Spelling suggestions: "subject:"agrobacterium"" "subject:"grobacterium""
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Transformação genética de maracujá amarelo visando resistência à Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae / Genetic transformation of yellow passion fruit to confer resistance to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passifloraeMariza Monteiro 28 April 2005 (has links)
A bacteriose, ou mancha oleosa, doença causada por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae, é um sério problema em muitas áreas de produção de maracujá no Brasil, especialmente se associada à antracnose. A transformação genética é uma alternativa para obter plantas resistentes. Proteínas bactericidas, como as atacinas encontradas na hemolinfa de insetos, têm sido usadas para conferir resistência a espécies vegetais. Como as atacinas têm um peptídeo sinal que as direciona para o espaço extracelular em insetos, nós iniciamos este estudo investigando o direcionamento da atacina A em plantas. A seqüência do gene da atacina A (attA) com e sem o peptídeo sinal foi fusionada com os genes repórteres uidA e gfp e epidermes de cebola foram transformadas, via biobalística, com essas construções gênicas. A atacina A, de fato, é acumulada no apoplasto onde, justamente, bactérias fitopatogênicas se multiplicam antes de invadir as células vegetais. Visando obter plantas transgênicas resistentes à bacteriose, foram transformados tecidos foliares e hipocotiledonares com as linhagens LBA 4404 e EHA 105 de Agrobacterium tumefaciens contendo o gene attA. De um total de 313 explantes infectados, foram obtidos 31 brotos PCR+, o que representa uma eficiência de transformação da ordem de 10%. A expressão do transgene foi confirmada por RT-PCR e a resistência ao patógeno foi avaliada pela inoculação de X. axonopodis pv. passiflorae em folhas destacadas de plantas mantidas in vitro. Em dez plantas não houve formação de lesão foliar, indicando uma possível resistência ao patógeno. / Bacterial spot disease caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae is a serious problem in many passion fruit production areas in Brazil, especially if associated with anthracnose. Genetic transformation provides an alternative for obtaining resistant plants. Bactericide proteins such as attacins, found in the haemolymph of insects, have been used to confer resistance on plant species. As the attacins have a sign peptide that dispatches them to extracellular space in insects, we initiated our studies investigating the attacin A directing in plants. The attacin A gene (attA) sequence, with and without the sign peptide, was fused to uidA and gfp reporter genes, and onion epidermis were transformed using bioballistics with gene constructions. The protein did accumulate in the apoplast, where bacteria multiply before attacking plant cells. With the aim of obtaining transgenic plants of yellow passion fruit resistant to bacterial disease, leaf and hypocotyl-derived tissues were transformed with LBA 4404 and EHA 105 strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing the attA gene. From a total of 313 infected explants, we obtained 31 PCR+ shoots, a transformation efficiency of 10%. Expression of the attA gene was confirmed by RT-PCR, and pathogen resistance evaluated by X. axonopodis pv. passiflorae inoculation in leaves obtained from in vitro plants. Leaf lesions were not observed in 10 shoots, suggesting a possible resistance to pathogen.
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Signalisation chimique du Quorum Sensing bactérien : Conception, synthèse et évaluation biologique de mimes d'autoinducteurs et d'analogues d'agrocinopines / Chemical signalling in bacterial quorum sensing : Design, synthesis and biological Investigations of autoinducers mimics and analogues of agrocinopinesLi, Sizhe 31 March 2017 (has links)
Les bactéries ont longtemps été considérées comme des organismes unicellulaires. Cependant, elles se comportent comme des systèmes multicellulaires dans lesquels des cellules séparées communiquent ensemble en utilisant des systèmes moléculaires appelés autoinducteurs. Ce processus, appelé Quorum Sensing (QS), est capable de détecter la densité de population bactérienne et régule ainsi l'expression de certaines fonctions biologiques importantes, telles que la virulence bactérienne ou la formation de biofilm, liées à la pathogénicité humaine ou à la croissance végétale. Comme le QS implique plusieurs types de molécules, il s'agit donc d’une thématique intéressante pour les études à l’interface chimie biologie visant à synthétiser des molécules capables de moduler le QS. Deux aspects du QS sont étudiés dans cette thèse: Le premier est la conception, la synthèse et l'évaluation biologique d’analogues d’autoinducteurs en tant que modulateur QS bactérien. Dans cette section, différentes relations structure-propriété d'un type d'auto-inducteur chez les bactéries Gram-négatives : les Acyl Homoserine Lactones (AHL) ont été étudiées. Ces études montrent que la chiralité de l’homosérine lactone est importante, que le remplacement du groupe amide central par des hétérocycliques ou des composés AHL structurellement non apparentés jouent un rôle important dans la modulation QS. Dans une deuxème partie, une étude structurale a permis de comprendre comment l’agrocinopine A a été en mesure d'intervenir dans le processus du QS c’est à dire la production de signaux AHL et d'activer la virulence bactérienne chez la bactérie Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Le rôle clé du groupement pyranose-2-phosphate de l'agrocinopine est démontré comme étant responsable de sa reconnaissance par les protéines de transport AccA et de la régulation du QS. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse est la combinaison de deux composés organiques synthétiques liés au QS, tous deux destinés à améliorer les connaissances de base de ce processus biologique, contribuant potentiellement à l'avenir à de nouvelles stratégies capables d'influencer la pathogénicité bactérienne. / Over the past decades, it has been recognized that the social communication of bacteria either play a beneficial role or can worse pathogenicity in plant and human health. The language of bacteria used for communication are signal molecules called auto-inducers (AIs), which are regulated by themselves. This specific bacterial regulation process is termed as “quorum sensing (QS)”, by which bacteria coordinate various phenotypes such as biofilm formation or virulence factors in many microorganisms. To artificially alter the QS response of bacteria through design of QS chemical signal molecules for improving the pathogenicity have attracted the attention with innovative antibacterial strategies. Two chemical approaches towards bacteria QS have been studied in this thesis. One contributed to the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel QS inhibitors, another focused on the investigation of the role of agrocinopine and analogues in QS regulation in a specific bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens (AT). Both aimed at improving basic knowledge on QS biological processes in bacteria. The first part figured out the chirality-activity relationship of Acyl Homoserine Lactones (AHLs), studied the replacement of the central amide group of AHLs by heterocyclic scaffolds, and designed a family of nitroaniline derivatives as LuxR-regulated QS inhibitors. The L-one of enantiomeric AHLs was found to be predominant in QS modulation, and some AHLs unrelated nitroaniline compounds were capable of inhibiting LuxR type of QS, whereas the bioactivity of heterocyclic scaffolds depends on its substitution sites. The second part elaborated the mechanism by which agrocinopine A and its analogues were able to involve QS process, and activate virulence spread in AT. A series of analogues of agrocinopine A have been synthetized for investigating their binding properties with AccA. A specific key pyranose-2-phosphate motif has been identified to be responsible for both antibiotic import and QS regulation in AT.
