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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tethered balloon measurements during Arctic spring conditions in Ny-Ålesund in the framework of HALO-(AC)3

Lonardi, M., Ehrlich, A., Müller, J., Saavedra Garfias, P., Wendisch, M. 08 December 2023 (has links)
The tethered balloon system BELUGA (BalloonbornE moduLar Utility for profilinG the lower Atmosphere) was operated in spring 2022 at the AWIPEV research station (Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard). In-situ profiles of thermodynamic parameters, thermalinfrared radiation, aerosol particle concentrations, and turbulence, were measured and analyzed. Additionally, samples of ice-nucleating particles were collected at various heights. In combination with previous BELUGA datasets, measurements from this campaign provide a solid base for studying the vertical profiles of the radiative energy budget and heating rates in different atmospheric states in the Arctic lower troposphere. Here, example thermal-infrared radiation profiles are presented for a period of persisting cloudless conditions related to a series of marine cold air outbreaks in late March/early April. Measurements in clouds are analyzed for a developing cloud observed on 6 May and display the impact of cloudiness on radiation profiles. / Das Fesselballonsystem BELUGA (BalloonbornE moduLar Utility for profilinG the lowerAtmosphere) wurde im Frühjahr 2022 an der Forschungsstation AWIPEVStation (Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard) eingesetzt. In-situ-Profile von thermodynamischen Parametern, terrestrische Strahlung, Aerosolpartikelkonzentrationen und Turbulenz wurden gemessen und ausgewertet. Zusätzlich wurden in verschiedenen Höhen Proben von eiskeimbildenden Partikeln gesammelt. In Kombination mit früheren BELUGA Messungen zu anderen Jahreszeiten und an anderen arktischen Messstandorten bieten die Messungen in Ny-Ålesund eine Grundlage fürweitereUntersuchungen des Strahlungsenergiehaushalts und des Einflusses vonWolken auf atmosphärische Heizraten. Profile der Strahlungsbilanz werden für eine anhaltende Kälteperiode zwischen Ende März bis Anfang April 2022 vorgestellt. Über diesen Zeitraum herrschten vor allem wolkenlose Bedingungen. Weitere Beobachtungen unter einer sich entwickelnden Wolkendecke am 6. Mai 2022 zeigen den Einfluss der Bewölkung auf die Strahlungsprofile.

Using CFD to analyze thermal and optical influence on a zero pressure balloon at floating condition

Woldu, Yared, Fritz, Anton January 2018 (has links)
The ability to control the trajectory and understanding the atmospheric effects on the flight performance of a scientific high altitude balloon has long been an aspiring ambition. This thesis work analyses the thermal and optical environments at float using the simulation software, ANSYS FLUENT. The objectives for this thesis were to evaluate how the solar angle, sunshine factor and the ground emissivity altered the altitude for the balloon during floating condition in Steady-state simulations. A transient simulation was conducted to evaluate the diurnal cycle effects on the altitude of the balloon. The understanding of how the parameters influence the altitude will make it possible to autonomously route the balloon to desired altitudes where you have a favorable wind direction. Performing steady-state simulations showcased the significance of certain parameters. Different solar angles greatly influenced the temperature gradient on the balloon and hence a larger lifting force acted on the balloon when the sun was at its highest point. Varying the cloudiness mostly affected the maximum temperature distribution and did not affect the minimum temperature distribution. The steady-state simulations also indicated a limited but noticeable dependence on the ground emissivity. From the transient simulations it was further enhanced how great of influence the solar angle have, which was illustrated by running diurnal cycles. It was also apparent that there are great differences depending on the seasons. For future applications, it would be of interest to investigate the effects caused by wind velocities in the steady-state case. A comparative analytic solution should be performed in order to validate the simulation results.

DeCONstruct: Patterns in Social/Spatial Interruption

Drapac, Brittany E. 26 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

On the use of an endorectal balloon in ultrahypofractionated MR-guided radiotherapy of prostate cancer

