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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudio en poblaciones seleccionadas de la fiabilidad de nuevos protocolos de detección de consumo de hormonas recombinantes (hgH y EPO)

Abellán Sánchez, María Rosario 07 July 2006 (has links)
Las hormonas recombinantes eritropoyetina (EPO) y hormona de crecimiento (GH), prácticamente iguales a las endógenas y de corta vida media en circulación, son de difícil detección directa en el control antidopaje. Se determinaron los valores poblacionales de los biomarcadores indirectos EPO, receptor soluble de la transferrina, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) y procolágeno tipo III péptido (P-III-P), en poblaciones seleccionadas de deportistas, y el efecto del ejercicio y los distintos tipos de entrenamiento sobre su concentración sérica. La comparación de resultados obtenidos mediante distintos ensayos demostró la necesidad de una validación exhaustiva previa a su utilización. A excepción del P-III-P, los biomarcadores séricos propuestos para la detección de rhEPO y rhGH no se encuentran directamente afectados por el nivel atlético, el ejercicio o la distinta carga de entrenamiento realizada a lo largo de la temporada deportiva. La edad es la principal influencia sobre las concentraciones séricas de IGF-I y P-III-P. / Direct detection of recombinant peptidic hormones erythropoietin (EPO) and growth hormone (GH), very similar to endogen molecules and with a short half life in blood, is difficult in antidoping control. The main objective of this work is to determine indirect biomarkers' values of EPO, soluble transferrin receptor, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and procollagen type III peptide (P-III-P), in selected populations of athletes, and the effect of exercise and different types of training on their concentration in serum. The comparison of results obtained by the different assays showed the need of extensive validation of the analytical techniques before their use in the antidoping field. Excepting P-III-P, proposed biomarkers for the detection of rhEPO and rhGH abuse are not directly influenced by the athletic level, exercise or different training workload along the sport season. Age is the main factor affecting IGF-I and P-III-P concentrations in serum.

Innovative transceiver approaches for low-power near-field and far-field applications

Inanlou, Farzad Michael-David 27 August 2014 (has links)
Wireless operation, near-field or far-field, is a core functionality of any mobile or autonomous system. These systems are battery operated or most often utilize energy scavenging as a means of power generation. Limited access to power, expected long and uninterrupted operation, and constrained physical parameters (e.g. weight and size), which limit overall power harvesting capabilities, are factors that outline the importance for innovative low-power approaches and designs in advanced low-power wireless applications. Low-power approaches become especially important for the wireless transceiver, the block in charge of wireless/remote functionality of the system, as this block is usually the most power hungry component in an integrated system-on-chip (SoC). Three such advanced applications with stringent power requirements are examined including space-based exploratory remote sensing probes and their associated radiation effects, millimeter-wave phased-array radar for high-altitude tactical and geological imaging, and implantable biomedical devices (IMDs), leading to the proposal and implementation of low-power wireless solutions for these applications in SiGe BiCMOS and CMOS and platforms.

Capteur de stéréovision hybride pour la navigation des drones

Damien, Eynard 07 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La connaissance de l'attitude, de l'altitude, de la segmentation du sol et du mouvement est essentielle pour la navigation d'un drone, en particulier durant les phases critiques de décollage et d'atterrissage. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous présentons un système stéréoscopique hybride composé d'une caméra fisheye et d'une caméra perspective pour estimer les paramètres de navigation d'un drone. À partir de ce capteur, une approche systémique est proposée. Contrairement aux méthodes classiques de stéréovision basées sur l'appariement de primitives, nous proposons des méthodes qui évitent toute mise en correspondance entre les vues hybrides. Une technique de plane-sweeping est suggérée pour déterminer l'altitude et détecter le plan du sol. La rotation et la translation du mouvement sont ensuite découplés : la vue fisheye contribue à évaluer l'attitude et l'orientation tandis que la vue perspective contribue à apporter l'échelle métrique de la translation. Le mouvement peut ainsi être estimé de façon robuste et à l'échelle métrique grâce à la connaissance de l'altitude. Cette méthode repose sur l'algorithme des 2-points complété par un filtre de Kalman. Nous proposons des approches robustes, temps réel et précises, exclusivement basées sur la vision avec une implémentation C++. Bien que cette approche évite l'utilisation de capteurs autres que les caméras, ce système peut également être appuyé par une centrale inertielle.

