Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arkitekturteknik"" "subject:"arkitekturteori""
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En kvantitativ och kvalitativ analys av bortfall från resevaneundersökningar med mobilapplikation : Hur ser bortfallet ut och hur kan det åtgärdas?Ye, Elise January 2023 (has links)
Understanding peoples travel behavior is vital when planning transportation systems. Travel surveys are used to collect peoples travel data. Lately it has been harder to recruit respondents to the traditional travel surveys which has resulted in lower data quality. TravelVu is a smartphone application that collects GPS-data and for every trip the user takes the application collects information. The user can then check the trips and adjust them and at the end of the day confirm that the trips are correct. The corrected data is later used in analyzing travel behavior. All studies have a dropout rate that need to be addressed and users drop out from TravelVus travel surveys both during the recruitment period and the phase when data is collected. The purpose of this study is to find out when the dropout happens, if it affects the representation of different demographical groups and how to prevent the results from getting biased. The goal is to find solutions to make the distribution between the different demographic groups closer to mirroring the distribution between those groups in the population. The study was executed in three parts. The first part is a study of previous travel behavior surveys and the different methods used to collect travel data and recruit respondents. The second part is a study of data collected by TravelVu in travel surveys made in Gotland, Täby, Trollhättan and Lund. In this part discrepancies between groups with different age, gender, education, and possession of driver’s license, was studied to see if some demographic group was underrepresented in TravelVus travel surveys. The third part was an interview study with people from different demographical groups. These people had to answer questions about their attitude toward travel surveys and different travel survey methods. They also had to discuss what could influence their attitude positively or negatively, and review how inclined they felt to participate based on a recruitment letter and the application, TravelVu. The results from the second part of the research showed that some demographic groups were more represented that other. These groups were women, people between the ages of 35 and 74 years old, people with a driver’s license, and people with higher education. This biasedness in representation is already set during the recruitment phase and during the data collection period people drop out according to this trend. A common answer in the interviews were that people thought travel surveys meant the respondent had to put in a lot of work and that it could feel unsafe being tracked by GPS-based travel surveys. Many participants pointed out that it was hard to understand the purpose of travel surveys and how it would affect them in a positive way. Some conclusions made from this research is that the distribution between demographic groups is set during the recruitment period, that the largest dropout rate is during the recruitment period and that the recruitment letter should be adjustable to reach different people, since the research showed that some participants wanted more information than the recruitment letter offered. This could be achieved by having links in the letter for more information for those who does not feel satisfied with the information offered in the letter and by having demos of the application which makes it possible for the respondent to try out the survey method before committing. The letter should also focus more on the positive parts of participating in a travel survey. / För att planera transportsystem behöver man förstå hur människor reser och för detta används resevaneundersökningar. Det har blivit svårare att få in svar vid dessa undersökningar och kvaliteten på de traditionella resevaneundersökningarna har sjunkit. Med applikationen TravelVu kan resedata samlas in genom mobilens GPS och på så sätt följa personens resor genom platsprecision. Under dagen tar TravelVu fram ett förslag på hur personen har rest och vilka aktiviteter hen haft under dagen. Användaren kontrollerar och justerar om det behövs, därefter markerar hen att dagen är rätt. De rättade resorna är de som används i analyser av resebeteende. Alla undersökningar ger ett bortfall som måste hanteras. Det är viktigt att bortfall av grupper hanteras så att människor inte blir exkluderade ur planeringen. Personer faller bort ur TravelVus undersökningar både under rekryteringen och under datainsamlingsperioden. