Spelling suggestions: "subject:"advertisement"" "subject:"dvertisement""
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Návrh marketingové komunikace pro akciovou společnost / Proposal of marketing communication for stock companyPazdera, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
Master´s thesis proposes a marketing communication for 1. FC Brno joint-stock company. Studied company´s business activities are focused on specific segment of market with substantial use of marketig tools. Prezentation itself is based on some important analysis.
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Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků a návrhy opatření na zvýšení její úrovně / Customer Satisfaction Analysis and Recomentadions for its ImprovementKopáč, Jiří Vili January 2009 (has links)
Master's thesis is focused on areas of customer satisfaction analysis of GRAPE SC, a.s. company which provide Internet connection in Northwestern Bohemia. Theoretical part of master's thesis solve opportunity of marketing research whose output will be analyzed in practical part. There will be propose suggestions and precautions on the basis of gained data. These measures will lead to general increasing customer satisfaction with providing services and increasing company earnings.
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Návrh marketingové strategie v elektronickém obchodě / Purpose of Marketing Strategy in E-commerceKulhánek, Jan January 2010 (has links)
Work deals with marketing strategy of e-shop www.vune24.cz. Containing the theoretical basis for describing the problem and analysis of the selected company. Draft marketing strategy is focused primarily on product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy and promotion. It also included an economic evaluation of the proposal.
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Návrh marketingové strategie v průmyslové sféře / Designing a Marketing Strategy in the Segment of IndustryNeuwirth, David January 2011 (has links)
In today’s competitive environment, the survival of a company greatly depends on its ability to win over customers. Competition is constantly evolving and improving the marketing strategies and tools adopted by firms. In order to succeed in such an environment, it is vital to maintain a competitive advantage and always be a step ahead of the rest. The first part of this dissertation will examine several marketing tools and methods, which will enable a company to maintain and expand its customer base. The second part will apply these methods to a real life company Temex Ltd. and evaluate the success of the adopted changes.
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Komunikační strategie firmy Racio, s.r.o. / Communication Strategy of Racio, Ltd.Grandič, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The theme of my Master‘s Thesis called “Communicational Strategy of the company Racio” is the analysis of marketing communication in the company Racio. First part deals with the theoretical solution of process of marketing communication. In the second part I try to assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company by the help of used analyses. In the last part of Master Thesis I try to propose new communication strategy that will be able to avoid some of weaknesses and threats for the company.
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Podnikatelsky plán pro založeni firmy, poskytující reklamní plochy / Plan For Business Setup Out Door Advertisement/HoardingsZerza, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
The diploma named: “Plan For Business Setup Out Door Advertisement/Hoardings” analyses possibilities and chances of setting up a firm like this. The first part contents theoretic introduction to the problems and definitions of the esential concepts. The other part concerns application of the theory of setup new business in practice - processing a business plan and analysis of competition.
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Řeč světla ve veřejném prostoru / Language of light in the public spaceŽaludová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
RESUME V diplomové práci, Řeč světla ve veřejném prostoru, zpracovávám otázku role světla a světelných reklam ve vztahu k architektuře a volnému umění na území dnešní České republiky. Zajímám se o celkovou estetiku, ale i dobové podmínky, které tuto oblast ovlivnily, ať již umělecky, nebo technologicky. Pokouším se situaci v tehdejším Československu uvést do celosvětového kontextu. První část je věnována období největšího rozkvětu světelné reklamy, tedy dvacátým a třicátým letům. Pokouším jsem se o zmapování celkového vývoje světelné techniky a osvětlování vůbec. V uvedené době byla světelná reklama úzce spjata s architekturou. Na konkrétních příkladech staveb poukazuji na roli denního i umělého světla. Zmiňuji zde také dobové příklady volné umělecké tvorby, související se světlem. V druhé, obsáhlejší části, se zabývám světelnými reklamami především v období padesátých a šedesátých let, s ohledem na tehdejší ekonomickou, hospodářskou a politickou situaci, která úzce souvisela s tímto uměleckoprůmyslovým odvětvím. V průběhu výzkumu jsem dospěla k tomu, že role světelných reklam v sedmdesátých a osmdesátých letech klesla na minimum. Popisuji zde, proč se tak stalo a jak v této době vypadaly a v jaké nové formy se přetransformovaly. Závěrem své práce ve stručnosti popisuji situaci devadesátých let, kdy...
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Aplikace a vyhodnocení sponzoringu v rámci pořádání soutěže v moderní gymnastice / Aplication and evaluation of sponsoring for rhythmic gymnastics competitionDobešová, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
Title: Application and evaluation of sponsoring for rhythmic gymnastics competition Objectives: The main objective is the offering of sponsorship packages that have been made previously to former and current sponsors in order to entice them to come back and stay. The next sub-objective is to establish cooperation with new potential partners for competition in rhythmic gymnastics with a tailor-made offer. Methods: In the work are used the methods of quantitative and qualitative research. The method of written polling is applied to former and current sponsors and the method of direct mail and individual semi-structured interview is applied to the selected potential sponsors. Results: During the data collection it was found that the former and current sponsors would prefer a more diverse list of options. Based on the results new sponsorship packages were compiled and especially great demanded list of advertisement options. Thanks to some interviews some new sponsors were added to the competition. Keywords: sponsorship package, list of advertisement options, sports advertising, sports event, donation
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Jak ženy v České republice reflektují způsob zobrazování žen v reklamě / The Czech women's view on representation of women in advertisementKoláčková, Martina January 2020 (has links)
Master thesis The Czech Women's view on representation of women in advertisement focuses on the way advertisement reproduces gender stereotypes and sexism in the society. The analysis examines the view of female audience on this matters. The role of advertisement, gender roles and gender stereotypes, sexism and feminism are introduced in the beginning of this thesis. Main traits of sexism in advertisement are described. Possible impact of stereotyped and sexist advertisement on its viewers is demonstrated by introducing results of field related analyses. Based on interviews' analysis with selected group of women it was discovered that women view the representation of women in advertisement to be heavily stereotyped. Women in advertisement are reduced to the following categories: physically attractive and carefree, homemaker, naive and dull, and last but not least sex object. Even though female responders are able to identify some negative impacts of this stereotyped representation of women on both women's and men's lives, their concerns are undermined by their attitude towards advetisement which they do not consider to be capable of changing public attitudes and values. Female responders are convinced that gender discrimination against women is still present in the Czech Republic and advertisement...
