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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oděv jako výraz moci a hierarchií od konce 14. do konce 15. století. Komparace vývoje v českých zemích a Burgundsku / Clothing as Manifestation of Power and Hierarchy from the End of the 14th Century to the End of the 15th Century. Comparison of the Developement in the Czech Lands and Burgundy

Hojková, Anna January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "Clothing as Manifestation of Power and Hierarchy from the End of the 14th Century to the End of the 15th Century. Comparison of the Developement in the Czech Lands and Burgundy" describes the evolution of clothing style in both countries. It is based mainly on iconographic resources, with some additional information from written sources and literature. On this base the approach and means to this kind of representation of secular higher class in given areas are compared. The original basis of the 14th century French court culture was further developed by the Burgundian society, with emphasis on the shaped silhouette. On the other hand, the Czech lands departed from this way and adopted a new direction to the German area. The transalpine impulses are reflected as late as in the last quarter of the 15 th century. The material of the clothes is assessed as a more important aspect of representation than the shape. The text outlines also the way of further development as well as points out some unclear articles of the topic.

Att ge matematikläxor i årskurs 1-3 : En kvalitativ studie av lärares syn på läxor i matematik / Giving math homework in grades 1-3 : A qualitative study of teachers views on homework in mathematics

Elisabet, Persson January 2016 (has links)
Homework or no homework has been frequently occurring discussions in society over the years. Today, more teachers than ever have taken sides about homework. But which purpose do the teachers that provide homework have, and can they see the advantage with homework? The purpose with this essay is to examine why teachers at younger ages provide homework in mathematics and what the benefits are? To reach some answers in order to find out some answers to my questions I have made a qualitative study by interviewing six teachers, teaching classes from grades1-3. I have also been studying some other research and literature that are dealing with these questions. The result shows that despite that the teachers have chosen to provide homework they cannot always see any effects. The most common type of homework has the purpose to repeat what has been taught at school. The pupils are supposed to manage to do their homework on their own without any help from their parents. Other purposes that are mentioned in the research are joy, motivation, responsibility and to create a link between school and the domestic environment. The follow-up of the homework consists of the teacher marks the homework and sometimes gives it back to the pupils with comments. / Läxor eller inte läxor har varit vanligen förekommande diskussioner i samhället genom åren. Idag har fler lärare tagit ställning för eller emot läxor än tidigare. Hur tänker då de lärare som ger läxor och vilka vinster ser de med läxor? Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka varför lärare som undervisar i de yngre åldrarna ger läxor i matematik och vilka vinster de ser med läxor? För att söka svar har jag genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med sex lärare som undervisar i matematik i årskurserna 1-3. Jag har även tagit del av forskning och litteratur som behandlar frågorna. Resultatet visar att trots att lärarna valt att ge läxor så ser inte alla att den ger någon effekt. Den vanligaste läxan som ges handlar om färdighetsträning. Eleverna ska själva klara av de läxor som ges utan föräldrars inblandning. Andra syften som nämns handlar om glädje, motivation, ansvarstagande samt att skapa en länk mellan hem och skola. Den uppföljning som främst används är att läxan lämnas in för rättning och ibland lämnas tillbaka med kommentarer.

Dynamika osídlení Tocharistánu ve vrcholném středověku a její příčiny / Settlement dynamics in Tokharistan of the High Medieval Period and its causes

Damašek, Ladislav January 2019 (has links)
(in English): The main goal of this thesis is to explain settlement development and its dynamics in mountain and piedmonts regions of Kugitang and Baysuntau ranges, southern Uzbekistan, in the High Middle Ages, as well as to evaluate archaeological material gathered by Czech- Uzbek expedition in 2014-2018. The data in question is set in historical and archaeological framework. The thesis contains evaluation of methods and of informative value of the given material. Furthermore, the previous research in region is evaluated and its results thoroughly revised. The complete list of both formerly and newly known sites in researched region has been created. Finally, settlement dynamics and factors that could influenced it are discussed and evaluated.

The Lives of the People from Banken 1. : A study based on muscular development and other activity markers. / Hur människorna från Banken 1 levde. : En studie baserad på muskelutveckling och andra aktivitetsspår.

