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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den offentliga sektorns estetiska krav på arbetskraften / The Aesthetic Demands on the Workforce in the Public Sector

Johansson, Linda, Johansson, Magdalena January 2006 (has links)
<p>Har utseendet någon betydelse i arbetslivet? Existerar det estetiska krav inom den offentliga sektorn? Utifrån en kvalitativ metod har sju intervjuer genomförts med personalansvariga inom den offentliga sektorn för att undersöka förekomsten av estetiska krav. Ett antal faktorer som visar på vilka de estetiska kraven är inom den offentliga sektorn har lokaliserats. Även förklaringar till varför de estetiska kraven ställs har kartlagts. Denna artikel ämnar därmed att presentera vilka de estetiska sambanden är som råder inom offentliga organisationer i Sverige.</p>

Bunker eller böljande ängar? : en undersökning av den fysiska arbetsmiljön på skolor och hur denna påverkar idrottslärares undervisning

Andersson, Johan, Sundkvist, Erika January 2007 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Syfte och frågeställning</p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka idrottslärares fysiska arbetsmiljö på skolor med olika förutsättningar och på vilket sätt idrottsläraren uppfattar att den fysiska arbetsmiljön påverkar undervisningen. Vi har utgått från tre mer preciserade frågeställningar. Hur ser den fysiska arbetsmiljön ut på skolan? Hur upplever läraren sin arbetsmiljö? Slutligen hur påverkar arbetsmiljön undervisningen?</p><p>Metod</p><p>Studien har bestått av tre platsobservationer av den fysiska arbetsmiljön och av tre intervjuer med idrottslärare verksamma i den observerade miljön. De skolor vi undersökt valdes utifrån de förutsättningar vi på förhand visste om och för att dem låg i Stockholmsområdet. Idrottslärarna kontaktades via mail och telefon då lämpligt datum bestämdes. Intervjuerna skedde på skolorna och bandades för att sedan transkriberas och analyseras med hjälp av en arbetsmiljömodell kallad ISR-modellen, (Institut for Social Research at University of Michigan).</p><p>Resultat</p><p>De resultat som framkom var att alla tre idrottslärare, oavsett hur den fysiska arbetsmiljön såg ut när det gäller lokalerna och materialtillgångar, upplevde sin arbetsmiljö som god. Dock fanns det vissa delar som var mindre bra, hög bullernivå var något som påpekades av samtliga som negativt. När det gäller hur arbetsmiljön påverkar idrottslärarens undervisning, visar observations- och intervjustudien att arbetsmiljön inte styr undervisningens utformning. Det är snarare idrottslärarens inställning och arbetssätt som blir avgörande. Material och tillgångar ses mer som hjälpmedel än som begränsningar.</p><p>Slutsats</p><p>Det vi har kommit fram till i vår undersökning är att lokaler och materialtillgångar skiljer sig väldigt mycket från skola till skola. Utifrån ISR-modellen kan vi konstatera att alla de lärare vi har intervjuat har reagerat positivt på sin fysiska arbetsmiljö trots skillnader i den fysiska arbetsmiljön. Lärarna arbetar väldigt flexibelt och anpassar sig och sin undervisning efter tillgångarna. Ingen av våra respondenter ansåg att de hade en dålig arbetsmiljö, vilket vi tyckte var mycket förvånande då förutsättningarna för att bedriva skolidrott skiljde sig väldigt mycket mellan skolorna.</p>

Det riskabla engagemanget : Om regenerativ utveckling av mänskliga resurser, eldsjälar och ledarskap i radikal utveckling

