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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O direito ao esquecimento na sociedade da informação / The right to be forgotten on the information society

Julia Ribeiro de Castro 13 April 2015 (has links)
O estudo procuratraçar os contornos gerais do direito ao esquecimento no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. O direito ao esquecimento consiste em um instrumento eficaz para impedir que a divulgação de fatos passados, destituídos de relevância informativa, venham a impedir o livre desenvolvimento da pessoa humana, na realização autônoma de seu projeto de vida. Apesar de poder ser exercido por qualquer indivíduo, independentemente de sua notoriedade, o direito ao esquecimento não é absoluto edeve ser ponderado com os direitos potencialmente conflitantes, como a liberdade de expressão e direito à informação.Para melhor compreensão dessa difícil ponderação são apresentados os critérios utilizados pela jurisprudência nacional e estrangeira na solução do árduo conflito entre a divulgação das informações e o direito ao esquecimento, em cujo contexto a atualidade da informação emerge como critério preponderante, embora não absoluto, já que fatos de relevância histórica também merecem proteção jurídica. A questão é igualmente examinada no ambiente virtual, a fim de que sejam identificadas as diversas formas de esquecimento na internet, as quais encontram outros meios de efetivação não se restringindo à possibilidade de apagar informações. / The study attempts to trace the general contours of the right to be forgotten in the Brazilian legal system. The right to oblivion consists of an effective instrument to prevent the disclosure of past events, devoid of newsworthiness, will prevent the free developmet of the human person, in the autonomous realization of his life project. Although it can be exercised by any individual, regardless of its reputation, the right to oblivion is not absolute and must be balanced against the potencially conflicting rights such as freedom of expression and right to information. To understand this difficult balancing presents the criteria used by national and international law in solving the hard conflict between the disclosure and the right to be forgotten, in which context the relevance of information emerges as a major criteriorn, although not absolute, since historical relevance of facts also deserve legal protection. This issue is examined in the virtual environment in order to identify various forms of oblivion on the Internet, which are other effective means not limited to the possibility of deleting information.

El dilema de la ética: entre el ser y el deber ser, la libertad y el reconocimiento del otro / El dilema de la ética: entre el ser y el deber ser, la libertad y el reconocimiento del otro

Cuenca, Maribel 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article seeks to highlight two dimensions of ethics. Understood as aconcept that refers, initially, to a mode of being, and also alludes to an “ought to be”. Starting from this, the aim is to establish some basis to discuss the problems deriving from this double dimension of ethics, stemming from certain ancient Greek philosoph- ical ideas, in particular from Aristotle’s ethics and certain statements from modern philosophy, emphasizing some relevant concepts of Kant’s moral theory. Using said arguments, the final purpose is to call attention to the dilemma in ethics. / Este artículo busca destacar dos dimensiones de la ética, concebida como un concepto que alude, inicialmente, a un modo de ser y que también refiere a un deber ser. A partir de esto se apunta a establecer algunas bases para la problematización y discusión sobre esta doble dimensión de la ética, atendiendo a algunos postulados de la filosofía antigua griega, en particular, de la ética aristotélica, y a determinadas afirmaciones de la filosofía moderna, enfatizando conceptos importantes de la moral kantiana. Con dichas herramientas, finalmente, se busca llamar la atención sobre el carácter dilemático de la ética.

Modernização da agricultura e (re)ordenamento territorial nos Gerais de Balsas/MA / Agricultural modernization and (re) planning territorial in General Ferry / MA