Funer, Fabian 05 February 2025 (has links)
Die ultrahypofraktionierte MRT-gestützte Strahlentherapie (MRIgRT) ist eine Alternative zur normo- oder hypofraktionierten Bestrahlung beim lokalisiertem Prostatakarzinom. Mit der erhöhten Dosis pro Fraktion bei der ultrahypofraktionierten Strahlentherapie ist eine präzise Dosisappliaktion von großer Bedeutung, um eine Tumorkontrolle mit minimalen Nebenwirkungen zu erreichen. Ziel dieser Studie war es, zwei Patientenkohorten zu untersuchen, um die Auswirkungen der Verwendung eines Rektumballons (ERB) auf die Positionsstabilität der Prostata und der Samenblasen (SV) während der ultrahypofraktionierten MRIgRT beim lokalisierten Prostatakarzinom zu analysieren. Die erste Kohorte bestand aus zehn Patienten, die zwischen September 2022 und Mai 2023 am Universitätsklinikum Dresden in der Klinik und Poliklinik für Strahlentherapie und Radioonkologie mit einem ERB an einem Unity MR-LINAC (Elekta) ultrahypofraktioniert bestrahlt wurden. Die zweite Kohorte umfasste zehn Patienten, die im gleichen Zeitraum ohne ERB an der Universitätsklinik für Strahlentherapie Tübingen ebenfalls an einem Unity MR-LINAC (Elekta) mittels ultrahypofraktionierter MRIgRT behandelt wurden. Die Dosis auf die Prostata und die auf SV betrug für beide Kohorten 39.20 Gy in 7 Fraktionen, mit einem gleichzeitig integrierten Boost von 42.60 Gy auf die Prostata. Insgesamt wurden für beide Kohorten zwei anatomische MRT-Bilder pro Fraktion, bestehend aus dem täglichen Planungs-MRT (PL) für die erneute Planung gemäß dem adapt-to-shape workflow (ATS) und dem MRT-Scan nach der Behandlung (PT), zur Anpassung der Konturen [Monaco 5.51.11-Behandlungsplanungssystems (Elekta)] verwendet. Anschließend wurden der Massenmittelpunkt für die Prostata und die SV bestimmt, und die Positionsabweichungen zwischen PL-MRT und PT-MRT berechnet. Die Abweichungen wurden in den Richtungen links-rechts (LR, x), superior-inferior (SI, y), anterior-posterior (AP, z) sowie für die euklidische Distanz (d) ausgewertet. Fälle mit d>0.4 cm wurden visuell auf mögliche Patientenbewegungen überprüft und gegebenenfalls ausgeschlossen. Zur Klassifizierung von zufälligen und systematischen Fehlern wurden der Gruppenmittelwertfehler (M) und die Standardabweichungen (SD) der zufälligen (σ) und systematischen Fehler (∑) berechnet. Für die Kohorte aus Dresden, welche mit einem ERB behandelt wurde, wurden insgesamt 44 Behandlungsfraktionen ausgewertet. Die durchschnittliche Behandlungszeit betrug 43,5 Minuten. Die Positionsabweichungen der Prostata in dieser Gruppe zeigten im Mittel eine Verschiebung von M=0.0 [-0.5–0.3] cm für LR, 0.2 [-0.2–1.4] cm für SI, 0.2 [-0.2–0.5] cm für AP und 0.3 [0.0–1.4] cm für d. Für die Positionsabweichung der Samenblasen betrug die durchschnittliche Verschiebung 0.0 [-0.2–0.3] cm für LR, 0.1 [-0.2–0.5] cm für SI, 0.2 [-0.1–0.7] cm für AP und 0.3 [0.1–0.8] cm für d. Für die Kohorte aus Tübingen, welche ohne einem ERB behandelt wurde, wurden insgesamt 69 Behandlungsfraktionen ausgewertet. Die durchschnittliche Behandlungszeit betrug 30 Minuten. Die Positionsabweichungen der Prostata in dieser Gruppe zeigten im Mittel eine Verschiebung von M=0.0 [-0.4– 0.23] cm für LR, 0.1 [-0.7– 1.1] cm für SI, 0.0 [-0.6 – 0.9] cm für AP und 0.26 [0.0 – 1.2] für d. Für die Positionsabweichung der Samenblasen betrug die durchschnittliche Verschiebung 0.0 [-0.21 – 0.4] cm für LR, 0.0 [-1.1 – 0.8] cm für SI, 0.1 [- 0.7– 0.9] cm für AP und 0.3 [0.1–0.8] cm für d. Die Bewertung dieser Ergebnisse zeigte, dass die Prostatabewegung in der SI Richtung in der Gruppe mit ERB grenzwertig signifikant größer war (0.15 cm gegenüber 0.05 cm, p=0,052). Auch in der AP Richtung war die Bewegung in der Gruppe mit ERB signifikant größer (0.17 cm gegenüber -0.01 cm, p=0.009). Bei den Samenblasen zeigte die Gruppe mit ERB eine stärkere Bewegung in der SI Richtung (0.1 cm gegenüber 0.0 cm, p=0.039). Darüber hinaus war die Variabilität der Bewegungen in der Gruppe ohne ERB höher (0.2 cm gegenüber 0.1cm) was sich in einer signifikanten Differenz der absoluten Bewegungen widerspiegelte (p=0.014) Insgesamt wird aus den Ergebnissen deutlich, dass die intrafraktionale Bewegung der Prostata und SV in beiden Gruppen, mit oder ohne ERB, minimal war. Die Studie legt somit nahe, dass der ERB bei der ultrahypofraktionierten MRIgRT nicht notwendig ist, da er keine signifikanten Vorteile hinsichtlich der Positionsstabilität der Prostata und SV bietet.