Palm, Kristina January 2008 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on the consequences of strong commitment⁄ Engagement in contemporary work. The aim of the thesis is to Build knowledge on regeneration and development of human resources. The empirical research consists of three case studies mainly Based on interviews: two are explorative studies on four strongly Committed champions within two projects of radical reorganisation. The third Empirical study is exploring one strongly engaged champion within an extensive Business rationalisation. The two first case studies were originally set for Other research and are therefore analyzed secondarily here. The case studies indicate that the strong commitment that is needed in contemporary Work is problematic when crises arise. The commitment and energy Tend to reduce quickly in bad managed crises. In order to break an evil Circle of energy loss the manager’s support is central, and also the possibility to Learn from experiences in an acceptable climate. / Avhandlingen fokuserar på det starka engagemangets konsekvenser i Det samtida arbetet. Syftet är att bidra med förståelse kring engagemangets Betydelse för regenerativ utveckling av mänskliga resurser. Avhandlingen baseras på studier av fem förändringsledare och deras Tre utvecklingsprojekt. Den främsta metoden för insamling av Information var intervjuer, men även andra metoder såsom deltagande observationer Har använts. Av de fem starkt engagerade förändringsledarna som Studerats var det fyra som misslyckades att nå sina projektmål, endast en lyckades Och gick stärkt ur projektet. Två av projekten var radikala, det vill säga de Sökte bryta med befintliga värderingar och organisera arbetet efter en annan Människosyn. Studien visar på att starkt engagemang som ju ofta behövs i ett samtida Gränslöst arbete också kan vara problematiskt när krissituationer uppstår. Individens Engagemang och energi tenderar att förbrukas, istället för att återskapas Vid en illa behandlad kris. För att kunna bryta en ond cirkel av energiförbrukning Föreslås chefers stöd vara en viktig komponent, men också möjligheten Att lära från sina erfarenheter i ett tillåtande klimat. / QC 20100902

En god visuell arbetsmiljö : ögonbesvär, muskuloskeletala besvär och produktivitet hos brevbärare

Hemphälä, Hillevi January 2008 (has links)
This study appears to be one of few intervention studies with focus on eyestrain and lighting on non-computer workplaces. Previous studies have shown strong connections between eyestrain and musculoskeletal strain. The eyes “lead the body” and if the picture on the retina is unfocused the body adjusts the posture, trying to improve the image through changing the viewing distance. This can lead to an unnatural body posture which can contribute in the development of musculoskeletal disorders. A good visual environment with proper illuminance, good luminance contrast relationship, good uniformity value of the illuminance and no glare are the best conditions in order to function well at a visually demanding work. Sorting mail is a task that needs good visual ergonomics and can therefore be improved by a change in the visual environment. The overall purpose of this thesis is to investigate if a good visual environment have an impact on eyestrain, musculoskeletal strain, productivity, wellbeing, and work induced stress. This thesis is based on a literature review and a lighting intervention, with one part before the intervention and two follow-up parts, summer and winter. The results are based on objectively measurements; lighting, time studies, and optometric eye examinations, and two questionnaires. The first questionnaire concerned visual ergonomics and the second had a focus on wellbeing and experience of work related tasks. The postmen experienced the new lighting and labeling as improvement. A small decrease in the amount of eyestrain was present, and the younger postmen had a decrease of the musculoskeletal strain. The postmen with eyestrain got a small improvement of the sorting time. When the lighting was improved another factor that could cause strain appeared, the need for good correction in their glasses was identified as the main remaining factor that could cause the observed strain. / Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic-2008:8.

Samarbeid uten fellesskap : Om individuelle planer i kommunalt psykisk helsearbeid

Hansen, Gunnar Vold January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is about the implementation of individual plans in the municipal mental health sector. Persons with need for long-term and coordinated services are entitled to have an individual plan. The objectives of an individual plan are to see that the service provides user participation, individual adaptation, comprehension and coordination. The purpose of this thesis is to see if an individual plan really contributes to reaching these objectives. It is possible to see individual plans as a tool based on the ideology of New Public Management (NPM). As such, their basis is rational-instrumental logic. Mental health is, however, a sector recognized for different knowledge bases, indefinite relations between cause and result, and users with vague and complex needs. The reason for choosing this field of investigation is to see what happens when a sector recognized for ambiguity meets products designed upon a rational-instrumental logic. The study shows that it is difficult to achieve user participation and individual adaptations. The reason for this is first of all insignificant resources in the municipal sector. The service providers are mostly positive to user participation and user involvement. This is, however, difficult to achieve as long as the users do not understand the reason for an individual plan and they lack concrete goals for their lives. The prospect of making a comprehensive and coordinated service is only to a small extent dependent on individual plans. Instead it seems as if factors like how the municipality is organized, professional boundaries and insight into rehabilitation ideology and cooperation, account for how comprehensive and coordinated the service becomes. The individual plan should be administered by a service provider with overall responsibility to follow up the work (a coordinator). My results show that this coordinator usually has a very important role in assisting the users in getting the service they need. Often the plan is followed by a team meeting where the different service providers together meet the user. For some of the users, these meetings are an arena where they can influence decisions about the service.

