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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Use of an Optical Measurement System to Monitor Sports Performance

Magrum, Eric D., Wagle, John P., DeWeese, Brad H., Sato, Kimitake, Stone, Michael H. 01 January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare ground contact time between an optical measurement system and a force platform. Participants in this study included six collegiate level athletes who performed drop jumps and sprint strike steps for a total of 15 repetitions each. Ground contact data was simultaneously collected from an optical measurement system and a force platform, at a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz. Data was then analyzed with Pearson’s correlation and paired sample t-tests. The measures from the optical measurement system were found to be significantly higher (p < 0.001) than measures from the force platform in both conditions. Although significantly different, the extremely large relationships (0.979, 0.993) found between the two devices suggest the optical sensor is able to detect similar changes in performance to that of a force platform. Practitioners may continue to utilize optical sensors to monitor performance as it may provide a superior user-friendly alternative to more traditional based monitoring procedures, but must comprehend the inherent limitations due to the design of the optical sensors.

Publicly Posted Feedback with Goal Setting to Improve Tennis Performance

Mathews, Gretchen 19 June 2008 (has links)
A review of the literature regarding Applied Behavior Analysis within various sports settings shows that behavioral coaching is more effective than traditional coaching methods. Specifically, goal setting and publicly posted feedback improved the athletic performance of college level football players in two studies, and high school soccer players in one study. The present study found goal setting and publicly posted feedback improved tennis performance for six participants. A multiple baseline across participants design was used. Specifically, the participants improved their corner hitting ability, which is an important competitive shot in tennis. The participants improved their corner hitting ability from an average of 11.8% in baseline to 19.6% in intervention.

Using Video Feedback to Improve Horseback Riding Skills

Kelley, Heather 18 March 2014 (has links)
This study used video feedback to improve the horseback riding skills of advanced beginner riders. The study focused on three skill sets, those used in jumping over obstacles, dressage riding on the flat, and jumping position riding on the flat. Baseline consisted of standard lesson procedures. Intervention consisted of video feedback in which a recorded attempt at the target behaviors was immediately shown to the rider and the instructor. The rider and instructor reviewed the video while the instructor delivered feedback. Target behaviors were scored according to checklists that correspond to each skill. For all participants, video feedback increased their correct riding skills.

Work-Life Factors that Impact Job Burnout and Turnover Intention among Athletic Academic Support Professionals

Gellock, Jennifer 01 January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the current study was to investigate factors in the work environment that impact job burnout among academic support professionals who work with college student-athletes. Specifically, the factors of job control match, fairness march, rewards match, and workload match were explored. Additionally, the extent to which emotional exhaustion and depersonalization had an effect on turnover intention was explored. Job burnout has been found to have negative impacts on professionals in human services professions. The sample consisted of academic advisors and learning specialists affiliated with National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I programs. Results suggest academic support professionals experience a high level of emotional exhaustion related to a mismatch in perceived job control, rewards, and workload. Additionally, higher levels of emotional exhaustion were found to significantly impact turnover intention. Practical solutions that address job mismatches are discussed along with theoretical implications for the person-environment fit framework applied in the context of the sport industry.

A Comparison of Qualities Desired in Academic Teachers, Physical Education Teachers, and Athletic Coaches in the Senior High Schools of Utah

Snow, Cluff D. 01 May 1947 (has links)
The state has ordered the establishment of schools for the education of all the children in the state. Each child is entitled to as thorough an education as the community can afford, and this education can be attained only when the teachers selected are the best possible to obtain with the money available.

The Reliability and Diagnostic Accuracy of the Yes/No Scapular Dyskinesis Test When Used By Graduate Assistant Athletic Trainers

Raikes, Adam 01 May 2012 (has links)
Context: Scapular motion evaluation is a necessary component of the upper extremity exam. Several methods exist, but most lack good reliability or diagnostic accuracy. The yes/no scapular dyskinesis test has the best of both measures but is untested on inexperienced clinicians. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and diagnostic accuracy of the yes/no scapular dyskinesis test when used by graduate assistant athletic trainers. Participants: The participants were college-aged students with no prior history of upper extremity fracture or nerve injury. Data Collection and Results: Participants were evaluated for scapular dyskinesis by a physician and 10 graduate assistant athletic trainers. Ratings were for normal or dyskinetic and then determination of side. Reliability was calculated using Gwet’s AC1 statistic and diagnostic accuracy from standard 2x2 contingency tables. Results: Reliability was moderate (AC1 = 0.48, p < 0.0025, 95% CI [0.147, 0.812]) when side was not accounted for and moderate (AC1 = 0.43, p < 0.0001, 95% CI [0.242, 0.632]) when side-per-side decisions were made. Sensitivity and negative predictive values were low to moderate (34.4%-66.2%, 8.9%-74.1% ). Specificity and positive predictive values were moderate to high (50%-85.2%, 51.5%-95.2%). Accuracy was moderate (65.2%-69.4%) and positive and negative likelihood ratios were low (1.325-2.333, 0.675-0.769). Conclusions: The reliability in this study was on par with previously published studies. Measures of diagnostic accuracy met or exceeded previous results. Clinically, to avoid false negative results and enhance the use of positive results, it appears necessary to combine methods and begin the evaluation with a gross assessment of whether or not dyskinesis is present and if it is to then evaluate which side is dyskinetic.