ROCHA, Rosimary Gomes 10 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:32:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rosimary gomes.pdf: 6144 bytes, checksum: 4ffe8471bf27a1c08918d2acfc02e640 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-01-10 / The General of Balsas located in the south of the Maranhão had its occupation at a first moment characterized for the available land search for creation of cattle to the untied one for originary creators of other states northeast, mainly of the Zone of Mata, region destined mainly to the culture of sugar cane-of-sugar in century XIX. From the end of the decade of 1970 this space starts to a large extent to suffer significant transformations due to the governmentalactions from occupation of the agricultural border. The arrival of a migratory, mainly sulista flow. They bring I obtain a new form to work the land, established in the use of advanced techniques, culminating in the process of modernization of agriculture in the General of Balsas, being the plantation of the soy the car head of this process. Such transformations in the agrarian space of this region to leave of the decade of 70 of the last century provoke questionings on the appropriation, construction and the use of the territory. The new conceptions on this dynamics in take them to reflect on the relations of being able that they had been installed in the locality, where the territorial processes tied with the monopolista capital if characterize as preponderant. The installation of the agroindústria led to a fast territorial reorganization. One becomes important to still establish, that the new territorialities gifts in the region if also characterize for the distinct model to think and to use the space, since the migrantes load differently obtain the identitários processes of its region of origin of the local population, the called maranhenses farmers. In this context the General of Balsas-Ma evidences it a set of new actions and new objects social technician, actors, economic politicians and, who make use of these objects and create conditions for its reproduction. / A região dos Gerais de Balsas no Sul do Maranhão teve sua ocupação em um primeiro momento, caracterizada pela procura de terras disponíveis para criação de gado à solta, por criadores originários de outros estados do Nordeste, principalmente da Zona da Mata, região destinada ao cultivo de cana-de-açúcar no século XIX. A partir do final da década de 1970, esse espaço começa a sofrer significativas transformações devidas, em grande parte, às ações governamentais de ocupação da fronteira agrícola. Verifica-se a partir daí, a chegada de um fluxo migratório principalmente sulista, que traz consigo uma nova forma de trabalhar a terra, baseada no uso de técnicas avançadas, culminando no processo de modernização da agricultura nos Gerais de Balsas; o plantio da soja torna-se então o carro chefe desse processo. Tais transformações no espaço agrário dessa região, ocorridas a partir da década de 70 do século passado, provocam questionamentos sobre a apropriação, a construção e o uso do território. As novas concepções sobre essa dinâmica nos levam a refletir sobre as relações de poder que se instalaram na localidade em que os processos territoriais vinculados ao capital se caracterizam como preponderantes. A instalação da agroindústria levou a uma rápida reorganização territorial. Faz-se importante ressaltar ainda, que as novas territorialidades presentes na região se caracterizam também pelo modelo distinto de pensar e utilizar o espaço, já que os migrantes carregam consigo os processos identitários de sua região de origem, diferentemente da população local, os denominados lavradores maranhenses. Nesse contexto, a região dos Gerais de Balsas-MA evidencia um conjunto de novas ações e de novos objetos técnicos, atores sociais, políticos e econômicos, que faz uso desses objetos e cria condições para a sua reprodução.

När livet blivit outhärdligt : En litteraturstudie om att vårdas efter ett suicidförsök

Bergstrand, Amanda, Klämberg, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Varje dag väljer minst tre personer i Sverige att avsluta sina liv. Antalet personer som överlever ett suicidförsök är desto fler. Dessa personer kommer i kontakt med hälso- och sjukvård på olika sätt och möts ofta av stigmatisering och tystnad. Forskning visar att sjuksköterskan upplever en osäkerhet i mötet med patienten efter ett suicidförsök. För att bidra till en värdig vård behöver vi förstå vad patienten kan uppleva i vården. Syftet med litteraturstudien är därför att belysa upplevelsen av att vårdas efter ett suicidförsök ur ett patientperspektiv. Flera artikelsökningar resulterade i åtta kvalitativa artiklar vilka analyserades och sammanställdes i denna litteraturstudies resultat. Att vårdas efter ett suicidförsök förklaras i resultatet utifrån fem huvudteman där vårdarens bemötande ses som en central del. Patienten är också i behov av att få befinna sig på en trygg plats, där hen kan finna balans då patienten ofta tappat tilltron till sig själv. Det finns också en längtan efter att få dela sina tankar och planer på suicid med vårdpersonal. För att patienten ska få dessa behov tillgodosedda krävs en professionell och kompetent vårdare. Tyvärr visar forskning att vårdaren inte alltid lyckas tillgodose patientens basala behov. / At least three people commit suicide in Sweden every day. The numbers of the people who survive a suicide attempt are way more. These people get in touch with professional healthcare in different ways. Sadly they are often met with stigmatization and silence. Research shows that nurses often feel insecure when caring for these patients. To contribute to a meaningful care professional caregivers have to understand what these patients might experience. The purpose of this study is therefore to highlight the experiences of patients being cared for after a suicide attempt. Eight qualitative studies was selected and analysed. The result suggests how care after a suicide attempt can be understood throughout five themes: To be met in the right way, to feel safe, to find balance, to talk about suicide and to not trust in yourself. To be met by a professional caregiver was seen as the most important part of being cared for. There is also a longing to talk about the suicide attempt and the patient is in need of a safe place where he or she gets the opportunity to find balance. Lack of self-trust is also seen as a result of the suicide attempt. To be able to provide what the patient is in need of the caregiver has to be professional and competent. Unfortunately caregivers don’t always succeed in providing the care that the patient is in need of.

