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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gaze guidance through head-mounted Augmented Reality display

Kullberg, Viktor, Lindqvist, Emil January 2019 (has links)
Mänskligt beslutfattande är en viktig faktor i design processen för system och objekt. Medden snabba utvecklingen av området förstärkt verklighet är det nu möjligt att simuleradigitala gränssnitt överallt. Det finns flera användningsområden både inom industin ochallmänheten där det realiseras med allt ifrån mobiltelefoner till smarta glasögon. I dennauppsats tas ett system fram för att testa hur visuell styrning kan implementeras med hjälpav huvudmonterad förstärkt verklighet. Subtil ledning undersöks också om det kan användas som en digital knuff i huvudmonterad förstärkt verklighet. För att undersöka dettatas en prototyp fram. Genom utveckling av denna prototyp kan ett kontrollerat experimentet genomföras och visuell styrning samt subtil ledning undersökas. Experimentet föratt undersöka visuell styrning är Posner cueing task. Genom att använda ögonspårningsutrustning, kan man mäta reaktionstiderna för sackader hos användarna. Resultatet visaren signifikant skillnad i reaktonstid när vår subtila ledning används. Slutsatsen av dennauppsats är att subtil ledning kan användas som en digital knuff i huvudmonterad förstärktverklighet och denna rapport kan användas för vidare forskning inom visuell styrning iförstärkt verklighet med huvudmonterade bildskärmar. / Human decision making is an important factor in the design process for systems anditems. With the fast developing of Augmented Reality it is now possible to simulate digitalinterfaces everywhere. This allows for several application areas both within the industryand for the public and it can be implemented with everything from cellphones to smartglasses. In this thesis, it is investigated how subtle gaze guidance can be implemented usingwearable Augmented Reality technology. Subtle cuing is also investigated to see if it canbe used as a digital nudge in head-worn Augmented Reality environment. To investigatethis, a prototype is developed. By developing a prototype that can perform a controlledexperiment, the visual guidance and subtle cueing can be examined with a Posner cueingtask. By using eye trackers, saccadic reaction times of the participants are measured andexamined. The result shows a significant change in reaction time when using our subtleguidance than without. The conclusion is that subtle cueing can be used as a digital nudgein a head-worn Augmented Reality environment and this thesis can be used for furtherstudies within visual guidance in Augmented Reality with a head-mounted display.

Augmented Reality Navigation Compared to 2D Based Navigation

Knutsson, Pontus, Georgsson, Oskar January 2019 (has links)
I nästan tre decennier har GPS-koordinater och rutt-instruktioner visats i en top-down 2D-vy. Först i dedikerade navigationssystem, kommersiellt används för körning, till idag med GPS-system tillgängliga i våra smartphones. Det vanligaste sättet att idag visa GPS koordinater är fortfarande i någon form av 2D-vy som visar användaren var den är och vilka vägar / gator som ska tas. Detta har emellertid några problem som vi tror kan lösas med hjälp av Augmented Reality kombinerat med GPS. I denna uppsats beskrivs om och hur en Augmented Reality baserad navigerings vy kan göra det lättare för gående att navigera genom en stad jämfört med en 2D baserad navigering. För att svara på frågan presenterar denna studie en navigationsapplikation som kombinerar de två teknologierna GPS och Augmented Reality som sedan används i ett användartest. Resultaten från användartesterna och frågeformuläret visar att Augmented Reality-baserad navigering används bäst i scenarier där det finns många gator och det är svårt att berätta på en 2D-karta vilken gata du ska ta. / For almost three decades GPS coordinates and directions have been displayed with a top-down 2D view. At first in dedicated navigation systems, commercially used for driving, into today having GPS systems available in our everyday smartphones. The most common way to display the coordinates today are still by some sort of 2D view showing the user where it is and what roads/streets to take. This however has some problems that we believe can be solved using Augmented Reality combined with GPS. This paper sets out to answer the question if and how Augmented Reality displayed navigation can make it easier for pedestrians to navigate through a city compared to a 2D displayed navigation. In order to answer the question at hand this study presents a navigation application that combines the two technologies GPS and Augmented Reality which then is used in a user test. The results from the user tests and the questionnaire indicates that Augmented Reality based navigation is best used in scenarios where there are a lot of streets and it is hard to tell on a 2D map which street to take.

