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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manlike subjektiwiteit in die Afrikaanse prosa vanaf 1980 tot 2000

Visagie, Andries Gerhardus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the 1980s the narrative prose of male writers in Afrikaans has been characterised by an intensive questioning of consolidated masculine subjectivity with the (political) father as its primary manifestation. The growing influence of postmodernism and the greater freedom enjoyed by women and gay authors to write about gender issues, facilitated the process of paternal emancipation in Afrikaans narrative. This dissertation is a study of the representation of masculine subjectivity in Afrikaans prose writing from 1980 to 2000 concentrating on the diverse expressions of masculine subjectivity in literary texts with reference to the work of Luce Irigaray (1980 and 1985) on subjectivity, and the theory of R.W. Connell (1995) on the plurality of masculinities. The position of the father in conveying political values to the son within the Oedipal context is examined in a number of texts with specific emphasis on the contrasting processes regulating the hegemonic masculinity of the white father (Alexander Strachan 1984 and Mark Behr 1993) and the marginalised masculinity of the coloured father during apartheid (Benjamin 1997). The work of Alexander Strachan (1994), Piet van Rooyen (1997) and Johann Botha (1997) are examples of texts that display resemblance to the literature of the “School of Virility” identified by Peter Schwenger (1984: 13). Unlike the male protagonists in colonial texts, the masculine subjects in the work of Van Rooyen and Botha can no longer escape the political and historical turmoil of civilisation by finding refuge in “pristine” and unpoliticised hunting fields. Since 1994 the loss of political power, which for so long conditioned the masculine subjectivity of Afrikaner men, has also reached the hunting fields of postcolonial southern Africa. Through the influence postmodernism, a productive tension in literature and theory has developed between the autonomous, consolidated masculine subject, and the decentered masculine subject. Breyten Breytenbach’s representation of the fragmented masculine subject opens up the possibility of a move away from the historical imperatives of the totalising, and often violent, masculine subject. However, Breytenbach (1998) suggests that, in some instances, the fragmented masculine subject may be co-opted by the historically persistent discourse of the autonomous (and violent) masculine subject. Gay writers Koos Prinsloo (1992) and Johann de Lange (1996 and 2000), and to a lesser extent Hennie Aucamp (1981), devote themselves to a sceptical interrogation of identity and subjectivity as categories that are based on heterosexist values. Prinsloo and De Lange employ sexuality as a way to give expression to their antihumanist critique of the subject. The tension between consolidated masculine subjectivity and decentered masculine subjectivity is also present in the autobiography of Joseph Marble (1999). In Marble’s life history the discontinuity between the youthful “I” as protagonist and the adult “I” as narrator contributes to the multiplicity that ultimately characterises Marble as a masculine subject in the text. Finally, this dissertation presents a view of masculine subjectivity in Afrikaans narrative that emphasises diversity. Yet, it is noticeable that nearly all the texts under discussion maintain a certain relationship with hegemonic masculinity. Furthermore, it is only in the work of a small number of writers such as Breytenbach, Prinsloo and De Lange that the interrogation of masculine subjectivity leads to an exploration of modes of being that may transcend the historically persistent discourse of masculine domination. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die jare tagtig van die twintigste eeu word die prosa van manlike skrywers in Afrikaans gekenmerk deur ’n intensiewe bevraagtekening van gekonsolideerde manlike subjektiwiteit soos veral beliggaam deur die (politieke) vader. Hierdie proses van ontvoogding in die Afrikaanse prosa is gefasiliteer deur die groeiende invloed van die postmodernisme en die groter vryheid wat vroueskrywers en gay skrywers geniet het om oor geslagtelike kwessies te skryf. Hierdie proefskrif is ’n studie van die representasie van manlike subjektiwiteit in die prosa van 1980 tot 2000 en bestudeer die uiteenlopende verskyningsvorms van manlike subjektiwiteit in literêre prosatekste met verwysing na onder andere die werk van Luce Irigaray (1980 en 1985) oor subjektiwiteit en die teorie van R.W. Connell (1995) oor manlikheid as ’n meervoudige verskynsel. Die posisie van die vader in die oordrag van politieke waardes na die seun word in enkele tekste ondersoek binne die Oidipale familiedrama met aandag vir die kontrasterende prosesse wat ’n rol speel by die hegemoniese manlikheid van die blanke vader (Alexander Strachan 1984 en Mark Behr 1993) en die gemarginaliseerde manlikheid van die gekleurde vader tydens apartheid (S.P. Benjamin 1997). Strachan (1994) se prosa word verder saam met die werk van Piet van Rooyen (1997) en Johann Botha (1997) bestudeer as voorbeelde van tekste wat toegespits is op viriele manlikheid. By Van Rooyen en Botha kan die manlike subjek nie meer soos in die koloniale prosa die vermoeiende politiek en geskiedenis van die beskawing agterlaat deur hom tot die “ongeskonde” en ongepolitiseerde jagveld te wend nie. Die verlies van politieke mag, wat vir lank die manlike subjektiwiteit van die Afrikanerman bepaal het, is na 1994 ook ’n werklikheid op jagvelde van die postkoloniale Suider-Afrika. ’n Produktiewe spanning in beskouings van manlike subjektiwiteit bestaan sedert die postmodernisme tussen die outonome, gekonsolideerde subjek en die gedesentreerde subjek. Breyten Breytenbach (1998) se representasie van die gefragmenteerde manlike subjek bied op die oog af die potensiaal om manlike subjektiwiteit los te maak van die geweld en dominasie wat die patriargale orde kenmerk. By Breytenbach blyk dit egter dat die gefragmenteerde manlike subjek in sommige gevalle gekaap kan word deur die histories standhoudende diskoers van die outonome (en gewelddadige) manlike subjek. Die gay skrywers Koos Prinsloo (1992) en Johann de Lange (1996 en 2000), en in ’n mindere mate Hennie Aucamp (1981), is in hulle werk betrokke by ’n skeptiese vraagstelling oor identiteit en subjektiwiteit as kategorieë wat gegrond is op heteroseksistiese waardes. Prinsloo en De Lange gryp gay seksualiteit aan as ’n medium om uiting te gee aan hulle antihumanistiese kritiek teen die subjek. Die spanning tussen gekonsolideerde manlike subjektiwiteit en gedesentreerde manlike subjektiwiteit is ook aanwesig in Joseph Marble (1999) se outobiografie. In Marble se lewensverhaal dra die diskontinuïteit tussen die jeugdige “ek” as protagonis en die volwasse “ek” as verteller by tot die uiteindelike meervoudige beeld wat van Marble as manlike subjek na vore tree. Hierdie proefskrif bied uiteindelik ’n beeld van manlike subjektiwiteit in die Afrikaanse prosa wat diversiteit vooropstel, maar dit is nietemin opvallend dat feitlik elke besproke teks ’n sekere verhouding handhaaf met hegemoniese manlikheid. Dit is verder net by enkele skrywers soos Breytenbach, Prinsloo en De Lange dat die bevraagtekening van manlike subjektiwiteit lei tot ’n verkenning van synsvorme wat moontlik die histories deurlopende diskoers van manlike dominasie sou kon oorskry.

