Spelling suggestions: "subject:"antiquity"" "subject:"antiquitys""
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A cultura material na didática da História / The treatment of material culture received in history school booksPregnolatto, Felipe Pascuet 18 August 2006 (has links)
A presente dissertação aponta o tratamento dado à Cultura Material nos livros didáticos de História. A amostra constitui-se de todos os livros didáticos aprovados pelo PNLD 2003, criando-se um banco de dados contendo todas as imagens neles contidas. Nesse banco de dados, as imagens são divididas em três categorias principais: vestígios arqueológicos, mediações interpretativas e fotos. A seguir, considera-se o meio (pintura a óleo, gravura, têmpera, aquarela, escultura, estruturas urbanas e rurais...) e o suporte (tela, mural, papel...) das imagens. Tabulados e quantificados os dados, comparecem quadros indicativos por culturas e por problemas. Ausências e presenças são analisadas assim como as legendas das imagens e o manual do professor, constatando-se o uso ainda meramente ilustrativo da cultura material, que se explica por sugestões referentes à formação do historiador brasileiro / The present work discusses the treatment material culture receives in history school books. The sample was constituted by all school books approved in 2003 by the PNLD program, from which a data bank was created, relating all images from the sample.In this data bank the images are divided in three main categories: archaeological data, photos and mediatic intermediate solutions. It is then considered the type(oil painting, sculpture, buildings) and the basis (canvas, paper, wall, stone) for the images. Organized and quantified the data, both cultures and problems are presented. The consideration of both presences and absences, as well as the analysis of labels and the teacher manual prompt us to suggest that the use still illustrative of material culture is much due to the background and schooling of the Brazilian historian
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A correspondência entre São Jerônimo e Santo Agostinho: tradução e estudo (edição bilíngue) / The correspondence between Saint Jerome and Saint Augustine: ranslation and studyGuarnieri, Felipe de Medeiros 18 December 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação compreende a tradução, descrição, análise e anotação crítica das cartas que compõem a correspondência, produzida de ca. 394/395 a 419, entre Aurélio Agostinho (Tagaste, atual Souk Ahras, 354 - Hipona, atual Annaba, 430/431), presbítero e posteriormente bispo em Hipona, e Eusébio Jerônimo (Estridão, atual Liubliana, 331 - Belém, 419/420), monge então residente em Belém. Esta dissertação também compreende um estudo introdutório dessa correspondência, dividido em duas partes: uma interpretação de elementos nas cartas à luz do gênero epistolar helenístico, sua teoria e prática, conforme estas foram descritas tanto por outros escritores gregos e latinos, antigos e cristãos, quanto por críticos modernos; em seguida, uma contextualização histórica do texto, por sua vez fundamentada nos estudos da correspondência e na historiografia moderna, com enfoque na biografia de nossos autores, os quais viveram em uma época marcada por questões caras ao desenvolvimento da patrística latina como a discussão acerca da interpretação e tradução das Sagradas Escrituras, o combate às heresias, e, mais importante, o papel político e social da Igreja Católica na busca por uma doutrina cristã unívoca e ortodoxa durante a Antiguidade Tardia. / This dissertation comprehends the translation, analysis, and critical annotation of the letters that compose the correspondence of Aurelius Augustine (Thagast, modern day Souk Ahras, 354 - Hippo Regius, modern day Annaba, 430/431), presbyter and then bishop of Hippo, with Eusebius Jerome (Stridon, modern day Ljubliana, 331 - Bethlehem, 419/420), a monk then living in Bethlehem, and which were changed between the years of ca. 394/395 and 419. This dissertation also comprehends an introductory study, in two parts, of the correspondence: first, an interpretation of elements from it in light of the Hellenistic epistolary genre, according to its theory and practice, as described both by Greek and Roman, ancient and christian writers, and by contemporary scholars; afterwards, a historical analysis of the text, supported by studies of the correspondence and modern historiographic scholarship, with emphasis on biographies of our authors, who lived in an age marked by important causes to the development of Latin Patristics, such as the correct interpretation and translation of the Holy Scripture, the battle against heresies, and most importantly the political and social role played by the Church, in the search for a unified, catholic and orthodox christian doctrine during Late Antiquity.