Implantation ballon-expandierbarer Stents zur Therapie von Gefäßstenosen im Kindesalter / Indikationen, Nachsorge und Limitationen

Schneider, Martin Benno Erik 02 July 2002 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Ergebnisse von Stent Implantationen bei Kindern mit angeborenen Herzfehlern an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Charité vorgestellt. Zwischen 1994 und 2001 wurden bei 103 Patienten 146/149 Stents erfolgreich in 115 Gefäßstenosen oder Ductus arteriosus implantiert. Das Alter der Patienten bei der Implantation lag zwischen einem Tag und 34 Jahren (ein erwachsener Patient), im Mittel 4 Jahre, Median 1,1 Jahre; das Körpergewicht lag zwischen 1,75 kg und 75 kg, im Mittel 14,4 kg bei einem Median von 7,5 kg. Von den 149 Stents wurden 39,5% in periphere Pulmonalarterienstenosen, 17,5% in Aortenisthmusstenosen, 28,5% in den Ductus arteriosus, 8,5% in Systemvenenstenosen und 6% in Pulmonalvenenstenosen. 40% der 146 erfolgreich implantierten Stents wurden palliativ, 60% kurativ implantiert. Während eines Nachbeobachtungszeitraumes von einem Monat bis 7,5 Jahren, im Mittel 2,14 Jahren, wurden 60 der implantierten Stents insgesamt 79 mal redilatiert. 15 dieser Stents zweimal und 4 dreimal. Der häufigste Grund für eine Redilatation war das Körperwachstum der Patienten (58%). In-Stent Restenosen aufgrund von Intima-Proliferation führten in 25,5% zu einer Redilatation, die übrigen 16,5% Restenosen wurden durch Kompression von außen verursacht. Bei der vorliegenden Studie zeigte sich, dass die Stent-Implantation nicht nur eine effektive Methode zur Behandlung von Gefäßstenosen bei Patienten mit angeborenen Herzfehlern ist. Vielmehr gilt sie bei dem vorgestellten Patientengut als: 1. Vorbereitung, Erleichterung oder Ermöglichung von korrigierenden Operationen bei Neugeborenen durch palliativen Stent Einsatz in den Ductus arteriosus, Aortenisthmusstenosen oder in interventionell eröffnete rechtsventrikuläre Ausflußtrakte; 2. Vermeidung komplexer chirurgischer Eingriffe durch Stent Implantationen in native Aortenisthmusstenosen oder in den Ductus arteriosus bei Patienten mit kritischer Pulmonalstenose oder- atresie mit intaktem Ventrikelseptum; 3. Verbesserung post-operativer Ergebnisse und damit Verbesserung der langfristigen Prognose durch Beseitigung post-operativer Restenosen, zum Beispiel peripherer Pulmonalstenosen nach operativer Korrektur einer Fallotschen Tetralogie. Darüber hinaus lassen sich mit Hilfe von Stents komplexe chirurgisch/interventionelle Therapiestrategien, zum Beispiel dem Etablieren einer Fontanzirkulation, verwirklichen. Da in den meisten Fällen ein lebenslanger Verbleib der Stents geplant war wurden ausschließlich ballonexpandierbare Stents implantiert. Diese können, dem Alter und dem Körperwachstum der Patienten entsprechend durch Redilatation angepaßt werden. Diese limitierten Langzeit-Ergebnisse erscheinen diesbezüglich vielversprechend. Dagegen sind die Ursachen der In-Stent Restenosen aufgrund von Intima-Proliferation, die bei einigen Kindern gefunden wurden, noch nicht verstanden und bedürfen weiterer Untersuchungen. Eine Limitation der vorgestellten Methode besteht in der Stent-Technologie. Derzeit stehen keine Stents zur Verfügung, die im Neugeborenenalter implantiert werden können und bis zum Abschluß des Größenwachstums der Patienten eine gefäßstützende Funktion gewährleisten. Neue Stent-Technologien sind daher für den kurativen Einsatz bei Neugeborenen und kleinen Säuglingen erforderlich und werden in dieser Arbeit im Tiermodel vorgestellt. Zwei unterschiedliche neu Stents, die von zwei unabhängigen Herstellern entwickelt wurden, können durch eine Miniaturisierung der Einführungssysteme im Neugeborenenalter eingesetzt werden und ermöglichen eine Erweiterung der gestenteten Gefäßdurchmesser von minimal 4 Millimeter auf über 20 Millimeter. Weitere chronische Untersuchungen im Tiermodel sind notwendig bevor diese neuen Stent-Technologien in die klinische Erprobung bei Neugeborenen mit angeborenen Herzfehlern eingeführt werden können. / This study reports on stent implantation in paediatric patients with congenital heart disease at the department of paediatric cardiology, Humboldt university of Berlin, Charité. Between 1994 and 2001 146/149 stents were successfully implanted in 115 lesions or arterial ducts of 103 patients. The age of the patients ranged between 1 day and 34 years (one adult patient), mean 4 years, median 1.1 years; the bodyweight was measured between 1.75 kg and 75 kg, mean 14.4 kg, median 7.5 kg. The stent were implanted into different lesions: 39.5% in peripheral pulmonary artery stenoses, 17.5% in coarctation, 28.5% in the arterial duct, 8.5% in systemic vein stenoses and 6% in pulmonary vein stenoses. The implantations were performed for palliativ reasons in 40% or as a definite treatment in 60%. During a follow up period between 1 months and 7.5 years, mean 2.14 years 79 repeat dilations were performed on 60 stents, 15 stents twice and 4 stents three times. The most common reason for repeat intervention were dilation according to patients growth (58%). In-stent restenoses due to intimal hyperplasia were noted in 25.5% and 16.5% restenoses occurred due to compression from surrounding structures. The results of this study demonstrated stent-implantation not only as an effective method for treatment of vessel stenosis in young patients with congenital heart diseases. In addition 1. palliative stenting of the arterial duct, critical coarctation or right ventricular outflow tract obstruction in neonates improves surgical outcome or increases operability. 2. stent implantation can be an attractive alternative to complex surgery i.e. the establishment of Fontan circulation as part of a combined surgical/interventional concept 3. postoperative stenting of restenosis improves surgical results and reduces mortality and morbidity by reduction of the individual number of surgical procedures. Balloon expandable stents were used exclusively as the vast majority were considered to treat vessel stenosis for a lifelong period. The limited experiences on long-term follow-up are encouraging concerning the possibility of repeat dilation according to patients growth. However, the mechanisms of in-stent restenosis are not fully understand. For long-term treatment of vessel stenosis in neonates and small infants the conventional stent technology was found as a major limitation. New stent-designs are necessary. The report encloses two different new stent-technologies in animal studies. Miniaturised stents and delivery systems developed by two different companies are demonstrated. An additional advantage of the new stent designs is the broad variability of the stent diameters. After the initial implantation with a minimum diameter of 4 millimetres those stents can be dilated to a maximum diameter of more than 20 millimetres. Further investigations are necessary to demonstrate the efficacy of the new stent designs in different lesions of human neonates.

