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Vícepodlažní budova / Multi-storey buildingJetonický, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the master´s thesis is the design and assessment of the static load-bearing steel structure office building. It is an eight-storey building with a floor plan and dimensions 54x15m. The proposal has three variants. In one of them a steel frame with a hinge attached elements. These are the pillars, beams, trusses, joists and purlins, which are coupled with trapeze plate and thereby secure the stability of the position in the horizontal direction. The steel structure is placed between the reinforced concrete towers.
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Curlingová hala / Curling buildingNováková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
Design of load bearing steel structure of a curling building. Examination of main load bearing building blocks. Examination of selected details. Drawing of disposition and selected details. Elaboration of manufactory drawings of chosen segments.
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Výstavní galerie v Olomouci / The Exhibition Gallery in OlomoucMorcinková, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the design of bearing construction of the Exhibition gallery in Olomouc. The building is of irregular shape with the biggest span of 50 m. The bearing structure in the highest point goes up to 14,6 m. The main design material is the glue-laminated timber GL24h and GL32h. The optimization of chosen parts of the structure has been made and the best option was then used in the detailed structural calculation. The bearing structure consists of circular columns to which the floor beams and roof trusses are connected. The irregular structure of the gallery comprises of three different roof types – flat trafficable roof, double-pitched glass roof formed by pitched cambered trusses and single-pitch roof spanning over the central part of a 20,7 m span. Within the thesis the design and check of the main structure members and connections has been made. The entire structure is pinned and its stiffness is secured by the system of tension rods and rigid floor and roof construction respectively.
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Analyzing a bolted, conical hub-shaft-connection with finite friction contact in Creo Simulate 3.0: Best practices for working with large displacement analysis, bolt preloads and finite friction contactJakel, Roland 02 July 2018 (has links)
Der Vortrag beschreibt, wie mittels des Kontaktmodells mit endlicher Reibung in
Creo Simulate 3.0 ein Schwungrad mit axial verschraubtem mit Kegel-Presssitz
berechnet werden kann. Da in Creo Simulate 3.0 des Softwareentwicklers PTC das
Kontaktmodell mit endlicher Reibung nur für die Theorie großer Verformungen
implementiert ist, nicht jedoch für einfache Analysen mit kleinen Deformationen,
muss der Anwender einige softwareseitige Einschränkungen geschickt umgehen. Es
werden Vorgehensweisen vorgeschlagen, wie der Anwender dies bewerkstelligen
kann. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Modellierung von Schrauben
sowie der Einstellung der Schraubenvorspannung. Rechenergebnisse des Programms
werden mit analytischen Lösungen verglichen. / The presentation describes how to analyze a flywheel with axially bolted hub-shaft-
connection using a conical press fit with help of the finite friction contact model in
Creo Simulate 3.0. Since Creo Simulate 3.0 from PTC offers a finite friction contact
model implementation just for large displacement analysis, but not for simple
analyses with small displacements, the user has to work around a couple of code
specific limitations. Best practices are proposed how to do this. Special attention is
paid on bolt modeling and preload adjustment. Analysis results are compared with
analytical solutions.
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Tunel Blanka: Inženýrskogeologické problémy a rizika ražby / The Blanka tunnel, geological hazadrs and problems during boringSedláček, Václav January 2016 (has links)
The Blanka tunnel has two boring sections: Brusnice tunnel and Královská obora tunnel. Both tunnels were boring in difficult geologycal conditions, but the geology conditions of these tunnels are not same. Also they had not the same hazards during boring. There was used a spectrum of different technical works with hazard reduction purpose and safety process of boring. There were three serious accidents, wnich everyone made a creater on the surface, but they have not the same causes. This text has a task to describe a geological survey before and during the boring of both tunnels. How other reasons affected the process of boring? How the tunnels were bored? What events preceded the everyone of three major failure? This text does not deal with economical things of boring and effects of specific personal influence on the process of boring. Key words Tunnel, excavation, Blanka, Brusnice, Letná, Stromovka park, Vltava river, underground water, geology, ordovik, New Austrian Tunnelling method, pilot tunnel, calotte, bench, bottom, arche, bolt, lining, grouting, collapse of ceiling, failure, tube, shale, quarzite, soil, loess, ballast, clay
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Přepočet a variantní návrh nosných konstrukcí objektů administrativního centra / Static verification and variant design of load-carrying structures of administrative centerFabiánová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to develop assessments of existing supporting structure of a rectangular object and design of new options for rectangular and cylindrical object administrative center in the Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. in Brno. According to the task have been recalculated construction and design of new structures in accordance with applicable standards. New design of both buildings (rectangular and cylindrical) came from several studies.
