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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of changes in surface roughness and chemical composition of the composite and bovine enamel submitted different surface treatments / Avaliação das alterações de rugosidade superficial e composição química do compósito e esmalte dental bovino submetido a diferentes tratamentos superficiais

Marília de Morais Pinelli 29 September 2009 (has links)
Objectives: To evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively changes in the surface and chemical composition of bovine enamel and composite, using hydrogen peroxide 38% when submitted to different surface treatments. Method: It was used 120 fragments from the tooth surface of bovine incisors, and in one half was prepared and a standard cavity restored with composite. Subsequently, the specimens were submitted to thirty hundreds brushing cycles, immersion in two different drinks: orange juice (Del Valle ), Whiskey (Johnnie Walker ), and last session of bleaching with hydrogen peroxide 38%. The surface changes and mineral composition of enamel and composite was determined using a superficial roughness and by Micro-Fluorensce X-ray Dispersion Energy before and after treatments. Dada were statiscally tabulated and analyzed. Calcium and Fhosphorum relative amounts and Zirconium and Silica were measured on enamel and resin composite, respectively. Results: The results showed significant difference when compared to the control group and treatment group. Conclusion: It was concluded that all bleaching alone does not cause surface changes and loss of chemical components in both the enamel and composite resin; brushing significantly increased surface roughness of the composite and enamel, comparing the initial and final time, the Association of brushing with whitening enhances the effects of surface changes and chemical composition in both the enamel and the resin. / Objetivos: Avaliar qualitativamente e quantitativamente as alterações na superfície e composição química do esmalte dental bovino e compósito nanoparticulado, utilizando peróxido de hidrogênio 38% quando submetidos a diferentes tratamentos superficiais. Método: Foram utilizados 120 fragmentos da superfície dental de incisivos bovinos, sendo que em uma das metades foi preparado uma cavidade padronizada e restaurada com compósito. Posteriormente, os espécimes foram submetidos a trinta mil ciclos de escovação, imersão em duas diferentes bebidas: Suco de laranja (Del Valle), Uísque (Johnnie Walker) e finalmente, sessão de clareamento com peróxido de hidrogênio 38%. As alterações superficiais e a composição mineral do esmalte e compósito foram determinadas com a utilização do rugosímetro e por meio de Micro-fluorescência de raios-x por energia dispersiva antes e após os tratamentos. Os dados obtidos foram tabulados e submetidos a análise estatística. Foram avaliados os teores de Cálcio e Fósforo no esmalte e de Zircônia e Sílica no compósito. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram diferença significativa quando comparado grupo controle e grupo tratamento. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que, o clareamento dental isoladamente não causa alterações superficiais e perda de componentes químicos tanto no esmalte quanto na resina composta; a escovação aumenta significativamente a rugosidade superficial do compósito e do esmalte, comparando-se tempos iniciais e finais; a associação da escovação com clareamento potencializa os efeitos de alterações superficiais e composição química tanto no esmalte quanto na resina; o uso de bebidas com baixo pH causa alterações superficiais e na composição do esmalte e do compósito.

Fruit beverages processed using ultrasound technology: physical properties, stability and enzyme inactivation / Bebidas de frutas processadas utilizando tecnologia de ultrassom: Propriedades físicas, estabilidade e inativação enzimática