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Transformação genética de abobrinha-de-moita e melancia para resistência ao Papaya ringspot virus - type Watermelon e ao Zucchini yellow mosaic virus / Genetic transformation of zucchini squash and watermelon for resistance to Papaya ringspot virus - type W and Zucchini yellow mosaic virusLiliane Cristina Liborio Stipp 24 March 2009 (has links)
No Brasil, doenças causadas pelo Papaya ringspot virus - type Watermelon (PRSV-W) e Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) reduzem a produção e a qualidade dos frutos de abobrinha-de-moita (Cucurbita pepo) e melancia (Citrullus lanatus), assim como em outras cucurbitáceas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a obtenção de plantas transgênicas de abobrinha-de-moita e melancia resistentes ao PRSV-W e ao ZYMV. Um sistema eficiente de regeneração in vitro é necessário para a obtenção de plantas transgênicas. O sistema de organogênese in vitro de abobrinha-de-moita foi desenvolvido utilizando como explantes a região basal do cotilédone e um segmento do hipocótilo obtidos a partir de sementes germinadas in vitro. Os explantes foram cultivados em meio de cultura MS (MURASHIGE; SKOOG, 1962), suplementado com diferentes concentrações de BAP (benzilaminopurina). A indução de gemas adventícias foi mais eficiente nas concentrações de 1,0 e 1,25 mg/L de BAP. Este protocolo foi usado para regenerar plantas em experimentos de transformação genética de abobrinha-de-moita cv. Caserta e melancia cv. Crimson Sweet, via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. O vetor binário pCAMBIA2201, contendo fragmentos dos genes da proteína capsidial do ZYMV e do PRSV-W, numa construção gênica do tipo hairpin e o gene de seleção nptII, sob controle do promotor 35S, foi usado nos experimentos de transformação genética. Após 2 dias de co-cultivo, em meio de cultura MS, suplementado com BAP (1 mg/L), os explantes foram transferidos para meio de cultura de seleção, suplementado com BAP (1 mg/L), timentin (400 mg/L) e canamicina (100 mg/L) e cultivados por 3 a 4 semanas, sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas de luz. Plantas regeneradas foram analisadas por PCR, usando primers específicos para detecção dos fragmentos dos genes da proteína capsidial do PRSV-W e ZYMV. Foram utilizados 1050 explantes de abobrinha-de-moita e de 973 explantes de melancia, resultando em 36 e 59 plantas PCR positivas, respectivamente. A eficiência de transformação foi de 3,4% para abobrinha-de-moita e 6,1% para melancia. Plantas PCR positivas foram aclimatizadas, gradualmente, em sala de luz e transferidas para casa-de-vegetação. Pela análise de Southern blot foi confirmada a integração dos fragmentos dos genes da proteína capsidial do ZYMV e PRSV-W em 3 plantas de abobrinha-de-moita. Depois de desenvolvidas, flores femininas foram polinizadas manualmente e sementes foram coletadas de frutos maduros. Plantas R1 de abobrinha-de-moita e melancia foram inoculadas com o PRSV-W e o ZYMV por meio de Myzus nicotianae virulíferos. Não foram identificadas, até o momento, plantas resistentes aos patógenos em estudo / Diseases caused by the potyviruses Papaya ringspot virus - type Watermelon (PRSV-W) and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) significantly reduce the yield and fruit quality of zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo), watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), as well as other cucurbit crops in Brazil. The purpose of this work was to obtain zucchini squash and watermelon transgenic plants resistant to PRSV-W and ZYMV. An efficient in vitro regeneration system which can be associated with the protocol is necessary to obtain transgenic plants. In vitro organogenesis system was successfully developed using comprised of distal region of hypocotyl and the base of cotyledon of a germinated seed. The explants were cultured in MS medium (MURASHIGE; SKOOG, 1962), supplemented with different concentraction of BAP (benzylaminopurine). The induction of adventitious buds was more efficient at concentrations of 1.0 and 1.25 mg.L-1 BAP. This protocol was used to regenerate plants from genetic transformation experiments with zucchini squash cv. Caserta and watermelon cv. Crimson Sweet via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. For transformation, the binary vector pCAMBIA 2201, containing sequences of the coat protein coding regions of ZYMV and PRSV-W in a hairpin construct and the nptII gene, driven by 35S promoter was used. After 2 days of co-culture in MS medium supplemented with BAP (1.0 mg.L-1), explants were transferred to the MS selection culture medium, supplemented with BAP (1.0 mg.L-1), timentin (400 mg.L-1) and kanamycin (100 mg.L-1), and incubated for 3 to 4 weeks at 27 oC, under 16 h photoperiod. Regenerated plants were analyzed by PCR, using specific pairs of primers for the detection of the coat protein gene segments of PRSV-W and ZYMV. A total of 1,050 zucchini squash and 973 watermelon explants were used in the transformation experiments, resulting in 36 and 59 PCR positive plants, respectively. The genetic transformation efficiency was 3.4% for zucchini squash and 6.1% for watermelon. The PCR positive plants were slowly acclimatized in the culture room and transferred to the greenhouse for further growth. Southern blot analysis confirmed the genome integration of the the ZYMV and PRSV-W coat protein gene fragments in three zucchini squash plants which survived the acclimatization step. Later in development, female flowers were were manually pollinated and seeds were collected from mature fruits. R1 transgenic zucchini squash and watermelon plants were inoculated with PRSV-W and ZYMV by means of viruliferous Myzus nicotianae. Resistant plants were not yet observed among the R1 plants available