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på när bortfallet sker, vilka demografiska grupper som påverkas och hur man kan få fler att delta och minska skevheten i demografin. Målet är att med hjälp av detta få en mindre skev fördelning mellan de olika demografiska grupperna så att respondenterna speglar befolkningen mer. Studien har utförts i tre delar. Den första delen är en litteraturstudie av hur resevaneundersökningar går till från rekrytering till datainsamling och vilka olika metoder som kan användas för att utföra en resevaneundersökning. I den andra delen undersöks data från tidigare undersökningar med TravelVu som gjorts i Gotland, Täby, Trollhättan och Lund. Där undersöktes skillnader i deltagande mellan personer som tillhörde olika åldersgrupper, kön, hade körkort eller inte, samt utbildningsnivå. Den tredje delen är en intervjustudie där personer från olika demografiska grupper fått besvara frågor om deras inställning till olika resevaneundersökningsmetoder, berätta om vad som skulle påverka de positivt eller negativt, samt berätta om deras inställning till både ett rekryteringsbrev och applikationen TravelVu. Resultatet visade att skevheten bland de demografiska grupperna sattes redan under rekryteringsperioden. Under resten av undersökningen fortsätter respondenterna falla bort enligt liknande trender. De grupper som var mer representerade i resevaneundersökningar var kvinnor, personer från 35 år till 74 år, personer med körkort och personer med längre utbildning. Intervjuresultatet visade att många ansåg att resevaneundersökningar kunde innebära mycket engagemang och att resevaneundersökningar som använde sig av platsprecision kunde vara integritetskränkande. Något annat som dök upp oftare var att det var svårt att förstå syftet med undersökningen. Några slutsatser från undersökningen är att den demografiska fördelningen sätts efter rekryteringen, att det största bortfallet sker under rekryteringen och att man borde göra rekryteringsbrevinnehållet anpassningsbart för olika respondenter genom att ge de möjlighet att fördjupa sig om resevaneundersökning. Detta går att uppnå genom att ge tillgång till mer information på till exempel en webbsida som kan nås via länk eller QR-kod i brevet men också genom att låta respondenten testa applikationen via en webbaserad demo innan respondenten laddar ner applikationen. Man borde även fokusera mer på hur respondenten påverkas positivt av att vara med i en resevaneundersökning i rekryteringsbrevet.
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Det Trivsamma Kontoret : Hur arkitektur och utformning främjar hälsa, välmående och arbetseffektivitet. / The Pleasant Workspace : How architecture and design promote health, well-being, and work efficiency.Jansson, Emelie, Elgedin, Signe January 2023 (has links)
This study examines how a pleasent office can be designed to promote health, well-being and work efficiency. The study aims to provide office workers with an insight into their work situation and how it affects them. Also how companies, thru architectural- and design features can create a supportive office environment. The study adresses the following questions: "What qualitites in architecture and interior design are the most important for good health, well-being and work efficiency at an office?" and "Which office type is the most preferable according to the results of the study?". Based on the implemented theory, survey and interview, the study identifies the modern cell office with a permanent workplace as the most adventageous type. Additionally, the hybrid office with cell office influences combined with a permanent workplace is an advantageous type in relation to good health, well-being and work efficiency. An example of an office has been created where the highest grade possible is achieved. This from a rating template that is based on the results of the study. Designing an office is a complex task that requires fulfilment of various aspects to reach a good grade and therefore, a pleasant office.
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Miljonprogramsfasaden : Aldrig riva, aldrig ta bort eller ersätta, utan alltid lägga till, omvandla och återanvända.Lindahl, Alma, Sandin, Paula January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker komplexiteten med renoveringar och hur de utförs på ett miljömässigt samt socialt hållbart sätt. Arbetet grundas i intervjuer med aktörer i området, dialog med en del verksamma och övningar med de boende, som slutligen har lett till ett gestaltningsförslag. Examensarbetet avser att påvisa vikten av medborgardialog och den sociala hållbarheten, samt ett cirkulärt och hållbart tankesätt vid renoveringar av fasader på miljonprogramsfastigheter. Studien utmynnar i ett designförslag på en fasadrenovering av en miljonprogramsfastighet i Rosengård på Bennets väg 3. / This study examines the complexity of renovations and how they are carried out in an environmentally and socially sustainable way. The work is based on interviews with stakeholders in the area, dialogues with practitioners and exercises with residents, which has led to a design proposal. The project intends to demonstrate the importance of citizen dialogue and social sustainability, as well as a circular and sustainable mindset when renovating the facades of million housing program properties. The study results in a design proposal for a facade renovation of a million program property in Rosengård at Bennets väg 3.