Management och motstånd : Offentlig sektor i omvandling - en fallstudie

Huzell, Henrietta January 2005 (has links)
This case study focuses on the intentions of public sector transformation. In particular, on a Swedish public authority, the National Rail Administration (NRA) this is studied and analysed. As in other parts of the Swedish public sector, the management of this authority is planning and executing ‘marketisation’ reforms. Parts of NRA’s monopoly are to be ended and to be guided by the market. The aim of the study is to examine how conflicts between management and employees are shaped according to the changes taking place. Firstly, the study assesses how management interprets the new demands put upon the organisation and translates them into action. These actions illustrated as changes from 'monopoly to market' in order to be a legitimate business competitor; from ‘bureaucracy to flexibility’ in order to enhance competence and changing employees' identities from 'technique to tactic' in order to serve the customer properly The study then examines the management-driven implementation of these reforms; and how the employees respond to the changes from a resistance perspective. The discussion highlights what happens when the new management-driven organising principles meet the old, technology-oriented principles of employees. This contributes to a deepened understanding of why organisational changes made in the name of ‘market’, ‘flexibility’ and ‘customer’ meet resistance in the public sector. From a resistance perspective the changes are understood as ‘rationalisation’, work intensification’ and increased ‘individual control’, which per se leads to undermining of the traditional safety culture and technical skills. The customer orientation is met with highly ironic attitudes and interpreted as ‘infantilisation’ of the employees. The concluding remarks are that conflict and antagonism is ever present in organisations and in this case manifest in three domains, legitimating, restructuring and revaluating, and between management perspective and resistance perspective.

Differences in Situational Awareness and How to Manage Them in Development of Complex Systems

