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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consumer’s Perceptions and Attitudes on Augmented Reality in Online Retail.

Amaris Baños, Indira January 2020 (has links)
This study discusses Augmented Reality (AR) as a digital marketing tool in online retail, with a special focus on the perceptions and attitudes which consumers hold towards the tool. The project, aims to give insights on how to study AR in online retail settings and also touches upon how different characteristics of augmented reality can impact the consumers attitudes towards products displayed or demonstrated with AR tools. The conceptual framework is based on literature and case studies in the fields of augmented reality, consumer experience and, customer value creation. The data for this research project was obtained through in-depth interviews with participants who have had previous experiences with Augmented Reality. After analysing and categorising their answers, the findings suggest that the participants have an overall positive attitude towards the tool and that they are already keen to engage with the technology. Their answers also suggested that the use of AR tools in online retail could positively affect the consumers attitudes towards the promoted services or products which are displayed with the tool. Moreover, depending on certain factors, the tool could potentially have a positive effect on the purchasing decision. On the negative side, the participants consider the technology is not there yet and needs to be improved to deliver meaningful value for them. Other valuable findings of the project are related to the customer journeys and the value the tool provides to the users. / Denna studie diskuterar Augmented Reality (AR) som ett digitalt marknadsföringsverktyg inom onlinehandeln, med ett särskilt fokus på de uppfattningar och attityder som konsumenterna har gentemot verktyget. Projektet syftar till att ge insikter om hur man studerar AR i online-butiksmiljöer och berör också hur olika egenskaper hos AR kan påverka konsumenternas attityder till produkter som visas eller demonstreras med AR-verktyg. Den konceptuella ramen är baserad på litteratur och fallstudier inom AR, konsumentupplevelse och kundvärdeskapande. Data för detta forskningsprojekt erhölls genom fördjupade intervjuer med deltagare som tidigare haft erfarenheter av AR. Efter att ha analyserat och kategoriserat sina svar föreslår resultatet att deltagarna har en övergripande positiv inställning till verktyget och att de redan är angelägna om att engagera sig i tekniken. Deras svar föreslog också att användningen av AR-verktyg i online-detaljhandeln positivt kunde påverka konsumenternas attityder till de marknadsförda tjänsterna eller produkterna som visas med verktyget. Beroende på vissa faktorer kan verktyget dessutom ha en positiv effekt på inköpsbeslutet. Bland de negativa aspekterna anser deltagarna att tekniken inte Einns där ännu och måste förbättras för att ge ett meningsfullt värde för dem. Andra värdefulla insikter från projektet är relaterade till kundresan och det värde verktyget ger användarna.

Integrating Spatial Audio in Voice Guidance Systems

Lopes Batres, Mario January 2020 (has links)
Navigation systems are commonly used in our daily lives. Research has shown that spatial audio presents one opportunity for more effectively communicating to the driver the direction of the next manoeuvre. This thesis project proposes a new feature for the spatialisation of the audio cues triggered by a mobile navigation system by using a virtualised vector-based panning (VVBP) architecture for the encoding and decoding. The prototype developed during this thesis enables the spatialisation using headphones- or speakers- based systems. This study aims to promote a new sound experience to the user, which can be used to increase the safety and performance of driving. Based on an expert review and a user test, the application was tested on different scenarios. The participants selected during these sessions were part of HERE Technologies, which made possible to reach design experts who knew the current application provided by the company beforehand, making easier the comparison with the proposal. This selection could also present a limitation on the study since the users might have a personal bias for seeing new features in a product which have already worked on. Analysis of the results obtained during the testing session demonstrated high satisfaction with the feature by the users and a better understanding of their surroundings. Consequently, this indicates that spatial audio can improve the performance of driving by introducing a new source of information for positioning the next turn or obstacle. Further research is needed to identify other factors that could strengthen the effectiveness of the product. / Navigationssystem används ofta i våra dagliga liv. Forskning har visat att rumsligt ljud ger ett tillfälle att effektivare kommunicera till föraren i riktningen för nästa manöver. Detta avhandlingsprojekt föreslår en ny funktion för spatialisering av ljudkoder som utlöses av ett mobilnavigeringssystem med hjälp av en virtualiserad vektorbaserad panorering (VVBP) arkitektur för kodning och avkodning. Prototypen som utvecklats under denna avhandling möjliggör spatialisering med hörlurar eller högtalarbaserade system. Denna studie syftar till att främja en ny ljudupplevelse för användaren, som kan användas för att öka säkerheten och prestandan vid körning. Baserat på en expertgranskning och ett användartest testades applikationen på olika scenarier. Deltagarna som valdes ut under dessa sessioner var en del av HERE Technologies, som gjorde det möjligt att nå konstruktionsexperter som kände till den nuvarande applikationen från företaget i förväg, vilket underlättar jämförelsen med förslaget. Detta val kan också utgöra en begränsning av studien eftersom användarna kan ha en personlig fördom för att se nya funktioner i en produkt som redan har arbetat med. Analys av resultaten som erhölls under testperioden visade hög tillfredsställelse med funktionen hos användarna och en bättre förståelse för deras omgivning. Konsekvensen indikerar att rumsligt ljud kan förbättra körförmågan genom att införa en ny informationskälla för positionering av nästa sväng eller hinder. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att identifiera andra faktorer som kan stärka produktens effektivitet.