Associação entre o estado nutricional e o desempenho em testes de aptidão física em adolescentes do município de São Caetano do Sul, SP: um estudo transversal / Association between nutritional status and performance in physical fitness tests in adolescents from São Caetano do Sul, SP: a cross-sectional study

Portella, Giovana Chekin 17 July 2019 (has links)
Introdução: A Organização Mundial da Saúde, em 2012, estimou que um terço da população de indivíduos de zero a 17 anos tinham excesso de peso. Dieta inadequada e prática insuficiente de atividade física são fatores que contribuem para esse cenário. O incremento da prática de atividade física é parte fundamental do tratamento dos adolescentes com excesso de peso mas pouco se conhece sobre a importância da adequação do tipo da atividade física às capacidades motoras dos jovens obesos. A hipótese do presente estudo é que há diferenças no desempenho nos testes de aptidão física desses adolescentes em comparação com seus pares eutróficos. Espera-se que com esses resultados o estudo possa contribuir para as discussões sobre como aumentar a adesão à prática de atividades físicas nesse grupo de adolescentes. Objetivo: Investigar a associação do estado nutricional com o desempenho em testes de aptidão física em adolescentes escolares. Métodos: Estudo do tipo transversal, retrospectivo, baseado em dados previamente coletados pelo projeto de identificação de potenciais atletas pela Secretaria de Esportes, Lazer e Cultura do município de São Caetano do Sul em 2011 (estudo primário). No estudo atual, foram analisados dados de 3.062 adolescentes (10 a 19 anos incompletos). As variáveis independentes foram gênero, idade, estado nutricional, porcentagem de gordura corporal (protocolo de Slaughter), indicador da maturação biológica (medido pelo Pico de Velocidade de Crescimento) e unidade escolar. As variáveis dependentes foram o desempenho em cinco testes de aptidão física: aptidão cardiorrespiratória (Yo-yo teste), velocidade (corrida de 10 metros), flexibilidade (teste de sentar e alcançar), força de membros superiores (arremesso de medicineball) e força de membros inferiores (salto horizontal). A análise descritiva incluiu frequências absolutas e relativas, médias e desvio-padrão das variáveis estratificadas por gênero. A análise estatística realizada para cada variável dependente utilizou o método estatístico inferencial multivariado denominado Modelo Linear Misto Generalizado. Resultados: 1.563 adolescentes são meninos (51%), 61% estão na faixa etária de 10 a 12 anos (média de idade = 12,6 anos ± 1,8), 35% foram classificados com excesso de peso pelo z-escore do índice de massa corporal (IMC), sendo que a prevalência de sobrepeso nessa amostra foi de 22,8% (95%IC 21,0%-24,0%) e de obesidade 12,5% (95%IC 11,4%-13,8%). Na análise multivariada observou-se que os meninos apresentaram melhor desempenho do que as meninas em todos os testes de aptidão física, exceto em flexibilidade no qual as meninas desempenharam melhor. Ao analisarmos as meninas separadamente, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante no desempenho nos testes de aptidão cardiorrespiratória, velocidade e flexibilidade, quando comparamos as três classificações de estado nutricional. Já nos testes de força de membros superiores e membros inferiores, as meninas com excesso de peso tiveram um melhor desempenho em relação às meninas eutróficas, em ambos os testes. Quanto aos meninos, aqueles com sobrepeso e obesidade demonstraram menor aptidão do que seus pares eutróficos nos testes de aptidão cardiorrespiratória e velocidade. No teste de força de membros superiores, os adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesidade apresentaram resultados melhores do que seus colegas eutróficos. Já nos testes de força de membros inferiores e flexibilidade, os jovens com sobrepeso tiveram desempenho semelhante ao dos seus pares eutróficos. Conclusão: Identificamos particularidades da aptidão física de adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesidade que pode guiar a orientação da prática de atividade física para esses indivíduos. O desempenho no teste de força de MMSS foi melhor entre adolescentes com excesso de peso e força de MMII igual a de seus pares eutróficos. Portanto, exercícios e modalidades de força deveriam ser incluídos no planejamento de atividades físicas desses adolescentes considerando que isso pode promover motivação e adesão à prática de atividade física regular / Objective: To investigate the association of nutritional status with performance in physical fitness tests in school adolescents. Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study based on data previously collected in 2011 from all municipal schools of São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo, Brazil. In the current study, data on 3.062 adolescents (10-19 years of age) were analyzed. The independent variables were gender, age, body mass index (BMI) to categorize nutritional status (eutrophic: -2 < BMI z-score < 1, with overweight 1< BMI z-score < 2 and having obesity 2< BMI z-score < 3), percentage of body fat (Slaughter protocol), indicator of biological maturation (measured by Peak Height Velocity). The dependent variables were performance in five physical fitness tests: cardiorespiratory fitness (20m shuttle run test), speed (10-meter run), flexibility (sit and reach test), upper body strength (medicine ball throw) and lower body strength (horizontal jump). The descriptive analysis included absolute and relative frequencies, averages, and standard deviation of the variables, stratified by gender. The statistical multivariate analyses method was the Generalized Mixed Linear Model. Results: 1563 adolescents were boys (51%), mean 12.6 years ± 1.8 (61% were 10 to 12 years old), 35% had excess of weight (third had obesity). In the multivariate analyses, boys performed better than girls in all the physical fitness tests except for flexibility. Considering all three categories of nutritional status, girls performed equally in the cardiorespiratory test, velocity and flexibility. Girls with overweight and obesity did better than their eutrophic peers in both upper and lower body strength tests. As for boys, those who were overweight and with obesity showed lower performance in cardiorespiratory fitness and speed tests than their eutrophic colleagues. In the upper body strength test, adolescents with excess of weight of both genders presented better results than their eutrophic counterparts. In the tests of lower body strength and flexibility, participants with overweight and obesity performed similarly to the eutrophic ones. Conclusion: We identified particularities of physical fitness of adolescents with overweight and obesity that might guide their physical activities plan. They have performed better in upper and lower body strength tests than their eutrophic peers. Thus, the strength exercises should be included in the physical activity plan of these adolescents considering that it may promote motivation and adherence to regular physical activity practice