Meliza Lindsay Rojas Silva 10 November 2016 (has links)
This work studied the improvement of stability, physical properties and enzymatic inactivation in fruit beverages by applying the ultrasound technology (US). In the first part, the effect of the US application on peach juice processing was evaluated. The macroscopic changes on pulp sedimentation stability, turbidity, colour and rheological properties were evaluated. As a result, it was demonstrated that the improvement in each of the properties evidenced at the macroscopic level involves interaction of complex mechanisms which depend directly on changes at the microscopic level, such as the structure, size, composition and interaction between the continuous phase (serum) and dispersed phase (pulp) of the juice. These changes were assessed by microscopy and particle size distribution. In the second and third parts, the inactivation of the enzyme peroxidase (POD) was evaluated in coconut water. In the second part, the effect of the application of US was evaluated for first time for coconut water POD, using two types of ultrasonic equipment (US baht and US probe). It was demonstrated that the changes of enzyme activity during the US process depend on the many forms that the enzyme can adopt, mainly depending on the energy applied to the system. Subsequently, in the third part, the US was applied as a pre-treatment of subsequent thermal processing. The evaluation was carried out under non isothermal conditions, being the POD inactivation kinetics modelled using the Weibull distribution function. Finally, it was observed that the pre-treatment using ultrasound slightly decreased the enzyme activity. Furthermore, the ultrasound effects resulted in a more homogeneous population and heat-sensitive enzymes, significantly reducing the needed time of thermal processing. In conclusion, this work studied and demonstrated that the ultrasound technology is an interesting alternative to improve the physical properties and enzymatic stability in fruit beverages, reflecting the importance from both the academic and industrial point of view. / Neste trabalho estudou-se a melhoria na estabilidade, propriedades físicas e inativação enzimática em bebidas de frutas através da aplicação da tecnologia de ultrassom (US). Na primeira parte, foi avaliado o efeito do US no processamento de suco de pêssego. As alterações macroscópicas na estabilidade de sedimentação da polpa, turbidez, cor e propriedades reológicas foram analisadas. Foi demonstrado que a melhoria em cada uma das propriedades evidenciadas macroscopicamente envolve interação de mecanismos complexos que dependem diretamente de alterações microscópicas, tais como estrutura, tamanho, composição e interação entre as fases contínua (soro) e dispersa (polpa) do suco. Estas alterações foram avaliadas por microscopia e análise de distribuição de tamanho de partículas. Na segunda e terceira partes, a inativação da enzima peroxidase (POD) foi avaliada em água de coco. O efeito da aplicação do US na POD de água de coco foi estudado pela primeira vez, utilizando dois tipos de equipamentos (banho e sonda de US). Demonstrou-se que as alterações na atividade enzimática durante o processamento com US estão relacionadas às diferentes conformações que a enzima pode adotar, dependendo principalmente da energia aplicada ao sistema. Na terceira parte, o ultrassom foi então aplicado como pré-tratamento ao processamento térmico. A avaliação foi realizada sob condições não isotérmicas, sendo a cinética de inativação da POD modelada usando a função de distribuição de Weibull. Foi observado que o pré-tratamento com US diminuiu a atividade enzimática. Além disso, o efeito do US resultou em uma população de enzimas mais homogênea e termosensível, reduzindo significativamente o tempo necessário para o processamento térmico. Desta forma, este trabalho estudou e demonstrou que a tecnologia de ultrassom é uma alternativa interessante para melhorar as propriedades físicas e a estabilidade enzimática de bebidas à base de frutas, indicando sua importância tanto acadêmica quanto industrial.

Utilização de diferentes substratos e culturas lácteas comerciais empregadas na produção de bebidas lácteas / Use of different commercial milk cultures and substrates employed in production of dairy drinks

