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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

För barnets bästa : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på sin anmälningsskyldighet

Birelius, Jennie January 2010 (has links)
This study is aimed at finding out how nursery and pre-school teachers carry out their obligation to report suspected child abuse, and their views on the issue. The study was alsoa imed at highlighting any difficulties teachers might have when dealing with children who arem istreated. In addition, the study examines the impact on teachers and children when thet eachers decide to either report or not report abuse. The main issues addressed by this study are:   Are pre-school and nursery teachers aware of their duty to report suspected child abuse and what are their opinions regarding this duty? How do the teachers claim they behave if obliged to report and what difficulties dothey encounter? In order to find the answer to these questions, qualitative interviews were made with eight pre-school teachers. The empirical evidence has been put in relation to theories of action and communication as well as to previous research in the area that concerns children who are mistreated. The study demonstrates the complexities that the duty to report child abuse creates and how the ambivalence that arises can inhibit a teacher’s actions. Fear of the consequences, regardless of whether the report is made or not, ultimately lead to paralysis, something which the conclusion also shows. Some of the conclusions drawn are that the support to teachers must improve in terms of better co-operation between pre-schools and social services. Moretime should also be set aside for training and for discussions with colleagues. The duty toreport suspected child abuse needs to be addressed in a way that makes it less daunting in order to encourage more teachers to do so. Apprehension regarding the possible consequences that would arise from reporting child abuse should not deter a teacher from helping a  vulnerable child.

Ambivalence, the external gaze and negotiation: exploring mixed race identity

Paragg, Jillian E. Unknown Date
No description available.

Cynisme et amoralité dans la comédie de Dancourt à Marivaux

Dhraief, Beya 21 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Malgré l'inversion de la signification du cynisme, ses deux acceptions principalesconservent de troublantes similitudes. Tout cynisme se montre : il s'exhibe par le dénuementexemplaire des ascètes comme par les possessions des parvenus. Le cynisme est doncontologiquement théâtral. Par son association à la dérision des valeurs ou à celle de leurabsence, il se rapproche plus spécifiquement de la comédie. Cynisme et comédie ont unemême ambivalence en partage.La relation des dramaturges à l'utile dulci s'est rarement révélée aussi complexe etévolutive qu'entre 1685 et 1750. Leurs postures par rapport à la place du rire et de la moraleau théâtre influent sur leurs manières de représenter le cynisme et l'amoralité. Mais leurappréciation des arcanes des subversions morale et amorale détermine réciproquement lapoétique de leurs comédies.Dancourt, Lesage, Regnard et autres joyeux drilles couvrent de leurs sarcasmes uneamoralité collective qu'ils dédaignent de corriger. En réaction à leurs provocations, leurscenseurs ligués dénoncèrent la corruption du théâtre et entreprirent sa réforme. La comédie setransforme notamment en chaire publique, grâce à l'action de Destouches qui substitue lamoralisation au rire. C'est en moralistes que Dufresny et Marivaux envisagent, en revanche,la genèse, les causes et les implications des travers moraux. Ils découvrent que, au siècle desLumières, les ténèbres prévalent : le Mal gangrène société, individus et langage. Sublimantleur pessimisme, leur désir d'y remédier les incite alors à évaluer, avec Delisle, la possibilitéde restaurer le cynisme antique pour réenchanter leur monde

Det val du gör, är det rätta valet. : en kvalitativ studie om attityder och beteende kring tonårsgraviditeter och aborter.

Petersson, Hanna, Svensson, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats beskriver eventuell problematik kring tonårsgraviditeter. I Sverige finns det cirka 200 ungdomsmottagningar, och den första öppnades 1970. I Sverige visar statistiken från 1970-2012 att tonårsgraviditeter har minskat men abortstatistiken har däremot. Syftet med studien är att beskriva eventuell problematik kring tonårsgraviditeter ␣ utifrån personalens perspektiv och erfarenheter på en ungdomsmottagning. Studien var kvalitativ och sju individer intervjuades, varav fem stycken var barnmorskor och två av dem kuratorer. Materialet analyserades sedan med inspiration från en kvalitativ innehållsanalys till tre kategorier, vilka är ␣ det inkonsekventa användandet av preventivmedel, problematiken kring ambivalens och relationen till partnern. Det inkonsekventa användandet av preventivmedel grundar sig i okunskap och nonchalans bland tonårsflickor. Ambivalensen uppstår i valet av att behålla graviditeten eller inte, och sista kategorin, relationen till partnern grundar sig i betydelsen av stöd och delaktighet i valet av att behålla eller avbryta graviditeten. Vår konklusion är att det förebyggande arbetet av tonårsgraviditeter måste öka och ungdomsmottagningar kan starta grupper där tonåringarna får träffa andra tonåringar i samma situation, och diskutera graviditeter. För att det förebyggande arbetet ska bli framgångsrikt, måste vi ha ett helhetsperspektiv gentemot tonårsflickorna och behandla varje individ som ett enskilt fall.