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Mulheres deportadas na Assíria / Deported women in assyriaSilva, Simone da Silva January 2017 (has links)
Nesta dissertação são analisadas fontes iconográficas do I milênio a.C. na Assíria representando mulheres deportadas. Examinam-se representações de mulheres na arte assíria, resgatando-se a memória de sujeitos subalternos na historiografia e suas funções no cenário bélico. Realiza-se um catálogo temático das representações de mulheres deportadas na arte assíria, com uso de fontes editadas, contendo ficha técnica, com descrição iconográfica e interpretação. Além de se estudar como eram representadas as mulheres deportadas e quais funções os assírios davam para estas mulheres nas narrativas bélicas, vemos como se representava o outro, o estrangeiro inimigo, vencido e cativo. Nota-se, ademais, que os assírios ressaltavam aspectos da sua compreensão de feminilidade, assim como denotavam a distinção étnica e de gênero que marcava a identidade dessas mulheres, oriundas de diversas regiões sob domínio do impérioassírio (884-631 a.C.). / This work plan to do an analysis of iconographic sources from the I millennium B.C. in Assyria. The studies of these iconographic sources are widespread among Assyriologists and scholars of Assyrian art. However, little is attentive to the presence of women in Assyrian art. Besides being subaltern historiography subject as a whole, women and their role in war are poorly studied objects. In this paper, I intend to develop a critical and analytical view of how the deported women were represented, and what actions the Assyrians gave to these women in warlike narratives, besides representing the other, the stranger, the Assyrians were concerned to emphasize aspects of their understanding of femininity, as well as emphasized the gender distinction in aspects that marked the identity of these women, coming from different parts that were on the domain of the Assyrianempire.
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A correspondência entre São Jerônimo e Santo Agostinho: tradução e estudo (edição bilíngue) / The correspondence between Saint Jerome and Saint Augustine: ranslation and studyFelipe de Medeiros Guarnieri 18 December 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação compreende a tradução, descrição, análise e anotação crítica das cartas que compõem a correspondência, produzida de ca. 394/395 a 419, entre Aurélio Agostinho (Tagaste, atual Souk Ahras, 354 - Hipona, atual Annaba, 430/431), presbítero e posteriormente bispo em Hipona, e Eusébio Jerônimo (Estridão, atual Liubliana, 331 - Belém, 419/420), monge então residente em Belém. Esta dissertação também compreende um estudo introdutório dessa correspondência, dividido em duas partes: uma interpretação de elementos nas cartas à luz do gênero epistolar helenístico, sua teoria e prática, conforme estas foram descritas tanto por outros escritores gregos e latinos, antigos e cristãos, quanto por críticos modernos; em seguida, uma contextualização histórica do texto, por sua vez fundamentada nos estudos da correspondência e na historiografia moderna, com enfoque na biografia de nossos autores, os quais viveram em uma época marcada por questões caras ao desenvolvimento da patrística latina como a discussão acerca da interpretação e tradução das Sagradas Escrituras, o combate às heresias, e, mais importante, o papel político e social da Igreja Católica na busca por uma doutrina cristã unívoca e ortodoxa durante a Antiguidade Tardia. / This dissertation comprehends the translation, analysis, and critical annotation of the letters that compose the correspondence of Aurelius Augustine (Thagast, modern day Souk Ahras, 354 - Hippo Regius, modern day Annaba, 430/431), presbyter and then bishop of Hippo, with Eusebius Jerome (Stridon, modern day Ljubliana, 331 - Bethlehem, 419/420), a monk then living in Bethlehem, and which were changed between the years of ca. 394/395 and 419. This dissertation also comprehends an introductory study, in two parts, of the correspondence: first, an interpretation of elements from it in light of the Hellenistic epistolary genre, according to its theory and practice, as described both by Greek and Roman, ancient and christian writers, and by contemporary scholars; afterwards, a historical analysis of the text, supported by studies of the correspondence and modern historiographic scholarship, with emphasis on biographies of our authors, who lived in an age marked by important causes to the development of Latin Patristics, such as the correct interpretation and translation of the Holy Scripture, the battle against heresies, and most importantly the political and social role played by the Church, in the search for a unified, catholic and orthodox christian doctrine during Late Antiquity.
