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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Eric J Kozikowski (10716654) 28 April 2021 (has links)
<div>The manufacturing industry has begun its transition into a digital age, where data-driven decisions aim to improve product quality, output, and efficiency. Decisions made based on manufacturing data can help identify key problem areas in an assembly line and mitigate any defects from progressing through to the next step in the assembly process. But what if the products’ as manufactured data was inaccurate or didn’t exist at all? Decisions based on incorrect data can lead to defective parts being passed as good parts, costing manufacturers millions of dollars in rework or recalls. When specifically referring to mechanically fastened assemblies, products that experience rotation, like an aircraft propeller, or compress to create a seal, like an oil pipe flange, all require specific torque pattern sequences to be followed during assembly. When incorrectly torqued, the parts can have catastrophic failures resulting in consumer injury or ecological contamination. This paper outlines the development and feasibility of a system and its components for tracking and error-proofing the assembly of bolted joints in an industrial environment.</div><div>Using a machine vision system, the system traces the tool location relative to the mechanical fastener and records which order the fasteners were torqued in, if an error is detected, the system does not allow the user to progress through the assembly process, notifying if an error is detected. The system leverages open source machine learning algorithms from TensorFlow2 and OpenCv, that allow efficient object detection model training. The proposed system was tested using a series of tests and evaluated using the STEP method. The data collected aims to understand the system's feasibility and effectiveness in an industrial setting. </div><div>The tests aim to understand the effectiveness of the system under standard and variable industrial work conditions. Using the STEP method and other statistical analysis, an evaluation matrix was completed, ranking the system's ability to successfully meet all predetermined benchmarks and successfully record the torque pattern used to assemble apart</div>

Tartuffe: A Modern Adaptation

Benjamin, Stephen 12 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Fire behaviour of blind-bolted connections to concrete filled tubular columns under tension

