Spelling suggestions: "subject:"annan elektroteknik ocho elektronik"" "subject:"annan elektroteknik och3 elektronik""
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Analys och kompensering av reaktiv effekt i Umeå Energis elnät / Analysis and compensation of reactive power in the powergrid of Umeå Energy ABSolhed, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Arbetet har sin bakgrund i att Umeå Energi har noterat en högre inmatning av reaktiv effekt mot överliggande nät. Att ett elnäts karaktär går mot att bli mer kapacitivt är en vanlig tendens idag då olika förändringar som görs i näten orsakar detta. En viktig bidragande orsak är kablifiering och spänningshöjning. I arbetet utförs en analys av reaktiv effekt i det lokala elnätet på fördelningsstationsnivå. Här märks att det reaktiva effektuttaget ofta minskar under sommarhalvåret, och i vissa fall blir nettobidraget för en station kapacitivt. Detta gäller främst för landsbygd. Totalt mot överliggande nät finns en inmatning på uppemot 25-30 MVAr som det i dagsläget inte finns utrustning installerad för att kunna kompensera. Beräkningar på kabelnätet på 45 kV och 145 kV-nivå har visat att framtida kablifiering och spänningshöjning kommer att bidra med ytterligare 17 MVAr inmatning av reaktiv effekt. Alternativa metoder för att minska överskottet av reaktiv effekt undersöks, vilka eventuellt kan användas till viss del, men slutsatsen är att kompenseringsutrustning i form av reaktorer behöver installeras om inmatningen av reaktiv effekt mot överliggande nät ska kunna kompenseras. Rimliga teknikval för kompensering är att antingen installera fasta reaktorer vilka kan kombineras till olika nivåer av kompensering, alternativt att en reglerbar reaktor, förslagsvis av typen variabel shuntreaktor (VSR) installeras. I arbetet redovisas även de krav kring reaktiv effekt som ställs upp i två av EUs nya nätföreskrifter och som eventuellt kan påverka Umeå Energis elnät. / This project has its background in the fact that Umeå Energy has observed a higher amount of capacitive reactive power that is directed upwards in the power grid. It is a common tendency that the character of a power grid is becoming more capacitive, due to certain changes that are made in the grid. Important contributory causes are an increase of the amount of cable and an increase of the voltage level. An analysis is made of the flow of reactive power in the local power grid. A main conclusion is that the reactive power consumption on substation level in many cases is decreasing in the summer season, and in some cases the net contribution is capacitive. During the critical time of year there is an contribution of capacitive reactive power to the superior grid of up to 30 MVAr, with a lack of compensation equipment in the local grid. Calculations on planned cables in the grid on 45 kV and 145 kV level indicate on a future contribution of reactive power of about 17 MVAr. Allready existing components in the local grid that can contribute to compensation of the excess of reactive power are mentioned, but the conclusion is that new equipment for compensation needs to be installed to be able to decrease the contribution to the superior grid. Suitable choices of equipment are either reactors with fixed amounts of MVAr, which can be combined to different levels of compensation, or alternatively one reactor which has a variable amount of MVAr, a so called VSR (Variable Shunt Reactor). The requirements concerning reactive power in two of the new grid codes on EU level are examined. Theese can possibly affect the power grid of Umeå Energy.
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“WHAT IS YOUR DPS, HERO?” : Ludonarrative dissonance and player perception of story and mechanics in MMORPGs.Karavatos, Athanasios January 2017 (has links)
This thesis studies the MMORPGs and the ludonarrative dissonance that exist in the complexity of their design. Given the massive multiplayer nature of these games, players of different ambitions and gameplay preference need to coexist, which is a massive challenge for both the players themselves and the designers of these worlds. The balance of these two major aspects of the game, what affects the players and this tension, is the focal point of this thesis. By conducting a survey through various MMORPG player bases, this thesis concludes that this tension is not only a balance between narrative and mechanics but of other aspect as well. These aspects, intertextuality and community, this thesis argues, are the extra aspects that are tight connected with the balancing of narrative and mechanics in a MMORPG and the creation of these complex games and world. All these aspects are affected by the design decisions and affecting of how the players perceive the game world.
