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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the relationship between on- and off-ice interlimb asymmetries in professional men’s ice-hockey

Pearson, Aaron 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : Les joueurs de hockey sur glace effectuent des mouvements asymétriques en utilisant la rotation du torse et des hanches lors des passes et des tirs. Les asymétries entre les segments corporels peuvent avoir un impact sur la capacité de sprints répétés, la puissance verticale lors de sauts à contre-bas et les performances sportives générales. La force isométrique de la hanche et le saut à contre-bas sont couramment évalués chez les joueurs de hockey sur glace en raison de leurs relations avec les performances en patinage et l'incidence des blessures à l'aine, respectivement. Objectif : Cette étude vise explorer si les asymétries obtenues lors des évaluations des forces isométriques de la hanche et des sauts à contre-bas sont associées à celles observées lors du patinage. Méthodes : Trente-sept joueurs professionnels de l'hockey sur glace ont effectué des évaluations hebdomadaires de force et de saut de la hanche et ont porté des centrales inertielles pendant les séances sur glace tout au long des saisons pré et compétitives. Les accélérations sont mesurées pour les deux jambes et ont été utilisées pour calculer les asymétries inter-membres, en pourcentage. Résultats : Parmi tous les paramètres mesurés, seule l'asymétrie dans le pic de la force de l’attérissage du saut à contre-bas a dépassé 10% pour toutes les positions (22,1%) et par position (21,3% - 22,6%). Les joueurs de centre et à la défense ont mené à plusieurs relations modérées à grandes entre différentes asymétries lors des évaluations hors-glace (r: -0,67 - 0,38, p <0,01). Toutes les positions ont montré des relations modérées à grandes entre la résistance à la hanche et la charge de patinage sur la glace et la force moyenne par foulée (r: -0,32 - 0,56, p <0,05). Les joueurs de centre ont montré des relations modérées entre le saut à contre-bas et des asymétries sur la glace (r: -0,31 - 0,43, p <0,01). Conclusion Cette étude a révélé qu'il existe des relations significatives entre les asymétries sur- et hors glace dans le hockey professionnel masculin. Les résultats de cette étude fournissent également aux intervenants auprès de cette population des valeurs de référence pour les asymétries sur glace et hors glace. / Introduction Ice-hockey players develop asymmetrical movement patterns by favoring rotation through the torso and hips while passing and shooting. Interlimb asymmetries have been shown to affect repeated sprint ability, vertical and horizontal countermovement jump power, and general athletic performance. Isometric hip strength and the countermovement jump are commonly assessed in ice-hockey players because of their relationships with skating performance and incidence of groin injuries, respectively. Purpose: This study explored whether asymmetries returned during isometric hip strength and countermovement jump assessments relate to those from stride-by-stride analyses. Methods: Thirty-seven professional ice-hockey players performed weekly hip strength and jump assessments and wore inertial momentum units during on-ice sessions throughout the pre- and competitive seasons. Data were either available for both limbs and were utilized to calculate inter-limb asymmetries, or as an asymmetry percentage. Results: Among all parameters measured, only the CMJ peak landing force asymmetry exceeded 10% for all positions (22.1%) and by position (21.3% - 22.6%). Centers and Defense positions returned several moderate to large relationships between fitness assessment asymmetries (r: -0.67 – 0.38, p < 0.01). All positions returned moderate to large relationships between hip strength and on-ice skating load and average force per stride (r: -0.32 – 0.56, p < 0.05). Centers returned moderate countermovement jump and on-ice asymmetries (r: -0.31 – 0.43, p < 0.01). Conclusion: This study revealed that significant relationships exist between on- and off-ice asymmetries in men’s professional ice-hockey. The results from this study also provide practitioners with reference values for on- and off-ice asymmetries.