Pascual Pastor, Ana María 15 July 2015 (has links)
[EN] Concrete filled steel tubular columns have many advantages in terms of bearing capacity, aesthetics, execution and fire resistance, thanks to the collaborative work of both materials steel and concrete. The effort made in the last decades to rise a high understanding of their behaviour subjected to different loads and assuming multiple variations has resulted in the wide spread of its use between the designers. Nonetheless, how to solve the connection with I-beams is still a handicap and requires a specific study. One of the most common and popular solution to connect open section steel beams (I-beams) to open section steel columns are endplate connections. In the cases of columns with hollow section, special fastenings are needed, which are able to be tightened from one external side and are denominated blind-bolts. Nowadays, there are several fastener systems that allow these types of connections. The characterization of their response and their capacity to support different loads is the objective of several investigations, where the geometrical definition and the material properties are crucial parameters. Despite the promising results of these connections at room temperature regarding their capability to resist bending moments, their performance is un-known at high temperatures. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is the study of the tensile behaviour of blind-bolts in endplate connections to concrete filled tubular columns at elevated temperatures and subjected to bending moment. Primarily, the research comprises the understanding of the pure thermal transfer problem. The temperature distribution through the connection section is obtained experimental and numerically. The thermal parameters that characterize the connections response are determined through the calibration of the numerical models with the experiments. Secondly, the blind-bolt capacity under pull out and at high temperatures is under analysis. During the fire the temperature increases while connection transmits loads from the beam to the column, the objective of this dissertation is to know how the mechanical response of the pulled blind-bolts changes under these conditions. Thus, the study of the material properties dependent on the temperature and their effect on the connection response is covered by the investigation. Furthermore, the influence of the concrete and the type of fastener is a highlighted aspect through the thermal and the fire analysis. Finally, the reliability of these connections to comply with requirements of 30 minutes fire exposure before the collapse is evaluated. As a result, valuable Finite Element models able to simulate the thermal and thermo-mechanical behaviour of the connection are developed, providing useful behavioural patterns of the blind-bolts. Among the main conclusions, it is noted the temperature reduction due to concrete core in concrete filled columns compared to hollow sections, in the exposed bolt surface means 100ºC less. Conversely, a longer bolt shank of the fastener system embedded in concrete has a negligible effect on the temperature of the resistant part of the bolt. Regarding the fire capacity, the concrete core in the steel tube columns presents significant benefits in terms of fire resistance time and connection stiffness. Besides, the bolt anchorage enhances the stiffness at elevated temperatures, however, the failure of the shank next to the bolt head causes that the anchorage does not mean an improvement on the fire time resistance. / [ES] Las columnas tubulares de acero rellenas de hormigón presentan múltiples ventajas en términos de capacidad de carga, estética, ejecución y resistencia al fuego, gracias a la acción combinada de acero y hormigón. El esfuerzo realizado en las últimas décadas por conocer su comportamiento frente a diferentes cargas y bajo distintos parámetros ha dado lugar a una amplia difusión de su uso entre los diseñadores. No obstante, la forma de resolver la conexión con vigas de sección en I sigue siendo un hándicap y requiere un estudio específico. Una de las soluciones más comunes y populares para conectar las vigas de acero de sección abierta (vigas I) a columnas de acero de sección abierta es la conexión con chapa de testa, que en el caso de sección hueca requiere de tornillos especiales denominados tornillos ciegos, puesto que reciben el par de apriete desde una cara de la sección. En la actualidad existen diversos sistemas de fijación que permiten este tipo de conexiones y cuya respuesta y caracterización es objeto de numerosas investigaciones. En este sentido, la definición geométrica de la unión y las propiedades de los materiales son parámetros cruciales en el rendimiento de la conexión. La presente tesis analiza el comportamiento de los tornillos ciegos en el área traccionada de conexiones de placa de testa a columnas tubulares de acero rellenas de hormigón sometidas a momentos de flexión y a elevadas temperaturas. Las prestaciones de esta solución constructiva para la unión viga-columna tubular, junto con la ausencia de datos relacionados con su comportamiento en situación de incendio la convirtió en el objetivo del trabajo. En primer lugar, la investigación aborda el problema de transferencia de calor, analizando experimental y numéricamente la distribución de temperaturas en la sección de la conexión. En esta parte del estudio se obtienen los parámetros térmicos que caracterizan la respuesta térmica de la conexión a través de la calibración de los modelos numéricos con los datos experimentales. En segundo lugar, se realiza el estudio de la capacidad de los tornillos ciegos para soportar cargas de tracción en situación de incendio, es decir, se analiza