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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A flauta solista na música contemporânea brasileira: três propostas de análise técnico-interpretativas / A flauta solista na música contemporânea brasileira: três propostas de análise técnico-interpretativas

Cassia Carrascoza Bomfim 04 September 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação discorre sobre os problemas relativos à performance de três obras brasileiras do repertório contemporâneo para flauta solo: Les silences d´un étrange jardin de Silvio Ferraz, Variações de Marisa Rezende e Sete palavras e um punhal de Aylton Escobar. As obras foram analisadas sob a ótica da análise técnico-interpretativa, com destaque às questões relativas às técnicas expandidas para flauta. Investiguei os problemas técnicos de execução em minúcias e procurei descrever as soluções que agregassem o gestual sonoro ao físico. Concluo ressaltando a importância do relacionamento compositor-performer para a criação e execução deste repertório. De maneira geral, todas as três obras dão uma grande liberdade ao intérprete: Les silences destaca-se pela variedade de técnicas expandidas; a obra de Marisa Rezende apesar da simplicidade aparente pode ser interpretada virtuosisticamente enquanto Sete palavras e um punhal o principal desafio é a preparação dos tapes o uso da fala exigidas pela partitura, a qual os músicos não estão habituados. / This thesis deals with the performance problems of three contemporary works from the Brazilian repertoire for solo flute: Les silences d´un Étrange Jardin by Silvio Ferraz, Variações by Marisa Rezende and Sete Palavras e um Punhal by Aylton Escobar. The pieces were analyzed from a technical-interpretive point of view, with emphasis on extended technique for the flute. I investigated the technical performance practice problems thoroughly while seeking to encounter solutions which combine sonorous and physical gestures. In general, all the pieces give a great deal of freedom to the performer. Les silences displays a great variety of extended techniques while Rezendes work, in spite of its apparent simplicity, could be played with virtuosity. The two main challenges of Sete palavras e um punhal are the preparation of the tapes and with the use the spoken language during performance, a situation to which musicians are normally not accustomed. I conclude by emphasizing the importance of the performer-composer relationship in the creation and performance of this repertoire.

Vývoj kompozitů na bázi alkalicky aktivovaných matric odolných vůči působení extrémních teplot / The development of composites based on alkali-activated matrices resistant to extreme temperatures

Ševčík, Marek January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the development of composites from alkali activated materials (AAM) and their resistance to extreme temperatures. The theoretical part describes alkaline activation and precursors for the production of AAM. Furthermore, the problem of the effect of extreme temperatures on these materials is described. In the experimental part, the optimal silicate modulus with respect to the properties of AAM was gradually determined, and the effect of extreme temperatures on the AAM matrix was verified. In the next stage, the effect of the filler with respect to the behavior at extreme temperatures was tested and then the final formulation was optimized.

La criminalistique et le procès pénal / The Forensic Science and the Criminal Trial

Daoust, François 17 January 2018 (has links)
La France s’inscrit dans une vision idéalisée de la criminalistique dont la force probante apporterait les réponses incontestables au procès pénal. Cette croyance est historique et s’appuie sur les travaux des pionniers français qui ont ouvert la voie à ce que d’aucuns ont appelé, par abus de langage, l’apport de la preuve scientifique. Mais le paysage de la criminalistique n’est pas aussi simple que les acteurs au procès pénal le supposent. Le système criminalistique existant, la formation des intervenants, la connaissance de la valeur informationnelle de la trace avec sa vie juridique comme sa traçabilité scientifique, parfois soumise à un cadre normatif extérieur au droit, sont autant de domaines rarement abordés. À travers les différentes matières composant la criminalistique, en percevoir le contenu et leur puissance scientifique, mais également leurs limites, apportent un éclairage particulier de ce qu’est l’interprétation des résultats analytiques en France, et ce qu’elle devrait être quel que soit le moment judiciaire qu’exige le déroulement de la procédure pénale. Cette présentation met en exergue l’existence de la réalisation d’actes scientifiques souvent négligés et qui vient relativiser la notion d’examens scientifiques et d’expertises pourtant sacralisés par le droit et la jurisprudence. Cette étude de la criminalistique dans le procès pénal, met en évidence la perception qu’en ont les acteurs, la compréhension réciproque difficile avec les experts, mais également celles d’organismes plus institutionnels, montrant que les intérêts sont parfois divergents entre une vision comptable de la justice et celle de la recherche de la vérité, pourtant inscrite dans les textes. Une présentation de la perception comme de la mise en œuvre de la criminalistique en droit comparé à travers la procédure et la jurisprudence accusatoires donne un éclairage sur des débats juridiques qui frappent à la porte de notre système inquisitoire par l’introduction toujours plus engagée du contradictoire. Mieux comprendre les sciences introduites au procès pénal et les rendre accessibles devrait donner aux acteurs une capacité de discernement et d’interprétation plus pertinente, notamment pour les juges qui doivent à partir de toutes ces connaissances, indices et réponses scientifiques en construire la preuve pénale. / France believes in an idealized vision of forensic science, the probative force of which would provide incontestable answers to the criminal trial. This belief is historical and is based on the work of the French pioneers who paved the way for what some have called, by abuse of language, the contribution of scientific proof. But the forensic landscape is not as simple as the actors in the criminal trial assume. Existing forensic systems, training of stakeholders, knowledge of the informational value of the trace with its legal life as well as its scientific traceability, sometimes subject to a normative framework outside the law are all rarely dealt with. Through the various subjects of forensic science, by perceiving their content and their scientific power, but also by their limitations, they shed particular light on the interpretation of analytical results in France and what it should be the judicial time required for the conduct of criminal proceedings. This presentation highlights the existence of the realization of scientific acts often neglected and that relativizes the notion of scientific examinations and expert appraisals yet sacred by law and jurisprudence. This study of criminalistic in the criminal trial highlights the perception of the actors, the difficult mutual understanding with the experts, but also those of more institutional administrations, showing that the interests are sometimes divergent between an accounting vision Justice and the search for truth, which is nevertheless inscribed in the texts. A presentation of the perception as well as the implementation of forensic science in comparative law through accusatory procedure and jurisprudence sheds light on legal debates that strike the door of our inquisitorial system by the increasingly engaged introduction of contradictory. A better understanding of the sciences introduced into the criminal process and making them accessible should give the actors a more relevant capacity for discernment and interpretation, in particular for judges who must draw up the criminal proof from all these scientific knowledge, answers and evidences.