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Optiska system : Förbättringsmöjligheter inom visuell teknikJohansson, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
Optiska system används för att utvärdera om tuber är hela och rena innan de fylls med sitt innehåll. Bilder tas lodrätt ner i tuben och behandlas i kameran som sedan skickar en signal till maskinen. Tagna bilder behandlas med olika filter innan utvärdering sker. Om filter appliceras i algoritmen kan säkerheten i utfallet höjas men på bekostnad av tid.
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Kartläggning och energieffektivisering : KV61, Gärstadverket LinköpingCarlsson, Isak January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Inverkan av laddstolpar för elfordon i Jönköpings Energi elnätMooshtak, Benjamin January 2019 (has links)
Enligt Global EV prognoser förväntas en kraftig ökning av elbilar fram till 2030, ökningen kommer ske båda i Sverige och övriga världen. I Sverige beräknas eldrivna fordon öka till 2,5 miljoner, vilket innebär att 50 % av andelen fordon i trafiken kommer bestå av eldrivna fordon. Enligt vår be-räkning med hänsyn till den ökande befolkningsmängden kommer Jön-köping inneha 36 000 elbilar år 2030. Det innebär att cirka 50% av an-slutna kunder till elnätet 2030 kommer ha behov av att ladda sin elbil. Ökningen av elfordon medför att fler bilägare behöver ladda sina fordon och en oro finns för överbelastning av elnätet. Belastningsinstabilitet kan medföra dålig elkvalité i form av övertoner, flimmer, spänningsföränd-ringar, avbrott, transienter och osymmetrisk spänning. Denna studie analyserar Jönköping Energis elnät samt hur elnätet påver-kas av en ökning av eldrivna fordon. Undersökningen fokuserar på fler-bostadshus, landsbygd och villaområde i Jönköping och på så viss kunna jämföra elnätskapaciteten i dessa områden. Undersökningen utgår från att elnätet förväntas påverkas när laddningseffekten uppnår 3.7 KW. För att besvara syftet har simuleringarna gjorts i det NIS-orienterade pro-gramvaran dpPower. Därefter väljs vilken beräkningsmetod som är lämp-lig i de olika stationerna. Det sker genom att studera lastberäkningar, spänningsnivåer och belastningen på transformatorer och lednings-strömerna i det område, för att se hur 50% elbilsladdning påverkar elnä-tet. Resultaten från mätning och simuleringar av laddstationena på alla fyra områden visar att Jönköpingsenergi bör ta hänsyn till laddning av elbilar vid dimensionering av elnät. Det är också nödvändigt att faserna fördelas mellan kunder vid elbilsladdning för att minska överbelastning år 2030. Alternativa metoder att undersöka för elbilsladning är följande: Övervakning på hur elbilsladdningsbeteende ser ut i olika tider för att minska den med hjälp av olika lösningsmetoder, liknande pris-sättning som används i Kalifornien och Norge. Smarta laddningslösningar för att flytta elbils-laddningstoppen till en annan tid på dagen. Analyseringen visar att det inte finns belastningar på transformatorer och ledningar i Jönköping utan H04 som bör åtgärdas vid ökningen av elfor-don fram till 2030. / According to Global EV forecasts, a sharp increase in electric cars is ex-pected by 2030, both of which will increase in Sweden and the rest of the world. In Sweden, the number of electric vehicles are expected to increase to 2.5 million, which means that 50% of the vehicles in traffic will be elec-tricall vechiles. According to our calculations and taking into account the population growth, the city Jonkoping will have 36,000 electric cars by 2030. This means that approximately 50% of motorists in 2030 will need to access to electrical charging outlets. This predicted increase in electric vehicles implies that more car owners will need to charge their vehicles and this need implies an increased strain on the electricity grid. Load instability can result in poor electrical quality in the form of overtones, flickering, voltage changes, interruptions, tran-sients and unsymmetrical voltage. This study analyzes Jonkoping Energi's electricity network and how the electricity grid is affected