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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Roles of Cellular RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerases in Endogenous Small RNA Pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans: A Dissertation

Vasale, Jessica J. 14 June 2010 (has links)
The RNA interference (RNAi) pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans is a two-step, small RNA-mediated silencing pathway. Unlike in other organisms, Dicer processing of double-stranded RNA into small interfering (si) RNAs is not sufficient in worms to induce gene silencing. The activity of cellular RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) is necessary to synthesize a secondary pool of siRNAs, which interact with a unique class of Argonaute proteins to form the functional effector complexes that mediate silencing. The aims of this thesis were to: 1) characterize the role of RdRP family members in endogenous small RNA biogenesis; 2) identify the Argonaute proteins that interact with RdRP-dependent small RNAs; and 3) investigate the biological function of RdRP-dependent small RNA pathways in C. elegans. In this thesis, I describe genetic, deep sequencing, and molecular studies, which identify 22G-RNAs as the most abundant class of endogenous small RNA in C. elegans. The 22G-RNAs resemble RdRP-dependent secondary siRNAs produced during exogenous RNAi, in that they possess a triphosphorylated 5’ guanine residue and exhibit a remarkable strand bias at target loci. Indeed, I show that 22G-RNAs are dependent on the activity of the RdRPs RRF-1 and EGO-1 and function in multiple distinct endogenous small RNA pathways. Interestingly, I have found that RRF-1 and EGO-1 function redundantly in the germline to generate 22G-RNAs that are dependent on and interact with members of an expanded family of worm-specific Argonaute (WAGO) proteins. The WAGO/22G-RNA pathway appears to be a transcriptome surveillance pathway that silences coding genes, pseudogenes, transposons, and non-annotated, or cryptic, transcripts. In contrast, I have found that EGO-1 alone is required for the biogenesis of a distinct class of 22G-RNAs that interact with the Argonaute CSR-1. Surprisingly, the CSR-1/22G-RNA pathway does not appear to silence its targets transcripts. Instead, the CSR-1/22G-RNA pathway is essential for the proper assembly of holocentric kinetochores and chromosome segregation. Lastly, I show that a third endogenous small RNA pathway, the ERI pathway, is a two-step silencing pathway that requires the sequential activity of distinct RdRPs and Argonautes. In the first step of this pathway, the RdRP, RRF- 3, is required for the biogenesis of 26G-RNAs that associate with the Argonaute, ERGO-1. In the second step, RRF-1 and EGO-1 generate 22G-RNAs that associate with the WAGO Argonautes. This work demonstrates how several C. elegans small RNAs pathways utilize RdRPs to generate abundant populations of small RNAs. These distinct categories of small RNAs function together with specific Argonaute proteins to affect gene expression, to play essential roles in development, and in the maintenance of genome and transcriptome integrity.