Monitoração ecocardiográfica da atriosseptostomia com balão

Marchi, Carlos Henrique de 10 September 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 carlosdemarchi_tese.pdf: 849020 bytes, checksum: f72fc171abbb042bef869d955b6fd632 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-09-10 / Objective: Balloon atrial septostomy (BAS) is a life-saving palliative procedure for some congenital heart defects and typically performed in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. The aim of this study was to evaluate BAS under echocardiographic guidance. Method: From August 1997 through January 2004, 31 children with congenital heart defects with indication of ASB were submitted to the procedure under exclusive echocardiographic guidance. Success was admitted the obtaining of atrial septal defect (ASD) with size of four millimeters (mm) or greater and torn septal tissue flapping freely. Results: Male infants predominated (83.9%). Median age was 5 days (1 - 150) and median weight was 3300g (1800 - 7500). Transposition of the Great Arteries was present in 80.6%, Tricuspid Atresia in 12.9%, Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return in 3.2% and Pulmonary Atresia with intact ventricular septum in 3.2%. The procedure was successful in all cases. ASD size increased from 1.8 ± 0.8 mm to 5.8 ± 1.3 mm (P<0.0001) and arterial oxygen saturation increased from 64.5 ± 18.9% to 85.1 ± 9.2% (P<0.0001). As complications occured three balloon ruptures, one tear of right femoral vein, one case of supraventricular tachycardia and one case of atrial flutter. Conclusion: BAS under echocardiographic guidance is a safe and effective method. It can be performed at the bedside, identifies the catheter location avoiding serious complications and evaluates the immediate result of the procedure. / Atnosseptostomia com balão (ASB) é procedimento de grande valor no tratamento de cardiopatias congênitas e monitorado tradicionalmente por radioscopia. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a ASB monitorada pela ecocardiografia. Casuística e Método: Entre agosto de 1997 e janeiro de 2004, 31 crianças foram submetidas à ASB sob monitoração ecocardiográfica exclusiva. Admitiu-se sucesso a obtenção de comunicação interatrial (CIA) com diâmetro igual ou maior que quatro milímetros (mm) e com ampla mobilidade das suas margens. Dados coletados: diâmetro da CIA e saturação arterial de oxigênio (SAT) iniciais e finais e número de trações do cateter balão. Resultados: Sexo masculino predominou (83,9%). A idade mediana foi de 5 dias (1-150) e o peso teve mediana de 3300g (1800-7500). Transposição das Grandes Artérias ocorreu em 80,6%, Atresia Tricúspide em 12,9%, Drenagem Anômala Total de Veias Pulmonares em 3,2% e Atresia Pulmonar com septo Integro em 3,2%. Sucesso foi obtido em todos os casos. O tamanho da CIA aumentou de 1,8 0,8 mm para 5,8 1,3 mm (p <0,0001) e a SAT aumentou de 64,5 18,9 % para 85,1 9,2 % (p < 0,0001). Complicações ocorridas: três rupturas de balão, uma lesão de veia femoral direita, uma taquicardia supraventricular e um flutter atnal. Conclusões: ASB monitorada pela ecocardiografia é método seguro e eficaz. Possibilita a realização do procedimento à beira do leito evitando o transporte da criança, identifica o posicionamento do cateter reduzindo complicações graves e avalia o resultado imediato do procedimento.