by an increase in electric vehicles. The survey focuses on multi-dwelling buildings, rural areas and residential areas in Jönköping and in so far as to be able to compare the electricity grid ca-pacity in these areas. The study assumes that the electricity grid is ex-pected to be affected when the charging power reaches 3.7 KW. In order to find a solution to the problem, simulations have been made using NIS-oriented software dpPower. Then, using calculation method that is suitable in the different stations is selected. This is done by study-ing load calculations, voltage levels and the load on transformers and the line currents in that area, to see how a 50% usage of electrically powered vehicles affects the power grid. The results from the measurements and simulations of the charging sta-tions in all four areas show that Jönköpings Energi should take into ac-count the charging of electric cars when redimensioning their electricity networks. It is also necessary that the phases be distributed among cus-tomers during charging in order to reduce overload in 2030. Alternative methods for examining the charging of electric vehicles are as follows: • By monitoring how electric car charging behavior looks at different times in order to reduce it by using different solution methods, like the pricing methods used in California and Norway.
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Integrerad dokumentation : Operatör- och servicemanual inbyggd i HMIJonsson, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Valmet har fått önskemål från kunder om att integrera manualer som en del av automationssystemet. Denna rapport visar ett koncept hur det problemet skulle kunna lösas genom att bygga in manualer med funktioner och att texterna finns tillgängliga att läsa i HMI. Målet är att kunna hämta ut mer information ur HMI genom att integrera operatör- och servicemanual i automationssystemet. Metoden för detta arbete har varit att inleda med en litteraturstudie om ämnena: alarm, HMI och dokumentintegration. Efter litteraturstudie började en utvecklingsfas som använde kunskaperna från litteraturstudien för att bygga de inbygga funktionerna. Sista fasen i arbetet var att testa funktionaliteten och utvärdera resultatet. Resultatet blev en ny alarmvy med utökad funktionalitet, som att till exempel visa ytterligare information vid klick, ett automatiskt underhållssystem med låg prestandapåverkan och PDF av manualerna tillgänglig i HMI. Målen med arbetet anses vara uppfyllt då ytterligare larminformation finns att tillgå, ett underhållssystem är implementerat och manual finns att läsa i HMI. Framtida arbete skulle kunna vara att göra alarmvyn mer robust genom att fel upptäcks och korrigeras, ytterligare integrera innehållet i manualerna, förslagsvis hur maskin ska köras skulle kunna integreras. / Valmet has received requests from customers to integrate manuals as part of the automation system. This report shows a concept of how that problem could be solved by incorporating manuals with functions and that the texts are available for reading. The goal is to be able to extract more information from HMI by integrating the operator and service manuals in the automation system. The method for this work was to start with a literature study on the topics: alarm, HMI and document integration. After a literature study, a development phase began that used the knowledge from the literature study to build the products. The final phase of the work was to test the functionality and evaluate the result. The result was a new alarm view with enhanced functionality, such as, for example, displaying additional information at clicks, an automatic maintenance system with low performance impact and PDF of the manuals available in HMI. The goals of the work are considered fulfilled since additional alarm information is available, a maintenance system is implemented, and the manual can be read in HMI. Future work could be to make the alarm view more robust by detecting and correcting errors, further integrating the contents of the manuals, possibly how to run the machine.