cómo cambia el comportamiento de la conexión con sus características alteradas debido a las altas temperaturas. El estudio de las propiedades del material en función de la temperatura y su efecto sobre la respuesta de la conexión constituyen una parte importante de la investigación. Además, se evalúa la influencia del hormigón y el tipo de elemento de sujeción tanto en el comportamiento mecánico como termo-mecánico de la conexión. Por último, se estudia la capacidad de las uniones para cumplir con requerimientos de exposición al fuego de 30 minutos previamente al colapso. Como resultado de este trabajo se obtuvieron modelos de elementos finitos capaces de simular la conexión térmica y termo-mecánicamente, proporcionando patrones de comportamiento de gran utilidad en el diseño de las mismas. Entre las principales conclusiones, se observó la reducción de la temperatura en los tornillos gracias al núcleo de hormigón en columnas de hormigón lleno en comparación con secciones huecas, que ya en la superficie expuesta del tornillo se cuantificaba en 100ºC menos. Por el contrario, los elementos de fijación que presentaban mayor longitud de vástago de tornillo embebida en el hormigón, no generaban un efecto significativo sobre la temperatura de la parte resistente del perno. En cuanto a la capacidad resistente frente a fuego, el núcleo de hormigón supuso una mejora en términos de rigidez y de tiempo de resistencia al fuego. Sin embargo, el fallo de los pernos en una sección próxima a la superficie expuesta redujo el efecto esperado del anclaje del tornillo, que si bien implicaba una mayor rigidez de la conexión, no parecía mejorar el tiempo de resistencia a fuego. Finalmente se planteó la necesidad de / [CA] Els pilars tubulars d'acer omplerts de formigó (CFT) presenten molts avantatges en termes de capacitat de carrega, estètica, execució i resistència al foc, gràcies a l'acció combinada de l'acer i el formigó. L'esforç realitzat en les darreres dècades per conèixer el seu comportament enfront a diferents càrregues i sota distints paràmetres ha donat lloc a una amplia difusió del seu ús entre el dissenyadors. No obstant això, la manera de resoldre la connexió amb bigues de secció en I, continua sent un handicap i requereix d'un estudi específic. Una de les solucions més comuns i populars per a connectar les bigues d'acer de secció oberta (bigues I) a columnes d'acer de secció oberta és la connexió amb 'chapa de testa', que en el cas de la secció buida requereix de perns especials denominats perns cecs perquè es rosquen des d'una cara de la secció. En l'actualitat existeixen diversos sistemes de fixació que permeten aquest tipus de connexions, la resposta i caracterització dels quals es l'objectiu de nombroses recerques. En aquest sentit, la definició geomètrica de la unió i les propietats dels materials son paràmetres crucials en el rendiment de la connexió. Aquesta tesi analitza el comportament dels perns cecs en l'àrea traccionada de connexions de 'chapa de testa', a pilars tubulars d'acer omplerts de formigó, sotmeses a moments de flexió i a elevades temperatures. Les prestacions d'aquesta solució constructiva per a la unió biga-pilar tubular junt amb l'absència de dades relacionades amb el comportament en situació d'incendi, la van convertir en l'objectiu d'aquest treball. En primer lloc, la recerca aborda el problema de transferència de calor, analitzant tant experimental com numèricament la distribució de temperatures en la secció de la connexió. En aquesta part de l'estudi, s'obtenen el paràmetres tèrmics que caracteritzen la resposta tèrmica de la connexió mitjançant el calibratge del models numèrics amb les dades experimentals. En segon lloc, es realitza l'estudi de la capacitat dels perns cecs per a suportar càrregues de tracció en situació d'incendi, es a dir, s'analitza com canvia el comportament de la connexió amb les seues característiques alterades degut a les altes temperatures. L'estudi de les propietats del material en funció de la temperatura i el seu efecte en la resposta de la connexió formen també part de la recerca. Un contingut important d'aquest treball consisteix en determinar l'influencia del formigó i el tipus d'element de fixació tant en el comportament mecànic com termo-mecànic de la connexió. Per últim, s'estudia la capacitat de les unions per a complir amb els requeriments d'exposició al foc de 30 minuts prèviament al col·lapse. Com a resultat d'aquest treball s'obtingueren models d'elements finits amb capacitat per a simular el comportament tèrmic i termo-mecànic de la connexió, proporcionant patrons de comportament de gran utilitat en el disseny. Entre les principals conclusions, es va observar la reducció de la temperatura en els perns gràcies al nucli de formigó en pilars omplerts de formigó en comparació amb el pilars buits, on ja en la superfície esposada del cargol es quantificava en 100 ºC menys. Pel contrari, els elements de fixació que presentaven major longitud de embeguda en el formigó, no generaven un efecte significatiu en la temperatura de la part resistent del pern. En quant a la capacitat resistent davant del foc, el nucli de formigó va suposar una millora en termes de rigidesa i de temps de resistència al foc. Tanmateix, la fallada dels perns en una secció pròxima a la superfície esposada va reduir l'efecte esperat de la fixació del pern, que si be implicava una major rigidesa de la connexió, no semblava millorar el temps de resistència al foc. Finalment, es va plantejar la necessitat de aprofundir en l'anàlisi incorporant un major rang de paràmetres. / Pascual Pastor, AM. (2015). Fire behaviour of blind-bolted connections to concrete filled tubular columns under tension [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53240