Réalité terrain étendue : une nouvelle approche pour l'extraction de paramètres de surface biophysiques et géophysiques à l'échelle des individus

Gademer, Antoine 21 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'extraction des paramètres de surface est une activité essentielle des Sciences de la vie et de la Terre. Ce mémoire propose une nouvelle méthodologie pour l'analyse des paramètres biophysiques et géophysiques, appelée Réalité Terrain Étendue, et qui mêle les avantages des relevés terrain et de la télédétection. Nous nous sommes en particulier attachés aux avantages de la télédétection basse altitude et d'un système micro-drone multi-caméras pour la cartographie de la dynamique de la végétation à l'échelle des individus. Cette problématique pose de nombreuses contraintes sur notre système car l'identification des arbrisseaux nécessite des capteurs innovants et une adaptation aux cycles phénologiques pour améliorer leur capacité de discrimination. La télédétection basse altitude semble être une solution intéressante en terme de résolution spatiale et de souplesse opérationnelle, et le développement des micro-drones civils permet des outils d'autant plus performants et fiables pour les missions terrain. Nous avons donc mis en place un système complet de drone avec une charge utile spécifique emportant simultanément trois appareils photographiques pour l'acquisition à la demande d'images obliques, stéréoscopiques ou multispectrales et permettant le développement de nouvelles méthodes d'identification de la végétation. Enfin, en participant à un relevé terrain du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, nous avons validé l'intérêt de notre système pour la cartographie de la dynamique de la végétation. Ce travail s'ouvre sur de nombreuses applications et perspectives de recherche, comme l'extraction de paramètres biophysiques par stéréo-restitution et l'agriculture de précision

The role of wood decay fungi in the dynamics of a mountain spruce forest / The role of wood decay fungi in the dynamics of a mountain spruce forest

POUSKA, Václav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on environmental preferences of wood-decaying fungi and their relationships with forest structure and development. Relationships of fungi to properties of wood and forest stands were studied on the basis of field observations in Central-European mountain spruce forests. Plot-based approach was used to reveal a general pattern in the diversity of fungi within a single forest stand and between different stands. The analysis of stand structure provided a background for plot-based approach. Substrate-based approach was used to study single species preferences and their communities. In addition, the influence of wood properties (including fungi and their rots) on the regeneration of spruce on logs was studied.

Kraftstoffverbrauch durch Entnahme von Zapfluft und Wellenleistung von Strahltriebwerken

Ahlefelder, Sebastian January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Zapfluft und Wellenleistung wird den Triebwerken entnommen, um die Energie für beispielsweise die Kraftstoffpumpen, das Inflight Entertainment oder die Flügelvorderkantenenteisung zu erzeugen. Diese Energiegenerierung, hat einen Anstieg des Kraftstoffverbrauches zur Folge. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass die Stelle der Zapfluftentnahme einen starken Einfluss auf den Gradienten des Brennstoffverbrauches hat. Das Projekt beschäftigt sich mit zwei- und dreiwelligen Turbofantriebwerken und untersucht an ihnen, die Effekte der Leistungsnahmen. Als Simulationssoftware wurde GasTurb 8.0 eingesetzt und auf die integrierten Triebwerkskonfigurationen zurückgegriffen. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Ermittlung einer mathematischen Beziehung zur Berechnung des zusätzlichen Kraftstoffmassenstromes infolge einer Zapfluft- oder Wellenleistungsentnahme. So stellt sich die Frage, welche Triebwerksparameter dafür berücksichtigt werden müssen. Eine Wellenleistungsentnahme verursacht beispielsweise einen linearen Anstieg des spezifischen Kraftstoffverbrauches. Ist diese Zunahme, identisch mit der einer Zapfluftentnahme? Am Ende der Kapitel werden die Ergebnisse mit Literaturwerten verglichen und versucht Tendenzen zu erkennen bzw. bestehende zu erhärten.