Die valensie van bewegingswerkwoorde in Afrikaans

Van der Merwe, Amanda-Marie 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Twee sentrale probleme word hier ondersoek, naamlik die daarstelling van 'n teoreties adekwate model om leksikale valensie te verreken en die problematiek rondom die beskrywing van Afrikaanse bewegingswerkwoorde. Die vertrekpunt is dat 'n teorie van UG lesikale valensie slegs ten dele verreken. So 'n teorie is gemoeid met die vorm van 'n konstruksie wat op LF-vlak leesbaar is. Gevolglik beskryf 'n teorie van UG valensie net in universele sintakties-kategoriale terme. In hierdie studie word die semantiese en pragmatiese komponente van 'n valensieteorie derhalwe uitgebou sodat daar 'n duideliker begrip verkry kan word van die wisselwerking tussen alle veranderlikes van valensie op 'n taalspesifieke LF-vlak. 'n Valensieteorie word op eklektiese wyse saamgestel uit verskeie ander teoriee. Die apparaat om die sintaktiese komponent van 'n valensieteorie te beskryf, word aan TGGmodelle ontleen. Die semantiese komponent van die teorie word aangevul vanuit die Konseptuele Semantiek en die pragmatiese komponent daarvan vanui t kogni ti ewe grammatikamodelle. Die interaksie tussen hierdie komponente word verreken deur teoriee van leksikalisasie, korrespondensiereels en die passing tussen konstruksies en leksikale items. Die ontleding van Afrikaanse bewegingswerkwoorde spesif iseer die omvattender anali tiese apparaat wat nodig is vir die verrekening van valensie verby die punt waarvoor 'n teorie van UG voorsiening maak. Dit blyk uit hierdie analise dat die valensie van die kategorie in 'n aantal valensieraambeskrywings vir die aparte subklasse saamgevat kan word. 'n Duidelike beeld van die universele en taalspesifiekidiosinkratiese aspekte van hierdie kategorie kan in terme van hierdie valensierame aangetoon word. 'n Verdere hipotese (die onakkusatiwiteithipotese) is dat die sintaktiese verspreiding van werkwoorde ui t hulle semantiek voorspel kan word. Hierdie hipotese word getoets aan die empiriese data van Afrikaanse bewegingswerkwoorde. Hierdie bewegingswerkwoorde word in groepe geklassifiseer na gelang van ooreenstemmende semanties-pragmatiese kenmerke. Daar word getoon dat bewegingswerkwoorde met dieself de semantiespragmatiese kenmerke dieselfde valensierame het. Valensierame is daarom op sistematiese wyse uit semanties-pragmatiese kenmerke afleibaar. Sekere fasette van valensierame word egter ook bepaal deur konvensies soos profilering, en deur bereelde interaksie met 'n basiese konstruksie se argumentstruktuur. / This thesis focuses on the development of a theoretically adequate model to account for lexical valence and to provide the detail for such a model by means of an analysis of Afrikaans verbs of motion. The thesis is a response to a theory of UG which inadequately accounts for lexical valence. A theory of UG is concerned with the universal syntactic form of a construction that is legible on LF level. It therefore describes valence in universal syntactic-categorial terms only. This thesis develops the semantic and pragmatic components of a theory of valence in order that a clearer understanding may be gained of the interaction between all the variables of valence on a language specific LF level. A theory of valence is construed eclectically from several other theories. TGG models provide the methods used to describe the syntactic component of a theory of valence. Conceptual Semantics contributes to the development of the semantic component, and models of cognitive grammar to the pragmatic component. The interaction between these components is explained by theories of lexicalisation, rules of correspondence and the fusion of constructions and lexical items. The analysis of Afrikaans verbs of motion provides the comprehensive set of analytical devices required to account for valence beyond the point of LF. From this analysis it emerges that the valence of this category can be summarized in a finite number of frames of valence for distinct classes within the category. 'n Clear understanding of the universal and language specific aspects of this category is achieved by means of these frames of valence. A further hypothesis (the unaccusativity hypothesis) posits that the syntactic distribution of verbs can be predicted from their semantics. This hypothesis is tested by means of empirical data of Afrikaans verbs of motion. These verbs are classified according to similar semantic-pragmatic features. It is shown that verbs of motion with the same semanticpragmatic features share frames of valence. These frames thus are deducible systematically from semantic-pragmatic features. Certain aspects of frames of valence, however, are determined by conventions such as profiling and the regulated interaction between verbs and constructions. / Afrikaans / D.Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