Utveckling av fastigheten Hydro : Framtagning av förslagshandlingar / Development of the property Hydro : Development of concept drawings

Bergh, Alexander, Pettersson, Erik January 2013 (has links)
Sölvesborg är en stad under expansion, dit lockas folk av en lantlig idyll nära havet. Sölvesborgs kommun har som mål att öka invånarantalet från 16 000 till 20 000 fram till år 2020. Kommunen äger fastigheten Hydro vilken är centralt belägen i Sölvesborg i anslutning till tågstationen. Idag används fastigheten Hydro till en parkeringsyta och kommunen vill att fastigheten ska planeras om för att bli en ny central knytpunkt i Sölvesborg som binder ihop tågstationen och förlänger centrumstråket. Detta examensarbete leder till färdiga förslagshandlingar för fastigheten. Koncept och handlingar tas fram utefter analyser som gjorts kring hur staden är uppbyggd och vilka intressen som finns. Detta resulteras i en byggnad som har en större kommersiell del i markplan och plan 2 till plan 11 är tillägnade med fyra stycken lägenheter per plan. Ledordet för arkitekturen har varit att försöka skapa ett nytt landmärke för Sölvesborg, föra in den moderna arkitekturen i en större skala i ett gammalt småskaligt samhälle på ett naturligt sätt. / Sölvesborg is a city under expansion, people are attracted by a rural idyll close to the sea and the municipality's goal is to increase the population from 16,000 to 20,000 until year 2020. The municipality owns the property Hydro which is located in the central parts of Sölvesborg adjacent to the train station. Today the property Hydro is used as a parking space, the municipality is interested to change the property. They want to make it to a new central hub in Sölvesborg, connecting the railway station and extend the center strip. Our work is to create concept drawings for the property Hydro, These concept drawings are based on analyzes regarding the context of the city and the city’s citizens. This has resulted in a building that has a larger commercial area in the ground floor and above the ground floor are ten floors with four apartments on each floor. The guiding principle for the design has been to try to create a new landmark for Sölvesborg, bringing in the modern architecture on a larger scale in the old small scale society in a natural way.

Coévolution des niches écologiques d’Homo sapiens et de la guilde des carnivores au Paléolithique supérieur