Historie(be)skrivning : En textanalytisk studie om hur kvinnan beskrivs i läroböcker för historia / History writing : A text analytic study of how women is described in textbooks of history

Lundin, Agnes January 2014 (has links)
Denna studie är en brukstextanalys av tre samtida historieläroböcker för gymnasieelever. Studien ämnar att redogöra för hur kvinnan beskrivs i läroböcker för historia och vad det i sin tur har för betydelse för historia som obligatoriskt ämne på gymnasiet. Studien utgår från ett genusperspektiv och för ett resonemang kring hur kvinnohistoria presenteras i de olika läroböckerna och hur genusperspektivet används för att förklara historia. I studien presenteras begreppet (be)skrivning som redogör särskiljandet på mannens och kvinnans historieskrivning i läroböckerna och visar på vilken inverkan denna (be)skrivning kan ha för förståelse av historieskrivningen. / This essay is a text analysis regarding high school students study material. The starting point and the purpose of the essay is to analyze how history is written and what distinguishes the common history writing from the writing of women’s history.I will execute my essay by trying to answer how women are presented in the study material regarding the subject of history. I will embrace gender theories and discourse theories to fortify my analysis.My findings are linked to how history is presented in the criteria of the school subject in today’s school, to develop how this can be understood as a current discourse in what is seen as relevant history in a contemporary perception.

Bible and theology at work : the creative energy of Dorothy L. Sayers' 'The Man Born to be King'

Wehr, Kathryn Hannah January 2017 (has links)
This study centres on the biblical and theological work behind Dorothy L. Sayers' 12-part play-cycle, The Man Born to be King, aired on the BBC between 1941-42. Investigation begins by testing various unsubstantiated statements by biographers and scholars through a line-by-line analysis of the scripts, the results of which can be found in two large tables of information about how Sayers used each pericope in the Gospels (Appendix A) and a list of every known biblical reference within the play-cycle (Appendix C). Sayers' reported privileging of the Gospel of John gives way to evidence that Synoptic content outweighs Johannine by sheer bulk of material while preference is clearly given to stories that appear in both John and the Synoptics. Sayers' reported avoidance of the Authorized Version gives way to limited but consistent use of the AV for the narrator, for Old Testament quotations, and a special use of the Coverdale Psalms from the Book of Common Prayer. A study of Sayers' six secondary sources shows significant influence upon historic details and characterisation. By covering new ground through in-depth script and source analysis, these studies reveal, expand upon, and often contradict previous assumptions regarding Sayers' sources and working process. In the area of theological studies, investigation begins with Sayers' own claim that she had no original theology—that she merely re-stated the Church's teaching. First, Sayers' identity as an Anglo-Catholic is explored to understand what she means by ‘Catholic' and ‘the Church'. Having thus located Sayers within a particular tradition, Sayers' Christology (building upon her emphasis on the Creed) and Eschatology (building upon her chosen theme of the Kingship of Christ) within the plays are considered within their broader context of early twentieth-century Anglo-Catholic and wider theology. Sayers' theological originality is then proposed in relation to how she brought theology to life in dramatic form.