Expert Video Modeling with Video Feedback to Enhance Gymnastics Skills

Boyer, Eva 27 March 2008 (has links)
In an effort to develop more efficient and practical interventions for athletic performance, some behavioral researchers have incorporated a variety of technological innovations. In sports research, only a few studies have examined the effects of video feedback on athletic skill development. The effects of combining expert video modeling with self video feedback as an adjunct to standard coaching techniques were analyzed in this study. Participants in this study were four 7-10 year old competitive gymnasts. During the intervention, each gymnast performed a specific gymnastics skill and then viewed a pre-recorded video segment showing an expert gymnast performing the same skill. The gymnast then viewed a video replay of her own performance of the skill. Next she saw a side by side slow motion with freeze frame comparison of her performance with that of the expert model. Lastly, in normal time, the gymnast viewed the expert video clip again, followed by her own performance of the skill. The effect of expert video modeling with self video feedback on gymnastics skill performance was evaluated in a multiple baseline across behaviors research design. The results showed that the gymnasts' skills increased in performance following exposure to video feedback.

Kinetics and kinematics of strength and power development

Harris, Nigel January 2008 (has links)
The use of the squat exercise (and its derivatives) in gym-based settings is widespread owing to perceived functional performance enhancing effects. In particular, there has been preponderance amongst practitioners with loads that maximise power outputs (Pmax) based on a perception that mechanical peak power is directly related to explosive functional performance such as sprinting ability. The optimal muscular quality associated with squats remains elusive though, mostly due to methodological limitations in the research. The four experimental studies in this thesis sought to quantify the kinetic and kinematic outputs of a machine squat-jump and their relationship to sprinting ability, both descriptively and across a training period. First, an analysis of the kinetic and kinematic outputs of a machine squat-jump across a spectrum of loads was performed, with an emphasis on power output. Then, the relationship of these outputs with sprint ability was investigated. Correlations do not imply cause and effect, thus a training intervention was undertaken to quantify the relationships of the change in performance measures over time, and allow a comparison of different training protocols. Specifically, one training group was prescribed training loads based on individually determined peak power outputs, and the other based on traditional maximal strength training loads. Because the intention of this thesis was to enhance our knowledge of best strength training practice for elite sporting performance, highly trained athletes were specifically chosen as subjects, cognizant of the population specific nature of training adaptation. In study one, it was determined that the point on the power-load spectrum where peak and mean power occurred in the machine squat-jump was 21.6 ± 7.1 %1RM (mean ± SD) and 39.0 ± 8.6 %1RM respectively although there was considerable individual variation in these points. A broad plateau in power outputs was evident for most subjects with at most a 9.9% (90% confidence limits ±2.4%) difference in peak or means power at loads up to 20 %1RM either side of the peak. Studies two and three established that, of the multiple kinetic and kinematic measures investigated, only 1RM strength, work and impulse (all relative to body mass) provided any indication of useful kinetic / kinematic outputs that were potentially worthwhile developing for enhancing sprint performance, albeit with only moderate correlations (r = ~ -0.3). Additionally, the intercorrelations between maximal strength and explosive kinetic and kinematic measures were only moderate (r = ~0.3), casting doubt on the common practice of pursuing high 1RM strength with the intention of improving explosive muscle performance. The training study provided evidence that training at the load that maximised individual peak power output was no more effective for improving sprint ability than training at heavy loads and the changes in kinetic and kinematic outputs were not usefully related to changes in sprint ability.

A study of NCAA division I athletes on the use and the effects of combining alcohol & energy drinks

Woolsey, Conrad L., January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2007. / The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file. Title from title screen of research.pdf file (viewed on December 18, 2007) Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

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