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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣蔬果類農產品商業創新模式之研究 / Study on Taiwan Business Innovation Model of Agricultural Products

黃群益, Huang, Chun Yi Unknown Date (has links)
台灣為了提昇總體的競爭力,將精緻農業訂為重要的經濟發展策略,期望由政府帶頭,創造下一波的產業契機。台灣的農業技術世界聞名,農民平均的栽種面積約一公頃,屬於小農制的國家,目前藉由成立區域性產銷班組織的方式來整合農戶,雖然可以降低成本及擴大產量,但並無法有效的解決產銷問題,因此導致農業的發展受到限制,產銷問題的發生在於產銷雙方缺乏企業化的整合者而導致資訊的不對稱,本研究希望能藉由對國內外蔬果類農產品產銷組織個案與國內農產品創新個案的分析,研擬台灣蔬果類農產品建立產銷商業創新營運模式的可行性及其策略。 本研究利用企業網絡關係 (S, Stakeholder Network)、關鍵資產 (P, Property Right)、活動能力 (A, Activity Capabilities)、市場結構 (M, Market Structure),四個層面來分析國內現行蔬果類農產品的產銷體系個案,專業有機生產班、綜合經營班、集運中心,歸納出目前台灣農業發展的機會點與問題點,再與國外內產銷創新個案,包括:南加州果農合作社、紐西蘭奇異果營銷局、美國都樂公司、金三角蔬果運銷合作社、微熱山丘、佳美食品公司,進行個案綜合比較與分析,找出適合台灣蔬果類農產品的商業創新營運模式。 本研究發現:(1) 產銷組織之產權網絡關係會影響產銷市場的結構,透過產權的鏈結可以擴大農企業的競爭優勢;(2) 農企業的以整合者的定位有助於解決產銷雙方資訊不對稱的問題;(3) 農企業必需要行銷為導向來建構生產管理系統,能有效解決產銷問題;(4) 農企業必需以品牌與附加價值來增進企業獲利營運模式。 / In order to enhance Taiwan's overall competitiveness, let exquisite agricultural become an important economic development strategy. Hoping the government to take the lead, create the next wave of industry opportunities. Taiwan's agricultural technology is world known; farmers planted an average area of one hectare, considered small-scale farming system. Currently organized by the establishment of regional production and marketing approach to integrate farmers, although it could reduce costs and expand production, but not effectively solve production and marketing issues, therefore the development of agriculture is limited. Production and marketing issue occurs when both production and marketing were the lack of integration of enterprise which led to information uncoordinated. This study hopes by analyzing domestic and international produce production cases and marketing organization innovative. Develop Taiwanese produce production and marketing of agricultural products to establish the feasibility of commercial and business model innovation strategies. In this study, enterprise networking (S, Stakeholder Network), the key assets (P, Property Right), activity (A, Activity Capabilities), market structure (M, Market Structure), four dimension to the analyze domestic produce production and marketing system individual case, the professional organic production class, integrated management class, Cargo Center, summed up the current point of Taiwan's agricultural development opportunities and issues. within the production and marketing innovation with foreign cases, including: California Fruit Growers Exchange & Sunkist, Zespri International, Dole Company ,Goldern Triangle Company, Sunnyhill Incorporated, Chia Meei Food Group to conduct a comprehensive comparison and analysis of the cases, identify suitable business innovation business model for Taiwan's agricultural products.. The study found that: (1) network marketing organization of the property sales market will affect the relationship between the structure of the network can be extended through the property the competitive advantage of agricultural enterprises; (2) agricultural enterprises to integrate the positioning of both production and marketing to help solve the problem of information uncoordinated (3)agricultural enterprises must market build production-oriented management system, it can effectively solve the sales problem; (4) agricultural enterprises need to brand and value-added business model to enhance corporate profits.