Characteristics of the Specific Fuel Consumption for Jet Engines

Bensel, Artur January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Purpose of this project is a) the evaluation of the Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption (TSFC) of jet engines in cruise as a function of flight altitude, speed and thrust and b) the determination of the optimum cruise speed for maximum range of jet airplanes based on TSFC characteristics from a). Related to a) a literature review shows different models for the influence of altitude and speed on TSFC. A simple model describing the influence of thrust on TSFC seems not to exist in the literature. Here, openly available data was collected and evaluated. TSFC versus thrust is described by the so-called bucket curve with lowest TSFC at the bucket point at a certain thrust setting. A new simple equation was devised approximating the influence of thrust on TSFC. It was found that the influence of thrust as well as of altitude on TSFC is small and can be neglected in cruise conditions in many cases. However, TSFC is roughly a linear function of speed. This follows already from first principles. Related to b) it was found that the academically taught optimum flight speed (1.316 times minimum drag speed) for maximum range of jet airplanes is inaccurate, because the derivation is based on the unrealistic assumption of TSFC being constant with speed. Taking account of the influence of speed on TSFC and on drag, the optimum flight speed is only about 1.05 to 1.11 the minimum drag speed depending on aircraft weight. The amount of actual engine data was extremely limited in this project and the results will, therefore, only be as accurate as the input data. Results may only have a limited universal validity, because only four jet engine types were analyzed. One of the project's original value is the new simple polynomial function to estimate variations in TSFC from variations in thrust while maintaining constant speed and altitude.

An endoscopic and immunopathological study of respiratory tract disorders in thoroughbred racehorses

Saulez, Montague Newton 04 June 2008 (has links)
Much of the impetus for this research can be attributed to Kenneth W. Hinchcliff, who has studied exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage (EIPH) extensively. This thesis focused on EIPH in Thoroughbred racehorses competing in South Africa. Using tracheobronchoscopy, the prevalence and severity of EIPH and the association with racing performance was determined. Thereafter, the prevalence of other respiratory tract disorders and their association with racing performance is reported. This is followed by a study assessing interobserver variability using grading systems in the detection of respiratory tract disorders. Finally, there is a report on the immunopathogenesis of EIPH. Using tracheobronchoscopy after racing, the prevalence and severity of EIPH was assessed in 1,005 racehorses competing at high altitude (> 1,400 meters above sea level) and at sea level in a racing jurisdiction that does not allow the use of furosemide and nasal dilator strips. The prevalence and severity of EIPH was affected by altitude as racing at sea level was associated with a higher prevalence and greater severity of EIPH. Results also suggested that EIPH was associated with superior performance in South African Thoroughbred racehorses. Upper and lower respiratory tract disorders identified following tracheobronchoscopic examination included left arytenoid asymmetry, left laryngeal hemiplegia, epiglottic deformity, epiglottic entrapment, subepiglottic cysts, dorsal displacement of the soft palate, pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia (PLH), laryngeal and tracheal dirt, tracheal mucous (TM), tracheal stenosis and tracheal cartilage ring spikes in Thoroughbred racehorses after racing. Overall, there was a low prevalence of grade 2 and 3 arytenoid cartilage asymmetry, left laryngeal hemiplegia, epiglottic entrapment, subepiglottic cysts and epiglottic deformity, while more severe grades of PLH, laryngeal debris, tracheal debris, TM and tracheal cartilage ring spikes had a higher prevalence. An association with sex was identified as tracheal cartilage ring spikes occurred more often in male racehorses. Superior racing performance was identified in racehorses with grade 3 tracheal mucous and tracheal cartilage ring spikes. Endoscopic grading of EIPH, PLH, arytenoid cartilage movement (ACM), and TM was performed by 3 observers that were blinded to each racehorse’s identity and race day performance using previously established grading criteria. Excellent interobserver reliability was seen using the EIPH grading system, while the weighted kappa for PLH, ACM and TM was lower. The study demonstrated sufficient reliability for the use of the EIPH, PLH, ACM and TM grading systems in racehorses competing in South Africa. The study concluded that tracheobronchoscopy seemed to be a practical screening technique that may have prognosticative validity and clinical dependability and that would allow safe and quick assessment of the respiratory tract of a large number of racehorses in field conditions. Venous blood was collected from 10 horses in each EIPH grade classification (grade 0 to 4) following tracheobronchoscopic examinations for the determination of the presence and severity of EIPH. Following RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis, real-time PCR was used to detect equine cytokine-specific mRNA for interleukin (IL) -1, -6, -10, interferon (INF) -ã, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) -á. Results of this study indicated that increased IL-6, and -10 mRNA production was associated with more severe forms of EIPH. Also, there was greater expression of IL-6 mRNA at sea level and TNF-á mRNA at high altitude. This study concluded that although it was unclear whether the inflammatory response observed in the study was due to pre-existing pulmonary inflammation or as a direct consequence of pulmonary bleeding, the study demonstrated a systemic correlation to pulmonary inflammation. The research reported in this thesis has contributed substantially to the determination of the prevalence, severity and affect on racing performance of respiratory tract disorders in Thoroughbred racehorses competing in South Africa. Also, determination of an association between EIPH and inflammation at a molecular level may assist future researchers in anti-cytokine therapies which may help reduce the prevalence and severity of EIPH. / Thesis (PHD)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Companion Animal Clinical Studies / unrestricted