Functional MRI of Rat and Monkey Models of Absence Epilepsy: A Dissertation

Tenney, Jeffrey R. 28 May 2004 (has links)
A seizure is defined as an abnormal electrical discharge from the brain that results in the affected area losing its normal function and reacting uncontrollably. A particular subset of seizures, known as absence seizures, are characterized by brief, paroxysmal losses of consciousness that are associated with bilaterally synchronous 3 Hz spike and wave discharges (SWDs) on electroencephalography (EEG). The optimal way to understand any disease state is to study it within the human. Unfortunately, well controlled experiments in humans are difficult due to small patient populations, treatment medications which alter the seizure, and the ethical problems associated with invasive experimental procedures. Animal models of absence seizures provide a means of avoiding the above difficulties but the model should mimic, as closely as possible, the human condition. The goal of this thesis was to develop an animal model of absence epilepsy that could be used to explore, non-invasively, the underlying mechanisms of absence seizures. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to non-invasively monitor brain activity during absence seizures in various animal models. In this dissertation I report the development of a pharmacological rat model of absence seizures for use in fMRI investigations. Imaging was performed after absence seizure induction using γ-butyrolactone (GBL) and it was found that the cortico-thalamic circuitry, critical for the formation of SWDs, showed robust signal changes consistent with electroencephalographic recordings in the same animals. Since a major disadvantage of the GBL rat model is that it produces acute, drug-induced seizures, a genetic rat model with spontaneous absence seizures was subsequently developed for fMRI. EEG-triggered fMRI was used to identify areas of brain activation during spontaneous SWDs in the epileptic WAG/Rij rat strain under awake conditions. Significant signal changes were apparent in several areas of the cortex and several important nuclei of the thalamus. These results draw an anatomical correlation between areas in which there is increased fMRI signal and those where SWDs have been previously recorded using electrophysiologic techniques. One way in which absences differ between humans and both of these rat models is that the SWD frequency in humans is classically 3 Hz while in rats it varies from 7 to 11 Hz. Marmoset monkeys were found to model the human absence seizure condition better than other animals because GBL administration in these non-human primates results in the formation of 3 Hz SWDs. This monkey model was developed for awake functional imaging and changes in signal intensity in the thalamus and sensorimotor cortex correlated with the onset of 3 Hz SWDs. The change in BOLD signal intensity was bilateral but heterogeneous, affecting some brain areas more than others.

Innate Immunity in Type 2 Diabetes Pathogenesis: Role of the Lipopolysaccharide Signaling Cascade: A Dissertation

Young, James L. 01 July 2008 (has links)
Once seen as a disease of wealthy nations, type 2 diabetes mellitus is now showing unprecedented growth throughout the world, fueling increases in microvascular and macrovascular complications. A compelling and growing body of evidence suggests that glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, hallmarks of the diabetic patient, may be driven by chronic inflammation. In particular, a predominance of visceral fat has been associated with enhanced inflammatory cytokine secretion that may contribute to enhanced risk of diabetes and comorbid cardiovascular disease in these individuals. As a function of its potency and wide environmental and biological distribution, we hypothesized that bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS, also known as endotoxin) may promote adipose inflammation and concomitant metabolic dysfunction. Indeed, expression of the LPS receptor CD14 is enhanced on visceral adipocytes of ob/ob mice, paralleling enhanced IL-6 secretion ex vivo. Furthermore, rosiglitazonefed ob/obmice demonstrated a reduction in CD14 that coordinated with diminished IL-6 secretion, suggesting a basis for the touted anti-inflammatory effects of this commonly employed type 2 diabetes medication. Mice deficient in components of the LPS signaling cascade, namely CD14, TLR4, and MyD88, yielded adipocytes with markedly attenuated IL-6 secretion, corroborating the central importance of LPS in adipocyte inflammation and supporting the role of this signaling pathway in depot-specific inflammation. Despite the prominent role of LPS signaling in adipocyte inflammation, CD14-, TLR4-, and MyD88-deficient mice failed to show resistance to diet induced obesity. Surprisingly, cd14-/- and tlr4-/- mice had marked glucose intolerance without alteration in total weight or adipose accumulation. In contrast, myd88-/- mice revealed minor glucose intolerance only with high fat diet challenge at an advanced age despite being overtly obese. In cd14-/- and tlr4-/-, but not myd88-/-, mice, an exaggerated rebound to hypoglycemia was associated with enhanced norepinephrine secretion, which could be abrogated by the adrenergic β-blocker propranolol. The overlay of these mouse models reveals a divergence of phenotypes that demonstrate LPS signaling disruption may lead to glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in part due to enhanced sympathoadrenal tone, uncovering an essential role of innate immunity in physiological stress and its impact upon glucose homeostasis.