後進者如何取得競爭優勢:應用軟體產業關鍵優勢分析 / How does the late comer get core competence: An analysis of the new competence of the application software industry

林映帆, Lin, Ying Fan Unknown Date (has links)
經濟學上有所謂先進者優勢 (First-mover Advantage) 的這個概念,認為一個產業的先驅公司,相較於後進的競爭對手,應該存在著許多優勢,例如: 可在對手未出現前先搶下大塊地盤,對市場定價的擁有主動權,以及在產業標準制定過程上的影響力及品牌知名度等等。 但是當先進者能處於原有市場之市場榮耀之際,很可能因為沉溺於舊有的成功,而對產業的新技術視而不見,或是低估新產業的崛起速度導致喪失先進者先機而兵敗如山倒。 處於典範轉移時代,產業的變遷速度已非舊有經驗可以預測,以往企業營收創新高都是大肆慶祝,但最近看市場領先者,如國內的宏碁電腦或是國外的諾基亞,均是在營收創新高時被調降企業評等,發出警訊。如近期宏碁電腦在PC市場已邁向全球第一名挑戰惠普HP之際,卻發生毛利下降,並警覺在智慧型手機市場已落後宏達電一大截,且現有產品線也難有競爭優勢而陣前換將。再看諾基亞,2007年營收或穫利都創新高,但到2011年市值僅Apple的7%,連續十四年的手機市佔率第一名也被三星超前;由於大部份都是低階手機,手機獲利狀況也僅Apple的三分之一。反之,後進廠商由於尚未形成經濟規模或商業模式,透過模仿式創新或破壞式創新,反而更容易動態調整策略去因應變動的環境或發現尚未被滿足的市場。在典範轉移時代,成功不是沿用舊有成功方式,而是需要想像力來找到創新的機會。而一個新進的軟體廠商,該掌握哪些競爭優勢,才能迅速搶佔市佔率? 本研究以導航產業為例,來看導航應用軟體的發展趨勢並比較先後進者優劣勢。導航產業由2003年神達電腦推出第一台結合GPS導航晶片的PDA Mio 168以來,迅速在市場上熱銷,並帶來台灣市場導航產業的一片榮景。但由於市場飽和,及受到車機與智慧型手機的雙面夾擊,使得原本的明星產業迅速在市場萎縮,2010整體台灣市場的數量一年已不到20萬台,較之2005年已萎縮了四分之一,且平均售價下降至USD 100,毛利率從40% 掉到8%。為了突破便攜式導航機PND(Portable Navigation Device)市場衰退的重圍,研勤科技在2008年創新推出第一套在iPhone上導航的導航軟體,後進者勤崴國際科技的「導航王」手導航軟體緊接著在2009年推出,在短短一年間,賣出一百萬套軟體,此數量是傳統導航機硬體三年的市場總和,軟體銷售量為先進者研勤科技的兩倍。在推出落後於現有廠商之下,後進者是透過哪些策略取得70%導航軟體市佔率? 本研究研究問題如下: 1. 後進者的軟體廠商其策略及競爭優勢為何? 2. 配合進入時機,後進者軟體廠商該採何種競爭策略? 3. 市場變動快速時,是否後進者更有優勢? 4. 本個案研究的策略優勢,是否可提供給硬體廠商參考,增加產品區隔性? 本研究將以導航產業為例,透過幾家導航產業公司領導者訪談及次級資料蒐集等進行研究,並藉由研究結果給現有軟硬體產商提出未來競爭優勢之建議。 本研究建議: 本研究透過各學者所提之先後進優勢比較,並利用Hamel(2000) 的新事業發展模式四大要素,來比較兩個個案在先後進優勢與事業經營策略,並以此兩個個案來看後進者具有那些競爭優勢。 本研究發現結論如下: 1. 在先後進優勢與事業經營策略之比較下,以此兩個個案看來,後進者修正了先進者所犯之錯誤,並有學習及鎖定策略的目標,較先進者有優勢。 2. 在進入時機上,在市場快速變動時,由於先進者尚未建立產業標準,故很容易被後進者取代,而在動態賽局環境下,能隨機應變的後進者更有優勢。 3. 除了先後進優勢,事業經營的策略也主宰了公司的走向及成功與否的主要關鍵因素,先進者縱有品牌網絡優勢,但策略錯誤,也反而被網絡優勢所害,在網路時代被大量散播產品或公司形象劣勢,造成負向循環。 4. 先進者研勤公司也因急於在2009上市,推出過多產品線,反而造成本身資源不匹配,無法支援產品更新,無考慮到公司資源,並作最適分配。 5. 其他先進領導導航機品牌,更是陷入管理惰性,過度依賴過去成功經驗,面對替代性產品出現卻無法跨足軟體市場,喪失新市場機會。 Keyword: 後進者優勢,先進者優勢,應用軟體,事業經營策略