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Yazdgird I - He Who Maintains Peace in His Dominion: Re-examining the Rise and Fall of Romano-Iranian Relations in the Early Fifth CenturyAmanatidis-Saadé, George 16 April 2019 (has links)
It is generally acknowledged among scholars in the field of Late Antiquity that relations
between the Roman and Iranian Empires reached its climax in the early fifth century. Countless
sources report a variety of co-operative events depicting positive dealings between the Iranian
shah Yazdgird and the Roman emperors Arcadius and Theodosius II. On the other hand, there
exist just as many accounts that Yazdgird persecuted the Christians of his realm towards the end
of his life. We are thus left with opposing narratives about the Iranian monarch, and no
clarification about what truly transpired.
This thesis seeks to clarify the ambiguities surrounding Yazdgird‟s reign. In order to
achieve this goal, the events and circumstances that led to the apogee of Roman-Iranian relations
is first retraced. An examination of potential sources of tension follows this, with the thesis
culminating in the final chapter directly engaging the question of whether Yazdgird persecuted
the Christians of his realm or not.
The focus of this study is not solely to answer the question outlined above, but also to
analyze and revise the entire topic utilizing a more holistic approach. Recent scholarship on East
Syrian Christianity and the Sasanian Empire aided in providing alternative perspectives to the
traditionally unilateral Roman views of the outlined issues. These different viewpoints in turn
helped shape new interpretations and conclusions concerning the apogee and decline of RomanoIranian relations in the early fifth century.
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Nuovi dati sulla sinagoga di Bova Marina nel contesto dell’archeologia ebraica della Calabria tardo antica / Nouvelles données sur la synagogue de Bova Marina dans le contexte de l'archéologie juive de la Calabre dans l'Antiquité tardive / New data about the synagogue of Bova Marina in the context of the Jewish archeology of Calabria in late antiquityTromba, Enrico 08 September 2015 (has links)
La recherche vise à revoir et analyser la situation du site archéologique de San Pasquale de Bova Marina (RC). Le site, découvert en 1983, a fait l'objet de fouilles archéologiques depuis 1985 qui ont révélé des structures légères de grande importance, parmi lesquelles se trouve un bâtiment classé comme une synagogue juive et daté du IVe siècle de notre ère. À côté de la structure juive ont été mis au jour d'autres bâtiments légers et deux zones de sépulture. Jusqu'à présent, la vie de la synagogue avait été datée du quatrième au sixième siècle de notre ère et les zones funéraires ont été mises en phase avec elle. Grâce à cette recherche, menée sur des documents et à travers une série de fouilles archéologiques, nous avons montré que la durée de vie de la synagogue ne va pas au-delà du milieu du Ve siècle et les deux cimetières ne sont pas reliés à elle. Nous reconstituons aussi plus précisément les différentes phases de la vie du bâtiment juif et leur développement. L'accent est mis sur des reconstructions tridimensionnelles de la mosaïque et de la salle de prière. Nous avons également constaté des différences profondes avec l'autre synagogue découverte en Italie, à Ostie, tandis que nous avons trouvé des points de contact avec les synagogues de la terre d'Israël, en particulier celles de la vallée de Beth Shéan. Le site de S. Pasquale di Bova Marina a donc connu une présence juive à partir du quatrième siècle jusqu’au milieu du cinquième lorsque la zone a continué à être utilisée principalement comme zone d'inhumation, puis l’arrêt de tout type de fréquentation au septième siècle, à l’instar d'autres sites sur la côte ionienne de la Calabre. / The research aims to reconsider and analyze the situation of the archaeological site of San Pasquale of Bova Marina (RC). The site, discovered in 1983, was the subject of archaeological investigations since 1985 and brought to light structures of great importance, among which is a building identified as a Jewish synagogue and dated to the fourth century of our era. Along with the Jewish structure, were brought to light other buildings and two burial areas. Until now, the life of the synagogue had been dated from the fourth to the sixth century of our era and burial areas were put in phase with it. Through this research, carried out on documents and through a series of archaeological excavations, we have shown that the life of the synagogue does not go beyond the middle of the fifth century and the two cemeteries are not connected to it. We also reconstruct more accurately the various phases of Jewish building life and their development. Fundamental point were the three-dimensional reconstructions of the mosaic floor of the classroom and of the hall of the prayer. We also found profound differences with the other synagogue discovered in Italy, at Ostia, while we found important points of contact with the synagogues of the Land of Israel, in particular those of the valley of Beth She'an. The site of S. Pasquale of Bova marina, then, saw a Jewish attendance from the fourth century to the middle of the fifth when the area continued to be used primarily as a burial area and then stop any type of attendance in the seventh century, as other sites places on the Ionian coast of Calabria.