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Phytoextraction du plomb par les Pélargoniums odorants : interactions sol-plante et mise en place d'outils pour en comprendre l'hyperaccumulation / Lead phytoextraction by scented Pelargonium cultivars : soil-plant interactions and tool development for understanding lead hyperaccumulationArshad, Muhammad 10 July 2009 (has links)
L'utilisation des plantes pour décontaminer les sols pollués par les métaux est une solution respectueuse de l'environnement. Mais le développement de cette technique à grande échelle est encore limité en raison de l'indisponibilité de plantes avec les caractéristiques souhaitées (hyperaccumulation, biomasse élevée et croissance rapide). Les objectifs de ce travail étaient d'évaluer le potentiel de plusieurs cultivars de Pélargonium odorants pour l'extraction du Pb au champ, étudier la disponibilité du plomb en relation avec l'activité rhizosphérique et développer un protocole de transformation génétique. Parmi les six cultivars de Pélargonium odorants testés au champ, trois : Attar of Roses, Clorinda et Atomic Snowflake ont accumulé plus de 1000 mg kg-1 Pb, avec une forte biomasse. Pendant les expérimentations en conditions contrôlées, Attar of roses (le cultivar hyperaccumulateur) acidifie sa rhizosphère et augmente la concentration en COD significativement plus par rapport Concolor Lace (le cultivar non hyperaccumulateur), sans doute en réponse à la pollution métallique. Les concentrations en plomb dans les deux cultivars sont corrélées avec l'extraction au CaCl2. Les analyses par EXAFS et ESEM-EDS ont montré que le plomb présent dans les racines était principalement sous forme de complexes organiques alors que les sulfates de plomb prédominent dans le sol. Parallèlement à ces essais, un protocole de transformation génétique a été mis au point en vue de mieux comprendre les processus biochimiques impliqués dans l'hyperaccumulation et la fonction des gènes, Le système de régénération optimisé se base sur la pré-culture d'explants sur un milieu contenant 10 μM TDZ + 1 mg L-1 de chacun de BAP et NAA suivie par l'enlèvement de TDZ du milieu de culture. La kanamycine et l'hygromycine se sont avérés être de bons marqueurs sélectifs pour le Pélargonium. Deux souches d'Agrobacterium, C58 et EHA105 contenant des vecteurs binaires avec des gènes marqueurs hpt et nptII ont été choisis pour des expériences de transformation. Ils ont également le gène codant uidA séquence du gène rapporteur. Après l'infection avec C58, 4 et 107 plantes enracinées sur hygromycine ont été obtenues pour Attar of Roses et Atomic Snowflake, respectivement. Parmi ces plantes enracinées, les quatre plantes d'Attar et 82 d'Atomic Snowflake ont exprimé le Gus dans les feuilles, pétioles, les tiges et les racines comme prévu avec une séquence sous contrôle du promoteur constitutif CaMV 35S. De 20 plantes qui expriment le Gus, 7 plantes se sont avérées être positives après criblage par PCR. Après infection par EHA105, 23 et 133 plantes enracinées ont été obtenues après sélection sur kanamycine, mais aucune n'a démontré d'activité GUS. Seule des expériences d'empreintes par Southern blotting permettront de corréler le nombre d'insertions et niveau de l'expression dans ces différents événements de transformation. / Metal removal from contaminated soils using plants can provide an environment friendly solution. However, its successful application on a large scale is still limited due to unavailability of plants with desired set of characteristics i.e. hyperaccumulation, high biomass and rapid growth. The objective of this work was to assess the potential of scented Pelargonium cultivars for lead (Pb) extraction under field conditions, plant induced rhizosphere changes, soil factors influencing availability of Pb and to develop an efficient genetic transformation protocol for the selected cultivars. Of the six scented Pelargonium cultivars field-tested, three cultivars (Attar of Roses, Clorinda and Atomic Snowflake) accumulated more than 1000 mg Pb kg-1 DW, with high biomass reaching up to 45 tons ha-1 y-1 dry matter. During assays in controlled conditions, Attar of roses (Pb hyperaccumulator) significantly acidified its rhizosphere and increased Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) concentration as compared to Concolor Lace (non-accumulator), probably due to enhanced exudation in response to the metal stress. Lead concentrations in both cultivars were best correlated with CaCl2 extracted Pb. Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive x-ray Spectroscopy (ESEM-EDS) demonstrated that Pb was mainly complexed to organic acids within plant tissues whereas the dominant form in soil was PbSO4. Parallel to the soil-plant Pb transfer assays, a genetic transformation protocol was optimized in view of better understanding biochemical processes involved in lead hyperaccumulation and gene function, in the future. The best regeneration scheme was based on the pre-culture of explants on 10 μM TDZ (Thidiazuron) in addition to 1 mg L-1 each of N6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and α- naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), followed by removal of TDZ from the culture medium. Kanamycin and hygromycin proved to be efficient selectable markers for genetic transformation. Two Agrobacterium strains, C58 and EHA105 harboring binary vectors carrying the selectable marker genes hpt and nptII were chosen for transformation experiments. They also contained the uidA gene coding sequence as reporter gene. After infecting with C58, 4 and 107 rooted plants on hygromycin-containing medium were obtained for Attar and Atomic cultivars, respectively. The four Attar plants and 82 Atomic plants expressed Gus in leaves, petioles, stems and roots as expected with a sequence driven by the 35S constitutive promoter. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) screening was performed on Gus positive plants and 2 and 20 plants of Attar and Atomic were screened as PCR positive, respectively. After infection with EHA105, 23 and 133 rooted plants were obtained on kanamycin selection medium but none of these expressed Gus. Southern hybridization patterns will enable to correlate gene copy numbers to expression levels in these different events. The optimized protocols could be used for understanding molecular mechanisms of Pb accumulation and improvement in phytoextraction technique.