技術創業之價值創造與商業模式分析 / A Strategic Analysis on the Value Creations and Business Models of Technological Entrepreneurship

吳其原, Wu, Chi Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
針對台灣高科技產業的研究重點,學術上常常會從產業生命週期、公司內部的核心能耐或是從產業結構的定位作為出發加以探討。而本篇研究將會從策略行銷、技術採用生命週期、核心能耐三方面的角度進行技術創業公司價值創造及商業模式的分析。實務上,本篇研究也將致力於技術採用生命週期、核心能耐、策略行銷三方面角度的架構予以整合,如此一來,就能夠透過整合性架構幫助業主在實務上的思考。 本研究採取的是個案研究方法。個案研究法中對於個案的選擇,並非重其全面性與系統性,而是重在選擇有代表性與對比效果的個案,以獲得較為豐富的個案內涵以供對研究議題之深究。本研究選擇了龍彩科技、群聯電子、訊連科技以及茂林光電四家較為年輕且分屬不同產業龍頭的公司作為技術創業的個案分析公司。 本研究得到的結論為技術創業公司在保齡球道確認自己的核心技術所能為顧客創造的價值之後,由於台灣新創公司通常無法自行掌控技術採用生命週期,因此隨著產業的發展與產業間的互動,會決定未來新創公司所走的技術採用生命週期的路徑。技術創業公司通常會在康莊大道開始積極培養新的能力來因應下一波的創新。價值創造方面以降低顧客的外顯單位效益成本為關鍵重點。商業模式若從本篇研究的角度來看,即是在技術採用生命週期上,價值創造與核心能耐的互動。若價值創造與核心能耐產生良性循環,則公司的商業模式會開始強化,這樣就能協助公司在各個技術採用生命週期的階段站穩腳跟。 / Academically, we usually use the standpoints of Product Life Cycle, Core Competence or The Position of the Industrial Structure to study high-tech companies in Taiwan. This research would combine the standpoints of Technology Adoption Life Cycle, Core Competence and Strategic Marketing Analysis to study the technological entrepreneurship in Taiwan, especially in value creations and business models. This is a multi-case study, choosing the representative and comparable cases, including HC Photonics Corp., Phison Electronics Corp., CyberLink Corp. and Global Lighting Technologies Inc., which are younger and playing important roles in their industries. By analyzing the four companies, this study concludes that: 1.A business model means the core competences interact with the costumer values at the Technology Adoption Life Cycle. A great business model means it’s a positive cycle of interaction and the positive cycle can help companies stand firmly at the Technology Adoption Life Cycle. 2.The most important costumer value is Over Cost per Unity (C1).