Die vertaling van The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency van Alexander McCall Smith : strategieë en besluite tydens die vertaalproses.

Muller, Margaret Beatrice 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afruikaans and Dutch))—University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This descriptive case study is based on the translation of the first part of Alexander McCall Smith’s book, The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, into Afrikaans. Examples of the type of translational problems that this translator experienced, as well as the strategies that were implemented to solve these problems, are discussed in an accompanying annotation. In this way the translator has attempted to explain her thought and decision-making processes during the translation process. Various concepts from translation studies theory, including foreignization and domestication, are discussed with reference to the practical translation, and support the solutions suggested for translational problems. This translator mainly used a foreignizing approach, although some degree of domestication was inevitable at times in order to avoid the alienation of target readers from the target text. The required characteristics of the target text and the knowledge and cultural background of the target readers are therefore also discussed, as both these factors played a defining role during the translation process. The need for Afrikaans literature between the so-called “high literature” and light romantic fiction is discussed, as this contributed to the choice of source text: according to this translator the translation of The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency into Afrikaans will be able to help fill this gap. Although this translator understands that financial restrictions play a large role in publishers’ reluctance to publish translations, the statement is made that they should not accept without further ado that an Afrikaans translation will result in a financial loss if no research has been done into the possibilities of that specific translation. Recommendations regarding market research are made and the possibility of future study is indicated.