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Développement d'une nouvelle plateforme végétale de production de protéines recombinantes par l'utilisation des plantes carnivores du genre Nepenthes / Development of a new plant expression system for recombinant protein production by use of carnivorous plants from Nepenthes genusMiguel, Sissi 27 June 2013 (has links)
Résumé confidentiel / Not available
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Effet de l'environnement sur la croissance et l'accumulation de métabolites secondaires chez Datura innoxia Mill. cultivé en conditions hors sol ; impact des facteurs biotiques et abiotiques / Effects of biotic and abiotic environmental parameters for Datura innoxia Mill. tropane alkaloid in soilless culturesVu, Thi Dao 04 July 2008 (has links)
Datura innoxia Mill., une plante de la famille des Solanacées synthétisant des métabolites secondaires, dont les alcaloïdes tropaniques, a été utilisée comme modèle pour cette étude portant sur les cultures en hydroponie. Nous avons déterminé et hiérarchisé les paramètres environnementaux (biotiques et abiotiques) permettant d’améliorer croissance et production de métabolites. La réponse de la plante dépend de l’approvisionnement en oxygène de la solution nutritive, de la température perçue tant niveau des parties aériennes qu’au niveau racinaire. Une augmentation de l’intensité d’éclairage n’améliore pas la teneur en alcaloïdes de la plante mais l’utilisation de lumière orange engendre un changement des paramètres de croissance et des teneurs en molécules recherchées. Nous avons également montré que la présence de microflore dans le milieu de culture provoque une dégradation des molécules d’intérêt et altère leur accumulation dans la plante. Par contre, A. rhizogenes a un effet favorable sur la croissance de la biomasse et la biosynthèse d’alcaloïdes tropaniques dans la plante. L’état transgénique des racines, issues de co-culture hydroponique de Datura innoxia avec A. rhizogenes TR7, a été estimé par une vérification précoce et confirmé par des analyses moléculaires. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence les modifications du phénotype racinaire et les mécanismes d'interaction plante-microorganisme. L’inoculation des agrobactéries peut donner lieu à des transferts naturels de gènes induisant ainsi l’obtention d’un pool racinaire chimérique regroupant des racines normales et des racines transformées. Ces travaux ont ouvert de nouvelles perspectives en vue de déterminer la capacité de production de métabolites secondaires par des plantes en culture hors sol, de manière à obtenir une biomasse riche en molécules recherchées / Datura innoxia Mill. a plant species belonging to Solanaceous family, produces hyoscyamine and scopolamine as two main tropane alkaloids. It has been studied in the present work for the development of hydroponic based secondary metabolites bioproduction. More specifically, biotic and abiotic environmental factors have been analysed in order to improve growth and alkaloid accumulation in plant tissues. Oxygen concentration in the nutrient solution is proved to be important for both biomass and compound production in temporary immersion culture conditions occur as one optimum. Temperature has also a major effect, directly and most probably through oxygen solubility and root needs. We showed that artificial light may positively complete natural one but the kind of spectrum must be chosen carefully. From this point of view, orange light from High Pressure Natrium Vapour light showed better results than classical white light. Nitrogen (NO3-15mM) and pH (5 to 6) management may lead to culture optimization. We also show that well chosen wild Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains may be added to the hydroponic nutrient solution in order to improve growth and alkaloid bioproduction. This result is due to the multi occurrence of genetic transformation events. Our results lead to a first classification for impacts of biotic and abiotic factors. It opens new window for plant milking technology industrial development
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Diversidade genética e potencial biotecnológico de fungos endofíticos de manguezais do estado de São Paulo / Genetic diversity and biotecnological potential of endophytic fungi from mangroves at São Paulo StateSebastianes, Fernanda Luiza de Souza 24 August 2010 (has links)
