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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chronotopos Ostdeutschland aus der Sicht westdeutscher Autoren : vergleichende Roman-Analyse zu einem Motiv bei Jan Böttcher und Andreas Maier / The chronotope of East-Germany from the West-German perspective : comparative novel analyzing to a motive at Jan Böttcher and Andreas Maier

Beck, Christoph January 2010 (has links)
Bislang konzentrierten sich die Untersuchungen des westdeutschen Blicks auf Ostdeutschland auf den Zeitraum vor der Wende oder auf Rundfunk- und Fernseh-Medien. Die Gegenwartsliteratur stellt einen weißen Fleck in dieser Frage dar. Anhand des Chronotopos-Konzepts von Michail Bachtin werden in dieser Arbeit daher zeitliche und räumliche Tiefenstrukturen in der Darstellung Ostdeutschlands in den Werken Jan Böttchers und Andreas Maiers herausgearbeitet und mit ihrer Darstellung Westdeutschlands verglichen. Neben grundsätzlichen Unterschieden fallen dabei signifikante Übereinstimmungen auf.

Att normaliseras - vårdares syn på psykiatriska patienter : Mot en djupare förståelse av vårdares attityd till sina patienter

Lilja, Lars January 2007 (has links)
I samband med industrialismens framväxt inrättades institutioner i större skala. Den ökade mängden omhändertagna på institution vid 1800‐talets slut kan förklaras med fler medicinskt diagnostiserade, en ökad utstötning, lägre tolerans för avvikande beteende, läkarintresse för ett nytt revir, låg utskrivningsfrekvens och hospitaliseringseffekter. Antalet vårdplatser inom den psykiatriska vården minskade under 1900‐talets sista hälft. År 1992 tillsatte regeringen den så kallade psykiatriutredningen som slog fast att personer med kronisk psykiatrisk sjukdom utgjorde en grupp i samhället som karaktäriserades av allvarligt handikappade personer som berövats sina medborgerliga rättigheter och som hade få resurser till sitt förfogande. Psykiatrireformens intentioner genomsyras av bland annat begreppen normalisering och autonomi. De psykiskt funktionshindrades levnadsvillkor skall normaliseras för att öka deras möjligheter att leva som andra, vilket betyder att de ska delta i besluten om sin egen vård och behandling. Avhandlingen har sin grund i ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv, det vill säga att människor aldrig kan förstå något helt fördomsfritt eller förutsättningslöst. Förförståelse kan förstås som en form av föraning/förkänsla och första idé om det sökta fenomenet, vilket leder förståelsen i en viss riktning. Perspektivets innebörd är att ingen förståelse kan växa fram förutsättningslöst, dvs. växa fram utan någon på förhand given inställning från forskarens sida. Studiens övergripande syfte är att belysa vårdares attityd till personer med psykiska symtom. Avhandlingen består av fyra delarbeten med såväl kvantitativ som kvalitativ design. Data har insamlats med hjälp av frågeformulär, skattningsskalor samt narrativa intervjuer. Resultatet i delstudie I visar att fyra typologier som upptäckts i en tidigare kvalitativ intervjustudie existerade (god, ond, tokig och osynlig). Delstudie II visar att vårdarnas syn på inneliggande deprimerade patienter i hög grad bestäms av diagnosen. Syftet med delstudie III var att klargöra om patientens och vårdarens bild av patientens historia, nutid och framtid överensstämde med varandra. Resultatet visar på en tydlig skillnad mellan parterna. I delstudie IV var syftet att belysa före detta patienters upplevelser av att vara inlagda på en psykiatrisk avdelning. Studien visar att de tidigare patienternas upplevelser mestadels var negativa och att de kan tolkas som om det under sin sjukhusvistelse varit utsatta för ett subtilt förtryck. För att förstå vårdarnas syn på den drabbade personen kommer resultatet i studien att tolkas utifrån en teoretisk referensram inspirerad av den franske filosofen Michael Foucaults och den ryske filosofen Mikhail Bakhtins texter. Tolkningen visar att vårdarna har en tendens att undvika “annanhet” (otherness) och därigenom se patienten enbart som en karaktär, en typologi. Härigenom kommer patienten att placeras i ett ”ingenmansland”, i en kontext där han/hon inte tillhör vårdargemenskapen samtidigt som kontakten med den gamla privata gemenskapen upphör. Genom att se patienten som ett enskilt fall undviker vårdarna att se det lidande som finns i ”rummet” och därigenom blir det ”rum” som skapas till en ”isvärld” som inte är livsbejakande och därför ohälsosam för patienten. Att förändra vårdarnas attityder är en långvarig samhällelig process som kräver inte bara resurser i form av utbildning och handledning utan kanske främst utrymme för kontinuerlig diskussion och debatt. Grunden för förändringen finns redan idag i psykiatrireformens ideala normaliseringsbegrepp. Kravet är dock att politiker och tjänstemän inom vård och omsorg börjar leva upp till lagens intentioner. Detta kräver dock att synen på en person med psykisk sjukdom psykiskt handikapp måste ändras på samma sätt som till exempel synen på homosexuella ändrats från att de varit marginaliserade och levt i ett utanförskap, till att bli sedda som fullvärdiga samhällsmedborgare. För att bryta det strukturella maktmönstret behövs en total samhällelig attitydförändring. Endast en politisk förändring är inte tillräcklig.