Advancement in Understanding the Extreme Altitude and Ambient Temperature Impact on Diesel Engine and Aftertreatment Performance

Diesel Costa, Bárbara 04 April 2022 (has links)
[ES] El carácter cada vez más estricto de las normativas de emisiones ha provocado el desarrollo de motores de combustión más respetuosos con el medioambiente. La última normativa europea aplicada al sector del transporte ha ampliado el rango de condiciones de operación en el que se realizan las pruebas de homologación. Las variables de temperatura ambiente y altitud de conducción son ahora requisitos adicionales que deben tenerse en cuenta con la intención de reducir la diferencia entre el resultado de esas pruebas y en condiciones de conducción real. La comprensión del impacto de las condiciones ambientales sobre el funcionamiento del motor es algo fundamental para superar los inconvenientes que pueden representar la respuesta del motor y teniendo un gran impacto sobre las emisiones del mismo. Como consecuencia de la variación de la altitud y de la temperatura ambiente, las condiciones de contorno de los sistemas de postratamiento de los gases de escape (EATS) se modifican, comprometiendo su funcionamiento y repercutiendo en las emisiones liberadas a la atmosfera. En el caso concreto de los motores Diesel, los dos EATS más comunes son el catalizador de oxidación diesel (DOC) y el filtro de partículas diesel (DPF). En este contexto, la presente tesis doctoral propone diferentes enfoques a fin de comprender los principales efectos que las condiciones ambientales extremas provocan en el motor y en el funcionamiento del DOC y del DPF. Una parte importante de este trabajo ha consistido en la puesta en marcha de un banco de pruebas experimental equipado con un simulador de altitud y de una herramienta de modelización termo fluidodinámica unidimensional (1D) para un amplio análisis. Tras los resultados experimentales en condiciones de estado estacionario a baja temperatura, los mapas de contorno de las emisiones de CO y HC condujeron a la evaluación como las condiciones ambientales extremas repercuten en la temperatura de activación del DOC y en la eficiencia de conversión de las emisiones contaminantes. El análisis computacinal ayudó a elaborar directrices que determinan la contribución de las propiedades del flujo causadas por dichas condiciones. Asimismo, se ha abordado el efecto de la aplicación de soluciones computacionales de aislamiento térmico del escape sobre el DOC y la respuesta del motor. Por otro lado, se ha realizado experimentalmente la actuación de la turbina de geometría variable (VGT) sobre el proceso de regeneración del DPF. El impacto que la estrategia de presión de sobrealimentación tiene sobre la tasa de consumo de hollín durante la regeneración activa en función de la altitud de conducción se considera con la orientación de las herramientas de modelado. La discusión de la reducción de la tasa de regeneración en altitud con las estrategias de sobrealimentación estándar ha conducido a la reevaluación de la actuación de la de la turbina de geometría variable (VGT) para condiciones de altitud extrema. Por último, se ha analizado experimentalmente la sensibilidad de la posición del VGT y la tasa de EGR de baja presión (LP-EGR) sobre el comportamiento del motor a cargas parciales en un amplio rango de condiciones ambientales. Los resultados han conducido a la redefinición de la calibración del motor a fin de aumentar la temperatura de entrada del EATS al tiempo que se reduce el consumo específico de combustible. / [CA] El caràcter cada vegada més estricte de les normatives d'emissions ha provocat el desenvolupament de motors de combustió més respectuosos amb el medi ambient. L'última normativa europea aplicada al sector del transport ha ampliat el rang de condicions d'operació en el qual es realitzen les proves d'homologació. Les variables de temperatura ambient i altitud de conducció són ara requisits addicionals que han de tindre's en compte amb la intenció de reduir la diferència entre el resultat d'aqueixes proves i en condicions de conducció real. La comprensió de l'impacte de les condicions ambientals en el compliment de la normativa pel motor es fonamental per a superar els inconvenients que poden representar per a la resposta del motor amb un ampli impacte en les emissions d'aquest. A conseqüència de la variació de l'altitud o de la temperatura ambient, els límits dels sistemes de posttractament dels gasos de fuita (EATS) es modifiquen, comprometent el seu funcionament i repercutint en les emissions alliberades a la atmosfera. En el cas concret dels motors Dièsel, els dos EATS més comuns són el catalitzador d'oxidació dièsel (DOC) i el filtre de partícules dièsel (DPF). En aquest context, aquesta tesi doctoral proposa diferents enfocaments per a entendre els principals factors que les condicions ambientals extremes imposen al motor i al