Marina Chagas Dias 01 September 2008 (has links)
Estudou-se a cinética do processo de produção de bebidas lácteas por fermentação mantida a 42°C em sistema descontínuo. As bebidas foram preparadas a partir de uma base láctea de leite desnatado e soro de queijo doce e com substituição parcial realizada com extrato solúvel de soja em pó, utilizando 2 culturas lácticas comerciais, representadas pela cultura tradicional, Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus e Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus e pela cultura contendo organismos probióticos, S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium e Lactobacillus acidophilus. O processo foi monitorado pelas análises de pH - uso de pHmetro digital (GEHAKA, PG1000) - , acidez (g ácido láctico/L) - titulação com solução de NaOH 0,1N, usando como indicador a solução de fenolftaleína 1,0% - e pelas contagens microbiológicas, sendo realizadas do início da fermentação (t=0) até o pH próximo a 4,6. Para a contagem de bactérias lácticas totais, lactobacilos, estreptococos e organismos probióticos foram empregados os meios Agar MRS, Agar MRS acidificado com 0,05% de HCl–L–cisteína, Agar M17 e Agar MRS adicionado de 0,3% de extrato de bile, respectivamente. As alíquotas, retiradas do processo fermentativo foram diluídas em água peptonada 0,1%. Inoculou-se 1mL da diluição em meio fundido e em seguida as placas foram homogeneizadas e submetidas à incubação em jarras herméticas, na temperatura de 42ºC, por 48 horas, utilizando-se um produtor de microaerofilia (Anaerobac – Probac do Brasil). As velocidades instantâneas de produção de ácido láctico (g/L/h) e de crescimento celular (UFC/L/h) foram obtidas a partir do Modelo de Sinclair e Cantero (1990). A bebida, produzida com substrato contendo somente base láctea e cultura tradicional (Trat.1), foi a que necessitou de maior tempo (3h30) para que o pH se aproximasse de 4,6, sendo que quando empregou-se cultura contendo organismos probióticos, (Trat. 3), o tempo necessário para atingir esse pH foi de 3h. Na substituição parcial de sólidos pelo extrato solúvel de soja, representado pelas bebidas obtidas pelos tratamentos 2 e 4, verificou-se a necessidade de 3h e 2h30min respectivamente, para o pH aproximar de 4,6. Em relação à acidez expressa em g ácido láctico/L, várias bebidas não atingiram o valor estabelecido pelo padrão de identidade de bebidas lácteas (BRASIL, 2005 a), variando entre todos os tratamentos. Percebeuse ainda que o tempo para atingir o valor máximo das velocidades instantâneas de crescimento das bactérias lácticas e estreptococos atingiram 3h, independente do substrato utilizado na fermentação, enquanto, empregando a cultura probiótica, a velocidade máxima de crescimento de bactérias lácticas (dX/dt) ocorreu em 2h no tratamento com base láctea (Trat. 3) e 1h na bebida com substituição parcial da base láctea (Trat. 4). As máximas velocidades instantâneas relativas às culturas de estreptococos nos tratamento 3 e 4 ocorreram em 3 e 1h respectivamente. Quanto aos dX/dt máximos referente ao crescimento de lactobacilos verificou-se a necessidade de 2h e 1h respectivamente, enquanto para os organismos probióticos foi de 2h, em substrato base láctea e 1h quando do emprego de substrato com substituição parcial da base láctea por extrato de soja. / It was studied the kinetics from production of milk drinks by fermentation maintained at 42 ° C in a batch system. The drinks were prepared from a base of skimmed milk and whey sweet cheese with a partial replacement performed with soluble extract of soybean powder, and the employment of 2 lactic commercial crops, represented by the traditional culture, containing Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and the probiotic culture, containing S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium e Lactobacillus acidophilus. The process was monitored by the analysis of pH - digital pHmetro (GEHAKA, PG1000), acidity (g lactic acid / L) - titration with 0.1 N NaOH solution, using as an indicator of phenolphthalein solution 1.0%and the total counts of organisms. Being held at the beginning of fermentation (t = 0) until the pH near the pH 4.6. For lacitcal total count of bacteria, lactobacilli, streptococci and probiotic organisms were employed MRS Agar, Agar MRS acidified with 0.05% HCl-L-cysteine, M17 and Agar Agar MRS added of 0.3% of extract of bile, respectively. The aliquots withdrawn from the fermentation process were diluted in water peptone 0.1%. Inoculated up 1mL of dilution in means and then mixed up the plates that were then subjected to incubation in hermetic jars in temperature of 42°C for 48 hours using a producer of microaerophilic (Anaerobac – Probac do Brasil). The speeds of instant production of lactic acid (g/L/h) and cellular growth (CFU/L/h) were obtained from the model of Sinclair and Cantero (1990).The drink, produced with only basic substrate containing milk and traditional culture (Trat.1) was that needed more time (3:30) to the pH of 4.6 approaches, and that when the employment of culture containing probiotic organisms, even with substrate (Trat. 3), the time needed was 3h. When the partial replacement of the solid soluble extract of soybean, represented by drinks obtained by treatments 2 and 4, there is a need for 3 and 2:30 respectively, to bring the pH of 4.6. As the acidity in g lactic acid / L, it was found that several drinks not reached the value set by standard of identity for milk drinks (BRASIL, 2005 a) ranging from all treatments. It was noticed that the time to achieve the maximum speeds of instant speed of growth of lactic acid bacteria streptococci and reached its peak in 3h, independent of the substrate used in fermentation, while employing the probiotic culture, it was found that the maximum speed of growth of lactic acid bacteria occurred in 2h in treatment based milk (Trat. 3) and in 1h drink with a partial replacement of basic milk (Trat. 4). The maximum speeds instant on the cultures of Streptococci treatment in 3 and 4 occurred in 3 and 1 h respectively. For dX / dt maximum for the growth of lactobacilli there is a need to 1h and 2h respectively, while the bodies of probiotics was 2h, when the employment base substrate of milk and 1am when the employment of substrate with a partial replacement of the database by extract soya milk.