A Unified Framework for e-Commerce Systems Development : Business Process Pattern Perspective

Jayaweera, Prasad M. January 2004 (has links)
In electronic commerce, systems development is based on two fundamental types of models, business models and process models. A business model is concerned with value exchanges among business partners, while a process model focuses on operational and procedural aspects of business communication. Thus, a business model defines the what in an e-commerce system, while a process model defines the how. Business process design can be facilitated and improved by a method for systematically moving from a business model to a process model. Such a method would provide support for traceability, evaluation of design alternatives, and seamless transition from analysis to realization. This work proposes a unified framework that can be used as a basis to analyze, to interpret and to understand different concepts associated at different stages in e-Commerce system development. In this thesis, we illustrate how UN/CEFACT’s recommended metamodels for business and process design can be analyzed, extended and then integrated for the final solutions based on the proposed unified framework. Also, as an application of the framework, we demonstrate how process-modeling tasks can be facilitated in e-Commerce system design. The proposed methodology, called BP3 stands for Business Process Patterns Perspective. The BP3 methodology uses a question-answer interface to capture different business requirements from the designers. It is based on pre-defined process patterns, and the final solution is generated by applying the captured business requirements by means of a set of production rules to complete the inter-process communication among these patterns.

話題製作人: 從調適性新聞看使用者創新模式 / Topic News Producer : From Adaptive News of User Innovation Model

方效慈, Fang, Hsiao Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
創新於本世紀中為各大企業爭相研發或追求的珍貴資產,但此珍貴資產之所以致能領先市場、使企業居於永續的市場領導地位則是各個產業所致力研究的範疇。如何能達到永續的市場領導而居於市場不敗之優勢 ? 是須要透過具有符合市場劇變的創新?而其創新又須要具有如何的特性或是與時代性相關的演化性 ? 另,市場劇變的因素是否又與使用者以及代表新科技的載體有著密不可分的關係 ? 本研究將以一個現今仍居領導地位的網站實例來分析其致勝的原因,並且以質性研究的方法進行層層的頗析,揭開網路服務的神秘面紗。 網路服務的世界,豐富且多樣化,因此本研究將創新的研究範圍聚焦於新聞自製性內容的「話題新聞」為主軸,透過「話題新聞」的守門人:話題製作人,並且對應於創新三大構面:內容、載體與商業模式,進而探討其不斷創新是須要具有調適性的特質。而若以創新理論的精神為內涵,又同時須結合網路之「使用者為大」的雙重考量下,研究則以Henry教授的開放式創新與von Hipple教授的使用者創新,並為核心理論的依據。至此,本篇研究的架構清晰易見。 經由親身參與的田野調查與近期的資料蒐集,本研究將透過網路服務的特性與使用者溝通的互動方式,整理後發現其特殊的共創過程與調適性的特質。研究中更將揭露自製性內容的共創對於載體的影響,並且對應於資訊傳播模式的演化,爾後延伸至商業模式的多所變化。最終,希望透過本研究能提供台灣傳統新聞媒體及企業界創新的具體參考,不僅在理論面向得以印證及延伸,更於實務面提供操作的執行方向。 關鍵字:使用者創新,開放式創新:內容、載體與商業模式,調適性,新聞製 作,資訊傳播,經濟活動,話題新聞,製作人,行動研究,質性研 究。 / Innovation is the precious asset in this century for all the companies to seek, study or develop as it is the way to win or sustain the leading position where the enterprises are eager to reach. However, how to continue the innovation so as to retain the leadership? Or which attributes or evolutions the innovation should have to react to the market change? How the factors of market transformation correlate with the users and high-tech (electronics) devices? This study will use a global leading website as a sample and explore the elements of its success through the qualitative research method. The internet contains the diversified services. Thus the research selects the news reproduction as the main study subject. By observing the daily operation of the “Topic News” gatekeepers, Topic News producers, and analyzing three dimensions of innovation: contents, devices and business models, the study figures out the fact that the constant innovation should possess the characteristic of Adaptability. Furthermore, considering both the essence of Innovation theories and the internet user behavior, the study cites Open Innovation by Prof. Henry and User Innovation by Prof. von Hipple as the core theories to support the whole research. By participating in the field investigation and collecting the recent data, the study discovers the particular procedure of co-producing contents as well as the characteristic of Adaptability through researching on the internet service and its communication and interaction with the users. The study further reveals the impact which the reproduced content makes on the devices themselves, evolution of the information dissemination and even the types of the business models. The ultimate objective of the study is not only to prove the truth of the theories but also to contribute several suggestions and references towards the traditional news media and the enterprise innovation on the execution and operation directions. Key words : User Innovation, Open Innovation, Content, Devices and Business model, Adaptive, News re-production, Dissemination of information, Economic Activity, Topic News, Topic News Producer, Action Research, Qualitative Research.