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Les formes du jardin dans la maison en Gaule romaine entre le Haut-Empire et l’Antiquité tardive : architecture et décor / Forms of the garden in Houses en Roman Gaul between Early Empire and Late Antiquity : architecture and decorationChassillan, Emilie 25 June 2011 (has links)
Notre thèse retrace l’évolution de l’architecture du jardin et de son décor entre le Haut-Empire et l’Antiquité tardive, dans les maisons de Gaule romaine, en particulier dans les demeures des élites. Elle permet désormais de faciliter les comparaisons entre nord et sud de la Gaule. L’élaboration d’un corpus a permis de répertorier et analyser les formes du jardin. Les plans, colorisés afin de visualiser le jardin au milieu des espaces d’apparat et de circulation et faciliter les comparaisons, permettent de constater dans un premier temps que certains éléments du jardin italique sont repris. Cependant, l’élaboration d’une typologie des formes du jardin indique que cette architecture importée est rapidement adaptée. La Gaule romaine innove par de nouvelles formes architecturales et des créations. Puis, la crise du IIIe siècle marque une importante rupture dans la diffusion de cette forme d’habitat résidentiel. Il reste difficile de dire si le jardin est un espace que l’on abandonne à cause des valeurs païennes qu’il véhicule, dans une spiritualité chrétienne nouvelle. Dans un second temps, l’analyse de l’apparition chronologique des bassins permet d’appréhender l’évolution des formes et des modes au sein d’une province, ainsi que leurs modalités de diffusion. L’élaboration d’une typo-chronologie révèle les formes les plus utilisées et la naissance de modes locales. Nous avons enfin cherché à restituer l’univers et la sensibilité du jardin dans les maisons urbaines de Gaule romaine à travers les choix iconographiques des propriétaires. Malgré une documentation parfois sporadique, des ensembles permettent désormais de reconstituer la scénographie des jardins gallo-romains. / Our thesis relates the evolution of the architecture of the garden and its decoration between Early Empire and Late Antiquity, in Roman Gaul houses, in particular, in high social class residences. It enables easier comparisons in between northern and southern Gaul. The elaboration of a corpus allowed us to list and analyze the forms of the garden. At first, the maps (colorized to visualize the garden among the pleasure and circulation spaces, and to facilitate the comparisons) enable us to notice that certain elements of the italic garden are reused. However, the elaboration of a typology indicates that this imported architecture is quickly adapted. Roman Gaul is breaking new ground with new architectural forms and creations. The 3rd century crisis shows an important break in the spreading of that form of residential habitat. It is still difficult to say if the garden is a space that is being abandoned because of its pagan values, in a new Christian spirituality. Secondly, studying the chronological apparition of basins let us understand the evolution of the forms and modes in each province and how they spread. Thanks to our typo-chronology, we noticed that some forms are more used with local modes. We tried to give a faithful idea of the world and sensibility of the garden in Gallo-Roman urban residences through the iconographical choices of its owners. Despite the sporadic documentation, remnants, while incomplete, enable us to recreate the staging of those Gallo-Roman gardens.