Identificação precoce do uso de álcool em trabalhadores e aplicação de Intervenção Breve /

Ayub, Sandra Regina Chalela. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Raul Aragão Martins / Resumo: O consumo abusivo de álcool é considerado um problema de saúde pública, sendo a terceira causa de absenteísmo no trabalho e a oitava causa para a concessão de auxílio-doença pela Previdência Social no Brasil. A performance do trabalhador e o ambiente de trabalho são afetados pelas consequências do uso abusivo do álcool, causando queda de produtividade e qualidade no trabalho, bem como ausências no período de sua jornada; mudanças de hábitos pessoais, relacionamento ruim com os colegas, acidentes de trabalho, entre outras vulnerabilidades. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo identificar o padrão de uso do álcool em trabalhadores e posteriormente realizar uma aplicação de Intervenção Breve (IB) nos que apresentarem padrão de beber excessivo, visando o retorno à abstinência ou pelo menos à moderação. A pesquisa foi exploratória, descritiva e quase-experimental, realizada em quatro etapas: levantamento inicial, entrevista, intervenção breve e seguimento. Na primeira etapa, participaram 230 trabalhadores e foi utilizado na coleta de dados o questionário autoaplicado composto de dados sociodemográficos e o Alcohol Use Disorders Identification (AUDIT). Atingiram a pontuação de oito ou mais no AUDIT 34% dos trabalhadores e foram classificados como positivos, pois apresentaram uso de risco ou nocivo ou dependente do álcool. Quanto aos 71 trabalhadores classificados como positivos, na segunda etapa, foram investigadas informações do seu padrão do beber através do Perfil Breve Bebedor (PBB)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Alcohol abusive is considered a public health problem, being the third cause of absenteeism in the workplace and the eighth cause of disability benefits granted by Social Security in Brazil. The worker performance and the work environment are affected by the consequences of alcohol abuse, causing a decrease in productivity, decline in quality of work, absences from work, changes in personal habits, bad working relationship, work accident, among other vulnerabilities. The objective of this research was to identify the pattern of alcohol consumption in workers and then apply the Brief Intervention (BI) in those who presented a pattern of excessive drinking, aiming withdrawal or at least a decrease in consumption. This research was exploratory, descriptive, quasi-experimental, and carried out in 4 stages: initial screening, interview, Brief Intervention (BI), and follow-up sessions. Two hundred and thirty workers took part in the first stage and the data collection was obtained by selfreport questionnaires, with sociodemographic data, and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification (AUDIT). Thirty four percent of workers reached an AUDIT score of eight or higher and were classified as positive, as they were either at risk or under harmful use or dependent on alcohol. As for the 71 workers classified as positive in the second stage, information on their drinking pattern was investigated through the Brief Drinker Profile (BDP) modified and applied to the Alcohol Dependence Scale - AD... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Brand Image, Brand Trust y su relación con la Intención de Compra en la categoría de bebidas gaseosas para consumidores de 20 a 35 años en Lima Metropolitana / Brand Image, Brand Trust and its relation with Purchase Intention in the carbonated drinks category for consumers between 20 and 35 years old from Metropolitan Lima

Diaz Guzman, Sheila Rocio, Figueroa Nuñez, David Atilio 26 February 2020 (has links)
La industria de bebidas sin alcohol, específicamente en la categoría de gaseosas, es una de las más competitivas dentro del mercado peruano, generando cada año significativos ingresos y volumen de venta. Sin embargo, frente a las nuevas tendencias en el mercado, el consumo de estos productos ha disminuido en los últimos años y apunta a seguir así, obligando a los fabricantes a idear nuevas formas de atraer al público y mantener vigencia en el mercado. Gradualmente los participantes de esta categoría, han ido entendiendo la importancia de un buen manejo de la marca para hacer frente a situaciones desfavorables, ya que esta permite no solo una mayor presencia, sino que influye en la retención y atracción de consumidores para la compra. Teniendo como objetivo a consumidores de gaseosas de 20 a 35 años de Lima Metropolitana, se diseñó un cuestionario que posteriormente será distribuido de manera digital. La aplicación de dicha encuesta tendrá como objetivo validar las hipótesis propuestas respecto a la relación entre las variables de Brand Image, Brand Trust, e Intención de Compra. / The soft drinks industry, specifically in the carbonated drinks category, is one of the most competitive markets in Peru, generating significant income and sales volume each year. Nevertheless, in the face of new consumer trends, the consumption of these products has decreased in recent years and aims to continue this way, forcing manufacturers to devise new ways to attract public and to maintain validity in the market. Gradually, the participants of the category have understood the importance of a good brand management to deal with unfavorable situation, since it allows them not only to have a better presence, but also influences the retention and attraction of consumers for the purchase. Aiming at carbonated drinks consumers between 20 and 35 years old of Metropolitan Lima, a questionnaire was designed and will be later distributed digitally. The application of this survey will aim to validate the hypotheses proposed regarding the relationship between the variables of Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Purchase Intention. / Trabajo de investigación