Bouchard, Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
Il y a deux millions d’années, les ancêtres d’Homo sapiens ont consommé de façon plus soutenue des protéines d’origine animale, ce qui leur a permis d’intégrer la guilde des carnivores, et ainsi marquer durablement le cours de leur histoire évolutive. L'ancienneté du phénomène étant associée à des limites matérielles, le contexte de la dispersion humaine dans l’ouest de la steppe à mammouth européenne, ainsi que la disponibilité des preuves archéologiques qui lui sont reliées, offre une occasion unique de se pencher sur cette étape importante de l’évolution des membres de la guilde des carnivores et des humains. La dispersion humaine, en tant qu’invasions biologiques, semble avoir mené à des impacts de nature maligne avec des conséquences qui ont affecté la diversité trophique, la compétition et les comportements des membres de la guilde, à la période culturelle associée au techno-complexe gravettien. Les méthodes d’analyses isotopiques ont aussi permis de mettre en lumière des informations permettant de participer à une meilleure compréhension du processus de transition Paléolithique moyen et supérieur et de mesurer l’influence des relations coévolutives intraguildes qui ont pu mener aux processus de domestication. / Two million years ago, the ancestors of Homo sapiens have increased their protein animal consumption, what it allowed them to join the guild of carnivores, and shaping a lasting way their evolution history. The antiquity of the phenomenon being associated with material limits, the context of human dispersal in the western European mammoth steppe, and the availability of archaeological evidence related to it, offers a unique opportunity to examine the evolution of carnivore guild members and humans. Human dispersal, as biological invasions, appears to have led to the impacts of a malignant nature with consequences that affected trophic diversity, competition, and behaviours of guild members, in the cultural period associated with the techno-complex Gravettian. The isotopic analysis methods have also used to highlight information allowing a better understanding of the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic transition process and to estimate the influence of intraguild coevolutionary relations which may have led to the domestication process.

Untersuchungen zur Physiologie des Essigsäurebakteriums Gluconobacter oxydans 621H / Investigations on the Physiology of the Acetic Acid Bacterium Gluconobacter oxydans 621H

Hoffmeister, Marc 02 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Origine de la minéralisation des eaux dans un aquifère multicouche profond : exemple de la "zone minéralisée de l'Entre-Deux-Mers" (Bassin Aquitain, France) / Origin of groundwaters’ mineralization in a deep multi-layered aquifer : example of the “mineralized Entre-Deux-Mers area” (Aquitaine Basin, France)

Malcuit, Eline 02 April 2012 (has links)
La caractérisation géochimique et isotopique des eaux souterraines de la « zone minéralisée de l’Entre-Deux-Mers » indique une origine commune de la minéralisation, directement liée à la minéralogie des formations captées par les forages.La géochimie montre que les interactions eau-roche sont majoritairement influencées par la présence d’évaporites, mais que d’autres interactions mettant en jeu des carbonates, des silicates et des argiles existent. Un modèle géochimique d’acquisition de la minéralisation reconstitue parfaitement la chimie des eaux souterraines à l’échelle de la zone d’étude. Ce modèle, construit en se basant sur la géochimie des eaux et sur la minéralogie des formations tertiaires du nord du Bassin aquitain, met à l’équilibre des eaux avec des formations carbonatées et évaporitiques. Afin de mieux comprendre la distribution latérale et verticale des formations tertiaires et leur minéralogie, une approche paléogéographique et sédimentologique a permis de localiser les différents horizons riches en sulfates et/ou en fluorures, mais aussi de comprendre leur origine de dépôt. En se basant sur l’hydrogéologie, la paléogéographie, la minéralogie et la géochimie, des hypothèses de répartition de la minéralisation à l’échelle du forage ont pu être testées. Les résultats de la modélisation couplée hydrodynamique–transport reconstituent la chimie des eaux prélevées par les forages de la « zone minéralisée de l’Entre-Deux-Mers ». Au vu de ces résultats, un modèle avec obturation des horizons riches en sulfates et en fluorures a été testé et les résultats obtenus ouvrent des perspectives pour des futures recherches. Ce travail a donc permis de comprendre l’origine de la minéralisation des eaux de « la zone minéralisée de l’Entre-Deux-Mers », mais aussi de proposer des améliorations et des perspectives pour une meilleure gestion d’une des principales ressources en eau potable de la Gironde. / Geochemical and isotopic characterizations of groundwaters in the "mineralized Entre-Deux-Mers area" indicate a common origin of the mineralization, directly linked to the mineralogy of the formations abstracted by drilling.Geochemistry shows that water-rock interactions are mainly influenced by the presence of evaporites, and that but that other interactions involving carbonates, silicates and clays exist. A geochemical model based on the water geochemistry and mineralogy of the Tertiary formations of northern Aquitaine Basin fix waters in equilibrium with evaporitic and carbonated formations. This model reconstitutes perfectly the groundwaters’ chemistry across the study area and explains the mineralization acquisition. Improving the understanding of the lateral and vertical distribution of tertiary formations and their mineralogy requires a sedimentological and paleogeographical approach. This approach allowed to locate the different layers rich in sulphates and/or fluoride and to understand also their origin.Based on hydrogeology, paleogeography, mineralogy and geochemistry, the distribution of the mineralization has been tested at the borehole scale. The results of this coupled hydrodynamic-transport modeling reconstitute the chemistry of the groundwaters in the "mineralized Entre-Deux-Mers area." A model, that considers the sealing of sulphates- and fluorides-rich layers has been tested and its results highlights future research perspectives. This work has allowed understanding the origin of the mineralization of the waters "of the mineralized Entre-Deux-Mers area" and also suggests improvements and prospects for sustainable management of a major drinking water resource in Gironde.


