Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arousal"" "subject:"srousal""
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睡眠脆弱特質對認知激發狀態下的睡眠中訊息處理之影響 / Effects of stress-related vulnerability to sleep disturbances on information processing during sleep林晏瑄, Lin, Yen Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的 失眠的過度激發假說是目前最廣為接受的失眠病因之一,失眠者通常可觀察到具有身心過度激發的狀態,其中認知神經過度激發假說更由中樞神經的角度探討失眠者的過度激發現象,且已有許多證據支持此觀點。然而過度激發因素在失眠病程上的影響仍不明確,不論在前置因子或是持續因子的層面,激發因素皆經常被提及與討論。本研究以未失眠但具有高睡眠脆弱特質之族群作為研究對象,企圖模擬失眠者在失眠初發之前的狀態,另加入睡前及早晨的自主神經系統與主觀激發狀態之測量,比較其與低睡眠脆弱特質組在有無壓力誘發狀態下,兩組的睡眠中訊息處理程度、睡前及早晨的自主神經系統激發程度與主觀激發狀態,藉以了解(1)壓力是否會引發個體進入較高的主、客觀激發狀態;(2)睡眠脆弱特質在不同的激發程度下,是否會對於個體的睡前、睡眠中及早晨的激發程度造成影響,以初步推論激發狀態因素在失眠病程中所扮演之角色。
方法 以壓力下失眠反應量表(Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test, FIRST)區分出高睡眠脆弱特質組(HV)13位(6男、7女)、低睡眠脆弱特質組(LV)14位(6男、8女),年齡為19-32歲之健康成人。每位受試者均需在睡眠實驗室進行3個夜晚之夜間睡眠記錄,包含第一晚的PSG測量以排除個案有其他睡眠疾患,並讓受試者習慣實驗環境;第二晚及第三晚則交互平衡操弄基礎情境或壓力情境,在壓力情境下,受試者被告知將進行即席演講,需在睡前抽出演講題目,並於隔天早晨喚醒後10分鐘內發表一篇內容充實、呼應主題之演說,隨後測量心跳變異率(heart rate variability,HRV)、平均心跳間距(r-r interval,RRI)、主觀身心激發狀態(Pre sleep arousal scale,PSAS)等主客觀激發程度,入睡後進行整夜的ERP(事件相關電位[Event-related potential,ERP])測量,誘發ERPs之實驗流程以oddball典範為主,並於早晨起床後再次進行HRV、RRI及PSAS之測量。
結果 以2(組別)x 2(情境)之混和設計二因子變異數分析比較各組在不同情境下的主客觀激發程度指標是否有所不同。結果顯示壓力確實能引發受試者進入較高的主客觀激發狀態,包含睡前及早晨有較快的平均心跳速率、較高的主觀身心激發程度,而在NREM睡眠中可發現HV在有壓力的情境下,對外界的訊息處理程度顯著較LV組增加,包含較快的N1與較慢的N350出現,但HV在壓力下亦有較快的P2與較強的P900,顯示對外界訊息的抑制功能上升,且隨著睡眠更深,進入慢波睡眠時,P2及P900亦顯著較LV強,表現出更多的抑制外界訊息能力。
結論 本研究探討睡眠脆弱特質在不同激發狀態下對於睡眠的影響,結果顯示壓力能引發個體較高的激發狀態,然而在未失眠族群中,高睡眠脆弱特質對於認知激發狀態下的睡眠中訊息處理程度雖有提高,但可發現高睡眠脆弱特質組亦有較高的抑制外界訊息能力,而不致於使得激發狀態過度影響其睡眠,此結果部分支持失眠的認知神經過度激發假說,過度激發因素可能在持續因子的部分影響性較大,造成個體產生對睡眠的抱怨。另一方面,本研究結果亦彰顯失眠的高危險群的及早介入預防之重要性。 / Introduction: Conditioned hyperarousal has been theorized to be a major etiological factor in chronic insomnia patients. It has been suggested that insomniacs showed more arousal than non-insomniacs in many psychological and physiological measures, including enhanced information processing during sleep as measured by NREM ERPs. However, the role of hyperarousal on the course of development of insomnia remained unclear, it has been considered as a predisposing trait and/or perpetuating factor in the cause of insomnia. The present study compared arousal levels around sleep onset, during sleep and in the morning between non-insomniac individuals with low and high vulnerability to stress-related sleep disturbance, as high vulnerable individuals were proposed to be predisposed to chronic insomnia. The objectives of the study are therefore to investigate: 1) the effect of an acute stressor on arousal level prior, after, and during sleep, and 2) the differences in stress reactivity between individual with high and low vulnerability to stress-related sleep disturbances.