Carrasco Gamboa, Pamela January 2019 (has links)
Tre skelett från en kyrkogård daterad till Gotlands sen-vikingatid till tidig medeltid har analyserats avseende aktivitetsspår. Metoden som användes innebar observation av muskelutvecklingen tillsammans med förändringar i entesiterna som är fästen för muskler och ligament. Hittills har forskningen ägnat sig åt att studera dessa förändringar på ett kvantitativt sätt, genom att tilldela poäng till de olika förändringarna enligt hur utvecklade de är och sedan skapa en statistik. Men dessa metoder har fortfarande många begränsningar, eftersom det är väldigt få av dessa entesiter som har studerats. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka vilka muskler var utvecklade och utröna hur dessa rörde sig tillsammans för att återskapa ett rörelsemönster som kan hjälpa att skapa en teori om vilka aktiviteter individerna sysslade med (arbetsuppgifter, fritidssysslor, m.m.). Analysen har gjorts med hjälp av litteratur om aktivitetsspår, paleopatologi, fysioterapi och med referensmaterialet från Osteologilaboratoriet vid Uppsala Universitet, Campus Gotland.

Les profits de la guerre : prédation et pouvoir dans le monde franc (VIe - Xe siècle)

Keller, Rodolphe 20 November 2013 (has links)
La prédation – pillages, prises de captifs et prélèvements tributaires – est un aspect important de la pratique guerrière dans les sociétés du haut Moyen Âge. Elle met en circulation de grandes quantités de richesses qui viennent alimenter les trésors des rois et des potentes. Cette étude vise à en dégager le rôle dans le fonctionnement et la reproduction des pouvoirs, dans le monde franc du VIe au Xe siècle.Les enjeux sont nombreux. L'appropriation de biens par la guerre est déterminante dans la capacité des grands à mobiliser des combattants, qui bénéficient d'une part de ces richesses. En outre, elle leur permet d'accumuler des biens de prestige essentiels dans la praxis aristocratique : objets précieux, armes, chevaux… Ces biens alimentent les échanges matériels entre les élites. Ils peuvent être distribués aux fidèles ou donnés à d'autres princes. La prédation est également facteur de gloire. Le butin fait parfois l'objet de pratiques ostentatoires illustrant la victoire des chefs de guerre.Si elle est facteur de cohésion, la prédation est aussi au centre de concurrences. La royauté franque impose une domination tributaire aux gentes voisines, ce qui apparaît aussi bien comme un moyen de stabiliser l'espace frontalier que d'institutionnaliser à son profit exclusif l'appropriation prédatrice. Les grands en charge des espaces frontaliers tendent au contraire à multiplier les confrontations guerrières afin d'en retirer les bénéfices. Parallèlement, l'expansion franque se traduit par une forte compétition entre les acteurs pour le contrôle des ressources foncières. Cette étude montre ainsi comment la question de la prédation éclaire sous un angle nouveau le rapport entre élites et richesse dans le monde franc. / Predation – looting, taking of captives, pressing of tributes – is an important aspect of early medieval warrior activity. Large amounts of wealth circulate and supply kings' and potentes' treasures. This study aims at exposing the role of related practices in the context of the establishment and functioning of power in sixth to tenth century Frankish society.There is a lot at stake. Appropriation of material goods by war allows the magnates to mobilize warriors, who often receive a share of wealth. What is more, these practices enable the accumulation of prestige goods, that are essential in aristocratic praxis : alongside precious objects, they include weapons, horses… These goods are central to material exchanges within the elite. They can be distributed to the fideles or given to other princes. Predation also represents glory. War leaders willingly exhibit booty to illustrate a recent victory.Being a means to cohesion, predatory practices also are at the center of competition. Frankish kings impose tributary domination to neighboring gentes, which appears at the same time as a means to stabilizing the border area, and as a way to institutionalize to its own account predatory profits. Instead, magnates in charge of border areas tend to seek warlike confrontations in order to reap the benefits. At the same time, the Frankish expansion results in a strong competition between magnates to control land resources. This study thus exposes to what extense these practices shed new light on the link between the elite and wealth in the Frankish world.

