Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dnd real time"" "subject:"nnd real time""
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Kritiska framgångsfaktorer för Business Intelligence i realtidJönsson, Ola, Lindelöf Holmqvist, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Den ökade mängden realtidsdata som bland annat IoT-utvecklingen för med sig gör business intelligence (BI) i realtid mer relevant än någonsin. Då många BI-projekt tenderar till att misslyckas är förståelse av kritiska framgångsfaktorer vitalt. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka skillnader i kritiska framgångsfaktorer som utmärker implementationer av realtids-BI (RBI) system jämfört med BI-implementationer. Semistrukturerade intervjuer baserade på forskning kring framgångsfaktorer för BI har använts för att undersöka utmärkande drag för RBI. Studien har identifierat att RBI kräver en arkitektur designad för att stödja analys av strömmande data samt att RBI kräver ett mer visionärt och experimentellt förhållningssätt. Slutligen belyser studien att risken för feltolkning och felaktiga slutsatser ökar då beslut tas utifrån rådata. Därmed krävs en högre datakvalitet vid RBI för att data ska anses vara av en hållbar kvalitet. / The increased amount of real-time data, such as IoT's development, makes business intelligence (BI) in real-time more relevant than ever before. As many BI projects tend to fail, the understanding of critical success factors are vital. This study aims to investigate the differences in critical success factors that characterize implementations of real-time BI (RBI) systems versus BI implementations. Semi-structured interviews based on research of critical success factors for BI has been used to investigate distinguishing features for RBI. The study has identified that RBI requires an architecture designed to support analysis of streaming data and that a more visionary and experimental approach is required. Finally, the study highlights that the risk of misinterpretation and incorrect conclusions increases when decisions are taken based on raw data. Therefore, higher data quality is required to be considered to be a sustainable quality in the RBI context.
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Návrh a implementace nástroje pro hierarchickou grafickou specifikaci systémů pracujících v reálném čase / Design and Implementation of a Tool for Hierarchical Graphical Specification of Real-Time SystemsGach, Marek January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is aimed to specify and implement multi-purpose framework able to deal with graphical real-time system specification. This tool allows to use arbitrary verification approach to resulting system model check. Description of basic formal specification methods based on mathematic logic is done. Some well-known hierarchical graphical specifications for real-time systems are depictured. Author proposed suitable cases for functionality examination of resulting framework.
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Procedural Natural Texture Generation on a Global ScalePohl Lundgren, Anna January 2023 (has links)
This Master’s thesis investigates the application of dynamically generated procedural terrain textures for texturing 3D representations of the Earth’s surface. The study explores techniques to overcome limitations of the currently most common method – projecting satellite imagery onto the mesh – such as insufficient resolution for close-up views and challenges in accommodating external lighting models. Textures for sand, rock and grass were generated procedurally on the GPU. Aliasing was prevented using a clamping technique, dynamically changing the level of detail when freely navigating across diverse landscapes. The general color of each terrain type was extracted from the satellite images, guided by land cover rasters, in a process where shadows were eliminated using HSV color space conversion and filtering. The procedurally generated textures provide significantly more details than the satellite images in close-up views, while missing some information in medium- to far-distance views, due to the satellite images containing information lacking in the 3D mesh. A qualitative analysis spanning six data sets from diverse global locations demonstrates that the proposed methods are applicable across a range of landscapes and climates.