A Carnivalesque Perspective of Graham Swift's Last Orders

Willis, Catherine Jane 07 January 2009 (has links)
Graham Swifts novel Last Orders has yet to be viewed as containing carnivalesque elements as defined by Mikhail Bakhtin in Rabelais and His World. Through the examination of Bakhtins theory of the carnivalesque and through a corresponding close reading of Last Orders, this article details the carnivalesque nature of the locations visited by the characters in the narrative, of the grotesque incidents that occur in these locations, and of the narrative style and structure of the novel itself.

En dröm i Lagarnas hus : Ögonblicket, människan och det transcendenta. Studier i Stig Dagermans diktning / A Dream in the House of Law : The Moment, Man and the Transcendent: Studies in the Writings of Stig Dagerman

Apelgren, Rikard January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of the dissertation is to examine the importance of the moment in relation to human experience and to the narrative in the writings of Stig Dagerman (1923-1954), primarily the novels Ormen (The Snake, 1945), De dömdas ö (The Island of the Doomed, 1946), Bränt barn (A Burnt Child, 1948), Bröllopsbesvär (Wedding Worries, 1949), the short stories "Den hängdes träd" (The Hanging Tree, 1945) and "De röda vagnarna" (The Red Wagons, 1946). The dissertation shows the moment as being of crucial importance by serving as the point of time for the fictional character’s critical experience. The moment also functions as a structuring principle for the narrative. In this, the discussion is supported by the theories on the chronotope found in the work of Mikhail Bakhtin. With the ideas of Michael Riffaterre as the principal theoretical basis in the study, the reading of the texts focuses on a matrix common to the works discussed. The reading goes from a description of the primarily profane subject matter of the narrative to an understanding of the religious discourse in the works. This interpretation receives additional support in the theories on religious and mystical experiences found in Rudolf Otto. Finally, the dissertation focuses on man’s sensitivity to, and longing for, a transcendental entity or a God in the broadest sense – a longing which manifests itself in different ways in these texts and is set against the human predicament of being. Man’s desperate religious longing for a transcendental entity or a God are ultimately understood as the significance or principle of unity in the texts under discussion.