Comparison of epicardial mapping and noncontact endocardial mapping in dog experiments and computer simulations

Sabouri, Sepideh 05 1900 (has links)
La fibrillation auriculaire, l'arythmie la plus fréquente en clinique, affecte 2.3 millions de patients en Amérique du Nord. Pour en étudier les mécanismes et les thérapies potentielles, des modèles animaux de fibrillation auriculaire ont été développés. La cartographie électrique épicardique à haute densité est une technique expérimentale bien établie pour suivre in vivo l'activité des oreillettes en réponse à une stimulation électrique, à du remodelage, à des arythmies ou à une modulation du système nerveux autonome. Dans les régions qui ne sont pas accessibles par cartographie épicardique, la cartographie endocardique sans contact réalisée à l'aide d'un cathéter en forme de ballon pourrait apporter une description plus complète de l'activité auriculaire. Dans cette étude, une expérience chez le chien a été conçue et analysée. Une reconstruction électro-anatomique, une cartographie épicardique (103 électrodes), une cartographie endocardique sans contact (2048 électrodes virtuelles calculées à partir un cathéter en forme de ballon avec 64 canaux) et des enregistrements endocardiques avec contact direct ont été réalisés simultanément. Les systèmes d'enregistrement ont été également simulés dans un modèle mathématique d'une oreillette droite de chien. Dans les simulations et les expériences (après la suppression du nœud atrio-ventriculaire), des cartes d'activation ont été calculées pendant le rythme sinusal. La repolarisation a été évaluée en mesurant l'aire sous l'onde T auriculaire (ATa) qui est un marqueur de gradient de repolarisation. Les résultats montrent un coefficient de corrélation épicardique-endocardique de 0.8 (expérience) and 0.96 (simulation) entre les cartes d'activation, et un coefficient de corrélation de 0.57 (expérience) and 0.92 (simulation) entre les valeurs de ATa. La cartographie endocardique sans contact apparait comme un instrument expérimental utile pour extraire de l'information en dehors des régions couvertes par les plaques d'enregistrement épicardique. / Atrial fibrillation is the most common clinical arrhythmia currently affecting 2.3 million patients in North America. To study its mechanisms and potential therapies, animal models of atrial fibrillation have been developed. Epicardial high-density electrical mapping is a well-established experimental instrument to monitor in vivo the activity of the atria in response to pacing, remodeling, arrhythmias and modulation of the autonomic nervous system. In regions that are not accessible by epicardial mapping, noncontact endocardial mapping performed through a balloon catheter may provide a more comprehensive description of atrial activity. In this study, a dog experiment was designed and analyzed in which electroanatomical reconstruction, epicardial mapping (103 electrodes), noncontact endocardial mapping (2048 virtual electrodes computed from a 64-channel balloon catheter), and direct-contact endocardial catheter recordings were simultaneously performed. The recording system was also simulated in a computer model of the canine right atrium. For simulations and experiments (after atrio-ventricular node suppression), activation maps were computed during sinus rhythm. Repolarization was assessed by measuring the area under the atrial T wave (ATa), a marker of repolarization gradients. Results showed an epicardial endocardial correlation coefficient of 0.8 (experiment) and 0.96 (simulation) between activation times, and a correlation coefficient of 0.57 (experiment) and 0.92 (simulation) between ATa values. Noncontact mapping appears to be a valuable experimental device to retrieve information outside the regions covered by epicardial recording plaques.

Simulation numérique des interactions fluide-structure dans une fistule artério-veineuse sténosée et des effets de traitements endovasculaires