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Design of a Resource Management Service for the Quality-based Adaptive Resource Management ArchitectureFleeman, David T. 29 December 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Heuristic Algorithms for Adaptive Resource Management of Periodic Tasks in Soft Real-Time Distributed SystemsDevarasetty, Ravi Kiran 14 February 2001 (has links)
Dynamic real-time distributed systems are characterized by significant run-time uncertainties at the mission and system levels. Typically, processing and communication latencies in such systems do not have known upper bounds and event and task arrivals and failure occurrences are non-deterministically distributed. This thesis proposes adaptive resource management heuristic techniques for periodic tasks in dynamic real-time distributed systems with the (soft real-time) objective of minimizing missed deadline ratios. The proposed resource management techniques continuously monitor the application tasks at run-time for adherence to the desired real-time requirements, detects timing failures or trends for impending failures (due to workload fluctuations), and dynamically allocate resources by replicating subtasks of application tasks for load sharing. We present "predictive" resource allocation algorithms that determine the number of subtask replicas that are required for adapting the application to a given workload situation using statistical regression theory. The algorithms use regression equations that forecast subtask timeliness as a function of external load parameters such as number of sensor reports and internal resource load parameters such as CPU utilization. The regression equations are determined off-line and on-line from application profiles that are collected off-line and on-line, respectively. To evaluate the performance of the predictive algorithms, we consider algorithms that determine the number of subtask replicas using empirically determined functions. The empirical functions compute the number of replicas as a function of the rate of change in the application workload during a "window" of past task periods. We implemented the resource management algorithms as part of a middleware infrastructure and measured the performance of the algorithms using a real-time benchmark. The experimental results indicate that the predictive, regression theory-based algorithms generally produce lower missed deadline ratios than the empirical strategies under the workload conditions that were studied. / Master of Science
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Realtidsmätning inom fastighetsbildning med "Precise Point Positioning" (PPP) / Real-time measurement in the real property with the "Precise Point Positioning" (PPP)Kvarnström, Victor, Wallerström, Jessica January 2016 (has links)
Vid GNSS-positionering i samband med fastighetsbildningsåtgärder används vanligtvis den traditionella RTK-mätningen (Real-Time Kinematic) via SWEPOS nätverks-RTK-tjänst. Denna tjänst kräver mobiltelefontäckning eller motsvarande tvåvägskommunikation, vilket kan vara problematiskt inom områden med bristfällig mobiltelefontäckning. Under dessa förhållanden kan istället PPP-mätning (Precise Point Positioning) vara användbart vid fastighetsbildningsåtgärder då dessa tjänster tar emot korrektionsdata i realtid från satelliter. PPP kräver inte någon mobiltelefontäckning, däremot krävs en kommunikationslänk, en RTX-tjänst för att erhålla korrektioner externt från en RTX-satellit. Syftet med studien är att undersöka möjligheten till att nyttja PPP i realtid vid fastighetsbildningsåtgärder som ett alternativ till traditionell GNSS-mätning med nätverks-RTK. För att PPP ska vara ett alternativ till traditionell GNSS-mätning i realtid krävs det att mätosäkerhetskraven inom fastighetsbildning uppfylls. Mätosäkerheten undersöktes genom att utgå ifrån redan kända koordinater (RIX 95-punkter). Mätningarna har genomförts på fem olika platser i Sverige, Göteborg, Vänersborg, Karlstad, Torsby och Malung-Sälen. Mätdata som erhölls från undersökningsplatserna har analyserats samt jämförts med fastighetsbildningskraven. Resultatet av studien erhölls i form av analyserad mätdata med jämförelser mot redan kända (RIX 95) punkter. Avikelsen från känd RIX 95-punkt redovisas i resultatet utifrån tidsaspekten, den systematiska avvikelsen av translativ art, förändringar i avvikelsen från söder till norr samt utifrån två beräkningsmodeller, varav en translation och en transformation. För att få den erhållna mätdatan från RTX-tjänsten att överensstämma bättre med referenspunkten (RIX 95-punkten) togs beräkningsmodellerna fram för att möjliggöra modellering av systematiska avvikelser som uppkommit och därmed uppfylla kraven inom fasighetsbildningsåtgärder. Genom att ha analyserat och granskat olika samband har det framkommit att efter ca 20 minuters mätning, börjar