Young pregnancy and motherhood : a discourse analysis of context and expertise

Holgate, Helen Sarah January 2005 (has links)
Progressing into the 21st century young pregnancy and parenthood in the United Kingdom is a focus of political, media and public attention. The country is described as experiencing an epidemic, with the highest rates of young pregnancy and parenthood recorded in Western Europe. Statistics demonstrate that in 2000 38,690 under 18 year-olds in England became pregnant, of which 44.8% ended in legal termination. In light of this data, and within their remit to address the issue of Social Exclusion, New Labour commissioned a report into young pregnancy resulting in the development and implementation of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy. The Strategy has two main aims; namely reducing the rates of young conceptions and providing better support and education for young parents. This thesis argues from a conceptual framework that questions the contested assumption that young pregnancy and parenthood is a problem. A literature review demonstrates a lack of representation of the voices and experiences of young mothers. This directs the research question to ask what is the experience of young mothers in their own words and placed within context? Critical Discourse Analysis is used to examine three examples of context shaping data that includes government policy, a newspaper article and a radio talk show programme. The analysis reveals discourses that suggest there is a right time and framework for motherhood. These discourses form a dialectical relationship with voices and experiences of young mothers that are analysed using Discourse Analysis. This analysis elicits two key central discourses permeating the experiences of young mothers that are the Good- Bad mother binary that informs and exacerbates experiences of maternal ambivalence. Moreover, these discourses inform the practice of discrimination against young mothers. The thesis concludes with a call to listen to the experiences of young mothers in order that their needs might be more fully understood. It suggests that discrimination against young mothers be incorporated into Equal Opportunity and Anti- Discrimination policy.

Unfolding the conceptualisation and measurement of ambivalent attitudes

McGrane, Joshua Aaron January 2009 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / In the last two decades, ambivalence has emerged as one of the primary concerns of attitude researchers. The acknowledgement that individuals can simultaneously evaluate an attitude object as both positive and negative has challenged a number of the status quos of the attitude literature. This thesis utilises an unfolding approach to investigate the implications of ambivalence for the conceptualisation of attitudes and their measurement. Firstly, the assumption that ambivalence is at odds with the bipolar understanding of attitudes was investigated. The results suggested that ambivalence is consistent with bipolarity, whereby ambivalent attitudes are located at the centre of the bipolar dimension. Secondly, attitude scales for the abortion, euthanasia and Aboriginal Australians issues were constructed to reflect this bipolar understanding. The fit of these statements to Coombs’ (1964) unidimensional unfolding theory provided evidence that ambivalence is also consistent with the quantitative conceptualisation of attitudes. Together these results provided further validation of the unfolding approach to attitude measurement. These models alleviate many of the problems faced by the ubiquitous method of summated ratings, including the assessment of ambivalent evaluations. Finally, these scales were used to investigate the latent structure of attitudes and its relationship with meta-psychological judgements of ambivalence. The conclusions drawn from these analyses were limited by a number of issues, highlighting the importance of rigorously considering measurement issues for all attitude parameters. Nonetheless, they presented preliminary validation of these scales’ ability to measure ambivalent evaluations and suggested a systematic relationship between proximity to the centre of the evaluative dimension and metapsychological ambivalence. Overall, it is concluded that a number of assumptions regarding the implications of ambivalence are misplaced and the proposed solutions are even more troublesome. Suggestions for future research are made, particularly with respect to differentiating between ambivalent, indifferent and uncertain evaluative states. Furthermore, attitude researchers are encouraged to discard their operationalist biases in order to engage with the measurement issues illuminated throughout this thesis. This is necessary to account for the complexity of the attitude construct, which ambivalence is testament to.