Hritik Pratik Trivedi (15331807) 20 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Crowd simulations have been a part of crowd research since the 1980s. This document focuses on understanding how study participants interact and perceive a virtual crowd in an immersive virtual environment. Specifically, avoidance proximity variations (i.e., low, medium, and high avoidance proximity [defined as avoidance radius]) were explored when assigned to crowd agents impacted participants’ interaction with the virtual crowd. During the study, participants were instructed to walk in a virtual environment. At the same time, a virtual crowd was scripted to move toward participants’ starting position following a straight path. During the participants’ walking task, movement data was collected (i.e., trajectory length and completion time) and immediately after each experimental condition, participants were asked to self-report their experience (i.e., presence, co-presence, behavioral independence, crowd realism, crowd interaction realism, perceived politeness, and emotional reactivity). Based on the collected data, it was found that when participants were exposed to the high avoidance proximity condition, they: 1) followed longer paths, 2) spent more time reaching the target goal, 3) rated the virtual crowd less polite, 4) rated the virtual crowd and their interaction with the virtual crowd less realistic, 5) rated the behavior independence of the virtual crowd lower, 6) self-reported higher emotional reactivity, and 7) positive correlations were found between trajectory length and behavioral independence, trajectory length and crowd interaction realism, and completion time and perceived politeness. Suggestions for further research on human-virtual crowd interaction are also discussed.</p>

cARcassonne for Hololens 2 - Improving UX through UI

Wilken, Kevin Bjørn Roulund January 2023 (has links)
This paper aims to improve the UX of the AR game cARcassonne for the Hololens 2 by making changes to its UI. Previous research and existing games are analyzed to determine the changes to the UI. A questionnaire is developed using said research as well as research of other UX measuring methods such as the GEQ and UPEQ. The results show an increase in UX, but also that the AR game has problems for new users. It is discussed that UI is actually not the main problem in the UX, but rather the technology of the Hololens 2.

Smart spel för smarta människor

Rudöfors, Hanna, Hesselgren Wallmark, Martin January 2023 (has links)
The goal of this study is to design and evaluate a mobile augmented reality (AR) game application prototype to assist and motivate adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to maintain a conversation and identify the necessary design aspects to achieve this. The problem is that people with autism can have difficulties with communicating with others and handling social situations, which makes it hard for them to make friends. To solve this problem the use of pedagogical games and AR is examined as a potential tool. The use of technology and computer-based learning has been found to be helpful in improving the social and communication skills of individuals with ASD. Pedagogical games have also been effective in assisting people with disabilities to manage their daily lives. AR has been useful for contextualizing what the user sees and feels to apply digital instructions. AR games have been developed to help people with ASD become more comfortable in social situations. The study used design science methodology to develop the game prototype and tests with observations and pre/post-test interviews to evaluate the prototype. The results show that clear instructions, accessibility options, and individual adaptation are necessary design aspects to create an effective tool. The use of AR is not suitable according to the results due to increased stimuli, and a better suitable reward system is needed to motivate continued use of the game. Future research areas are also discussed, such as the use of more participants which are a part of the intended target demographic.

Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies in the Future of Work: User Preferences and Design Principles

Schuir, Julian 26 August 2022 (has links)
Immersive technologies, including augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), are envisioned to become ubiquitous in future work environments. The implementation of both technologies is associated with versatile benefits, such as decreased costs, reduced physical risks, increased employee self-satisfaction, and lower resource consumption. Despite these potential benefits, the organizational diffusion of immersive technologies faces myriad challenges. For instance, usability problems along with privacy concerns have introduced technology acceptance issues. Addressing these challenges, this cumulative dissertation explores the design, application, and implications of AR and VR systems in the workplace by employing a mixed-methods approach. The contribution of this research is threefold. First, this dissertation provides descriptive insights into user preferences for immersive technologies to inform user-centered design considerations. Second, this dissertation presents design principles to guide the development of four information technology artifacts. Two of these artifacts enable VR-based collaboration in the fields of design thinking and process modeling, while the remaining two artifacts leverage AR to facilitate the crowdsourcing of human intelligence tasks and to support students in distance learning settings. Third, this dissertation develops an e³-value model for the AR and VR business ecosystem to illustrate how technology providers can transform such artifacts into economic value. Taken together, these insights improve understanding the sociotechnical interplay between humans, tasks, and immersive technologies, as well as its economic implications.

Living (with) Waste : Augmented Reality, Public Spaces, and Participation in Maputo city, Mozambique. / Vivendo com lixo : Realidade Augmentada, Espaços Públicos, e Participação na cidade de Maputo, Moçambique

Matusse, Anselmo January 2022 (has links)
Background: Cities worldwide are growing fast, and so is solid waste production, which calls for different stakeholders to come together and find creative ways to deal with urban growth and waste. This study explores how Augmented Reality (AR) could enhance public participation in public spaces and deal with solid wastein Mozambique’s capital city, Maputo. The study draws on material semiotics, detournement theorists and study participants’ views gathered through a questionnaire on urban public spaces in the city to make a case for AR technologies to enhance public engagement. Methodology: The study received responses from 57 participants (n=57). Inspired by theparticipants’ answers, Detournement theory, and AR activism, an AR experience called the Trash Snail to symbolise the slowness of the municipalityin gathering solid waste and properly managing it and the waste’s agency in shaping life in public spaces was created. Results: Three participants placed and experienced the Trash Snail in public spaceswith poorly managed solid waste. They also responded to two surveys, one before the experience with AR and the other after experiencing AR. The results were screenshots depicting the Trash Snail co-habitating with waste from human consumption and modes of living in contemporary Maputo and residents’ opinions about public spaces in Maputo. Conclusions: Drawing on those materials, Detournement theory and AR activism, the study concluded that AR, rather than just relaying computer-generated graphics information onto the real world, is best understood as an agent that shapes the users’ relations with it. AR has the potential to enhance public engagement in public spaces and in dealing with solid waste issues in Maputo. However, structural challenges related to the digital divide and financial shortcomings are limiting factors that one needs to consider when employing AR in Maputo and similar contexts. On a more extrapolative note, the study argues waste in public spaces needs to be seen as more than an administrative and technical problem, but one that is deeply embedded in lifestyles and accelerated consumption.

- Fröken, så här gör flygplanet när det flyger : En socialsemiotisk studie kring hur augmented reality stödjer barnsmultimodala kommunikation och lärande kring fenomenet flyga / This is how the aeroplane flies! : A social semi- semiotic study on how augmented reality supports children's multimodal communication and learning around about the phenomenon fly flight