X-shooter study of accretion in Chamaeleon I

Manara, C. F., Testi, L., Herczeg, G. J., Pascucci, I., Alcalá, J. M., Natta, A., Antoniucci, S., Fedele, D., Mulders, G. D., Henning, T., Mohanty, S., Prusti, T., Rigliaco, E. 25 August 2017 (has links)
The dependence of the mass accretion rate on the stellar properties is a key constraint for star formation and disk evolution studies. Here we present a study of a sample of stars in the Chamaeleon I star-forming region carried out using spectra taken with the ESO VLT/X-shooter spectrograph. The sample is nearly complete down to stellar masses (M-star) similar to 0.1 M-circle dot for the young stars still harboring a disk in this region. We derive the stellar and accretion parameters using a self-consistent method to fit the broadband flux-calibrated medium resolution spectrum. The correlation between accretion luminosity to stellar luminosity, and of mass accretion rate to stellar mass in the logarithmic plane yields slopes of 1.9 +/- 0.1 and 2.3 +/- 0.3, respectively. These slopes and the accretion rates are consistent with previous results in various star-forming regions and with different theoretical frameworks. However, we find that a broken power-law fit, with a steeper slope for stellar luminosity lower than similar to 0.45 L-circle dot and for stellar masses lower than similar to 0.3 M-circle dot is slightly preferred according to different statistical tests, but the single power-law model is not excluded. The steeper relation for lower mass stars can be interpreted as a faster evolution in the past for accretion in disks around these objects, or as different accretion regimes in different stellar mass ranges. Finally, we find two regions on the mass accretion versus stellar mass plane that are empty of objects: one region at high mass accretion rates and low stellar masses, which is related to the steeper dependence of the two parameters we derived. The second region is located just above the observational limits imposed by chromospheric emission, at M-star similar to 0.3-0.4 M-circle dot. These are typical masses where photoevaporation is known to be effective. The mass accretion rates of this region are similar to 10(-10) M-circle dot/yr, which is compatible with the value expected for photoevaporation to rapidly dissipate the inner disk.

Le devenir sexué pas-tout-à-fait phallique : la clinique du pousse-à-la-femme et des femmes-transexuelles. / Sexed became not - entirely phallic : the clinic of the push-to-be-the-woman and of transsexuals women

Metreveli, Inga 14 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche a comme objectif la révision de la logique de la sexuation dans la clinique psychanalytique contemporaine. La thèse freudienne du « primat de phallus », reprise par Lacan d’abord dans sa logique sexuée « être ou avoir », gardera toute son importance dans son tableau de la sexuation, présentée dans le séminaire Encore. Ce tableau de la sexuation, référé au phallus comme au seul et unique signifiant de la différence des sexes, nous laisse “déboussolé” dans la recherche des particularités des modes contemporains d’être sexué. Par contre, nous affirmons que la thèse de Lacan selon laquelle « l’être sexué ne s’autorise que de lui-même […] et quelques autres » trouve toute sa pertinence quant au devenir sexué du sujet contemporain et se met au premier plan dans le tout dernier enseignement de Lacan à travers son étude du parlêtre en terme de nouage et de suppléance. Nous avons ciblé la clinique du pousse-à-la-femme et des femmes-transsexuelles afin de montrer, que la psychanalyse, orientée par le dernier enseignement de Lacan, permet de reconsidérer ces deux cliniques de troubles d’identité sexuelle comme des modes de s’autoriser en tant que sexués. A travers nos cas cliniques, nous prétendons avoir démontré que pour ces sujets, faute de se servir du signifiant phallique « pour tous », il s’agit néanmoins de tentatives pour trouver leur manière sinthomatique de rejoindre dans leur quête identitaire le discours sexuel commun qui soutient pour l’instant la binarité des sexes. / This study aims at a revision of the sexuation logic within the modern psychoanalytical clinic. The Freudian thesis on the "primacy of phallus" was initially assumed by Lacan as a sexuated logic "to be or to have" a phallus, and it kept its importance in his later works, it was especially developed in his XX Seminar "Encore" in the table of sexuation. We have demonstrated that as far as the table of sexuation refers to the phallus, described in terms of the phallic function, that continues to be the only signifier of the difference between the sexes, we can hardly apply it to studying some of the particularities of the modern modes of sexuation. On the contrary we suggest that Lacan’s thesis that "the sexuated being is authorized only by himself [...] and by some others" remains valid as far as the becoming of the modern subject is concerned and it is brought to the forefront in the last teaching of Lacan through his study of the "talking being" in terms of knotting and suppliances. Therefore we have chosen the study of the the clinic of the push-to-be-the-woman and that of transsexual women in order to demonstrate that psychoanalysis oriented by the last teaching of Lacan gives us the possibility to reconsider these two clinics of sexual identity disorders in terms of modes of auto-authorization as sexuated. Via our clinical cases we suggest that these subjects left out of the possibility to appeal to the phallic signifiers "for everybody", try nevertheless to find their sintomatic way to join the common sexual discourse without the reference of the sexual binaries.