Subtly Influencing Gaze Direction Using a Handheld Augmented Reality Device

Larsson, Sofia, Åkesson, Jimmy January 2019 (has links)
Smarta och hjälpsamma teknologier kommer ut varje år och blir snabbt en del avvår vardag. Teknologierna blir mer och mer medvetna om när och var vi behöverdem och stödjer oss i att nå personliga mål såsom att ta cykeln istället för bilen tilljobbet. Dock har dessa teknologier begränsad funktionalitet när vi inte interagerarmed dem, vilket resulterar i att vi behöver interagera med dem och förlorar fokusfrån andra uppgifter.Vi tror att det ett decennium fram kommer att finnas enkla applikationsgränssnitti glasögon med förstärkt verklighet (AR-glasögon). Förstärkt verklighet kan vara ettkraftfullt verktyg för att skapa ett skikt över den riktiga världen så önskar vi ocksåatt gränssnitten inte stör upplevelsen av den riktiga världen.I denna studie har vi undersökt vilka möjligheter det finns i att skicka visuellastimuli till en användare på ett subtilt eller subliminalt sätt. Slutsatsen är att detinte uppenbarligen går att säga att det visuella stimuli i systemet somimplementerades i denna studie var subliminalt. Dock så kunde vi dra slutsatsenatt tiden det tar att upptäcka ett visuellt stimuli som gradvis ökar med tiden skiljersig mellan användare och att användare är mer benägna att fokusera på objekt somär placerade i ögonhöjd, vilket bör beaktas när man ska bestämma vart visuellastimuli ska placeras. / Smart and helpful technologies are released every year and are quick to become partof our everyday lives. Technologies are becoming more aware of when and where weneed them and help us to achieve personal goals, such as taking the bike instead ofthe car to work. Still, many of these smart technologies have only limitedfunctionality without us interacting with them, resulting in us having to interactwith them and losing focus on other tasks.We believe that a decade from now, some future application interfaces will reside inaugmented reality smart glasses. While augmented reality can be a powerful toolwhen overlaying the real world, we also wish that the augmented reality interfacesdo not break the immersion of everyday life.In this study, we have explored the possibilities of sending visual cues to a user in asubtle or even a subliminal way in an augmented reality setting. In conclusion, thereis no obvious answer to whether a cue in the system that was implemented in thisstudy was subliminal. However, we found that the time it took to perceive a cue thatgradually intensifies with time differed between people and that people are moreinclined to focus on objects placed at an eye-level height which should be taken inconsideration when deciding on where to place visual cues.

Visualizing cadastral parcels for surveyors using handheld Augmented Reality

Håkansson, Linus January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study consists of gaining an understanding about Augmented Reality (AR) and if this technology can help land-surveyors to visualize cadastral parcels using an iOS app. In addition, the app is also used to get insights of what it takes for an AR system to replace 2D paper maps completely. In land-surveyors daily work, they usually bring annotated 2D paper maps to locate their assets when they do field work. However, the 2D paper map can be cumbersome to use because the map visualizes assets in 2D while the working environment for land-surveyors is in 3D. Therefore, this study presents an AR app that can visualize cadastral parcels in 3D in collaboration with a company called InfoTrader. This dissertation utilizes a qualitative methodology with a design and creation strategy as well as semi-structured interviews. To get feedback and evaluate the proposed app it was tested with professionals with experience in the land-surveying business. The findings from testing the app indicated that the app could be very useful in different scenarios. Nevertheless, to completely replace the 2D paper map, the AR system should integrate all the layers of information that the 2D map provides.

Interaction Design Meets Marine Sustainability – Mixed Reality Tour Near the Oresund Bridge

Ustinova, Valentina January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates an Interaction Design approach as a tool to unfold complex topics. By making a bridge between IxD and AR/MR, it addresses a field of Marine Sustainability to find a way how IxD can contribute to it while coinciding with its values and goals. The design process results with the development of Mixed Reality tour where following the narrative, users move across three locations investigating past, present and possible futures of the Oresund strait. The final concept contributes to the discussion about the role of IxD in addressing experiential qualities of AR/MR and demonstrates how Interaction Design can contribute to Marine Sustainability in a way that is different from a technology-driven approach.