Géochronologie et pétrogenèse du complexe ultramafique-alcalin carbonatitique de Jacupiranga (BR) / Geochronology and petrogenesis of the Jacupiranga ultramafic-alkaline carbonatite Complex (BR) / Geocronologia e petrogênese do complexo ultramáfico alcalino carbonatítico de Jacupiranga (SP)

Chmyz, Luanna 24 February 2017 (has links)
Le Complexe de Jacupiranga (Cajati, SP) est l’une de plusieurs occurrences alcalines du Méso-Cénozoïque situées aux bords de la bassin de Paraná, dans la région sud-est de la Plate-forme Sud-Américaine. Cette unité présente une grande variété de roches: dunites, wehrlites, clinopyroxènites, roches de la série ijolitique, diorite, syénite, monzonite, phonolites, lamprophyres et carbonatites. Considérant que les carbonatites ont été largement étudiés au cours des dernières décennies, grâce à l’importance de sa minéralisation en phosphate, les roches silicatées ont été très peu étudiées. Cette étude présente des nouvelles données géochronologiques, de chimie minérale, de géochimie et isotopique pour le Complexe Jacupiranga, visant à mieux comprendre l'origine et l'évolution de l'unité. Âge argon des différents lithotypes varient entre 133,7±0,5 Ma et 131,9±0,5 Ma, tandis que l’âge obtenu par U-Pb au zircon est de 134,9±0,65 Ma, indiquant que la mise en place de l'unité a été contemporaine à l’extrusion de tholéiites de la Province Magmatique du Paraná. Bien qu'il ne soit pas possible de définir une séquence de mise en place parmi la clinopyroxenite, la diorite et le lamprophyre, la monzonite présente l’âges argon et U-Pb plus âgés que les autres roches. Deux séries magmatiques sont proposées pour les roches silicatées, compte tenu de leurs compositions chimiques: (1) une série fortement sous-saturé en silice, éventuellement lié à un magma parental de composition néphélinitique et (2) une deuxième série modérément sous-saturé, lié à des magmas basanitiques. Les lamprophyres sont considérés représentatifs du magma basanitique. La composition du liquide calculé en équilibre avec les coeurs de la diopside aux clinopyroxénites est similaire aux lamprophyres, ce qui indique qu'une partie des clinopyroxénites est associée au magma basanitique. Monzonite et meladiorite présentent les caractéristiques pétrographiques, compositionnelle et isotopique (87Sr/86Sri: 0,705979 à 0,706086; 143Nd/144Ndi: 0,511945 à 0,512089) qui suggèrent le processus d'assimilation crustale, bien que de caractère local et limité à certains impulsions de magma basanitique. Les carbonatites ont des rapports isotopiques (Nd et Pb) et composition trace (e.g. Ba/La, Nb/Ta) qui exclurent un lien avec les roches silicatées par immiscibilité de liquide. Il est proposé deux scénarios: un magma carbonatitique primaire, généré directement par la fusion du manteau, ou un magma secondaire généré par l’immiscibilité d'un composant silicaté encore inconnu dans l'unité. Données Nd-Sr-Pb-Hf indiquent une contribution importante du manteau lithosphérique subcontinental dans la genèse des roches du complexe. Les lamprophyres et le liquide calculé en équilibre avec le clinopyroxène ont des rapports CaO/Al2O3 et La/Zr relativement élevés et faible Ti/Eu, ce qui indique un manteau lithosphérique métasomatisé par des fluides riches en CO2 et les mécanismes de fusion "vein-plus-wall-rock". Les différences de composition entre ces liquides sont interprétés comme comme résultant du mélange entre la fusion des veines métasomatiques avec la fusion des péridotites, ainsi des proportions différentes de clinopyroxène/grenade à la source. Les variations dans les valeurs ΔεHf suggèrent que le magma basanitique represente une contribution plus grande des vein wehrlitique, tandis que le magma nephelinitiquea été être généré à partir des contributions un peu plus important des peridotites, bien que les deux fluides sont enrichis. Appauvrissement en Nb, Yb, enrichissement en ETR lèger pour rapport le lourdes et l'enrichissement en Cs, Rb et Sr dans les lamprophyres réactions suggèrent que les reactions métasomatiques à la source mantellique ont été associées aux fluides dérivés