The Power of Words: Female Speech as a Narrative Force in Irish Tales across Centuries

Lehmann-Shriver, Edyta Anna January 2012 (has links)
This study is devoted to five Irish language texts composed in the period between 9th and 21st centuries: four prose tales, an Old Irish tale Loinges Mac nUislenn (The Exile of the Sons of Uisliu (before 10th c.)), two Middle Irish texts Toruigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghrainne (The Pursuit of Diarmaid and Grainne (c. 12thc.)) and Tochmarc Etaine (The Wooing of Etain), an 18th century Romance of Mis and Dubh Ruis, and a narrative poem Mis published by the contemporary Irish poet Biddy Jekinson in 2001. It examines the heroines of these texts, Derdrui, Grainne, Etain, and Mis, focusing particularly on their roles in the development of their respective narratives and their influence on the overall message of their texts. The texts share a strong connection in that they all, in a more or less direct way, touch upon the female experience reflected in their leading female characters, yet none of them, except for Jenkinson's poem, focuses expressly on representing female characters. Instead the texts use these characters as a means for the elaboration of male characters, reinforcing at the same time the contemporaneous patriarchal viewpoint, thus creating the ideological scheme of the text. Jenkinson's Mis reveals the underlying narrative force of these traditional female characters. It uses a traditional tale to create a new narrative which is re-centered on its female character, thus narrativizing its inherent strength. Beneath their explicitly assigned roles, the female characters in question serve as powerful narrative agents. Their impact transforms the overt ideologies of their respective narratives so that they diverge from the traditional role of the conveyors of conventional values. The examination of the female characters concentrates particularly on the effect their speech has on the development of the narrative. Although modestly represented in the discussed texts, the female words nevertheless subvert the explicit ideologies of their text by the introduction of skepticism as to the objective values suggested by the texts, thus allowing for a conversation with the prevalent discourses and in the end for the consideration of alternative discourses. The dissertation employs Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of dialogism and heteroglossia, as well as his examination of the Bildungsrom, which allows for the theoretization of the connection between the texts, as well as for their re-interpretation. / Celtic Languages and Literatures

The shape of openness : Bakhtin, Lawrence, laughter

Leone, Matthew J. (Matthew Joseph) January 1992 (has links)
How is Bakhtin's conception of novelistic openness distinct from modernist-dialectical irresolution or open-endedness? Is Women in Love a Bakhtinian "open totality"? How is dialogic openness (as opposed to modernist indeterminacy) a "form-shaping ideology" of comic interrogation? / This study tests whether dialogism illuminates the shape of openness in Lawrence. As philosophers of potentiality, both Bakhtin and Lawrence explore the dialogic "between" as a state of being and a condition of meaningful fiction. Dialogism informs Women in Love. It achieves a polyphonic openness which Lawrence in his later fictions cannot sustain. Subsequently, univocal, simplifying organizations supervene. Dialogic process collapses into a stenographic report upon a completed dialogue, over which the travel writer, the poet or the messianic martyr preside. / Nevertheless, the old openness can be discerned in the ambivalent laughter of The Captain's Doll, St. Mawr or "The Man Who Loved Islands." In these retrospective variations on earlier themes, laughing openness of vision takes new, "unfinalizable" shapes.

How Wordsworth became Wordsworth: a dialogic study of a poet and his audience

Lane, Steven M. 02 August 2007 (has links)
This is a study of the emergence of William Wordsworth’s literary reputation during his lifetime. It is constructed as a variety of biography, organized chronologically in order to attempt a fuller sense of the negotiation of public image and reputation that went on between Wordsworth and his audiences. Mikhail Bakhtin’s notion of dialogism structures the study as a series of “conversations,” interconnected and moving outward from self, to intimate group or coterie, to public, reviewers, and culture at large. The coterie and members of it have a large part to play in Wordsworth’s emerging style. The evidence drawn upon for each “conversation” moves from biography to letters to published poems and prose works to published reviews of those works, again roughly describing a movement outward from self to coterie to culture at large. The “conversations” appeal to two or more different kinds of audience, however, because of a “multi-voiced” feature of Wordsworth’s published collections, especially noticeable in the critical success of the sonnet form. Further, members of the coterie, notably Coleridge, later emerge as important interpreters, advocates, and critics themselves, adding to the critical success of William Wordsworth in the larger cultural conversation. Ultimately, Wordsworth is recognized for his contribution – a triumph of his confidence in his own style, as well as the education of a new kind of reader that now engages with Wordsworth’s poetry at a level of intimacy that makes the reader feel like a member of the coterie.