C. Elegans Metabolic Gene Regulatory Networks: A Dissertation

Arda, H. Efsun 30 July 2010 (has links)
In multicellular organisms, determining when and where genes will be expressed is critical for their development and physiology. Transcription factors (TFs) are major specifiers of differential gene expression. By establishing physical contacts with the regulatory elements of their target genes, TFs often determine whether the target genes will be expressed or not. These physical and/or regulatory TF-DNA interactions can be modeled into gene regulatory networks (GRNs), which provide a systems-level view of differential gene expression. Thus far, much of the GRN delineation efforts focused on metazoan development, whereas the organization of GRNs that pertain to systems physiology remains mostly unexplored. My work has focused on delineating the first gene regulatory network of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans metabolic genes, and investigating how this network relates to the energy homeostasis of the nematode. The resulting metabolic GRN consists of ~70 metabolic genes, 100 TFs and more than 500 protein–DNA interactions. It also includes novel protein-protein interactions involving the metabolic transcriptional cofactor MDT-15 and several TFs that occur in the metabolic GRN. On a global level, we found that the metabolic GRN is enriched for nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs). NHRs form a special class of TFs that can interact with diffusible biomolecules and are well-known regulators of lipid metabolism in other organisms, including humans. Interestingly, NHRs comprise the largest family of TFs in nematodes; the C. elegans genome encodes 284 NHRs, most of which are uncharacterized. In our study, we show that the C. elegans NHRs that we retrieved in the metabolic GRN organize into network modules, and that most of these NHRs function to maintain lipid homeostasis in the nematode. Network modularity has been proposed to facilitate rapid and robust changes in gene expression. Our results suggest that the C. elegans metabolic GRN may have evolved by combining NHR family expansion with the specific modular wiring of NHRs to enable the rapid adaptation of the animal to different environmental cues.

Development of a Substrate with Photo-Modulatable Rigidity for Probing Spatial and Temporal Responses of Cells to Mechanical Signals: A Dissertation

Frey, Margo Tilley 01 July 2008 (has links)
Topographical and mechanical properties of adhesive substrates provide important biological cues that affect cell spreading, migration, growth, and differentiation. The phenomenon has led to the increased use of topographically patterned and flexible substrates in studying cultured cells. However, these studies may be complicated by various limitations. For example, the effects of ligand distribution and porosity are affected by topographical features of 3D biological constructs. Similarly, many studies of mechanical cues are compounded with cellular deformation from external forces, or limited by comparative studies of separate cells on different substrates. Furthermore, understanding cell responses to mechanical input is dependent upon reliable measurements of mechanical properties. This work addresses each of these issues. To determine how substrate topography and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) affect cell shape and movement, I studied FAK-null (FAK -/-) and wild type mouse 3T3 fibroblasts on chemically identical polystyrene substrates with either flat surfaces or micron-sized pillars, I found that, compared to cells on flat surfaces, those on pillar substrates showed a more branched shape, an increased linear speed, and a decreased directional stability, which were dependent on both myosin-II and FAK. To study the dynamic responses to changes in substrate stiffness without other confounding effects, I developed a UV-modulatable substrate that softens upon UV irradiation. As atomic force microscopy (AFM) proved inadequate to detect microscale changes in stiffness, I first developed and validated a microsphere indentation method that is compatible with fluorescence microscopy. The results obtained with this method were comparable to those obtained with AFM. The UV-modulatable substrates softened by ~20-30% with an intensity of irradiation that has no detectable effect on 3T3 cells on control surfaces. Cells responded to global softening of the substrate with an initial retraction followed by a gradual reduction in spread area. Precise spatial control of softening is also possible - while there was little response to posterior softening, anterior softening elicited a pronounced retraction and either a reversal of cell polarity or a significant decrease in spread area if the cells move into the softened region. In conclusion, these techniques provide advances in gaining mechanistic insight into cellular responses to topographical and mechanical cues. Additionally, there are various other potential applications of the novel UV-softening substrate, particularly in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.