En kvalitativ studie om hur socialt entreprenörskap utformar sig i en Svensk idrottsförening / A qualitative study of how social entrepreneurship takes shape in a Swedish athletic club

Omer, Fawaz January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur Hammarby Fotboll utövar socialt entreprenörskap genom Spontanfotboll. Detta bidrar med viktig kunskap om hur socialt entreprenörskap praktiseras. Studien visar ett exempel på hur Riksidrottsförbundets policyer påverkar idrottsföreningars arbete med inkludering och att nå vissa grupper i samhället.  Metod: Studien grundar sig i kvalitativ induktiv metod, vilket innebär att materialet samlas in först och analyserar för att sedan skapa teori, modell eller förklaring. Materialet har samlats in genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer, en fallstudie samt dokumentanalys.  Teori: Studiens teoretiska perspektiv är Pierre Bourdieus fält och kapitalbegrepp samt CSR och socialt entreprenörskap.  Resultat och slutsatser: Att arbeta med socialt entreprenörskap handlar om att kunna tillfredsställa sociala behov som samhället står inför. Genom Samhällsmatchens (Hammarby Fotbolls avdelning för social entreprenörskap) initiativ Spontanfotboll erbjuder de ungdomar en kostnadsfri aktivitet där de kan spela fotboll under helgkvällar istället för att vara ute under vintermörkret. Detta skapar en meningsfull fritid för ungdomarna där de inte är ute sena kvällar i riskfyllda miljöer, vilket leder till att det upplevs lugnare i området under de tider Spontanfotboll bedrivs. Att använda sig av lokala ledare som leder aktiviteten har visat sig funka bra för Samhällsmatchen. De använder de lokala ledarna för att marknadsföra aktiviteten och når de lokala invånarna mer effektivt samtidigt som de ger ett första jobb för ungdomarna. Detta skapar en trygghet och legitimitet för Spontanfotboll. Resultaten visar hur socialt entreprenörskap kan praktiseras i en av Sveriges största idrottsföreningar, samt tillvägagångssätt för att påverka ungdomars idrottsdeltagande positivt. Studiens slutsats är att Samhällsmatchen och Hammarby Fotboll initiativ Spontanfotboll är framgångsrikt för att de är medvetna om sin roll i lokalsamhället, värnar om de lokala invånarna, samarbetar med lokala aktörer och tillfredställer sociala behov. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how Hammarby Football practices social entrepreneurship through Spontanfotboll. This contributes important knowledge about how social entrepreneurship is practiced. The study shows an example of how the Swedish Sports Confederation's policies affect athletic clubs' work with inclusion and reaching certain groups in society. Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative inductive method. The material has been collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews, a case study and document analysis. Theory: The study's theoretical perspective is Pierre Bourdieu's concept of field and capital. as well as CSR and social entrepreneurship. Results and Conclusions:  Working with social entrepreneurship is about being able to satisfy social needs that society faces. Through Samhällsmatchen's (Hammarby Football's department for social entrepreneurship) initiative Spontanfotboll, young people are offered a free activity where they can play football during weekend evenings instead of being out in the winter darkness. This creates a meaningful free time for the young people where they are not out late at night in risky environments, which leads to a safer feeling in the area during the times Spontanfootball is played. Using local leaders who lead the activity has proven to work well for Samhällsmatchen. They use the local leaders to promote the activity and reach the local residents more effectively while providing a first job for young people. This creates a feeling of security and legitimacy for Spontanfotboll. The results show how social entrepreneurship can be practiced in one of Sweden's largest athletic clubs, as well as approaches to positively influence young people's sports participation. The study's conclusion is that Samhällsmatchen and Hammarby Football ́s initiative Spontanfotboll are successful because they are aware of their role in the local community, they care for the local residents, cooperate with local actors and satisfy social needs.

Instilling a Rugged Manhood: The Popular Press Coverage of College Athletics and the National Collegiate Athletic Association, 1896-1916

Furrow, Ashley D. 24 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Using an Argument-based Approach to Validity for Selected Tests of Spatial Ability in Allied Medical Professions Students

Bruckner, Terri Ann 28 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Construct Validation and Measurement Invariance of the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory for Educational Settings

Sanguras, Laila Y., 1977- 05 1900 (has links)
The present study examined the factor structure and measurement invariance of the revised version of the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (ACSI-28), following adjustment of the wording of items such that they were appropriate to assess Coping Skills in an educational setting. A sample of middle school students (n = 1,037) completed the revised inventory. An initial confirmatory factor analysis led to the hypothesis of a better fitting model with two items removed. Reliability of the subscales and the instrument as a whole was acceptable. Items were examined for sex invariance with differential item functioning (DIF) using item response theory, and five items were flagged for significant sex non-invariance. Following removal of these items, comparison of the mean differences between male and female coping scores revealed that there was no significant difference between the two groups. Further examination of the generalizability of the coping construct and the potential transfer of psychosocial skills between athletic and academic settings are warranted.