Alfredson, Jens January 2007 (has links)
Situationsmedvetenhet (Eng. Situational Awareness), (SA), handlar om att ha koll på läget och vara medveten om vad som händer. Redan då ett komplext system utvecklas får vi en möjlighet att påverka vilken SA en framtida användare av systemet kan komma att få. Det gäller att ta tillvara på detta tillfälle! Ibland uppträder skillnader i SA, beroende på en rad olika orsaker. Denna avhandling handlar om SA och hur man kan använda de skillnaderna vid utveckling av komplexa system. Detta är relevant vid utveckling av en rad olika typer av komplexa system, även om de flesta exempel i denna avhandling kommer från flygdomänen. Avhandlingen innehåller beskrivningar hämtade från litteratur inom området och förslag på utveckling av SA-teori utifrån fokus på just skillnader. Skillnaden mellan vad du behöver vara medveten om och vad du verkligen är medveten om föreslås ge en indikation om individens SA. Vidare föreslås skillnaden mellan vad du är medveten om och vad du tror dig vara medveten om också ge en indikation om individens SA. SA kan skattas för en grupp av människor som arbetar tillsammans, genom variationerna i hur samstämmiga deras uppfattningar är. Termen situationshantering (Eng. Situation Management), (SM), föreslås med en vidare mening än SA, inkluderande SA, men också varje del av perceptionscykeln, hantering av mentala resurser och hantering av situationen genom extern påverkan. SM är en väl lämpad term vid utveckling av komplexa system då fokus här är på situationen och hur den kan hanteras, snarare än fokus på vad en individ eller en grupp uppfattar. Att skatta skillnader i SA och att kunna särskilja olika typer av skillnader är viktiga förutsättningar för att kunna hantera skillnader i SA vid utveckling av komplexa system på ett bra sätt. I avhandlingen gås flera sätt att skatta sådana skillnader igenom och speciellt tas för- och nackdelar med ögonrörelsemätning upp. Med referens till litteraturen och till de bilagda artiklarna beskrivs skillnader i SA beroende på a) designalternativ, b) roller i processen från utveckling till användning c) kontext och d) analysnivå. Skillnaderna i SA föreslås ses som både kvantitativa (dvs. hög eller låg SA) och kvalitativa (tex. olika aspekter av en situation). Ansatser såsom SM, realtidsvärdering, mätning och analys av SA på flera nivåer samtidigt samt simulatorbaserad design föreslås för att hantera skillnader i SA vid utveckling av komplexa system. / What’s up, Doc? Situational awareness (SA) is about being aware of what is going on. Already when a complex system is developed there is an opportunity to help a future user of the system to form a better SA. Let us make the best out of this opportunity! When assessing SA, differences in SA will sometimes appear. This dissertation is about SA, and how to manage differences in SA in development of complex systems. This topic is highly valid for development of a variety of complex systems, although most examples in this dissertation are from the aviation domain. Framed by state of the art literature, suggestions are made on theoretical improvements of SA theory, with a focus on differences. The difference between what you are required to be aware of and what you are aware of is suggested as a SA-indicator. Also, the difference between what you are aware of and what you think you are aware of is suggested as another SA-indicator. Further, differences within a team such as variations in degree of agreement could be used for team SA assessment. Also, the term situation management (SM) is suggested, with a proposed wider meaning than SA, including SA and every part of the perception action cycle, the management of mental resources, and external means of managing the situation. SM is a suitable term when developing complex systems due to the focus on the situation and how that could be managed, instead of only focusing on what is perceived by an individual or team. Assessing differences in SA and to differentiate between various types of differences are recognised as important prerequisites to effectively manage differences in SA in development of complex systems. Several assessment techniques are reviewed and especially advantages and disadvantages of the use of eye movements for SA assessment are described. With reference to the literature as well as to the appended papers differences in SA due to a) design alternatives, b) roles in the design-use process, c) context, and d) level of analysis, are described. Differences in SA are suggested to be regarded as both quantitative (i.e. high or low SA) and qualitative (e.g. various aspects of a situation are regarded). Approaches such as, SM, on-line evaluation of SA, simulator based design, as well as measuring and analysing SA on multiple levels simultaneously, are suggested as means to manage differences in SA in the development of complex systems.

Om organisering av det regenerativa arbetet : samtal om roll, process och interaktivt meningsskapande

Ericsson, Ulf January 2010 (has links)
The focal point of this thesis is an interest in the phenomena of regenerative work, which is a work that has the potential of recreating and developing human resources and energy. The aim is to make a contribution, by presenting a supplementary perspective, to this area of research by considering regenerative work through a process perspective where the centre of interest is transferred from being a question of what to a question of how? The guiding research question is as follows: How could the organizing processes of regenerative work be understood? - more specifically - through an interactive approach the purpose is to describe, analyze and understand those everyday processes that have implications for regenerative work. This general inquiry took place at a number of wards/departments at a hospital in southern Sweden. Above all, the empirical focus concentrated on two specific occurrences: (1) an implementation of a new work model at the various wards/departments and (2) the function of the ward managers and their work situation. Empirical material was collected in collaboration with assistant nurses, registered nurses and ward managers through forum dialogues, interviews and observations. Narratives as formation of knowledge are a significant tool that constitutes an important foundation of this thesis. The chain of events and actions of complex processes are thus interpreted and understood by means of using narratives as a research device. The narrative form was also a source of inspiration for a large portion of the results presentation. The comprehension of the construction of experiences that may be related to regenerative work must be interpreted and understood beyond an individualistic perspective. Overconfidence in rules and routines, and a predetermined execution of the work proved also to be problematic in a complex and symbolically charged reality. Consequently, regenerative work must be understood in the light of a reality/world that consists of regularities and irregularities as well as predictability and unpredictability. It is in the complexity of such worlds, actors are required to interpret what their work/assignment is about and to carry it out satisfactory and to the best of their ability. Hence, two crucial questions are derived: How is the work/assignment interpreted? Are their prerequisites in the organization enabling and supporting good performances? In conclusion, these two questions are interconnected and discussed further in view of local basic conditions for conversation and action as well as leadership in terms of organizing for sensemaking. / QC20100701