Disentangling the relative influence of competing motivational response inclinations toward high-fat foods at implicit and explicit processing levels

Newton, Melanie January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] One aim of the present research program was to investigate motivational response inclinations toward high-caloric food at implicit and explicit processing levels with unipolar measures to account for ambivalence. A second aim was to examine the extent of the influence of these implicit and explicit processes on unhealthy eating behaviors, and specifically investigate why people reporting avoid motivational inclinations continue to indulge in high-fat foods. The aim of Study 1 was to examine discordance between implicit and explicit attitudes toward high-fat food in groups that differed in preference for high-fat food. Using a bipolar version of the Implicit Association Test (IAT), a group difference was found in implicit attitudes toward high-fat food with a trend toward concordance. The aims of Study 2 were to examine if concordance between implicit and explicit processes would be greater if one accounted for motivational ambivalence within and between implicit and explicit processing levels, and to test the influence of these processes on food choice behavior. Using a unipolar version of the IAT, a pattern of concordance was found between implicit and explicit inclinations in most participants, except for those reporting weak avoid and strong approach inclinations. Further, implicit avoid and explicit avoid inclinations were found to predict food choice behavior in a context that made body and weight concerns salient. A parallel study (Study 3) was conducted with a high-caloric food that is viewed very ambivalently by society (i.e., chocolate) to determine if societal ambivalence is reflected in implicit associations, and to test the influence of implicit and explicit processes on food choice behavior. In contrast to Study 2, results indicated that all groups were implicitly ambivalent toward chocolate. Further, implicit approach and explicit avoid inclinations were found to antagonistically predict behavior suggesting that the proximal benefits of chocolate indulgence tend to outweigh the distal consequences. ... Results showed that when the unhealthy consequences of high-fat food consumption were primed, implicit avoid motivational inclinations toward high-fat food could be differentially activated and influence choice of certain high-fat foods. In conclusion, this research program found evidence for eating-related ambivalence within and between implicit and explicit processing levels which underscores the importance of utilizing unipolar measures in research investigating motivational response inclinations toward food and other substances. Further, implicit and explicit processes were found to influence high-fat food choice behavior in an antagonistic pattern with implicit approach inclinations conflicting with explicit avoid inclinations when health and weight concerns were not salient, providing support for the additive predictive pattern of food choice. A key theoretical implication of this research program is that the integration of the dual process models (e.g., Strack & Deutsch, 2004) with the ambivalence model of substance craving (e.g., Breiner, Stritzke, & Lang, 1999) can advance the understanding of competing motivational response inclinations toward high-fat foods at the implicit and explicit levels.

Unfolding the conceptualisation and measurement of ambivalent attitudes

McGrane, Joshua Aaron January 2009 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / In the last two decades, ambivalence has emerged as one of the primary concerns of attitude researchers. The acknowledgement that individuals can simultaneously evaluate an attitude object as both positive and negative has challenged a number of the status quos of the attitude literature. This thesis utilises an unfolding approach to investigate the implications of ambivalence for the conceptualisation of attitudes and their measurement. Firstly, the assumption that ambivalence is at odds with the bipolar understanding of attitudes was investigated. The results suggested that ambivalence is consistent with bipolarity, whereby ambivalent attitudes are located at the centre of the bipolar dimension. Secondly, attitude scales for the abortion, euthanasia and Aboriginal Australians issues were constructed to reflect this bipolar understanding. The fit of these statements to Coombs’ (1964) unidimensional unfolding theory provided evidence that ambivalence is also consistent with the quantitative conceptualisation of attitudes. Together these results provided further validation of the unfolding approach to attitude measurement. These models alleviate many of the problems faced by the ubiquitous method of summated ratings, including the assessment of ambivalent evaluations. Finally, these scales were used to investigate the latent structure of attitudes and its relationship with meta-psychological judgements of ambivalence. The conclusions drawn from these analyses were limited by a number of issues, highlighting the importance of rigorously considering measurement issues for all attitude parameters. Nonetheless, they presented preliminary validation of these scales’ ability to measure ambivalent evaluations and suggested a systematic relationship between proximity to the centre of the evaluative dimension and metapsychological ambivalence. Overall, it is concluded that a number of assumptions regarding the implications of ambivalence are misplaced and the proposed solutions are even more troublesome. Suggestions for future research are made, particularly with respect to differentiating between ambivalent, indifferent and uncertain evaluative states. Furthermore, attitude researchers are encouraged to discard their operationalist biases in order to engage with the measurement issues illuminated throughout this thesis. This is necessary to account for the complexity of the attitude construct, which ambivalence is testament to.