Maintenance of Visual Sensitivity in the <em>Drosophila</em> Eye: A Dissertation

Ni, Lina 15 January 2010 (has links)
High visual sensitivity is a common but important characteristic of animal eyes. It is especially critical for night vision. In animal eyes, photoreceptors are the first to receive the incoming rays of light and they convert the light signals to electrical signals before passing the information to interneurons in the eye and finally to the brain. To function in dim light conditions, photoreceptors have developed high sensitivities to light. It is reported that both mammalian rod photoreceptors and Drosophilaphotoreceptors can detect single photons. The high sensitivities of photoreceptors largely depend on a high content of rhodopsin, a light-stimulated G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), in light sensory organelles, outer segments in mammals and rhabdomeres in Drosophila. Two shared characteristics, the tightly packed photoreceptive membrane and the high concentration of rhodopsin in the membrane, work together to enable the photoreceptors to achieve the high content of rhodopsin in photosensory organelles in both mammals and Drosophila. In this thesis, I have used the Drosophilaeye as a model system to study the molecular mechanisms required for the maintenance of these two characteristics. In the second chapter, I present a new molecular mechanism of preventing Gq-mediated rhabdomeral degeneration. A new gene named tadr (for torn and diminished rhabdomeres), when mutated, leads to visual sensitivity reduction and photoreceptor degeneration. Degeneration in the tadr mutant is characterized by shrunken and disrupted rhabdomeres. The TADR protein interacts in vitro with the major light receptor Rh1 rhodopsin, and genetic reduction of the Rh1 level suppresses the tadr-induced degeneration, suggesting the degeneration is Rh1-dependent. Nonetheless, removal of phospholipase C (PLC), a key enzyme in phototransduction, and that of Arr2 fail to inhibit rhabdomeral degeneration in the tadr mutant background. Biochemical analyses reveal that, in the tadr mutant, the Gq protein of Rh1 is defective in dissociation from the membrane during light stimulation. Importantly, reduction of Gq level by introducing a hypomorphic allele of Gαq gene greatly inhibits the tadr degeneration phenotype. These results may suggest that loss of a potential TADR-Rh1 interaction leads to an abnormality in the Gqsignaling, which in turn triggers rhabdomeral degeneration independent of the PLC phototransduction cascade. We propose that TADR-like proteins may also protect photoreceptors from degeneration in mammals including humans. In the third chapter, I present a Drosophila CUB- and LDLa-domain transmembrane protein CULD that counteracts the visual arrestin Arr1-mediated endocytosis to retain rhodopsin in rhabdomeral membrane. CULD is mostly localized in rhabdomeres, but is also detected in scarce rhodopsin endocytic vesicles that contain Arr1. An intracellular region of CULD interacts with Arr1 in vitro. In both culdmutant and knockdown flies, a large amount of rhodopsin is mislocalized in the cell body of photoreceptors through lightdependent, Arr1-mediated endocytosis, leading to reduction of photoreceptor sensitivity. Expressing a wild-type CULD protein in photoreceptors, but not a mutant variant lacking the Arr1-interacting site, rescues both the rhodopsin mislocalization and the low sensitivity phenotypes. Once rhodopsin has been internalized in adult mutant flies, it is reversed only by expression of CULD but not by blocking endocytosis, suggesting that CULD promotes recycling of endocytosed rhodopsin to the rhabdomere. Our results demonstrate an important role of CULD in the maintenance of membrane rhodopsin density and photoreceptor sensitivity. We propose that a common cellular function of CUB- and LDLa-domain proteins, in both mammals and invertebrates, is to concentrate receptors including GPCRs in particular regions of cell membrane. In summary, the work addressed in this thesis has identified new molecular mechavii nisms underlying the maintenance of visual sensitivity in Drosophila, either through preventing Gq-mediated rhabdomeral degeneration or through antagonizing arrestin-mediated rhodopsin endocytosis. This work has advanced our understanding of visual biology and the general regulatory mechanisms of GPCR signaling, and may provide valuable clues to pathologic studies of human retinal degeneration disorders.