Decorato, Iolanda 05 February 2013 (has links)
Une fistule artérioveineuse (FAV) est un accès vasculaire permanent créé par voie chirurgicale en connectant une veine et une artère chez le patient en hémodialyse. Cet accès vasculaire permet de mettre en place une circulation extracorporelle partielle afin de remplacer les fonctions exocrines des reins. En France, environ 36000 patients sont atteint d’insuffisance rénale chronique en phase terminale, stade de la maladie le plus grave qui nécessite la mise en place d’un traitement de suppléance des reins : l’hémodialyse. La création et présence de la FAV modifient significativement l’hémodynamique dans les vaisseaux sanguins, au niveau local et systémique ainsi qu’à court et à plus long terme. Ces modifications de l’hémodynamiques peuvent induire différents pathologies vasculaires, comme la formation d’anévrysmes et de sténoses. L’objectif de cette étude est de mieux comprendre le comportement mécanique et l’hémodynamique dans les vaisseaux de la FAV. Nous avons étudié numériquement les interactions fluide-structure (IFS) au sein d’une FAV patient-spécifique, dont la géométrie a été reconstruite à partir d’images médicales acquises lors d’un précédent doctorat. Cette FAV a été créée chez le patient en connectant la veine céphalique du patient à l’artère radiale et présente une sténose artérielle réduisant de 80% la lumière du vaisseau. Nous avons imposé le profil de vitesse mesuré sur le patient comme conditions aux limites en entrée et un modèle de Windkessel au niveau des sorties artérielle et veineuse. Nous avons considéré des propriétés mécaniques différentes pour l’artère et la veine et pris en compte le comportement non-Newtonien du sang. Les simulations IFS permettent de calculer l’évolution temporelle des contraintes hémodynamiques et des contraintes internes à la paroi des vaisseaux. Nous nous sommes demandées aussi si des simulations non couplées des équations fluides et solides permettaient d’obtenir des résultats suffisamment précis tout en réduisant significativement le temps de calcul, afin d’envisager son utilisation par les chirurgiens. Dans la deuxième partie de l’étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’effet de la présence d’une sténose artérielle sur l’hémodynamique et en particulier à ses traitements endovasculaires. Nous avons dans un premier temps simulé numériquement le traitement de la sténose par angioplastie. En clinique, les sténoses résiduelles après angioplastie sont considérées comme acceptables si elles obstruent moins de 30% de la lumière du vaisseau. Nous avons donc gonflé le ballonnet pour angioplastie avec différentes pressions de manière à obtenir des degrés de sténoses résiduelles compris entre 0 et 30%. Une autre possibilité pour traiter la sténose est de placer un stent après l’angioplastie. Nous avons donc dans un deuxième temps simulé ce traitement numériquement et résolu le problème d’IFS dans la fistule après la pose du stent. Dans ces simulations, la présence du stent a été prise en compte en imposant les propriétés mécaniques équivalentes du vaisseau après la pose du stent à une portion de l’artère. Dans la dernière partie de l’étude nous avons mis en place un dispositif de mesure par PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry). Un moule rigide et transparent de la géométrie a été obtenu par prototypage rapide. Les résultats expérimentaux ont été validés par comparaison avec les résultats des simulations numériques. / An arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is a permanent vascular access created surgically connecting a vein onto an artery. It enables to circulate blood extra-corporeally in order to clean it from metabolic waste products and excess of water for patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing hemodialysis. The hemodynamics results to be significantly altered within the arteriovenous fistula compared to the physiological situation. Several studies have been carried out in order to better understand the consequences of AVF creation, maturation and frequent use, but many clinical questions still lie unanswered. The aim of the present study is to better understand the hemodynamics within the AVF, when the compliance of the vascularwall is taken into account. We also propose to quantify the effect of a stenosis at the afferent artery, the incidence of which has been underestimated for many years. The fluid-structure interactions (FSI) within a patient-specific radio-cephalic arteriovenous fistula are investigated numerically. The considered AVF presents an 80% stenosis at the afferent artery. The patient-specific velocity profile is imposed at the boundary inlet, and a Windkessel model is set at the arterial and venous outlets. The mechanical properties of the vein and the artery are differentiated. The non-Newtonian blood behavior has been taken into account. The FSI simulation advantageously provides the time-evolution of both the hemodynamic and structural stresses, and guarantees the equilibrium of the solution at the interface between the fluid and solid domains. The FSI results show the presence of large zones of blood flow recirculation within the cephalic vein, which might promote neointima formation. Large internal stresses are also observed at the venous wall, which may lead to wall remodeling. The fully-coupled FSI simulation results to be costly in computational time, which can so far limit its clinical use. We have investigated whether uncoupled fluid and structure simulations can provide accurate results and significantly reduce the computational time. The uncoupled simulations have the advantage to run 5 times faster than the fully-coupled FSI. We show that an uncoupled fluid simulation provides informative qualitative maps of the hemodynamic conditions in the AVF. Quantitatively, the maximum error on the hemodynamic parameters is 20%. The uncoupled structural simulation with non-uniform wall properties along the vasculature provides the accurate distribution of internal wall stresses, but only at one instant of time within the cardiac cycle. Although partially inaccurate or incomplete, the results of the uncoupled simulations could still be informative enough to guide clinicians in their decision-making. In the second part of the study we have investigated the effects of the arterial stenosis on the hemodynamics, and simulated its treatment by balloon-angioplasty. Clinically, balloon-angioplasty rarely corrects the stenosis fully and a degree of stenosis remains after treatment. Residual degrees of stenosis below 30% are considered as successful. We have inflated the balloon with different pressures to simulate residual stenoses ranging from 0 to 30%. The arterial stenosis has little impact on the blood flow distribution: the venous flow rate remains unchanged before and after the treatment and thus permits hemodialysis. But an increase in the pressure difference across the stenosis is observed, which could cause the heart work load to increase. To guarantee a pressure drop below 5 mmHg, which is considered as the threshold stenosis pressure difference clinically, we find that the residual stenosis degree must be 20% maximum.

Avaliação da hemodinâmica encefálica em pacientes de alto risco submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca: papel do balão de contrapulsação intra-aórtico / Cerebral hemodynamic in high-risk cardiac patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass: the role of intra-aortic balloon