Theatre of the times of Socrates, Lunin and Nero : Time and space in Edvard Radzinskii’s trilogy ‘Theatre of the Times …’

Jaireth, Subhash, Subhash.Jaireth@ga.gov.au January 1996 (has links)
Between 1969 and 1980 Edvard Radzinskii wrote three ‘historico-political’ plays which were later published as a trilogy entitled ‘Theatre of the Times …’. This thesis attempts to unravel the nature of time in the trilogy and invokes Mikhail Bakhtin’s notion about the forms of time and the chronotope in literary narratives to do that. Bakhtinian concept of the chronotope provides a suitable strategy for reading a trilogy that aims to re-present ‘real’ time, place and human beings. The concept also provides a vantage point from where the trilogy can be read both from within the time-space of its main protagonists and from that of its author, readers, performers and spectators. ¶ Both ‘Dialogues with Socrates' and 'Lunin …’ are structured around the chronotope of the prison which is associated with the chronotope of the acropolis in ‘Dialogues with Socrates’ and with the chronotope of the masked-ball in ‘Lunin …’. In ‘Theatre of the Times of Nero and Seneca’ the circus-theatre functions as the main chronotope. All these chronotopes serve as plot-constitutive devices and provide appropriate space in which the lives and times of the main protagonists can be adequately re-presented. However, the use of the concept of the chronotope in reading the trilogy does not imply that it can be read meaningfully only from within the time-space of its protagonists. The trilogy reconstructs the historical time-space but also engages in a substantial way with contemporary Soviet reality. This is achieved through an interaction between literary and real chronotopes. There is little doubt that most Soviet readers, performers and spectators negotiatied the chronotopes of the prison and the circus-theatre and the motifs of show-trial and execution from within their own time-space, their own historical experience. The thesis discusses a large number of reviews published in Soviet media to show that most critics read the trilogy from within the discourses about positive hero and socialist realism, because of which Socrates and Lunin were also turned into positive heroes. ¶ One of the most intriguing aspect of the three plays is the ‘play within a play’ structure which achieves its maximum potential in the final play of the trilogy where it is combined with the theme of metamorphoses and multiple role playing. The trilogy, like Pirandello’s trilogy about theatre, is able to foreground its own theatricality and explore the role of theatricality and role playing in and outside theatre. In ‘Theatre of the Times of Nero and Seneca’ the boundary between role playing in life and in theatre becomes so blurred that history begins to resemble the writing and staging of a play. ¶ Apart from exploring the nature of theatricality, the trilogy also questions the conventions of its genre. The three plays do not follow the conventional framing devices employed by dramatic texts and foreground the presence of a mediating narrator. This ‘novelisation’, is more evident in ‘Lunin …’ in which the frequent use of verbs in the past tense in the extra-dialogic text can be linked to the presence of a mediating narrator.

Aquisição/aprendizagem de LE na infância: a produção de enunciados em inglês por crianças de 3 a 5 anos