A View of the IMD Pathway from the RHIM

Aggarwal, Kamna 29 March 2010 (has links)
Innate immunity is the first line of defense against invading pathogens. It functions to eliminate pathogens and also to control infections. The innate immune response is also important for the development of pathogen-specific adaptive immune responses. As a result, the study of innate immune signaling pathways is crucial for understanding the interactions between host and pathogen. Unlike mammals, insects lack a classical adaptive immune response and rely mostly on innate immune responses. Innate immune mechanisms have been widely studied in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. The genetic and molecular tools available in the Drosophila system make it an excellent model system for studying immunity. Furthermore, the innate immune signaling pathways used by Drosophila show strong homology to those of vertebrates making them ideal for studying these pathways. Drosophila immunity relies on cellular and humoral innate immune responses to fight pathogens. The hallmark of the Drosophilahumoral immune response is the rapid induction of antimicrobial peptide genes in the fat body. The production of these antimicrobial peptides is regulated by two immune signaling pathways-Toll and Immune Deficency (IMD) pathways. The Toll pathway responds to many Gram-positive bacterial and fungal infections , while the IMD pathway is potently activated by DAP-type peptidoglycan (PGN) from Gram-negative bacteria and certain Gram-positive bacteria. Two receptors, PGRP-LC and PGRP-LE, are able to recognize DAP-type PGN at the cell surface or in the cytosol, respectively, and trigger the IMD pathway. Upon binding DAP-type PGN, both PGRP-LC and PGRP-LE dimerize/ multimerize and signal to the downstream components of IMD pathway. It is unclear how the receptor activates its downstream components. My work has focused on understanding the molecular events that take place at the receptors following there activation. In these studies I have identified a common motif in the N-terminal domains of both the receptors, known as the RHIM-like domain. The RHIM-like domain is critical for signaling by either receptor, but the mechanism(s) involved remain unclear. IMD, a downstream component of the pathway, associates with both PGRP-LC and -LE but the interaction of PGRP-LC with IMD is not mediated through its RHIM-like domain. Also, mutations affecting the PGRP-LC RHIM-like motif are defective in all known downstream signaling events. However, the RHIM-like mutant receptors are capable of serving as a platform for the assembly of all known components of a receptor proximal signaling complex. These results suggest that another, unidentified component of the IMD signaling pathway may function to mediate interaction with the RHIM-like motif. I performed a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify proteins that might interact with the receptor PGRP-LC through its RHIM- like domain. With this approach, two new components of the IMD pathway were identified. The first component I characterized is called Rudra and it is a critical feedback inhibitor of peptidoglycan receptor signaling. The other factor is known as RYBP, it includes a highly conserved ubiquitin binding motif (NZF), and RNAi studies suggest it is a critical component of the IMD pathway. The identification and characterization of these two new components of the IMD pathway has provided a new insight into the molecular events that take place proximal to the receptor.

Evaluation of the virulence potential of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from broiler breeders with colibacillosis in Mississippi

Joseph, Jiddu 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) is a bacterium that is responsible for colibacillosis in birds. However, information about broiler breeder APEC isolates is limited, but the data is critical due to the transfer of this bacteria down the production pyramid to progenies resulting in high mortality. Therefore, we evaluated the phenotypic virulence characteristics of 28 isolates using embryo lethality and day-old chick challenge assays. Also, the in vitro adhesion and invasion potential of selected nine isolates were identified. Results showed more than 1/3rd of the isolates were highly virulent and the virulence increased as the number of virulence-associated genes increased. High adhesion and invasion rates were observed among the isolates. Overall, the study helped us to evaluate the virulence characteristics of APEC from broiler breeders. However, future studies based on whole genome approach would help to identify the specific targets which can be used to develop effective interventions.