Die vertaling van dialekte : knelpunte en veelvoud van die volkseie

Claassen, Vasti 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The principal aim of this research is to study the translation of dialects within the framework of the translation theoretical framework and to determine the challenges and the fundamentals of successful translation. This is especially important, since the focus will be on the translation of dialects of three related standard languages: Afrikaans and English: Kaapse Afrikaans and German: Schwäbisch and Berlinisch. The prerequisites for the process of rendering these dialects accessible, is not to be underestimated, as they include a sound and reliable knowledge of the standard languages of the particular dialects, especially in the case German, as well as a at least two of the vast variety of dialects. It is furthermore necessary to undertake a short but thorough study of the origin of the standard language German to determine which influences it had been exposed to. The relation and interaction between the author, translator and the reader are of the utmost importance. The translator is subjected to demanding challenges; these challenges should not be under-estimated. During the translation process the translator takes on the role of an interpreter and mediator of the source text. It is imperative that the translator should be aware of the theoretical aspects of translating as well as dialectology. These aspects are discussed extensively. The two dialects, Mundarten, which had been selected as examples are Schwäbisch and Berlinisch (from the federal states Baden-Württemberg and Brandenburg). Various aspects were discussed such as the linguistic, traditional characteristics of the dialects, their natural speakers as well as their love for and dedication to their own language. The translation of these aspects opens up a cultural world that would otherwise remain unknown and inaccessible. Numerous practical examples have been used, amongst which, a children’s story in rhyme. Translations were done from German as a source language to Afrikaans and Cape Afrikaans as target languages, also from Schwäbisch and Berlinisch as source languages to Afrikaans and Cape Afrikaans as target languages. Some examples were done from Cape Afrikaans as a source language to English, German and Afrikaans as target languages. Some cultural content and emotional value might be lost during the translation process, especially when it is done across cultural barriers. It remains possible, however, that the translator will be able to convey and communicate the message of the author in an accurate, convincing and sensitive way. A well-known juvenile story by a French author was used as an example to compare nine different German dialects. The German translation of the text has been used since the dialects under discussion are German dialects and the original French text would have served no purpose. The text is still translated and published in German dialects, although not all could be consulted. (Full details are in the BRONNELYS.) Sections of the text are given in the particular dialect, then in German and in Afrikaans (personal manuscript). This was done to indicate the differences and similarities of words, expressions and idiomatic similarities with standard Afrikaans. Because of the volume of this chapter, it was decided to include it as an Appendix. Additional information is given in the APPENDICES regarding the large variety of German dialects, the Germanic origin of English, whether Yiddish is a German dialect (as is alleged by a publisher) and a light-hearted look at the skylarking with traditional customs of dialect speakers.

Twee Afrikaanse romans in Engels : ’n ondersoek na die werkswyses van literere vertalers

Swart, Marius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In this descriptive study, recent translations into English of two highly-regarded Afrikaans novels are investigated. The purpose of this is to describe these translations in a comparative manner, in order to arrive at conclusions about the differing modi operandi of diverse literary translators. The texts studied are Agaat by Marlene van Niekerk (2004) and Hierdie lewe by Karel Schoeman (1993), titled Agaat (2006) and This Life (2005) in English, and translated by Michiel Heyns and Elsa Silke, respectively. The two translators differ in that one is a creative writer in own right, though not being a formally-trained translation scholar, and translated with input from the source text author. The other is not a creative writer, translated without input from the author and has a formal translation-theoretical qualification. In this study, the target texts produced by these two translators are compared with their respective source texts, in order to determine whether there are differences or similarities in their modi operandi. A theoretical framework is compiled using relevant translation theories in order to systematise the comparison of the source texts and their translations. The novels are then compared to their translations in turn, on various levels, in order to describe the modus operandi of each translator. This results in certain conclusions being drawn about the different ways in which diverse translators work. These conclusions are linked to norms apparent in the decisions the translators make, or the lack thereof, as well as the role of the translation skopos. A number of topics for further research are also mentioned.

'n Kritiese ondersoek na die Afrikanerbees as ideologiese kulturele fenomeen binne die konteks van Afrikanernasionalisme, en, Die nalatenis (roman)