Using Tentacles in Planning and Scheduling Work : Activities, Roles and Contributions

Berglund, Martina January 2009 (has links)
Handling production scheduling is increasingly difficult for manyenterprises, and human involvement is necessary. The overall objective ofthis research was to gain further understanding of planners’ and schedulers’work within the manufacturing industry, to elucidate how their worksituation is formed, and to explain their significance to other employees’work and company activities. Scheduling work was studied in fourcompanies in the Swedish woodworking industry; a sawmill, a parquet floormanufacturer, a furniture manufacturer and a house manufacturer. Themethod used was activity analysis which is based on the analysis of workactivities in real work situations. Data collection included 20 days’observations and 65 interviews. Cross-case analysis with British cases onplanning work was also included.The findings revealed that the schedulers’ tasks lead to many activities. Twothirds of these are what can be expected. The remaining third constitutesactivities that depend on the schedulers’ individual attributes and the contextin which they work. The schedulers serve as problem solvers in a number ofdomains and constitute efficient information nodes, making them animportant service function. Furthermore, they have an alignment rolebetween different organizational groups. This role is specifically remarkablein dealing with production enquiries that must be aligned with productioncapability. Here, both planners and schedulers play an essential role inlinking the manufacturing and the commercial sides and their differentfunctional logics.Planners and schedulers in daily work exert strong influence on others. Theydo not hold legitimate power. Instead their influence emanates mainly fromaccess to and control of information and their ability to apply expertise tointerpret this information and examine the impact of decisions made acrossdifferent areas of the business. Personal power related to social skills is alsosignificant.Furthermore, they facilitate others’ work in continuous personalinteractions, serving the technical scheduling software system, and aligningdifferent organizational functions. In combination with expert knowledgeand developed social skills, they significantly contribute to quality operationsperformance. Finally, the schedulers influence the decision latitude of otheremployees and may indirectly promote job satisfaction, thus contributing todeveloping appropriate working conditions for others in the company. / QC 20100624

Om organisering av det regenerativa arbetet : samtal om roll, process och interaktivt meningsskapande

Ericsson, Ulf January 2010 (has links)
The focal point of this thesis is an interest in the phenomena of regenerative work, which is a work that has the potential of recreating and developing human resources and energy. The aim is to make a contribution, by presenting a supplementary perspective, to this area of research by considering regenerative work through a process perspective where the centre of interest is transferred from being a question of what to a question of how? The guiding research question is as follows: How could the organizing processes of regenerative work be understood? - more specifically - through an interactive approach the purpose is to describe, analyze and understand those everyday processes that have implications for regenerative work. This general inquiry took place at a number of wards/departments at a hospital in southern Sweden. Above all, the empirical focus concentrated on two specific occurrences: (1) an implementation of a new work model at the various wards/departments and (2) the function of the ward managers and their work situation. Empirical material was collected in collaboration with assistant nurses, registered nurses and ward managers through forum dialogues, interviews and observations. Narratives as formation of knowledge are a significant tool that constitutes an important foundation of this thesis. The chain of events and actions of complex processes are thus interpreted and understood by means of using narratives as a research device. The narrative form was also a source of inspiration for a large portion of the results presentation. The comprehension of the construction of experiences that may be related to regenerative work must be interpreted and understood beyond an individualistic perspective. Overconfidence in rules and routines, and a predetermined execution of the work proved also to be problematic in a complex and symbolically charged reality. Consequently, regenerative work must be understood in the light of a reality/world that consists of regularities and irregularities as well as predictability and unpredictability. It is in the complexity of such worlds, actors are required to interpret what their work/assignment is about and to carry it out satisfactory and to the best of their ability. Hence, two crucial questions are derived: How is the work/assignment interpreted? Are their prerequisites in the organization enabling and supporting good performances? In conclusion, these two questions are interconnected and discussed further in view of local basic conditions for conversation and action as well as leadership in terms of organizing for sensemaking.

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