CD40-CD154 Blockade Facilitates Induction of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance: A Dissertation

Seung, Edward 14 May 2003 (has links)
Allogeneic hematopoietic chimerism leading to central tolerance has significant therapeutic potential. Establishment of hematopoietic chimerism created by stem cell transplantation has been shown to prevent and cure a number of autoimmune diseases and induce the most robust and long-lasting form of transplantation tolerance known. However, the realization of the vast clinical potential of hematopoietic chimerism for induction of transplantation tolerance has been impeded by the toxicity of the host conditioning regimen and the development of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). This thesis describes the development of stem cell transplantation protocols that 1) reduce the host conditioning regimen; and 2) abrogate the development of GVHD. When applied to the treatment of autoimmune diabetic NOD mice, a model of type 1 diabetes, stem cell transplantation was able to 3) prevent autoimmune recurrence; and 4) permit curative pancreatic islet transplantation. I first describe a tolerance-based stem cell transplantation protocol that combines sub-lethal irradiation with transient blockade of the CD40-CD154 costimulatory pathway using an anti-CD154 antibody. With this protocol, I established hematopoietic chimerism in BALB/c mice transplanted with fully allogeneic C57BL/6 bone marrow. All chimeric mice treated with anti-CD154 antibody remained free of graft vs.host disease (GVHD) and accepted donor-origin but not third party skin allografts. It was similarly possible to create allogeneic hematopoietic chimerism in NOD/Lt mice with spontaneous autoimmune diabetes. Pancreatic islet allografts transplanted into chimeric NOD/Lt mice were resistant not only to allorejection but also to recurrence of autoimmunity. I conclude that it is possible to establish robust allogeneic hematopoietic chimerism in sub-lethally irradiated mice without subsequent GVHD by blocking the CD40-CD154 costimulatory pathway using as few as two injections of anti-CD154 antibody. I also conclude that chimerism created in this way generates donor-specific allograft tolerance and reverses the predisposition to recurrent autoimmune diabetes in NOD/Lt mice, enabling them to accept curative islet allografts. In order to further reduce the impediments associated with the implementation of allogeneic hematopoietic chimerism as a therapeutic modality, I adapted a costimulation blockade-based protocol developed for solid organ transplantation for use in stem cell transplantation. The protocol combines a donor-specific transfusion (DST) with anti-CD154 antibody to induce peripheral transplantation tolerance. When applied to stem cell transplantation, administration of DST, anti-CD154 antibody, and allogeneic bone marrow led to hematopoietic chimerism and central tolerance with no myeloablation (i.e. no radiation) and no GVHD in 3 different strains of mice. The development of donor-specific tolerance in this system was shown to involve deletion of both peripheral host alloreactive CD8+ T cells and nascent intrathymic alloreactive CD8+ T cells. In the absence of large numbers of host alloreactive CD8+ T cells, the cell transfusion that precedes transplantation need not be of donor-origin, suggesting that both allo-specific and non-allo-specific mechanisms regulate engraftment. Agents that interfere with peripheral transplantation tolerance partially impair establishment of chimerism. I conclude that robust allogeneic hematopoietic chimerism and central tolerance can be established in the absence of host myeloablative conditioning using a peripheral transplantation tolerance protocol.

Intranuclear Trafficking of RUNX/AML/CBFA/PEBP2 Transcription Factors in Living Cells: A Dissertation