Ribeiro, Juliana Caldas 20 January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A cirurgia cardíaca resulta em taxa considerável de complicações neurológicas, incluindo delirium, disfunção cognitiva e acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico. Supõe que a fisiopatologia envolva embolia, aterotrombose, hipofluxo, redução do débito cardíaco e alterações da autorregulação cerebral. O balão de contrapulsação intra-aórtico (BIA) é um dispositivo de assistência circulatória comumente utilizado no perioperatório de pacientes de alto risco com o objetivo de otimização do débito cardíaco e da perfusão coronária. Apesar do benefício hemodinâmico do BIA, não é conhecido seu efeito na hemodinâmica encefálica. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do BIA na hemodinâmica encefálica em pacientes de alto risco submetido a cirurgia cardíaca com circulação extracorpórea (CEC). Métodos: Trata-se de um subestudo do estudo clínico prospectivo e randomizado \"Balão de contra-pulsação intra-aórtico eletivo em pacientes de alto risco submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca\", realizado no Instituto do coração do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo entre 2014 e 2016. Dos 181 pacientes incluídos no estudo randomizado, 67 pacientes foram incluídos no subestudo. Os pacientes eram adultos, submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca de revascularização miocárdica (RM) com fração de ejeção menor ou igual a 40% e/ou EuroScore maior ou igual a 6. Os mesmos foram randomizados para uso do BIA logo após a indução anestésica ou para grupo controle. A velocidade de fluxo sanguíneo cerebral (VFSC) pelo ultrassom Doppler transcraniano e a pressão arterial (PA) pelo Finometer foram continuamente gravados por 5 minutos antes da cirurgia (T1), 24h após (T2) e 7 dias após (T3). O índice de autorregulação (ARI) foi estimado através da resposta ao degrau da VFSC a mudanças na PA, derivados da análise da função de transferência. As seguintes complicações clínicas neurológicas foram avaliadas: delirium, disfunção cognitiva e acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico. Resultados: Dos pacientes incluídos no estudo, 34 foram alocados para a estratégia de uso profilático do balão intra-aórtico e 33 para a estratégia controle. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos BIA e controle respectivamente, nos três tempos de avaliação, em relação ao ARI (T1 - 5,5 ± 1,9 vs 5,7 ± 1,7; T2 - 4,0 ± 1,9 vs 4,1 ± 1,6; T3 - 5,7 ± 2,0 vs 5,7 ± 1,6, P= 0,978) e em relação à VFSC (T1 - 57,3 ± 19,4 vs 59,3 ± 11,8; T2 - 74,0 ± 21,6 vs 74,7 ± 17,5; T3 - 71,1 ± 21,3 vs 68,1 ± 15,1; P=0,952). O grupo BIA e o grupo controle apresentaram incidência semelhante de complicações neurológicas (delirium na unidade de terapia intensiva - 26,5% vs 24,2%, P=0,834, acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico - 3,0% vs 2,9%, P=1,00, e declínio cognitivo pós-operatório através das escalas Mini Mental State Examination MMSE - 16,7% vs 40,7%; P= 0,073 e Avaliação Cognitiva Montreal MoCA - 79,16% vs 81,5%; P= 1,000). Conclusões: O uso profilático do BIA em pacientes de alto risco submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio não altera a hemodinâmica encefálica e não está associado ao aumento de complicações neurológicas como delirium, declínio cognitivo e acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico / Introduction: Cardiac surgery is associated with a high incidence of neurologic complications, such as delirium, cognitive decline and stroke. The pathophysiology probably involves embolism, thrombosis, decreased cardiac output and abnormalities in cerebral autoregulation. The intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) is an assist device commonly in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery aiming to increase the cardiac output and to improve the coronary perfusion. However, the effect of the IABP on the cerebral hemodynamic is unknown. Objectives: To assess the effect of IABP on cerebral hemodynamics in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB). Methods: This is a substudy of the randomized controlled trial \"Intraaortic Balloon Counterpulsation in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery (IABCS trial)\", performed at the Heart Institute/University of Sao Paulo, from 2014 to 2016. Of the 181 patients included in the IABCS, 67 were included if they were submitted to cardiac surgery and if they had one of these two criteria: left ventricular ejection fraction equal or lower than 40% and/or EuroSCORE equal or higher than 6. Patients were allocated to the strategy of prohylatic IABP after anesthesia induction or to control. Cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) through transcranial Doppler and blood pressure (BP) through Finometer or intra-arterial line were continuously recorded over 5 minutes preoperatively (T1), after 24h (T2) and 7 days after surgery (T3). Autoregulation index (ARI) was estimated from the CBFV response to a step change in BP derived by transfer function analysis. The following complications neurologic were evaluated: delirium, cognitive decline and stroke. Results: Of the included patients, 34 were allocated to the IABP group and 33 to control group. There were no significant differences between the IABP and the control respectively in the following parameters: ARI (T1 - 5.5 ± 1.9 vs 5.7 ± 1.7; T2 - 4.0 ± 1.9 vs 4.1 ± 1.6; T3 - 5.7 ± 2.0 vs 5.7 ± 1.6, P= 0.978), CBFV (T1 - 57.3 ± 19.4 vs 59.3 ± 11.8; T2 - 74.0 ± 21.6 vs 74.7 ± 17.5; T3 - 71.1 ± 21.3 vs 68.1 ± 15.1; P=0.952). Both groups (IABP and control) had similar incidence of neurological complications (delirium - 26.5% vs 24.2%, P=0.834, stroke - 3.0% vs 2.9%, P=1.00, and cognitive decline through the scales Mini Mental State Examination MMSE - 16,7% vs 40,7%; P= 0.073 and Montreal Cognitive Assessment MoCA - 79.16% vs 81.5%; P= 1.000). Conclusions: The prophylactic use of IABP in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery does not change the cerebral hemodynamic and is not associated with higher incidence of neurologic complications such as delirium, cognitive decline and stroke