de processus de subduction. Les âges modèles TDM indiquent l'hétérogénéité à la source et sont compatibles avec les valeurs généralement obtenues pour les occurrences alcalines au du Sud-Est de la Plate-forme Sud-Américaine. / The Jacupiranga Complex (Cajati, SP) is one of several Meso-Cenozoic alkaline units intrusive along the Parana Basin margins, in the Central-Southeastern part of the South American Platform. This unit comprises a large variety of lithotypes: dunites, whehrlites, clinopyroxenites, rocks from the ijolite series, diorites, syenites, manzonites, phonolites, lamprophyres, and carbonatites. While carbonatites have been extensively investigated over the last decades, as they host an important phosphate ore deposit, little attention has been paid to the silicate rocks. The current study presents new geochronological, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic data on the Jacupiranga Complex, in order to better understand the origin and evolution of the unit. 40Ar/39Ar ages for different lithotypes range from 133.7±0.5 Ma to 131.9±0.5 Ma, while monzonite zircon analyzed by SHRIMP yields a U-Pb concordia age of 134.9±0.65 Ma, indicating that the Jacupiranga emplacement was contemporaneous with the extrusion of the tholeiites of the Paraná Magmatic Province. There seems to be no obvious age progression for clinopyroxenites, diorites, or lamprophyres, although the monzonite yield both 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb ages older than those of the other rocks. Geochemical compositions of the silicate rocks are used to evaluate two main magma-evolution trends for that unit: (1) a strongly silica-undersaturated series, probably related to nephelinite melts and (2) a mildly silica-undersaturated series related to basanite melts. Lamprophyre dikes within the complex are considered as good representatives of the basanite parental magma. Compositions of the calculated melts in equilibrium with diopside cores from clinopyroxenites are quite similar to those of the lamprophyres, suggesting that at least a part of the clinopyroxenites is related to the basanite series. Meladiorite and monzonite show petrographic features and geochemical and isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sri: 0.705979-0.706086 and 143Nd/144Ndi: 0.511945-0.512089) suggestive of crustal assimilation, although it may be relegated to a local process and to some basanite batches. Carbonatites yield isotopic ratios (Nd and Pb) and trace elements composition (e.g. Ba/La, Nb/Ta) that preclude a link by liquid immiscibility with the silicate rocks. Two scenarios are envisaged: a primary magma of carbonatite composition originated by direct partial melting of the mantle or an origin by immiscibility from a hypothetical silicate magma currently unknown in the complex. Nd-Sr-Pb-Hf isotopic data indicate an important contribution of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in the genesis of those rocks. Lamprophyres and calculated melts in equilibrium with clinopyroxene show relatively high CaO/Al2O3 and La/Zr ratios and low Ti/Eu, indicating a lithospheric mantle metasomatized by CO2-rich fluids and vein-plus-wall-rock melting mechanisms. Compositional variations among those liquids are attributed to the mixing between metasomatic veins partial melt and peridotite partial melt, besides as well as to the differences in the clinopyroxene/garnet ratios on in the mantle. ΔεHf variations suggest a slightly higher role of the wall-rock peridotite as a source component for the nephelinites, whereas the basanite parental magma is mainly related to the wehrlite veins, although both are enriched magmas. Depletion in Nb-Yb, enrichment of LREE relative to HREE, and enrichment in Cs, Rb and Sr in the lamprophyres suggest that the metasomatic reactions in the mantle source were caused by slab-derived fluids. TDM model ages indicate the heterogeneous nature of the mantle source and are coherent with the values generally obtained for the alkaline occurrences from the Central-Southeastern part of the South-American Platform.