funcionament del DOC i del DPF. Una part important d'aquest treball ha consistit en la posada en marxa d'un banc de proves experimental equipat amb un simulador d'altitud i d'una eina de modelització termo fluidodinámica unidimensional (1D) per a una ampla anàlisi. Després dels resultats experimentals en condicions d'estat estacionari a baixa temperatura, els mapes de contorn de les emissions de CO i HC ha conduí a l'avaluació de com les condicions ambientals extremes repercuteixen en la temperatura d'activació del DOC i en l'eficiència de conversió de les emissions contaminants. L'anàlisi computacinal ha ajudat a elaborar directrius que determinen la contribució de les propietats del flux causades per aquestes condicions. Així mateix, l'efecte de l'aplicació de solucions d'aïllament tèrmic del tubo d'escapament sobre el DOC i la resposta del motor. D'altra banda, s'ha realitzat experimentalment l'actuació de la turbina de geometria variable (VGT) sobre el procés de regeneració del DPF. L'impacte que l'estratègia de pressió de sobrealimentació té sobre la taxa de consum de sutge durant la regeneració activa en funció de l'altitud de conducció es considera amb l'orientació de les eines de modelatge. La discussió de la reducció de la taxa de regeneració en altitud amb les estratègies de sobrealimentació estàndard ha conduït a la reavaluació de l'actuació de la de la turbina de geometria variable (VGT) per a condicions d'altitud extrema. Finalment, s'ha analitzat experimentalment la sensibilitat de la posició del VGT i la taxa de EGR de baixa pressió (LP-EGR) sobre el comportament del motor a càrregues parcials en un ampli rang de condicions ambientals. Els resultats han conduït a la redefinició del calibratge del motor a fi d'augmentar la temperatura d'entrada del EATS al mateix temps que es redueix el consum específic de combustible. / [EN] The increasingly stringent emission standards act as a guide for the development of cleaner vehicles in a context of climate change. The latest European regulations applied to the transportation sector widened the operation range where homologation tests are carried out. The variables of ambient temperature and driving altitude are now extra requirements that must be considered in a way to shorten the gap between those tests and real driving. The understanding of the ambient conditions impact on the engine response becomes fundamental to overcome the drawbacks represented by them, being determinant for the engine response with an extended impact on engine-out emissions. As a consequence of altitude or ambient temperature variation, the exhaust aftertreatment systems (EATS) boundaries are modified, compromising their operation and impacting on tailpipe emissions. In the specific case of Diesel engines, the two most common EATS are the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and the diesel particulate filter (DPF). In this context, this doctoral thesis proposes different approaches to understand the main factors that extreme ambient conditions impose to the engine and to the DOC and DPF operation. An important part of this work consisted of the set up of an experimental test bench equipped with an altitude simulator and of a one-dimensional (1D) thermo-fluid dynamic modelling tool for a wide-ranging analysis. Following low temperature steady state conditions experimental outcomes, CO and HC emission contour maps led to the evaluation of how extreme ambient conditions impact on the DOC light-off and pollutant emissions conversion efficiency. The modelling analysis helped to build guidelines that determine the contribution of the flow properties caused by such conditions. Besides, the effect of applying computational exhaust line thermal insulation solutions on the DOC and engine response is additionally addressed. On the other hand, the variable geometry turbine (VGT) actuation on the DPF regeneration process is performed experimentally. The impact that the boost pressure strategy has on the rate of soot depletion during active regeneration as a function of the driving altitude is considered with the guidance of the modelling tools. The reduction of the regeneration rate in altitude with standard boosting strategies is discussed, leading to the re-evaluation of the VGT actuation for high altitude practices. Finally, the sensitivity of the VGT position and low pressure exhaust gases recirculation (LP-EGR) rate at a vast array of ambient conditions is experimentally analysed for regular engine operation at partial loads. The results led to the engine calibration redefinition based on EATS inlet temperature increase and the reduction of the specific fuel consumption. / Diesel Costa, B. (2022). Advancement in Understanding the Extreme Altitude and Ambient Temperature Impact on Diesel Engine and Aftertreatment Performance [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181715 / TESIS