VINICIUS PIZANI GUIMARAES DE GOES 01 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] O mercado Pet pode ser considerado grande, assim como, indica um forte crescimento. Entre 2011 a 2016, este mercado cresceu 6,9 bilhões de reais, o que gera uma grande motivação de investir em iniciativas neste setor. Este trabalho propõe a utilização de uma metodologia multicritério para a escolha de locais para a instalação de uma pet shop e expansão de sua rede, baseando-se em fatores de decisão relevantes para a zona sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A utilização desta metodologia engloba, considera e pondera os critérios de maneira agregada sendo eles estratégicos e mercadológicos, tais como: potencial de demandas, concorrentes locais e seus escopos de atuação, fluxo de pessoas/clientes, assim como, os perfis dos clientes e suas necessidades, de maneira que todos os fatores possam ser considerados na tomada de decisão de localização de pontos comerciais para expansão de Pet shops e veterinárias. Foram levantados e estudados aspectos com relação à localização de unidades de serviços e varejo e facilidades de infraestrutura em ambientes competitivos, assim como, os principais modelos de decisão das duas escolas tradicionais neste campo, os da escola europeia (métodos ELECTRE e os métodos PROMÉTHÉE), e os da escola americana (métodos: MAUT, AHP e MACBETH). Além desses modelos, outros, como o SAW (Simple Additive Weighting), que não pertence às duas escolas, e foi o método mais utilizado de 2003 a 2013 para tomadas de decisões com relação à seleção de local de instalação de pontos de varejo, também foi estudado, inclusive este, foi o modelo escolhido para a realização deste trabalho. Também foram analisados no estudo um caso de implantação do modelo para o mercado de drogarias, englobando a venda de produtos e serviços no ponto de venda. O resultado obtido foi um ranking de possíveis localidades para instalação de pontos comerciais de Pet shops e Veterinárias, considerando os critérios, pesos adotados e notas finais atribuídas a cada bairro. / [en] The Pet market can be considered big, as well, indicates strong growth. Between 2011 and 2016, this market grew 6.9 billion of Real, which generates a great motivation to invest in initiatives in this sector. This work proposes the use of a multicriteria methodology for the selection of sites for the installation of a pet shop and expansion of its network, based on decision factors relevant to the southern zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro. The use of this methodology encompasses, considers and weighs the criteria in an aggregate way, being strategic and market oriented, such as: potential of demands, local competitors and their scope of action, flow of people / customers, as well as customer profiles and their needs, so that all factors can be considered in the decision making of the location of commercial points for expansion of Pet shops and veterinary. Aspects related to the location of service and retail units and infrastructure facilities in competitive environments were raised and studied, as well as the main decision models of the two traditional schools in this field, those of the European school (ELECTRE methods and PROMÉTHEE methods) , and those of the American school (methods: MAUT, AHP and MACBETH). In addition to these models, others, such as SAW (Simple Additive Weighting), which do not belong to the two schools, and was the most used method from 2003 to 2013 for decisionmaking with regard to retail location installation selection, also was studied, including this one, was the chosen model for the accomplishment of this work. Also analyzed in the study was a case of implanting the model for the drugstore market, encompassing the sale of products and services at the point of sale. The result obtained was a ranking of possible localities for the installation of commercial points of Pet shops and Veterinary, considering the criteria, adopted weights and final marks assigned to each neighborhood.

Technicko-technologický audit úpravny vody / Technical and technological audit of the water treatment plant

Jedličková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the submitted diploma thesis is the implementation and evaluation of the technical and technological audit of water management systems of water treatment plants – concretely Plzeň Water Treatment Plants. Part of its audit is a description of potable water production, including the evaluation of the TEA Water treatment plant, evaluation of quality assurance of raw and produced drinking water, analysis of costs and pricing costing, personnel evaluation, care of the plant and draft measures for better working of the whole system. The work also focuses on the characteristics, history and the past reconstruction and more detailed description of the individual cleaning stages of the selected water treatment plant in Pilsen. The audit itself was preceded by the study of current legislation, namely the Law No. 274/2001 Coll. and Decree No. 428/2001 Coll. The diploma thesis also describes performing laboratory analyzes in an accredited laboratory of Plzeň Water Treatment Plants.

On-line marketingová komunikace / On-line marketing communication

Ostrovská, Nina January 2021 (has links)
Marketing, online marketing communication, advertising, marketing research, questionnaire survey

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