Transfert de connaissances et pratiques managériales dans les relations de sous-traitance Grandes entreprises - PME : cas de l'industrie automobile au Maroc / Transfer of managerial knowledge and practices in the relations of subcontracting Large enterprises - SMEs : The case the automotive industry in Morocco

Zahir, Mustapha 24 July 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à l'analyse du transfert de connaissances dans le contexte d'une relation de sous-traitance entre un grand donneur d'ordres et des PME sous-traitantes. Elle vise, plus particulièrement, à étudier les facteurs qui influencent ce transfert et ses implications en termes d'amélioration des pratiques managériales aussi bien du sous-traitant que de donneur d'ordres. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené une analyse empirique en deux temps : une étude auprès des experts a visé la contextualisation de la recherche et une étude de quatre études de cas dans le secteur de l'automobile marocain. La recherche met en évidence les spécificités du contexte marocain quant aux déterminants de ce processus et souligne la nécessité d'intégrer les facteurs liés à l'environnement économique et institutionnel dans l'analyse du transfert inter-organisationnel de connaissances. Notre analyse met en lumière l'importance de l'encadrement intermédiaire et de la capacité de désorption dans la réussite de transfert de connaissances entre donneur d'ordres et PME sous-traitante. / This thesis focuses on the analysis of knowledge transfer in the context of a subcontracting relationship between a prime contractor and subcontractor SMEs. It aims, in particular, to study the factors that influence this transfer and its implications in terms of improving managerial practices for the subcontractor and for the contractor as well. To do so, we conducted an empirical analysis in two stages: an experts's survey for the contextualization of research and a study of four case studies in the Moroccan automotive sector. This research highlights the specificities of the Moroccan context regarding the determinants of this process and underlines the need to incorporate factors related to the economic and institutional environment in the analysis of interorganizational knowledge transfer. Our analysis highlights the importance of middle management and desorption capacity in knowledge transfer success between contractors and subcontractor SMEs.


Mawet, Dimitri, Choquet, Élodie, Absil, Olivier, Huby, Elsa, Bottom, Michael, Serabyn, Eugene, Femenia, Bruno, Lebreton, Jérémy, Matthews, Keith, Gonzalez, Carlos A. Gomez, Wertz, Olivier, Carlomagno, Brunella, Christiaens, Valentin, Defrère, Denis, Delacroix, Christian, Forsberg, Pontus, Habraken, Serge, Jolivet, Aissa, Karlsson, Mikael, Milli, Julien, Pinte, Christophe, Piron, Pierre, Reggiani, Maddalena, Surdej, Jean, Catalan, Ernesto Vargas 03 January 2017 (has links)
HD 141569 A is a pre-main sequence B9.5 Ve star surrounded by a prominent and complex circumstellar disk, likely still in a transition stage from protoplanetary to debris disk phase. Here, we present a new image of the third inner disk component of HD 141569 A made in the L' band (3.8 mu m) during the commissioning of the vector vortex coronagraph that has recently been installed in the near-infrared imager and spectrograph NIRC2 behind the W.M. Keck Observatory Keck II adaptive optics system. We used reference point-spread function subtraction, which reveals the innermost disk component from the inner working distance of similar or equal to 23 au and up to similar or equal to 70 au. The spatial scale of our detection roughly corresponds to the optical and near-infrared scattered light, thermal Q, N, and 8.6 mu m PAH emission reported earlier. We also see an outward progression in dust location from the L' band to the H band (Very Large Telescope/SPHERE image) to the visible (Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/STIS image), which is likely indicative of dust blowout. The warm disk component is nested deep inside the two outer belts imaged by HST-NICMOS in 1999 (at 406 and 245 au, respectively). We fit our new L'-band image and spectral energy distribution of HD 141569 A with the radiative transfer code MCFOST. Our best-fit models favor pure olivine grains and are consistent with the composition of the outer belts. While our image shows a putative very faint point-like clump or source embedded in the inner disk, we did not detect any true companion within the gap between the inner disk and the first outer ring, at a sensitivity of a few Jupiter masses.

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