社會企業商業模式之提案-以熟年世代旅遊需求為訴求 / Senior Citizens and Traveling Needs- A Business Model for a Social Enterprise

陳郁婷, Chen, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣熟年世代的旅遊需求,援引美國、紐西蘭等國外熟年旅遊產品之案例,再針對台灣熟年世代的生活型態、旅遊消費習慣等行為,企圖將熟年志工旅遊、熟年深度旅遊的旅遊產品透過社會企業商業模式的形式於台灣做在地化發展。以「喜大人愛旅遊」之提案為例,做熟年世代商業旅遊產品之社會企業商業模式之闡述,該商業模式架構是以Alex Osterwalder等人之商業模式九宮格為基礎,包括目標客層、價值主張、通路、顧客關係、收益流、關鍵活動、核心資源、關鍵合作夥伴、成本結構九大構面。 / This paper focus on the social business model for traveling needs of senior citizens in Taiwan. Based on the reference from senior travel service in foreign country such like America and Australia and research of the lifestyle and the traveling consumption behavior of Taiwanese senior citizens, this paper will discuss about the social business model of localization of senior volunteer-travel and in-depth travel in Taiwan. Take the proposal of “The Senior’s Travelstyle” as an example, this paper will describe the social business model for fulfilling the senior citizens’ traveling needs. The structure of the business model is based on Alex Osterwalder’s the business model canvas, including customer segments, value propositions, customer relationships, channels, revenue streams, key activities, key resources, key partners and cost structure.

The study of Taiwan's biotechnology and pharmaceutical competitive advantage.

Lin, Yon-yu 06 July 2004 (has links)
Due to entrance of WTO and performance of cGMP, Taiwan¡¦s biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries has met with more challenge¡Bimpact and pressure that let enterprise must reflect the marketing concept rests on four pillars¡Gtarget market, customer needs, integrated marketing, and organizational objectives( profitability) that reflect completely and restructure the strategic marketing according to innovative rethinking and develop into vision and strategic target of enterprise. The high-performance of business competitive advantage is focused on delivering customer value and satisfaction. Given the importance of customer value and satisfaction, we need to discuss the concepts of a value chain and value-delivery systems. Every firm is a collection of activities that are performed to design¡Bproduce¡Bmarket¡Bdeliver¡Band support its product. The firm¡¦s task is to examine the value chain and look for ways to improve its cost and performance in each value-creating activity. The firm should estimate its competitor¡¦s cost and performance as benchmarks against which to compare its own cost and performance. To the extent that it can perform certain activities better than its competitors, it can achieve a business competitive advantage. Strong companies develop superior capabilities in managing these core competences. According to current healthy policy of Taiwan¡¦s government and promotional projects of developing biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, enterprise need to reflect and evaluate the core competence and focus on firm¡¦s resources. Enterprise need to find out and decide the strategic positioning and then fit with government¡¦s policy. How to combine about the low cost operation of business strategy and high profit of innovative strategy that develop and restructure the new business model that achieve the business competitive advantage. This study will explore meantime that Taiwan¡¦s biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms desire for reaching competitive advantage and occupying the market quickly, the firms should think that saving resources¡Brestructuring business model¡Bmanaging risk¡Banalyzing critical success factors¡Boperating the strategy of alliance and co-marketing are necessary.