Creación de Piscos Macerados – YAKU / Creation of Macerated Piscos - YAKU

Delgado Huambachano, Carlos Alberto, Fernández Córdova, Vanessa Stefany, Luque Lara, Giovanna Vanessa, Medina Orezano, Amador Enrique 18 July 2021 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es desarrollar y evaluar la factibilidad del negocio de delivery de macerados de piscos denominados: MACERADOS YAKU, el creciente consumo de bebidas alcohólicas de diferente origen y tipo, nos ha impulsado a elaborar este proyecto de negocio, cuyos insumos son frutas y hierbas netamente peruanas. En una primera etapa ofreceremos nuestro servicio a personas que residan o laboren en los distritos de San Isidro, Miraflores, San Borja, Surco y La Molina, el medio a utilizar para la comercialización será a través de una página web y App, las cuales ofrecen la alternativa de personalizar tanto el contenido como la presentación del producto. Nuestra estrategia de ventas hará énfasis en festividades, meses de verano, celebraciones por fiestas patrias, año nuevo y fin de año, entre otros, es un hecho demostrable el alza en ventas de productos en nuestro rubro, lo cual nos da un impulso extra y seguridad en nuestras operaciones de crecimiento. Nuestra principal preocupación será asegurarnos de la calidad de los productos, insumos e ingredientes, así como la eficiencia en el desarrollo de procesos, garantizando así un producto de calidad y a su vez clientes satisfechos. Consideramos este proyecto como un negocio con proyecciones de crecimiento que dejará ganancias, nuestros estudios indican flujos de caja y ratios de rentabilidad positivos lo que garantizará seguridad a los inversionistas, podemos calificar este proyecto como sustentable y viable para poner en marcha. / The objective of this research work is to develop and evaluate the feasibility of the pisco macerated delivery business called: MACERADOS YAKU, the growing consumption of alcoholic beverages of different origin and type, has prompted us to develop this business project, whose inputs they are distinctly Peruvian fruits and herbs. In a first stage we will offer our service to people who reside or work in the districts of San Isidro, Miraflores, San Borja, Surco and La Molina, the means to use for marketing will be through a web page and App, which offer the alternative of customizing both the content and the presentation of the product. Our sales strategy will emphasize holidays, summer months, celebrations for national holidays, the New Year and the end of the year, among others, it is a demonstrable fact the increase in sales of products in our field, which gives us an extra boost and safety in our growth operations. Our main concern will be to ensure the quality of the products, supplies and ingredients, as well as the efficiency in the development of processes, thus guaranteeing a quality product and at the same time satisfied customers. We consider this project as a business with growth projections that will leave profits, our studies indicate cash flows and positive profitability ratios which will guarantee security to investors, we can qualify this project as sustainable and viable to start up. / Trabajo de investigación

Percepción de la narrativa de concientización de la campaña “Con mi propio vaso” de la marca Cristal lanzada durante la crisis del Covid-19 en consumidores de cerveza de 25 a 39 años del asentamiento humano “Puerto Nuevo” / Perception of beer brand Cristal's narrative for awareness during Covid-19 in a shanty town