Method: Fourteen healthy individuals scoring low (LV) and thirteen healthy individuals scoring high (HV) on the Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test (FIRST) were studied. All subjects had to sleep in the lab for three nights: a screening/ adaptation night, then a baseline night and a stress night. The sequences of the later two nights were counterbalanced across subjects. During the stress night, subjects were informed that they would be required to give a speech immediately after waking up. Heart rate variability (HRV), r-r interval (RRI) of EKG and subjective arousal level (Pre sleep arousal scale, [PSAS]) was accessed before lights off and in the morning. Then sleep ERP was recorded during the night. An odd-ball paradigm was conducted to evoke ERPs throughout the night.
Result: Mixed two-way ANOVAs were used to compare the differences between vulnerabilities and conditions. Both HV ans LV showed higher subjective arousal level and smaller RRI under the stress condition than the baseline condition. During NREM sleep, HV showed increased information processing under stress condition than LV as shown by faster N1, slower N350. Also, HV showed increased inhibition under stress condition than LV, with faster P2 and higher P900. Stronger P2 and P900 were also observed in HV when reached slow-wave sleep stage, comparing to LV.
Conclusion: Both groups showed more arousal under stress condition than baseline condition, indicating an acute stress can lead to a higher arousal level. Moreover, high vulnerable individuals showed increased information processing during NREM sleep than low vulnerable individuals, but also showed more inhibition to prevent sleep from being disturbed by external stimulus. The results suggest that increased information processing in reacting to stress may be a predisposing trait for sleep disturbances. However, sleep may be protected by a compensatory inhibitory process in those who have not developed a long-term insomnia.
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Dissonans i två dimensionerRydberg, Joakim, Svensson, Gustav January 2020 (has links)
This bachelor thesis discusses the conveying power of the audio and visual media in an audiovisual creative process based on the concept of audiovisual dissonance and Circumplex Model of Affect (Russell, 1980) with its key components, valence and arousal. In this design process we use the research key concept of audiovisual dissonance as a design perspective.Dissonance can also be described as a contradiction, with this an audiovisual dissonance can be seen as a contradiction between the audio and visual media. Chion (1994) coined the term audiovisual counterpoint which he describes as when the picture and the sound doesn’t match. In this design process we strived to create dissonance between audio and visual representations of different emotions. To create these dissonances the design process uses the Circumplex Model of Affect (Russell, 1980) which is a way to organize emotions in a two-dimensional coordinate system in relation to each other and their experienced valence-arousal. Valence is the concept that describes if the emotion is positive or negative while arousal is the concept that describes how intense the emotion is. The proximity between each of the emotions is based on their similarities in how they are experienced. This study is based on the idea to get a better understanding of how the audio and visual media affects a person’s emotional experience and how dissonance could be created between these two forms of media. The study resulted in a creative process with a strong connection to previous research in affect and media technology related work procedures. The creation of a matrix based on previous research created a focus and an approach that was beneficial for the creative process. The study deals with questions about effect in cooperation with the audio and the visual medium. New questions have emerged where we question whether it’s the physical properties of the medium or their association in everyday life that determines the experienced affect. / Detta kandidatarbete diskuterar ljud och bilds förmedlande krafter i en audiovisuell skapande process utifrån begreppet