Entre o Bem e o Mal: Uma abordagem teológico-literária da ambivalência da natureza humana em Incidente em Antares, de Erico Verissimo / Between good and evil: a theological-literary approach to the ambivalence of human nature inincident from Antares de Erico verissimo

Luckner, Rita de Cassia Scocca 06 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2017-04-04T17:52:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RITALUCKNER.pdf: 1151121 bytes, checksum: 0bb5d45dfb43d12bf5d4f4bf66c650d4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-04T17:52:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RITALUCKNER.pdf: 1151121 bytes, checksum: 0bb5d45dfb43d12bf5d4f4bf66c650d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The purpose of this work is a theological-literary approach of the novel Incidente em Antares, written in 1971, by Erico Verissimo (1905 -1975). It is an analysis of the mentioned book, whose aim is to observe the characteristics and attitudes of the characters elaborated by the author and his comic and ironic language as well, used for him in order to deal with matters related to the daily life, and suggests the coexistence of the good and evil which are revealed in human actions. In this way, will be highlighted the situations which were narrated in the book and can be related to some behaviors which refer to the flaws. Therefore, they can be associated to the seven capital sins, listed by Tomas de Aquino and the virtues which oppose them. Accordingly, we will be emphasize the work’s symbolical composition, as well as will be verified the dialogical relation between theology and literature. The components, the sins and virtues, whose are implicitly interconnected, are an introductory element for a reflection about the human nature ambivalence, whereby the correspondence to the seven dead characters from the novel with the known seven capital sins, as well as the actions of the characters that can be related to the virtues, allows through the literary verb to point the human being vocation to the good and to the evil, whose the frontiers is where the hope emerges. / A proposta deste trabalho é uma abordagem teológico-literária da obra Incidente em Antares, escrita em 1971, por Erico Verissimo (1905 -1975). Trata-se de uma análise da referida obra com o intuito de observar características e atitudes dos personagens criadas pelo autor, assim como a linguagem cômica e irônica usada por ele para tratar de assuntos da vida cotidiana, que sugerem um apontamento do bem e do mal que coexistem e se revelam nas atitudes humanas. Nesse sentido, serão apontadas as situações narradas na obra que podem ser relacionadas a certos comportamentos que nos remetem às faltas e, diante disso, podem ser associados aos pecados capitais listados por Tomas de Aquino, assim como às virtudes que os contrapõem. Dessa forma, será ressaltada a composição simbólica da obra analisada, como também será conferida a relação dialógica entre teologia e literatura. Os componentes, virtudes e pecados, os quais estão interligados implicitamente na obra, serão o elemento introdutório para uma reflexão acerca da ambivalência da natureza humana, em que a correspondência dos sete defuntos personagens do romance com os conhecidos sete pecados capitais, assim como as ações dos personagens que remetem às virtudes, permitem, por meio do verbo literário, apontar a vocação do ser humano tanto para o bem quanto para o mal, em cujas fronteiras encontra-se o sentimento de esperança.

Dödshjälp eller livshjälp? : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av palliativ sedering / A merciful death or an increased support of life? : Nurses' experiences of palliative sedation

Berg, Alexandra, Karlsson, Natalie January 2018 (has links)
Sjuksköterskans roll i den palliativa vården är att främja autonomi, livskvalité och lindra lidande. Palliativ sedering är en behandlingsmetod som syftar till att minska outhärdligt lidande, men som leder till en reducerad medvetandenivå och inskränkning av personlig frihet där sjuksköterskan är högst involverad. Litteraturstudiens syfte var att undersöka sjuksköterskors upplevelser av palliativ sedering. Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie med stöd av innehållsanalys utifrån en induktiv ansats. I litteraturstudiens resultat framkommer det att sjuksköterskor upplever en ambivalens vid medverkan i palliativ sedering. Sjuksköterskor erfar etiska dilemman när önskan att göra det bästa för patienten står i relation till att frånta patientens autonomi och rädsla att påskynda döden. Beprövad erfarenhet och evidensbaserade riktlinjer är idag inte tillräckliga för att sjuksköterskor ska känna sig trygga i att bedriva vård avseende palliativ sedering. En etablering av tydlig lagstiftning och nationella riktlinjer är därför av värde för att främja en god vård på lika villkor. / Nurses’ role in the palliative care is to promote autonomy, quality of life and relieve suffering. Palliative sedation is a treatment method that aims to reduce unbearable suffering, but leads to a reduced level of consciousness and limitation of autonomy which the nurse contributes to. The aim of the study was to examine nurses' experiences of palliative sedation. The study was conducted as a general literature study, guided by content analysis based on an inductive approach. The results of the literature study reveals that nurses’ experience an ambivalence in the participation of palliative sedation. Nurses' experience ethical dilemmas when the desire to do what seems best for the patient, is inadequate to depriving patient autonomy and fear of hastening death. Guidelines nor the knowledge of palliative sedation are seen enough to provide nurses’ with comfort in their work with palliative sedation. An establishment of regulations and national guidelines are therefor of value to promote good care on equal terms.

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