Adaptive Quaternion Control for a Miniature Tailsitter UAV

Knoebel, Nathan B. 30 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The miniature tailsitter is a unique aircraft with inherent advantages over typical unmanned aerial vehicles. With the capabilities of both hover and level flight, these small, portable systems can produce efficient maneuvers for enhanced surveillance and autonomy with little threat to surroundings and the system itself. Such vehicles are accompanied with control challenges due to the two different flight regimes. Problems with the conventional attitude representation arise in estimation and control as the system departs from level flight conditions. Furthermore, changing dynamics and limitations in modeling and sensing give rise to significant attitude control design challenges. Restrictions in computation also result from the limited size and weight capacity of the miniature airframe. In this research, the inherent control challenges discussed above are addressed with a computationally efficient adaptive quaternion control algorithm. A backstepping method for model cancellation and consistent tracking of reference model attitude dynamics is derived. This is used in conjunction with two different algorithms designed for the identification of system parameters. For a metric of baseline performance, gain-scheduled quaternion feedback control is developed. With a regularized data-weighting recursive least-squares parameter estimation algorithm, the adaptive quaternion controller is shown to be better than the baseline method in simulation and hardware results. This method is also shown to produce universal performance for all aircraft with the three conventional control surface actuators (aileron, elevator, and rudder) barring saturation and assuming accurate system identification. Testing of attitude control algorithms requires development in quaternion-based navigational control and attitude estimation. A novel technique for hover north/east position control is derived. Also, altitude tracking in hover, given an inconsistent thrust system, is addressed with an original method of on-line throttle system identification. Means for quaternion-based level flight control are produced from adaptations made to existing techniques employed in the Brigham Young University Multi-Agent Coordination and Control Lab. Also generated are simple trajectories for transitions between flight modes. A method for the estimation of quaternion attitude is developed, which uses multiple sensors combined in a filtering technique similar to the fixed-gain Kalman filter. Simulation and hardware results of these methods are presented for concept validation. A discussion of the development and production of these testing means (a simulation environment and hardware flight test system) is provided. In culmination, a fully autonomous miniature tailsitter system is produced with results demonstrating its various capabilities.

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