Shame, Modesty, Identity: Lived Religion In Athletic Spaces

Pringnitz, Keelin 04 April 2023 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation examines the intersection of lived religion with sport and fitness, and in particular how fitness facility users navigate modesty values, shame, and identity. How individuals experience fitness spaces and engage in fitness in keeping with their religious practices and beliefs is often unexplored in scholarship about religiosity in sport. This research examines the experiences of individuals who hold intersecting religious and sport identities and whose full inclusion in sport may be affected by their religious beliefs and preferences, such as for single-gender fitness spaces. Using qualitative sociological methods, this study addresses the following questions: How do individuals navigate their religious identities in athletic spaces, and what limitations to full accessibility do they experience? How do fitness space users interpret and live their religious commitments? This thesis argues that athletic space limitations include physical and mental barriers. These barriers are not solely tied to the physical construction of the space itself, nor do they centre solely on religious identity. Facilities can improve accessibility by addressing both kinds of barriers through recommendations derived from this research.

Examining the role of identity following a sport-related concussion among elite athletes

Collict, Cameron 08 1900 (has links)
Les perturbations de l'identité suite à une commotion cérébrale liée au sport (CCS) ont été explorées du point de vue de l'identité athlétique. Cependant, ces études négligent d'autres constructions identitaires importantes, comme l'identité personnelle (p.ex. la personnalité, les émotions) et sociale (p. ex. la famille) ainsi que le concept de soi, c'est-à-dire l'identité collective, personnelle et sociale. En utilisant l'approche de l'identité sociale pour conceptualiser le concept d'identité, cette étude qualitative multiméthodes a exploré l'impact d'une CCS sur les constructions identitaires de sept athlètes élites (n = 6 femmes, M = 25,1 ans). Deux entretiens semi-structurés (durée moyenne de 83,7 minutes et 76,9 minutes respectivement) et l'outil nommé Social Identity Mapping Tool ont été utilisés pour collecter les données. Suite à une analyse thématique réflexive, trois thèmes ont été développés. Thème A : L’impact de la CCS durant le rétablissement sur les constructions identitaires des participants menace le concept de soi. Le thème B : L’identité post-commotion décrit comment les constructions identitaires des participants ont changé après le rétablissement de la CCS. Le thème C : La gestion de l’identité via l’identité sociale explique comment les dynamiques du réseau social des participants impactent leurs constructions identitaires. Les résultats démontrent que les athlètes élites ayant subi une CCS peuvent éprouver une perturbation allant au-delà de l’identité athlétique. Les futures recherches devraient explorer les interventions nécessaires afin de gérer adéquatement cette perturbation de l’identité. / Researchers have explored the impact of a sport-related concussion (SRC) on athletes’ identity almost exclusively through the lens of athletic identity. However, this approach neglects other important identity constructs, such as personal (e.g., personality, emotions), and social identity (e.g., family, student), and the self-concept (i.e., collectively, personal, and social identity). Using the Social Identity Approach, this qualitative, multi-method study explored the impact of SRC on the identity constructs of seven (n = 6 female, M = 25.1 years) elite soccer, swimming, ice hockey, and curling athletes. We collected data using two semi-structured interviews (Mtime = 83.7 and 76.9 minutes, respectively). The second interview included the Social Identity Mapping Tool, a comprehensive visual display of individuals’ social identity and social network. We used a reflexive thematic analysis and organized the data into three themes. SRC Experience Threatening the Self-Concept (Theme A) explored disruption to participants’ identity constructs during SRC recovery. Post-Concussion Identity (Theme B) described how participants’ identity constructs changed when recovered. Identity Management Through Social Identity (Theme C) explained how the dynamics of participants’ social identity impacted disruptions to identity constructs throughout the SRC experience. Results highlight that elite athletes with SRCs may encounter identity disruption that extends beyond merely their athletic identity. Although this study expands the knowledge around identity disruption from SRCs, we suggest future research explore potential intervention strategies for managing identity disruption from SRCs.