Finsberg, Daniel, Henriksson, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
The purpose with this study is to examine how augmented reality can be a support in children's communication and meaning making when it comes tothe phenomenon of flying. The study began with an activity being planned and designed with the support of the social semiotic perspective. In the planning phase, it was decided that the mobile application Quiver AR would be used as it had a simple graphical interface and was easy to handle for the purpose of the activity. The application uses special color images that are scanned and then converted into a three-dimensional animated image in the applicationThe study was conducted through an unstructured video observation in which two children and an educator participated. In the activity, the children had to start by defining the phenomenon of flying with the support of leading questions from the educator. In the second phase, the educator introduced the application to the children and picked out the prepared color pictures belonging to the application.What emerged as a result of the data collected was that the Quiver app can be used as a supportive tool as it enhances children's social actions and communication with each other about the physical phenomenon of flying. This became clear when the children interpreted the images shown in the Quiver application several times during the activity and were able to further develop their communication. The study also showed that augmented reality does contribute to the children’s meaning-making during the time they use the application. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur augmented reality kan bli ett stöd i barnens kommunikation och meningsskapande kring fenomenet flyga. Studien började med att en aktivitet planerades och designades med stöd av det socialsemiotiska perspektivet. I planeringsfasen bestämdes att mobilapplikationen Quiver AR skulle användas då denna hade ett enkelt grafiskt gränssnitt och är lätthanterlig för det syfte som aktiviteten hade. Till applikationen används speciella målarbilder som skannas för att sedan omvandlas till en tredimensionell animerad bild i applikationen.Studien genomfördes genom en ostrukturerad videoobservation där två barn och en pedagog deltog. I aktiviteten fick barnen börja med att definiera fenomenet flyga med stöd av ledande frågor ifrån pedagogen. I den andra fasen introducerade pedagogen applikationen för barnen och plockade fram de förberedda målarbilderna som hörde till den.Det som kom fram i resultatet av den insamlade datan var att Quiver applikationen kan användas som ett stöttande verktyg då den förstärker barnens sociala handlingar och kommunikation med varandra om det fysikaliska fenomenet flyga. Detta blev tydligt då barnen flera gånger under aktiviteten tolkade bilderna som visades i Quiver applikationen och kundevidareutveckla sin kommunikation genom dem. Det visade sig också att augmented reality bidrar till ökar meningsskapandet för barnen i samband med användning av applikationen.

Improving 3D Remote Guidance using Shared AR Spaces : Separating responsibility of tracking and rendering 3D AR‐objects / Förbättrande av avståndssamarbete i 3D via delade AR‐rymder

Mansén, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Two common problems in Remote Guidance applications include the remote guides lack of direct control over their view into the worker’s physical environment and the difficulties that arise with trying to place virtual 3D objects in a real 3D environment,via a moving, shaky, 2D image.The first issue can be called a lack of remote spatial awareness, the guide can see only what the worker enables them to see. In the worst case the guide is rendered blind to the task environment while the worker is unable to use their device. A common occurrence is tasks that require both hands.The second issue arises from the inherent difficulty present in trying to correctly place a 3D object using only a limited perspective. Camera shake and unreliable tracking of the physical environment being depicted only further add to this problem. Studies show that 3D annotations make for much more effective means of communication, especially in 3D task environments. Allowing the guide some measure of control over their own view has also been shown to improve the guides ability to aid their partner. This paper investigates a method of Remote Guidance where the task of environment tracking and object placement are separated. A prototype application is developed and tested against a baseline 2D-annotation Remote Guidance tool. The study finds the prototype to be an effective way of placing virtual 3D objects in a remote environment. Experimental results show that communication is indeed made better by the inclusion of 3D objects into Remote Guidance. This comes at the cost of a slight increase in the timetaken to complete a task as the complexity of the 3D tool is greater than the 2D one. Unfortunately, the experiment performed fails to properly account for remote spatial awareness.

Implementation of Sustainability Dashboard using Augmented Reality : A comparative usability evaluation study

Viklund, Philip, Sjölander, Martina January 2022 (has links)
With the industrial revolutions, there have been challenges to deal with producing goods from limited natural resources while keeping the negative environmental impacts low. The potential impact and contribution from Industry 4.0 are increasingly growing attention. Industry 4.0 allows access to a large amount of data, which can be used to increase knowledge and awareness of unsustainable production performance, and empower more sustainable decision-making. To preserve the advantages of the transition to Industry 4.0, advanced visualization techniques for data-oriented operations are needed to get the full value of available data. One core Industry 4.0 technology that could help display information on a new level is augmented reality. However, there is a lack of studies evaluating the usability of augmented reality in an industrial context. With the purpose to investigate how visualization techniques can be implemented to increase the sustainability of a production line, a solution that could be visualized using a monitor, mobile-augmented reality, or augmented reality with a head-mounted display is presented. The usability of the dashboard solution is evaluated with user testing, which is conducted at Scania in Södertälje, Sweden. A mix of qualitative and quantitative research methodology is used, where an empirical study took place in a laboratory environment. Measurements and questionnaires provide quantitative data for empirical evidence, whereas qualitative data as open questions and thinking aloud isincluded to support the concluding summary. The study concludes with a framework capable of collecting live sensor data and visualizing it through various media. Additionally, the monitor is the most efficient media, and the most satisfying media overall. The mobile media have the highest effectiveness.

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