Hough, Simone 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Two separate texts are submitted towards the degree MA in Kreatiewe Afrikaanse Skryfkunde. Firstly, a thesis with the title ‘’n Kritiese ondersoek na die Afrikanerbees as ideologiese kulturele fenomeen binne die konteks van Afrikanernasionalisme’, and secondly a novel titled Die nalatenis. The novel and the thesis are thematically related. The focus of the thesis is the ideological character of the Afrikaner cattle as a cultural phenomenon within the context of Afrikaner nationalism. The novel tells the story of a certain family’s fate and their special connection to the breeding of Afrikaner cattle in the Free State. Firstly I need to make it clear that the theme of this thesis was not lightly chosen, but that I do have a personal interest in the material. My uncle and aunt were well-know Afrikaner cattle breeders, each from families who have been renowned for their association with the stud breeding of these cattle for many generations. Since my aunt was an enthusiastic collector of family history, I have since childhood been familiar with the stories about certain family personalities and their love for their cattle. In my version of the stories, and my research on the subject, I wanted to explore the connection between this cattle breed and the Afrikaner culture. I aim to demythologize the histories to a certain extent and give a critical commentary on certain constructions of these histories. To examine these issues, J.B Thompson’s (1990) critical theory of ideology will be used as main theoretical tool. Thompson identifies certain ideological practices and strategies of symbolic construction through which relations of domination are established and sustained in the social world. These concepts will be used to examine the ideological character of the Afrikaner cattle breed as symbolic form and the strategies that were used to establish it as such. Through an analysis of a number of texts I will identify the different meanings and values that were associated with the Afrikaner cattle within the context of Afrikaner nationalism. I will aim to establish if and how these values served to sustain the relations of domination associated with Afrikaner nationalism. The novel tells the story of Ragel, ’n young photographer, who is her late uncle and aunt’s only heir. She inherits the farm and needs to decide what to do with it. She is also the last keeper of a family secret. She and her boyfriend are relocating to London and he has proposed to her. The news of her uncle’s death also triggers the pain of previous losses – especially her own mother traumatic death. Where she sits locked in her darkroom in this liminal state, the larger family saga is played out: the story of the patriarg Rooi Jakob, who blessed the wrong child; of Anna who had to flee during the war with her children and cattle; of Magriet who rejected her younger son and the resulting rivalry between the two brothers, Louis and Jakob; and of course the small love story of Beth and Louis, whose fateful relationship brought everything to a bitter end. The novel is based on the theory that a family photo album can also be a self-portrait in which one can (re)discover oneself. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Twee afsonderlike werkstukke word hier ingehandig ter verkryging van die graad MA in Kreatiewe Afrikaanse Skryfkunde. Eerstens, ’n tesis met die titel: “’n Kritiese ondersoek na die Afrikanerbees as ideologiese kulturele fenomeen binne die konteks van Afrikanernasionalisme”. Tweedens ’n roman getiteld Die nalatenis. Die roman en tesis hou tematies met mekaar verband. Die fokus van die navorsing is die ideologiese aard van die Afrikanerbees as gekontekstualiseerde fenomeen gedurende, en ná, die opkoms van Afrikanernasionalisme. Die roman handel oor ’n sekere familie se lot en spesiale verbintenis met die teel van Afrikanerbeeste in die Vrystaat. Ek wil dit graag aan die begin van die betoog stel dat die tematiek van die tesis nie lukraak gekies is as studie-onderwerp nie, maar dat ek ’n persoonlike belang het in die stof waarmee ek hier omgaan. My oom en tannie was bekende Afrikanerbeestelers, elk uit families wat vir geslagte reeds geassosieer is met die stoet teling van dié beesras. Aangesien my tannie ’n entoesiastiese versamelaar van die familiegeskiedenis was, is ek van kleins af bekend met vertellings oor sekere familiepersoonlikhede en hul liefde vir hul beeste. In my weergawe van die verhale, en navorsing oor die onderwerp, wou ek die besondere verhouding tussen dié beesras en die Afrikanerkultuur ondersoek. In hierdie tesis poog ek om die geskiedenis tot ’n mate te ontmitologiseer en kritiese kommentaar te lewer op sekere konstruksies daarvan. Vir dié ondersoek sal J.B Thompson (1990) se kritiese teorie oor ideologie as belangrikste teoretiese gereedskap gebruik word. Thompson identifiseer sekere ideologiese praktyke en strategieë van simboliese konstruksie waardeur magsverhoudinge in stand gehou word in die sosiale wêreld. Aan die hand hiervan sal daar ondersoek ingestel word na die ideologiese aard van die Afrikanerbees as simboliese vorm en die strategieë wat gebruik is om dit te vestig. Deur die analise van enkele tekste sal daar gekyk word na die verskillende betekeniswaardes wat binne die konteks van Afrikanernasionalisme aan die Afrikanerbees toegeken is. Daar sal vasgestel word of en hoe hierdie betekenisse kon dien om die magsverhoudinge wat Afrikanernasionalisme gekenmerk het, te konstrueer en te ondersteun. Die roman vertel die verhaal van Ragel, ’n effens labiele jong fotograaf, wat die enigste erfgenaam is van haar pas oorlede oom en tante. Sy erf die plaas en beeskuddes, en moet besluit wat sy daarmee sal doen. Sy is ook die laaste bewaarder van ’n familiegeheim. Sy en haar kêrel staan op die punt om na Londen te verhuis en hy het haar gevra om te trou. Die nuus van haar oom se dood, die laaste van haar familie, roep vir Ragel alle vorige verliese op – veral ook die traumatiese dood van haar ma. Waar Ragel toegesluit in haar donkerkamer in hierdie liminale toestand verkeer, speel ook die groter familieverhaal homself af: die verhaal van familievader Rooi Jakob wat die verkeerde kind geseën het; van Anna wat in die oorlog moes vlug met haar kinders en beeste; van Magriet wat haar jonger seun verwerp het en die gevolglike wedywering tussen die twee broers, Louis en Jakob; en dan natuurlik ook die klein liefdesgeskiedenis van Beth en Louis, ’n lotsverbintenis wat alles tot ’n bitter einde gevoer het. Die verhaal is gevorm op die teorie dat ’n familie-fotoalbum ook ’n soort selfportret kan wees waarin ’n mens jouself kan (her)ontdek.