Manguezais são ecossistemas localizados na confluência de terra e mar, característicos de áreas tropicais e subtropicais, cobrindo cerca de 18,1 milhões de hectares do planeta. A grande biodiversidade encontrada nestes ambientes ressalta a importância da busca por conhecimentos à seu respeito, como o estudo sobre novos princípios ativos derivados de microrganismos endofíticos presentes nas plantas de manguezais. Desta forma, o propósito do presente trabalho foi determinar a diversidade genética da comunidade de fungos endofíticos presentes em folhas e ramos das principais espécies arbóreas de manguezais de Cananéia e Bertioga (situados no estado de São Paulo, Brasil), e avaliar o potencial biotecnológico destes fungos em relação à produção de antibióticos contra os patógenos humanos Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli, e contra o fitopatógeno Xanthomonas axonopodis citri . Os resultados da primeira etapa do trabalho, que envolveu o isolamento e a caracterização de fungos endofíticos filamentosos, mostraram que a comunidade fúngica associada às plantas de manguezais é formada por pelo menos 35 gêneros diferentes, sendo que os gêneros mais frequentes foram Diaporthe, Fusarium, Trichoderma, Colletotrichum e Xylaria. Grande parte dos gêneros encontrados neste trabalho é de fungos de solo, indicando que eles estão adaptados às condições adversas dos manguezais. Os resultados mostraram que, dentre as linhagens produtoras de antibiótico, 29,41% pertencem ao gênero Diaporthe, o qual apresentou maior frequência na comunidade fúngica estudada. Após a avaliação de 344 fungos quanto ao potencial de atividade antimicrobiana, foi selecionada a linhagem 41.1(1) de D. phaseolorum, um endófito de folha de Laguncularia racemosa, para elucidação da estrutura química do seu antibiótico purificado. Por meio das técnicas de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear e de Espectrometria de Massas o antibiótico foi identificado como ácido 3-hidroxipropiônico o qual apresentou atividade frente aos patógenos humanos Staphylococcus aureus e Salmonella tiphy. A estrutura química deste antibiótico foi modificada por meio de reação química de esterificação de Fischer-Speier para avaliar a relação da estrutura química e atividade biológica deste composto. O produto final da reação química de esterificação do antibiótico ácido 3-hidroxipropiônico não apresentou atividade antimicrobiana, indicando que o grupo hidroxila removido na reação é importante na atividade farmacológica desse composto. Além disso, a linhagem 41.1(1) de D. phaseolorum foi transformada geneticamente pelo sistema Agrobacterium tumefaciens, visando a obtenção de transformantes deficientes para produção de antibiótico e, com isso, a identificação de genes relacionados com a via de biossíntese do antibiótico ácido 3-hidroxipropiônico. A análise das sequências que flanqueiam o T-DNA, obtidas por TAIL-PCR, mostraram que os genes interrompidos nos transformantes estão relacionados com proteínas de domínios conservados envolvidos com diferentes funções como: translação de proteínas, homeostase do íon orgânico Mg2+, transporte intracelular, migração, adesão e proliferação celular e outras funções celulares. A caracterização da biblioteca de agrotransformantes constitui uma ferramenta importante para o estudo da biologia molecular de fungos que produzem compostos bioativos por meio do seu metabolismo secundário. / Mangroves are ecosystems situated beyond land and sea. They are more frequently found in tropical and subtropical areas englobing around 18.1 millions of hectares in the planet. The great biodiversity found in these ecosystems shows the importance of researching them, including studies regarding new compounds derived from endophytic fungi that inhabit these ecosystems. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of the fungal endophytic community found in leaves and branches of the main arboreal species from mangrove of Cananéia and Bertioga (situated in São Paulo state, Brazil), and to evaluate the biotechnological potential of these fungi concerning the production of antibiotics against the human pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, and against the phytopathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis citri . The results of the first part of this work, including the isolation and characterization of the filamentous endophytic fungi, showed that the mangrove fungal community is made up of at least 35 different genera, from which the most frequent are Diaporthe, Fusarium, Trichoderma, Colletotrichum and Xylaria. Most of the fungal genera found in this study come from soil, which suggests that they are adapted to the adverse conditions of mangroves. The results show that among the antibiotic-produncing strains, 29.41% belong to the genus Diaporthe, which was the most frequently found in the studied fungal community. After the analysis of 344 fungi regarding the antibiotic activity potential, a strain of D. phaseolorum (a leaf endophyte of Laguncularia racemosa) was selected to unveil the chemical structure of their purified antibiotic. The nuclear magnetic resonance and the mass spectrometry techniques allowed the identification of the antibiotic as 3-hidroxypropionic acid, which displayed activity against the pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella tiphy. The chemical structure of this antibiotic was modifyed by the chemical reaction of Fischer-Speier sterification in order to evaluate the chemical structure and biological activity of this compound. The final product of the chemical reaction of 3-hidroxipropionic acid sterification had no antibiotic activity, which suggests that the hydroxil group removed from the reaction is important to the pharmachological activity of this compound. Additionally, the strain 41.1(1) of D. phaseolorum was genetically transformed by the Agrobacterium tumefaciens system, in order to generate antibioticdeficient transformants, which would help to identify genes related to the biosynthesis pathway of the 3- hidroxypropionic acid antibiotic. The TAIL-PCR analysis revealed that the interrupted genes in the tranformants are related to proteins from conserved domains involved in different functions such as protein translation, Mg2+ ion homeostasis, intracellular transport, migration, adhesion and cellular proliferation and other cellular functions. The characterization of the agrotransformants library is an important tool to unveiling the molecular biology of fungi that produce bioactive compounds by the secondary metabolism.