Determinação da distribuição de idades de estrelas centrais de nebulosas planetárias / Determination of Age Distribution of Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae

Rodrigues, Thaíse da Silva 02 August 2012 (has links)
Estrelas centrais de nebulosas planetárias (ECNPs) têm um intervalo de massa relativamente grande na fase da sequência principal, por isso espera-se que elas também tenham diferentes idades, tipicamente acima de 1 Gano. Além de necessárias para o conhecimento das propriedades das ECNPs, a determinação das idades é também importante no contexto da evolução química da Galáxia, como no estudo da variação temporal dos gradientes radiais de abundâncias químicas. Entretanto, não há um método único e confiável que possa ser aplicado para estimar a idade de todos os tipos de estrelas. Neste projeto, desenvolvemos dois métodos de idades cinemáticas baseados na relação idade-dispersão de velocidade do disco da Galáxia encontrada pelo recente levantamento Geneva-Copenhagen. O primeiro método compara a velocidade de rotação esperada da ECNP com a velocidade predita pela curva de rotação da Galáxia em sua posição, e interpreta a diferença entre elas como a dispersão de velocidade do objeto, relacionada com a idade. O segundo método consiste em calcular as componentes da velocidade espacial, com algumas hipóteses, e estimar diretamente as dispersões das velocidades, inferindo uma idade pela relação adotada. Duas amostras foram escolhidas, contendo 234 e 866 nebulosas planetárias, para as quais velocidades radiais precisas estão disponíveis na literatura. Os resultados sugerem que a maioria das ECNPs no disco Galáctico tem idade abaixo de 5 Gano, e um pico ente 0 e 3 Gano. Esses resultados são comparados com algumas distribuições recentes de idades baseadas em correlações independentes envolvendo as abundâncias químicas das nebulosas planetárias. / Central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPN) have a relatively large mass interval on the main sequence, so that it is expected that these stars also have different ages, typically above 1 Gyr. Apart from the properties of the CSPN themselves, the problem of age determination is also important in the context of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy, as in the understanding of the time variation of chemical abundance gradients. However, there are no unique and reliable methods that can be applied to estimate the age of all types of stars. In this work, we developed two methods of kinematic ages based on the age-velocity dispersion relation of the Galactic disk derived by the recent Geneva-Copenhagen survey. The first method compares the expected rotation velocity of CSPN with the predicted velocity by the Galactic rotation curve at its position, and interprets the difference between them as the velocity dispersion of the star, which is related to the stellar age. The second method consists in calculating the U, V, W velocity components of CSPN, with some hypotheses, and estimating directly the velocity dispersions, so that the age can be derived. Two samples were chosen, containing 234 and 866 nebulae, for which accurate radial velocities are available in the literature. The results suggest the most CSPN in the Galactic disk have ages under 5 Gyr with a distribution peaked between 0 and 3 Gyr. These results are also compared with some recent age distributions based on independent correlations involving the nebular chemical abundances.

O caminho de Compostela: prática da caritas e exercício do poder monárquico / The way of Compostela: the Caritas practice and monarchical power exercise

Bianco, Mariana Ribeiro 24 August 2015 (has links)
Uma das principais peregrinações da Idade Média, as viagens a Santiago de Compostela foram responsáveis pela criação de rotas que permitissem um deslocamento mais confortável àqueles que seguiam rumo às relíquias do apóstolo. No intuito de atender as privações que estes viajantes apresentavam no decorrer do percurso, estabeleceu-se uma rede de assistência que provesse a eles suas necessidades físicas e espirituais, influência dos ensinamentos bíblicos em relação à caridade, além do incentivo à visitação de santuários menores que se encontravam nas rotas. Hospitalidade iniciada nos mosteiros, logo permitiu o surgimento de ordens religiosas e militares que se destinaram a auxiliar os peregrinos. Reis e nobres também tiveram um papel fundamental na edificação de instalações hospitaleiras, a fim de auxiliar os caminhantes de Deus. Neste sentido, este trabalho propõe uma reflexão acerca da importância que foi dada à assistência aos peregrinos jacobeus durante os séculos XII e XIII, período em que as peregrinações a Compostela encontravam-se em apogeu. A partir de um guia para peregrinos e documentos que demonstram a preocupação monárquica e nobiliárquica em relação a eles, procuraremos analisar como o auxilio ao peregrino foi observado e abordado naquela época e, ainda, o papel de reis e nobres na constituição das instituições de assistência. / One of the major pilgrimages of the Middle Ages, the travels to Santiago de Compostela were responsible for the creation of routes that would allow a most comfortable ride to those who followed towards the apostle´s relics. In order to meet the hardships that these travelers had on the route course, it was established a support network that could provide them their physical and spiritual needs, influence of biblical teachings regarding charity, besides encouraging visitation of smaller shrines that were on the routes. Hospitality started in monasteries soon allowed the emergence of religious and military orders which were intended to assist the pilgrims . Kings and nobles also had a key role in building hospitable facilities in order to assist the walkers of God. Thus this work proposes a reflection about the importance given to the assistance to the Jacobean pilgrims during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, a period when the pilgrimages to Compostela were at peak. From a guide for pilgrims and documents showing the monarchy and nobility concern about them, we will try to analyze how the aid to the pilgrim was observed and discussed at that time and also the role of kings and nobles in the constitution of welfare institutions.

