The microplusin activities against C. neoformans suggest its therapeutic potential. In vivo experiments with murine model showed that microplusin reduces the inflammation and the viability of C. neoformans in the lungs, indicating that, in optimized conditions, the peptide may act in the infection control.

Investigação teórica do mecanismo de ação de compostos binucleares de platina(II)

Esteves, Lucas Fagundes 29 February 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-07-12T17:47:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 lucasfagundesesteves.pdf: 3341806 bytes, checksum: 01a9ea92db8351da3b0d30ea2a019200 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-13T16:53:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lucasfagundesesteves.pdf: 3341806 bytes, checksum: 01a9ea92db8351da3b0d30ea2a019200 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-13T16:53:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lucasfagundesesteves.pdf: 3341806 bytes, checksum: 01a9ea92db8351da3b0d30ea2a019200 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Neste trabalho foram utilizadas metodologias teóricas para a descrição do mecanismo de ação de complexos binucleares de platina(II) do tipo 1,1/c,c e 1,1/t,t. Inicialmente foi elucidada a influência do arranjo conformacional da cadeia espaçadora na estabilidade de complexos binucleares, através da construção de um parâmetro topológico chamado grau de distorção (λ). Para a construção do parâmetro λ, foi realizada uma busca conformacional no nível PM3 utilizando o método de Monte Carlo (MC) para o ligante desses complexos binucleares, a molécula de 1,6-hexanodiamina. O parâmetro λ, correlaciona-se linearmente com a energia PM3 dos confôrmeros obtidos, aumentando o seu valor à medida que a energia total diminui. O parâmetro λ correlaciona-se fortemente com as energias relativas em fase gás ( ) e em fase aquosa ( ) após a inclusão das esferas de coordenação metálica dos complexos 1,1/c,c e 1,1/t,t em determinadas conformações e posterior otimização no nível DFT com o funcional B3LYP e o conjunto de funções de base 6-31+G(d,p) para todos os átomos, exceto para a platina, a qual foi tratada com o pseudopotencial LANL2DZ. As reações de hidrólise dos complexos 1,1/c,c e 1,1/t,t foram estudadas em fase gás no nível B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p)/LANL2DZ e em fase aquosa com os modelos PCM/UAHF e PCM/Bondi. As constantes de velocidade calculadas para a reação direta em fase aquosa resultaram em valores muito próximos daqueles determinados experimentalmente, os quais são da ordem de 10-5s-1, para os complexos 1,1/c,c e 1,1/t,t. Durante esta dissertação também foi avaliada a influência da conformação na primeira barreira de hidrólise de complexos 1,1/c,c, mostrando que algumas conformações, que em um primeiro momento são instáveis, podem gerar barreiras de reação menores do que as conformações mais estáveis. Foram estudados os mecanismos de coordenação de complexos 1,1/c,c com a guanina em fase gás e fase aquosa no mesmo nível de teoria utilizado durante a etapa de hidrólise. / In this work, theoretical methods were used to describe the action mechanism of binuclear platinum(II) complexes named 1,1/c,c and 1,1/t,t. Initially, the influence of the conformational arrangement of the diamine chain on the stability of binuclear complex was elucidated, through the construction of a new topological parameter called distortion degree λ. In order to create the λ parameter, were performed a conformational search at PM3 level of theory using Monte Carlo (MC) method only for the ligand of these binuclear complexes, the 1,6-hexanediamine molecule. The λ parameter linearly correlates with the PM3 energy of the conformers, increasing its value, as the total energy decreases. The λ parameter has a strong correlation with the relative energies in gas phase ( ) and aqueous phase ( ) after the inclusion of the metallic coordination sphere of the 1,1/c,c and 1,1/t,t complexes in some specific conformations. Subsequent optimization has been carried out at DFT approach with the B3LYP functional and the 6-31+G(d,p) Pople’s basis set for all atoms, except for platinum, which was treated with LANL2DZ pseudopotential. The hydrolysis reaction of 1,1/c,c and 1,1/t,t complexes were studied in gas phase at B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p)/LANL2DZ level and in aqueous phase with the PCM/UAHF and PCM/Bondi model. The calculated rate constants for the forward reaction in aqueous phase lead to values very close to those experimentally resolute, which are about 10-5s-1 for the 1,1/c,c and 1,1/t,t complexes. During this study the influence of conformation on the first hydrolysis barrier of 1,1/c,c complex were also evaluated, showing that some conformations, which at the first moment were considerable unstable, can generate lower reaction barriers than the most stable conformations. The coordination mechanism of 1,1/c,c complex with guanine in gas and aqueous phase at the same level of theory used during the hydrolysis step were also studied and compared with literature.

Mecanismo de ação da microplusina, um peptídeo quelante de cobre com atividade antimicrobiana. / Action mechanism of microplusin, a copper chelating peptide with antimicrobial activity.

