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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

社會企業的經營模式-以里仁事業股份有限公司為例 / The business model of social enterprises- Case study of Lee-Zen company

吳宜蓉, Wu, Yi Jung Unknown Date (has links)
商業上的大趨勢(megatrend)一直是學者專家所研究的對象,因為它影響著企業如何競爭與為消費者創造價值。近年來,由於全球化與新興經濟體所帶來的環境衝擊與自然資源的競爭,迫使商業開始出現本質上的改變。本研究以里仁公司為例,深入研究日益蓬勃發展的社會企業如何因運時勢而生,及其如何運用獨特的經營模式來為消費者以及農友創造價值,以達到經濟、社會與環境的三重盈餘。 本研究採用文獻回顧分析結合非結構式的訪談,與里仁公司的總經理、公關部進行數十小時的溝通與意見交流,以分析歸納出里仁公司的經營模式與關鍵成功因素。里仁公司的成立目的是推廣台灣的有機農業與慈心食品 ,讓消費者有健康的飲食,提升台灣農民的競爭力同時保育環境。里仁公司為佛教徒所創立,其研習的經典「菩提道次第廣論」為組織的思想與價值觀,指導著組織上下的行為法則,形塑出強勢的企業文化。因此相較於一般企業,里仁公司的組織成員目標與組織目標整合程度較高,而由此衍生出來的成功關鍵有三,一為宗教背景帶來的組織整合能力,二為慈心事業利用社會資本所創造的綜效帶來供應鏈的緊密關係,三為里仁公司的創新與研發能力。 里仁公司的成功,有賴於高度的組織認同與組織獨特經營模式的相輔相成,對於里仁公司而言,能夠落實佛法才是事業的意義。因此在面臨市場需求大的組織成長壓力,里仁公司仍堅定步伐讓員工慢慢從佛法內化學習起,因其不以利益擴張為考量,即便組織成長趨緩可能會影響獲取規模經濟的優勢。從經營模式來看,社會資本的大量運用與模式中各個環結串連的流暢性是里仁模式成功的關鍵,慈心事業的各組織分別在供應鏈上扮演著資源的媒合者來把上游供應商、消費者與里仁公司緊緊串連,供應商與消費者亦同時成為組織社會資本的一部分,帶入更多的人來認識里仁與新的消費力量。 里仁公司藉由提供有機與慈心食品給消費者,同時幫助台灣的農民在走向外銷之路上更具有競爭力,盈餘則贊助兩個股東基金會的生命成長營隊、校園蔬食及種樹護地球等讓促進社會健康與改善環境的活動。目前台灣有機農業已逐漸發展成熟,里仁公司已開始邁向新的策略—結合環境保育與有機農業,期望能讓台灣重要的環境保育區、集水區上游有乾淨的水質與土壤,並利用環境保育商標來凝聚消費者對這塊土地的重視。 對於此經營模式如何複製與擴充,作者認為整合經營模式中利害關係人需求間的交換機制以及善用經營模式的可複製元素是成功關鍵。在個案公司的例子中是將佛家以人為本的普世價值形成強組織文化,將供應商、消費者的需求與供給能夠透過組織力量的媒合進行更有效率的交換。強組織文化在此種商業模式的應用上不可或缺,其為累積社會資本的一大關鍵。另外則是運用社會資本產生一回饋系統。 / Business megatrend has always been an important research target, as it influences on how enterprises compete and create value for their customers. In recnt years, globalization and emerging economies bring environmental impact and competition for natural resources, forcing fundamental and persistant shift in how companies compete. In this research, Leesen Company is used as a case of a social enterprise to illustrate how it creates and utilizes social capital to grow and sustain its business, which provides a reference for social entrepreneurs and researchers to develop new business model that achieves the so called triple bottom lines. Systematic paper review combined with 26 hours of low-structured interview with CEO and director of public relations in Leezen Company, this study aims to summarize and analyze the business model and key success factors. Leezen Company is built for promoting organic agriculture and non-toxic food, trying to make healthy food available for all consumers in Taiwan. Founded by a Buddhist, Leezen company is guided by the Buddhist Sutra “Lamrim Chenmo”, which deeply influences employees’ thoughts and core value. This, in tern, results in higher integration of goals between organization and employees compared to other organization. Key success factors are as follows: Highly coordinated and integrated coporate culture formed through buddsim generates great synergy in supply chain of Tzu-Xin conglomerates, where Leezen Company belongs to, and gains great trust from consumers. Also, the innovation and R&D in food technology created by its persistence in doing the right thing strengthens its competitive advantage in in organic argiculture and non-toxic food. Through providing organic and non-toxic food, Leezen Company creates a healthier environment for consumers and bolsters competitiveness of Taiwanese farmers to sale argicultural product abroad. Revenue goes to sponsor various activities that benefit our mind, health and environment of two shareholder foundations. As the organic industry become more mature these days, Leezen Company starts to adopt a new strategy of combining environmental protection and organic agriculture, expecting to replace traditional agriculture in conseravation aeras and upstream reservoirs. Also, it develops an environmental protection trademark for food grown in those areas, trying to arouse the awareness of more people. The key to replicate and expand this business model lies in how the organization can integrate and exchange its stakeholders’ needs, also how it can make good use of its replicable factors in the business model. In this case, Buddhism shapes strong organizational culture, which increases the efficiency of mediating the needs between suppliers and customers, accumulating its social capital. Further, social capital creates feedback system which makes the business model self-sufficient.