A Idade Média nos livros didáticos brasileiros: a crise do século XIV, reverberações da historiografia acadêmica da primeira metade do século XX nos esquemas explicativos escolares / The Middle Ages in Brazilian textbooks: the crisis of the fourteenth century, reverberations of academic historiography of the twentieth century first half in school explanatory schemes

Murilo, Marcelo da Silva 13 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da Idade Média nos livros didáticos brasileiros, compreende o estudo da crise do século XIV nas coleções escolares. O estudo, de cunho documental, foi desenvolvido utilizando-se como fonte os livros didáticos em circulação nas escolas públicas de Ensino Médio ao longo do período de vigência das duas primeiras versões do Programa Nacional do Livro para o Ensino Médio (PNLEM). A averiguação se deu tendo como norte a busca de explicações para o seguinte problema: que relações existem entre os esquemas explicativos apresentados nos livros didáticos e as interpretações formuladas pela historiografia acadêmica da primeira metade do século XX? O corpus documental foi extraído das 14 (quatorze) obras que integram a relação das fontes utilizadas e foi trabalhado por meio da análise do conteúdo. As análises foram desenvolvidas a partir de algumas questões norteadoras. De modo geral, discutiram-se os limites da apropriação de que a historiografia escolar tem feito das teses inauguradas pela historiografia acadêmica da primeira metade do século XX. Nesse estudo, verificou-se que a questão em torno do diálogo entre a historiografia escolar e a acadêmica deve ser relativizada. Considerou-se que, em certa medida e no que tange a determinados aspectos da relação, o diálogo existe, pois há correspondentes, porém, é um diálogo restrito, submetido a regras específicas que a escrita escolar impõe. Na tentativa de reafirmar um padrão unilateral de verdade, as obras escolares acabam por sugerir alterações que tendem a não expressar fielmente os pressupostos, as proposições e os elementos oriundos das teses que as inspiraram. Valendo-se de fios, até certo ponto frágeis, as obras se ocupam em coser esquemas originários de teses diversas, na tentativa de desenvolvimento de uma explicação que, embora própria, se mostra pouco hábil em superar as limitações da tradição presente na escrita dos livros didáticos. / This research deals with the Middle Ages in Brazilian textbooks, it includes the study of the \"fourteenth-century crisis\" in school collections. Through documentary evidence, the study made use of source textbooks in circulation in public schools during high school throughout the period of the first two versions of the National Book Program for Secondary Education (PNLEM). The investigation aimed at searching for a plausible answer to the following problem: what are the existent relationships between the explanatory schemes presented in textbooks and the interpretations made by the academic historiography of the twentieth century first half? The documentary corpus was extracted from the fourteen (14) works that are part of the list of sources used and it was worked through analysis of its contents; analyses were developed from some guiding questions. Overall, it discusses the limits of ownership that school historiography has done from the theses inaugurated by academic historiography of the twentieth century first half. The study verified that the question about the dialogue between the school and the academic historiography should be relative. It was felt that to some extent and with respect to certain aspects of the relationship, there is a dialogue, as there are equivalent elements. However, it is a restricted dialogue, subject to special rules imposed by school writing. In an attempt to reassert a unilateral standard of truth, the school works eventually suggest changes, which tend not to express faithfully the assumptions, propositions and the elements derived from theories that inspired them. The school textbooks end up making use of fragile threads to some point and occupy themselves in \"sewing\" schemes originated in related systems to various theories in an attempt to develop a scheme that although original, proven little capable at overcoming the tradition limitations present in the textbooks writing.