Nosná ocelová konstrukce prodejny a opravny automobilů / Steel Load-bearing Structure of a Car Showroom and Repair Centre

Thomanková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis includes design and examination of steel load-carrying structure. Construction includes car deal warehouse and car repair shop with extension for car varnishing. Car deal warehouse has ground dimensions 22 x 30 m and total high 10 m. Main frame is composed of Vierendeel trusses with arc shape. Car repair shop has ground dimensions 20 x 30 m and total high 10 m. Main frame is composed of truss girders and web-plate columns. Frame extension has ground dimension 20 x 10 m and total high 6,4 m. Cladding is composed of sandwich panels. Store´s gable wall and a part of the roof are glass. Climatic load is intended for locality Ostrava.

Analysis of Bolted Connections in Creo Simulate - Theory, Software Functionality and Application Examples

Jakel, Roland 25 June 2013 (has links)
Die Präsentation stellt kurz die Grundlagen der Berechnung von Schraubenverbindungen in Anlehnung an die VDI-Richtlinie 2230 Teil 1 dar. Auch die vier FEM-Modellklassen, die die VDI 2230 Teil 2 (Entwurf) zur Berechnung von Mehrschraubenverbindungen vorschlägt, werden behandelt, und die in Creo Simulate vorhandenen Softwarefeatures zu deren Umsetzung vorgestellt. Es folgt eine Darstellung, was bei der Linearisierung von Schraubenverbindungen zur vereinfachten Berechnung zu beachten ist, und wieso bei der Berechnung im FEM-System dann nicht notwendigerweise eine Vorspannung benötigt wird. Ausführlich wird das neue Schraubenfeature in Creo Simulate betrachtet, das eine weitgehend automatisierte Modellierung und Berechnung von Standardverschraubungen erlaubt. Weitere Features, wie die neuen Vorspannelemente, werden erläutert, sowie auch die Grenzen der Software aufgezeigt. Abschließend werden zwei anspruchsvolle Anwendungsbeispiele vorgestellt: Eine zentrisch belastete Verschraubung mit Berücksichtigung von Elasto-Plastizität und einer komplexen Lasthistorie (Anziehen durch Anzugsmoment, Setzeffekte, Entfall des Torsionsmomentes durch das Anziehen, Betriebskraft) sowie eine exzentrisch belastete Verschraubung, die wegen eines relativ dünnen Flansches starke Biegezusatzbeanspruchungen erfährt. / The presentation shows the foundations of bolt analysis according to VDI-guideline 2230 part 1. In addition, the four FEM model classes proposed in VDI 2230 part 2 (draft) are described, as well as the features available in Creo Simulate to realize these model classes. Next, the presentation shows the requirements for linearizing bolted connections, and why in a FEM analysis with a linearized connection no preload is necessary. The new fastener feature introduced in Creo Simulate is explained in detail. This feature allows the automated modeling and analysis of bolted connections having standard geometry. Further software features, like pretension elements, as well as the current software limitations are shown. Finally, two advanced application examples are shown: A centrically loaded bolted connection taking into account elasto-plasticity and a complex load history (tightening torque, embedding, removal of tightening stress, operational load), and an eccentrically loaded flange connection, which is subjected to high additional bending loads because the flange is relatively thin.

Biophysics of helices : devices, bacteria and viruses

Katsamba, Panayiota January 2018 (has links)
A prevalent morphology in the microscopic world of artificial microswimmers, bacteria and viruses is that of a helix. The intriguingly different physics at play at the small scale level make it necessary for bacteria to employ swimming strategies different from our everyday experience, such as the rotation of a helical filament. Bio-inspired microswimmers that mimic bacterial locomotion achieve propulsion at the microscale level using magnetically actuated, rotating helical filaments. A promising application of these artificial microswimmers is in non-invasive medicine, for drug delivery to tumours or microsurgery. Two crucial features need to be addressed in the design of microswimmers. First, the ability to selectively control large ensembles and second, the adaptivity to move through complex conduit geometries, such as the constrictions and curves of the tortuous tumour microvasculature. In this dissertation, a mechanics-based selective control mechanism for magnetic microswimmers is proposed, and a model and simulation of an elastic helix passing through a constricted microchannel are developed. Thereafter, a theoretical framework is developed for the propulsion by stiff elastic filaments in viscous fluids. In order to address this fluid-structure problem, a pertubative, asymptotic, elastohydrodynamic approach is used to characterise the deformation that arises from and in turn affects the motion. This framework is applied to the helical filaments of bacteria and magnetically actuated microswimmers. The dissertation then turns to the sub-bacterial scale of bacteriophage viruses, 'phages' for short, that infect bacteria by ejecting their genetic material and replicating inside their host. The valuable insight that phages can offer in our fight against pathogenic bacteria and the possibility of phage therapy as an alternative to antibiotics, are of paramount importance to tackle antibiotics resistance. In contrast to typical phages, flagellotropic phages first attach to bacterial flagella, and have the striking ability to reach the cell body for infection, despite their lack of independent motion. The last part of the dissertation develops the first theoretical model for the nut-and-bolt mechanism (proposed by Berg and Anderson in 1973). A nut being rotated will move along a bolt. Similarly, a phage wraps itself around a flagellum possessing helical grooves, and exploits the rotation of the flagellum in order to passively travel along and towards the cell body, according to this mechanism. The predictions from the model agree with experimental observations with respect to directionality, speed and the requirements for succesful translocation.