公益組織經營模式創新與機制設計之研究 - 以比爾與梅琳達‧蓋茲基金會為例 / The Innovation in Business Model and Mechanism Design for Philanthropic Organizations - A Case Study of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

何瑞瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
「比爾與梅琳達•蓋茲基金會」(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)從成立至今,捐出超過300億美元的鉅款,資助了近8000項慈善公益專案,其範圍橫跨了全世界極貧地區,挽救無數寶貴生命,堪稱全球影響力最大的公益基金會。 從資訊軟體專業起家的Bill Gates對慈善領域並不熟悉,但卻能在短時間內利用觸媒特性,快速建立合作夥伴系統、吸納捐款與資源,充份發揮平台的正向網絡效應及鎖定效應,迅速壯大基金會規模,並高度有效率運用資源,讓每一分錢的價值發揮到最大,足以作為學習借鏡。 本研究目的在找出「比爾與梅琳達•蓋茲基金會」的經營模式與機制設計,並依此探討其對全人類社會關鍵議題的影響與貢獻;及其關鍵性成功因素,同時探究其對慈善事業及其他公益組織有何影響。希望藉此提供台灣其他非營利組織一些建議,讓它們能從蓋茲基金會的成功經驗中學習,或是在此基礎上創新。 本研究發現,蓋茲基金會創新的觸媒平台經營模式與獨特的機制設計 -「對其目標市場及客戶客觀精確且完整深入的研究分析」、「創意的捐贈機制協助其建立強大的夥伴生態系統進而發揮平台強大的網絡效應」、「高度目標導向的專案執行並重視績效與考核」、「資源高度有效率運用且以量化為溝通的準則」、「有系統地將內隱經驗轉化為外顯知識」,以及「將企業營運經營管理與公司治理理念導入非營利組織」為其關鍵成功因素。 / Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has so far donated more than 30 billion US. dollars to fund about 8,000 charitable projects, which benefit those extremely poor areas in the world and save countless lives. It may be deemed as the world's most influential philanthropic organization. However, it is well-known that Bill Gates is not familiar with philanthropy work, but somehow he has leveraged characteristic catalyst to build the partner ecosystem efficiently to attract donations and resources; moreover, he helps the organization to fully utilize the platform’s positive network and lock-in effects to help expanding the scale of the Foundation rapidly. It is known that Gates Foundation with Gate’s leadership is good at maximizing resources’ value. Thus this study aims to identify the business model and the mechanism design of Gates Foundation. It deeply investigates each activity from the platform’s value propositions to find out its key success factors. Meanwhile, it explores this model and how it causes impact on philanthropic industry. This study hopes to provide advice for non-profit organizations so that they could learn from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s experiences or even mirror some of the original strategic thoughts of its mechanism designs once they decide to develop more aggressively on the philanthropy. The study found the key success factors of Gates Foundation as bellow: •Deep insight and complete analysis on its target markets and customers. •Creative donation mechanisms that helps to form a strong partner ecosystem, and bring positive network effect to the platform. •Goal-oriented project that is highly executed and emphasized on the performance evaluation. •High efficiency on the use of resources and how its value is maximized. •Transfer implicit experience into explicit knowledge & know-how. •Utilize management knowledge & methodology of global enterprise and practice it in philanthropic organization.