precisionen för mätningarna att bli stabila. Utifrån resultatet är slutsatsen att PPP inte fungerar vid fastighetsbildningsåtgärder för områden inom stomnät, däremot fungerar metoden för skogs- och jordbruksfastigheter utanför stomnät. Förutsatt att en modellering genom translation alternativt transformation som är framtagen i denna studie används för att justera koordinaterna så fungerar PPP-mätning inom samtliga fastighetsbildningsåtgärder. Detta kräver då att mätdata erhålls efter 20 minuters mätning eller mer. / GNSS positioning in conjunction with the real property is usually used the traditional RTK measuring (Real-Time Kinematic) by SWEPOS network RTK service. This service requires mobile phone coverage or equivalent two-way communication, which can be problematic in areas with poor mobile phone coverage. Under these circumstances, PPP (Point Positioning Precise) could be more useful in real property measures when such services receives the correction data in real time from the satellites. PPP does not require any cell phone coverage, however it requires a communication link, a RTX service to obtain corrections externally from a RTX satellite. The purpose of the study is to examine the possibility of using PPP in real time at the real property as an alternative to traditional GNSS measurements with network RTK. The measurement uncertainty was investigated by starting out from already known coordinates (RIX 95 points). The measurements were performed out at five different locations in Sweden, Gothenburg, Vanersborg, Karlstad, Torsby and Malung-Salen. Measurement data obtained from the observations have been analyzed and compared with real property requirements. The results of the study were obtained in the form of data analyzed by comparison of the known (RIX 95) points. The deviation is known from RIX 95 point recognized in income based on the time factor, the bias of the translative case species, changes in deviation from south to north and from two calculation models, a translation and a transformation. To correct the measured values from the RTX service for a better match to the RIX 95 points calculation models were developed to facilitate the modeling of systematic deviations incurred and meet the demands of real property. Analyzing and examining various relationships have shown that after about 20 minutes of measuring, the precision of the measurements starts to become more stable. Based on the results, the conclusion is that the PPP does not work in real property areas within the core network, however, the method works for forestry and agricultural properties outside the core network. Assuming a modelling through translational alternative transformation, developed in this study is used to adjust the coordinates, the PPP measurement is working in all real property registration measures. This requires that the measurement data is obtained after 20 minutes of measurement or more.
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Mitochondriale DNA Mutationen und Untersuchungen zum oxidativen Stress beim idiopathischen ParkinsonsyndromSonnenschein, Anka 12 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Bis heute ist die Ätiopathogenese der Parkinson Krankheit noch nicht geklärt. Verschiedene Abweichungen im Stoffwechsel von Betroffenen konnten zwar detektiert werden (z.B. Komplex I-Mangel, erhöhte Eisen- und 8-OHdG Werte im Gehirn), aber bis heute gibt es keine eindeutigen Hinweise, wodurch es zur Entstehung der Krankheit kommt. Da es am wahrscheinlichsten ist, dass die Krankheit multifaktoriell bedingt ist, könnten auch Mutationen der mitochondrialen DNA eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Entscheidende Hinweise darauf lieferten Experimente mit Cybrid–Zellen. Bisherige Screeninguntersuchungen des mitochondrialen Genoms konnten allerdings noch keine eindeutigen krankheitsspezifischen Mutationen nachweisen. Die Theorie, dass oxidativer Stress in Verbindung mit der Parkinsonschen Krankheit stehen könnte, fand Unterstützung, als signifikant erhöhte Produkte der Lipidperoxidation (Malondialdehyd, Lipidhydroperoide) in der Substantia nigra (Dexter et al., 1989 b, 1994) und ein abnormaler Eisenstoffwechsel in den Basalganglien des Gehirns (Dexter et al., 1987; Dexter et al., 1989a; Cadet, 2001; Hirsch et al., 1991) einiger Patienten nachgewiesen worden. Erhöhte Eisenwerte in Neuromelaninaggregationen, sowie verringerte Ferritinspiegel unterstützen diese Untersuchungen (Cadet, 2001; Dexter et al., 1987, 1989b; Riederer et al., 1989; Sofic et al., 1988). Besonders anfällig für reaktive Sauerstoffverbindungen im Gehirn ist die Substantia nigra. Zum einen kommt es während des Dopaminstoffwechsels zur Freisetzung von Wasserstoffperoxid, des weiteren enthält sie Neuromelanin, welches selektiv Metalle (z.B. Eisen) bindet. Reduziertes Eisen kann mit Wasserstoffperoxid via Fentonreaktion