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Brottsförebyggande arbete i Miljonprogrammets utsatta områden / Crime Prevention Work in Unsafe Housing AreasFröhlin, Ida, Svedberg, Rebecka January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion och syfte: Under en rådande bostadsbrist i Sverige antogs ett förslag i riksdagen med vision att färdigställa en miljon hem mellan åren 1965 och 1975. Många av Sveriges mest utsatta områden består av byggnader uppförda under denna tioårsperiod. Miljonprogrammets bostäder är i stort behov av renovering samt ombyggnation för att öka tryggheten för människor boende i dessa områden. Motsvarande områden finns i Danmark. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att studera hur olika bostadsbolag i Sverige respektive Århus i Danmark arbetar för ökad trygghet i utsatta områden. Ytterligare vision är att konstatera hur den fysiska miljön kan utformas för att skapa tryggare och mer attraktiva bostadsområden. Metod: Metodvalet är en kvalitativ fallstudie med semi-strukturerade intervjuer som primär datainsamling kompletterande med dokumentstudie. Resultat: Bostadsbolag i Sverige arbetar på eget initiativ för ökad trygghet och säkerhet i utsatta områden. Det råder idag ingen svensk lag som tvingar bostadsbolagen att vidta åtgärder för ökad trygghet och säkerhet. Bearbetade metoder för samverkan används endast i viss utsträckning av bostadsbolag i Sverige.Bostadsbolag i Danmark regleras av lagen för utsatta områden som innebär att allmännyttiga bostäder ska minska från 100% till 40 % innan år 2030. Lagen tvingar till förändring genom ett samarbete mellan danska kommuner och bostadsbolag.Ett bostadsområde bör vara lätt att överblicka med hög insyn och tydliga stråk. Området bör även vara fritt från isolerade och skymda platser. Genom olika utformade huskroppar blir området mindre homogent och lättare att överblicka. Kameror, belysning och porttelefoner är framgångsrika hjälpmedel för ökad övervakning. Analys: Gemensamma teman identifierades och analyserades efter genomförda intervjuer för att skapa en tematisk analys. Genom att studera återkommande begrepp under intervjuerna identifierades mönster samt likheter och skillnader. Vidare analyserades detta för att avslutningsvis besvara de tre ställda frågeställningarna. Diskussion och slutsats: I studien konstateras att samtliga intervjuade bostadsbolag arbetar med trygghets och säkerhetsfrågor för utsatta bostadsområden. I Sverige sker arbetet i olika utsträckning, detta på grund av att arbetet sker på eget initiativ, jämfört med Danmark där arbetet blir tvingande av lagstiftningen. Ämnet behöver uppmärksammas på grund av de senaste årens negativa utveckling som inneburit ökad kriminalitet och brottslighet i svenska respektive danska utsatta områden. Nyckelord: Brottsförebyggande, miljonprogrammet, omgivning, samverkan, säkerhet, trygghet, och utformning / Introduction and purpose: An aggressive building and construction program was implemented during a period in Sweden when there was a shortage of housing units. The vision of the government of Sweden was to complete one million homes between the years 1965 and 1975. Many of Sweden's most highrisk housing areas consist of buildings produced during these ten years. Today these buildings are in a big need of renovation to increase safety for people living in these areas. Related areas are found in Denmark. The purpose of this research paper is to study how different housing companies in Sweden and Denmark work for increased safety in unsafe housing areas. Another purpose is to establish how the surroundings can be designed to create safer and more attractive residential areas. Method: The used method is a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews as the primary data collection method, together with and document study. Results: Housing companies in Sweden work on their initiative for increased security and safety in unsafe housing areas. There is currently no Swedish law forcing housing companies to work for increased security and safety. Processing methods for collaboration are only used to a certain extent in Sweden. The law regulates housing companies in Denmark for unsafe housing areas, which means that public housings need to decrease from 100% to 40% by the year 2030. The law forces change through cooperation between Danish municipalities and housing companies. According to the interviewed respondents, a housing area should be easy to locate with high transparency and walkways. A housing area should also avoid isolated and obscured spots. The area becomes less homogeneous and easier to locate through differently designed housings. Cameras, lighting, and intercoms are successful tools for increased surveillance. Analysis: After the interviews, common themes were identified and analyzed to create a themed analysis. By studying recurring concepts during the interviews, patterns, similarities, and differences were identified. The patterns were later analyzed to finally answer the three asked questions. Discussion and conclusion: The study states that all interviewed housing companies work with safety and security issues for unsafe housing areas. In Sweden, the work occurs to varying degrees since the housing companies work with crime prevention issues on their initiative. Compared with Denmark, where the work becomes mandatory by legislation. The challenge needs attention due to the negative development of recent years, which has meant increased crime and criminality in Sweden´s unsafe housing areas. Keywords: Cooperation, crime prevention, environment, housing design, safety, security and “The one million program”.