An explorative study of the technology transfer coach as a preliminary for the design of a computer aid

Jönsson, Oscar January 2014 (has links)
The university technology transfer coach has an important role in supporting the commercialization of research results. This thesis has studied the technology transfer coach and their needs in the coaching process. The goal has been to investigate information needs of the technology transfer coach as a preliminary for the design of computer aids.Using a grounded theory approach, we interviewed 17 coaches working in the Swedish technology transfer environment. Extracted quotes from interviews were openly coded and categorized. The analysis show three main problem areas related to the information needs of the technology transfer coach; awareness, communication, and resources. Moreover, 20 features for future computer aids were extracted from the interview data and scenarios and personas where developed to exemplify the future use of computer aids.We conclude that there is a need for computer support in the coaching process. Such systems should aid the coach in; awareness, aiding the coach to focus on meetings; communication, aid the coach to transfer commercialisation knowledge; and resources, aid the coach in accessing and delivering of resources to the coachee. However, it is imperative that the computer aids do not interfere with the coach current process; and that the computer aid is not seen as the sole solution.

Linklets - Formal Function Description and Permission Model / Linklets - formale Funktionsbeschreibung und Rechtemodell

Köhler, Marcus 06 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Linklets are location-independent web services, which consume and produce Linked Data resources. These resources form a web of data - the semantic web - that is an abstraction of the web 2.0. However, enterprises are reluctant to provide valuable Linked Data resources due to missing financial stimuli. Operations are not representable in the semantic web. Linklets aim to solve both problems. Previous work developed a prototype. The goal of this thesis is to enhance it by a component model, a formal description and a permission model. A business model has to be developed. This thesis follows a bottom-up approach. The formalization of the Linklet concept creates a foundation. Then, an improved architecture and its reference implementation are studied. It is evaluated by tests, show cases and economic considerations. The resulting component system is based on web-service component systems, while a sandbox concept is the core of the permission model. The formal description shows limits of OWLs open world assumption. A platform leader strategy is the foundation for the business model. In conclusion, the advantages of the Linklet concept provide a way to enhance and monetize the value of the semantic web. Further research is required; the practical use has to be considered.

從電信產業的發展探討數位音樂經營模式的突破 / Discuss the break of business modle from Digital Music through Telecom’s next expansibility