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Transformação genética de laranja doce (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) com o gene cecropin MB39 e avaliação de plantas transgênicas inoculadas com Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. / Genetic transformation of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) with the cecropin MB39 gene and evaluation of transgenic plants inoculated with Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al.Paoli, Luis Gustavo de 27 September 2007 (has links)
A obtenção de plantas geneticamente modificadas tornou-se uma ferramenta biotecnológica de grande valor, contribuindo nos programas de melhoramento. Plantas transgênicas contendo genes de peptídeos antibacterianos são uma boa alternativa nos programas visando resistência às bactérias. A cecropina é um peptídeo isolado de inseto que apresenta ação antibacteriana contra diversas bactérias, entre elas, a Xylella fastidiosa causadora da clorose variegada dos citros (CVC). Com isso, este trabalho teve dois objetivos: 1) obter plantas transgênicas dos cultivares copa de laranja 'Hamlin' e laranja 'Pêra' (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) com o gene cecropin MB39 dirigido pelos promotores do gene da fenilalanina amônia-liase (PAL) clonado de citros (CsPP) e de Arabidopsis thaliana (AtPP), que conferem expressão gênica nos vasos do xilema. Obter plantas transgênicas de laranja 'Hamlin' e laranja 'Valência' com o gene GUS dirigido pelo promotor AtPP. 2) avaliar plantas de laranja 'Valência' transformadas com o gene cecropin MB39 inoculadas com Xylella fastidiosa. As transformações genéticas foram realizadas através do co-cultivo de explantes, coletados de plantas cultivadas in vitro (segmentos de epicótilo) ou em casa de vegetação (segmentos internodais), com Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Para isso, utilizou-se a estirpe EHA-105 de A. tumefaciens contendo os vetores binários CsPPCEC/2201, AtPPCEC/2201 ou AtPP-GUS/2201. A seleção das gemas transformadas foi feita em meio de cultura contendo o antibiótico canamicina, e para confirmação da transformação foram realizados teste histoquímico GUS e análises moleculares de PCR e 'Southern blot'. As gemas regeneradas foram microenxertadas em citrange 'Carrizo' ou laranja 'Hamlin' não transgênicos. Foi possível a obtenção de gemas transformadas para todos os cultivares, porém a regeneração de plantas ocorreu para laranja 'Hamlin' transformada com os vetores CsPPCEC/2201, AtPPCEC/2201 e AtPP-GUS/2201. Para a avaliação da resistência de plantas transgênicas a Xylella fastidiosa foram selecionadas nove plantas de laranja 'Valência' transformadas com o gene cecropin MB39, sendo que em quatros plantas o gene está sendo dirigido pelo promotor CsPP e nas outras cinco plantas pelo promotor CaMV 35S. Essas plantas foram multiplicadas por borbulhia e inoculadas mecanicamente com Xylella fastidiosa. Foram realizados isolamentos primários e quantificações bacterianas aos quatro e dez meses após a inoculação da bactéria para verificar a eficiência da inoculação e movimentação sistêmica da bactéria. Avaliações sintomáticas foliares também foram feitas aos oito meses após a inoculação. Os resultados dos isolamentos aos quatro meses mostraram que a inoculação da bactéria foi eficiente, já que houve crescimento bacteriano na maioria das placas com meio de cultura. A movimentação sistêmica da bactéria pôde ser detectada no isolamento aos dez meses. Das nove plantas avaliadas, uma planta transgênica apresentou crescimento populacional menor do que a da planta controle, indicando uma resistência ao patógeno. Nas avaliações sintomáticas foliares, as plantas transgênicas não diferiram do controle. / The production of genetically modified plants has become an important biotechnological tool, contributing with breeding programs. Transgenic plants expressing antibacterial peptides genes are a good alternative for breeding programs aiming to obtain bacterial resistance. Cecropin is a peptide isolated from an insect, which presents antibacterial effect against several bacteria including the citrus variegated chlorosis in which the causal agent is Xylella fastidiosa. This work had two objectives: 1) genetically transform 'Hamlin' and 'Pêra' sweet oranges scions with the cecropin MB39 gene under the control of the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) gene promoter, cloned from citrus (CsPP) and from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtPP). This promoter confers gene expression within the xylem vessels. Obtain transgenic plants of 'Hamlin' and 'Valência' sweet oranges with the GUS gene under the control of the AtPP promoter. 2) Evaluate the resistance to Xylella fastidiosa of 'Valência' sweet orange plants transformed with the cecropin MB39 gene. Co-culture of explants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens was used to genetically transform in vitro plants (epicotyl segments) and greenhouse plants (internodal segments). A. tumefaciens strain EHA-105 containing the CsPPCEC/2201, AtPPCEC/2201 or AtPP-GUS/2201 binary vectors were used for transformation. Culture medium containing the antibiotic kanamycin was used for selection of transformed buds. Confirmation of transgenesis was carried out by GUS assays, PCR and Southern blot analysis. Regenerated buds were in vitro grafted on non-transgenic 'Carrizo' citrange or 'Hamlin' sweet orange rootstocks. Transformed buds were obtained for all cultivars, however plant regeneration was only obtained for 'Hamlin' sweet orange transformed with vectors CsPPCEC/2201, AtPPCEC/2201 and AtPP-GUS/2201. Nine 'Valência' sweet orange plants transformed with the cecropin MB39 gene were selected for the Xylella fastidiosa resistance experiment. Four transgenic lines were controlled by the CsPP promoter and the other five lines were controlled by the CaMV 35S promoter. These transgenic lines were graft propagated and mechanically inoculated with Xylella fastidiosa. Primary isolations and bacterial quantifications were conducted on the fourth and tenth month after inoculation in order to detect inoculation efficiency and bacterial systemic movement. Leaf symptom evaluations were executed eight months after inoculations. The bacterial isolation results from the fourth month indicated that inoculations were successful, since bacterial growth could be detected in the majority of culture mediums. Systemic movement of bacteria within the plants was detected after ten months. From the nine transgenic lines tested, one presented reduced pathogen growth when compared to controls indicating resistance. Transgenic lines did not differ from controls regarding leaf symptoms.