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Alla studenter under ett tak : - en studie baserad på boendesituationen för studenter i MalmöZidaric, Olivia, Ulinder, Elin January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Perceived safety of cyclists : The role of road attributesBalogh, Samu Márton January 2017 (has links)
Objectives Although the lack of perceived safety is an important deterrent to cycling, available knowledge is not comprehensive enough. The aim of this research is to contribute to academic knowledge by exploring the role of road section attributes in perceived safety of cyclists and to develop a method to use the theoretical results in practice. Methods A stated choice survey is carried out to estimate the effects of selected infrastructure attributes on perceived safety. A multinomial logit (MNL) model is used to estimate the effects. Results are used to develop an infrastructure assessment tool by counting aggregate perceived safety utility values of road sections. Results Cyclists perceive the presence of dedicated cycling facilities and physical separation similarly important, while other attributes (traffic volume, speed reduction and adjacent car parking) turned out to be less important. The Subjective Safety Score can be consciously used to evaluate existing and planned road sections and compare different design alternatives. Conclusions The results give a strong support for using physically separated cycling facilities (cycle tracks for example) to engage people to cycling. Further research is recommended to explore the effects of intersection attributes and to include interaction effects of attributes as well.
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Engineered wood glass combination : Innovative glazing façade systemTapparo, Alessandra January 2017 (has links)
Buildings require a lot of energy during all their lifetime, from the construction site to the use and demolition. The building sector contributes to a large part of the total emissions of greenhouse gases and consume a large amount of water and energy resources, so the material components used in the building sector have gained an important role in the discourse of sustainability. The tendency is to use natural renewable materials that generates lower environmental impact than conventional ones and are able to fulfil the required structural and architectural needs. Wood is a traditional material with a long and proud history and has been reintroduced in the construction site thanks to its sustainable characteristics. Wood used for building applications, i.e. timber, is capable to capture CO2 from the atmosphere and incorporate so-called carbon storage. Moreover, low process energy requirements and high recyclability increase the potential of timber to become a major building material. On the other hand, the considerable growing demand for highly transparent envelopes has recently resulted in massive introduction of glass as a façade component. The main objective of this thesis was therefore to elaborate on the question if it is possible to merge the positive aspects of these two materials. The thesis starts with a discussion on hybrid, composite and combined materials. The key concept is to merge two or more materials with different characteristics, which result in a finished product with better overall properties than the starting constituents. However, such building material systems are not well categorized and a new term is therefore introduced to describe the combination between wood and glass: engineered wood glass combination (EWGC). The product is then described presenting the characteristics and properties of wood and glass and the structural benefits of the whole panel. The EWGC product possesses some advantageous properties like transparency, stiffness and strength for glass and the ductile nature of timber when used under compression. Moreover, this wood-glass element enables load transfer of horizontal forces through the glass pane so that the additional metal bracing elements for stiffening the building can be omitted. Then the study goes deeper in the architectural possibilities and different potential types of assembly are described. However, only few profiles have been tested and this has resulted in the market production of only one type of panel that is currently used in the construction site. Moreover, the shape of the EWGC is suitable to integrate systems that can control the ventilation rate and solar gains, allowing the development of advanced integrated façades that ensure the comfort condition inside the building. EWGC is also seen to be highly potential as an ecological alternative to conventional structural sealant aluminium-glass façade. For this reason, the life cycle assessment (LCA) of different materials is discussed in order to evaluate their environmental impacts. LCA results are strongly dependent on the calculation boundaries and the choice of database, but it stands out that aluminium, as a construction material for glazing elements, requires up to 4 times higher primary energy demand and produces up to 16 times more CO2 emission than timber based combined panels. Despite some weak points, e.g. the lack of standardized regulations and people’s preconceptions about wood, the overall conclusion is that EWGC has the potential to be used for future building envelopes of multi-storey timber buildings.