Vervreemdingstegnieke in Gert Vlok Nel se digbundel Om te lewe is onnatuurlik

Le Roux, Christiaan Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1998. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis the techniques of defamiliarisation in Gert Vlok Nel's Om te lewe is onnatuurlik (1993) are investigated, especially with the aid of the Russian Formalist concept ostranenie. The introductory chapter expounds the theoretical basis. With reference to some reviews the question is investigated whether the volume can be regarded as worker poetry. After this follows an explanation of the concept ostranenie as understood by the Formalists, especially Victor Shklovsky, and of the concept Verfremdungseffekt as formulated by Bertolt Brecht. These concepts are then compared with the postmodemist notion of de-naturalization as used by, for example, Linda Hutcheon. In addition to Formalist theory other theories will be used in an eclectic fashion: semiostructuralism (Mikhail Bakhtin and Michael Riffaterre), reception theory (Wolfgang Iser) and psychoanalysis (Harold Bloom). Because om te lewe is onnatuurlik was created in postmodemity, the theoretical approach is also predominantly of a poetmodern nature. In the practical part of the thesis seven poems are discussed in order to highlight the principal techniques of defamiliarisation in each one: the use of ellipses and parody ("die dag toe hulle vir Donkie Viviers"); selfreflexivity and metafidional elements (desember & see"); childlike focalisation and register (soeklig" and "boggellug"); typographical experimentation ("landskap"); spatial relativation ("Rita" and "hillside") and retardation ("hillside"). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word ondersoek ingestel na die vervreemdingstegnieke in Gert Vlok Nel se bundel om te lewe is onnatuurlik (1993), veral met behulp van die Russiese Formalistiese teorie oor die begrip ostranenie. Die inleidende hoofstuk hied 'n uiteensetting van die teoretiese hegrollding. Met verwysing na enkele resensies word daar eerstens ondersoek of die bundel as werkerspoosie beskou kan word. Hierna volg 'n uiteensetting van die konsep ostranenie soos gehanteer deur die Formaliste, veral Viktor Sklovsky, en van die konsep Verfremdungseffekt, soos geformuleer deur Bertolt Brecht. Hierdie begrippe word dan vergelyk met die postmodernietiese begrip de-naturalisasie soos gebruik deur byvoorbeeld Linda Hutcheon. Naas die Formalistiese teorie word ander teoriee op eklektiese wyee in hierdie .tudie betrek: die semio-strukturalisme (Mikhail Bakhtin en Michael Riffaterre), resepsieteorie (Wolfgang Iser) en psigo-analise (Harold Bloom). Omdat die bundel om lewe is onnatuurlik in die post· moclemiteit geskep is, is die invalshoek hoofsaaklik p08tmodernisties van aard. In diepraktiese deel van die tesis word &ewe gedigte bespreek ten einde die belangrikste vervreemdingstegnieke in elk uit te lig: die gebruik van ellipee en parodiering ('"die dag toe hulle vir Donkie Viviers'); selfrefieksie en metapoitiese elemente ("desember & see"); kinderlike fokalisering en register reoeklig" en "boggellug"); tipografiese eksperimentering ("landskap"); ruimtelike relativering ("Rita" en ··hillside");en vertraging ("hillside").

'n Beoordeling van Die Huisgenoot as tydskrif, gedurende sy bestaan as maandblad (Mei, 1916-Oktober, 1923)

Schoombee, E. January 1924 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1924. / No abstract available.

Die ontwerp van 'n kursus vir Afrikaans vir spesifieke doeleindes vir eerstejaar-onderwysstudente binne die taakgebaseerde benadering