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Vem äter kakan? : En kvalitativ studie kring klädbranschens nyttjande av personlig data i marknadsföringssyfte i relation till kundens integritet onlineJaremo, Frida, Villaggi, Marco January 2020 (has links)
History: Digitalization brings great benefits to companies regardless of market. One of the markets that is undergoing change is the retail sector where e-commerce services are the new environment. This environment benefits from the innovative solutions that the consumer uses, such as smartphones. These and other connected devices are constantly generating user data that companies can then take advantage of. This, in turn, has sparked discussions about the individual's integrity in relation to companies' use of this data. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate how retail companies in Sweden use personal data for marketing purposes and how important it is for the consumer to maintain their online integrity and how personalized advertising is perceived by the consumer. Theory: The theories and concepts that are explored are personal data, big data, data-driven marketing, CRM, the marketing mix as well as integrity and security. Every theory is described thoroughly and summarized to create an understanding as to why these are selected. Methodology: Methodical choices have been made in the form of targeting the Swedish clothing industry and Swedish consumers. A qualitative approach was used. Two semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from a company and a trade organization selected through a benchmarked selection of candidates. Semi-structured interviews were also carried out with eight consumers close or related to the researchers. Results: The results show an uncertainty of customers when it comes to what companies are allowed to do and how they actually use their personal data. Some also find it unsettling to receive personalized advertisements. Others appreciate advertisement based on their preferences. The company representatives saw an overarching possibility to create better personalized experiences for the customer thanks to the data generated. Conclusions: Based on the study's results, it can be concluded that companies in the clothing industry in Sweden use data from the consumer for marketing purposes to both retain customers and create new customer relationships. The personal data collected has proven to be very important for companies from a competitive perspective. The study suggests that the consumer values his or her integrity highly but does not act accordingly and is largely unaware of any restrictions on his or her online privacy. The general attitude the consumer has towards personalized advertising is that it is unpleasant. However, the study also shows that it can be appreciated, given that the content is interesting for the consumer. Should opportunities for financial compensation from the companies to access individual personal data, the consumer would not choose to take advantage of this. / Bakgrund: Digitaliseringen för med sig stora fördelar för företag oavsett marknad. En av dessa marknader som är i förändring är detaljhandeln där e-handelstjänster är den nya miljön. Denna miljö gynnas av de innovativa lösningar som konsumenten nyttjar, exempelvis smartphones. Dessa och andra uppkopplade enheter genererar ständigt data om användaren som företagen sedan kan dra nytta av. Det här har i sin tur väckt diskussioner kring individens integritet i förhållande till företagens användande av denna data. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur företag inom detaljhandeln i Sverige använder sig av personlig data i marknadsföringssyfte samt hur viktigt det är för konsumenten att bibehålla sin integritet online och hur personanpassad reklam upplevs av konsumenten. Teori: De teorier och begrepp som behandlas i studien är datadriven marknadsföring, CRM, marknadsföringsmixen samt integritet och säkerhet. Varje teori beskrivs ingående och sammanfattas i en teoretisk referensram i slutet av kapitlet för att skapa en förståelse till varför just dessa är valda. Metod: Metodmässiga val har gjort i form av att rikta in sig på svenska klädesbranschen och svenska konsumenter. En kvalitativ ansats har använts i studien och två semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med representanter från ett företag samt en branschorganisation som valts genom ett målstyrt urval. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har även utförts med åtta konsumenter genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Empiri: Övergripande ansåg representanterna för företaget samt branschorganisationen att data gör det möjligt att skapa bättre upplevelser för kunden då man kan individanpassa erbjudanden. Studiens resultat visar även på en viss osäkerhet hos konsumenterna gällande vad företagen får göra och faktiskt gör med deras personliga data. Vissa respondenter tycker att det är obehagligt att få personifierad reklam, andra respondenter uppskattar reklam baserad på deras preferenser. Slutsats: Utifrån studiens resultat kan man konstatera att företag inom klädbranschen i Sverige använder data från konsumenten i marknadsföringssyfte för att både behålla kunder samt skapa nya kundrelationer. Den personliga datan som samlas in har visat sig vara väldigt betydelsefull för företagen utifrån ett konkurrensmässigt perspektiv. Studien tyder på att konsumenten värderar sin integritet högt men agerar dock inte därefter och är i stor utsträckning inte medveten om inskränkningar i sin integritet online. Den genomgående inställningen konsumenten har till personanpassad reklam är att det är obehagligt. Dock visar studien även på att den kan uppskattas om respondenten finner innehållet intressant. Skulle möjligheten till ekonomisk ersättning från företagen för att ta del av individens personliga data skulle konsumenten inte välja att ta del av detta.
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