Detecting Structural Defects Using Novel Smart Sensory and Sensor-less Approaches

Baghalian, Amin 17 October 2017 (has links)
Monitoring the mechanical integrity of critical structures is extremely important, as mechanical defects can potentially have adverse impacts on their safe operability throughout their service life. Structural defects can be detected by using active structural health monitoring (SHM) approaches, in which a given structure is excited with harmonic mechanical waves generated by actuators. The response of the structure is then collected using sensor(s) and is analyzed for possible defects, with various active SHM approaches available for analyzing the response of a structure to single- or multi-frequency harmonic excitations. In order to identify the appropriate excitation frequency, however, the majority of such methods require a priori knowledge of the characteristics of the defects under consideration. This makes the whole enterprise of detecting structural defects logically circular, as there is usually limited a priori information about the characteristics and the locations of defects that are yet to be detected. Furthermore, the majority of SHM techniques rely on sensors for response collection, with the very same sensors also prone to structural damage. The Surface Response to Excitation (SuRE) method is a broadband frequency method that has high sensitivity to different types of defects, but it requires a baseline. In this study, initially, theoretical justification was provided for the validity of the SuRE method and it was implemented for detection of internal and external defects in pipes. Then, the Comprehensive Heterodyne Effect Based Inspection (CHEBI) method was developed based on the SuRE method to eliminate the need for any baseline. Unlike traditional approaches, the CHEBI method requires no a priori knowledge of defect characteristics for the selection of the excitation frequency. In addition, the proposed heterodyne effect-based approach constitutes the very first sensor-less smart monitoring technique, in which the emergence of mechanical defect(s) triggers an audible alarm in the structure with the defect. Finally, a novel compact phased array (CPA) method was developed for locating defects using only three transducers. The CPA approach provides an image of most probable defected areas in the structure in three steps. The techniques developed in this study were used to detect and/or locate different types of mechanical damages in structures with various geometries.

Anchorage in Concrete Structures : Numerical and Experimental Evaluations of Load-Carrying Capacity of Cast-in-Place Headed Anchors and Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors

Nilforoush, Rasoul January 2017 (has links)
Various anchorage systems including both cast-in-place and post-installed anchors have been developed for fastening both non-structural and structural components to concrete structures. The need for increased flexibility in the design of new structures and strengthening of existing concrete structures has led to increased use of various metallic anchors in practice. Although millions of fasteners are used each year in the construction industry around the world, knowledge of the fastening technology remains poor. In a sustainable society, buildings and structures must, from time to time, be adjusted to meet new demands. Loads on structures must, in general, be increased to comply with new demands, and the structural components and the structural connections must also be upgraded. From the structural connection point of view, the adequacy of the current fastenings for the intended increased load must be determined, and inadequate fastenings must either be replaced or upgraded. The current design models are generally believed to be conservative, although the extent of this behavior is not very clear. To address these issues, the current models must be refined to allow the design of new fastenings and also the assessment of current anchorage systems in practice. The research presented in this thesis consists of numerical and experimental studies of the load-carrying capacity of anchors in concrete structures. Two different types of anchors were studied: (I) cast-in-place headed anchors, and (II) post-installed adhesive anchors. This research focused particularly on the tensile load-carrying capacity of cast-in-place headed anchors and also on the sustained tension loading performance of post-installed adhesive anchors. The overall objective of this research was to provide knowledge for the development of improved methods of designing new fastening systems and assessing the current anchorage systems in practice. For the cast-in-place headed anchors (I), the influence of various parameters including the size of anchor head, thickness of concrete member, amount of orthogonal surface reinforcement, presence of concrete cracks, concrete compressive strength, and addition of steel fibers to concrete were studied. Among these parameters, the influence of the anchor head size, member thickness, surface reinforcement, and cracked concrete was initially evaluated via numerical analysis of headed anchors at various embedment depths. Although these parameters have considerable influence on the anchorage capacity and performance, this influence is not explicitly considered by the current design models. The numerical results showed that the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors increases with increasing member thickness and/or increasing size of the anchor head or the use of orthogonal surface reinforcement. However, their capacity decreased considerably in cracked concrete. Based on the numerical results, the current theoretical model for the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors was extended by incorporating several modification factors that take the influence of the investigated parameters into account. In addition, a supplementary experimental study was performed to verify the numerically obtained findings and the proposed refined model. The experimental results corresponded closely to the numerical results, both in terms of failure load and failure pattern, thereby confirming the validity of the proposed model. The validity of the model was further confirmed through experimental results reported in the literature. Additional experiments were performed to determine the influence of the concrete compressive strength and the addition of steel fiber to concrete on the anchorage capacity and performance. These experiments showed that the anchorage capacity and stiffness increase considerably with increasing concrete compressive strength, but the ductility of the anchor decreases. However, the anchorage capacity and ductility increased significantly with the addition of steel fibers to the concrete mixture. The test results also revealed that the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors in steel fiber-reinforced concrete is significantly underestimated by the current design model. The long-term performance and creep behavior of the post-installed headed anchors (II) was evaluated from the results of long-time tests on adhesive anchors under sustained loads. In this experimental study, adhesive anchors of various sizes were subjected to various sustained load levels for up to 28 years. The anchors were also exposed to several in-service conditions including indoor temperature, variations in the outdoor temperature and humidity, wetness (i.e., water on the surface of concrete), and the presence of salt (setting accelerant) additives in the concrete. Among the tested in-service conditions, variations in the outdoor temperature and humidity had the most adverse effect on the long-term sustained loading performance of the anchors. Based on the test results, recommendations were proposed for maximum sustained load levels under various conditions. The anchors tested under indoor conditions could carry sustained loads of up to 47% of their mean ultimate short-term capacities. However, compared with these anchors, the anchors tested under outdoor conditions exhibited larger creep deformation and failure occurred at sustained loads higher than 23% of their mean ultimate short-term capacities. Salt additives in concrete and wet conditions had negligible influence on the long-term performance of the anchors, although the wet condition resulted in progressive corrosion of the steel. Based on the experimental results, the suitability of the current testing and approval provisions for qualifying adhesive anchors subjected to long-term sustained tensile loads was evaluated. The evaluations revealed that the current approval provisions are not necessarily reliable for qualifying adhesive anchors for long-term sustained loading applications. Recommendations were given for modifying the current provisions to ensure safe long-term performance of adhesive anchors under sustained loads.

Pavilon v botanické zahradě v Jihlavě / The botanical pavillion in Jihlava

Kuchtová, Ludmila January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to design a load-bearing structure of the botanical pavillion in Jihlava. The construction is designed as a variable structure of both steel and timber. Each solution has a different type of ribs. The layout is a hexadecagon with maximum dimension of 30 meters. The height of the building is considered to be 10 meters.

Řešení některých problémů stability horniny ve svazích a stěnách s optimalizací kotevních prvků / Solution of some rock stability problems in slopes and walls with optimization of anchor elements

Holý, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This presented phd thesis focuses on the problems of instability in the rock walls and slopes, whose manifestation is among othersv rockfall and associated risks. It describes the theoretical aspects of the description of instability and summarizes the construction methods and technologies to eliminate them. On the basis of knowledge gained from specific buildings in the Czech Republic and based on the research project solved by author, submits suggestion to optimimalization of the anchoring elements as a basic part of most remediation methods.

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