Ferreccio Chincha, Mauricio Clemente 22 April 2021 (has links)
La crisis del Covid-19 ha llevado al mundo a una nueva normalidad, la cual ha forzado cambios en los hábitos de compra del consumidor para evitar contagiarse. Esto es un nuevo reto para las marcas, puesto que su comunicación debe apelar al cuidado del consumidor en esta pandemia. La marca de cerveza Cristal ha lanzado la campaña “Con mi propio vaso” que concientiza al público sobre la situación de la pandemia y promueve el consumo de cerveza en un vaso propio, en lugar de continuar con la tradición de compartirlo. La presente investigación busca analizar cuáles son las percepciones de concientización y de prevención sanitaria que el público residente del asentamiento humano Puerto Nuevo ha recibido respecto al storytelling de la campaña. Se ha realizado un estudio cualitativo que recurre al uso de entrevistas semiestructuradas para conocer la opinión de los consumidores y sus experiencias respecto a la pandemia. / The Covid-19 crisis has led the world into a new normality which has forced changes on consumers’ usual shopping habits in order to avoid contagion. This is a new challenge for brands because their style of communication must go towards caring for the consumer during the pandemic. Con mi propio vaso (“Using my own glass”) is a campaign released by Peruvian beer brand Cristal to help spread awareness and encourage people to drink beer using their own glassware, rather than keeping the somewhat popular tradition of sharing a single glass and passing it around. This research focuses on analyzing what perceptions regarding awareness and sanitary measures the people of the Peruvian shanty town Puerto Nuevo have received from the storytelling of this campaign. In order to do that, a qualitative approach has been proposed, by collecting data from semi-structured interviews that allows us to know both opinions and personal experiences of the interviewees. / Trabajo de investigación

Valores percibidos como forma de empoderamiento para las mujeres en la campaña "Amistad sin Diferencias" de la cerveza Pilsen / Values perceived as a form of empowerment for women in the “Friendship Without Differences” campaign for Pilsen Beer

Gonzales Otiniano, Camila Renata 20 November 2020 (has links)
Este estudio analiza los valores percibidos en la campaña “Amistad Sin Diferencias” de Pilsen para empoderar a las mujeres. Generalmente, la publicidad cervecera es machista y encasilla a hombres y mujeres en actitudes específicas, reforzando los roles de género. Hoy, optan por publicidad sin estereotipos, igualitaria y menos machista. El objetivo es analizar los valores percibidos por consumidores de cerveza Pilsen de 25 a 45 años de NSE B de la carrera de Administración de Banca y Finanzas del programa EPE de la UPC en la campaña “Amistad Sin Diferencias” de Pilsen para empoderar a las mujeres. Su paradigma es interpretativo y de carácter cualitativo. Se utilizan las entrevistas semiestructuradas para la recolección de datos y la población abarca ambos géneros de 25 a 45 años que consumen Pilsen de NSE B. El tipo de muestreo es por cuota. / This study analyzes the values perceived in Pilsen's “Friendship Without Differences” campaign to empower women. Generally, beer advertising is macho and pigeonholes men and women in specific attitudes, reinforcing gender roles. Today, they opt for advertising without stereotypes, egalitarian and less macho. The objective is to analyze the values perceived by Pilsen beer consumers aged 25 to 45 from NSE B of the Banking and Finance Administration career of the EPE program of the UPC in the Pilsen “Friendship Without Differences” campaign to empower women. Its paradigm is interpretive and qualitative in nature. Semi-structured interviews are used for data collection and the population includes both genders between 25 and 45 years old who consume Pilsen of SES B. The type of sampling is by quota. / Trabajo de investigación

Licores por delivery “Barra Express” / Liquors by delivery "Barra Express"

Aliaga Tantalean, Laly Yanet, Escalante Cárdenas, Fresia Ibeth, Huidobro Rivera, Mónica Milagros, Jerí Villavicencio, Julio Napoleón 22 May 2021 (has links)
“Barra Express” ofrecerá el servicio de entrega a domicilio de licores nacionales e importados, bebidas no alcohólicas, complementos como cigarros, snacks, helados, golosinas, área de botiquín, fiambres, entre otros, para una agradable reunión, a través de un aplicativo móvil, las 24 horas para que los consumidores no tengan que salir de sus hogares, exponiendo su integridad física. Como plan de negocio fue estudiado desde diferentes aspectos, entre los más importantes, se encuentran el plan de ventas y marketing, donde se determinó la mejor forma de publicitar y captar clientes, así como la fijación de los precios, que dicho sea de paso incluye el costo de delivery Cabe destacar, que la empresa no impone un monto de compra mínimo a diferencia de la competencia. Asimismo, se realizó el plan de operaciones donde se diseñó el funcionamiento de la App. Del mismo modo, se llevó a cabo el plan económico y financiero del emprendimiento, el cual arrojó los indicadores que miden la viabilidad y rentabilidad del proyecto, así como también, el valor de la inversión, la cual asciende a S/175,250; con un VAN de S/52,931 y tasa de rentabilidad TIR de 26%; los datos suministrados resultan atrayentes, provechoso y factible para los inversionistas. Razón por el cual, se sugiere poner en marcha el proyecto “Barra Express” en el tiempo evaluado de cinco años. / "Barra Express" will offer the home delivery service of national and imported liquors, non-alcoholic beverages, accessories such as cigarettes, snacks, ice cream, sweets, medicine cabinet area, cold cuts, among others, for a pleasant meeting, through an application mobile, 24 hours a day so that consumers do not have to leave their homes, exposing their physical integrity. As a business plan, it was studied from different aspects, among the most important, are the sales and marketing plan, where the best way to advertise and attract customers was determined, as well as the setting of prices, which will include the cost of delivery and will not have a minimum purchase amount unlike the competition. Likewise, the operations plan was carried out where the operation of the App was designed. In the same way, the economic and financial plan of the enterprise was carried out, which allowed knowing the indicators that measure the viability and profitability of the project and the amount of the investment, the latter totaling S / 175,250; with a NPV of S / 52,931 and an IRR rate of return of 26%; this result being highly attractive, profitable and viable for investors. Reason why, it is recommended to implement the “Barra Express” project in the evaluated time of five years. / Trabajo de investigación