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Reactivate/Recreate/ReconnectWang, Xiaotong January 2019 (has links)
Large-scale green space in city sometimes can bring isolation and disconnection. And isolation and disconnection make it become negative and even a barrier in urban space with time.
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Parametric Optimization of Foundation Improvements with RC Slabs on PilesKling, Oliver, Dahlman, Nils January 2019 (has links)
Parametric design has proven to be a powerful tool for structural engineers to find innovativesolutions to complex problems more effectively compared to conventional methods. Theflexibility off parametric design is immense since all types of structures depend on a range ofparameters that can be isolated, controlled and altered.In this thesis a parametric model was built with the software Grasshopper to manage thedesign process of a common type of foundation improvement. The technique has beensuccessfully used by Tyréns AB on several 19th century buildings in Stockholm in the pastdecade. The buildings were settling due to decay of the original wooden piles. To stop furthersettlements steel piles are drilled from under the building down to the bedrock. In thebasement of the buildings new and thick reinforced concrete slabs are cast which are connectedto the ground walls with concrete corbels.The available area for the installation of these corbels, the minimum distances between thecorbels and the dimensions of each corbel are all contributing factors that limit the number ofpossible design configurations. The dimensions of the concrete corbels affect the maximumload capacity which will determine their quantity and position. The corbels have to carry thevarying line loads and point loads acting on the ground walls from the structure above.With the plug-in finite element software Karamba, reaction forces in each pile were calculatedwhich also affected the possible designs.A well-functioning and adaptable parametric model presented logical results where decreasingheight of the concrete slab was affecting the capacity of each corbel which in turn generated alarger number of corbels. The model offered both manual control and automatic optimizationwhere real time variations of loads and reactions were shown depending on the changingdesign.In the optimization process which was based on genetic algorithm a cost function to deal withthe numerous contributing parameters was designed.Verification of important results increased the confidence in the model in most cases but thelack of trust in the calculated moments of each shell element created limitations. The thesisdoes not include a complete finite element analysis of the structures generated by theparametric model. However, it presents a simple export process to the third party softwareFEM-Design for verification.The role of the model was therefore not to work as a complete solution but as a powerful andeasy-to-use design tool for the structural designer to get instant feedback of chosen corbelplacements. The model offered a simplified way of achieving more slender and economicstructures both financially as well as environmentally.Parametric design was shown to be successful for solving structural problems if the model wasbased on appropriate engineering judgements.
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Implementation of Level of Development for BIM Collaboration in Timber Building Subsystems Design: A Case Study of I-Joist Construction ElementsGustafsson, Isabell January 2024 (has links)
Due to time, cost, and environmental challenges, wood has become a more common building material even for more complex buildings. Implementing the concept of Level of Development (LOD) on timber structures could provide a tool for BIM collaboration that may save cost and time, and in the early stages mediate wood as an available building material. Studies explain that LOD enables a high level of content and clarity as well as improved control of the design process. As the concept of LOD heavily focuses on general BIM visualisation, existing research at the time of the study lacks descriptions of how to implement LOD for specific projects. The study aims to develop a framework that could provide the industry with a possible implementation concept that could be further developed on other building systems. The goal of the study is to present a framework of a possible LOD implementation on a timber building system with a detailed description focusing on the structural engineer’s role during the design process. From that the questions of how to apply LOD on different project types as well as what data characteristics vary between these project types will be answered. Stated in previous studies, Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)A is required for a successful design process is gained by utilising Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and is especiallyalso essential when working with LOD. LOD is defined as five stages: starting with 100, then 200, 300, 350, 400, and finally 500. For each level of a building system, element, or assembly, the vagueness of information decreases and is therefore visualised differently in a BIM model. The study is based on a qualitative analysis of current data and