Greyling, Arne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Language Policy for Higher Education (2002) endorses multilingualism and language diversity in tertiary education. The issues relating to multilingualism in tertiary contexts and the design of a vocational language teaching program has not yet been adequately covered in research. Language teaching includes courses for specific purposes for adult learners. This type of teaching for specific purposes has not yet received much attention in Afrikaans second language research. There is currently little or no scientific research on the teaching and learning of Afrikaans as a second language for specific purposes in university context within the framework of the task-based theory. Therefore, this study – to design a vocational language teaching program for education students – was undertaken. Teachers (and education students) should be prepared for effective teaching to be challenged as South Africa is diverse in terms of culture and language, and learners are expected to use language at a high academic level. Linguistic diversity, as found in Western Cape schools, have a direct impact on learners‟ chances of success and education courses should prepare student teachers for teaching in multilingual contexts. Research shows that it is important for the teacher to be able to function in a multilingual context mainly in the foundation and intermediate phases. These are two of the teaching phases that student teachers are trained for in graduate programs. It is important that the education students' language training takes place in such a way that they would be able to function effectively in a multilingual context. The need for further development of Afrikaans as a second language in first-year English-speaking student teachers is especially great since no distinction is made between the two groups – Afrikaans first language speakers and Afrikaans second language speakers – from the second year on. In the second year of undergraduate education courses Afrikaans second language speakers are expected to be able to use Afrikaans at the same level as first language speakers, specifically with the aim of possible teaching in Afrikaans. This study looked at how and to what extent needs analyses contribute to determining the content of a specific purposes course for Afrikaans second language student teachers as they require a unique syllabus due to the fact that the nature of their communication places demands other than that of generic language acquisition. The characteristics of the specific skills that the students need were therefore studied through a needs analysis. Language for specific purposes (LSP) has its own approach to curriculum development and materials design as one of the goals include learning the specific language in limited time. This study will look at how and to what extent the LSP course take students' academic language needs into account. In other words, the principles underlying the design of LSP courses will be studied. The grading and organisation of the content of syllabi often occurred randomly in the past. With the use of needs analyses, the content of the specific purposes syllabi can be specifically determined. By making use of existing research, this study examines the sequencing of content or tasks within a syllabus. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Taalbeleid vir Hoër Onderwys (2002) onderskryf veeltaligheid en taaldiversiteit in tersiêre onderrig. Die vraagstukke rakende veeltaligheid in tersiêre kontekste en die ontwerp van 'n beroepsgerigte taalonderrigprogram ("vocational language teaching programme") is nog nie genoegsaam in navorsing hanteer nie. Die onderrig van tale sluit kursusse vir spesifieke doeleindes aan volwasse leerders in. Hierdie tipe onderrig vir spesifieke doeleindes het nog nie veel aandag binne Afrikaanse tweedetaalnavorsing ontvang nie. Daar word tans min of geen wetenskaplike navorsing oor die onderrig en leer van Afrikaans as tweede taal vir spesifieke doeleindes binne die universiteitskonteks binne die raamwerk van die taakgebaseerde teorie onderneem. Daarom is hierdie studie na die ontwerp van 'n beroepsgerigte taalonderrigprogram vir onderwysstudente onderneem. Aangesien Suid-Afrika divers is ten opsigte van kultuur en taal, moet onderwysers (en onderwysstudente) daarop voorbereid wees dat effektiewe onderrig uitgedaag word, omdat van leerders verwag word om met taal op 'n hoë akademiese vlak om te gaan. Linguistiese diversiteit, soos gevind kan word in Wes-Kaapse skole, het 'n direkte invloed op leerders se kanse op sukses en onderwyskursusse sal leerderonderwysers daarop moet voorberei om in veeltalige kontekste onderrig te kan gee. Navorsing toon dat dit veral in die grondslag- en intermediêre onderrigfases is waar dit vir die onderwyser belangrik is om in 'n veeltalige konteks te kan funksioneer. Dit is twee van die onderrigfases waarvoor onderwysstudente in graad-programme opgelei word. Dit is belangrik dat hierdie onderwysstudente se taalopleiding van so 'n aard is dat hulle suksesvol in 'n veeltalige konteks kan funksioneer. Die behoefte vir die verdere ontwikkeling van Afrikaans as tweedetaal by eerstejaar- Engelssprekende onderwysstudente is veral groot aangesien daar vanaf die tweede jaar in sommige onderwyskursusse geen onderskeid tussen die twee groepe – Afrikaans eerstetaalsprekers en Afrikaans tweedetaalsprekers – getref word nie. In die tweede jaar van voorgraadse opvoedkunde-kursusse word van Afrikaans tweedetaalsprekers verwag om op dieselfde vlak met Afrikaans te kan omgaan as eerstetaalsprekers, spesifiek met die oog op moontlike onderrig in Afrikaans. In hierdie studie word gekyk na hoe en tot watter mate behoefte-analises bydra tot die bepaling van die inhoud van 'n spesifiekedoeleindeskursus vir Afrikaans-tweedetaalonderwysstudente aangesien hulle 'n eiesoortige sillabus benodig as gevolg van die feit dat die aard van hulle kommunikasie ander eise stel as die generiese taalverwerwingskursusse. Daarom word die eienskappe van die spesifieke vaardighede wat die studente benodig, deur middel van 'n behoefte-analise bestudeer. Taal vir spesifieke doeleindes (TSD) het sy eie benadering tot kurrikulumontwikkeling en materiaalontwerp aangesien een van die doelstellings onder meer die aanleer van die spesifieke taal binne beperkte tyd is. In hierdie studie word gekyk na hoe en tot watter mate die TSD-kursus die studente se akademiese taalbehoeftes in ag neem. Daar word met ander woorde na die beginsels wat onderliggend is tot die ontwerp van TSD-kursusse gekyk. Die gradering en ordening van die inhoude vir sillabusse het in die verlede dikwels lukraak plaasgevind. Met behoefte-analises kan spesifiekedoeleindesillabusse se inhoude meer spesifiek bepaal word. Deur gebruik te maak van bestaande navorsing, ondersoek hierdie studie die gradering en ordening van die inhoud of take binne 'n sillabus.