audiovisuell dissonans och Circumplex Model of Affect (Russell, 1980) samt dess nyckelbegrepp valence-arousal. Vi har valt att applicera undersökningens centrala begrepp audiovisuell dissonans som designperspektiv. Dissonans kan också beskrivas som motsägelse, en audiovisuell dissonans är då en motsägelse mellan ljud och bild. Chion (1994) myntade begreppet audiovisual counterpoint vilket han beskriver som när det audiella och det visuella mediet inte stämmer överens. Vi har i arbetet strävat efter att skapa dissonans mellan representationer av olika känslor i det audiella samt visuella mediet. För att skapa dessa dissonanser använder sig undersökningen av Circumplex Model of Affect (Russell, 1980) vilket är ett sätt att placera ut känslor i ett tvådimensionellt koordinatsystem i relation till varandra utifrån känslans upplevda valence-arousal. Valence är begreppet som beskriver hur positiv eller negativ en känsla är medan arousal beskriver hur intensiv känslan är. Detta koordinatsystem baseras på att känslor som är placerade nära varandra har mer gemensamt än de känslor som är placerade långt ifrån varandra. Denna undersökning syftar till att kunna få en tydligare bild av hur det audiella och det visuella mediet påverkar en persons emotionella upplevelse samt hur en dissonans kan skapas mellan dessa två medier. Undersökningen resulterade i en skapande process med stark koppling till tidigare forskning kring emotionella stimuli samt medietekniska arbetssätt. Skapandet av en matris genom sammanställning av den tidigare forskningen skapade fokus och ett tillvägagångssätt som lett den skapande processen framåt. Undersökningen hanterar frågor kring emotionella stimuli i samverkan med det audiella och visuella mediet. Nya frågor har framträtt där vi frågar oss om det är de audiella samt visuella mediets fysiska uppbyggnad eller deras association till vardagen som ligger till grund för vilka känslor som framkallas.
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Spinnandets effekt på människor : En experimentell studie om hur katters spinnande påverkar oss / The effect of purring on humans : An experimental study on how cats’ purring affects usLind, Mi January 2023 (has links)
Idéen att katters spinnande kan emotionellt och fysiologiskt påverka oss verkar resonera med många, och sprids kraftigt av media. Påståendet saknar dock vetenskaplig grund. Syftet med denna studie var att studera spinnandets effekt på människor, genom att undersöka om spinnande ger upphov till någon emotionell respons och/eller pulssänkande effekt. Studien använde en experimentell design och utgick från en dimensionell emotionsteori med skalor över valens och arousal. Deltagarna blev presenterade med isolerade auditiva stimuli innehållandes olika djurläten och ombads sedan notera sin puls och emotionstillstånd. Självskattningsformuläret SAM (The Self-Assessment Manikin) användes som metod för att mäta emotionella förändringar. Resultatet visade att katters spinnljud har en signifikant arousalsänkande effekt hos människor. Ingen signifikant påverkan på valens eller puls hittades. Studien belyser behovet av vidare forskning inom ämnet för att ytterligare förstå och kartlägga spinnandets effekt på människor. / The idea that cats’ purring can affect us emotionally and physiologically seems to resonate with many people and is widely spread by media. However, the claim lacks scientific backing. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of purring on people by examining whether purring gives rise to any emotional response and/or pulse-lowering effect. The study used an experimental design and was based on a dimensional emotion theory with scales of valence and arousal. Participants were presented with isolated auditory stimulus containing various animal sounds and was then asked to note their heart rate and emotional state. The self-assessment form SAM (The Self-Assessment Manikin) was used to measure emotional changes. The results showed that the purring sound of cats has a significant arousal-reducing effect in humans. No significant effect on valence or heart rate was found. The study highlights the need for further research on the subject to deepen our understanding of the effect that purring has on humans.