Avaliação de marcadores moleculares na mucosa gástica do estômago excluso após cirurgia bariátrica / Evaluation of molecular markers in the excluded stomach mucosal after bariatric surgery

Pereira Filho, Dilson da Silva 04 February 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As alterações da mucosa do estômago excluso após Derivação Gástrica em Y-de-Roux (DGYR) para tratamento da obesidade mórbida não são bem conhecidas. Atualmente, pouco se sabe a respeito das consequências da cirurgia, especialmente, considerando que tal técnica necessita de vigilância para possíveis alterações de mucosa. Adicionalmente, é possível que o refluxo duodenal biliopancreático para dentro do estômago excluso, sem tamponamento pela ingestão de alimentos, pode, após décadas, danificar a mucosa gástrica e provavelmente aumentar o risco de câncer gástrico. OBJETIVO: Analisar as alterações da mucosa do estômago excluso através de: índice de proliferação celular (Ki-67), apoptose (caspase 3 e Bcl-2), função hormonal (gastrina) e infiltrado inflamatório (CD3 e CD8). MÉTODOS: Enteroscopia de duplo balão foi realizada em 35 pacientes submetidos à DGYR com mais de 36 meses de cirurgia. Foram realizadas múltiplas biópsias no coto gástrico funcional e na mucosa do estômago excluso. Biópsias gástricas de 32 pacientes obesos não operados foram utilizadas como grupo controle. Biópsias endoscópicas foram seccionadas a partir de blocos de tecidos fixados em formalina e embebidos em parafina. Amostras de 4 m de espessura foram examinadas por imuno-histoquímica pelo método de estreptavidina-biotinaperoxidase. RESULTADOS: Os dois grupos foram comparados por idade, gênero, presença de gastrite, metaplasia intestinal e de Helicobacter pylori. O número médio de células de gastrina positivas foi de 55,5 (desvio padrão (DP) = 11,7) no grupo controle e 29,6 (DP = 7,9), nos casos, p= 0,0003. Índice de proliferação (Ki-67) nos casos (corpo=24,7%, antro=24,9%) foi significativamente maior em comparação com os controles (corpo=15% e antro=17,7%), p = 0,002 e 0,01 ,respectivamente. Imunoexpressão de caspase 3 foi maior nos controles em comparação ao estômago excluso (31 x 46%), p = 0,02. Não houve diferença estatística entre as expressões de CD3 , CD8 , e Bcl- 2 nos controles e nos casos. Não houve associação entre os resultados imuno-histoquímicos e a presença de Helicobacter pylori ou alterações histológicas. CONCLUSÕES: Proliferação celular está aumentada e a apoptose está diminuída na mucosa do estômago excluso em comparação com os controles obesos não operados. Alterações na renovação celular e nas secreções hormonais nestas condições podem ser relevantes em seguimento a longo prazo / INTRODUCTION: Mucosal alterations in the excluded stomach mucosal after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for morbid obesity have not been clearly clarified. Currently, little is known regarding the long-term consequences of the surgical specially considering that the technique hinders surveillance for possible mucosal alterations. Indeed, it is possible that duodenal reflux of bile and pancreatic secretions without any buffering offered by food intake may, after decades, damage the gastric epithelium and lead to an increase gastric cancer risk. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze the mucosal alterations (proliferative status (Ki-67), apoptosis (caspase 3 and Bcl-2), inflammatory response (CD3 and CD8) and for hormonal function (gastrin)) in the excluded stomach. METHODS: Double-balloon enteroscopy was performed in 35 patients who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass longer than 36 months. Multiple biopsies of the proximal pouch and the excluded gastric mucosa were collected. Gastric biopsies from 32 non-operated obese patients were utilized as controls. Endoscopic biopsies were cut from tissue blocks fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin. Sections 4 m thick were examined for immunoexpression using the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method. RESULTS: The two groups were compared for age, gender, gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, and presence of Helicobacter pylori. The mean number of positive gastrin cells was 55.5 (standart deviation (SD) = 11.7) in the control group and 29.6 (SD=7.9) in the cases, p=0.0003. Ki-67 proliferative index in cases (body=24.7%, antrum=24.9%) was significantly higher compared to controls (body=15.0% and antrum=17.7%), p=0.002 and 0.01, respectively. Caspase 3 immunoexpression was higher in the controls compared to the excluded stomach (46 vs. 31%), p=0.02. There was no statistical difference between CD3, CD8, and Bcl-2 immunoexpressions among the controls and cases. CONCLUSIONS: Cell proliferation is increased and apoptosis is downregulated in the excluded gastric mucosa compared to the non-operated obese controls. Alterations in cell turnover and in hormonal secretions in these conditions may be of important in long-term follow-up

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