陳韋忠 Unknown Date (has links)
聽音樂是每個人不可或缺的習慣,四五年級生應該記得以前學生時代,每逢假日就往西門町跑,因為不管錢多錢少都可以在哪裡找到你要的音樂,不管是原版還是A版B版,都不會讓你失望,當然還有代客錄音等等。在那個時期Sony Walkman就像這幾年的iPod,名牌、優越、潮流、個人,也是年輕人最期望的禮物。當時很多人找的是國外的搖滾樂團音樂,聽的是台灣民歌,看的是餐廳駐唱的民歌演唱,而國外藝人的演唱會是遙不可及的事。經過這麼多年,聽到像「天堂之階」(Stairway to Heaven/Led Zeppelin IV 1971)或「加州旅店」(Hotel California/Eagles 1977)這樣的老歌內心還是一樣的感動,但曾幾何時,足不出門,只要有網路,只要想得到都聽的到,音樂也一樣的感動。 現在人手一機,到處都能聽音樂,縱然經濟衰退加上金融風暴,全球消費因此而恐慌,但是手機與隨身聽廠商,尤其蘋果更是異軍突起,毫不受景氣影響。 根據調查或從周遭的朋友觀察,應該不難發現,買CD的人變的非常少,但是如果再進一步問一下,很多人花更高的代價看演唱會或Live House現場表演,然而唱片業產值卻每況愈下。 最近看了幾個線上音樂經營者,發現像KKBOX其on demand的模式,在台灣已呈現飽和狀態,因此迫使他往其他硬體如Smart Phone以及海外發展,因此讓我好奇,在網路上除了on demand還有其他模式是可能有商機的嗎?如果有,應該是怎麼樣的型態? 過去曾經涉獵過遊戲產業,遊戲歷經盜版到線上免費,產業越做越大,因此將兩個產業對比一下,發現如果唱片產業能夠接受創新模式,也許下一個機會就在電信,因為經過本研究,發覺電信可提供互補的機會。因此經由設計的產品實驗,並作一些調查與電訪,試著提供數位音樂經營的新模式與電信發展的關係。甚至建議電信應該跟唱片全面合作。 / In the good old time, almost the students of north Taiwan went to the Hsimenting of Taipei city. Everyone would find his/her loved music no matter local or foreign. There was a service that you could ask the record shop to record your dedicated songs into cassette tapes. In that time the SONY Walkman is the most favorite gift for the youth. In that period, it was impossible that the foreign rock bands held a concert in Taiwan. For Taiwanese, only they could do was going to a live house to enjoy local music. Even now whenever the radio comes out with the songs such as “Stairway to Heaven by Deep Purple” or “Hotel California by Eagles”, we are very excited as same as the good old time. And now the scene is no longer but you can easy to find your favorite from the internet wherever or whenever you are. Recently, I looked back to Taiwanese digital music service and learnt that there is only one business model in Taiwan. That is ‘on demand’ model, such as “KKBox” and “ezPeer”. Since they lunched these services, it has been four to five years already and went to peak. There is few growth of their subscription base. So I wonder is there any new model for digital music market in Taiwan? If yes, what it would like be? Based on my work experience in Electronic Arts for decades (a famous gaming company based in Red Wood City in USA of California), I try to compare the two industries between computer gaming and digital music. I found that in Taiwan Computer Games was not defeated by the illegal copy, but they come stronger and bigger than the digital music. Why not transfer the successful model? In this research, it shows that the next chance of digital music can be related to Telecom. And it suggests that both Telecom and Music can be co-worked for more closely.

探討Z公司如何轉化自身營運經驗成其創新服務的業務 :以知識螺旋的模型來分析 / Transformation into innovative services by the operation experiences of Company Z – By The Knowledge Spiral Model Analysis