The Business Competitive Advantage and the Structure of Innovation Business Model on Taiwan Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries

Cheng, Kuang-Chuan 15 July 2003 (has links)
Keywords¡GBiotechnology, Business Competitive Advantage, Innovation Business Model, Strategic Marketing, Marketing Concept Rests on Four Pillars, Porter¡¦s Competitive Forces Model, Value-chain Model, Resources Advantage Orientation, Resources-Based Theory( view) , Core Competence, Customer Relation Management, Strategy Game Due to entrance of WTO and performance of cGMP, Taiwan¡¦s biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries has met with more challenge¡Bimpact and pressure that let enterprise must reflect the marketing concept rests on four pillars¡Gtarget market, customer needs, integrated marketing, and organizational objectives( profitability) that reflect completely and restructure the strategic marketing according to innovative rethinking and develop into vision and strategic target of enterprise. The high-performance of business competitive advantage is focused on delivering customer value and satisfaction. Given the importance of customer value and satisfaction, we need to discuss the concepts of a value chain and value-delivery systems. Every firm is a collection of activities that are performed to design¡Bproduce¡Bmarket¡Bdeliver¡Band support its product. The firm¡¦s task is to examine the value chain and look for ways to improve its cost and performance in each value-creating activity. The firm should estimate its competitor¡¦s cost and performance as benchmarks against which to compare its own cost and performance. To the extent that it can perform certain activities better than its competitors, it can achieve a business competitive advantage. Strong companies develop superior capabilities in managing these core competences. According to current healthy policy of Taiwan¡¦s government and promotional projects of developing biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, enterprise need to reflect and evaluate the core competence and focus on firm¡¦s resources. Enterprise need to find out and decide the strategic positioning and then fit with government¡¦s policy. How to combine about the low cost operation of business strategy and high profit of innovative strategy that develop and restructure the new business model that achieve the business competitive advantage. This study will explore meantime that Taiwan¡¦s biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms desire for reaching competitive advantage and occupying the market quickly, the firms should think that saving resources¡Brestructuring business model¡Bmanaging risk¡Banalyzing critical success factors¡Boperating the strategy of alliance and co-marketing are necessary.