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Trovärdig krisinformation eller sensationsjournalistik? : Diskursanalys av myndigheternas och mediernas information kring pandemiklassificeringen av den nya influensan den 11 juni 2009Bäcklin, Lotta, Eklund, Lisa January 2010 (has links)
<p>Purpose: The purpose with this study is to analyze if the Swedish authorities and media had different ways of discussing the new influenza, in connection with the pandemic classification June 11, 2009. This is the first time an influenza has been classified as a pandemic since the Hongkong-influenza in1968. Methodology: The method used for the study is discourse analysis, aqualitative method that gives the opportunity to study not only what is said, but how things are said. In this thesis, the aim is to study how the image ofthe new influenza is transmitted via the texts. The texts have been analysed based on:- General and underlying themes- Words and concepts used- Persons/sources quoted or referred to- Historical connections/historical backgroundTheoretical perspectives: The study is based on theories about socialconstructionism and discourse analysis. Conclusions: the conclusions drawn from the study show that the media textsare more dramatic and sensational when it comes to describing the newinfluenza. The Swedish authorities have a more fact-based and calming tone towards the public. Within the analyzed material, it is possible to seedifferences between the discourses, also when describing the same themes. Within some themes, resemblances have been identified between the mediadiscourse and the authorithy discourse.</p>
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It's all about suspense / Interdisziplinäre Studien zum Phänomen der Spannung / It’s all about suspense / Interdisciplinary studies on the phenomenon of suspenseRiese, Katrin 17 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Perception des émotions non verbales dans la musique, les voix et les visages chez les adultes implantés cochléaires présentant une surdité évolutive / Perception of non verbal emotions before and after cochlear implantation in adults with progressive deafnessAmbert-Dahan, Emmanuèle 11 July 2014 (has links)
Le bénéfice de l’implant cochléaire pour la compréhension de la parole en milieu calme, et même dans certains cas pour des situations auditives complexes telles que les environnements bruyants ou l’écoute de la musique est aujourd’hui connu. Si la compréhension de la parole est nécessaire à la communication, la perception des informations non verbales transmises par la voix de même que des expressions faciales est fondamentale pour interpréter le message d’un interlocuteur. Les capacités de perception des émotions non verbales en cas de surdité neurosensorielle évolutive ont été très peu explorées. Les travaux menés dans cette thèse ont pour objectifs d’évaluer la reconnaissance des émotions non verbales dans les modalités auditive et visuelle afin de mettre en évidence d’éventuelles spécificités chez les adultes présentant une surdité évolutive. Pour cela, nous avons réalisé quatre études comportementales dans lesquelles nous avons comparé leurs performances à celles de sujets contrôles normo-entendants. Nous avons évalué le jugement des émotions portées par la musique, la voix et les visages à partir d’un paradigme expérimental impliquant la reconnaissance de catégories émotionnelles (i.e. joie, peur, tristesse...) et la perception des dimensions de valence et d’éveil de l’émotion exprimée. Les études 1 et 2 ont porté sur la reconnaissance des émotions auditives après implantation cochléaire en examinant tour à tour la reconnaissance des émotions portées par la musique et la reconnaissance de celles portées par la voix. Les études 3 et 4 ont porté sur la reconnaissance des émotions visuelles et, en particulier, des expressions faciales avant et après implantation cochléaire. Les résultats de ces études révèlent l’existence d’un déficit de reconnaissance des émotions plus marqué dans le domaine musical et vocal que facial. Il apparaît aussi une perturbation des jugements d'éveil, les stimuli étant perçus moins excitants par les patients que par les normo-entendants. Toutefois, la reconnaissance des voix et des musiques, bien que limitée, était supérieure au niveau du hasard démontrant les bénéfices de l'implant cochléaire pour le traitement des émotions auditives. En revanche, quelle que soit la modalité étudiée, les jugements de valence n'étaient pas altérés. De manière surprenante, les données de ces recherches suggèrent de plus que, chez une partie des patients testés, la reconnaissance des émotions faciales peut être affectée par la survenue d'une surdité évolutive suggérant les