Die hoch- und spätmittelalterlichen Burgen und Adelssitze in der Uckermark, Land Brandenburg

Schütz, Antonia 13 February 2008 (has links)
Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Entstehung und Entwicklung der Burgen und Herrensitze in der Uckermark vom späten 12. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert. Archäologische Befunde und Funde deuten darauf hin, dass besonders zu Beginn des mittelalterlichen Landesausbaus frühdeutsche Anlagen auf den vorhandenen slawischen Burgen errichtet worden sind. Im Verlauf des 13. und frühen 14. Jahrhunderts kam eine Vielzahl von Neugründungen hinzu. Besonders die landesherrlichen und hochadligen Burgen in Grenzregionen sowie an wichtigen Pässen erfuhren im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert vielfältige Um- und Ausbauten. Im Inland führte dagegen die einsetzende Wüstungsperiode zum Untergang vieler Adelssitze. Sie verfielen oder wurden von neuzeitlichen Schloss- oder Rittergutskomplexen überprägt. Hauptgegenstand der Studie sind die herrschaftlichen Anlagen selbst, als Ruine, integriert in spätere Gebäude oder als archäologisches Bodendenkmal. Erstmalig erfolgte für die Uckermark eine flächendeckende Bestandsaufnahme von archäologisch-bauhistorischer Seite, ergänzt durch historische sowie historisch-geographische Quellen. Dabei wurden ca. 250 Orte ermittelt, für welche die Existenz einer mittelalterlichen Burg oder eines Adelssitzes belegt bzw. zu vermuten ist. Nur wenige sind heute noch anhand ihrer oberirdischen Bausubstanz eindeutig als mittelalterliche Befestigung zu identifizieren. Auf viele verweisen im Gelände lediglich fragmentarische Steinbaureste, Erdwälle, Gräben oder kleine Hügel. Ein Großteil ist aufgrund des vollständigen Verfalls oder der Überprägung durch spätere Gebäude bisher überhaupt nicht lokalisiert. Vor dem Hintergrund des aktuellen Forschungsstandes werden erste typologische Vergleiche der Anlagen hinsichtlich ihrer Lage, Größe, Datierung, ihres Ausbaugrades sowie ihrer historischen Funktion vorgenommen. Untersucht werden außerdem die Beziehung zu den slawischen Burgwällen und die Siedlungskontinuität vom mittelalterlichen Adelssitz zum neuzeitlichen Schloss- oder Rittergutskomplex. / The aim of this study is to examine the formation and development of the castle complexes and nobility residences in the Uckermark from the late 12th to the end of the 15th century. Archaeological finds indicate that especially at the beginning of the medieval eastward expansion they were erected on Slavic strongholds. During the 13th and the early 14th century a lot of new castles and mansions were built. Especially the fortresses in the frontier districts and at important passes were being extended during the 14th and 15th century. In the inland regions the process of desertion led to the abandonment of many of the nobility residences. They began to fall into disrepair and were partially replaced by modern age domain and palace complexes. The main subjects of this study are the medieval buildings in form of ruins, integrated in later buildings and as archaeological site, respectively. This is the first ever complete regional inventory of the medieval castles and nobility residences of the Uckermark. It is mainly based on archaeological and architectural data, and made complete with historical and geographical facts. Almost 250 towns and villages were traced where the existence of a medieval castle or a residence is verified or presumed. Nowadays, only few of the former residences and fortresses can clearly be identified as such on the basis of the remains of above ground buildings and fortifications or by surface features like stone walls, earthworks or moats. Most of them are completely buried under earth, or replaced by manor houses and palace complexes of a later period. Surveying the present state of castle-studies in Brandenburg, the castles and nobility residences where compared with regard to their extent, morphology and ground-plan, internal building chronology and changing of their historical functions. Moreover, the connection with older Slavic strongholds and the continuity from medieval strongholds to modern age castle complexes or manor houses are investigated.

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