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Uso do gene XyIA - Xilose Isomerase como agente de seleção na transformação genética de citros. / Use of the gene XylA - xilose isomerase a selection agent of in genetic transformation citrus.Pereira, Gustavo Alves 06 December 2004 (has links)
O melhoramento genético das plantas cítricas, pelos métodos tradicionais, é dificultado por uma série de características da biologia de reprodução da espécie. Assim a utilização de técnicas modernas de biotecnologia, como a cultura de tecidos, a manipulação genética e a biologia molecular, têm se mostrado atrativas para o melhoramento genético da cultura. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a transformação genética em variedades de laranja doce (Citrus sinensis) usando o gene xylA como gene de seleção. O trabalho foi realizado com a estirpe EHA 101 de Agrobacterium tumefaciens, contendo o plasmídeo pNOV1457, com o gene xylA. Os isolados da bactéria foram mantidos em meio de cultura YEP suplementado com os antibióticos (ácido nalidíxico, canamicina e estreptomicina). Segmentos de epicótilo foram incubados, por um período de 20 minutos, com a suspensão bacteriana. Após a inoculação, os segmentos foram secos em papel toalha estéril, e incubados em placa de petri (100 x 15 mm) contendo o meio de cultura EME + BAP (1 mg.L-1), em ausência de luz, à temperatura de 24 C, por um período de 3 dias, com acetoseringona e sem acetoseringona durante o cocultivo. Após o co-cultivo, os explantes foram transferidos para meio de cultura de seleção e regeneração, constituído do meio de cultura EME + BAP (1 mg.L-1) + cefotaxime (500 mg.L-1) + xilose (15 mg.L-1). A transformação genética foi confirmada pela detecção do gene xylA nas plantas regeneradas por PCR. A extração do DNA foi feita pelo método de Dellaporta et al. (1983) e as reações de PCR foram conduzidas em termociclador PTC-100 (MJ Research) utilizandose "primers" específicos para detecção do gene xylA. Analisando os dados obtidos verificou-se que foram obtidas plantas transgênicas, utilizando-se o sistema xylA/xilose, de 3 variedades de laranja doce Hamlin, Valência e Natal, com uma eficiência de transformação genética variando de 1 - 3%, em função do experimento e da variedade. A atividade da enzima xilose isomerase foi confirmada pelo teste clorofenol vermelho. Esse trabalho concluiu que é possível a regeneração de plantas transgênicas de variedades de laranja doce utilizando-se o sistema de seleção positiva xylA/xilose. / The genetic improvement of the citric plants, by traditional methods, is made difficult by a series species biology reproduction characteristics. The use of modern biotechnology techniques, as tissue culture, the genetic manipulation and molecular biology, have shown attractive for the culture genetic improvement. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic transformation in varieties of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) using the gene xylA as selection gene. The work was carried out with the EHA 101 Agrobacterium tumefaciens, containing the plasmid pNOV1457, whith the gene xylA. The bacterium was culture in YEP media supplemented with antibiotics (nalidixic acid, kanamicyn e streptomycin). Epicotyl segments were incubated, for 20 min, with the bacterial suspension. After inoculation, the segments were dry in a sterile paper, and incubated in a petri dish (100 x 15mm) containing the medium EME + BAP (1 mg.L-1), in dark, at the temperature of 24 °C, for a period of 3 days, with and without acetoseryngone during the co-culture period. After the co-culture, the explants were transferred to culture medium of selection and regeneration, consisting of medium EME + BAP (1 mg.L-1) + cefotaxime (500 mg.L-1) + xylose (15 mg.L-1). The genetic transformation was confirmed by the gene detection by PCR. The DNA extraction was done by Dellaporta et al. (1983). PCR reactions were done in a thermal cycler PTC-100 (MJ Research) using specific "primers" for gene xylA detection. The enzyme xilose isomerase activity was confirmed by the red clorofenol test. It is possible to regenerate sweet orange transgenic plants using the positive select system based on xylA gene, of 3 sweer orange varieties Hamlin, Valencia and Natal, with a genetic transformation efficiency of 1-3%.