conséquences de la perte auditive sur le traitement des émotions présentées dans une autre modalité. En conclusion, il semblerait que la surdité, de même que l'insuffisance d’informations spectrales transmises par l’implant cochléaire, favorisent l'utilisation de la communication verbale au détriment de la communication non verbale. / While cochlear implantation is quite successful in restoring speech comprehension in quiet environments other auditory tasks, such as communication in noisy environments or music perception remain very challenging for cochlear implant (CI) users. Communication involves multimodal perception since information is transmitted by vocal and facial expressions which are crucial to interpret speaker’s emotional state. Indeed, very few studies have examined perception of non verbal emotions in case of progressive neurosensorial hearing loss in adults. The aim of this thesis was to test the influence of rehabilitation by CI after acquired deafness on emotional judgment of musical excerpts and in non verbal voices. We also examined the influence of acquired post-lingual progressive deafness on emotional judgment of faces. For this purpose, we conducted four experimental studies in which performances of deaf and cochlear implanted subjects were compared to those of normal hearing controls. To assess emotional judgment in music, voices and faces, we used a task that consisted of emotional categories identification (happiness, fear, anger or peacefulness for music and neutral) and dimensional judgment of valence and arousal. The first two studies evaluated emotional perception in auditory modality by successively examining recognition of emotions in music and voices. The two following studies focused on emotion recognition in visual modality, particularly on emotional facial expressions before and after cochlear implantation. Results of these studies revealed greater deficits in emotion recognition in the musical and vocal than visual domains as well as a disturbance of arousal judgments, stimuli being perceived less exciting by CI patients as compared to NH subjects. Yet, recognition of emotions in music and voices, although limited, was performed above chance level demonstrating CI benefits for auditory emotions processing. Conversely, valence judgments were not impaired in music, vocal and facial emotional tests. Surprisingly, results of these studies suggest that, at least for a sub-group of patients, recognition of facial emotions is affected by acquired deafness indicating the consequences of progressive hearing loss in processing emotion presented in another modality. Thus, it seems that progressive deafness as well as the lack of spectral cues transmitted by the cochlear implant might foster verbal communication to the detriment of the non verbal emotional communication.
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Electrodermal activity and sympathetic arousal during collaborative learningPijeira Díaz, H. J. (Héctor Javier) 23 April 2019 (has links)
This dissertation investigates high school students’ individual and interpersonal physiology of electrodermal activity (EDA) during collaborative learning in naturalistic settings. EDA is an index of sympathetic arousal, which is concomitant with cognitive and affective processes.
Two data collections were organized with students working collaboratively in triads. The first one took place during the performance of a science task, and the second during two runs of a six-week advanced physics course. The data collected included EDA (measured unobtrusively using Empatica® E3 and E4 wristbands), performance measures (pre- and post-tests, task solutions, and course exam), and questionnaires on cognitive, affective, and collaborative aspects of learning. The work was reported in three articles.
The results indicate that, on average, students spent more than half (60%) of the class at a low arousal level, possibly signaling relaxation, disengagement, or boredom. Most of the time (≈60–95% of the lesson), triad members were at a different arousal level, which might indicate that students took turns (alternating task-doers) in executing the task or applied some division of labor rather than truly collaborating. In terms of achievement, sympathetic arousal during the exam was a predictor of the exam grades, and pairwise directional agreement of EDA was positively and highly correlated to the dual learning gain. Arousal contagion could have occurred in up to 41% of the high arousal intervals found. The possible arousal contagion cases took place mostly on a 1:1 basis (71.3%), indicating that interactions in a collaborative learning triad seem to occur mainly between two members rather than among the three.