Field of Dreams: Exploring African American Male Students' Career Aspirations and Their Relationship to School Engagement

Davis, Traci Danielle 04 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Perceptions of Athletic Training students with and without self-disclosed hidden disabilities regarding quality indicators within their athletic training program

Jacoby, Chelsea L. 05 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Framework for Mobile Applications Aiding the Visualization of Performance Data : A Case Study in Swimming / Ramverk för mobila applikationer som hjälper till att visualisera prestationsdata : En fallstudie inom simning

Sonnen, Jonathan January 2024 (has links)
Performance analysis concerns supporting coaches’ decision-making and dismantling the influencing factors of success in sports by measuring performance parameters during training and competition. Modern technology in this field has dramatically increased the volume of data, and there is no systematic approach to presenting athletic performance data to provide fast, efficient, and intelligible feedback. Thus, this thesis tried to answer the questions of what the best visualization techniques to illustrate performance data are and how a mobile application can best be designed to transfer performance information most effectively and intelligibly. To answer these questions, first, a systematic literature review was performed to form a framework of best practices for performance data visualization, and second, a mobile application was developed to collect and visualize athletic data in swimming to serve as a case study and validation of the framework. The latter included an evaluation phase, testing the user experience of 8 participants with the ”User Experience Questionnaire” (UEQ). The framework included asummary of the best practices on data visualization techniques and a section about color coding. Applying this framework, the application visualized the raw force data and average force in a line chart, and further performance parameters, such as strokes per minute, time per stroke, and temporal phase distribution, were displayed unencoded on top of the screen. The UEQ results revealed that Perspicuity (P) and Stimulation (S) are most important to users and received good to excellent scores (P: 1.781 ± 0.31, S: 1.938 ± 0.46) for the present application. These results the author conclude that the application validated the framework of best practices in the literature to aid the effective and comprehensible transfer of valuable information. Developers for performance analysis applications can utilize the framework and follow the design process in this thesis to create beneficial feedback systems. However, further topics like user interface design, development frameworks, and data processing must be considered / Prestationsanalys handlar om att stödja tränares beslutsfattande och ta bort de faktorer sompåverkar framgång inom idrott genom att mäta prestationsparametrar under träning och tävling.Modern teknik inom detta område har dramatiskt ökat mängden data, och det finns ingensystematisk metod för att presentera data om idrottsprestationer för att ge snabb, effektiv ochbegriplig återkoppling. Den här avhandlingen försökte därför besvara frågorna om vilka debästa visualiseringsteknikerna för att illustrera prestationsdata är och hur en mobilapplikationbäst kan utformas för att överföra prestationsinformation på ett effektivt och begripligt sätt.För att besvara dessa frågor genomfördes först en systematisk litteraturgenomgång för attskapa ett ramverk av bästa praxis för visualisering av prestationsdata, och därefter utveckladesen mobilapplikation för att samla in och visualisera idrottsdata i simning för att fungerasom en fallstudie och validering av ramverket. I den senare ingick en utvärderingsfasdär 8 deltagares användarupplevelse testades med ”User Experience Questionnaire” (UEQ).Ramverket innehöll en sammanfattning av bästa praxis för datavisualiseringstekniker ochett avsnitt om färgkodning. Genom att tillämpa detta ramverk visualiserade applikationenråkraftsdata och genomsnittlig kraft i ett linjediagram, och ytterligare prestandaparametrar,såsom slag per minut, tid per slag och temporal fasfördelning, visades okodade överst påskärmen. UEQ-resultaten visade att Perspicuity (P) och Stimulation (S) är viktigast föranvändarna och fick bra till utmärkta poäng (P: 1,781 ± 0,31, S: 1,938 ± 0,46) för denaktuella applikationen. Dessa resultaten gör att författaren kan dra slutsatsen att applikationenvaliderade ramverket för bästa praxis för att underlätta en effektiv och begriplig överföring avvärdefull information. Utvecklare av applikationer för prestandaanalys kan använda ramverketoch följa designprocessen i denna avhandling för att skapa fördelaktiga återkopplingssystem.Ytterligare ämnen som design av användargränssnitt, utvecklingsramverk och databehandlingmåste dock beaktas.

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