Glanceability in Vehicle Head-Up Displays

Larsson, Jennifer January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore glanceability in a vehicle Heads-Up Display,with a focus on what factors should be considered in order to design for glanceability.The project has been conducted in cooperation with Uniti and Jayway, with theintended outcome to increase the knowledge about how to design glanceable vehicleHeads-Up displays. Through literature research and user-centered approaches, a low-fidelityprototype was created. From usability testing the low-fidelity prototype,knowledge was gained about needs, opportunities, problems, and observations,which was used in order to create a medium-fidelity prototype in a Virtual Realitysetting. Usability tests were conducted on the medium-fidelity prototype, and theresults were used in order to draw conclusions about what are the most importantfactors to consider when designing for a glanceable experience in a HUD. Significantfactors were identified as the need for customisation in the HUD, auditory feedback,as well as relevance and amount of information presented to the user.


George, Lenard January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Informing high school students about smart industry using a gamified AR-experience

Orell, Nicolina January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how secondary high school students can be informed about smart industry using Augmented Reality (AR) and gamification together with a physical component. This thesis is a collaboration between Cybercom and the project Smarta Fabriker (Smart Factories). The intended outcome of this project is as an AR solution part of the project Smarta Fabriker. To gather inspiration about student interests to act as a base for the design of the physical component included in this project, interviews were conducted. Six concepts for physical components were proposed and resulted in a combination of two of the concepts. To investigate the gamification part of the project, a workshop was held with students. The workshop data was used as a base for the game concept of this project. The final game concept together with the physical component was then tested with users through a final Virtual Reality (VR) prototype to determine the outcome of this project. Main results were positive and most of the students could see themselves using the intended AR solution of this project.

Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning using Augmented and Virtual Reality in Museum Education

Punako, Ronald, Jr. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Recent advancements in the cost, availability, and capability of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) devices and software are spurring their mass distribution to the public. This fundamental shift in the use of AR and VR predominantly from military and academic research laboratories to the public presents new opportunities and challenges for the design of instructional technology. While studies of AR and VR have been conducted to inform the design of individual instructional products, few studies have focused on computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) products in which AR and VR learners work together toward shared learning goals. The museum education industry possesses unique and inherent characteristics that position it as a strong candidate for the development and deployment of CSCL-ARVR products. Tourism locations, such as museums, provide an exemplary environment for advanced learning technology experimentation in which information technology infrastructure and programs of instruction are often already in place and in which many tourists already possess smartphones and or tablets that may be used to mediate location-based educational experiences. The goal was to conduct formative research to develop a tentative instructional design theory that can be used to guide the creation of CSCL-ARVR instructional products. Instructional design theory and software engineering practices were applied to guide the design of a CSCL-ARVR instructional product prototype to support museum education. The prototype, named Co-Tour, was designed and developed to enable remotely-located VR participants to collaborate with AR participants located within a tourism location to jointly navigate the location, examine exhibits and answer questions about exhibits related to a problem-based learning instance. Formative data were collected and analyzed, and the results were used to develop a tentative instructional design theory. Mixed Reality Museum Co-Visit Theory is proposed to inform the design and development of CSCL-ARVR co-visitation experiences for museums. A theoretical framework was developed and was informed by CSCL, game-based learning, social constructivist theory, flow theory, and the construct of camaraderie. Five values supporting the goal were elaborated to guide theory methods production including fostering of collaboration, leveraging of informal learning activities, incorporation of motivational elements, favoring of loose organization, and provision an effective user interface. Future research should focus upon replication towards validation and generalizability of results and upon the broader museum going population.

The designs and aesthetics of Augmented Reality Head-Up Displays / The designs and aesthetics of Augmented Reality Head-Up Displays

Johansson, Anton January 2022 (has links)
Head-up displays convey important information to the viewer: from time and weather conditions to GPS navigation and proactive danger alerts. This information can be key to significantly improving driving experience from merely making it more enjoyable to saving lives. Taking its roots in the military field,  Augmented Reality Head-Up Displays (AR HUD) is now being piloted and commercialised for upper-class consumers, such as the new Mercedes S-Class. It is easy to imagine how companies would want to take the next step and make these technologies even more accessible. However, one of the main challenges of diffusing these solutions lie within flaws of its visual design that can be perceived as distracting or exhausting. The purpose of this article has been to investigate the perception drivers have on AR HUDs aesthetic design and identify three areas for improvement: "style-cleaningness", flexible colour scheme and optimal positioning. This has been done through interviews and analysing the answers. Together with the answers and related research I have drawn conclusions and made suggestions of improvement. The results indicate a positive opinion of the technology and the potential it has for driver safety.

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