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Vyhlídková věž v oblasti jihovýchodní Moravy / Timber structure of a view tower in southeast MoraviaVrbka, Jan January 2014 (has links)
he master’s thesis consists of a case study of an observation tower design made of glue laminated timber and steel. There are two different tower shapes of anchored or free standing tower and these towers are compared. One of the design is chosen and elaborated into final detailing. A short review of main issues bound with the observation towers is given. The review deals mainly with loading (mainly priniples wind loads are analised) and evaluating of towers (ultimate limit states, service limit states and acceleration comfort). The height of final construction is up to 60m. The design is formed by a space lattice structure made of glue laminated timber and steel members of different class. The members are fastened mainly by means of dowel joints with slotted-in-plates . There is a light steel stairway inserted into the main structure.
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Implementation of Bolt Detection and Visual-Inertial Localization Algorithm for Tightening Tool on SoC FPGA / Implementering av bultdetektering och visuell tröghetslokaliseringsalgoritm för åtdragningsverktyg på SoC FPGAAl Hafiz, Muhammad Ihsan January 2023 (has links)
With the emergence of Industry 4.0, there is a pronounced emphasis on the necessity for enhanced flexibility in assembly processes. In the domain of bolt-tightening, this transition is evident. Tools are now required to navigate a variety of bolts and unpredictable tightening methodologies. Each bolt, possessing distinct tightening parameters, necessitates a specific sequence to prevent issues like bolt cross-talk or unbalanced force. This thesis introduces an approach that integrates advanced computing techniques with machine learning to address these challenges in the tightening areas. The primary objective is to offer edge computation for bolt detection and tightening tools' precise localization. It is realized by leveraging visual-inertial data, all encapsulated within a System-on-Chip (SoC) Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The chosen approach combines visual information and motion detection, enabling tools to quickly and precisely do the localization of the tool. All the computing is done inside the SoC FPGA. The key element for identifying different bolts is the YOLOv3-Tiny-3L model, run using the Deep-learning Processor Unit (DPU) that is implemented in the FPGA. In parallel, the thesis employs the Error-State Extended Kalman Filter (ESEKF) algorithm to fuse the visual and motion data effectively. The ESEKF is accelerated via a full implementation in Register Transfer Level (RTL) in the FPGA fabric. We examined the empirical outcomes and found that the visual-inertial localization exhibited a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) position of 39.69 mm and a standard deviation of 9.9 mm. The precision in orientation determination yields a mean error of 4.8 degrees, offset by a standard deviation of 5.39 degrees. Notably, the entire computational process, from the initial bolt detection to its final localization, is executed in 113.1 milliseconds. This thesis articulates the feasibility of executing bolt detection and visual-inertial localization using edge computing within the SoC FPGA framework. The computation trajectory is significantly streamlined by harnessing the adaptability of programmable logic within the FPGA. This evolution signifies a step towards realizing a more adaptable and error-resistant bolt-tightening procedure in industrial areas. / Med framväxten av Industry 4.0, finns det en uttalad betoning på nödvändigheten av ökad flexibilitet i monteringsprocesser. Inom området bultåtdragning är denna övergång tydlig. Verktyg krävs nu för att navigera i en mängd olika bultar och oförutsägbara åtdragningsmetoder. Varje bult, som har distinkta åtdragningsparametrar, kräver en specifik sekvens för att förhindra problem som bultöverhörning eller obalanserad kraft. Detta examensarbete introducerar ett tillvägagångssätt som integrerar avancerade datortekniker med maskininlärning för att hantera dessa utmaningar i skärpningsområdena. Det primära målet är att erbjuda kantberäkning för bultdetektering och åtdragningsverktygs exakta lokalisering. Det realiseras genom att utnyttja visuella tröghetsdata, allt inkapslat i en System-on-Chip (SoC) Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Det valda tillvägagångssättet kombinerar visuell information och rörelsedetektering, vilket gör det möjligt för verktyg att snabbt och exakt lokalisera verktyget. All beräkning sker inuti SoC FPGA. Nyckelelementet för att identifiera olika bultar är YOLOv3-Tiny-3L-modellen, som körs med hjälp av Deep-learning Processor Unit (DPU) som är implementerad i FPGA. Parallellt använder avhandlingen algoritmen Error-State Extended Kalman Filter (ESEKF) för att effektivt sammansmälta visuella data och rörelsedata. ESEKF accelereras via en fullständig implementering i Register Transfer Level (RTL) i FPGA-strukturen. Vi undersökte de empiriska resultaten och fann att den visuella tröghetslokaliseringen uppvisade en Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) position på 39,69 mm och en standardavvikelse på 9,9 mm. Precisionen i orienteringsbestämningen ger ett medelfel på 4,8 grader, kompenserat av en standardavvikelse på 5,39 grader. Noterbart är att hela beräkningsprocessen, från den första bultdetekteringen till dess slutliga lokalisering, exekveras på 113,1 millisekunder. Denna avhandling artikulerar möjligheten att utföra bultdetektering och visuell tröghetslokalisering med hjälp av kantberäkning inom SoC FPGA-ramverket. Beräkningsbanan är avsevärt effektiviserad genom att utnyttja anpassningsförmågan hos programmerbar logik inom FPGA. Denna utveckling innebär ett steg mot att förverkliga en mer anpassningsbar och felbeständig skruvdragningsprocedur i industriområden.
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