reagieren und das äußerst schädliche Hydroxylradikal bilden (Klein & Ackerman, 2003). Die Menge der in den Mitochondrien frei werdenden Radikale ist von einer Reihe von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängig. Umwelteinflüsse und Ernährungsfaktoren spielen dabei eine ebenso wichtige Rolle, wie der mitochondriale Stoffwechsel selbst (Adachi et al., 1993; Simic, 1991; Menegon et al., 1997). Als ein Biomarker für den oxidativen Stress hat sich in den letzten Jahren 8-Hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosin (8-OHdG) etabliert, welches als Folge von Angriffen des Hydroxyl-Radikals auf die Doppelbindungen der DNA-Basen am häufigsten gebildet wird (Simic, 1991; Dizdaroglu et al., 1991, Kasai, 1997). 8-OHdG ist in der Lage sich mit Adenin zu paaren (ca. 1% der Fälle), was wiederum bei der nächsten Replikation zu einer Transversion von Guanin zu Thymin führt (Richter, 1992; Croteau & Bohr, 1997).
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Porovnání vlastností a výkonnosti jader uC/OS-II a uC/OS-III / Comparison of Properties and Performance of uC/OS-II and uC/OS-III KernelsLorenc, Ján January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on benchmarking of Real-Time Operating Systems uC/OS-II and uC/OS-III . It describes the basic features of these systems and metrics used for benchmarking of Real-Time Operating Systems. Selected test methods are implemented and based on them are then compared the performance of Real-Time Operating Systems uC/OS-II and uC/OS-III .
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Real-time, open controller for reconfigurable manufacturing systemsTlale, Moretlo Celia January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. (Information Technology)) -- Central University of technology, Free State, 2013 / Markets for manufactured products are characterized by a fragmentation of the market (with regards to size and time), and by shorter product cycles. This is due to the occurrence of mass customization and globalization. In mass customization, the same basic products are manufactured for a broad market, but then consumers are given the liberty to choose the “finishing touches” that go with the product. The areas that manufacturers now compete for are higher quality products, low cost and timely response to market changes. Appropriate business strategies and manufacturing technologies must thus be used to implement these strategic dimensions.
The paradigm of Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS) has been introduced to respond to this new market oriented manufacturing environment. The design of RMS allows ease of reconfiguration as it has a modular structure in terms of software and hardware. This allows ease of reconfiguration as a strategy to adapt to changing market demands. Modularity will allow the ability to integrate/remove software/hardware modules without affecting the rest of the system. RMS can therefore be quickly reconfigured according to the production requirements of new models, it can be quickly adjusted to exact capacity requirements as the market grows and products change, and it is able to integrate new technology.
In this research project, real-time, open controller is designed and developed for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Tools (RMTs). RMTs are the basic building blocks for RMS. Real time and openness of the controllers for RMT would allow firstly, for the modular design of RMTs (so that RMTs can be adapted easily for changing product demands) and secondly, prompt control of RMT for diagnosability.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 27-30, 1997 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Flight Safety concerns increase proportionally with increasing missile performance.
These concerns are greatest in the near launch arena where a missile has the greatest
potential energy. Systems such as radar, GPS tracking systems, and optics are normally
of limited use in this arena for a number of reasons. A system was required that would
provide useful tracking data in the first few seconds of a missile launch. This system has
met that requirement providing nominal path deviation data from the launcher out to as
much as 120 seconds.
The tracking system described herein uses the principle of radio interferometry to derive
phase difference measurements between carefully spaced antennas. These measurements
are transmitted to the Operational Display Facility and converted to a usable angular
deviation plot for use by Flight Safety Personnel.
This paper provides an elementary radio interferometer system background and discusses
this particular system setup and use. Some detail is provided on the premission simulation
and setup of the system as well as the real-time display setup and output of the final data
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