唐廉智, Tang, Lien Chih Unknown Date (has links)
網路廣告是目前世界上成長最快的廣告類別,每年營收以30%的速度在成長,是最具有發展潛力的廣告市場。但是對於廣告主而言,如何評估網路廣告的效益及其收費模式發展,與未來廣告市場的發展息息相關。因此,本研究希望藉由網路廣告的型態及計價方式探討,試圖找出發展的趨勢,提供給業者以及學術研究作為參考。透過本研究,讀者可以大致瞭解目前網路廣告的發展狀況,進而對網路廣告的發展趨勢也有所瞭解.。 目前網際網路的型態大致有:關鍵字搜尋、展現式、分類目錄、導引轉介、電子郵件、置入性行銷等六大類型。而網際網路的廣告收費模式,一直在不斷發展中,從傳統的記錄曝光次數來收費,逐漸轉入網路上專有的依點閱計費費的方式。本研究透過此一趨勢,經過了資料整理分析研究後,本研究得出結論,網路廣告的營收模式方向,朝著「使用者提供之資訊含量度增加」以及「廣告計價方式之自由度增加」兩個面向來發展。 所謂的「使用者提供之資訊含量度增加」,代表著因為網路互動的特性,透過資訊科技來收集使用者在觀看內容時所提供的資訊,藉由分析這些使用者提供的資訊,就可以針對使用者資訊及廣告內容之間的關連性,對廣告做更有效率的投放。如此一來,廣告效果大幅度增加,相對而言廣告的價值也隨之提升。 而「廣告計價方式之自由度增加」,由原本的賣方市場,逐漸轉為由買方競價之市場。也就是說透過自由市場的機制,真實呈現廣告的價值。使用者更可以藉由資訊科技的幫助,隨時觀察網路廣告的狀態。在價格透明、資訊公開的結果下,間接的促進了網路廣告市場的成長,也確立了未來廣告定價的發展方向。 本研究同時也提供了「網路廣告代理制度的建立」,以及「無線廣告之經營模式」,等兩項的發展建議,提供給網路廣告業者及電信業者參考,此部分亦深具研究價值,期待未來能有更多的研究報告出現。 / Online advertisement is the fastest growing kind of advertisements, and already attracting notice from all over the world. Its revenues increased about 30% per year,thus is the most potential advertising market. Evaluating the effective and price model of online ad are to be closely bound up with it future development. This thesis focuses on the type and price model of the online ad, and tries to find out the trend of development. This is for business and learning reference. Through this research, the reader will get to know the situation of online ad development, further more to understand the trend. The types of online ad are classified into six types: keywords, display ad, classified, lead generation/referral, and email ad. However, the pricing model is still in progress. From the traditional exposure and impression model transform to by click and action model. Our research discovered this phenomenon. Through comprehensive data collection and analysis we conclude that the online ad is heading to two directions, “the increase of user information provided” and “the flexibility of ad price”. “The increase of user information provided” means we can collect more and more information from user’s action through browser. With the information technology we can have a lot of analytic works to know what user want, and properly deliver the ad that highly relates to what users want. .It will make the online ad more effective result of increasing the value of ad. “The flexibility of ad price” means the internet market turning from sellers to buyers. The efficiency reporting system provide advertiser instant statistics, which makes the value of online ad effectiveness transparent to customers. Indirectly lift the growth of the online ad market and also affirm the pricing direction of online ad. Our research also provided some suggestions for ad agents and mobile ad development for online ad or telecom business operators, and we hope it will be more valuable for these types of business.

巴西市場之策略風險管理-以品牌電腦商為例 / Strategic Risk Management in Brazil-PC Brand case study

顏子淦, Yen, Tzu Kan Unknown Date (has links)
自2001年美國高盛公司首席經濟學家歐尼爾首次提出「金磚四國」這個概念,預計到2050年世界經濟格局將會經歷劇烈洗牌,全球新六大經濟體將變成中國、美國、印度、日本、巴西及俄羅斯,此後巴西就一直活躍在世界的重要經濟舞台上。其廣大的內需消費市場、充沛的勞動力及豐富的天然資源吸引眾多國外投資者前仆後繼進入,想佔有一席之地。 然而跨國企業經營巴西市場存在一定的障礙,如:政府行政單位的無效率、法規繁多且複雜、稅收種類多、生產成本高且運輸服務不完善、資金成本過高、國家風險指數高導致融資不易、非正規經濟無處不在、教育水平不高、基礎建設不健全、官僚腐敗情況時有發生、勞工法不盡合理導致勞資糾紛等,讓許多跨國企業乘興而來,鎩羽而歸。根據世界銀行發佈的營商環境友善度調查顯示,巴西在189個國家中排名第120位。 然而商機總是伴隨著風險,著名的管理大師彼得‧杜拉克曾經說:「經營一個企業,若想要完全避免風險是不可能的。企業經營的最大目的,是設法有效的支配現有資源,以期能獲得最大的收益,而風險正是這個過程中不可避免的事物」。在巴西這種外部經營環境不良的情況下,該如何降低經營風險?將風險管理(risk management)策略融合在策略管理(strategic management)中,將是本研究探討的重點。 本研究透過對個案公司在巴西市場的經營,利用商業模式圖的要素分析其商業模式與核心競爭能力,再與主要競爭者進行對照分析,找出各廠商在巴西市場的策略重點。之後,進一步分析個案公司所面臨的外部與內部風險,接著以企業風險管理框架為架構,分析其風險對抗策略,以及與商業模式的關連性,進而探討個案公司在巴西市場的策略風險管理佈局及其優劣勢。

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