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Circuit Techniques for On-Chip Clocking and SynchronizationMesgarzadeh, Behzad January 2006 (has links)
Today’s microprocessors with millions of transistors perform high-complexity computing at multi-gigahertz clock frequencies. The ever-increasing chip size and speed call for new methodologies in clock distribution network. Conventional global synchronization techniques exhibit many drawbacks in the advanced VLSI chips such as high-speed microprocessors. A significant percentage of the total power consumption in a microprocessor is dissipated in the clock distribution network. Also since the chip dimensions increase, clock skew management becomes very challenging in the framework of conventional methodology. Long interconnect delays limit the maximum clock frequency and become a bottleneck for future microprocessor design. In such a situation, new alternative techniques for synchronization in system-on-chip are demanded. This thesis presents new alternatives for traditional clocking and synchronization methods, in which, speed and power consumption bottlenecks are treated. For this purpose, two new techniques based on mesochronous synchronization and resonant clocking are investigated. The mesochronous synchronization technique deals with remedies for skew and delay management. Using this technique, clock frequency up to 5 GHz for on-chip communication is achievable in 0.18-μm CMOS process. On the other hand the resonant clocking solves significant power dissipation problem in the clock network. This method shows a great potential in power saving in very large-scale integrated circuits. According to measurements, 2.3X power saving in clock distribution network is achieved in 130-nm CMOS process. In the resonant clocking, oscillator plays a crucial role as a clock generator. Therefore an investigation about oscillators and possible techniques for jitter and phase noise reduction in clock generators has been done in this research framework. For this purpose a study of injection locking phenomenon in ring oscillators is presented. This phenomenon can be used as a jitter suppression mechanism in the oscillators. Also a new implementation of the DLL-based clock generators using ring oscillators is presented in 130-nm CMOS process. The measurements show that this structure operates in the frequency range of 100 MHz-1.5 GHz, and consumes less power and area compared to the previously reported structures. Finally a new implementation of a 1.8-GHz quadrature oscillator with wide tuning range is presented. The quadrature oscillators potentially can be used as future clock generators where multi-phase clock is needed. / Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC-2006:22
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3D Visualization in booking systems / 3D-visualiseringar i bokningssystemOkfors, Erik January 2019 (has links)
The use of 3D in web applications became available in the mid 1990's with the release of VRML. Today the use of 3D is very common even with web application, and three.js and Babylon.js has become some of the most popular 3D libraries to support the creation of 3D within web services. This project was created together with Explizit Solution AB to test if 3D can improve the user experience within booking systems. The project was to be integrated with Explizit's booking system Adoxa, and make comparisons with a version called Ånghästen which exists in Adoxa. This project was a front end development as the back end already existed within Adoxa, and a survey was made with 15 participants where they tested the original Ånghästen and the new 3D version, and filled out a question form based on that test. The result of the application was a front end 3D visualization of the original Ånghästen. The result of the survey showed that most participants preferred the new 3D version over the original one, and also stated that they would most likely continue to use a 3D application if it was designed well. Many bugs and fixes were discovered during the testing and survey and future work includes continuing to fix these and to make it more dynamic for multiple activities.
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Kartläggning av Tekniska verkens kraftvärmeverksanläggning KV61 : En kartläggning av energiförbrukningen och en kostnads- och energieffektivitetsberäkning för ett byte av befintlig belysning till LED-belysningHasselgren, Lena January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Automatic analysis for continuous integration test failuresZhao, Xuhui January 2019 (has links)
CI (Continuous Integration) is a software development practice which became more and more popular in last decade. Ericsson followed the trends and used CI several years. Because of the complexity of RBS (Radio Base Station) software few levels of CI have been implemented there. In RCS (RBS Control System) module CI there are many automatic JCAT (Java Common Auto Tester) test loops running every day and some of them failed. This thesis tries to find a way to classify these test failures automatically, so efficiency and lead time can be improved. Two methods are presented and investigated in this report, rule matching and machine learning. After analysis and comparisons rule matching approach is selected because it does not require huge effort in the initial phase and rule matched data can be used as labeled data for machine learning. This approach requires manual work to add new rules continuously but with correctly defined rules the accuracy is 100%, if the rule is general it can classify one type of issue including the ones which never happen before. One analysis system is designed and implemented, and only small update is required to the result report block of the CI flow. One matching example is showed and according to estimation this method could save many man hours every year.
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