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Transformação genética de citros com os genes bacteriopsina (bO), cecropina e gus. / Genetic transformation of citrus with bacterio-opsin (bo), cecropin and gus genes.Azevedo, Fernando Alves de 28 June 2005 (has links)
A utilização de técnicas biotecnológicas como a transformação genética, tem auxiliado os programas de melhoramento de plantas perenes. Essa técnica já é utilizada em citros com sucesso, principalmente para obtenção de plantas tolerantes a doenças. O presente trabalho teve três objetivos: 1.transformação genética do porta-enxerto limão Cravo com o gene bacteriopsina (bO), relacionado com ativação de mecanismos de defesa da planta como morte programada de células e produção de ácido salicílico, com o intuito de aumentar a resistência a gomose de Phytophthora; 2. transformação genética das principais variedades copas de laranja doce (Hamlin, Valência, Natal e Pêra) com o gene da cecropina. Esse gene possui atividade antibacteriana, tornando-se possível fonte de resistência a cancro cítrico e clorose variegada dos citros e; 3. avaliar a viabilidade da utilização de um promotor específico de xilema em citros. As transformações foram efetuadas pelo sistema indireto via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, utilizando segmentos juvenis de epicótilo. Testes moleculares foram realizados e confirmaram a inserção dos genes descritos acima. No caso do limão Cravo duas plantas foram regeneradas. Na transformação das variedades copa com o gene da cecropina, diferentes taxas de eficiência foram observadas, sendo que melhores resultados foram obtidos para laranja Valência (3,3-4,5 %) e laranja Hamlin (2,5-3,0 %) em comparação com laranja Natal (1,6-2,0 %) e laranja Pêra (0,5 %). Plantas de laranja Valência também foram transformadas com o promotor da fenilalamina amônia-liase. Além das transformações, dois bioensaios foram instalados: um com as plantas de limão Cravo, visando avaliar resistência a gomose de Phytophthora e outro, com laranja Valência transformada com o gene da cecropina. No primeiro caso, propagaram-se por enxertia plantas transgênicas de limão Cravo e, após seis meses fez-se a inoculação com Phytophtora nicotianae, que consistiu na introdução de agulha contaminada com propágulos do patógeno, numa altura de 10 cm acima da região da enxertia. Vinte e cinco dias após aferiu-se o comprimento e área das lesões, bem como observou-se a presença de goma. Comparando-se o desempenho das duas linhagens transgênicas com o limão Cravo não transformado, uma delas apresentou menor área a lesão. Já para as plantas com o gene cecropina um ensaio com folha destacada foi realizado, em que as mesmas foram perfuradas com auxílio de uma agulha e, posteriormente, pulverizadas com uma suspensão da bactéria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri e, mantidas em tubo de centrífuga (50 mL), onde os pecíolos permaneciam em contato com água estérial (2 mL). Avaliou-se o período necessário para o aparecimento das primeiras lesões e o tamanho das lesões após quinze dias. Uma planta transgênica apresentou maior resistência perante a testemunha. Nas plantas transformadas com o promotor da fenilalamina amônia-liase, testes para observar a expressão do gene GUS foram realizados e comprovaram a capacidade desse promotor em direcionar os genes para a região dos vasos condutores. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho são pioneiros em citros, utilizando os genes bO, cecropina e o promotor PAL. / Application of modern biotechnology techniques, as genetic transformation, has helped breeding programs of perennial plant species. This technique is already successfully used in citrus in several countries, mostly to the production of more disease-tolerant plants. Present work had three objectives as it follows: 1. genetic transformation of Rangpur lime rootstock with the bacterio-opsin(bO) gene, related to the activation of plant defense mechanisms such as programmed cell death and salicylic acid production, towards the increase of the tolerance to Phytophthora gummosis; 2. genetic transformation of main sweet orange scion varieties (Hamlin, Valência, Natal and Pêra) with cecropin gene. This gene products present antibacterial activity, becoming a possible source for citrus canker and variegated chlorosis tolerance and. 3. to test the viability of the use of a xylem-specific promoter (phenylalanine ammonia lyase) in citrus. Transformations were performed by direct system via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, using juvenile citrus epicotyl segments, which showed to be feasible in citrus, once transgenic plants were obtained for all proposed genes. Molecular tests were conduced and confirmed the insertion of the genes described above. In the case of Rangpur lime two plants were regenerated; in the transformation of canopy varieties with cecropin gene, different efficiency rates were observed, and the best results were obtained for Valencia sweet orange (3.3-4.5 %) and Hamlin sweet orange (2.5-3.0 %), compared to Natal sweet orange (1.6-2.0 %) and Pêra sweet orange (0.5 %). Plants of Valência variety were also transformed with the phenylalanine ammonia lyase promoter, resulting in 15 diverse transformation events. Beyond transformations, two bioessays were installed: one with Rangpur lime plants, aiming to evaluate tolerance to gummosis caused by Phytophthora, and another with Valência sweet orange transformed with cecropin gene. In the first case Rangpur lime transgenic plants were propagated through grafting and, after six months, were inoculated with Phytophtora, by introducing a contaminated needle containing the pathogen propagules, at 10 cm above the grafting region; 25 days later the experiment evaluation was conduced, consisting on measuring the lenght and area of lesions, as well as on the observation of gum. Comparing the performance of Rangpur lime transgenic lines with that of a non-transformed Rangpur lime, one plant presented higher tolerance to gummosis. Although, for the cecropin-gene plants, it was conduced an essay with destached leaves, where these were punched by a needle and then sprayed with a bacterial suspension of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri; they were kept in centrifuge tubes (50 mL), where petioles mantained contact with sterile water (2 mL). After 15 days, the necessary period to the first lesions appearance and their size were evaluated. One transgenic plant showed a higher tolerance in comparison to control. In plants transformed with phenylalanine ammonia lyase promoter, tests to observe gus gene expression were performed and comproved its ability to promote and direct gene activity to conductive vessels. This work results are the first in citrus using bO and cecropin genes, and PAL promoter.
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