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Les Etoliens dans l'Antiquité. Essai d'histoire des représentations / The Aitolians in Antiquity. An essay on the history of representationsPerrier, Amélie 10 November 2012 (has links)
Des « gens broüillons & méchans », voilà la réputation des Étoliens résumée par J. Spon1 au XVIIe s. et qui a encore aujourd'hui la force d'une image commune.En raison de la nature et de l'origine de la documentation ancienne conservée et en raison des topoi formés dans l'Antiquité ou l'époque moderne, une étude sur les Étoliens doit emprunter le chemin de l'histoire des représentations. Les sources imposent en effet deux contraintes, dues à leur disproportion en faveur du IIIe s. et à l'absence de sources littéraires d'origine étolienne.Ce travail propose une analyse de la formation et de l'évolution des représentations de l'Étolie et des Étoliens dans les sources, depuis la fondation des grands sanctuaires jusqu'à la réorganisation de la Grèce du Nord-Ouest par Auguste. Il permet de dater l'apparition de certaines images et d'en comprendre les différents contextes : le contexte historique de l'événement narré et le contexte historique et littéraire de production du récit. La contextualisation des représentations permet de distinguer ce qui relève de la propagande politique et ce qui relève de représentations communes. Enfin, l'analyse précise des sources laisse entrevoir le point de vue étolien, ou du moins permet de saisir des bribes du discours étolien.La première partie est consacrée à l'image géographique de l'Étolie et des Étoliens et permet de distinguer ce qui, dans les représentations des Étoliens, relève de topoi ou de grilles d'analyse modernes. Les trois parties suivantes suivent la chronologie des événements et des sources. La deuxième partie analyse l'image des Étoliens dans l'épopée et l'entrée des Étoliens dans le récit historique, qui correspond à leurs premières confrontations de l'époque classique avec les autres Grecs. La troisième partie montre comment, à l'époque hellénistique, les Étoliens devinrent des porte-drapeau de l'hellénisme et comment Polybe construisit son discours anti-étolien de façon à inventer une « idée étolienne » qui fut, en grande partie, à l'origine de l'image des Étoliens chez les Modernes. La quatrième partie analyse les conséquences du rôle des Étoliens sur leurs représentations pendant la période romaine, et propose une synthèse sur l'image des Étoliens dans l'opinion romaine qui permet notamment d'évaluer la fortune du discours polybien dans l'Antiquité.Cette étude se veut enfin une contribution à la définition des méthodes, des objets et des limites de l'histoire des représentations pour l'Antiquité. / In the 17th century, J. Spon condensed the Aitolians’ reputation in a phrase, “gens broüillons & méchans”1, which still bears the strength of a common image nowadays. Because of the nature and origin of the ancient documents and of the topoi created during Antiquity or the Modern age, Aitolian studies need to turn towards cultural history. Sources generate two constraints, with a bulk of documents from the 3rd c. and a lack of literary sources of Aitolian origin. This thesis analyses the formation and the evolution of the representations of Aitolia and Aitolians in the sources, since the foundation of the main sanctuaries and until the reorganization of north-western Greece by Augustus. It enables us to date the apparition of some images and to understand their various contexts: the historical context of the narrated event and the historical and literary context of the narrative production. By contextualizing representations, what stems from political propaganda can be distinguished from what results from common representations. Finally, thanks to a precise analysis of the sources, the Aitolian point of view may be glimpsed, at least through fragments of Aitolian discourse. The first part deals with the geographical image of Aitolia and Aitolians, showing where topoi or modern interpretation grids generate representations. The next three parts follow the chronology of the events. The second one analyses the Aitolians’ image in the epic and the entry of Aitolians in the historical narrative, which corresponds to their first confrontations to other Greeks in the classical period. The third part shows how the Aitolians became the standard-bearers of Hellenism in the Hellenistic era and how Polybius designed his anti-Aitolian discourse so as to create an “Aitolian idea” which largely contributed to shaping how the Aitolians were seen in the modern era. The fourth part looks into the consequences of the Aitolians’ role on their representations during the Roman period and gives a synthetic picture of the Aitolians in the Roman opinion, leading to an assessment of the popularity of the Polybian discourse during Antiquity.This thesis contributes to defining the methods, objects and limits of the history of cultural representations in Antiquity.