Fernanda Dias da Silva 21 October 2008 (has links)
Peptídeos antimicrobianos (PAMs) fazem parte de um dos mecanismos da imunidade inata contra infecções. A microplusina é um PAM de 10.204 Da, isolado da hemolinfa livre de células e dos ovos do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. É um PAM aniônico em pH fisiológico, possui seis resíduos de cisteína, com formação de três pontes dissulfeto, além de sete resíduos de histidina concentrados principalmente na sua porção C-terminal. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar o mecanismo de ação antimicrobiana da microplusina. A microplusina recombinante é ativa contra várias bactérias Gram-positivas e fungos, porém não apresenta atividade contra bactérias Gram-negativas. Para avaliar o seu mecanismo de ação, foram utilizados dois modelos: a bactéria Micrococcus luteus e o fungo Cryptococcus neoformans. A microplusina é bacteriostática contra M. luteus e apresenta localização intracelular na bactéria. Além disso, observamos que a microplusina liga cobre e que a adição deste metal ao meio de cultivo reduz sua atividade antibacteriana. Bactérias M. luteus pré-incubadas com microplusina retomam o seu crescimento quando cobre é adicionado ao meio. Estes dados indicam que a atividade da microplusina está relacionada à sua habilidade de depletar cobre do meio extra ou intracelular, sugerindo um efeito nutricional para o peptídeo. A microplusina apresenta estrutura terciária com cinco a-hélices e sua ligação ao cobre não induz mudanças conformacionais. Observou-se que as histidinas 1, 2 e 74 da microplusina podem estar envolvidas na formação de um sítio de ligação ao cobre. Quanto à C. neoformans, verificou-se que a microplusina inibe a melanização do fungo, um fator de virulência catalisado pela lacase, uma enzima cobre-dependente. Entretanto, a microplusina não afeta a atividade da lacase, nem sua expressão gênica. O peptídeo também não inibe a auto-polimerização de substratos fenólicos que levam à melanização. Sendo assim, mais estudos são necessários a fim de avaliar o mecanismo pelo qual a microplusina inibe a melanização. Adicionalmente, a microplusina afeta a viabilidade do fungo e reduz o tamanho de sua cápsula, outro importante fator de virulência. As atividades da microplusina sobre C. neoformans sugerem o seu potencial terapêutico. Experimentos in vivo com modelo murino, mostraram que a microplusina reduz o processo inflamatório e a viabilidade de C. neoformans nos pulmões, indicando que em condições otimizadas, o peptídeo pode atuar no controle de infecções. / Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) take part of innate immune mechanisms against infections. Microplusin is a 10,204 Da AMP, isolated from cell-free hemolymph and eggs of the tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. It is an anionic AMP at physiological pH, with six cysteine residues forming three disulfide bridges and seven histidine residues clustered mainly at the carboxy end portion. The goal of the present work was investigate the antimicrobial action mechanism of microplusin. Recombinant microplusin is active against Gram-positive bacteria and fungi, however, no activity is detected for Gram-negative bacteria. Two models were used to evaluate the action mechanism of microplusin: the bacteria Micrococcus luteus and the yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. Microplusin is bacteriostatic against M. luteus and its localization is intracellular for these bacteria. Moreover, microplusin binds copper and the addition of this metal into the medium reduces its antibacterial activity. M. luteus bacteria pre-treated with microplusin recover its growth when copper is added. These data indicate that microplusin activity is related to its ability to deplete copper present in the extracellular or intracellular environment, suggesting a nutritional effect. Microplusin presents a tertiary structure with five a-helix and the copper binding does not induce conformation changes. In addition, it was observed that histidines 1, 2 and 74 from microplusin may be involved in the formation of a copper binding site. About C. neoformans, it was verified microplusin inhibits its melanization, a virulence factor catalyzed by laccase, a copper dependent enzyme. However, microplusin does affect neither laccase activity nor its gene expression. The melanization caused by auto-polymerazation of phenolic substrates, is also not inhibited by microplusin. Hence, additional studies are required to evaluate the mechanism by which microplusin inhibits melanization. In addition, microplusin also affects the fungi viability and reduces the capsule size, another important virulence factor.The microplusin activities against C. neoformans suggest its therapeutic potential. In vivo experiments with murine model showed that microplusin reduces the inflammation and the viability of C. neoformans in the lungs, indicating that, in optimized conditions, the peptide may act in the infection control.

Improved in silico methods for target deconvolution in phenotypic screens

Mervin, Lewis January 2018 (has links)
Target-based screening projects for bioactive (orphan) compounds have been shown in many cases to be insufficiently predictive for in vivo efficacy, leading to attrition in clinical trials. Phenotypic screening has hence undergone a renaissance in both academia and in the pharmaceutical industry, partly due to this reason. One key shortcoming of this paradigm shift is that the protein targets modulated need to be elucidated subsequently, which is often a costly and time-consuming procedure. In this work, we have explored both improved methods and real-world case studies of how computational methods can help in target elucidation of phenotypic screens. One limitation of previous methods has been the ability to assess the applicability domain of the models, that is, when the assumptions made by a model are fulfilled and which input chemicals are reliably appropriate for the models. Hence, a major focus of this work was to explore methods for calibration of machine learning algorithms using Platt Scaling, Isotonic Regression Scaling and Venn-Abers Predictors, since the probabilities from well calibrated classifiers can be interpreted at a confidence level and predictions specified at an acceptable error rate. Additionally, many current protocols only offer probabilities for affinity, thus another key area for development was to expand the target prediction models with functional prediction (activation or inhibition). This extra level of annotation is important since the activation or inhibition of a target may positively or negatively impact the phenotypic response in a biological system. Furthermore, many existing methods do not utilize the wealth of bioactivity information held for orthologue species. We therefore also focused on an in-depth analysis of orthologue bioactivity data and its relevance and applicability towards expanding compound and target bioactivity space for predictive studies. The realized protocol was trained with 13,918,879 compound-target pairs and comprises 1,651 targets, which has been made available for public use at GitHub. Consequently, the methodology was applied to aid with the target deconvolution of AstraZeneca phenotypic readouts, in particular for the rationalization of cytotoxicity and cytostaticity in the High-Throughput Screening (HTS) collection. Results from this work highlighted which targets are frequently linked to the cytotoxicity and cytostaticity of chemical structures, and provided insight into which compounds to select or remove from the collection for future screening projects. Overall, this project has furthered the field of in silico target deconvolution, by improving the performance and applicability of current protocols and by rationalizing cytotoxicity, which has been shown to influence attrition in clinical trials.

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