Silva, Amanda de Oliveira [UNESP] 25 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T11:52:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-04-25Bitstream added on 2015-03-03T12:07:09Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000809675.pdf: 825485 bytes, checksum: 8bdc34ab32ebd28280a65441e5759546 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Segundo Bakhtin/Volochinov (2010), a língua(gem) é um fenômeno que se constitui na interação entre os sujeitos e, consequentemente, não é apenas um conjunto de formas linguísticas, mas, sim, de signos carregados de valores culturais que relevam no seu uso o recorte de mundo dado por uma sociedade. Dessa forma, os sujeitos constituem o seu próprio discurso com os discursos outros com os quais entram em contato, revelando o dialogismo da língua(gem). Nas aulas de LE, também podemos observar o diálogo existente entre o discurso dos sujeitos, já que a aquisição/aprendizagem de LE ocorre na comunicação interpessoal e envolve aspectos culturais da sociedade na qual esse processo se localiza. Esta pesquisa (Mestrado) tem como objetivo principal analisar as produções linguísticas em LE (inglês) de crianças que iniciam seu contato formal com essa língua em um ambiente de ensino, no caso uma escola de idiomas no interior paulista. Para tanto, o uso feito da LE pelos aprendizes foi considerado em situações nas quais há uma pergunta e/ou instrução da professora e situações nas quais não há uma pergunta e/ou instrução. No primeiro tipo de situação, a LE aparece no discurso dos aprendizes sob a forma de resposta a uma pergunta feita pela professora, que atua como mediadora entre LE e sujeito-criança no contexto escolar. Já no segundo tipo, as crianças tomam a iniciativa de usar o inglês sem que a professora precise pedir esse uso, fato que, acreditamos, revela de maneira mais evidente uma aproximação das crianças com a língua alvo. Pretendemos, também, elaborar uma reflexão de como a LE é tratada dentro da sala de aula e o que esse tratamento pode acarretar para a aquisição/aprendizagem dos alunos. Acreditamos que a abordagem adotada, a saber, a reflexão bakhtiniana e do Círculo (1976, 1997, 2010) a respeito das noções de língua(gem), subjetividade, gênero etc.... / According to Bahktin/Volochinov (2010) language is a phenomenon constituted in the interactions among people and, consequently, it is not a group of signals, but rather of linguistics signs with cultural values that reveal in their use the world view of a society. For this reason, people constitute their own discourse with other discourses with which they have been in contact, revealing the language dialogism. In the foreign language (FL) classes, we can also observe the dialogue that exists between people"s discourse as the acquisition/learning of a FL happens in the interpersonal communication and involves cultural aspects of the society in which this process occurs. The main objective of this research (Master"s degree) is to analyze student"s utterances using a foreign language (English). The students in our study are children that began their formal contact with this language in a school environment, a language school in Sao Paulo countryside. In order to achieve our goal, the use made of the FL by the learners was considered in situations in which there was a question and/or an instruction of the teacher and situations in which there were no questions and/or instructions. In the case of the first type of situations, the FL appears in the learner"s discourse as an answer for the questions made by the teacher who is the mediator between the FL and the children in the classroom. In the second type, the students take the initiative of using English without the teacher"s request. We believe that this use reveals more effectively the closeness between the children and the language they are learning. We also intend to elaborate a reflection about how the FL is introduced in the classroom and the consequences to the acquisition/learning process. We believe that our approach, Bakhtin"s and the Circle"s (1976, 1997, 2010) view on language, subjectivity, genres etc. contributes significantly to the discussions in the area of FL...

Poetry slam na escola: embate de vozes entre tradição e resistência / Poetry slam at school: clash between tradition and resistance