林卓蓉, Lin, Cho Jung Unknown Date (has links)
知識管理是現代最重要的課題之一,企業轉型也在許多實務中證明對組織的成長與獲利很有幫助。然而因為轉型而創新的知識要如何管理,又是如何以知識螺旋的方式融入企業,進而幫助企業創新服務營運內容,則較少為人討論。本研究就是以此為研究動機,發展出的論文。藉由發生在Z公司轉型的過程中知識轉移發展的個案故事,來分析與印證企業在「知識管理」,與「企業轉型」兩方面的變化,如何與「知識螺旋」理論,交互影響的演變過程。 為了探討「知識轉換」的個案故事,本論文分別整理多篇「全球化」,與「知識螺旋」兩方面的重要理論文獻,設計出研究架構。本研究將個案公司企業知識的轉換過程,區分為三大階段; 而每一個歷程包含部份「共同化」、「外化」、「結合」與「內化」因子。企業知識管理上的重點之一,便是在於經理人們,如何能夠有效地調和這個「知識變換螺旋」過程,並將組織的策略資源與知識能力,藉由共同化、內化、外化與結合、轉化與學習而提昇。 經由個案資料與理論的分析與比較,主要的研究發現與結論如下:(1).在商業模式的轉型中,導入外部新資源與新知識,可讓其更迅速轉型並找到新策略。Z公司是企業轉型的最佳典範; (2). Z公司重新定位於「科技服務事業」,與轉型為「全球整合型企業」的創新商業模式,讓公司重新站上高峰;(3)個案A公司利用差異化分析,導入Z公司的經驗,建構新的能力,成就自己成為一個「全球整合型企業」。 最後,由個案故事的分析,本研究發現在「知識轉換」的螺旋中,即使是幫別的公司輔導轉型,也會對於因此學習到或是培養的新知識,經過知識的螺旋,再度轉換成企業本身的新核心能力。 關鍵字:知識螺旋、全球化、企業流程優化、委外加工、模組化、全球整合型企業、轉型、共享式服務中心 / Knowledge management is one of the most important topics in recent years. Business transformation has proved to be useful in the growth of the organization and profit. However, only few studies had focused on how to manage the innovative knowledge and how it is merged into a business through knowledge spiral and thereby helping to expand the business opportunities. This research is based on the case study of the knowledge conversion during a business transformation at company Z and analyzed the mutual effect and its relation with the knowledge spiral theory. The research structure is based on the summary of several key literatures on globalization and knowledge spiral to better understand the knowledge conversion cases. This research has divided the business transformation and knowledge conversion process in company Z into three major phases, and each phase is analyzed by four modules of knowledge transformation model, Socialization, Externalization, Combination and Internalization. One of the key points in business knowledge management is how the managers could cope with the knowledge conversion spiral process and improve the strategic resources with knowledge through the processes of socialization, externalization, internalization and combination. This research concludes that a company could introduce new external resources and knowledge during the business transformation in order to speed up the transformation process and craft a new strategy. Also, company Z repositioned itself as a service science company and then transformed with an innovative business model into a globally integrated enterprise to reclaim its glory. Finally, company A utilized gap analysis tool and introduced the transformation experiences by company Z to establish its own new expertise and become a globally integrated enterprise as well. This research also discovers that a company could also obtain new core comptetence through knowledge spiral by servicing other companies. Keywords: The Knowledge Spiral Theory, Globalization, Business Process Re-engineer, Outsource, Component Business Model, Globally Integrated Enterprise, Business Transformation, Shared Service Center

Das Open Access Journal "Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis" / The Open Access Journal "Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis"

Herzog, Roland 04 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Zeitschrift Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA) wurde in den früheren 1990er Jahren als eines der ersten Open Access Journale in Mathematik gegründet. Herausgegeben wird die Zeitschrift vom Institute of Computational Mathematics an der Kent State University (Ohio, USA) in Zusammenarbeit mit der dortigen Universitätsbibliothek. Abweichend vom üblichen Modell über Article Processing Charges finanziert sich die Zeitschrift ausschließlich durch die Kent State University sowie gelegentliche freiwillige Beiträge von Autoren. Heute ist ETNA ein sehr erfolgreiches Journal in der angewandten Mathematik, das zeigt, dass auch nicht-kommerzielle Open Access Angebote qualitativ hochwertig funktionieren können.