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O som e a fúria: o Eucharisticos de Paulino de Pella e o problema do fim da antiguidade / The sound and the fury: the Eucharisticos of Paulinus of Pella and the problem of the end of AntiquitySilva, Uiran Gebara da 08 April 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma investigação cujo objetivo é examinar o problema do confronto de paradigmas explicativos a respeito do fim da Antiguidade: a ascensão da Antiguidade Tardia, uma nova Forma da História, e o Declínio do Império Romano. Busca realizar isso através da compreensão do relato feito por um monge cristão, na forma de poema, sobre sua vida como aristocrata e proprietário de terras na Gália do século V d.C., o Eucharisticos de Paulino de Pella. A pesquisa teve como preocupações teórica e metodológica entender as diferentes mediações necessárias para a composição do poema, principalmente o instrumental literário disponível ao autor, como os gêneros literários clássicos. Estas também buscaram lidar com a relação indivíduo e sociedade na Antiguidade, propondo os limites e potencialidades que a compreensão do poema como expressão ideológica de seu autor e consequentemente de sua consciência de suas posições de classe e de status como critério da parcialidade de sua visão sobre a realidade na qual viveu. / This work consists of an investigation which aims to examine the issue of the opposing explanatory paradigm used to explain the end of Antiquity: the rise of Late Antiquity, a new Form of History, and the Fall of Roman Empire, through the understanding of a narrative poem written by a christian monk about his life as an aristocracy member and landowner in Gaul during the V century AD, Paulinus Paelleus\' Eucharisticus. The research methodological concerns aimed at the understanding of the poem composition through different mediations, mainly the literary background available to the author as, for instance, the classical genres of literature. Methodological and theoretical concerns also aimed to deal with the relation between individual and society in Antiquity, proposing the limits and potentialities that the poem understanding as its author\'s ideological expression - and consequently his consciousness about his class and status within it - as criteria for his biased view about the reality he lived in.
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Hekate, de deusa ctônica dos atenienses do período clássico à deusa da feitiçaria no imaginário social do Ocidente / Hekate, the chthonic goddess of the Athenians of the classical period to the goddess of witchcraft in the western social imaginaryTricia Magalhães Carnevale 12 April 2012 (has links)
Nosso eixo temático se desenvolve a partir do questionamento do epíteto de Deusa da Feitiçaria atribuído tardiamente à deidade grega Hekate. A partir do período Clássico em Atenas iniciaram-se críticas às práticas mágico-religiosas cujo objetivo era fazer mal ao inimigo; realizadas por indivíduos (mágoi - magos) os quais também sabiam utilizá-las para a cura, como o uso das phármaka (ervas). O desenvolvimento da Escola de Medicina Hipocrática, no período Clássico, e seus tratados médicos, se configuram como uma das críticas direcionadas aos mágoi e das divindades que evocavam em suas práticas mágicas. Um tratado em especial, Da Doença Sagrada, combate a divinização da epilepsia e as práticas curativas desta enfermidade através da persuasão dos deuses. Platão também teceu críticas aos que ofereciam seus serviços mágicos de porta em porta por uma pequena quantia. Acreditamos que a partir dessas críticas se desenvolveu no imaginário social ateniense a relação entre a deusa grega Hekate e a magia de fazer mal ao inimigo cuja permanência é observada nos dias atuais. Nosso arcabouço teórico constitui-se dos conceitos desenvolvidos pelo filósofo polonês Bronislaw Baczko no verbete imaginação social na Enciclopedia Einaudi. / Our main theme is developed from the questioning of the epithet "Goddess of Witchcraft" later attributed to the Greek deity Hecate. From the Classical period in Athens began criticism of magic-religious practices whose aim was to hurt the enemy, held by individuals (magoi - wizards) who also knew how to use them for healing, such as the use of phármaka (herbs). The development of the Hippocratic School of Medicine in the Classical period, and his medical treatises, are configured as one of the criticisms directed at magoi and deities that evoked in their magical practices. A treated particular, The Sacred Disease, the combating of deification of epilepsy and healing practices of this disease by the persuasion of the gods. Plato also made criticism of the magicians who offered their services door to door for a small fee. We believe that from these criticisms developed in the social relationship between the Athenian Greek goddess Hecate and magic to hurt the enemy, whose residence is observed today. Our theoretical framework is made up of the concepts developed by Polish philosopher Bronislaw Baczko social imagination in the entry in the Encyclopedia Einaudi.
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