Viana, Lidiane 16 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by LIDIANE VIANA null (lidiane_viana@hotmail.com) on 2018-04-05T19:22:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertação definitiva lidiane.pdf: 10064862 bytes, checksum: 8a7aae85af3e562746d7883b4660f29a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Luiza Carpi Semeghini (luiza@assis.unesp.br) on 2018-04-06T00:28:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 viana_l_me_assis.pdf: 10064862 bytes, checksum: 8a7aae85af3e562746d7883b4660f29a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-06T00:28:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 viana_l_me_assis.pdf: 10064862 bytes, checksum: 8a7aae85af3e562746d7883b4660f29a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta dissertação pensa a respeito do embate de vozes que existe no interior da escola, entre os discursos que representam a tradição escolar ou a força ideológica dominante e os discursos de resistência, entendidos como as vozes dos estudantes dentro deste processo dialético e dialógico, a partir do estudo de caso, em uma turma de 6º. ano, em uma escola estadual, da cidade de Tarumã/SP. Deste embate, o que se observa é um processo de apagamento da voz do aluno, um silenciamento gerado pela predominância da voz sistêmica e dominante, reproduzida pelo professor em sala de aula. Frente a este contexto, encontramos no poetry slam um espaço em que o aluno pode proferir os seus discursos, de acordo com suas idiossincrasias, reconhecendo que a escola também é o lugar da livre reflexão, da pluralidade de pensamento e da arte. Desse modo, neste trabalho buscamos (i) observar como se dá o embate de vozes dentro da escola e analisar como os jovens estudantes colocam-se frente a uma situação escolar em que são convidados a expressarem sua voz; (ii) estimular a escrita de enunciados autorais, de cunho poético-literário, reconhecendo o estudante também como sujeito autor; (iii) proporcionar ao aluno um contexto real de produção, circulação e apreciação estética de enunciados. A partir das atividades desenvolvidas por meio do poetry slam ou batalha de poesia, também analisamos de que maneira os discursos dos alunos foram arquitetados em suas poesias, com relação ao conteúdo temático, forma composicional e estilo. Fundamentamos nossa análise nos estudos do círculo de Bakhtin, sob a perspectiva dialético-dialógica de análise do discurso, portanto. Discutem-se as concepções de gêneros discursivos, voz social, ideologia, responsividade e estética, principalmente para pensar a respeito do ensino público de língua portuguesa e como este pode reforçar o silenciamento dos alunos ou, por outro lado, tornar-se um espaço de possibilidade discursiva. Reflete-se ainda sobre a concepção de poesia, sua função social, a sua presença no cotidiano escolar, bem como a sua relação com os cânones literários. Nossa metodologia, também calcada nos estudos bakhtinianos, contempla os conceitos de alteridade, silêncio e voz, cronotopo e exotopia. Os resultados obtidos mostram que, apesar da resistência oferecida pelo sistema de ensino, é possível construir espaços que privilegiam a voz dos estudantes no ambiente escolar / The concerning of this dissertation is think about the clash of voices that exists inside the school, between the discourses that represent the school tradition or within the dominant ideological strength. That voices can be seen as resistance discourses, understood as voice of students within this dialectical and dialogical process, from of a case study, in a class of 6° year, in a State School, at the city of Tarumã / SP. From this clash of voices, what is observed is a process of erasing the student's voice, a silencing generated by the predominance of the systemic and dominant voice, reproduced by the teacher in the classroom. Against this background, we find in poetry slam a space in which the student can utter his speeches, according to his idiosyncrasies, recognizing that the school is also the place of free reflection, plurality of thought and art. Thus, in this work we seek to (i) observe how the clash of voices within the school occurs and analyze how young students put themselves in front of a school situation in which they are invited to express their voice; (ii) stimulate the writing and production of authorial poetic-literary utterances, recognizing the student also as subject author; (iii) provide the student a real context of production, circulation and aesthetic appreciation of this kind of utterance. From the activities developed through the poetry slam or battle of poetry, we also analyze how the students' discourses were architected in their poetry, in relation to the thematic content, compositional form and style. We base our analysis on Bakhtin's circle studies, from the dialectical-dialogical perspective of discourse analysis. Conceptions of discursive genres, social voice, ideology, responsiveness and aesthetics are discussed, mainly to think about public Portuguese-language teaching and how this teaching can reinforce students' silencing or, on the other hand, become a space for discursive possibility. This work also discusses on the conception of poetry, its social function, its presence in the daily school life, as well as its relationship with the literary canons. Our methodology, also based on the Bakhtinian studies, include the concepts of alterity, silence and voice, chronotope and exotopia. The results obtained show that, despite the resistance offered by the education system, it is possible to construct spaces that favor the voice of students in the school environment / 5649480

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