Harrington, Kimberly Stacy 28 March 2003 (has links)
The family of runt related transcription factors (RUNX/Cbfa/AML/PEBP2) are essential for cellular differentiation and fetal development. RUNX factors are distributed throughout the nucleus in punctate foci that are associated with the nuclear matrix/scaffold and generally correspond with sites of active transcription. Truncations of RUNX proteins that eliminate the C-terminus including a 31-amino acid segment designated the nuclear matrix targeting signal (NMTS) lose nuclear matrix association and result in lethal hematopoietic (RUNX1) and skeletal (RUNX2) phenotypes in mice. These findings suggest that the targeting of RUNX factors to subnuclear foci may mediate the formation of multimeric regulatory complexes and contribute to transcriptional control. In this study, we hypothesized that RUNX transcription factors may dynamically move through the nucleus and associate with subnuclear domains in a C-terminal dependent mechanism to regulate transcription. Therefore, we investigated the subnuclear distribution and mobility of RUNX transcription factors in living cells using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fused to RUNX proteins. The RUNX C-terminus was demonstrated to be necessary for the dynamic association of RUNX with stable subnuclear domains. Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy showed that RUNX1 and RUNX2 localize to punctate foci that remain stationary in the nuclear space in living cells. By measuring fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, both RUNX1 and RUNX2 were found to dynamically and rapidly associate with these subnuclear foci with a half-time of recovery in the ten-second time scale. A large immobile fraction of RUNX1 and RUNX2 proteins was observed in the photobleaching experiments, which suggests that this fraction of RUNX1 and RUNX2 proteins are immobilized through the C-terminal domain by interacting with the nuclear architecture. Truncation of the C-terminus of RUNX2, which removes the NMTS as well as several co-regulatory protein interaction domains, increases the mobility of RUNX2 by at least an order of magnitude, resulting in a half-time of recovery equivalent to that of EGFP alone. Contributions of the NMTS sequence to the subnuclear distribution and mobility of RUNX2 were further assessed by creating point mutations in the NMTS of RUNX2 fused to EGFP. The results show that these point mutations decrease, but do not abolish, association with the nuclear matrix compared to wild-type EGFP-RUNX2. Three patterns of subnuclear distribution were similarly observed in living cells for both NMTS mutants and wild-type RUNX2. Furthermore, the NMTS mutations showed no measurable effect on the mobility of RUNX2. However, the mobility of RUNX proteins in each of the different subnuclear distributions observed in living cells were significantly different from each other. The punctate distribution appears to correlate with higher fluorescence intensity, suggesting that the protein concentration in the cell may have an effect on the formation or size of the foci. These findings suggest that the entire NMTS and/or the co-regulatory protein interaction domains may be necessary to immobilize RUNX2 proteins. Because RUNX factors contain a conserved intranuclear targeting signal, we examined whether RUNX1 and RUNX2 are targeted to common subnuclear domains. The results show that RUNX1 and RUNX2 colocalized in common subnuclear foci. Furthermore, RUNX subnuclear foci contain the co-regulatory protein CBFβ, which heterodimerizes with RUNX factors, and nascent transcripts as shown by BrUTP incorporation. These results suggest that RUNX subnuclear foci may represent sites of transcription containing multi-subunit transcription factor complexes. RUNX2 transcription factors induce expression of the osteocalcin promoter during osteoblast differentiation and to study both RUNX2 and osteocalcin function, it would be helpful to have transgenic mice in which OC expression could be easily evaluated. Therefore, to assess the in vivo regulation of osteocalcin by RUNX protein, we generated transgenic mice expressing EGFP controlled by the osteocalcin promoter. Our results show that EGFP is expressed from the OC promoter in a cultured osteosarcoma cell line, but not in a kidney cell line, and is induced by vitamin D3. Furthermore, the OC-EGFP transgenic mice specifically express EGFP in osteoblasts and osteocytes in bone tissues. Moreover, EGFP is expressed in mineralized bone nodules of differentiated bone marrow derived from transgenic mice. Thus, these mice produce a good model for studying the in vivo effects of RUNX-mediated osteocalcin regulation and for developing potential drug therapies for bone diseases. Taken together, our results in living cells support the conclusion that RUNX transcription factors dynamically associate with stationary subnuclear foci in a C-terminal dependent mechanism to regulate gene expression. Moreover, RUNX subnuclear foci represent transcription sites containing nascent transcripts and co-regulatory interacting proteins. These conclusions provide a mechanism for how RUNX transcription factors may associate with subnuclear foci to regulate gene expression. Furthermore, the OC-EGFP transgenic mice now provide a useful tool for studying the in vivo function and regulation of osteocalcin by RUNX proteins during osteoblast differentiation and possibly for developing therapeutic drugs for treatment of bone diseases in the future.

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