related work about the design process, LOD, and timber buildings. The framework is mainly built upon five theories, the IPD process, the MacLeamy curve, BIM use purposes, data vagueness determination, and data requirement for timber projects. An interview study was conducted where projects using Masonite Beam’s standardised I-joist system were studied and implemented usingg the framework. The resulting framework presents the percentage information vagueness of how mature the information for a given objects is for different data properties and of each LOD level. The analysis leads to the conclusion that if fulfilling three criteria, 1: Following the IPD process, 2: An effort process similar to MacLeamy, and 3: Utilising BIM, the timber system can be implemented on the framework. However, the closer the project meets the criteria the closer the vagueness values will relate to the framework. The project that utilises a highly standardised building system with predefined data presents even lower vagueness values than the framework. Due to varying scales of project complexities, the data properties that showed the most diverse results between the projects were material information, geometric shape, and element dimensions. The findings from the study could be of further use in another research whose authors defined detailed graphical LOD visualisation in a BIM collaborative environment. The concept is strongly dependent on defined vagueness values that the authors of the research did not focus on how to define, which this framework does. Finding theories that support the assumptions made during the analysis development of the framework is continuing work that could strengthen the framework and its reliability. / Med tid -, kostnad- och klimatutmaningar har trä blivit ett mer vanligt byggnadsmaterial även för komplexa byggnader. Implementering av konceptet Level of Devlopment (LOD) på träkonstruktioner kan förse byggnadsindustrin med verktyg för BIM- kollaboration som kan spara på både kostnader och tid, och i tidigt skede framhäva trä som ett möjligt byggnadsmaterial. Studier förklarar att LOD kan bidraförse med en hög klarhetsgrad för olika innehåll, men även förbättra kontrollen under designprocessen. Då LOD-konceptet är starkt fokuserad på generell BIM-visualisering förklarar inte funna studier LOD- implementering för specifika projekt. Studien avser att utveckla ett framework (struktur) som kan förse byggnadsindustrin med ett möjligt implementeringskoncept som vidare kan anpassas till andra byggnadssystem. Målet är att presentera ett framework av en möjlig LOD implementering för ett träbyggandssystem med en detaljerad förklaring utifrån byggnadskonstruktörens roll i designprocess. Från detta kan frågor om hur man kan använda LOD för olika projekttyper samt vilka olika typer av information som varierar mellan dessa projekttyper besvaras. Tidigare studier visar En lyckad designprocess erhålls vi nyttjandet av att Intergrated Project Delivery (IPD) är nödvändigt för att uppnå en lyckad designprocess, särskiltvilket även är essentiellt när man arbetar meddet kommer till LOD. LOD definieras av fem stadier som går: från 100, 200, 300, 350, 400 ochtill 500. För varje nivå minskas osäkerhetsvärdet för en viss information tillhörande ett byggnadssystem, element eller assmembly, och är därmed olika grafiskt visualiserad i en BIM- modell. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ analys av befintliga data and och relaterade studier inom designprocessen, LOD och träbyggnader. Frameworket är huvudsakligen uppbyggt på fem teorier: IPD- processen, MacLeamy- kurvan, användningssyften av BIM, informationsosäkerhetsbestämmelse samt data som behövs för träbyggnadsprojekt. En intervjustudie är utförd där projekt utförda med Masonite Beams standardiserade trä I-balkar av trä studerades och implementerades på frameworket. Det resulterande frameworket presenterar procentuella osäkerhetsvärden som beskriver i vilken grad informationen tillhörande ett objekt går att lita på för olika informationskategorier och för varje LOD- nivå. Analys leder till slutsatsen att om följande tre kriterium uppfylls; 1. Följer IPD- processen, 2. Liknande arbetskurva som MacLeamy, 3. Använder BIM, kan ett träsystem implementeras på frameworket användas för ett träsystem. Det visar sig att desto närmare ett projekt uppfyller kriterierna desto närmare visar sig osäkerhetsvärdena stämma överens med de värden som presenteras för enbart frameworket. Projektet med hög användning av standardiserat byggnadssystem och förbestämdt data påvisar till och med lägre osäkerhetsvärden än vad frameworket gör. På grund av varierade grad av projektkomplexitet visar datakategorierna; materialinformation, geometrisk form och elementdimensioner störst olikheter mellan projekten i resultatet. Resultatet skulle vidare kunna användas till en annan forskningsstudie vars författare definierat detaljerade grafiska LOD visualiseringar i en BIM-kollaborationsmiljö. Konceptet är starkt beroende av givna osäkerhetsvärden som författarna och studien inte fokuserade på att definiera, vilket detta framework gör. Vidare arbete som kan stärka frameworket är att hitta teorier som stödjer de antaganden som gjorts under frameworkets analytiska utvecklande.
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