The findings provide an ecologically-valid picture of the students’ EDA responses in the classroom, both individually and collaboratively, benefiting from the connection of arousal to cognitive and affective processes to increase the saliency of otherwise elusive phenomena. Methodologically, the study contributes to the exploration and exploitation of psychophysiological approaches for collaborative learning research. On a practical level, it provides physiological indices that could be incorporated into learning analytics dashboards to support students’ awareness and reflection, and teachers’ pedagogical practices. / Tiivistelmä
Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tarkastellaan elektrodermaalista aktiivisuutta (EDA) ja tästä johdettua sympaattista vireystilaa ja fysiologisia indeksejä, samanaikaisesti yksilöiden ja yksilöiden välisten kognitiivisten ja affektiivisten prosessien kanssa.
Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin yhteisöllisen oppimisen tilanteista, joissa oppilaat työskentelivät kolmen hengen ryhmissä. Ensimmäinen osa aineistosta kerättiin oppilaiden suorittaessa luonnontieteiden alan tehtävää ja toinen kahden fysiikan syventävän kurssin aikana. Aineistoon sisältyi EDA (Empatica® E3- ja E4-rannekkeista), oppimisen mittaukset (alku- ja lopputestit, tehtävien ratkaisut ja kurssikokeet) sekä kyselylomakkeet oppimisen kognitiivisista, affektiivisista ja yhteisöllisen työskentelyn näkökulmista. Tutkimus on raportoitu kolmessa artikkelissa.
Tulokset osoittavat, että opiskelijoiden sympaattisen hermoston vireystila oli keskimäärin yli puolet (60 %) luokkatyöskentelystä alhainen, mikä viittaa mahdolliseen rentoutumiseen, osallistumisen puutteeseen tai tylsistymiseen. Ryhmänjäsenet olivat suurimman osan ajasta (≈60-95 %) eri vireystilan tasoilla, mikä voi tarkoittaa, että he suorittivat tehtävää vuorotellen (tehtävän suorittajaa vaihdellen) tai jonkinlaista työnjakoa käyttäen, yhteisöllisen työskentelyn sijaan. Sympaattinen vireystila kurssikokeessa ennusti kokeen arvosanoja. Lisäksi oppilasparien EDA:n samansuuntaisuus korreloi vahvasti oppimistulosten kanssa. Yksilöiden välillä tapahtuvaa sympaattisen vireystilan ”tarttumista” on voinut esiintyä jopa 41 prosentissa todetuista korkean vireystilan intervalleista. Mahdolliset ”tarttumiset” ilmenivät enimmäkseen (71,3%) 1:1 suhteessa, mikä viittaa siihen, että vuorovaikutus yhteisöllisessä oppimisessa näyttäisi tapahtuvan pääasiassa kahden yksilön välillä kaikkien kolmen sijaan.
Tulokset tarjoavat ekologisesti validin kuvan opiskelijoiden EDA-reaktioista luokkahuoneessa sekä yksilöllisesti että yhteisöllisesti tarkasteltuna, selventäen samalla kuvaa sympaattisen vireystilan yhteydestä kognitiivisiin ja affektiivisiin prosesseihin. Menetelmällisesti tutkimus kartoittaa psykofysiologisen lähestymistavan mahdollisuuksia yhteisöllisen oppimisen tutkimuksessa. Se esittelee fysiologisia indeksejä, jotka voitaisiin visualisoida oppimisen analytiikan sovelluksissa opiskelijoiden tietoisuuden ja reflektion sekä opettajien pedagogisten käytäntöjen tukemiseksi.