Applying the business model canvas to develop business models for SMEs in Namibia : a case of the Khomas Region

Charamba, Millicent Patience 12 1900 (has links)
There have been tremendous economic developments in all parts of the world including developing nations. One of the major drivers of these developments has been from the Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs). These businesses have enabled many nations to create employment, resulting in an increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In as much as SMEs have well documented benefits, they also require many support, capital and business skills. This has led to the establishment of SME incubation centres where start-ups are hosted and trained to have the business skills. However, despite the incubation initiatives, SMEs still fail to grow and always have challenges. At times, the challenges are not finance related but lack of proper business strategies. This could be addressed by considering business models. This dissertation considers the initiatives that have been taking place on SMEs. A case study of SMEs in Namibia within the Khomas region is used. A mixed research approach was adopted. Specific research methods used were interviews and observations with questionnaires being used as the instruments to gather the required information. SMEs from the Bokamoso Entrepreneurial Centre in Windhoek were selected for the research population. One of the popular Business Model Canvas tools was used as a sample of a guide in data collection, where SMEs engaged were to indicate how they apply certain categories of the canvas. Results show that SMEs engaged do not have specific business models they are applying. However, there were many elements and understanding of the categories from the business model canvas. At the same time, SMEs mentioned incorporating technologies in their businesses and using ICTs to reach customers and make an effort to cut on the cost of bringing in stock. It was also clear that SMEs work independently and have long working hours when they are to meet specific orders. It was concluded that SMEs’ needs are different and that it may be difficult to use one business model. However, a mixture of a few business models could be combined to cater for the changing environment and address business needs. The Business Model Canvas could be applied for the Namibian SMEs but there is need to consider some other business models such as cutting out the middleman, business partnership models and bricks and clicks models. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Antes NIC 39 ahora NIIF 9: nuevos desafíos para los contadores / Antes da IAS 39, agora IFRS 9: Novos desafios para contadores financeiros / Before IAS 39, Now IFRS 9: New Challenges for Financial Accountants

Rodríguez Díaz, Daniela del Pilar 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this paper we will resume the main differences between the application of IFRS 9 «Financial Instruments» to be imperatively implemented in Peru since the commencement of the exercise 2018 with regards to the current IAS 39 «Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement», focusing in the classification and measurement of financial assets. Furthermore, a practical analysis will be applied to financial instruments in the investment banking industry. / En este trabajo, se busca sintetizar las principales diferencias en la aplicación de laNIIF 9 «Instrumentos Financieros» a implementarse de forma obligatoria en el Perú desde el inicio del ejercicio 2018 con respecto a la actual NIC 39 «Instrumentos Financieros: Reconocimiento y Medición», específicamente en clasificación y medición de las partidas de activos financieros. Además, se realiza un análisis práctico aplicado a instrumentos financieros del rubro de la banca de inversión. / Neste artigo, retomaremos as principais diferenças entre a aplicação da Normas Internacionais de Relatório Financeiro (IFRS) 9 «Instrumentos Financeiros» a implementar de forma imperativa no Peru desde o início do exercício de 2018 no que se refere ao atual Normas internacionais de contabilidade (IAS) 39 «Instrumentos Financeiros: Reconhecimento e Medição», focado em A classificação e mensuração de ativos financeiros. Além disso, uma análise prática será aplicada aos instrumentos financeiros no setor de banca de investimento.

Analysis of technology and business antecedents for spectrum sharing in mobile broadband networks