Desarrollo de un sistema de identificación reprogramable de paletas en una línea de producción orientado a la educación de costos del proceso de trazabilidad mediante un dispositivo IoT en una embotelladora de la ciudad de Lima / Development of a reprogrammable identification system for pallets in a production line aimed at reducing the costs of the traceability process using an IoT device in a bottling plant in the city of Lima

Garcilazo Zuloeta, Kevin Cesar, Lamarque Zela, Jorge Luis 13 September 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo propone el desarrollo de un sistema de identificación de trazabilidad de paletas dentro de un almacén de una compañía embotelladora de bebidas en la ciudad de Lima. El uso de dispositivos IOT forma parte de la solución planteada para establecer parámetros de medición los cuales son el eje fundamental para determinar la distancia entre los equipos de etiquetado e identificación. Los parámetros serán usados en redes de área personal (WPAN) para establecer umbrales que pueden variar por la tecnología a emplear de Wifi en la banda de 2.4Ghz por el indicador de fuerza de la señal recibida (RSSI). El problema actual que presenta la compañía es un consumo de materiales no reutilizables dedicados a la identificación de paletas. El método de etiquetado actual produce un consumo anual de 1440 Kg de papel por cada línea de producción de las 11 que dispone la planta. El proceso de trazabilidad propuesto sigue los fundamentos del sistema de localización en tiempo real (RTLS) para sistemas de posicionamiento en interiores (IPS) el cual identificará los puntos clave para establecer la correcta comunicación entre los dispositivos de etiquetado e identificación. El dispositivo de etiquetado almacenara un código numérico que representa la etiqueta del proceso actual cuyos valores contienen información codificada del producto empaquetado sobre las paletas. Durante el proceso planteado los dispositivos de etiquetado harán uso de los dispositivos de identificación para determinar y enviar un conjunto de valores al sistema de monitoreo central para ser registrados, analizados y visualizados. En términos generales la solución propuesta tiene como objetivo reducir en más de un 80% el tiempo de identificación y más de un 60% el coste de mantenimiento del sistema de identificación de paletas. / The current job proposes the development of a pallet identification and traceability system within a warehouse of a beverage bottling company in the city of Lima. The use of IoT devices is part of the solution proposed to establish measurement parameters which are the fundamental axis to determine the distance between the labeling and identification equipment. The parameters will be used in personal area networks (WPAN) to establish thresholds that may vary by the technology to be used from Wi-Fi in the 2.4Ghz band by the received signal strength indicator (RSSI). The current problem of the company presents a consumption of non-reusable materials dedicated to the identification of pallets. The current labeling method produces an annual consumption of 1440 kg of paper for each production line of the 11 that the plant has. The proposed traceability process follows the fundamentals of the real-time location system (RTLS) for indoor positioning systems (IPS) which will identify the key points to establish the correct communication between the labeling and identification devices. The labeling device will store a numerical code that represents the current process label whose values contain encoded information of the packaged product on the pallets. During the proposed process, the labeling devices will make use of the identification devices to determine and send a set of values to the central monitoring system to be recorded, analyzed and visualized. In general terms, the proposed solution aims to reduce by 80% the palette identification time and by 60% the cost of maintenance of the identification system. / Tesis

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