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Hemispheric asymmetry and information processing in post-traumatic stress disorder.Mayo, Therese January 2008 (has links)
Previous studies have suggested that mechanisms for neural compensation involve a reorganisation to right hemisphere processing in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and are associated with functional alterations in the capacity for behavioural flexibility. However, research has not established a direct relationship between the complex physiological and psychological processes of the heterogeneous disorder and right hemisphere cortical activity. The present study examined cognitive information processing in people with PTSD, reaction patterns associated with perceived traumatic stressors, and quantitative electroencephalographic (qEEG) indices of hemispheric asymmetry. Individuals with PTSD (N=34) and age and sex-matched normal controls (N=136) completed standardised web-based self-report questionnaires assessing traumatic stressor events and reaction patterns to those events. Neuropsychological indices of verbal, visuospatial, sensori-motor performance, and electrophysiological recordings, were examined for right hemisphere coding. The relationships among traumatic characteristic reaction patterns of numbing and avoidance, cognitive performance, and frontal and posterior EEG alpha asymmetry were also investigated. Structural and functional alterations were shown in those with PTSD, using indices of working memory for the retrieval of verbal and psychomotor information, indicating a reduced speed of processing and alterations to background cortical arousal in left hemisphere frontal regions. The study supported and extended previous findings of verbal working memory abnormality, alterations to left frontal cortical rhythmic oscillations, and low EEG alpha amplitudes in those diagnosed with PTSD. Results indicated a pattern of compensatory mechanisms associated with reduced speed of information processing and right-sided activation patterns in PTSD participants and control participants who experienced strong reactions to perceived traumatic events. Findings support the impact of traumatic events on psychobiological health in high-risk populations, implicating an association with specific patterns of neural and cognitive functioning in characteristic numbing and avoidance behaviours. / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, 2008
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Trovärdig krisinformation eller sensationsjournalistik? : Diskursanalys av myndigheternas och mediernas information kring pandemiklassificeringen av den nya influensan den 11 juni 2009Bäcklin, Lotta, Eklund, Lisa January 2010 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose with this study is to analyze if the Swedish authorities and media had different ways of discussing the new influenza, in connection with the pandemic classification June 11, 2009. This is the first time an influenza has been classified as a pandemic since the Hongkong-influenza in1968. Methodology: The method used for the study is discourse analysis, aqualitative method that gives the opportunity to study not only what is said, but how things are said. In this thesis, the aim is to study how the image ofthe new influenza is transmitted via the texts. The texts have been analysed based on:- General and underlying themes- Words and concepts used- Persons/sources quoted or referred to- Historical connections/historical backgroundTheoretical perspectives: The study is based on theories about socialconstructionism and discourse analysis. Conclusions: the conclusions drawn from the study show that the media textsare more dramatic and sensational when it comes to describing the newinfluenza. The Swedish authorities have a more fact-based and calming tone towards the public. Within the analyzed material, it is possible to seedifferences between the discourses, also when describing the same themes. Within some themes, resemblances have been identified between the mediadiscourse and the authorithy discourse.
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Social Anxiety: Perceptions of Impressions, Anxiety and Anxious AppearanceAmaria, Khushnuma January 2008 (has links)
Schlenker and Leary (1982) and Clark and Wells (1995) each propose two highly influential models of social anxiety disorder with important implications for theory and treatment. In the current study, overlapping and competing cognitive components of these theories were tested with a focus on understanding the socially anxious (SA) individual’s mental representation of self, and its relation to the experience of anxiety in a social situation. Unacquainted pairs of non-socially anxious individuals (n = 61 pairs) and mixed pairs of highly SA and non-socially anxious (NSA) individuals (n = 101 pairs) participated in a “get acquainted” and a structured problem-solving task. All participants rated both their expectations for making specific impressions as well as the importance of making those impressions. All participants also rated how anxious they felt, how anxious they thought they appeared, and how anxious their partners appeared during the interaction. While all participants believed it was important to make a positive impression, SA individuals expected they would make an overall less positive impression than NSA participants. All individuals reported increased anxiety when ratings of impression importance were higher than expectation ratings (test of Schlenker and Leary’s [1982] model). While self-ratings of anxious appearance were similarly influenced by interoceptive information for both SA and NSA individuals (test of Clark and Wells’ [1995] model), for NSA individuals who had a high tendency to attend to publicly observable aspects of their body, the relation between arousal and self-reported appearance was particularly robust in comparison with that for SA individuals. SA individuals as a group were rated by partners as appearing more anxious than NSA participants. Overall, NSA participants’ ratings of a desire for future interaction with SA and NSA partners were comparable. Implications for theory, measurement concerns of key anxiety constructs, treatment implications and need for further investigation are discussed.
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