Die Afrikaanse volkslied onder die bruinmense

Burden, Matilda January 1991 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 1991. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A song has to be accepted by the community, must form part of the oral tradition and be handed over from one generation to the next, before it can be called a folk song. In the process of oral tradition, variants usually develop. A folk song is therefore never complete the moment it is created, but is formed gradually through a process of changes. The Afrikaans folk song sung by the coloured people has the same characteristics as the folk song in general. The fact that oral tradition is the major way of spreading songs, is evident from the many variants that occur and from the examples of transformation of words and melody ("Umsingen"and "Zersingen"). Simplicity, the use of the major key and the avoidance of modulation are prominent characteristics. Suggestiveness and coarse language are fairly common. Melismata are very rare and usually occur in songs which probably have their origin in old Afrikaans records. Most of the songs collected amongst coloured children are used to accompany games. The children seldom sing without playing or play without singing. Most variants are found amongst children's songs. Dancing songs are without a doubt the most popular amongst the songs of adults. The form of the stanzas is very simple and usually the songs consist of many stanzas. A small percentage of the songs collected, more or less 5%, presumably originate from old Afrikaans grammophone records. Most of these songs have been transformed by popular usage and even amongst them variants have been found. The main themes of this group of songs are love, parting, grief and death. Picnic songs, work songs, war songs and drinking songs have been found. Humoristic and mocking songs contribute to the entertainment value of the folk song and are also found amongst the coloured people. Because there is so much interaction between sacred songs and secular songs, especially where the melodies are concerned, the two groups cannot always be separated from each other. The sacred songs of the coloured people are mostly of the "refrain"-type. When a group of coloured people perform the sacred songs, they usually harmonise spontaneously and most beautifully. The fact that so much has been said and written on the subject of the folk song, and that even in recent years substantial research projects have been carried out, is proof enough that the folk song has not yet died out. The Afrikaans folk song features strongly amongst coloured people, though noticeably influenced by the English language, modern technology and urbanisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Volkslied is 'n lied wat deur die gemeenskap aanvaar is, mondelings versprei word en op dieselfde wyse van geslag tot geslag oorgelewer word en waarvan daar in die prosesse variante ontstaan. 'n Volkslied is dus nie voltooi die oomblik dat die eerste vorm geskep is nie, maar word deur 'n langsame proses geleidelik gevorm en omvorm. Die Afrikaanse volkslied wat deur die bruinmense gesing word, toon dieselfde kenmerke as die volkslied in die algemeen. Daar is tekens van mondelinge oorlewering wat veral weerspieel word deur die baie variante wat aangetref word, sowel as talle voorbeelde van verbrokkeling en ver~ vorming ("Umsingen" en "Zerzingen"). Eenvoud in woord en melodie is opvallend. Die majeurtoonaard, met vermyding van modulasie, kom feitlik deurgaans voor. Suggestiwiteit en growwe taal is redelik algemeen. Melismes kom selde voor en dan meestal by liedere wat waarskynlik van ou Afrikaanse plate kom. By die opnames onder bruin kinders is gevind dat die oorgrote meerderheid liedere wat hulle sing, een of ander vorm van spel begelei. Hulle sing selde sonder om te speel, en hulle speel selde sonder om te sing. Die meeste variante van liedere word ook by die kinders aangetref. By die liedere van volwassenes is die danslied ongetwyfeld die gewildste. Die meeste daarvan bestaan uit kort, eenvoudige strofes met baie strofes in een lied. 'n Klein persentasie van die liedere wat versamel is, ongeveer 5%, is vermoedelik van ou Afrikaanse grammofoonplate afkomstig. Die meeste daarvan het baie vervorm in die volksmond en selfs daarvan is variante aangetref. Die temas van hierdie groep liedere handel hoofsaaklik oor die liefde, afskeid, hartseer en die dood. Voorbeelde van piekniek-, arbeids- en oorlogsliedere, sowel as enkele drinkliedere en doprympies is aangetref. Die humoristiese lied en spotlied dra by tot die vermaaklikhiedsfunksie van die volkslied en kom ook by die bruinmense voor. Die gewyde of geestelike lied kan nie altyd streng van die wereldlike lied geskei word nie. Daar is te veel wisselwerking tussen die twee groepe, veral wat wysies betref. Die gewyde liedere wat by die bruinmense,aangetref is, is meestal van die sogenaamde "koortjie"-tipe. 'n Kenmerk van hulle gewyde sang is dat wanneer dit deur 'n groep gesing word, dit altyd meerstemmig is met pragtige harmoniee wat op natuurlike wyse gedoen word. Die feit dat daar al so baie oor die volkslied geskryf is en selfs onlangs nog omvatteride studies daaroor die lig gesien het, is bewys dat die volklied nog nie uitgesterf het nie. Daar is bewys dat die Afrikaanse volkslied onder die bruinmense baie sterk staan, hoewel Engelse invloed duidelik merkbaar is en tekens van moderne ontwikkeling en verstedeliking onmiskenbaar waargeneem kanword.

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