Yrjölä, S. (Seppo) 21 March 2017 (has links)
Abstract Sharing is emerging as one of the megatrends influencing future business opportunities, and wireless communications is no exception to this development. Future mobile broadband networks will operate on different types of spectrum bands including shared spectrum, which calls for changes in the operation and management of the networks. The creation and capture of value by the different players in the mobile broadband ecosystem is expected to change due to regulation, technology, and business landscape related drivers that concern not only spectrum sharing, but also sharing of other resources such as infrastructure, technologies, or data. This thesis examines the key business and technology enablers needed to exploit spectrum sharing in mobile broadband networks, and presents the business model characteristics and strategic choices that spectrum sharing concepts support. Action research and integral scenarios methodologies were applied for strategic and business analysis utilizing the capacity and expertise of the policy, business and technology research communities. The thesis introduces a new approach to analyze the scalability of the spectrum sharing concepts and their business model elements utilizing sharing economy antecedent factors. The results indicate that all analyzed sharing concepts meet basic requirements to scale. The Licensed Shared Access (LSA) leverages existing assets and capabilities of the mobile network operator domain, the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) extends the business model dynamics from connectivity to content, context and commerce, and the hybrid usage of Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band by Digital Terrestrial TV (DTT) and downlink Long Term Evolution (LTE) (HUHF) enables new collaborative opportunities between converging communication, Internet and media domains. The thesis validates the feasibility of spectrum sharing between mobile broadband networks and other types of incumbent spectrum users utilizing Finnish cognitive radio field trial environment (CORE), and expands the notion of spectrum sharing beyond the mobile broadband domain to be applied to other wireless systems including the media and broadcasting. The presented results can be used in developing the future mobile broadband systems enhanced with innovative spectrum sharing enabled business models to cope with the growing demand for capacity and new services by humans and machines. / Tiivistelmä Jakamistalous on yksi suurista tulevaisuuden liiketoimintamahdollisuuksiin vaikuttavista trendeistä, eikä langaton tietoliikenne ole tässä poikkeus. Tulevaisuuden laajakaistaiset matkapuhelinverkot tulevat hyödyntämään erityyppisiä radiotaajuuksia, kuten jaettuja taajuuskaistoja, mikä vaatii muutoksia verkkojen toimintoihin ja hallintaan. Eri toimijoiden arvonluonti- ja ansaintamahdollisuuksien odotetaan muuttuvan näissä liikkuvan laajakaistan ekosysteemeissä regulaation, teknologian ja liiketoimintaympäristön kehittyessä, ei vain taajuuksien jakamisessa, vaan myös kun kyseessä on muiden resurssien kuten infrastruktuurin, teknologioiden tai tiedon jakaminen. Väitöskirja tutkii teknologia- ja liiketoimintaedellytyksiä taajuusjakomenetelmille matkapuhelinverkoissa, sekä esittelee ja analysoi menetelmien mahdollistamia liiketoimintamalleja ja strategisia valintoja. Strategia- ja liiketoiminta-analyyseissä käytettiin toimintatutkimus- ja skenaariomenetelmiä poikkitieteellisissä tutkimusprojekteissa yhteistyössä reguloinnin, liiketoiminnan ja tekniikan tutkimusyhteisöjen kanssa. Tutkimus esittelee uuden lähestymistavan taajuusjakotekniikoiden liiketoimintamallien skaalautuvuuden analysointiin jakamistalouden määritelmiä hyödyntäen. Tulokset osoittavat, että kaikki tutkitut tekniikat täyttävät perusedellytykset skaalautuvuudelle; Licensed Shared Access (LSA) hyödyntäen matkapuhelinoperaattorin olemassa olevia resursseja ja kyvykkyyksiä, Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) laajentaen liiketoimintamalleja tietoliikenteestä sisältöön, kontekstiin ja kaupankäyntialustoihin, sekä digitaalitelevision ja langattoman LTE-tekniikan hybridikäyttö UHF-taajuuskaistalla (HUHF) mahdollistaen uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia lähentyvien tietoliikenne-, Internet- ja mediaekosysteemien välillä. Väitöskirja tulokset vahvistivat taajuuden jakamisen soveltuvuuden liikkuvan laajakaistaverkon ja saman taajuusalueen eri teollisuudenalan haltijan välillä suomalaisessa CORE kenttätestausympäristössä, ja laajensivat taajuusjakotekniikan sovellettavuutta myös muihin langattomiin järjestelmiin sisältö- ja mediajakelussa. Esitettyjä tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää tulevaisuuden langattomien laajakaistaverkkojen kehitystyössä vastaamaan ihmisten ja koneiden kasvaviin tietoliikennepalveluiden ja -kapasiteetin tarpeisiin hyödyntäen tehokkaita taajuusjakotekniikoita ja niiden mahdollistamia innovatiivisia liiketoimintamalleja.

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